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every Dy in sanatan DH has a tantric version attached to it sarasti Ma as well she is a royal Dy so if she blesses somebody that individual will become a [Music] leader what happens after your Kundalini jagan takes place that is actually dangerous done incorrectly backfires very badly you can lose your mind do you think the real material world today has the upasana of bami Dei one of the most widely woried forms of mahavidya across India attain ability to do stumon of natural elements just pause it yes stop it dead and stack and it can stop your mind also by the way how does one protect themselves from these kind of situations do you think psychic abilities are dominant in everyone everything is dominant in everyone what does the word psychic meaning realm of animals is connected to the realm of daes in some ways that we don't understand yet as human which brings me to lions and tigers when we're talking about MAA that is because of the energy of the Dy it connects and it shows itself through the animals also sometimes how do you differentiate between a fake and a real Guru you can't but where where would you find there are a lot of gurus in India the problem is the mahavidyas are n goddesses if you take a spaceship you leave Earth and you keep going out as far as you can do you think the mahavidyas are present there three of the mavas are presenta they're everywhere this is the season finale of our 2024 series with rajash Shandi we have created some episodes on the dash Maha vidas the 10 iconic Davies from the world of Shak or shaktism as people know it we spoke a lot about prayog we spoke a lot about the uses of Tantra in someone's spiritual journey in this particular episode it's a very heavy episode it's a very mystical episode I know you're going to enjoy it because rajash nandi has returned on TRS if you enjoy listening to rajash nandi on the podcast you'll enjoy the meditation serieses that he's created on our app level supermind it's a way to get to know Tantra based meditations more deeply it's a means to deepen your own Journey when it comes to your own relation relationship with the daes we've linked level supermind down below but for now enjoy the season finale with rajash Shandi on [Music] TS J Baba J Mara makak M um love that my guest started it for me it's probably the only time in the history of TRS that this has happened what happens right before I begin a shoot is I do uh sarasti Mantra in my mind always it's a ritual since not just day one of the show but ever since I did YouTube because I feel like now I don't know why I feel this way this is childhood stories that I've heard but I feel like when you are creating any piece of content or any piece of media or even writing something that is read by another human or consume another human you allow a higher energy to speak through you uh and as long as you give the permission to the high energy and you have true faith and emotion attached with that Mantra uh the outcome of that process will be way bigger than your own capabilities right uh which is why I want to begin this new Davi special episode with speaking about sarasa okay I remember you once saying that um every daty in sanatan DH has a tantric version attached to it sarasim as well of course there is a tantric version of it but before that we uh we understand that Ma sarasti is uh is the deity who is two aspects of her one is the creativity aspect which is of course she gives you that impetus to create something that inspiration for lack of better Words which all artists either it's flowing or it's not flowing or whatever so you wait for that Muse that inspiration she governs that and she also ensures that there is a perfection in the execution that is also important damn yes so uh like I think I had read somewhere uh some English author I don't remember who it was perhaps markk Twain or somebody would written that um so after he writes a piece or something like that so for two hours he reviews it and then adds a comma and then after two hours removes that comma because you're trying to get that right perfect thing which only an artist can understand and everything at the end of the day eventually turns into art when it is very high level okay everything at the highest level if at the day one it starts into art without the structure and background then will become too uh useless okay it's not refined first there has to be structure there has to be the building and only your rooftop garden comes at the end so therefore she comes at the end and she also leads to Perfection so that where to put that comma and where to remove that comma where there should be a brush stroke if you're a painter and when not that's her inspiration and this governs the final output the power behind the final output so that is one of the primary domains of Maas sarasti um and she ensures that there are for uh sometimes it's believed that if the blessings of sarasti comes into a family then it lasts for many generations so therefore you'd find musicians often that you know family of musicians come one after the other very talented people get born into that same um you know family uh it it can be anything any kind of art not necessarily it can also be by the way the shastras somebody who has great knowledge of the texts is also some blessing of sarasti is there they probably pass it down the generations or Saras ma passes it down the generations Poss that's possible so in olden times what used to happen is if there's a p if somebody has the Pandit if he a say a guru or a teacher or an achara that's very likely that the soul that is born into his family would also know would be trained into that same knowledge right so the so so there are many instances where uh that knowledge and the wisdom passes down the family okay at least the knowledge passes down between knowledge and wisdom there's a gap just because you have knowledge does not mean you'll be able to churn out wisdom out of it that depends on other factors so all these are multiple things are there now there are two uh corresponding energies of ma sarasti that is there in the tantas one is who is known as Matangi Matangi has that ability she has the ability of not only multiple aspects are there one of the aspects that is there is that uh extreme knowledge of Mantra shastras okay so sometimes her the vahana or the the animal which is depicted along with her is that of a parrot parrot has the ability to listen to anything and remember and repeat so she gives that quality in many ways the vanana probably represents the day right represents the energy of the DAT if you if you read the iconography you'll get half of the information from there more than half actually this is one aspect uh so she governs Mantra shastras she governs uh tremendous amount of but there is a difference in the tantric form of Matangi uh she along with this along with the knowledge she also gives the capacity to attract what everybody like you become more attractive no your perform perance whatever artart you know it's so compelling that people will be mesmerized by it so to put it this way Saraswati normal Saraswati that we have may bless an individual you may be very talented but uh it's possible nobody knows about you you are an extremely talented writer or extremely talented musician but only you know and maybe one two family members nobody knows Fame is not tied to uh Talent immediately tied not immediately tied but when Matangi comes into play she creates a specific Samana power of attraction in that individual's art that makes it compelling so it's like for people who engage in uh say politicians or somebody who's who has to deal with masses or a mass speaker or anybody who's deal with a lot of people for them blessings of Matangi can be a huge boost people will be completely you know mized and hypnotized by whatever they're speaking not just speaking it could be a musicians for example or an artist somebody who has to interact with lot of public Matangi Matangi blessing can help in making sure that whatever is being spoken or done or the artistic output is mass accepted by people and loved by people it's like it adds a bit of a TKA to your process of Fame yes and it's it's there is another aspect to Matangi also it can this there are multiple forms of Matangi by the way uh there are some forms where um uh so there is also forms which are actually matang upasana by the way is very popular among lot of politicians especially because you have to win elections votes who are going to give the votes it's only people who will give the votes and the people will listen to your speeches listen to your speeches meet you or whatever it is so people get pujas done of Matangi forms of Matangi some forms of Matangi public speaking is a form of art blessing your public speaking Yeah there's another sarasti in the tantas we spoke about it briefly last time Nila sarasti which is linked to Tara linked to Tara a form of Tara there are three forms of Tara ugara sarasti n sarasti form of matara is also sarasti but here Nila Saraswati creates a spontaneous knowledge so her knowledge is very different from slightly different from the one the kind of knowledge that Matangi gives Matangi will give you proficiency proficiency means you may 10 things you will quote immediately you'll be very good with u you know you'll have a mesmerizing effect okay suppose some suppose Matangi were to bless somebody verbally okay with verbal proficiency so he will use quotes this that Lang shift multiple languages it will create a mesmerizing effect on the people listening Kumar vishwas uh maybe I he definitely I don't know whether or not he knows that he's blessed by Matangi but I feel like he might but that is the propensity or the power that Matangi can create among any other powers also sure whereas Nila saraswati's power is slightly different there's also sarasti she blesses you with a very spontaneous knowledge that comes Beyond Ghana that is Viana she is a d who sits in The Cremation ground and there's a Lotus on the Lotus she's sitting okay and she holds skulls and this and that etc etc but she is the knowledge that comes in Enlightenment whatever you call it okay whatever name sh Enlightenment this that Etc so there is an expansive capacity of the brain that increases and such it may happen that you know you you ask there's a doubt or a question that comes into the individual's mind and the answer will organically pop up that this is the right answer so that thing is governed by Nila sarasti form of matara okay I have three things to say yeah first thing I'll say is pull up the screen cuz I think now with the rajash nandi episodes the screen has become a very important tool the second thing I'll say is I think couple of episodes ago with you we did that whole playground analysis olog right you know that the world is a playground and the humans are the different kids and then the dees are flying around right kids have to attach themselves to a daty and Escape into whatever the next realm is or the higher Realms right uh I also understand that what one refers to as God the omnipresence that takes different forms as different deities yes which is why we have Bas yeah correct vnis Shak in the first place perect but eventually you all reach to that same place with so you reach to that one but there are shades of the one it is not singular so our culture says that that one is not at all easy or singular so if you're reaching to one dat you will have the wholeness of experience but slightly different if you are reaching there to another D sure uh now but that process of reaching to that Point anyway is very long long and we are starting literally at the Bas level most of us 99% of the people listening to are starting at that Bas level can a goddess like Matangi eventually take you up to that maximum level if you make your whole opas about her yeah why not but there is I feel personally there is another aspect to this so many of the mahavidya goddesses when and not so much about Moka okay it it was more about these added blessings yes applications that exceptional applications of uh accelerating human capabilities go hold on I I can't let you move forward because we need to also start at the basics even though trust me I really want you to move forward in that thought so at least when we're talking about the daes called Shiva or Vishnu or uh Kalima they can take you to that end point yes okay uh but when you begin the Shiva upasana or the Vishnu upasana or the Kali upas there's different effects at the start right those roads those pathways are different they will cause different effects in the correct users right the kids in the playground who latch on to those duties this is I'm just saying all this so I can clear out my Basics now within this realm of the playground there are these other duties like the mahavidyas Dash mahavidyas who have different kinds of blessings that they bless you with clear okay now I'll move on to the third point I was making which is that I'll be very raw and honest with the audience on the last episode that was a Kalima special the original plan was to begin with kala then touch upon what tarama stands for then touch upon Durga Saraswati Lakshmi then go into the mahavidyas and explain everything but we only touched upon kala because it's such an elaborate topic right uh which is why this episode I thought would begin with Saraswati Lakshmi and uh Durga okay um because that's actually the usually in our country and in our culture it's the first female Dees that one hears off right um is that a fair place to begin the conversation about the mahavidyas or fully unrelated related and unrelated would you like to go to the three satk Matas first okay explain so uh sarasti we already touched about M sarasti okay so then is Lakshmi so lakmi is the as we all know is the shaky of bhagan Vishnu she is the sustaining power she uh has multiple forms so she can give you material wealth she can give give you power she can give you position she can give you uh honor respect even Kingdom okay and so basically Lakshmi is that sense of uh possession of things uh but harmonious sense of possession it's not a very insecure sense of possession there are lower entities that can give you a lot of possession of multiple things but they will also give a lot of insecurity in that whereas the blessings of uh lakmi if if it's it's there and somebody they will be very secure about where they are it's not so much about there could be a lot of money but then did not be a lot of money also what they will feel inside is a certain sense of Harmony and balance very powerful sense of Harmony and balance okay so that is the biggest blessing that mahalakshmi can give to an individual contentment along with the actual material blessings yes but both then both of these can come but the primary thing is that a sense of if her greatest blessing is a sense of contentment and she requires a um her upasana requires a harmonious environment that Harmony should also be manifested in the area where you are doing the upasana what that means that if the room where you're doing it is unclean or disorganized then getting her blessings will be more difficult for you is a room like this all right no so even here everything has to to be so when one is doing a Puja I mean uh leaving aside maybe 1 2% individuals who are