if you ignore this morning you are not getting isite to anime girl land you are heading straight to hell because of watching this video who of all what the [ __ ] game is welcome to kiotos a city fully inhabited by high school girls who are immune to bullets and every adult is either a robot a dog or a black suited man if you have questions so do I many questions why is there a school of five students are there other teachers in there are the students just on their own what is happening in this universe how does it function how is it not turned into a frat party this girl so fine she's an entire seminar our 20 concussion me anemy lover ass is sent to this world to be a teacher otherwise known as the dude who hands over the control of the facility overlooking the whole Academy City to a bunch of high schoolers to be fair they overlooking the entire city beforehand we all know putting a bunch of children on an island is a great idea meanwhile we get left to do things like help beat Death beat up the Power Rangers help flunkies and sit in a corner of a room for 6 days watching children make a video game yeah so join me on this journey of deep introspection some of the best character writing I've seen in aacha game and me slowly losing my mind over things not making sense what the hell is iwac welcome to blow our [Music] high here's a fun fact that most blue AR players don't know there are only three students who are 18 years old a lot of this game is based on religion every religion so when I found out that the tablet we use for a daily task is called shittim I shited my pants shittim I got to stop saying it is a location in the Holy Bibble where a guy sent some spies to watch Israeli activity but that's not the important part it's a location where local women enti a bunch of men to have intercourse with them and worship B the irony writes itself if you're wrong or not what the [ __ ] are you bubbling about you're speaking like an incoherent manman you're going to like come around with like two rocks in your hand you're going to be like slopping them around and telling me about a long foretold prophecy what the is wrong with you you must play with the children you must save the future Lenny lny you need to understand you need to raate this police station right now and hand over the the Armory to the children you then must enter the the government building and you must SE it so I am eager to get right into it no not the story not the gameplay but my phone I love messaging systems in games and gachi games even more because it lets us learn more about the characters without having to read 20 documents with no fun storytelling standard oh boy I can't wait to get to my teacherly duties of solving students problems directing them and showing a different perspective on life look at her isn't she adorable she even formatted her messages almost like an email asking for help here I well I am never talking to her again hey remember when I made the island allegory what if the kids on the island made a working government with one very impartial individual at the top only for the individual to disappear leaving the entire Iceland Prime real estate for gentrification welcome to act one we are given the position of teacher and the owner of Investigation Club Shale member count us our job help schools clubs and students with issues riging from the end of the world to Beach vacation showing our well-ordered priorities in an Aral school girl Society we decide to help the abidos high school student body five students now hold on a minute I see the Foreclosure task force in your club's names do you collect taxes no their school is in massive debt and is about to be foreclosed how borrowed money for disaster relief for the district from the disaster of sand quickly it is eating everything we must eat it back to solve the school's problems weake in various activities such as stalking the suere kidnapping robbing banks and une nerfing corporate conspiracies not sugar coning it poor man just turned to dust this chapter is very boring it's like most gacha games at the start it fails to strike a balance between telling us about the universe and character story Focus as in they tell us nothing about why and what is happening at all therefore in a very familiar seeming Universe to ours things just stop making sense H you must be very sentimental about this place because why didn't you just move why are you trying to take over school in an abandoned place in town brother Gravity Falls Gideon plot where he just breaks into the house I sold the lease to your house therefore it is now mine no Gideon that's not how it works where are your parents it wouldn't have been hard to tell us about school's zoning districts and to let it settle in for a bit but no the plot says this thing just happens believe it the ACT has a very simple single Fred story and the characters aren't that interesting or flushed out for now but it foreshadows and sets up a lot of what's to come the definite highlights to the chapter is its humor and this is the debut of some of the most popular characters like girl failure with her two mental problems and normal as well as get his babysitter Squad uh 5 out of 10 but we can only go up from here before that though you'll need to interact with the this is glorified princess connect your squad of Highly weaponized middle schoolers high schoolers if you'd prefer move and commit war crimes on their own what you do have control over is the skills using skills cost Collective MP what they do arrange from Big Damage Big damage boom healing movement lemonade stand and much much more why are you running the skill variety was something I was genuinely not expecting top it all off with a damage chart God I love it when it's not a triangle environmental bonuses the fact that you can't level your characters past your account level plus an over abundance of upgrade materials and what you get is a system that encourages you to try out as many strategies as you can I know hitting Auto on one team and just level until you beat the stage might seem appealing but actually interacting with the skills learning how to use them their rotation and timing is quite satisfying even more so when you Freestar a stage with half of its recommended level my favorite unit combinations