Navigating Victory in Spiritual Singleness

Sep 12, 2024

Lecture: Achieving Victory in Singleness

Definition of a Kingdom Single

  • An unmarried believer committed to maximizing their completeness under God and the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Challenge: Practical application—how to achieve victory in singleness in real-life struggles.

The Analogy of Wrestling

  • Wrestling is entertainment, with outcomes pre-determined, yet involves a battle.
  • Similarly, God declares believers as conquerors, but they still face struggles.

Apostle Paul's Example

  • Renowned as a strong Christian and New Testament writer.
  • Despite his faith, he experienced personal battles and struggles.
  • Main issue: Struggling with sin and the flesh.

Crisis in Singleness

  • Different types of crises: pornography, gambling, codependency, promiscuity, heartbreak, and wounds.
  • Apostle Paul discusses his internal battle in Romans 7:14-24.
    • Struggles with doing what he hates and fights against sin dwelling in him.

The Flesh vs. The Spirit

  • The flesh is described as unredeemable and opposed to spiritual growth.
  • Sin Management: Attempting to control sin via self-discipline.
    • Compared to wearing spiritual "Spanx"—camouflaging issues without resolving them.

Paul's Crisis and Solution

  • Crisis: Internal conflict and inability to overcome flesh through self-effort.
  • Solution: Recognizing the need for a different approach—an "override."

Romans 7 & 8: Spiritual Mindset

  • Key Verses:
    • Romans 7:24-25: Paul's cry for deliverance and acknowledgment of Christ's role.
    • Romans 8:1-2: Introduction of two laws—law of the spirit vs. law of sin and death.

Understanding Spiritual Laws

  • Law of Sin and Death: Like gravity, naturally pulls down.
  • Law of the Spirit: Operates like aerodynamics in flight, providing an override.
    • Does not cancel the flesh but overcomes it.

Walking in the Spirit

  • Galatians 5:16: Walk by the Spirit to not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
    • The focus is on taking steps of obedience, activating God's power.
    • Difference between desire and action—action can be controlled by walking in the Spirit.

Practical Application

  • Overriding natural inclinations by aligning with God's teachings (Spirit).
  • Example: Moving sidewalk analogy—Spirit supports and propels forward.


  • Emphasizes shifting focus from self-management of sin to reliance on the Spirit's power.
  • Achieving victory in the crisis requires an understanding and application of spiritual principles.

Final Thought

  • Victory in singleness is about making the kingdom of God real and alive through the Spirit’s guidance and power.