superbly gifted in spiritual practices for ordinary persons in the Puja room there should be everything in a harmonized manner in a secure manner uh so that they can uh uh you know connect to her energy faster she likes that Harmony that physical Harmony that's why in many um many places you can make designs on the floor on various various patterns and all that or basically the idea is that it should have a should feel good it should not feel scattered the energy should feel absolutely in balance in that space physical space it's is important to have that whereas for L sarasti just to give a comparative point there will be great artists if you look at their working desk it will look like a complete mess the pen is here the paper is there something Etc ET nobody knows what is where that personally knows but the output is terrific uh is there a tantric form of mahalakshmi yes that's called kamalat Mika so she is one of the mahavidyas let's turn to the screen for the first time kamalat Mika the images are probably the best way to understand so all these are Kamala images only so different variations of it you can choose anyone okay you know a Layman would assume that this is mahal lakmi yes but it's not not so there are the mantras differ the Puja will differ okay so Tantra that I keep saying is that not only the Dy but also the mantras will differ they will be vija Mantra specifically that will be useful for her and along with her there is a Bava all the mahavidyas except one have a Bava the one which is a widow yes which one is that dhumavati dhumavati so all of them will have a Bava and her Bava is actually sadashiva who's like Vishnu sadashiva who's like Vishnu that is her and kamalika mantras also work very wonderfully for people who are interested in wealth and other things so one of the things about the tantric forms of the D is the mother's various um Tantra is as I as I keep repeating Tantra has uh a fascination with understanding power okay it is not sufficient to know that I feeling Blissful and happy and peaceful and calm and detached all that is fine but there has to be power and whenever there's power there has to be application of power there is nothing like I'm very powerful but nobody has seen me applying that power statement power that is applicable so therefore these tantric forms of the devatas once you start their mantras before you reach the state of contentment inside and all that there will be changes inside outside also so therefore kamalika mantras can bring about very fast um changes in the material life first of all I'm very interested in the be of you sp about I want AA to pull up that also but but but but I don't think you'll find the image of that b but let's see chances are less um how does one differentiate between lakshmim Ma and so there are no there are more iconographical details and plus the as I said the mantras are different the danas are different so there are various aspects of kamalat Mika various aspects of kamalat Mika just like that there are aspects of uh you know normal lakmi so kamalasana is relative L slightly lesser among the mahavidya panthan Lesser as in in prominence prominence because people normally what they do is once they go into mahavidya realm they prefer go to the the Kali Tara trur Sundar or maybe bami chin that types katm is also there uh but slightly lesser okay uh you know just again for further understanding the mahavidyas are 10 goddesses 10 goddess which represent different 10 aspects of adaki fair to say 10 aspects of Life ad Shak is more than life 10 aspects of existence yeah Cosmic existence not your or my existence uh if you take a spaceship you leave Earth and you keep going out as far as you can over billions of light years and you reach that edge of space of course Kalima is present there as well do you think the mahavidyas are present there kitara tripur Sundar they're everywhere kitara tripur sundari are the are three of the mahavidyas yes just give out the names without explaining because we we'll cover all of them but what are the names Kali Tara tripur Sundar or Shoshi we call her uh then baneshwari tripur bhavi chinnamasta bami ma dhumavati Matangi kamalat Mika these are the 10 gotcha dialing it back down coming back to the basic deities when we're talking about just lakima in her satk form and she take you to that final point of Liberation yeah if you look at mahalakshmi as a supreme Dy yes why not so in in certain I think VN sadas also they have mahalakshmi as one of the you know Main dat is who can take somebody to the ultimate state but there is also another mahalakshmi which comes to us from the Davi mahatam where she's a warrior goddess so there is so it is believed that the form of dura that we worship is actually derivation from that Mahal lakmi oh that mahalakshmi is 18 armed has weapons in all her arms and she goes into battle any different from Kalima yeah very different from G there is so there is it's it's these various forms were created for the sake of the upasaka okay the mantras will change as the Mantra changes the forms changes but more or less broadly broadly there is Kali there is Lakshmi there is sarasti these dates are there their Mantra Mantra changes and therefore their iconography will have certain changes like I was explaining that time when somebody's doing sadhana is using uh the Mantra japa and danana of the de to create a formation that formation is broadly I'm worshiping Lakshmi or broadly I'm worshiping sarasti but it will have slight differences based on the Mantra I'm doing and the danana I'm doing and that formation will eventually lead you to higher condition by formation you mean visualization visualization that takes a life of its own in the astral plane which in the west is called conjuration magic yes but this is more powerful than that you're building your own more powerful because the system is so thorough provided you can make it properly you have the requisite amount of concentration and to Aid that concentration so they give you the number of japas of the DAT that you have to do so when you're doing a mantra sadana if you're doing it formally after initiation and all that the guru may tell you that you have to do one lak japa four lak japa five lak japa of the Mantra with certain restrictions so once you enter into that process the reputation of the Mantra generates the energy that drives the form that you are meditating on amongst other effects amongst other effects okay what is this that I was going to say so this is the uh uh this is the 800 uh what is known in North India as the sherali ma formation which is the eand madga basically this madga a form of mad Dura I'm saying this with respect but I find Shak a very complex school to understand because it is entirely based on man see this that made it more complex what you just said like it made it even more complex I meant if I compare it to vnm which is based on Vishnu and his avars and Associated Gods if I compared to Chism which is based on Shiva and the associated gods and practices they're kind of little bit straightforward to understand for a noob a newbie a beginner like myself but when you're talking about Shar it's always been complex since I was a kid even your satk understanding of it is slightly complex because we know that we have the three satwik Matas we know that kala exist and that she's perhaps you know even more Fierce more intense that's about it when I first heard of the mahavidyas my first reaction was wow that's damn cool my second reaction was I'm a little more confused now like no all good things in the world are complex is it more complex than Chism and no you have it penetrated deeper into sha manra systems but yes and I say it even though I'm a Shaka so I will be interpreted as having a bias but so far as the potency of and the variations of the Mantra shastra concerned there is perhaps nothing in the Hindu panthan that matches the complexity and depth of the Shaka mantras everything is there mantras even to activate various aspects of the deities and the mahavidyas and fantastic it is it is amazing it's out of the world okay again I'm asking a question that sounds basic on the surface level but it's a deep question which is basically that Tantra is a cumulative system which contains multiple mantras right now the mantras have their own power energy and effects and the mantras are so complex as energy entities that they manifest as visual images of dates so that human beings can understand what the mantras can do yes fair fair but also additionally when you are chanting the Mantra you will have in general also the you will have an image of the daty that will be told to you so you meditate on this kind of an image it helps helps to get uh the Mantra to work even faster quicker now we will continue sorry I'm stopping you so much this is a very complex discussion when it comes to sanatan I know that audience members might be feeling bad that I'm stopping rajash sir but there's a lot of people who don't even truly understand the satk explanation of things because most of us in India have been taught according to the vnav ism context the lose vnav context is the popular context across North India which is the lose vnsm which is basically the you know bit of fasting V Bhajan that is all wonderful lose whism moment you enter into proper vaishnavism and you take dsha from a guru then again it will become complicated so this is all class one Hinduism okay I was actually thinking of the story where Vishnu Begins the universe gives rise to Shiva and Brahma then each of them give rise to their consorts which is Lakshmi Dura and Saraswati that's so I'll tell you the funny thing so when you look at the puranas puranas start with the story of the creation of the universe then the lineage of kings and all that is all the stories will come then the stories of the Gods whoever the D is Shiva purana Shiva Vishnu bana Vishnu tantas have no chapter related to the creation of the universe they have no chapter related to any of the stories of how Kali came into being very few nothing first it'll go why dsha is needed second it will go who is a guru third who is a disciple what is the right time to have dsha immediately next it will come into the mantras of the DAT how to do the sad of the DAT what asan to use what days to use this that Etc what are the tias which is the important places of the D and last what is the proga of the mantras finish where they came from not interested how do I get to them I'm interested this is Tantra shastras tant shastras where can one find a tantra shter to everywhere you just go to a Bookshop these days it's so easily available but what is a legitimate no no all all are there you if you take the original texts are there plus the translations are there I read in Bengali uh because it's I'm comfortable reading uh the translations and I find the when it comes to a tantas the Bengali translations are um um there is no kind of what how would I put it so there is no filtering of the texts whereas I have seen once in a while Hindi translations filtered the text out on specifically those areas which may appear difficult perhaps for the author or the translator when references to Bali and other things are there so they kind of you know sweep it under some very loose language without specifying things whereas in the Bengali translations I found they're exactly as it is have you found a good English translation today uh not so much not tried that much but I go to Bengali books for tantas when it comes to why don't you write an English translation no I there are many scholarly people they already writing translations my primary focus is sadhana and of course I will be writing few things but that is more uh in the sense of sort of you know uh giving certain explanations not necessarily as a substitute for the scriptures or that kind of a translation my idea is basically to give a path which people can follow and benefit which is within the boundaries set by the shastras um in the last episode where you were explaining kala's iconography the way the image is shown she's shown standing upon shiv G's body correct but according to the vaishnavism explanation of shivji and that whole story about Sati and parvaim that is a panic explanation is his wife right which is why even while growing up I always assumed kala is an other version of parima so yeah it is one way of looking at it is that I can understand your confusion so that's one way of looking at it but there is also the possibility suppose when I am looking so in the um in the Dei mahatam which is basically one of the most powerful texts of the goddess in Bengal said we call it chiat so this is 13 chapters from the marand purana along with it there are six angas that are added from the tantas and that makes it into a complete system of uh Mantra or very powerful stotra and uh it is used in multiple occasions uh it's chanted homas are done and various Pras are done of it and all that across India and it's used both even by the Vic sadas also by the way it's very popular chandi homas and all that using and there are mantras along with it Etc so in between there's one place where the goddess says that she becomes she's known as Shiva duti Shiva duti means why that is because she sends not because she's a duta dut means a messenger of Shiva no because she sends Shiva as a messenger to the asuras to tell them that if you don't stop right now then I'm going to come and destroy you okay she's ordering Shiva so basically the image that eventually comes up how Dura is created by the energies of all the gods put together so it is not even like she is the so this is the colloquial understanding the Panic understanding Parvati is the wife of Shiva Dura and mahalakshmi in the battle form they toak only there nobody's wife and sister this is what I wanted toar okay but we still need to have Shiva because otherwise without his Blessing you do not have the capacity to worship her the bottom line understanding I have now is that Dura Parvati and kala have a m consort which is a form of the God we call Shiva sort of broadly because I don't know whether it was you or someone else on the show who said that the Shiva that we refer to that lives on top of Mount Kash is Shankar bhagan no no that is Sri rudra that's one form of sh I only told them yeah that it's one form of that's that's the form that governs the world we know then there is pariva also yeah so it was you rajash nandi but the Shiva the Shiva all encompassing Shiva yeah sadashiv or param shiv sadashiv is there pariva par the word par means ultimate basically so paraki means ultimate shaki so in the school of Shak par God parab is actually parashakti paraki and in the school of Chism the ultimate is par paramashiva pariva whatever okay similarly in vavis also there is parasu which is vishnu's verion ultimate form understood what has aara pulled up this is a form of dura mahalakshmi correct 18 arms so I think that somebody's painting it's beautiful nice this is the form that can take you to Liberation but this can take you to Liberation but Liberation does not necessarily always mean running away from the world how about living in the world like a god that's s Liberation like who whichever so what it basically means is that why do you want to run away from the world because human birth is bringing misery it's always going to bring misery because