currently are hitting inanimate objects where the enemy doesn't shoot go go gadget mustard snipe and infinite crit works it if only the auto battler the skill why are you keeping behind oh a squishy character please tank go tank no where I the there we go she got one tick of healing she only got one pick of healing my favorite activity please please ah damn it and I wasted the card no no no no no what a bad position what a bad position what a bad position me what are you doing no stop oh my God no no God damn it skills take a little bit of time to cast which is a thing to get used to a lot of healers aren't Target based healers and your units will move move past the tank and into the line of fire move out of the healing field before it's cast use a passive skill on a wave that you wanted to heal over time on and kill an enemy before an already selected skill hits them as much as the game is your oyster it is also out of control and skill timing is a CR mistress and like in every other gacha game leveling makes it harder to make mistakes around every two combat stages a stage with a small movement puzzle will appear enemies with the yellow icon will move to an adjacent tile if a squad of yours is on it and the green icon ones will be line towards you I like these quite a bit as mint turning and getting rewards sometimes ends up needing a little bit of thinking beating these stages slowly unlocks the main story meaning the story can take its time in non-competitive scenarios avoiding another pitfall Goa game writing plus it allows me to go I don't feel like doing combat today it's a nice [Music] feeling oh god oh no [Music] like in with chapter this one starts with the discuss classic Club disbanding Story millennium's game development department is in danger for making The Impossible game what we need to meet two demands for the club not to bureaucratically implode first find the ex student second impress Jeff key at the game awards to do so the twins of the department set out to find the gaming Bible thank you Tyler blow the artifact is in the heavily guarded ruins of their Academy District wait why would it be guarded I was not ready for n a today like any responsible adult seeing a childlike robot incapable of speaking normally or comprehending the world we leave the two kids to take care of them and teach them about life through games I am sure nothing wrong will come from this with this setup the chapter is really really funny experiencing emotion that cannot be ConEd for Words she's going to make an a ring because their game is so F bad real real well at least the first half of it It suffers from the same problems volume one does it doesn't explain what's happening in a proper way like we go steal a hacking device from the school's wall and the people supposed to protect it so let's do it we get no repercussions well not none rather they don't matter or exist in anything else than words how is this girl the school's President we got told that she's smart that's it she works with nobody does nothing and not even a single nameless NPC says anything good about her we're once again left on the eyes continuously asking what why are we still here and why are we not saying anything and not taking the lead of the situation how did she predict everything even the bits caused by stupid actions every time a world detail is not fully explained to us or doesn't have time to settle in it feels like it's pulled out of a worldbuilding black hole conveniently making the plot whatever the writers wanted not to mention the Direction The Story Goes in is very obvious this makes it really hard to care about what's happening in the volume characters also don't really help Salvage it but at least I had a lot of fun with The Slice of Life segments 6 out of 10 still a little more entertaining than volume 1 let's talk endgame well not endgame the part where the game kicks you into whatever this is what are commissions I don't know I have never gotten to do them bounties are the skill upgrade material grinding stages and if you fought you upgrade a variety of units already think again each of the free stages gives damage Buffs based on theem the units are from not to mention the Power Rangers they each run away to the back of the wave if they don't die immediately so you have to deal with them several times they also use a skill of their own once in a while which ranges from Big Damage Big damage and big damage Pierce I legit don't know what the other two do because of this the teams you use for this game mode end up having the same single Target DPS or unit combo no better the bonuses God forbid you let all the Power Rangers run to the end at this point you're not the protagonist anymore at least they can be crowd controlled out of skills so the strategies you can use are plentiful joint firing drill is an occasional event where the devs cook up some wacky mechanics that can range from heal the dummy to deal extra damage or shoot as many times as possible rinse and repeat with up to three teams and you're done I generally did not expect to go hold on a minute if the enemy takes one damage no matter the attack I don't need a red team for the red week enemy even levels stop mattering at that point I can't stress enough how each of these rotating game modes force you to take a step back and rethink your team in a very enjoyable way now let's address the elephant in the room not the big one the big one is for later this gacha game has PVP not only a PVP game mode but PVP elements and other game modes and as always people who hand over their wallets have an inherent Advantage I surprisingly don't don't care much I do my one PVP fight for the daily Quest and leave it be meanwhile raids and bigger raids have a metric ton of mechanics but also a ranking system there isn't a competitive bone in my body so just playing around till I figure out the strategies and teams is very fun but with the nature of this being a gacha game either before a raid or during it a character that is very good for it might come around so if you are high score or rank chasing you'll be chasing forever even more so if you're not putting money into the game just tell yourself you don't need the extra two 10 P tickets and try to have as much fun as you can the main reward in the