Muscle Anatomy of the Hands Explained

Sep 5, 2024

Muscles of the Hands Lecture Notes


  • Focus on muscles of the hands.
  • Utilize mnemonics and references to Nintendo for easier learning.
  • Aim to condense an hour of study into a few minutes.

Main Areas of Muscles in the Hand

  1. Thenar Eminence

    • Located beneath the thumb.
  2. Hypothenar Eminence

    • Located beneath the pinky finger.
  3. Middle of the Hand

    • Involves muscles around the metacarpals.

Mnemonic for Areas

  • Triforce Representation: Visualize a triforce in the palm to remember the three muscle groups in each area.
  • Triforce Plus One: There’s one additional muscle that doesn’t fit into the compartments.

Muscles of the Thenar and Hypothenar Eminences

  • Similar Muscle Groups:
    • Each area has a flexor, abductor, and opponens muscle.

Mnemonic for Muscles

  • One for All (Thenar):

    • Opponens Pollicis
    • Flexor Pollicis Brevis
    • Abductor Pollicis Brevis
  • All for One (Hypothenar):

    • Abductor Digiti Minimi
    • Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
    • Opponens Digiti Minimi

Muscles in the Middle of the Hand

  1. Adductor Pollicis

    • Two-headed triangular muscle.
    • Originates from metacarpals and inserts on proximal phalanx of the thumb.
  2. Lumbricals

    • Originates from tendons of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus.
    • Helps flex the MCP joint while extending PIP and DIP joints (creates a "lumbrical grip").
    • Mnemonic: "If you dig deep, you’ll find worms" (for lumbricals).
  3. Interossei Muscles

    • Palmar Interossei: Adducts fingers (P for Palmar = Adducts).
    • Dorsal Interossei: Abducts fingers (D for Dorsal = Abducts).
    • Function: Create "lumbrical grip" and finger ab/adduction.

The Triforce Plus One: Palmaris Brevis

  • Small muscle, superficial.
  • Originates from the palmar aponeurosis; inserts into skin.
  • Possibly aids in grip and protects the ulnar nerve.

Innervations of the Muscles

  • Ulnar Nerve: Innervates most hand muscles.
  • Median Nerve: Innervates 4 muscles:
    • Lateral two lumbricals
    • Opponens Pollicis
    • Abductor Pollicis Brevis
    • Half of the Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Mnemonic for Innervations

  • Half Loaf Half:
    • Half of the lumbricals (lateral) = Median nerve,
    • Other thenar muscles also associated with median nerve.


  • Summary of hand muscle anatomy and innervation.
  • Transition to lower extremity study.

  • Good luck with your studies and tests!