Understanding Head and Neck Blood Vessels

Aug 26, 2024

Blood Vessels of the Head and Neck


  • Focus on the arterial and venous systems around the head and neck.
  • Detailed examination of both arteries and veins.


Aortic Arch and Branches

  • Left Common Carotid Artery
    • Comes off the aortic arch as the second vessel.
    • Bifurcates into:
      • External Carotid Artery
      • Internal Carotid Artery

External Carotid Artery

  • Branches:
    • Superior Thyroid Artery: First branch.
    • Lingual Artery: Supplies the tongue.
    • Facial Artery: Passes over the mandible; supplies face muscles and skin.
    • Maxillary Artery: Runs posterior to the mandibular condyle.
    • Superficial Temporal Artery: In the temporal region.
    • Occipital Artery: Dips under the mastoid process to the occipital region.
    • Supra Trochlear Artery: Runs with the supra trochlear nerve.

Left Subclavian Artery

  • Third branch from the aortic arch.
  • Continues as the axillary artery.


Dural Sinuses

  • Superior Sagittal Sinus: Drains blood, located in the falx cerebri.
  • Occipital Sinus: At the occipital region.
  • Confluence of Sinuses: Junction for multiple sinuses.
  • Transverse Sinus: Moves laterally.
  • Superior Petrosal Sinus: On the upper part of the petrous part of the temporal bone.
  • Inferior Petrosal Sinus: Moves with the abducens nerve into the cavernous sinus.
  • Sigmoid Sinus: Empties into the internal jugular vein which passes through the jugular foramen.

Major Veins

  • Internal Jugular Vein: Runs through the jugular foramen; fuses with the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein.
  • External Jugular Vein: Drains the external structures; runs across the sternocleidomastoid.
  • Brachiocephalic Veins: Formed by the fusion of subclavian and internal jugular veins.
    • Right and left brachiocephalic veins merge to form the superior vena cava.


  • Covered the major branches and pathways of arteries and veins in the head, neck, and skull.
  • A detailed focus on how these vessels supply and drain different regions.
  • Further learning was suggested through additional videos or resources on specific topics such as the Circle of Willis.