end of all these game modes are currency that can be spent to slowly grind up units you don't have or upgrade materials in the end all of this can be a little overwhelming hm I could beat a couple more event stages if I cleared more normal stages for equipment upgrades but the raid is also happening at the same time so I should upgrade some units for that but the upcoming event and there's no point not to play the event instead of the stages cuz I'm grinding account XP anyways the event rewards are so massive it often feels like there's no point to focus on the main stages anymore even if the main stages have unique targeted rewards that you need not to mention that this game has no chill it is event after event then a raid or something else at the same time it is genuinely up to you to pick and choose what and want to do so get used to somewhat missing out on a few days of events or coming into raids with a prepared mediocre team your daily routine will probably end with lessons in the cafe increasing relationship levels which gives units another St boost and unlock the the ninth circle of hell but that's for later God damn it am I really doing this [Music] [Applause] [Music] like any good summer vacation this one starts with a kidnapping Trinity's local conspiracy theorist librarian steal some scriptures from The Sisterhood that she really shouldn't have now she's here the resolution to the situation oh for [ __ ] we get sent to explore old Trinity Academy ruins on an exotic island that The Sisterhood could not make heads or tails of by we I mean Wei the pessimistic antisocial librari who thinks The Sisterhood kills people instead of checking that their Academy's leadership don't do bad hin her clumsy optimistic friend from The Sisterhood Karu the Justice forces Lil Zealot and overachiever who immediately recognizes that girls in swimsuits exploring a ruin is a be movie plot that makes her sus out that the responsible one is Satan herself Hano Sly cunning perverted and continuously putting me in uncomfortable situations sorry to break the story analysis YouTuber retells the plot of the entire game segment but I'll just get right into it this event is all about coming out of your comfort zone and memories all of the Solo character interactions fall into one of these themes Karo sticks with us while the gang splits up to explore the ruins we keep running into each of the students one by one while Karo plays the role of the silent awkward child behind our back getting more and more confident to interact with the rest of the group each time we run into them OU wants to work alone of course Hano pushes us to talk to II we see our librarian acknowledge her reclusiveness and rough when talking to others she desires for us to point out when she's rambling nonsense kinata chills and sends me on a trip of self-discovery I get it now guys I get it now I get it now this is solv the mystery because like for the longest time I liked the clumsy girl archetype I can put together why now it's because that's the only gimmick they have and because of that they just seem like normal people meanwhile anako is envious she missed the last opportunity to have summer fun with her friends so she's created this summer vacation here she also relates to the reclusive nature wayi and is actually putting in the effort to get everyone out of their shells in her own perversely stated sways she just wants a fun summer oh my God I I get it now she's actually a well-written character with a reasonable problem and actually putting in the work with her intelligence and emotional maturity to try and solve it the event is about many things being opposed to do doing something and then slowly letting yourself loose allowing yourself to find fun in things starting the slow journey of trying to change yourself to have good memories with the people around you even if unconsciously without realizing you'll keep slipping up working to preserve the peaceful times of those around you or putting in the effort to make fun memories happen it's all about memories even the idea that some memories need to be forgotten forever the training round ruin exploration adventure ends with finding a cave behind the waterfall the cave is lined with coffins we dig up an empty Time Capsule whatever was inside it gone whether withered or taken the ghosts of previous students on the island chasing us as if not wanting us to find the truth now little old me at the time didn't know the Trinity lore the justia council mimessi and sisterhood's rules so I had zero context to figure out what was actually happening here so I at the time I fought this past students killed each other as some part of training and did it hold it against their friends after death wanting to keep this secret memories to be forgotten so long past with no resentment I was absolutely struck with the writing pulling a morally gray exploration into the main theme of the event we even chose to hide on a specified secret from The Sisterhood and almost slip up it all reaffirmed my beliefs but that wasn't the case there was one line alluding to the boxes behind the water their full hiding items that the students didn't want to be found zero elaboration on what's inside the twist was the justicia council going we must close the training Iceland because the girls keep froling in smoth suits the gang decides not to tell The Sisterhood about the empty memory capsule box they found on the island we is now more determined to accommodate others into her life and Hano invites all the members of the club she's in to go to the pool and normal daily life moves on Happily as ever the story is told in a very simple way with a lot of wague foreshadowing of character development or motivations being right at the start the thing that makes this better than a lot of GOI games is that these lines serve multiple purposes of course foreshadowing re reducing the characters and being hilarious out of every event I played I can't name one that I consider was boringly bad each one does at least a good job at being funny developing or giving characters in dep introducing new characters and reintroducing old ones so they can have their moments and at least ending on a message this event however because of my silly student homicidal misconception stuck with me I