The Human Voice: Enhancing Your Communication

May 30, 2024

The Power of the Human Voice: Enhancing Communication


  • The human voice is a powerful instrument capable of significant impact.
  • Many people struggle to be heard or listened to when they speak.
  • Consider habits to avoid and adopt for more effective communication.

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip
    • Speaking ill of someone who isn't present.
    • Negative repercussions: might gossip about you next.
  2. Judging
    • Difficult to listen to someone who is judging you.
    • Hinders open communication.
  3. Negativity
    • Consistent negativity is off-putting.
    • Example: Complaining constantly spreads unhappiness.
  4. Excuses
    • Avoid taking responsibility by blaming others.
    • Reduces credibility.
  5. Exaggeration
    • Overstating facts diminishes the impact of genuine statements.
    • Leads to lying, which erodes trust.
  6. Dogmatism
    • Confusing opinions with facts.
    • Imposing views on others.

The Positive Foundations for Effective Speaking

  • HAIL as a framework:
    • H: Honesty
      • Being truthful and clear.
    • A: Authenticity
      • Being genuine and yourself.
    • I: Integrity
      • Keeping your word; being trustworthy.
    • L: Love
      • Wishing others well; avoiding judgment.

Using The Voice Effectively: The Toolbox

  1. Register
    • Different registers affect perception.
    • Lower registers convey authority.
  2. Timbre
    • The quality and feel of the voice.
    • Rich, smooth voices are more pleasing.
  3. Prosody
    • The sing-song of speech adds meaning.
    • Monotone speech is less engaging.
  4. Pace
    • Varying speech speed for emphasis.
    • Includes strategic use of silence.
  5. Pitch
    • Changes in pitch affect interpretation.
  6. Volume
    • Volume conveys emotion and importance.
    • Avoid "sodcasting" (broadcasting carelessly).

Practical Applications and Exercises

  • Warm up your voice before important speeches:
    • Arms up: Breathe and sigh ("ahhh").
    • Lip warm-ups: "Ba, ba, ba."
    • Lip buzzing: "Brrrrr."
    • Tongue exercises: "La, la, la."
    • Rolling 'R': "Rrrrrr."
    • Siren: "Wee-aww."

Vision for a Better World

  • Advocate for conscious and intentional speaking and listening.
  • Design environments conducive to effective communication.
  • Aim for a world where sound and understanding are prioritized and valued.