there are sufferings and this and that if you reach a stage where you can live here but you'll be free from sufferings okay I don't know where this question has popped up from but I'm still going to bring it up vishwamitra Maharishi or Sage durvasa or even valmiki for that matter all of these are evolved people from correct bhara history right is it likely that they've all gone down the path of Tantra in order to evolve you know I don't know what they have done but but to to explain as I was talking in the previous podcast so we get certain stories related to these maharishis from the panas and and the and the iasa ramayana and the mahabarata similarly the tantas also have certain stories related to these maharishis same people same set of people whether actually it happened or not is secondary the point is from the spiritual perspective you believe it happened we believe that the knowledge of Tara that we have today as a mahavidya is because of the blessings of visha I said that mentioned that story that visha goes somewhere goes and gets the Vidya and then he succeeds in it after he succeeds only then other people can succeed he's the first one so in a way he is the one who brings that Vidya and that knowledge here similarly there is all the Ries also participate in the upasana of all this tantric dat is so they are so Advanced human beings they bring that knowledge down and give it to us in fact every Mantra will also have a Rishi of the Mantra Rishi means the person who first the Rishi who first saw the Mantra and it is through his blessings that the mantra comes to the world of humans I know that the lore of the sapta rishis says that that par uh ma or par vasudev or par shiv whatever that all-encompassing being is which is effectively the same for a lack of a better way to explain it in words all of us as Souls have descended from the energy of that being but the thing is that being has all-encompassing knowledge so the Saar rishis carried that Knowledge from that being to our realm it's one way of putting it no because the thing is the moment you say a question so in my mind I can see there are multiple ways the correct answer is always complex sure the simple answer is always half truth there's nothing wrong in that but the world is complicated so uh to the extent of M knowledge even to explain that also Things become more complicated but that is the way it is and the beauty of this is that if you explore these things along with that you keep doing a sad it will expand your mental capacity okay let's move on to the third one which is Duram Ma so ma Dura is basically uh a royal Force essentially a bit like mahalakshmi but also has the intensity of Kali in her repeat that sentence is a bit like mahalakshmi in a sense somewhere so there is a balance and Harmony inside but also that intensity and ferocity of Kali that is also present there inside her and one of the things is we know that she is the Mur M she destroys Mur okay and uh she is a royal Dy she blesses people with so if she blesses somebody that individual will become a leader there's no chance he'll be remain ordinary person so that is one of that's why one of the things is many of the royal dynasties used to worship some of the other form of Madura what has a pulled up so this is the standard iconography of dura which is she's destroying the aura mura that assura with that there's a battle that happened for over 100 years in the various Realms the assura could change forms and attack and uh goddess Dura along with her armies of various Divine beings actually came ahead and fought that battle and eventually destroyed that assura and the lion is a vahan which is on which so the lion is anywhere among the animals in the jungle it is a royal animal right so it automatically indicates that when the blessings of dura comes it's not just a leader leader means a top class leader you'll become so that is why often times dynasties and Powerful Royal Dynasty Etc have some link or the other to some form of dura in terms of worship and other activities Etc so there are 10 arms and she has all the weapons of all the gods she's formed from the collective energy of the different dates and with that she goes into battle and destroys the assura we find that uh there is a very interesting story in the kalika puran which says that she destroyed this assura three times in three kalpas CPAs is CPAs a cycle of time huge cycle of time okay so let's say just in three cycles of creation she destroyed the aura in three times same Aura and each time she destroyed in once each of the times now now things will start getting complex go for it each of the times she destroyed her iconography changed a bit in one she destroyed as a form known as Uganda this is the ugand image okay so there is a very complicated bantra for this how do you differentiate so fast sir that's because you are seeing for the first time I've been seeing for a long time okay so that's why so uh first is Uganda second there is a form the second kalpa she destroys madh kalpa we call it as bhadra Kali in that form the battle went on for 9 days okay naat naat and then in the third kalp but not this vadali this vadali image it be slightly difficult to find she's standing on a lion she's Kali but standing on a linep badali standing on a line and see with researchers so and the third time she destroys this Kat the daughter of rishik katana and that form the battle went on for four days that is the form that is woried as uh Dura in Dura Puja in Bengal that's four day Puja gotcha has a been able to pull up anything no it's these are very this is different forms these are different forms This Not That form this is one thing I really enjoy about podcasting that so much of this content may not be available on simple Google searches CU it can only come from people who have consumed a huge number of books and right research it was actually my doubt at the start of podcasting in terms of should I be making a knowledge based show uh because everything is probably out there turns out lots of stuff wasn't out there uh my question to you is like what's the difference between dur sitting on a tiger versus Durga sitting on a lion Mantra is different at the end I I keep telling this repeating this 100 times Mantra is the D once you enter into the field of Tantra sadhana the Mantra is the datat change the Mantra the form will change the difference between Uganda bhadrakali and Kat is the Mantra changes and the energy changes slightly slightly little change there's a broad spectrum broad uh archetypal energy dity the main dity that is dura within her capacity within her domain there are multiple mantras possible each of these mantras will have slight differences in the energy Uganda Mantra is extremely Fierce badali Mantra this badali Mantra is also Fierce Dam manra as it is is fierce but Duram manra can also protect an individual by the way it's very good for protective powers physically protected individual Durga mantras are very good so there are many mantras of Madura or even in fact I recorded one of the meditations um on the 32 names of mura which just about anybody can do and that's very protective very beautiful um you said that the difference between the durama sitting on a lion versus durma sitting on a tiger is a slight difference in the two mantras so it it's even more complex now go for it so there is so I told you these are the three this is pranga this is different form this is not M so prang is a form that is used specifically to reverse black magic she is a form of badali ataran badali more or less okay so that's another just looked at you what did you Sayan there is a padali form that is known as pranga she is specifically extremely Fierce her peculiar capacities to reverse any kind of black magic if for upasana is done okay what you said about the difference between the lion and the Tigo so I'll I'll explain this gets more interesting this is the most complex episode we've done till date probably but go on so Dura comes so this is uh she um so there are three kpas in which there is first is Uganda then is bhadrakali then is katani apart from that she can also be represented in an e-hand form which is popular for example in North India riding a tiger okay that has a slightly different Mantra in fact the tantas mention multiple mantras there is a mantra which is a mahish madini mantra of dura astak Mantra is there astak means eight aaras are there in the Mantra where only depiction is that she is kind of you know putting her Trula into the mura but in all cases the measur is present there a reason for that in the second there's a story behind this I had mentioned this in one of the conversations the mahishasur in the second kalpa he's already attained bounds from the gods okay he is a form of Shiva by the way he this is so interesting he's an amsa of Shiva is shiva's energy is there in him why is it there the Tantra say because Shiva one day decided that the world does not know the full power of bhagavati but how can this be known to the world so you have to organize a battle she is a battle goddess at the end of the day so battle goddess who can battle her nobody other than sha only so he gives a blessing to one assura that a son is born into their family who has somea some little bit of power of Shiva and then he does tremendous tapasa acquires great amount of powers defeats all the gods defeats all the ASAS everybody including Shiva okay because he's coming with the blessings that Shiva has given him and then he takes a boon that no man can ever defeat him but in the boond there's no mention of a woman so then comes the goddess okay and in the second kalpa he has he's already has tremendous Powers he gets a dream one day and the dream is seeing there's a woman on a lion flowing Hair Etc attacking him and destroying him and he wakes up because he's a very Advanced individual in terms of tapasia and sadh he expend that this dream is not going to be false but who is this woman I have not known any woman I have seen all the three gods and the three mtis and all the weapons and everything I have defeated who is it so he sits in meditation and his tasa long time he does tasa and then badali form of dura appears in front of him and when it appears in front of him he is by that time converted into a devotee okay and he is in a state of bliss and he says that I know know that it is destined that I will die in your hands I know that it is a Leela a game that is being done so that for thousands of years and thousands of years so long as humanity is there they will remember that who exactly you are and what is your power okay and I am completely okay with that but I have one blessing to ask and bhadra Cali form Dura tells him that you ask what do you want he says that uh bless me that whenever there's a young y happening fire ritual happening there must be offerings made to me as well okay like it's given to the gods because Yas are like feeding the gods by offerings and Dura says that no if I allow that yagas no offerings are given to asuras because if I allow that it will destroy Dharma it will tilt the balance of Dharma completely for future Generations but she says I will ensure that you are immortal that nobody ever forgets you and she says whenever in the world there is upasana of dura happening there has to be shown mahishasura at her feet you cannot have a Dura upasana Puja of an icon without the mahishasura people may ask that why do we need to show her in that format there is always you see Durga format is what actual Durga upasana when it happens by the shastras proper dur upasana then you have the mura at the feet destroyed by Dura so she say gives that blessing that mahishasur has to be there to the extent there is even one flower that is given to mahishasur so by this blessing mahasa becomes Immortal by the blessing of the de and then the story doesn't end there then the goddess makes sure that measur does not remember this interaction at all erases the memory completely otherwise how will he fight and then eventually the fight happens and Mur is destroyed are then Mur pray s mantras no no just customary one two flowers and small things are there in the traditional Dura Puja um I have some tangential questions okay first of all that lion and tiger angle if there is a subtle difference between the mantras for duramas Tiger was durama sitting on a lion can you understand the essence of that Difference by understanding the essence of the difference between lions and tigers no so so let me clarify one thing the E handed form is more important the presence of the tiger is perhaps an evolution that happened later okay okay it's possible I think there is no specific mention of any tiger it's always the lion it's just that I think in bhartia culture the word share references both yeah perhaps that is why the lion tiger came in there but actual uh texts all speak of the lion let's head into the real of animals just a little bit one of the key changes in your life when you begin basana is that your interactions with dogs are supposed to change and I felt this so heavily on so many fronts uh wherever I go from out in public usually dogs will come up and now you could argue that no this happens to me also bro I'm just a positive guy I love dogs dogs love me sure but when it never happened and then suddenly starts happening that's what's weird which is what I see in my own experience um actually recently I was in Kashmir and I was walking in gulmar from one hotel back to my own hotel it was a long walk and there are supposed to be leopards and bears in the territory where I was walking right so I was very scared and my first thought was I'm going to do an OM I was doing it and I'm recording a vlog it's -4° temperature okay uh to record a vlog I have to press my camera button so I take my glove off and I keep my off because I have to keep putting the camera on and off it was so cold my hands started becoming red you know early not frostbite but at least the cold stings you m okay and I'm scared because supposedly around me there are leopards and bears and I hear a noise I'm like this starts happening behind me I get a little scared but it's actually a friendly dog and my first reaction was a better okay and then he walks with me a little bit when I go ahead there's a bunch of more dogs right who don't attack me feels good feels good and you know I know that feeling yeah you know you're blessed in these kind of moments you know that even if a bear is around you or a leopard is around you when they see a pack of dogs it's unlikely that they attack you yeah uh it was so fulfilling but the other strange thing is that a few months ago I was in udur where there was a there's a hotel called the ud vas it's a very famous hotel uh in the property where the udas is made they had found a Kaka statue now that same property also happens to be the home for a lot of peacocks so they still inhabit The Gardens of the udas which is one of the charms of that hotel and they say at 7 in the morning when the sunlight hits the ktia statue which was found on that property uh the peacock surround the Kia statue and bow down wonderful this is the real thing like when you go to theas they'll tell you this they don't know why it happens but it happens which tells me that the realm of animals is connected to the realm of daes in some ways that we don't understand yet as human