didn't even think my idea was wrong everything seemed to reaffirm the seriousness of the situation not that we lie about leaving a map in the Box the leaving of the map in the box is a very cool symbolic way letting the items rest representing precious memories that were made on the island by the students it's a nice way to end things off but it's a little disappointing revisiting this and seeing my understanding of how the event handled its FES was was wrong thinking that the event did great 10 level literature analysis of explore the bad aspects of the theme as well had me giddy when I finished the event I left it stared contempt even happy if this is as good as the writing in this game gets it's over for me you got me it doesn't really matter how salty about my misunderstanding I am the next thing I'd read would probably be my favorite volume in the entire game but now I have my favorite written character to pull [Music] who the [ __ ] are you [Music] get this actually only took for PS I've heard horror stories about thei in this game but eh unpunished baby the closest I got was 100 PS on track suit Yuka the rates are horrid the heart pity is at 200 you will get spooked a lot but there are a few things to offset this firstly a variety of characters is cool you'll probably find the use for most of them anyway second this game is very very generous when it comes to pull currency and tickets as well as event rewards hell they even dropped a rap song on April Fools and just gave a 10 pole for that just don't read the lyrics and third do turn the characters specific LF and just LF which can be used to star up units with the pure amount of pole currency you get and PS you do five staring a couple of units quite fast is easy this is also where the gap between pay to win and free-to-play players becomes most apparent since pay to win players won't be grinding the LF dumpsters but the Gap isn't even close to being detrimental outside of PVP content since everything gives you pull currency this is unironically one of the most generous gacha games on the market right now thumbs up this is the point where without me misunderstanding an event it would have been the perfect time to say if your friends tell you the story of this game is good they are right since from now on I'll be spoiling some World building and character arcs so if you had any interest of playing this game mostly blind sorry for this one it's the time to start I'll talk about the more controversial parts of this game spoiler-free in the Momo talk slight content chapter once you watch that I'd recommend doing stages until you unlock volume 3 or 4 and starting from there because they do a way better job of setting up the world characters and our self-insert protagonist and are just a better show of what the writing team is now consistently capable of as far as conclusions about the game go you'd get to make your own as for the rest of us a cone a paradoxical anecdote or riddle without a solution used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning for it may not be the Paradox or the reasoning that's important but the expion each person comes up with [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know a chapter is going to be a good one when a Singler image spoils it for you but first some World building Trinity Academy wasn't Trinity for a while the district was actually a fewy and factions that United as one most of them have some sort of descendant clubs or groups like The Sisterhood or the three big factions that each have a representative at the student council known as the tea party we already know that Academy is Rule Over Districts if the academy is bigger and more autonomous they also upkeep the peace themselves but who's to say someone from one District wouldn't go and cause trouble in another in comes G all you need to know is that their student council is called the pandemonium Society so you can guess what their school is all about the ones upholding the peace in GNA are the perfect team hey we met them in volume one their equivalent in Trinity is the Justice task force so students from gehna or occasionally in Trinity come to Reg havoc in each other's districts the current system the force of the district catches the perpetrator records their crime and brings them to a bridge to be exchanged with the other Academy the problems the academies grow to hate each other over many happenings students thinking that the punishments the other parties give are not enough bullying before sending them off to the other Academy sending someone off and lying about having a reason but exploding a park to build a the hot spring what so the general student council president has a brilliant idea the Eden treaty a treaty between the two schools to establish an organization with representatives from both specifically dealing with and deciding punishments for cross District crime thus both solving most of the issues and bringing theems closer together slowly ending their hatred of each other but the general student council president disappears kotos falls into semian archal chaos as the general student council tries to fill her impartial spot and deals with other problems so in the meanwhile the Eden treaty is at a stalemate let's scope things down a bit by this volume it's pretty obvious that our protagonist isn't fully a self-insert they don't fully understand koto's politics neither do we don't ask questions Sensei wants the students to have a somewhat normal life without unfairness if they have even a bit of a chance of being redeemed he will do what he can sometimes politics take priority students get exiled sometimes rightfully what can you do but this want to make student lives better is what makes Trinity's request PE our interest flunkies students who failed exams and are about to be exiled out of Trinity they have three weeks and four attempts to retake the exams and we're here to help them the four students are Hano I won't talk about her or her perverted face anymore you'll get the picture of course hanako scored 69 points he intentionally scored 69 points God damn it Karu another familiar face she wants to prove that she is a great Justice Task Force member as well as genuinely amazing so she took a test to skip grades and failed all of her tests as a a