seven billion people seven billion brains he has one you have one I have one she has one and while each of us is uniquely individual our brains are remarkably similar similar in their astounding complexity comprising neurons circuits pathways proteins and genes similar in how they receive store and process information up to 100 trillion times per second research has shown us all this providing a glimpse of what is happening inside our heads but how does it happen exploring the intricacies of brain function the foundation of how we remember relate and communicate calculate and comprehend think feel and do this is the work of the Allen Institute for brain science a nonprofit organization the Allen Institute was launched in 2003 with seed funding from founder and philanthropist Paul G Allen his challenge to accelerate understanding of the human brain in health and disease an ambitious goal requiring bold and innovative methods to meet this challenge the Allen Institute is charting a new path applying a systematic project focused approach to large-scale initiatives big science that's beyond the scope of traditional research targeting specific objectives to spur rapid and tangible results and those results have been extraordinary the Institute has mapped the brain and never-before-seen detail and develop revolutionary scientific tools that are propelling research forward driving innovation and discovery helping to uncover the secrets of brain disease and dysfunction that in some way touch every person on earth founded upon the principles of openness and accessibility the Institute continues to fuel discovery by freely sharing its knowledge tools and data accelerating neuroscience through collaboration how great is our impact each month tens of thousands of researchers around the world access the web-based tools and extensive data resources generated by the Allen Institute tools and resources that are furthering study and critical areas of brain function including stroke Alzheimer's obesity schizophrenia autism and cognition where do we go from here thanks to a major new commitment and a new challenge from Paul G Allen the Institute is embarking upon an ambitious 10-year plan building on past success by delving ever deeper into the most fundamental and complex questions how does the brain store and code and process information one of the cellular building blocks that underlie all brain function and are often targets of disease how do those cells develop and create the circuits that drive behavior thought and brain dysfunction the Allen Institute is tackling these challenges directly with exciting new programs and a remarkable team of top scientists continuing the dynamic and innovative work that is positioned the Institute at the forefront of the global brain science community imagine what a deeper understanding of the brain might help us accomplish this is fundamental research and real-world science with real-world consequences and the promise to impact hundreds of millions of people every single day the Allen Institute for brain science creating knowledge fostering collaboration driving progress for scientists and for us all you