Transcript for:
Departmental Planning and Production Layouts

so this is the continuation of lecture two part one and now we are going to look at departmental planning environmental planning planning departments can involve production support administrative and service areas production planning departments are collections of workstations to be grouped together during the facilities layout process depending on the product volume variety production planning departments can be classified as product fixed materials location product family or group technology or process planning departments so we have these three classification and in this figure figure 9 shows how or when to use one of these three production planning department strategies product fix fixed materials or product product family or process planning and the decision is based on these two factors volume how many products you are going to be producing and the variety in terms of the products that you uh you produce how many how many different type of products um so for instance if we look at a process in which the variety is very low and the volume is very high then the product planning department or product layout will be a better strategy for designing your department on the opposite side if if we have a low volume in a high variety then process layout will be a better strategy for you if both of them are low then the fixed location layout like for example if you're producing a airplane so volume is low variety is low so you most likely are going to be bringing everything to the location to put together that airplane and then in the middle we have the product family planning department in which we have very a variety that is medium and volume is also medium the procedural guide for combining workstations in planning departments so these are guidelines that can allow you to make decisions in terms of which workstations should be in in a particular department so we start with the finding out if the product is standardized and has a large stable demand if that's the case then the type of planning department should be the production line or product department and the method of combining workstations into planning departments should be combine all workstations required to produce that product so you want to have everything there and on the other side if the product is physically large or to move and has low sporadic demand as as we discuss on the previous slide like an airplane fixed materials location or product department should be used uh you combine all workstations required to produce a product within or with the area required for staging the product then if the product is capable of being grouped into families of similar parts that may be produced by a group of workstations like the cell phones samsung example product family or product departments is the type of planning department they should be used in which and the method of combining workstations into the planning department should be combined all the workstations required to produce the family of products so if you have one family then you are going to combine all the workstations that are needed for that family and you have a separate family then you have another group of part of machines or stations that are um combined for that family if there's not no no if your product is not following any of those three um classifications then you want to do a process department that combines identical workstations into initial planning departments and attempt to combine similar initial planning departments without obscuring important interrelationships within departments so for product family departments or pfd aggregate medium volume variety parts into families based on similar manufacturing operations or design attributes so this is we go back here product family departments are here in the middle so the machines required to manufacture the part family are grouped together to form a cell does the label cellular manufacturing the direct clustering algorithm that we are going to discuss next methodology is a simple procedure that clearly illustrates the important features of the cell clustering problem so we want to group these departments or we want to identify these departments or cells and we want to know which station should be in in each of the cells so we can produce families separately the direct clustering algorithm is based on a machine part matrix in which one indicates that the part requires processing by the indicated machine and a blank indicates white space indicates the machine is not used for the particular part so in this slide we have the dca algorithm or the direct clustering algorithm methodology and these are the steps so in step one we order the rows and columns and once we have the matrix we sum the ones in each column and each in each row of the machine part matrix and then order the rows top to bottom in descending order of the number of ones in the rows and then you are going to also order the columns left to right in ascending order of the number of one in each where tied excess you are going to break the time in descending numerical sequence step two sort the columns beginning with the first row of the matrix shift to the left of the matrix all columns have been in one in the first row continue the process row by row until no further opportunity access to shifting columns step 3 now we are going to sort the rows column by column beginning with the left most column you are going to shift rows upward when opportunities exist to form blocks of ones performing the column and row sortation is facilitated by using spreadsheets such as microsoft excel in step four we're going to form cells we're going to look for opportunities to form cells such as all processing for each part of course in a single cell so don't get scared it's not i mean it's actually very simple to implement so next we are going to discuss an example so in in this example we want to apply the direct clustering algorithm method to group five machines okay so these are the five machines we have them listed at the top one two three four and five and then we have in these we have six different parts that we manufacture okay so one two three four five six these parts are the parts are always to the left right so we we list them to the left and then the machines will be at the top and then a one what that means is for example this one means that part one is processed by machine one so in this case part one is processed also by machine three and then part two is processed also by machine one only by machine one part three is processed by machine two machine four and machine five uh part four is processed by machine one and machine three part five is processed only by machine five i'm sorry machine two and part six is processed by machine for machine five so