trauma child militaristic sleeps with a gun analyzes her classmates's behaviors and traps the places they would never go continuously prepared for battle and somewhat blind to the basics of life and finally he foi absolutely normal this universe is Hello Kitty equivalent viab she's a little bit more mindful of what happens around her and the situations she's in so she's the club president of the makeup work Club where the students make up for the work they failed by studying roasting each other being weird and um failing that means we get to go to boot camp baby now that we're emotionally invested in all four of them it's time to talk to net of course three of the students in the makeup Club are suspected to be traitors trying to sabotage the Eden treaty unless they figure out who it is they're all going to be kicked out you might be wondering why free it's because he fi knows this fact her job is exactly the same as ours a simple school girl placed upon a position of finding who the traitor is or being expelled and the free students who seem impossible to suspect is we doubt if Nagisa is even right what is the best part to grab Nagisa by to fling her around you just slingshot her and so begins my favorite blue arive volume get ready to be taken for a mystery doozy the mystery of who did what gets resed quite quick but the real mystery is not what happened and why to even start figuring that out we first have to parse how people perceive their own actions and the actions of others and where that will lead them we figure out that Nagisa is just insecure in her position of power and she put one person in the club purely because she thinks the Justice task force wouldn't allow the Eden treaty to go through her protagonist lacking an understanding of politics leaves us running back and forth between parties second guessing ourselves and characters opinions going back to talking about one of my favorite characters Hano was quite tired of the games of Power and Trinity groups continuously trying to recruit her to their side because of her intelligence when she wants nothing of the responsibility so she s goods her way out of it by wearing swimsuit to church or we a swimsuit in the Schoo yard or it's just a lot of exhibitionism isn't it this gets to the point where she realizes that she doesn't enjoy her current life at all and just like always she doesn't Voice her concerns she just intentionally fails test after test to be kicked out now she has people who make her life enjoyable enough to put in some effort but with that whether she likes it or not the responsibility will come seeking her over and over again Hano is a smart character then right she solves Mysteries around the same time the player does because of that some sections hit way harder and feel way more believable like the times she struggles figuring out something that we as a player already know or whenever she makes a plan off screen it always feels Justified that not smart because it's smart masked by a bunch of hype which isn't that bad either a moment in this chapter that made me giddy with joy happens when Hano tries taking control of the situation at Trinity only to be denied by a random nameless classmate it makes sense someone who spent a while observing Hanukah from the side and seeing her change over time would be familiar with her slime manipulative ways and end up doubting her this chapter has quite a few small moments like this which exactly countered the issues I had with the previous chapters this is also the point of the story where the writers woke up and decided that everything is Canon the main story had Illusions to M talks that got paid off after but now events and stories happen canonically sometime in between chapters whether you see them or don't this surprisingly breathes a lot of believability and life into the story I didn't know we had a close connection to Hina but me why are we playing a rumor of Vina I take back every compliment I said whatever she tried to achieve in becoming the head of the perfect team has already gone by as she's left delegated to basically babysitting the school's childish criminals she's tired of all of it being in the position of power that she's in power is also a theme that keeps coming up in the game but not to the extent it does in this chapter from games of power to avoiding it to being scared for your safety because of it to responsibilities put on You by others to people's misunderstandings beliefs subjugation and even power in abuse and where It All Leads we all have made a multitude of mistakes in our lives from accidents to our perspectives being outright wrong the things just ending up in a way we could never expect over and over and over again in life the only thing we can hope for is someone to accept US during and after all of them hoping for someone isn't the right words for blue archive rather being someone who can look another in the eyes and make their mistakes look trivial as if every and each step is only the beginning of of their life now I pra this game long enough let's go back to beating its head with Hammers If you decide to ignore my advice of starting from volume 3 or just start backtracking you're going to quickly realize volumes 1 and two are quite boring when I play them I use what I can only describe as the epileptic dog technique that means being the right gentleman that I am when I was getting a little bored I did some pallet cleansers by that I mean enjoyed some of the Side Stories pandemonium Society goes to Russia is funny as [ __ ] faret baing mid then we have group stories this is a very mixed bag from some of the funniest [ __ ] I've ever read I assumed it was you to World building to actually nothing I've stated that the devs understand the importance of reintroducing characters but that's for all content post volume 3 so I can't really guarantee that the funniest joke for me would have hid the same if I had read it earlier than I did at best these stories can be funny but barely introduce the characters at worst they can be downright anime tropy and boring which brings us to my worst nightmare Momo talks in other games relationship stories are like you raise my relationship level let's meet up here is my past and a bit of World building it's over now by the ratio of actual romantic