beings right which brings me to lions and tigers when we're talking about mat uh I think the only lions are present in gear uh in Gujarat now the gear Forest maybe at one point it was more widespread just guessing I'm sure they say it was present all across Asia like through the gulf and all that now it's just left in uh Africa and that one part of Gujarat uh tigers have been present all over India and ancient times because jungles were present all across India I think big cats are connected to dur absolutely that that Royal energy is there is there anything else you'd like to say because I often wonder what a big cat's reality as you can see behind you I have a lot of big cat related symbolism because it's something I've always been drawn to since I was a child favorite animals were lions and tigers what is the reality of lions and tigers when it comes to dur what do you think exactly that the reason the the the tendency of a lion or tiger is that it is like the It sets itself apart from the other animals it's more of kind of you know the leader which is what I told you so it indicates basically that that kind of a royal status that kind of a special status comes to an individual who is blessed by Dura do these animals think of the deities no no animals will not think of the dates these are icons are given for humans to meditate on why do you think those peacocks bow down in front of that karthika statue that's because there could be certain energies specifically that draw the peacocks there if at all it really happens it is possible it can happen in fact in areas where uh kti upasana happens more it's possible that peacocks will come in fact I knew of one incident where uh whereever s the wherever he used to go uh in that particular area all the dogs would come to him every single dog and not just come to him very dutifully the will just quietly sit down as if he has mesmerized the dogs that is because of the energy of the deity it connects and it shows itself through the animals also sometimes which is why I wonder if the jungles of India have some mystical presence of durama can't say but uh maybe some things are just beyond human understanding no there may be but our understanding keeps reducing the more our population increases this is a great point to begin speaking about the tribals of India mhm as well as Kul Dev and Kuli um I recently found out that my Punjabi side of my family is from Amritsar but originally we are from Pakistan and apparently so we migrated before the partition into Amritsar uh but apparent when that migration happened they also brought the kulvi from Pakistan and kept it in a village somewhere near Amritsar okay now the thing is every sanatani person I know this because I live in Maharashtra I have my mom's half maharan we have a kulvi even from that side right uh in Gujarat in Rajasthan there is this Kula Kuli culture right uh so this has been a traditional culture of sanatan DH for a very very long time and each of these kulies has their own name their identity mhm how are they related to any of the Davies that we've spoken about until this point on the show Kali it's not about related so Kuli kulata could be any dity there are many people who may have bhava as a Kata there are people who may have Vishnu as a Kata there are people in South who may have Tupa as a kulata kulata basically means a Dy who has been connected to your family for at least three generations or more that's it that's it could be any D so if my K Davi is that Davi in in Amritsar uh today if I am doing my basana and I take it forward and my children do the same and their children do the same my family K becomes B no it's slightly more complicated suppose you attain bav siddi oh okay B Babas actually comes and all that and then your at least three to four generations continues but that is very rare among humans so basically what we do is we follow the kulata that has been sort of worshiped by the family so far as it's possible to remember like that so if your family has a certain Kuli or Kula it probably means one of your ancestors in your bloodline has had done lot of upasana of the DAT and eventually some blessings of the DAT must have come into your family recognizable blessings and then Generations after generations of worship that Dy and in fact if the Kula deata is known it's very good to worship the Dy very good to worship it it reduces a lot of problems that the individual May face at various levels because the DAT is already some link to that Kola it's in your blood it's in your blood that way rishab Shu made Kara his family is probably blessed by panji da okay I'm assuming so maybe like he made the movie so it came out through him right that's that's one no so so there is the thing blessings of a deity can come otherwise also okay but Kul is a very specific concept that a family has been worshiping a d uh significantly worshiping for multiple Generations that is the K I want to do one little different thing on lakmi this thought of Kul actually came from him cuz I asked him who do you worship and he's like in our village we have that one specific God I was like who who is it a form of and I don't think he knew the form he's like n gave me the name whatever the name is which is what I'm going to call him in for Okay you're from he's from what is Ban it's form of Vishnu form of Vishnu simple while we sit in cities and speak in English many of us don't realize that this is the true India that has taken the story of sanatan DH forward so the story has been forwarded definitely because of temples and places of worship but I feel it's heavily been taken forward because of Kula and kulis understand the importance of each section all of it together make a complete complete whole so Kul devata is very important idea uh if you know the kulata it saves you from a lot of trouble as simple as that kulata is the first D to worship if you know who the kulata is or if you don't even worship at least once a year you go to the kulata and you make some offerings Etc ensure that the Kul is pleased with you can it take you to Liberation Liberation what Liberation complete Evolution Mo kulata yes if your kulata is Vishnu why can't he Vishnu take you to Liberation I mean this is very simple the overarching conversation I actually want to have here is about tribal cultures okay which I would argue also follow another version of sanatan because they've shared the same geography as us for a very long time and tribal cultures all over the world have their own version of kulva right like even if you look at all these San tribal cultures and all they talk about same Concepts Prana they have daes Etc okay I'm saying something wrong no no I have no idea so that's why I'm asking I haven't seen much of the tribal culture so uh you tell me I'll listen I think that they all have their own goddesses and God I'm sure then those goddesses are forms of the same goddesses that we' spoken about until now broadly similar they forms of that shaki that original shaki they can be looked at as a form of broadly broadly this is the term I need to qualify the term broadly because obviously I have not done proper study of it but uh broadly they have some Bava aspect in their male daes and they have some shaki aspect bavi aspect in their female daes some Bava aspect in the male dates and bavi or shaki aspect of the female dates why do you say B aspect of the male dates because where is a certain rawness in them I was seeing I think some book I was reading so most of the tribal cultures the offerings very often that are made to the DAT is unless they have been kind of uh there is some external influence that have made them change their padti of Puja so they they would offer meat and other things Etc to the male dates that are there so you offered those to Bas also you can offer meat to Bava Shiva you don't offer meat but Bava you can offer meat you can offer alcohol all these things of okay other than better mental health could it be argued that generally on an average people from tribal cultures are spiritually more evolved than no spiritually is much more complicated there is no there is nothing like a culture is more evolved or B culture spirituality is an individualistic Pursuit one individual in some races some cultures some places or few individual will progress so everything has its own spirituality they have their spirituality you have your spirituality towns have their spirituality so like that Lord Koba who is one very common kulev MRA in mahra has pulled it up just show any image because you have a deep understanding of iconography so would love to ask you what you see and uh so there is a uh General story of uh the daty of course but additionally there is a certain element of uh this dat who is also regarded as M Mand Mand means solar form of B marand is Sun okay in fact in this one of the customs in this Temple is offerings of Hali you can see those pictures there this picture and and that's the same case with marand yes so no marov has other ways of worship also but my point is that haldi is specifically a thing that connects to the solar energy so even if you're pring to Sury I'm assuming uh depends so but more or less so that is like a like a a form of Bava you can take it as that and it's very aggressive and lot of people worship Him and a lot of people believe that lot of benefits come from worshiping him from Lord Koba yeah H uh can you show mar uh open that third image that Pinterest one the mustache so this this could be actually form of Koba itself somebody's created out of that to Mar traditionally may have a different iconography slightly more complicated but in there's a local flavor that comes in because there is some connected stories of Koba so accordingly it changes but the energy of the day is similar to marand practically speaking it could be that someone was into Mand upasana no I again it cannot be fully say so there is another possibility by the way just in case for the sake of mentioning so um uh so there there is another solar daty uh who used to in the panthan of the uh solar dates that used to be woried in India it's known as rant r v n ta you can check that up so he is often shown riding a horse and carrying a sword perhaps this so he's shown often riding a horse and present in hilly areas used to be and he has the power to remove uh negatives and protect Travelers and things like that okay and in some places I think in Bihar region when dur upasana is done Dura Puja so they also keep a small vigra of rant even today so it's possible that Koba because he has a horse and he rides a horse was perhaps instead of marand could have been rant but no one knows for sure just that is a powerful dat connected to that Temple so the only thing we know for sure is it's a form of shivji it's a form of Shiva is the uh it's like an all-encompassing power it's like saying a female dat is a form of Mata yeah which Mata probably KH ma softer form of Kali because this is a d ma special okay and only at this point do I truly believe we have finished talking about the satwik Matas okay now we will truly begin the core of this podcast which is mahavidyas uh we had a fantastic episode with Dr vinit Agarwal about the mahavidyas okay but again I feel like it was a more theoretical uh explanation he's also got magic in his words you know like it really stays with you uh but I feel like the kind of delivery that you do when it comes to these subjects is a lot more Fierce and of course is a lot more tantric I also believe that because I'm doing it at this point in my own timeline with you uh I'm very much interested in the Practical aspect of the mahavidyas because I didn't even really know that one could pray to the mahavidyas MH but before we actually talk about the 10 would you like to talk about this thing called chat yogini so chat yogini is nothing but there are 64 feminine powers that surround any of the mahavidyas as each of them each of them are surrounded by 64 yoginis and their specific tantas will have the yoginis uh list and they have to be prayed to when we are praying to the mahavidyas what is a yogini yogin yogin is uh Fierce feminine daes which surround the central Dy not the main Dy not the main Dy but they're very powerful in themselves they're very Fierce and of the 648 of them are most important so they are form the inner circle of the main Dy and you pray to them individually yes there are mantras for them you can each of the eight will have each of the eight and also even the 64 damn yeah one can offer make offerings or one may just put one Mantra as an offering for all of the yogin like that okay I remember I think we had Anika man on the show who is one of India's top archaeologists she spoke about this Temple I believe now it's in orisa orisa this is near baneshwar I've been here you've been here yeah uh now considering that stone based structures Rock Cut structures are the history books that our ancestors built for us I've always questioned this concept of the chosa yogini in terms of people hear about chosa M uh you've explained what it is is it simply a way for our Tantra oriented ancestors to explain the practices related to the mahavidya based mantras that listen if you're doing this mahavidya upasana you also have to remember to do the chat yogini no no it's not about that so they exist you start doing the sad you'll experience it you'll feel the presence of course there's no question if if you're capable of feeling the presence it's like this that when you are doing the sad of any day say Shiva or Vishnu do they exist or do they not do you believe they exist yes have you experience them not yet so why do you think yoginis don't exist same text is telling you to worship the yoginis also would you term yoginis as lower deities no they are they have slightly lesser power than the mahavidyas but the mahavidyas power is too vast but they are also as good as dat is slightly lesser but but more importantly the upasaka worships yoginis because yoginis help you in the sadana of the main mahavidya how by in many ways first of all it ensures that there is a certain degree of protection it ensures that there are certain kinds of for example you may um a specific sad may require certain elements so Yogi can also inform you that where you will find that Etc various things are possible so in earlier Kama the worship of mavid has required the worship of yogin is first only then you could worship the mahavidyas today many systems of change things have changed so people directly worship the yogin directly worship the mahavidyas and some offerings are made to the yoginis some Bali offerings are made Bal did not be actually pashu Bali it could also be things that are like vegetarian specific ingredients are given but the name is given as a bali like offering Prasad different B you are not to consume this B prad you can consume so Bal you have to do with specific mantras give to the yoginis and then put somewhere where the some animal or something can consume it you spoke about ghas in one other episode that we done basically before bav appears in front of you after your basana has succeeded the Dy might send his or her ghanas to just check if you can handle the power at an earlier stage right is this the equivalent no the yoginis will not come to you directly until you start worshiping the mahavidyas or calling on them and it is important to have them