the first thing that we wanna do step one we want to sum the ones in each row and in each um in each column and in each row of this matrix so that's what we are doing here so you will see that for each row there is a total so two is one by one one plus one then one then one plus one plus one is three one plus one is two then one and then one plus one is two and we did the same thing per column three 2 2 2 and 2. so having the matrix and having the totals for each row and for each column then we proceed to the next part of step one which says order the rows so each rows these rows we're gonna order them in descending order of the number of ones in the rows so what that means is we're gonna sort the rows and we're gonna put the ones at the bottom and the is values at the top so all the rows top to bottom in descending order of the number of ones in the rows and then for the columns so in this case we want to start with three um two and two and two and then one and one that's the orders that we want to to create and then at the for the columns we are going to order the columns left to right in ascending order so in this case we want to start with twos twos twos twos and then three so those are the movement that we have to do and then if we have ties we're going to break the ties in descending numerical sequence so for example for all these two then i'm going to start with machine 2 machine 3 machine 4 four machine five and then put machine one okay so you break the time by the number of the machine same thing for the parts you break the ties by the part number so on the next slide we are going to apply that first step that i just mentioned so apply in step one of the direct clustering algorithm the rows are ranked in descending order of the number of ones so that's what happened here so now we have part three at the top followed by six four one five and two so the ties were break by giving priority to the highest values and then for the columns the same thing we start with the two now we we want to order the columns in ascending order so we break the tie with the highest body so ties are broken in descending numerical sequence the row order sequence of the part numbers is three six four one five two likewise the columns are arranged in ascending order of the number of ones with ties broken in descending number of numerical order so the resulting column order sequence of the machines numbers are or is five four three two and one so if we look at the original order the original order was one two three up to six same thing here the top one two three up to five and after reordering that based on the rules of the algorithm we get this this matrix so 5 was moved to here one was moved here step two involves sorting the columns to move toward the left all columns having a one in the first row which represents part three since the column for machines five and four are already located to the left of the matrix only the column for machine 2 can be shifted so originally this was the location of the one right so we start with the top row and we are trying to shift the ones towards the left so we need to move this column to the left and that's what happened here so 2 was moved to the left and then we go to the next row and we check if we can shift any other uh one here remember that this is fixed this is fixed this is fixed so we are basically looking to shift three and one now uh when we move to the next row we notice that there's a one and we have found and we know that three is already in the right position and one as well so at that point we we don't have any other so we fixed three and one so there's no other movement that we can go for for the rows towards the left step three consists of sorting the rows by moving upward rows having a one in the first column that are not already located as far toward the top of the matrix as possible uh since none can be shift further for either machines five or four the first row to be moved is that for part five based off on its processing requirement with machine two so if we go back to this now for step two we were looking at the rows and we were trying to move to the left for step three we are looking at the columns and we are trying to move upwards so we start with five okay there's this one is already at the top this one is already following this so we are fixing this and this nothing else here in this in this column nothing else so we move to column for four then um same thing nothing can be moved they're already at the top so there's nothing else here and then we move to the next one we have one this first one at the top and there's another one here that can be shifted towards the top so now we are going to move five to here because remember three and six are fixed already so that's what's happening here when we move that to the top and then we continue with the process so we shift five now we have this resulting so we we look at four actually we look at this column three this cannot be move any anymore so this takes fix fix so for four this is the highest higher that you can go so you're in the right place same thing here nothing here and then we move to the next column same thing you are located the highest you can go so at this point there's we have completed step three so step four asks us to form cells look for opportunities to form cells such that all processing for each part occurs in a single cell okay so if we go here and we look at this matrix can we separate uh the machines uh per part type like for instance we can here break this matrix in two parts and we know that there's no overlapping between for example these three parts are produced by these three machines and these three machines 542 are not needed to produce these three parts so in that way we know that we can separate these two groups into families and they can be produced on separate cells so parts three five and six being processed in a cell made up for of machines two four and five and we parse one two and four being processing all in a cell consisting of machines one and three okay so that that's the answer okay we have two cells and we can say cell one will have machines four five four and two and we'll produce three six and five and then the second cell will have machines to be on one and we'll produce parts four one and two um the second example is to illustrate um the case in which you don't have a split a clear split and what to do when that's the case so using the direct class heading algorithm method to determine alternative groupings of machines so this is the this is the original matrix and um providing you with the answer to illustrate the point so suppose that applying the direct clustering algorithm methodology results in the following order machine part matrix so this is the answer after applying dca so now we want to try to