Lecture on Data Structures and Algorithms
- Presenter: Enthusiastic and engaging style
- Main Content: Series on data structures and algorithms
- Housekeeping: Like, comment, subscribe
- Scope: Basic data structures, Big O notation, searching algorithms, sorting algorithms, graphs, trees
- Example: A tree in data structures is like a family tree—a way to organize data hierarchically
- Key Concept: Difference between data structures and algorithms
- Data Structures: Named locations to store and organize data
- Algorithms: Steps to solve a problem, e.g., a recipe for baking a pizza
Topics Covered
Basic Data Structures
- Array: Collection of elements stored at contiguous memory locations
- Real-Life Example: Family tree
Stack Data Structure
- Definition: LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure
- Real-Life Analogy: Stack of books
- Operations:
- Push: Add object to the top
- Pop: Remove object from the top
- Example: Stack of video games
- Push: Add Minecraft, Skyrim, Doom, Borderlands, Final Fantasy VII
- Pop: Remove objects from the top to access the bottom object
- Methods:
- Push, Pop, Peek (look without removing), IsEmpty, Search
- Exceptions: EmptyStackException when popping from an empty stack
- Use Cases: Undo/redo features, browser history, backtracking algorithms, function calls (call stack)
Queue Data Structure
- Definition: FIFO (First In, First Out) data structure
- Real-Life Analogy: Line of people, first come first serve
- Operations:
- Enqueue (Offer): Add object to the tail
- Dequeue (Poll): Remove object from the head
- Example: Queue of concert tickets
- Methods:
- Add, Remove, Element (throws exceptions)
- Offer, Poll, Peek (returns special values)
- Additional Methods: IsEmpty, Size, Contains
- Use Cases: Keyboard buffers, printer queues, linked lists, breadth-first search algorithms
Priority Queue
- Definition: FIFO data structure but with priority
- Example: Student GPAs, higher GPAs served first
- Java Implementation:
- Use
- Re-arranges elements based on priority
- Use Cases: Scheduling tasks, managing resources
Linked Lists
- Comparison with Arrays:
- Arrays: Elements stored in contiguous memory locations; efficient for random access but less so for insertions/deletions
- Linked Lists: Nodes with data and pointers to the next node; efficient for insertions/deletions
- Types:
- Singly Linked List: Single pointers to the next node
- Doubly Linked List: Pointers to next and previous nodes
- Example Implementation (Java):
- Stack using Linked Lists
- Queue using Linked Lists
- Methods: Add, Remove, IndexOf, Peeking Methods (Peek First, Peek Last)
- Advantages: Dynamic size, easier insertions/deletions
- Disadvantages: More memory usage, no random access
- Use Cases: Implementing stacks/queues, GPS navigation, music playlists
Dynamic Array
- Definition: Resizable array
- Comparison with Static Arrays: Static arrays have fixed size, dynamic arrays grow as needed
- Java Examples: ArrayList, Vector
- Operations and Implementation:
- Add, Insert, Delete, Search
- Automatic array resizing (grow/shrink methods)
- Advantages: Random access, good data locality
- Disadvantages: Memory waste, time-consuming element shifts
- Use Cases: When the number of elements is not known in advance, dynamic data storage
- Linked Lists vs. ArrayLists (Java):
- Access Time: ArrayLists faster due to random access
- Insert/Delete: Linked lists faster, especially in large data sets
Big O Notation
- Purpose: Describes the performance of an algorithm as data increases
- Types:
- O(1): Constant time
- O(n): Linear time
- O(log n): Logarithmic time (e.g., binary search)
- O(n log n): Quasi-linear time (e.g., merge sort, quick sort)
- O(n^2): Quadratic time (e.g., bubble sort)
- O(n!): Factorial time (e.g., traveling salesman problem)
- Examples:
- Linear Search: O(n)
- Binary Search: O(log n)
- Bubble Sort: O(n^2)
- Merge Sort: O(n log n)
- Quick Sort: O(n log n), worst-case O(n^2)
Searching Algorithms
- Linear Search: Iterates through elements one by one, slow for large data sets
- Binary Search: Requires sorted array, divides search interval in half each step
- Interpolation Search: Improvement over binary search, best for uniformly distributed data, O(log log n) on average
Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort: Compares and swaps adjacent elements, O(n^2)
- Selection Sort: Finds minimum and swaps, O(n^2)
- Insertion Sort: Builds sorted array one item at a time, O(n^2)
- Merge Sort: Divide and conquer, merges subarrays, O(n log n)
- Quick Sort: Picks a pivot, sorts partitions, O(n log n) average, O(n^2) worst
Graphs and Trees
- Graphs:
- Definition: Collection of nodes (vertices) and edges (connections)
- Types: Directed vs. Undirected
- Representations: Adjacency Matrix (space: O(V^2)), Adjacency List (space: O(V + E))
- Algorithms: BFS vs. DFS
- Trees:
- Binary Trees: At most two children per node
- Binary Search Trees: Ordered binary trees, efficient search (log(N) average)
- Tree Traversal: In-order, pre-order, post-order
- Use Cases: File explorers, databases, DNS, HTML DOM
- Definition: Function that calls itself
- Uses: Advanced sorting algorithms, tree/graph traversal
- Pros: Easier to read/write/debug
- Cons: Can be slower, uses more memory
- Examples: Walking simulation, factorial calculation, exponentiation
Hash Tables
- Definition: Collection of key-value pairs
- Operations: Insert, Delete, Search
- Handling Collisions: Chaining (linked lists in buckets)
- Use Cases: Fast efficient data retrieval with large data sets
Key points to remember: Understanding the properties, implementations, benefits, and limitations of each data structure and algorithm.