in your favor because they can also cause a lot of trouble to you if you're not in their favor how do you turn them against you no by not pleasing them so it's the mahavidya you worship mahavidya is if if if you so original kma of the worship required that the aim was that one is aiming to attain Sidi of the mahavidya not like today today to everybody worships every so when Sid of the mahavidya is required then these stes have to be the yoginis have to be in your favor they must also have some blessings positive uh blessings for you if not then they will definitely cause some of the other problems for you like could be various things you start theas some other problem happens in your financial problem health problem this that Etc they can cause all sorts of problems in fact the pradan D the MAV allows it to happen the mahavidya wants you to pass the test of the yoginis yes okay um let's take Matangi which is a mahavidya you named earlier in this episode now the difference between praying to Matangi versus praying to Mahal lakmi or Kalima is that you pray to Kalima and mahalakshmi for that end go of Tantra which is evolution yeah in this case it is a form of evolution but you're also getting the siddhis or the powers that this particular mahavidya no no even Kali when you're doing tantri upasana you have to be very careful even tantri upasana forget all that even Hanan Chalisa mentions that Sid is come to you when you worship Hanan so first of all this negative idea that siddi is a bad thing has to be completely rejected this is a brainwashing that has happened if you are not interested in Sid this then don't do any aasana at all it is not possible that a person has attained to higher states of spirituality and some organic amount of siddi the other is not come it is impossible flat impossible if somebody says that I am enlightened but I have zero s this either he's lying or he has not attended anything um when it comes to a mahavidya like Matangi how long will that process take usually and no again this is subject to the individual what's the shortest you can't predict because you might be carrying some work from your last birth correct you would have begun the opas perhaps almost ended it and you're doing like two or three jobs of that suddenly something explodes right that's possible but say if you're starting from zero it'll take few lifetimes few lifetimes yes okay I would assume it's a few years no few years means already you have worked on that before damn so if you're beginning the upasana of a mahavidya actually the blessings will explode and come to you over lifetimes yes how does one even know that a I have to pick it up you don't you will not be told that's the whole point so if you if you are judging that then you're not fit for the path so the path is not inviting anybody path is not like uh you know the mass invitation to people no it's your role to display your eagerness your Fitness your competency and nature will then open her doors of sad for you if you don't want to do don't do no one is interested so it's like this so you have to dis play yourness you have to disp pass the test you have to go through it what if you've begun the process in one of your births from scratch you've begun it you've done everything uh well you're on course for it and then you pass away because of old age is it a guarantee that you'll be reborn into a Hindu family and then you'll go through process of growing up if you had secretly desire if you're secretly desired to be born in some other family then you'll get some birth in some other family whatever thought or whatever ideas have grasped your mind your CH those will Propel you into some other wherever you are going to go so if you have been internally if you're completely dedicated to your practice or something like that then you'll be born in a Hindu family there's no doubt about that okay do you think it could be argued that you're born into a Hindu family because of some past life momentum momentum of being a Hindu momentum of being a Hindu that's all some connection to the Hindu deities the way of life you can be a Hindu atheist also I mean you don't believe in all this but you like the culture you feel more accustomed to the people and the souls you have connection to they are also born Hindu so you also born Hindu okay but if you have a secret desire to be born in another religion you'll go there do you think that happens I'm sure that can happen hm moving on uh you've been here you've been to this Temple this is the I think the one in orisa baneswar you've been to this very spot not very spot but this Temple yeah inside what is the energy inside no it's right now it's first of all I went many years ago and secondly so until there is a proper there's small Puja that happens there there too minor as in the energy isn't strong yeah it's dominant dant or it's not even there it has to be Reed how do you think the energy will change it will change means what you you need not go to the temple yogini Puja still happen inside the temple no those who do it they do it at home at some place chra or something like that they will not do it in public but they do it it happens why isn't this Temple just re for some reason it fell into disuse it's it's gone now so like that are there lots of temples like this in India so many temples have been falling into disu falling into disu or for whatever reasons disu or it was destroyed or whatever it is say if it was not destroyed are these actual dant volcanoes no no it's not like that it depends it depends on various factors I don't get why our Temple as ancient beautiful and perhaps as power because if you don't continue so there are two types of things one is man-made temples and the other is natural formations natural formations will contain that power until you break into that area and cause some destruction and things like that for example uh the kamak I I mentioned that it's a hill that Hill has a specific hydrology of water so that makes it powerful if that water flow gets destroyed by any activity construction otherwise then that tampers with the energy of that place that is a man-made that's not a man-made thing that's something naturally formed right same way if you have a man-made Temple the temple Puja is not happening for certain period of time the energies will leave what other natural spots are there in India so many are there your amarath is a natural spot there's a natural formation right so like that in fact a lot of Hill temples are perhaps I've not been to all of them perhaps some of the other natural formations are there at least something in the geography is there which allows but yeah in kamaka it is definitely the the water stream that is the most important thing okay uh coming back to the main conversation which is the mahavidyas mhm uh um is there anything else you'd like to brief the audience about while you're introducing the mahavidyas no nothing else to brief other than what we've already spoken about okay then we can start breaking down each one of them yeah so we already did Kali and Tara actually each of the mahavidyas have a lot of complexity in them um first mahavidya is Kali and she's also as a um as a daty uh she takes in the energy of Saturn she can control Saturn okay just like bov yeah just like B so he can control she can control Saturn she's connected to she's an de who can control Saturn when you say control Saturn you mean the sheny in people's charts yes in certain configurations uh worship of Kali can help to control Saturn what go on so each of these mahavidyas have their links to grahas okay then there is uh Tara which is connected to Jupiter then there is shur Sundar who is connected to maryi okay so like this each of these mahavidyas are there which have some of the other gr connection so the third most important dity of the mahavidyas is whom we known as Shashi or tripur sundari tripur sundari herself has her own whole Kama of s viya which is very popular across India both in South as well as in other places and um they have the own methods of worship there are two primary kulas of Shakti upasana one is Kula and one is Shula Kula where Kali is the main D and SRI Kula where SRI is the S is in the sense of L chur is the main D so uh here also her worship there is involvement of particular very famous yantra that is used by all those who know the S viya upasaka and all that s yantra that is there plus um so she as a mahavidya she is particularly specifically referred to a Shi Shoshi means a 16-year-old woman just in the prime of a youth so that is the form that is woried uh chur Sundar basically the name as it signifies is she's the most beautiful um Dy form in all the three worlds she is very representative of what is known as Beauty so if you pray to is an outcome that you become no spiritually beautiful so she is parashakti also she's completely parashakti and there is as I said there's an independent full School of tant pasana which is which we call as s viya where different forms of Tri worship uh there's balaur Sund as a young girl then there's lnd mantras keep changing as the dsha goes on Etc and there are many sophisticated process yes so this is this is the form of the L chur sundari so there are different mantras of her and uh she is actually very popular in South she's more popular than in North her worship is more popular in South but North also her worship happens in fact there's a difference in the pades though in Tantra which means that there is dakara and Shara there are two systems of Tantra in Sri Vidya they follow Samara is more internalized practices dakara is all the Tantra Mantra yantra everything is there except it's entirely satk ingredients that are used and then there is the vachara kachara kachara practice is where all the offerings of meat alcohol Etc can also be done there are some places where it happens kamak and all that it's entirely Cola Tantra in fact full of Northeastern India the whole T tantric system is Cola whether it's Kali whether it's sh whether it's anybody in fact the main upasana of maaka that happens by the priests they regard her her as shur Sundar that's how the worship happens but it's in the khati and it is not s viya exactly s viya requires the worship of santra here santra worship is less there are other methods of worship the sh is open it's that 3D geometrical so 3D is the meu of it three yantra is one of the most complicated the most sophisticated yantra third one third or fourth one whichever this one huh first I mean again basic question but explain what a yantra is once again yantra is basically a two-dimensional object which contains the energy of the daty a symbol symbol of the daty yes it's like as if it's a morti but in 2D form 2D form but it's not a miti there's no icon in that but they are geometrical patterns which connect to the dity so this is the santra of lurar what if I just keep this at home H you can but ideal course if you have to make use of it then you have to do the sad of the lot of people keep it at home ideally you have to do upasana of the yantra you have to take the initiation do the Mantra sad and then you keep it these days a lot of people keep it just like that does it have any bad effects uh I don't know it depends it depends on the pran pratita and the yantra so all in all no don't keep it unless you know what you're doing um you can lot of people do it but I feel that it's best is that you don't keep it just don't keep anything that is unnecessary keep which is which you are engaging with okay let's have this everyday conversation a little bit when it comes to the mahavidyas we are having a pretty tantric level conversation like I think you're talking about it from the perspective of T Tantra opas right but if an average everyday person Googles a Matangi Mantra um will there be effects of that yes there could be negative effects also standard is there a basic Mantra that won't give you negative effects no it can any of the mantras can can not will it depends on the individual who is doing so that is why the safeguards are mentioned taking into account the largest possible Den minator with the worst case scenario is taken into account and the safeguards are buil accordingly uh so again all in all it's good to know about mahavidya worship perhaps it's good for your heart to want it at some point but do not try practicing any of this best is if you're interested so go and get a dsha from a guru but where where would you find that's what yesterday I think I was I was talking about this only with uh there was so there are lot of gurus in India the problem is that people don't get out of their home how is the guru going to come it's not going to air drop into your house right I think at this point people are scared of approaching gurus no you should not be scared if you're scared of approaching gurus then it's not your path in the first place how do you differentiate between a fake and a real Guru you can't so you meet a lot of people how do you know suppose you have to go and buy something in the market how do you know that you're getting a good deal you don't you try five six different places and more or less you have a rational judge judement so you first of all get out of the expectation that some miraculously powerful Guru is come going to come for you no nobody's going to come like that because you are not that good that's the reality you're an average individual I'm an average individual so with that understanding with your common sense intact go and check for gurus and we talked right here only that there are three generations of gurus you have to check so you check the guru you check who is the guru's guru who was the gur's guru you meet the other disciples you see how it feels like spend one year meeting people across India you find somebody but people do nothing of that sort all they do is sit in the internet and send mails how do I find a guru guru is not going to come through Amazon yeah people need to get out of the podcast Studios and search and search yes go to Banaras go to wherever you want to go there are so many s viid sadas in South India in South India so many of them are there today the S viya is so easy to get an initiation I mean every second person I meet has some of the other with initiation not talking all of them are right or wrong that second secondary matter but I'm saying that if you are saying that you have you don't have a tantri guru that's because you must not have searched for one okay fair because until now the internet narrative is that the guru appears when the student it's all Al all all fairy tale it's all fairy tale that doesn't happen so you have to go out looking yeah it will happen if you're that good you who told you that you are that good why are you under the impression that some Himalayan Yogi is going to appear in front of you and do nobody's going to appear just find somebody who's decent enough who is not who who's follow your common sense okay and who comes from a good lineage you see other disciples and all that you make a fair assessment looking at the disciples at least you can understand what type of Guru is there Etc and whether there are multiple you can talk to them and all that and then you get a fair assessment and speak to ask people that you know is this a good parara is uh is it good to take initiation just like that you go here and there and find you you know