plots to plots is 10 to 90 in blue archive it feels way more like 80 to 20 let me put it this way the white Western man was not made to take such Whiplash you could be talking to a student for 10 minutes answering some normal questions related to Teenage life and then on the very last story they go a Sensei eating this ice cream on the curb with you makes my heart go doy doie for you it's an actual car crash I'll make a brave statement I wouldn't even mind the romance story in blue archive if it was actually well written and not a 90° turn Hano is one of my favorite characters but her based version of momo talks don't feel like flying out of the car they feel like getting hit and somehow ending up inside the vehicle several stories worth of oneoff cringe inducing gags with barely any hint of character until the last story is like normally talking to you feel special and I hope to do it more completely unprompted am I going insane from all the Momo talks I've done I've liked to the point being you will not know most of these characters unless you've done events or stories hell most of the group stories won't even help you choose and the character design is very good they nail character design fundamentals very well but place a lot of characters together and try to make a choice of which you like it gets stuff and inevitably all of these stories and the live Tod sequences are made to be very obviously appealing to certain demographics no matter the character's age you don't understand I must make her breast gigantic know she's a 17y old it doesn't matter if she's only 17 I was homeschooled how do you know met a girl in high school I must I must I can't even think of it so it's no wonder a lot of people get filtered by the first chapter and these you can try to get a break from the main story and step from boring story into boring story into boring story or worse it's no wonder most complaints about the game have nothing to do with the main plot it's no wonder even some of the most dieh hard blue archive fans just outright don't read the Momo talks and it's no wonder most of what I said is a lie kind of I want to hate these I really do but God damn it the designs may be kind of monotonous but it works very well with the setting and the plot I quite easily categorize the characters into characters I'm interested in and characters I'm not and I went I'm going do the characters that I don't care about first not realizing the kill of this operation it got to the point where I wasn't cringing at the horribly out of place dialogue options anymore I was simply sitting there like oh boy how will they put romance into this one oh w s it's my first time in an internet cafe and it's with you and it's so important that it's with you and it's my first time hero have you talked to women ever so I read and I read and I read until I just stopped a broken clock is right twice a day and I wasn't going to sift through hundreds interactions just to get a few mediocre good stories the real problem here is that most the one and two star units are launch units and their stories are often a bunch of disconnected themes having almost no continuity and twisting into mediocre uncomfortable romance once again the newer the character the genuinely better and long these character stories are there are a few exceptions to both for example some Momo talks are absolute gold and are used to give characters More Death continuing their character ARS but still as much as I want to praise or hate this this is a gacha game every character story is a shot in the dark and this game is taking hundreds upon hundreds of shots inevitably it will hit something you like or Worse something that turns you on and inversely something that off puts you in the end it's up to you whether you want to drad through all of it to find what you enjoy read only the ones that are all interest you or not touch this by principle since I can't understand the fact that all of these have at least a tinge of unnecessary romance or fan service just the same as I can't understate how well done some of these are but my God blue archive fans are going to call me an army or a tourist for being discomforted by ass Sol of 9 personalities but consider this you get cute and funny I get to hold my head in my hands and cringe at anime tropes while still enjoying the really good main story talking about the main story ever been locked in a vault thinking about how everything you done could have been for seen by the forces that you're against only to remember that the antagonist is a dumbass school [Music] girl we've touched upon cross District crime in volume 3 but a few questions remain like what happens when someone from one District runs away to the opposite side of the city not to mention expell students being under basically no one's jurisdiction and Somey being small/ not very security Focus Here Comes Wye police School protecting the city under the general student council's jurisdiction but that's not enough I mean come on it's schol girls with guns in it it's only a matter of time till someone makes a nuke in comes SRT Academy a militant spop School specifically built to deal with large scale threats no matter the academy working directly under the general student council president oh no let's just say calling the general student council president impartial was an understatement politics in kotos are complicated and she somehow managed to avoid leaning in anyone's Direction leaving the SRT to basically be the perfect and actress of Justice with her gone none of the SRT students want to work under anyone but can't function alone the general student council goes I guess were disbanding it only to be raided by one of the squads of the SRT now they're really sick of their [ __ ] so they say [ __ ] it we're demolishing the school the squad that did the raid mysteriously vanishes leaving only the rabbit Squad a squad of young sprice frogs ready to protest against the demolishing of their school that is where we come in to help arrest the SRT students oh God they absolutely despises and so begins The Slice of Life Story Volume One vious it could be as the rabbit squad has the sickest camping vacation ever which is ruined by us existing and trying to convince them that their dreams of their Academy and the