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Jacob's Trouble and Israel's Prophetic Unity

we are told in Scripture that Jacob's trouble will have something to do about where the houses of Israel Jacob what does he do he divides his house into two camps we just saw that so when we in prophecy come into Jacob's trouble that is going to be when there's going to be the reunification of the two houses of Israel or the two camps before Jacob's Great Tribulation because it's going to flip because that's prophecy does that make sense we can see here Jacob divides his house this is called the division of the two houses of Israel which we're going to learn more about as we go through the Bible but it's a key point because messiah yahushua in his Reformation and redemption joins back the two and as Paul says to the Ephesians he makes one new man or Ezekiel says he takes the two sticks and he brings them into one this is a theme throughout the Bible but ultimately the regather enough all of Israel's going to happen at jacob's trouble before jacob's Great Tribulation just setting you up because we live in perilous times perilous times but the church where is the church the church is from Israel's body Genesis chapter 35 verse 9 and Elohim appeared to Jacob again when he came out of Panama ROM and He blessed him and Elohim said to him your name is Yakov but your name shall not be called Yaakov Jacob anymore but Israel shall be your name and he called him Israel and Elohim said to him I am El Shaddai be fruitful and multiply and a nation the Hebrew word there is go and a church kaha the Greek word there ecla see are the same word they translate into church a church in the nations so Israel the prophecy is will become a church in the nations from Israel seed which connects back to Abraham will become a church in the nation so so far we're seeing the church that word and the people associated with it are totally utterly connected to Israel Isaac and Abraham without doubt and that the birth of the church was in fact in Genesis chapter 28 so is everybody tracking so far because this is foundational biblical exegesis for our faith devoid of religion and that's why I said open up your Bibles get a pencil and write these scriptures down because if you want to find out what you as a member of the church are supposed to be doing and where you come from this is it this isn't what the Pope said and this is certainly not what the Archbishop of Canterbury said it's not what Martin Martin Luther said it's not what the government says it's not what the culture says it's what the Bible says and it's Liberty finally in these days Liberty so we find now that you shall become a church and a church shall come from you and mellow keen Kings shall come out of your loins that's prophecy because we're going to find of course the Davidic line will come later and the land that I gave Abraham and Isaac to you I will give it and to your seed and after it I will give the land what about Romans we just got through the book of Romans remember Romans chapter 11 and the 25th verse Paul was actually pulling when he communicated to the Romans he was using this verse Genesis chapter 49 verse 18 is what Paul was quoting when he read wrote in his letter Romans [Music] [Music] [Music] you