if you're if you're engaging if you're trying to buy a book trying to buy something how do you do it in using your common sense you go you talk to people like that same way with gurus don't expect some miraculous Guru is going to come to you nothing of that sort will happen other than what you already mentioned what are some Guru red flags that's a whole vast Topic in itself uh all sorts of gurus are there uh while the texts tell you that Guru bti is very important that is true but there are Guru lakshanas also also SS who is a competent Guru in fact one of the tantas say that if the guru has not attained sidhi then such a guru can be rejected like a cow that does not give milk basically in other words breaking it down for today's understanding uh so if the guru has not attended sidhi Guru will not be able to take you to sidhi be very careful about it which is fine which is not a negative thing at all so your my point is that your perception of this path has to be realistic IC people come with all sorts of absurd unrealistic ideas and therefore they fall into various kinds of problems also if you so long as you keep it realistic so long as you keep your common sense intact you'll be more or less safe have the initiation initiation is mandatory initiation gives you the license to practice Tantra sadhana after that learn it and then do your sadh you are the one who has to do the sadhana you are the one who has to work hard suppose you have a initiation of Kali Mantra okay and your Guru has given you the Mantra all right after that you keep practicing then after few months you uh speak to the guru that how do you do anushthan of the manra ETC you visit Kali temples you engage this way with the day te slowly the path will open up for example the B upasana that many many of our listeners are also doing at this point yes of course that'll create some changes in your material reality as well right if you take that one step towards finding your Guru the daty will assist you if you if you're doing the upasana with the daty h that's very important if you want to have an initiation in Kali mahavidya suppose uh start with say Adra for one year keep doing sadna of that read it nine times every day unfailingly pray to the mother tell that I want to meet a right Guru you go and meet gurus etc etc then eventually the other also a bit depending on your own karmic um you know momentum and the arrangement of your karmas you are likely to find somebody who will initiate you and after that but remember this thing this age is very different we have heard many miraculous stories of great gurus coming and in one second Enlightenment nothing will happen you learn the Puja you learn the basics of upasana and then you do the upasana that is the important thing but Guru is important bypassing the guru will not work the famous gurus that we see in India today it is a mix of salt and sugar right I won't comment on any okay can there be someone who's famous all over India yet completely genuine what is the definition of genuine doesn't have any goals other than just spreading the energy of his or her own D that's very rare so that's that's also I think a real unrealistic goal the moment there is an asham or something anybody has then obviously there is some aim of um some other some it's it's it's natural to have some other goals along with it do you perceive the ethics in the mainstream Guru culture to be twisted no I think that more or less gurus are fine okay there are there may be few bad apples and that is there in all aspects all aspects of Life uh perhaps we start from a position of very Fantastical idea so that is why one or two bad apples come and we get deluded that all gurus are bad it is not like that there are many excellent gurus the other thing is that there are certain equations that also changes in this age so there will be for example there is whenever you go to a guru there is going to be some kind of monetary interaction that will happen in today's age which is natural why because the the text also mention that when you used when earlier times the gurus used to be their disciples so disciples used to give dsha to the guru and Al kind of take care for the guru's livelihood that is not there in which case there is always going to be a monetary interaction whenever there's money involved without having very false ideas in the head that okay a why is the guru taking money obviously the guru also has to survive right in that case my opinion is have a clear idea on the head whether that's financially suitable for you or not all I'm saying is Judge this whole thing realistically if you judge it realistically you will be fine you'll be safe you you'll also progress in your sad have you seen a guru who charges people in LAX yeah yeah I've seen G oh really yeah that was a trick question I thought you going say no that is actually true I've seen that so I I don't I don't consider that good or bad at all I've seen people gurus who charge Lots but I don't consider is bad in fact I like the fact that they if they mention it UPF front so then you can decide whether it sus you or not suits you what's the maximum you've seen no I won't go into details of all that how about a range sir okay fine all all things are there and uh uh but yeah more or less have a realistic idea of the guru there are actually what happens is in our culture there's a lot of um the uh place of the guru is kept very high which is right because the knowledge comes in there but there were also various qualif ifications of the guru that we mentioned in the text which are also not taken into account today so people don't judge those neither the guru judges disciple too much Guru still judges disciples to never judge so they get taken by the order or whatever they think Etc they don't know what the Judgment has to be clearly on who is competent enough to be a guru and who is not competent enough to be a guru that's one of the reasons they fall into various kinds of problems Goa okay moving on yeah who's the next mahavidya you wouldd like to bring up chin supposedly the most fierce one one of the most fierce what go on so let's do for those of you who've not seen an image of mach one I like this painting so she is known as prachanda chandika very very Fierce chandika itself is fierce prachanda Chanda is even more fears and this is chinnamasta next to her there is is dhini and I think uh verini is the name of the two companions she has uh she stands on calm and rati there's a copulating couple kamd and rati she stands on their bodies okay Kam is Same Love Yes Same Love Guru Kam Kam and rati she's standing on KV and rati she has cut off her own head and there's a flow of blood that is coming out and through that blood she's feeding her Companions and also she's feeding her own head so most powerful most beautiful imagery that ever ever came into the head of some genius that was imprinted by the Divine from upstairs so chinnamasta as a Dy and as the she's Fierce like Fierce genuinely fierce but she's also very Blissful if you those who connect to her um energy she can produce extreme amount of bliss see these three currents are also the three nadis inside the human body this is the AA pingla and the shush nadii and there the energies are she's the the sushumna is the subtlest Nar and the energies there are actually feeding both of these two others okay and the other thing is there is a famous temple of chinnamasta in um uh so to mention clearly the reason she stands on Kama and rati is that to succeed in chinamas upasana one needs to have brahmacharya oh otherwise you'll go full crazy so this is actually a celibacy oriented d uh to a degree why to a degree no no there are more other complicated processes but let's say that that is the basic iconography that is required okay I'm remembering an old episode we recorded you're talking about that right HH there is there are many things but let's say the for the first first realm of entry into the consciousness of this Chasta you have to understand celibacy is very important otherwise if celibacy is not maintained and regular chin Jaa you will go crazy last will shoot like you will go mad that's the test this the test you'll not even able to most likely you'll not be able to continue the sad you'll be that distracted that distracted she controls rahu Chast okay um just for the sake of the audience to understand this there's a lot of people who subscribed to this channel only in the last year so they' missed out on that episode we did can I just quickly mention it yes without we did a whole episode on tantric sex which is deeply misunderstood by most people because people assume that some of these methods mentioned in the karmas sura actually mean tantric sex but in truth when you speak to someone who has practiced kantra yeah go on um sex based rituals happen at a very Advanced stage of Tantra and it's not for the sake of orgasms it's for the sake of experiencing the daty all we can do right now is link you back to that episode which you can see after this episode because it's one of the most mind-bending episodes we've created and as I was telling you outside i' had forgotten we had recorded that also but yeah we had recorded it so now so I think what you're saying is there are some chinnamasta based rituals which all the mavida rituals all of them 10 on 10 will will and can involve all the patas but coming to chinnamasta specifically so there is a very famous temple of maasta in rajara in Bihar which is very famous well known that's it this is the temple okay H so this is the most famous chin temple in whole of India she is a form of Khali she's extremely Fierce and she is to be invoked for proga only in such cases where more or less everything else is failed black magic no no not black magic suppose uh it could be anything for that matter it's very intense it's like triple power comes in there are s things in the chinnamasta mantras and all that basically extremely in intense okay that's all you can reveal right now extremely intense yeah just thinking there so many Manders that I didn't even know of that I hadn't even heard of so these ghas of Chasta what were the names uh I think uh verini and uh I forgot the other name you can dark indan ver most likely okay so how you mentioned chat yogini and you said that if you're beginning the mahavidya Tantra then you have to appease the chat yoginis also I would assume that even with these ghanas they would have certain practices Associated yeah so um in some very old texts they mention that all the chinnamasta mantras or vas have to repeat it twice because there are three figures here okay for them so uh yeah there are certain practices involved in this but this is also very meditative image basically where she is feeding her own life blood into her uh followers or or beings who are associated or linked with her okay is there anything related to kamdev worship not Chasta nothing it's just symbolism that even the god of love yes she stands on Kam and rati because to show that you have to have some control over lust before you can actually succeed in chinana who's rati rati is the wife of kiv and she's the goddess of see there there's a couple there right but is like how Kam is the god of love she's the wife shaki of kamdev goddess of love yes so she's standing over the god and goddess of love to show you that there's something Beyond sex yes transmutation of the sexual energy into your mantras and all that and producing a very fast powerful spiritual effect is this like Kundalini jagaran everything is Kundalini jagaran all the 10 what is Kundalini jagaran K jagaran all the 10 but question is that how is the K Awakening which is the day through which it is evocating I think Kundalini now is one of those topics that the audience members have at least an idea about it's a serpent shaped pool of energy at the base of your spine as your spiritual practices move forward as your Yoga practices move forward as your meditation goes deeper eventually through the channels of your spine your Kundalini Rises up and connects with your third eye and that's what some people count as an important checkpoint towards the path of Moka or Nirvana or Enlightenment I don't know if it's the same as Moka or Nirvana or Enlightenment but they say that Kundalini jagran when your Kundalini awakens not only do you have unfathomable Blissful experiences but of course you're spiritually evolving and in some people they can have a premature Kundalini jagran which can be extremely dangerous yes more or less so when you're praying to the mahavidyas through the course of of those mahavidya tantas there could be a point where Kundalini there will be a point there will be a point yeah and not just mavas if you're worshiping Shiva ganpati every all day is all day is it's so you need not focus specifically on Kundalini you focus on the Dy as in when required whenever the experience is to happen it will happen organically this is different for different people it's different for different obviously but if you have to focus specifically on Kundalini then to awaken Kundalini or something like that or any process that forcefully uh focuses and awakens Kundalini you need to have a very competent Guru with you okay what happens after your Kundalini that is too vast no two individuals will have the same experience what you described is what is the theoretical idea so this coil snake and all that these are all figurative ideas very figurative coil snake represents the three gas that is there which holds the shti inside and then when it comes out then it will come out and it won't go to your top right at the stage one it will most likely be functioning at a greater force in some of the other of your chakras and something of the other will happen so that is why the original idea was that what people need to remember in Kundalini is that so long as you're worshiping a deity whichever D is isata you don't worry too much about Kundalini you just keep worshiping the DAT will take care whenever it has to happen B if you're specifically interested in K Awakening then these there were methods like that but for that you need to have a competent Guru and never ever is going to uh it can happen through a mass scale uh kind of program okay and that is actually dangerous you can lose your mind as well you can cause lot of problems whole point of spirituality is having things under control not uncontrolled not not ending up becoming a it is not enough that I have some people will have um you know by birth I've seen people like that some psychic visions and things like that psychic abilities all that is wonderful but it's meaningless spirituality is more than that that steadiness that balance that transformation has to come if that is not happening and you are exactly where you are all the Visions or all the psychic abilities are all meaningless it's it's basically energy that you are not able to digest do you think psychic abilities are dant in everyone everything is dominant in everyone so yes so yes in a very broad time skill yes what does the word psychic mean so any kind of extraordinary extrasensory abilities clear vs clear audience this that Etc whatever it is and there must be S and practices related to each of these in Tantra no Tantra does not ask you to focus on these things at all it is your aim is to focus on the dity okay eventually these things organically