same daily life are now gone join Valkyrie now we try to gain their trust in various ways like giving them food before it reaches the bid offsetting the unemployed and armed economy I I guess it's time to beat up the homeless [Music] kind of off topic you all know why a thriller is called a thriller right while experiencing it you're supposed to feel a frill tension excitement fear at times if the story is just us picking up holy you know what the worst outcomes are way worse often in all this than anything this I say this because the writers have already mastered the art of setting up characters and making us attach to them by this point the feelings that volume 4 in its entire made me feel or hard to describe it is in its basis about ideals not the idea of Justice or impartiality rather ideals in contrast to daily life desperately holding on to ideals or just having the concept of them in your head but having to do the work you always do no matter what from delusions of how the world is and should be to giving it your all to make something happen only to be punished feeling that immoral action is the only way to achieve what you want ideals are a very small part of real everyday life in retrospect we live by some and make occasional judgments because of them but they are over changing as we grow as people minuscule in time it's probably just me but volume 4 gives me this empty feeling inside this feeling of if the circumstances ended up a little different everything could go wrong the good would be shunned the moral would win and most people would go back to their everyday lives as if anything barely happened all ideals are but moments that we believe in as we grow but even if they change the consequences of our actions caused by them might Ripple for our entire lifetime and we'll have to live with them either letting them go or continuing believing that one day the life we want will come true 8.5 out of 10 and now there's one last elephant in the room to address I Make It or Break It for if you'll like this game the world or rather the ever creeping lack thereof outside of the fact that this game's early execution of the three to your player a smart concept feels like it's done by a 15-year-old that means they just don't tell us anything this game seems to have a phobia of giving us any world details for example my misconception with The Summer Event we get told that it was a trinity Iceland but with context clues we can figure out that that is basically wrong kind of and if we were given even a inkling of what rules the justia council adhered to rather than playing around it the event would have been self-explanatory they wouldn't even be massive World defining details locking the writers in any sort of way but it might as well be my fault for deciding to do an anniversary event that continues two previous events and has main story details in it while I was reading volume 1 and two but like come on how in a seemingly autonomous school girl society that has existed so long to have ruins do documents have an optional overlooking adult signs hair paper are there other adults overlooking clubs if so where are they has everyone who required these documents just me oh boy I sure hope these students don't have an adult overlooking Dem or I'm in legal trouble haha again how is she the Millennium school's president with seemingly no one currently supporting her how does nobody receive any punishment for the trouble they cause ever unless it's like City decimating stuff why does no one do anything about the goddamn ruin Tech if Aris is guarded then how was she only found now if what's inside has the power to destroy kiotos why guard it with so little and why do nothing to the ones who broke the rules within this whole situation also be a larger than one Academy scale situation why even let incompetent idealistic children interact with politics and Military corporations actually how do the students send up in some of the worst schools do we just draw our orphans here what's even the point of having an autonomous academic City like this do students graduate if so what happens to the students that got expelled and roam the streets does that mean after leadership changing arus a bunch of the students have graduated actually what even is the outside world like to justify such self-defense measures and militarization if the students graduate how do Cross School generational Feud seriously exist if they leave why care and learn school history do they bring the racism from outside how many of the students we see now will even become functioning members of society definitely not Mak oh the youngest student we have in global is 11 and seemingly there has only been one single general student council president so if we assumed that she disappeared at age 18 she at most in 7 years managed to place kotas into such a position that without her it somewhat falls apart with no process for anyone to take her POS position in case this happens a lot of these are just questions we have about the universe but for volume 1 and two a lot of the happenings and solutions feel like they come from nowhere and make no sense in the set barely existent precedent the world doesn't feel flushed out in any sense and it openly feels like a black hole for the Riders to pull whatever they need out of and hide whatever they want us not to care about let me put this in better terms you'll love this game if you love dang and r a lot of character-driven game stories share the same fundamental flaw I wish I could read the universe as a mystery but I just can't with blue archive there might be a chapter or a narratively Justified explanation for why the world is the way it is but it's going to be one that when I think about it falls apart there are already a bunch of loose blood threads that go against each other or nowhere but in the end I'd like to argue that this doesn't really matter because the world in most part isn't the main focus of the story extremely well fleshed out characters and very unique stories are the lack of a defined world or our protagonist understanding is basically the only thing that allows the game to keep its Stone shifting from anime humor and funny misunderstandings to complete seriousness if we knew why the world has to be the way it is a lot would