split this into cells but notice that because machine 2 is needed for parts 3 and 5 there's a conflict so you will say okay i can i can try to split this let's say like this and this but then we we need machine 2 to produce part 3 so that's not a an option so two cells can be formed one consisting of machine four and five one consisting of machine one two and three um the machining required for part three of machine two needs to be resolved so how do we work with this machine that is needed for both cells this machine is needed for part three and also is needed for part five so what do we do if we try to split it on a different way we still have the same problem but if we include two as part of um the first cell which is what's happening here we still have a conflict this machine is needed in both cells so the machine of part five for machine two must be resolved so one way to solve this problem and this is what i call solution one if machine two and three can be located relatively close to one another in different cells then part five could be processed by machines on the boundaries of the cell so that's one way to do it we can somehow create two cells one this way one of this way and then we can put that machine that is needed by both cells kind in between another option is to duplicate machine two and place it in each cell so in this case you will have two machines so two machines of type two which is what we are illustrating here by two a and two b so in that case you have um by duplicating the same machine you have one of them in one cell and the other one in the other cell okay so that concludes the discussion on the uh direct clustering either the method for product families now we move to layout type based on material flow systems so the material the type of material flow system is determined by the makeup of the activities or planning departments among which materials flow as noted previously there are four types of production planning departments production line departments fixed material location departments product family departments and process departments so on the next few slides i'm going to show you the advantages and disadvantages for or limitations for each one of the layouts so here we have the production line product layout in which you have basically manufacturing lines that are composed of different stations and then you you move each product base i mean you produce one type of product in each manufacturing line so the advantages smooth simple logical and direct flow lines results small working process inventories should result total production time per unit is short material handling requirements are reduced the total production time per unit is short because you are limiting the setups right so you this this production line will never change or each one of those are not changing uh so there's no setup in terms of reconfiguring the line uh less skill is required for personal because again the the location of the machines and the type of machines are always fixed uh simple production control is possible special purpose equipment can be used the limitations like if something happened to the machine one of those machines that the production will stop the line that machine will stop the production product design changes cause the layout to become obsolete so if you have a new product coming in then you need to change the production line slow station place the line general supervision is required and higher equipment investment usually results um then we have the fixed product layout this is like what i mentioned the airplane uh that all everything comes together in the same location so you're bringing the production to that location where you're assembling the the product advantages material movement is results when a team approaches use continuity of operations and responsibility results provides job enrichment opportunities because employers need to get familiar with all operations promotes pride and quality because an individual can complete the whole job highly flexible can accommodate changes in product design product mix and product volume a limitation personal equipment movement is increased may result in duplicate equipment requires greater skill for personnel requires general supervision may result in increased space and greater working process and requires close control and coordination in scheduling production the product family layout and this is the type of layout that you can build using the direct clustering algorithm so here again you have products family so let's say this cell is used to for one product this is another cell that can be used to manufacture another part um and so on so what are the advantages by grouping products higher machine utilization can result because you you are producing different type of products continuously uh smoother flow lines and shorter travel distances are expected down for for example process layouts team atmosphere and job enlargement benefits often result as some of the benefits of product layouts and process layout it is a compromise between the two encourage consideration of general purpose equipment some of the limitations include the general supervision is required uh greater label skills required for team members to be skilled on all operations so if you are part of this cell or this cell you are required to know how to operate all these machines and also to perform the assembly uh if flow is not balanced in each cell buffers and working process storage are required in the cell to illuminate the need for added material handling to and from the cell has some of the disadvantages of product layout and process layout it is a compromise between the two and decreased the opportunity to use a special purpose equipment and then we have the process layout and this one um things can move where they are needed like you see here you can go from here to here and this guy can go here and then this guy can hold here so there's no a structure basically the advantages is like since you can allocate jobs to any of the machines the there's an increase in machine utilization uh general purpose equipment can be used highly flexible on allocating personnel and equipment uh diversity of tasks for personnel specialized supervision is is possible the limitations is that there's an increasing material handling requirements as you can see there's there's like spaghetti there so there's a lot of movement going on uh more complicated production control required increased working process longer production lines higher skills required to accommodate diversity of tasks required okay so that concludes this uh lecture two part one and these are the items that we discussed uh introduction the flow system the material flow system departmental planning and the layout type base of material flow systems