Understanding 3D Intersections and Collisions

Sep 9, 2024

Intersection and Collision in 3D

Key Concepts

  • Intersection vs. Collision:
    • Intersection: Paths cross at the same point but possibly at different times.
    • Collision: Paths cross at the same point and the same time.
  • Graphical vs. Algebraic Approach:
    • Graphical representation is not effective in 3D.
    • Algebraic/symbolic methods are necessary to determine intersections or collisions.

Example Overview

  • Objective: Determine if two trajectories, (r(t)) and (u(t)), intersect or collide.
  • Variables Used:
    • (t) for the trajectory (r)
    • (s) for the trajectory (u)

Steps to Determine Intersection

  1. Setup Equations:

    • Analyze each coordinate (x, y, z) separately.
    • Set equations for each coordinate assuming they have the same values at (t) for (r(t)) and (s) for (u(s)).
    • Example equations:
      • X-coordinate: (t = 1 + 2s)
      • Y-coordinate: (t = 1 + 6s)
      • Z-coordinate: (t^3 = 1 + 14s)
  2. Solve Equations:

    • Start with the simplest equation (usually x or y) due to linearity.
    • Solve for (t) and (s) values.
    • Substitute into other equations to check consistency.
  3. Determine Possible Solutions:

    • Solutions for (s) and (t):
      • (s = 0, t = 1)
      • (s = \frac{1}{2}, t = 2)
    • These solutions satisfy x and y coordinates.
  4. Check Z-coordinate Consistency:

    • Ensure the z-values are equal for the solved (s) and (t).
    • Check both sets of values:
      • (s = 0, t = 1): Z-values match.
      • (s = \frac{1}{2}, t = 2): Z-values match.


  • Intersections Found:
    • Intersection points:
      • ((1, 1, 1))
      • ((2, 4, 8))
  • Collision Check:
    • No collisions since no common (s) and (t) values that satisfy all three coordinate equations simultaneously.


  • Understanding the conditions for intersections and collisions through equations is crucial.
  • Visualization helps in understanding the concept but algebra confirms the behavior.
  • Important to distinguish between intersection and collision with respect to time.


  • Two trajectories intersect at distinct spatial coordinates but do not collide.
  • No solutions for (s = t) implies no collision.