will come so you don't the the the mistake that has happened over decades and this happened started with after the post- British era too much of theoretical ideas came in and everybody was told that okay siddi is very bad I don't want see the I don't want see that's like saying I'll jump into the swimming pool but I don't want to get wet how is that going to happen Okay okay now you said that in any of the mahavidya worship practices As you move towards the mahavidya some point the Kundalini jagran will happen yes now say if there are say if there's a pair of twins and one of them does Matangi worship and one of them does the Kundalini will awaken and it is basically release of a tremendous powerful force now this is going to be even more complicated it may sound when I was explaining that when you are doing sadhana of any day and you are focusing on the danana of the D right so you're doing the Mantra japa and you are meditating on the danana and the formation of the dity eventually there will be an astral formation of the dity and that formation is going to take you to a higher realm that astral formations power will depend on whether you have had an experience of Kundalini or not if a person has an awakened Kundalini shy there is a huge amount of force at his own disposal and that astral formation will become very powerful and active it is basically a force tremendous amount of force that is released but Force which needs guidance and direction this guidance and Direction comes to the D upasana the D will it is a large structure that has been given to you that helps to harmonize this thing and bring it at a uh you know a more sane way of engaging with this process it's almost like the D Xerox copies itself and leaves the version of cor correct and if your formation if your danana and all that and the right bhava is there when you are meditating on the D and that suppose a person has K in his shy at his or her disposal the right way then the formation that you will have will be as as good as the real Dy with it will have all the abilities of the real Dy extraordinary powers but it will interact with you it will have a life of its own it will be as good as the real deity and such people you will see will be uh you know will be known across others whenever that kind of a thing happens it brings an extraordinary Aura in them they will be they will stand out make no mistake they will stand out the the force of the deity will be with them uh some some effects and uh many small things are there with this along with this but eventually eventually one day through those practices they will attain to the actual deata who is there in the higher Realms and the moment they attain to that state and it could be any da mahavidya ganpati anybody it will be what is for lack of better words a state of Enlightenment fun uh this is reminding me of the Disney movie Aladin okay but you have that Genie to yourself it's just that whatever you're building that zerox copy of the D is the genie of Genies yeah and this is actually complicated concept for a lot of people uh coming back to that hypothetical scenario that I was creating if there is a pair of twins equally evolved equal amount of practice but one is worshiping Matangi as a mahavidya tantra and the second one is worshiping chinnamasta they'll both get Kundalini Jagr at one point if they do their practice well but will the Kundalini jagran caused because of Matangi be different from of course and it'll be dependent on the properties of the day yes Kundalini is like exactly like imagine that there is a huge gush of water but the water has no shape of its own it can take any shape of the container the container is your Dy that you are worshipping damn which is why every galini jagan experience is unique and individualistic and which is why the textbook ideas are all half bed if you work hard enough and with discipline it might happen in one life yes but don't even think about it it's a bonus no the original idea was this is why I keep repeating this if you look at the first set of Hindu texts whether it's upanishads Gita do you find the term Kundalini any anywhere nowhere it is there it comes from the Hat yoga and Tantra texts around 9 10th Century with the belief that there is a competent Guru along with you you not it's not like you're leaving a you're leading a normal modern day life in society and things like that and some Guru you have you have met online or maybe one male initiation where 200 people are sitting you also sitting k no not like that you live with the guru in the gurukul gurukul guru tests everything right from morning what what time you're getting up what are you eating what are you doing what time you going to sleep everything is controlled by the guru in that kind of an environment you focus on the K it is the guru's responsibility to make sure that everything is safe and you will have a quick very fast experience but the traditional idea is that you focus on the deata and you worship the D don't bother about the Kundalini it will on its own whenever it has to do whatever it has to it will do so until this point we've covered Kalima tarama triar triar Chasta Matangi Matangi halfway point halfway point let's go let's go to the next one who is uh let's say baneshwari so yeah these are all baneshwari mahavidyas baneshwar is relatively a milder mahavidya relatively but her blessings if it comes to individual they kind of become uh she's is like a base mahavidya her blessings ensures that you succeed in everything in life whether it's material all encompassing there's no aspect of human life that she cannot cover the name bhubaneshwar itself gives you the clue so why isn't she the most powerful then all of them are powerful all of them are powerful equally powerful no they are different dimensions so it's like you know so different roads okay all of them are very powerful in fact the vija Mantra baneswar is one of the key Manas in Tantra so powerful so important and so fundamental that it is considered to be like the tantric Omar wow H so there is an OM it is not om it's some other sound but it's as like the Omar is the OM is the fundamental sound in the traditional Vic religion like the most potent of all mantras in a way most fundamental of all Mantra same way the Via Mantra of baneshwari is considered as base Mantra is as as the equivalent of omara in Tantra shastras and it's unsafe to practice it without initiation it's not that unsafe so can I say it out loud on this podcast it's not that unsafe but it's better to follow the rules I had a friend okay he started doing I think Al of beja Manas and uh he started doing this practice where he just put it on his phone and put earphones inside his ears and he was just listening he's like I got a massive headache because of doing that beam Manas can have this kind of effect also right like uh depends many factors are there on the person to person yeah that is the V that's the one oh our favorite that's it that's the V manra that is the tantri Omar yes it's it's Maya V called it it creates Maya and it allows you to see through Maya it creates Maya because okay can I say it yes say guys please don't uh do a upon this Mantra but the word is the word is re h r e e m now now I will not pronounce it loud loud but suppose somebody's doing the vi Mantra Anan of the deat so when you go to a tantric Guru formal tantric Guru so suppose uh he gives you initiation into Kali Mantra or baneswar Etc first thing he will do is give you just the vija Mantra there are complicated mantras of the devatas they will first give you the vija Mantra vija Mantra Anan japa you do do then later on higher mantras will come vja Mantra sets you in tune with the energy of the D now when you're doing the vja Mantra the last sound the M sound when you're actually chanting when you're writing you can write whatever you want the last sound has to be like the like the Striking of a bell yes and you don't pronounce it because to get it correct you have to internalize that sound it's like you digesting that sound that vibration has to be inside then it works very fast what will happen if I just sit in one place and chant it in my mind can anyone you tell me then what happens I've actually done it no that's this is relatively safe okay for example if you do a meditation where you're loudly chanting oh for 20 minutes at the end of it you feel electrically charged you open your eyes things are more saturated you're usually at higher energy levels and chanting upon has pushed you into a higher because it balances all the all the five elements in the human body om which is not the case with it can try it there are sadas that can be done with these vija manra in three to four days you'll find very interesting effects is this like a practical joke W up with my eyes like popped out what there can be bad effects chances are less this is a relatively safe one but things can happen yeah but again this is more or less safe but still I don't recommend doing anything without these things without having some kind of advice from some Mentor or at least Guru and you shouldn't chant it out loud to increase its effect you have to keep it silent just you meditate sit in a meditative posture and chant and in Tantra many things come into play what time you're doing it what kind of Mala what kind of dress you wearing ET all these things what kind of dress your weing oh yes color I actually wanted to talk about that to you what do you think of your and my favorite color no so this is this is Baba's color yeah okay so that is good then there is red there is yellow everything has its own so do not be fixated with one color as and when required for whatever Karma if you're doing a Shanti Karma something that brings about peace in an environment suppose okay you need to bring that or Harmony or things like that then you wear white or you wear light yellow or things like that but yellow again when you are doing bami upasana then yellow becomes very important that is her color that can also create ST which is let's go to the next mahavidya I'll tell you worship of baneshwar Dei if correctly done brings about tremendous amount of wealth and uh opulence it's kind of like lakmi she looks also kind of like lak and it's a combination of both lakmi as well as Dura which means not only opulence but also that Authority where people listen to you everything in a way like full completeness of life like ratan is probably just just a just a fun thought yeah okay she is very popular among people her worship and uh she's worshiped widely by both people who are in business or who are politics or anybody else basically uh her specific nature the iconography as it shows so she's sitting there and there's an assura and she's pulling the tongue of the assura and she's beating the assur so basically what she does is she does Tam Sam means to stop something immobilize something so when her Mula Mantra is like that it does t of chatus you stop them completely on the tracks you stop them from speaking against you you stop them from anything and those who are very high in the uh upasana of bami Dei they may even attain at least in the texts attain ability to do stumon of natural elements Wind and Fire and things like that just pause it yes that's the Sidi stop it dead and strike and it can stop your mind also by the way going be down in your mind you don't know what is going on then as then you can stop another person's mind yes in what way that way you those who have the sidhi of this Mantra and they want how do you think it is going to stop the Enemy by causing someone on his mind his or her mind he doesn't know what to do whatever you have learned you'll forget at that moment stop basically some form of a psychic attack stopping something on its track psychic pause whatever term you want to use at the end it has to be a real pause will one even know that they've gone through STNA maybe later on they'll figure out at that point they won't do you think the real material world today has people with this kind of a Sidi who have actually applied yes this is there and she is one of the most widely woried form Ms of mahavidya across India by whether it's businessman whether it's politician whether it's just about anybody the first thing they do is go and do bami PR why businessman there rivalries wherever you have enemies you'll have to invoke you invoke bami to stop there's a court case or something like this she's there and for those who are experts you can use that St the process of stum to do stum or anything even spirits and all those things any negative thing thing can be stopped if you have expertise in the Vidya and there is when I say expertise it's not just one thing it's a layer of various vidas involved in it as I was mentioning that it's believed in the L that there are multiple stages of the wuki proga and Etc like Divine beings like parasuram bhagan datat they also have bami Sidis and they use it they have Sidis uh uh for example they can stop all um so all the semi- Divine beings in various Realms so doing stuman on them is much more difficult than on human beings human beings are always distracted so it's easier at the highest level of the bami Vidya at least in the text one can do even stuman of the tri morti Brahma Vishnu maheswar it's believed to be one of the most ENT dat is very very powerful very interesting and done incorrectly backfires very badly like how oh if you are not at fault if if the if the people you person you are doing it is not at fault uh there are more variation some variations of the mantras and some things like that so it can come back and hit you you'll be thumbed worse than that when when stum happens on somebody you will just not know whether you're going left or right right who are you what are you doing why are you here nothing sub M and that can be done by the way not just in your mind suppose somebody does say on another person's work on your finances on your health you will see suddenly that everything is going wrong how does one protect themselves from these kind of situations there are many other processes so this is comes in a so this is so she's a she's a who can do this at the spiritual level one can use her blessings uh very easily to stop uh you know negative things from approaching and destroying and causing trouble of course like all other datas these that ability of Sam won't come on day one to do a lot of practice and sadhana and Mantra japa and various other pades she can be worshiped both in dakara method properly dakara is the right hand method without use of any uh any kind of uh you know Vach padti but she can also be worshiped very easily using Vach both are applicable both are possible and definitely her mantras require some guidance from people from experts or mentors have you ever seen this anime show called avatar the Last air bender no it's basically about fire bending air bending and water bending where you said that you can pause fire air and water any of the natural elements also you can manipulate them that depends on the expertise of the individual doing it like X-Men No so so it's not like that it's it's once you attain Proficiency in the Vidya in the Mantra then you can use it for so many other things it depends on the individual how what kind of mind he has what capabilities he has suppose you know St and some something negative has happened or some kind of