now for schizophrenia for the pathophysiology this includes an abnormal scattered pattern of thinking for about 6 months or more it often starts to affect relationships as well as school and workflow as clients cannot concentrate so the memory trick think of the three s's s for schizophrenia s for scattered pattern of thinking and S for suicide risk that is high now for the causes and risk factors genetics plays a huge role so if a parent has schizophrenia then the children are more likely to have it too and it's thought to be caused by a decrease in dopamine within the brain now for the signs and symptoms this varies from Patient to Patient but there are three main categories to know for your exams number one is positive symptoms this is known as psychotic symptoms so the big ones to write down hallucinations delusions and thought disturbance the second big category is negative symptoms or a negative state where the client shows lack of emotions and facial expressions and the third is cognitive symptoms or capacity of memory clients have difficulty understanding in learning new things so let's dive in and break these down one by one first up is positive symptoms think P for positive symptoms as P for psychotic symptoms so hallucinations this is where clients hear or see things that are not there like voices in their head or seeing objects now there are tactile hallucinations where we have a sensation of being touched second is auditory hallucinations clients start hearing voices and sounds that are not there so the best action by the staff is to provide earphones and music huge enlex tip be sure to write this down or even watching TV which makes it easier to ignore the internal sounds as it can take a while for the anti psychotic medications to kick in so don't get tricked here audio stimulation is best for the voices in the head not reading a book or even simply just telling the client to ignore it so hessi mentions hearing voices that tell him or her to stay home these are positive symptoms of schizophrenia now delusions these are false beliefs that the client feels very strongly about and they won't change their mind even though they know it's false for example delusions of reference this song has a secret message just for me big enlex tip so clients will state this feeling that songs or even TV shows or news articles are a personal message to them and delusions of control a client might State I do not go online that's how the FBI controls you or delusions of grandeur I have a very important meeting with the queen today and lastly persecutory or paranoid delusions the hospital food is trying to poison me now you can agree that the hospital food isn't that great but the client believes that they're being persecuted for example being poisoned followed attacked or even spied on so hessie mentions schizophrenia positive symptom delusions and very lastly disorganized speech and thought is our third positive symptom category so let's identify and recognize the different types of thought disturbances number one is loose associations we have flight of ideas basically a rapid shift of thought with no logical connection big enlex tip so write these next ones down the universe is like a raisin but the Moon is a home and I rode my bike you see there's no logical connection and we're just jumping from idea a to idea and Saunders mentions glass breaks if you throw stones my cousin shoots guns I live in glass houses now number two is neologisms made up imaginary words for example hessie mentions I have to get away the vomers are coming to execute me you see vomers is a madeup word number three is clang associations listing rhyming words together that make no sense for for example let's go to the Bay let's hit the hay what do you say we can go today all these words rhyme together but don't make any sense and number four is the word salad mixing words together that have no meaning except to the client here is the chair moon orange drank too much you see all the words are mixed together kind of like a salad so hence the name word salad now number five is concrete thinking taking statement literally so for example the grass is greener on the other side or you might have even heard the saying don't put all your eggs in one basket well the clients think that there's actual grass or that there's actual eggs and number six is tangentiality speaking of unrelated topics that do not correlate to the main discussion so the nurse asks how do you sleep and the client says when I was five my cat was killed I love dogs you see these are related topics all right that wraps it up thank you so much for watching don't forget to take your quiz and download the study guides and also feel free to share the love share with a classmate and even your instructor see you guys in the next videos