probably come off as wrong in the end we nitpick games when we feel something is already not to our liking or when it fails to suspend our disbelief there are times where the plot slightly threw me off track or bored me those were the times I started considering the world more bro at this rate they're all high schoolers it's like the question I had from the beginning why why did God allow kimoto to even exist who what of this why do we give high schoolers the allowance to have their 14-year-old megalomaniac moment where they go you know maybe aren't that bad and then they make a whole District around it like who thought this was a good idea what do we do about the rebellious students that buy weapons from the black market I guess we give everybody weapons Anarchy rules I will leave my child in the city where all the gun crime is happening that sounds like a great idea man I really sinking into nihilism at the same time blue archive is a game that subverts most flaws I'd expect from aachi game story one of the key ideas I had before playing this game is that gacha games having to continuously put out characters can't let characters have more and a tiny handful of traits and themes that could not be more wrong here the best way I can describe it blue archive characters and stories are written in a yes and sort of way like improv but instead of improv it is highly calculated it feels like the writers have a massive wall with every character on a posted note each of their traits outlooks loose blood threads ideologies living conditions affiliations everything and every story and event they grab every character relating to a theme and push on with them for example giving us their looks on why they spend their time with the people they do having the lazy police officer meet the guy who likes unemployment I mean who comes up with this [ __ ] I'd say around 60% of the characters feel like they're all well flushed out the rest are in a kind of one anime trait non-existent rap launch bin the writers try to kind of Salvage them by making them portray the messages of events but eh every time when a story chapter or an event closes the character's lives just don't seem to end hanako now finding a purpose to continue going on chooses to put in the efforts to help people she finds in similar cases like hers Toki after years of being with one person slowly is left to learn how to interact with others I could keep spoiling tens upon tens of these characters but the point is the game keeps setting up Lo blot threads for almost everyone or finds interesting character details to explore in events and story chapters it makes me sa with confidence for how little we know about kotos its inhabitants make the city feel more alive than a lot of other game stories ever do in chapter F which I won't talk about here 9 out of 10 there is a scene where the students that go with us get to say goodbye to the students that are staying if we somehow lose and whoever stays survives you can absolutely see the Dreadful existence regrets unset apologies and possible determination the characters would have even the big enemy in the chapter feels like it's reduced to nothing under the weight of that moment Ren trust now he takes taking care of things even with all the trouble he has caused I think it's impossible for me to portray in this video how effective the character writing is it's no wonder this game has so many fanworks and art because all the characters just keep going the game makes you continuously look at their lives with an unfathomable amount of possibilities of their stories continuing whether you see them or don't not a handful of characters but most and of course they all look good it's unfortunate that volume 1 and two are quite the filters and the non-intuitive and forceful gameplay can make someone not put the effort in at the start if you want to convince someone to play Blue archive don't show him this hell I doubt any review screaming Cony and every Community Meme Over and Over will entice him show them 30 minutes of cut scenes after the final fight of chapter f after all if I knew what the story would become no way I would have quit on launch [Music] blue archive is about many things but the key part of its message lies in part with the player it is the idea of responsibility and adulthood the concept of growing up laughing at the trivialities of our mistakes and conflicts interacting with others in passing both learning from said interactions and teaching others let me put on the pretentious video essayist who believes that they relate everyone hat on we all had times where we hate our circumstances it's a suffocating feeling as if the world is Weighing on your shoulders a phrase that has probably reached most of our minds at least once in life is this to me that phrase means I want to run away from the circumstances that currently surround me I must admit when the first emotional climax of the Final Chapter hit I sat there in disbelief for a solid minute in most cases most of our problems the fact that we're feeling the vness to not exist at all is not our fault in a way the fault lies with the world the people who made it that way and the people around us a multitude of human failures shortcomings misunderstandings and misfitted outlooks that we didn't have the experience to parse at the time or do anything about most people in no way are Bad actors but it's up to us to put in the work to find meaning in the small interactions positive or negative learn as much as we can understand why people do the things they do believe in what they believe in and most importantly introspect at our own actions as well dread is also only a small moment in time that can define a lot but we all have unlimited chances moving forward all we can do is to actually be the person that can see the problems of at least the people closest to us help them guide them pass on our experiences to whatever extent they can understand look them in the eyes and make their troubles feel like nothing after all no person should ever carry the entire way to the World on their shoulders especially not a child thanks for [Music] watching if you want to support my content consider becoming a member tapping the gift button down below or if you may content commissioning me to edit for you oh