a blood loss is happening somewhere suppose you have ex just theoretically saying practically it's very difficult suppose someone has an extraordinary amount of ability to stop something kind of a flow or something can be stopped so you can do stuman at that point so that the blood loss can be stopped I'm just giving a theoretical example it's practically very difficult to do but fundamentally th means to stop something on its track and that is why she is worshipped okay moving on yes who's the next Dy that you would like to mention uh let's go to dhumavati this is the only one that doesn't have a be of yes so she is a widow H and there are different slightly different iconographies of her but more or less it's the same but more or less the basic idea is she's a widow and there are crows associated with her and there are there's a winwing basket which is there which is for uh you know Shifting the grains and all that which is used uh her upasana is also a kind of a proga just like that bamasa she is extremely good in destroying enemies she's also very good in bringing poverty like situations anywhere look at the iconography what what happy do you see here yeah I was going to say that rather than being scared of chinnamasta this is the one that scares me for some reason she's she's ketu just like that there's a huge amount of smoke you are not able to see anything she's also so aen to alakshmi there's lakmi and the opposite of lakmi is Al lakmi all that is Misfortune she's the goddess of Misfortune but if you know if you go deep into that suppose you are an you are actually a sasi or an aori or something like that who doesn't stay in society stay in some other remote place and you worship dhumavati and you've attained Proficiency in dhumavati Vidya you can use that against destroying again any enemies for that matter bring about Mis in them the connection with crows also shows that eventually dhumavati upasana correctly done can protect a person from problem of pus and other things if you're using it as a progue and attacking people with it doesn't that accumulate karmas leave that Karma Story outside okay the moment you have born anywhere karma is going on Tantra is not to bother about you accumulating Karma or not Tantra is giving you the technology to do it all that is your thinking process I want to do it no I don't want to do it don't do it but if you do it doesn't it accumulate something of course everything accumulates something everything accumulates something of course it will accumulate but there has to be a context to it so that this Theory this so so this is what I mean when I say that the thinking process of people are non Shaka the Shaka thinking process will not even bother there is a Karma and all that can it be done now question is is is it the right time to apply it or not apply it is the context appropriate for it that is all the Judgment you have to do if you have to think of karma then Arjuna should not have fought in the battlefield he should have run away damn and in the whole mahabarata he was the greatest Shaka in terms of attitude just kept doing his job he was fully Shak in my opinion everything about him was Shak why do you say that from his attitude shakas are like this they you if you don't you don't do too much of this calculation yes in the battlefield he was confused obviously for anybody can be confused but at every instance he's the first one you say that at the drop of a hat is ready to pick up a fight that is fight means it within his of course he was very powerful in that uh so there is a Shaka element in that tendency you don't get too scared by things in the sense you have that thing that no I have to get it done H the doers doers exactly you are not bothered too much about the philosophy and the other aspects of it gotcha okay so dhumavati uh the outcome of it's generally believed that married women should not worship dhumavati see the iconography tells you the the reason there's a reason there's a specific way a davati is uh or or any daty for that matter the iconography is given so that it gives you an immediate information a visual information about the daty so if you know how to read the iconography half information from there only you will get look at their environment look at that she doesn't have a Bava okay look at the crows there there is a there's an element of uh darkness and depression around her so General opinion general idea is that dhumavati ubasa okay if somebody has Tantra and doing dhumavati aasana for a specific purpose one thing she is not the D to be woried at home her mantras are not done casually like that I am doing DTI aasana for years makes no sense your whole material life is going to go for a toss 100% not for the material person yes but Suppose there is a circumstance where one has to do proga of dhumavati then accordingly one can do that ritual or there is a trouble that is happening due to ketu graha ketu also governs spirits and all that in worst in in some negative spaces in the horoscope if ketu is placed that means you'll be afflicted by Spirits then dhumavati aasana can be done in a limited manner at a limited time with a limited sankalpa in order to calm down the effects of ketu and so that that the spirits can't affect you eventually you become the dees that you worship of course some effect of the Dy will definitely come around in your circumstances it is natural to happen Okay moving on yes uh now we will go to tripur bhi I think the last of the mahavidyas though we did not go in the right kma but it's fine we have covered all of them have we covered all of them Kali we have done we have done Tri we have done we have done bami we have done Matangi we have done kamalika we have done baneshwari we have done and uhti we have done trur bavi okay so all these are chur bhavi forms any of them the last one say the first one chur sundari just like tripura sundari is there there is also tripura it's like sort of a Kala and lakima fusion no I mean there's a Lotus there's a Garland of yes so that is one iconography there are multiple iconographies of trur bavi she can also take up skulls and all that okay in the creation ground format so tripur sundari is the form that is most beautiful because three Pura the Triads are very important whether it's the three naris inside the human body or the three Plaines physical pric and the mental level of Realm of existence or the three worlds whatever the Triads the most beautiful thing in the Triads most uh delightful thing in the Triads is chur sundari and the source of these Triads is tripur bhavi basically when the three naris separate in the muladhara chakra that is where tripur bhavi is situated and tripur Sundar is right where it comes in the sh where everything becomes absolutely beautiful Delight of the worlds the whole reason of creation is Delight joy happiness desire that is controlled by tripur sundari whereas the source of this whole manifestation and evolution where it comes the root is tripur bhavi the one of the interesting things about tripur bhavi upasana she's very Fierce by the way one of the upas of tripur bhavi is that she controls a process of Decay death okay anything that is dying rotting decaying she controls that and can manipulate that which means um if if somebody is an expert in tripur basana uh genuine expert uh there is a possibility that the individual will actually look much younger than their actual age they have a possib they have she gives a blessing of arresting Decay just like she can increase Decay also in something if you do it wrong if you do it wrong or you apply these are all applications also Tantra is not so so all the moralistic should I do should not do outside when you entering into this mahavidya Opanas mahavidya Opanas became very prominent in the last 67th centuries and it started the whole K of dasam mahavidya started from Eastern India whole K of Das mahavidya it's very popular there and there is both Liberation as well as prayoga and they go hand in hand there is no question of no doubts about this that if you have confusion then mahavidya is not your path so tripur BH upasana and Pras can do both to in an individual it can accelerate Decay and it can arrest Decay and from this comes women who practice Tantra upasana at a very high caliber State they are referred to as baves they have the ability to arrest their own aging process to a large degree or completely not completely but to a very large degree but genuine women very rare this is and they will always look much younger significantly younger than their AG you'll never be able to understand what their age is significantly younger that comes from the blessings of tripur B are some of these women famous I don't know I'm thinking no comments a certain woman who look the same at multiple award functions I have no idea no I won't I won't go to names or anything but I don't even know actually but um that is the principal idea trur BVI and she's very Fierce very beautiful if you meditate on her she can eventually reverse that arrest that aging process but there's an element of Khali in her there's a fierceness in her therefore nothing that's all there's a fierceness in her and basana helps actually BH upasana helps to prepare one for all the mahavidyas he is the guardian of the door after which the mahavidyas start and the more intense of the mahavidyas there is the in the Kula for example Kula mahavidyas would be Kali tar chin Kula mahavidyas more or less uh they very intense their Mantra sad is like it's like uh hammering okay in order to be able to safely digest the effect of the mantras you will need some blessings of where he creates the mind and the body the steadiness that Detachment that you talk about that becomes very heavy then you can digest whatever then you then you enjoy the play not only digest then see the idea is you have to enjoy the whole sad at the end somewhere there must be something about it that you like otherwise why will you ever enter this path so that in order to like this it's like going in this you know super fast supersonic jet if you're a fighter pilot and accustomed to it perhaps you like it for an average individual who has never flown for him put him into a fighter pilot fight a jet he'll be to gone he'll feel scared so in order that your mind and body can handle it that is where B upasana comes into comes into real real help he's the base okay um while we're talking about tripura bhi yes uh I have to ask you about this looks aspect of mantras it's actually one of the strangely so one of the most searched for Google terms it goes mantras for good looks but the truth is and this is something which is anecdotal almost it's based on my own experience which is that I've seen that a lot of people associated with Krishna Consciousness or with vnav ISM when they do the har Krishna mahamantra it does kind of change the way they look in some ways or at least the presence you know is different it's more comforting in when you when you meet someone like that it's more comforting than the average person my argument here is that any Mantra will have some effect on the vibe or look that you carry as you walk around in this human body no you mean the physical look yeah physical look that depends if you're using the mantra for physical no so one of the reasons why you may find that the so I I have to disagree here that the har Krishna mahamantra somehow has an effect on the physical look no it I don't think that's the case I think what happens is because there are a lot of people from all different cultures who are into the the har Krishna movement so you have this General vibe that they are somehow looking different because they looking naturally yeah that's not the case actually with the Mantra but there are mantras for your looks no there are beings which can be worshiped that can produce the aura of uh but if a mantra is working and that includes even Kali Mantra by the way a mantra has started working it changes your aura yeah and it does not matter how you look one of the things that the Mantra causes if it's working organically it has a ability to attract things and people around any manra any date is any Mantra that is step one there are many steps three four and all that will happen but that is step one the moment a person's shy is different the whole world is shy shakas believe that everything in the world is shy and there are only two concepts a is your shy higher or lower if your sh is lower you will gravitate towards that which has a higher shy and there is no other third equation in the world just how we Gra itate towards you I'm just saying so that is the whole equation in the world byy everything else rest is just an excuse and later on addition fundamental reason is this lower shy will always like a moth you will get attracted towards the higher shy that's it whole world is constantly shaki she's playing around she's creating she's destroying she is the ultimate thing if you enjoy that feeling if you enjoy that you Revel in that feeling that we use theas it's like a high that gives you then you are fit for this path then you're Naturally Fit for this path four Blockbuster episodes come to an end are you satisfied with this I'm satisfied with the ending you're satisfied with the ending yes okay all I'll say is we'll see you soon and for anyone who wants a deeper experience with rajash nandi use level superm mind we've collaborated uh any messages for the audience for both level supermind and generally speaking because now it be a while till we see you next cuz even myself and my team needs to recharge a bit to be ready to speak with you nothing I hope you enjoy the conversations keep doing your practice and let the blessings and the energy and the power of bav Baba take you forward why you mentioning bav Baba in the end oh because he's the one he's the doorway he's the doorway to all this doorway if I say that let the energy of chin take you forward what do that why not I mean okay fine let let Baba guide you he's there he is the boss he is the guru he's the ultimate okay next time you're around we have to cover a lot of ram G Hanuman G Krishna bhagan which was actually the original plan for this series I know but I think God had different plans sorry I meant bababa at different plans uh thank you sir appreciate your time appreciate your presence Namaste that was the episode for today ladies and gentlemen that was the 2024 series rajash sir will be returning on TRS very soon my request to all of you is to send in your topic recommendations under this particular episode um if we end up recording five episodes with rajash ser and he's in Mumbai my intention is to release them over 5 months because each of those episodes is that heavy if this is one of the First rajash nandi episodes that you're listening to you have to check out all the other episodes we've created with the legend we've linked all of them down below and if you wish to experience even more of rajash nandi's magic I direct you towards our mind performance app where he's created multiple meditation based serieses to help further people's spiritual Journeys those meditations are available on level supermind and the app is linked down below until next time guys make sure you keep following TRS because there's a lot more to come send in your feedback check out level superm rajash nandi and ranvir will be back very very soon [Music]