Transcript for:
Introduction to Machine Learning Concepts

Hello guys we are back with our next set of series. In this series we are going to start a machine learning guys. So in simple words you can say the most interesting subject guys machine learning is an interesting subject. So in this lecture let us go through the word meaning guys.

So what is this machine learning? so why is this that much interesting like every one of you if anyone writes in your resume or anywhere machine learning that your resume will hold up guys because it is having that much of knowledge you before writing that you need to have a clear idea about machine learning there are various concepts in machine learning you need to know them right yes so if you have knowledge in that that's really a great thing to have guys okay yes so that is the reason why machine learning is a trending topic you can say or a booming place or area right yes okay so first let us understand the meaning of the word itself guys okay so before going to any subject we always start with the word name right yes so in the same way let us today learn what is machine learning basically okay so what is a machine guys let us break it into two parts so what is a machine okay So a machine is a device or something. So assume this as a device or something which does some work, right? Yes. So it might use some electricity to do the work or something it will be using and it will give you some output.

So it will do some work. That's it. That's the main thing, right?

Yes. So that we will be calling it as a machine. Okay.

So what is a learning? Okay. So what we are doing nowadays?

So we are learning things, right? So how to study a subject? We are learning from the textbook, the concept. Okay. When we are kids we used to learn how to walk how to play like that when we are babies we used to learn how to walk in that way we are learning things right yes so now let us combine them so if a machine is ready to learn something or it can learn from things is called as machine learning Got it?

Yes. So, assume in this way. So, basically, assume that you are a robot. So, you are having a pet robot.

Okay? Yes. So, this robot do not know what is an apple, guys. Okay?

So, I don't know how exactly to draw apple. Okay? So, assume...

That orange will be better, right? So I can draw a circle. Orange.

So assume that your robot does not know what is an orange. Okay. So you started teaching it.

So you brought 100 oranges. Okay. And you showed it. This is an orange.

orange. This is an orange. So this is also an orange. This is an orange.

And you bought 100 oranges and you taught it like you teach it like this is an orange. This is an orange. Okay.

So if you bring the 101th orange, it will recognize it, right? Yes. So this concept, so basically it learned some properties from all the 100 entries which you gave, like basically 100 oranges which you brought. So this concept of learning things by a machine is called as machine learning. Okay.

So in simple words, the definition will look in this way, guys. So it is It is a branch of artificial intelligence where computer makes decisions without making explicitly programmed. So basically, did I told the robot that 101th item is an orange? No, I didn't, right?

So previously, I gave 100 inputs and I told that those are oranges. So when I gave the 101th input as orange, it recognized it. So basically, in reality, they will be giving other fruits also.

So like one banana they will give. Like that, they will be giving multiple things and it will ask them to recognize. So in that way, it will work.

okay yes so basically here i did not inform that the 101th is an orange or a banana it recognized it so that concept is nothing but machine learning so if you want to write a detailed definition this will be better guys so machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence in which machine learns how to complete a certain task without being explicitly programmed so basically you will you are not teaching it like that is the answer or you need to do like that so it will learn from things okay that concept is nothing but machine learning guys so in simple words the flow chart will be in this way so you'll be giving the data input and you will also say the output it will give you the program so here program is nothing but it will have a talent to answer your things okay so basically here i gave 100 items okay among them 50 are oranges and 50 are bananas so i told it right so which are oranges and which are bananas i told it so in that situation the machine has learned them okay so whenever i give an orange it will say that that is an orange man why are you getting unfilled so it is that much much clear in it so that concept is called as machine learning so i hope everyone got a clear idea right yes so let us go through one more definition so machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that provides a system the ability to automatically learn and improve from the experiences without being explicitly programmed so if you observe the definitions in all the definitions we wrote explicitly programmed so basically we are not programming the system that is the main thing that you should remember in machine learning okay yes so i hope everyone got some basic idea about machine learning right yes So, in the next lecture, we will be going through three types of machine learning. Supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforced learning. Okay.

Yes. So, let us meet in the next lecture. Thank you.

Thanks for watching.