hello friends welcome to free grammar lessons today we are going to dig deep into clauses and then types so let's get started so what is a clause it is a group of related words it has a subject and world combination and it has a complete meaning by itself you can consider a simple sentence as a clause for example he plays cricket regularly now is this a clause for that we will check whether it is satisfying all the three conditions that we just discussed is it a group of word yes it is here he is the subject place is the world so it has a subject work combination and the whole sentence he plays cricket regularly makes complete meaning by itself hence we can say it is a clause now clauses are mainly divided into two parts based on their usage it may be independent clause or dependent clause an independent clause is actually a complete sentence by itself it doesn't need any other clause for its existence for example you may sit here you is the subject and sit is the world and the whole sentence is giving a complete thought by itself so it's an independent clause then what is a dependent clause it has a subject and a verb but it doesn't have a complete thought by itself and is dependent on independent or main clause for a complete thought for example wherever you like here you is the subject and like is the world and the whole sentence is having a meaning as well but it's incomplete now let's add a main clause to this clause you may see it and now the whole sentence becomes you may sit wherever you like now here the entire thought is complete with one main or independent clause and one dependent clause this is all about dependent clause now dependent clause are mainly divided into three types non closed adjective clause and adverb clause let's discuss about each of them so what is a noun clause noun clause is a group of words having subject and world of its own and it acts as a noun in the sentence for example I fear that I will fail here that I will fail is a clause as it is a group of word having subject and a verb and the whole Clause is acting as an object of the world fear so it's a noun clause let's look into one more example of it that you have come pleases me here that you have come is a noun clause as it is acting as a subject of the workplaces so basically this clause is does the work of now now let's look into the next type of clause eject applause adjective clause is a group of world having subject and the world of its own and it acts as an adjective in the sentence now what does adjectives do they describes noun and so does the adjective clause for example the umbrella which has a broken handle is mine here the clause which has a broken handle is an adjective clause as it has a subject and a verb of its own and is describing the noun umbrella let's look into one more example he met a girl whose eyes were blue here whose eyes were blue is an adjective clause and the clause is having a subject and a verb and it is describing a noun girl so basically this clauses does the work of an adjective now let's look into the next type of clause Edward clause adverb clause is a group of words having subject and a verb of its form and it acts as an adverb in the sentence now what does adverb do the modifies verb adjective or other adverbs in the sentence and so desired work clause for example they rested when the evening came here when the Union came is a clause as it has a subject evening and work came and it is describing verb rested so it's an adverb clause let's look into one more example I will give you a map so that you can find a way here so that you can find a way is a clause as it has a subject and a verb and is describing the act of giving which is a verb so basically this clause is does the work of an adverb that's all about clauses in this video let's quickly revise what we have learnt in this video firstly we learnt what is a clause so a clause is a group of world with a subject and verb combination and has a meaning by itself then we discussed about two types of clauses independent clause and dependent clause finally we discussed about three types of dependent clauses which are noun clause which act as a noun in the sentence adjective clause which acts as an adjective in the sentence an adverb clause which acts as an adverb in the sentence that's all in this video thank you for watching the video please message me in the comments if you have any questions suggestions or need any grammar lesson please hit the like button if you like the video we'll share the video so others can learn and do subscribe to the channel to get regular updates about the course