hello everybody we are in the beginning of July July 2nd 2024 and those are shift in the energy as mercury in few hours from recording this video is moving to Leo and this is going to oppose Pluto in Aquarius and what it alls mean about your perspective about election about social unrest about social pressure about yourself try to satisfy your parents satisfy your Society being different being H part of the tribe what is all about what is this confusion what represents you and how you going to authenticate yourself I spoke about all those pieces of questions H in many of my videos through the last specifically three years but it was like little motos and uh and slogans that a a life coach May throw to the air maybe I will bring here a bit more of Enlightenment uh to what uh I'm seeing in astrology the talk that feels to be channeled H to be aligned with the time if you don't know me I'm ooser Financial astrologer and I'm creating unique forecast for the markets months ahead and this is a paid service that you could find VIA eosc Opia net website and it will give you a lot of beneficial perspective about the markets and not just uh woohoo ER General talks Market will go up or down but you will really see months ahead check it out so Mercury that is also ruling the trade is moving to Leo in few hours from here and this is going to change the entire theme of July specifically because Mercury is opposing Pluto Pluto is ruling deep change and Mercury is superficial change and on the surface and the combination between this opposition can scratch onto on on the surface some things that we have suppressed for a long time specifically since Pluto moved to Aquarius since March 2023 friendship dynamics that we haven't took them to the next level may rise up and this is a time of creativity mercury in h Leo is going to invite us in the next three weeks to be very courageous very enlightening H our um uniqueness and to go beyond the expectations of others so many people are very obedient this we know already from the covid time they so depended in different relation ships Partners company work job in the surviv in the survival level of it and very much afraid to take the rules to their hand or to say no and just to satisfy other and this is a mini portal that is going to check us if you are really taking the rules to your hand and the responsibility of your own path and Destiny ER to the next level this is Pluto retrograde in Aquarius going back to the last degree of of um of Capricorn into the fall election time and is going to check our deep stability pillars if we did the work of the last at least three years H with all what we saw with all the Great Awakening but people continue to obey even to very little H not little but very fundamental or it's even Beyond fundamental it's family Rules Norms not just the government say this take vaccine or not but is about just following what's the society and the norms and what you imagine that you are by whether by religion whether by your sexual identity whether by your things that you feel naturally in you and you always will find the excuses to justify why you are this why you prefer this this is a mini portal of this before we as we are entering to Leo season in the uh third part of July and Mercury now in Leo and Venus will join Leo in the middle of July to prepare yourself taking the rules to your hand but not by what government say and you say no but against something much more fundamental against what your friends are doing what your friends are doing how many people are trying to be like acceptable by friendship I don't want people will see me alone I don't want people to see me this is about being different and only by being different and unique and to invent the will in a way in a new way that is more to your nature you are going to get aligned with the new opportunities that will be related to the new world and because Mercury is ruling of exchanges and the environmental change we are about to see a profound changes of events H Mercury is also ruling the meteorology the the climate and with opposing to Pluto very interesting days uh H we can expect at least this first week of July in weather climate uh uh event and we are seeing just a hurcan that is the first time in June to be very extreme and it's indeed Mercury opposing Pluto but he going to do a shift in trade a shift in um the environmental er um in politics H environment and uh and all what we are seeing now suddenly Trump is going Beyond it's all about what divides us Mercury is what the right and left this is the Dual sides of life and with Pluto is bringing a deeper layer that we didn't want to see so I I know I would not be able this is a topic that we could break down to I can I could break it down to hours of speech about different parts of it because it's very profound it's something therapeutical almost to hack the the human brain in a way to get you out from the trap that you are in now most people are in trapped and are trapped inside of a mini Jael and are thinking that they are in control but this is a program in order to deprogram you need to hack the system that you are jailed in and this is a time that for those that are doing the spiritual work meaning that are checking more inside and not just blaming the Trump uh party or the Biden one or whatever is the TV but going to the inner responsibility checking with your family checking with your mother going to your childhood this is why we have so many planets in cancer checking with yourself where you have been traumatized where you are linked to different memory that created your addiction to something or other and made you to believe in such off you know even your mind is is manipulated by different polit policies that you are defining to be your values and sometimes you will not be accepting any other idea so um this is going to open us for a crazy July that is those that are accessing my love chart can see how exciting it could be July even for uh different markets specifically in altcoin projects but it's not just for speculation even that Leo is very much related to speculation and gaming but is about Innovation going out from the status quo and Beyond the status qu beyond the the big and the big Trend and the ETFs now we are coming to this day and to this July officially I would consider that July is starting today and July 2 3rd and not in July 1st because of this the energy shift change and we know that the Gregorian calendar is it's okay as we are all aligning oursel according to it but is not aligned with nature we know it before gagor only 100 years ago it was Julian cander and before this also another alignment because it's all sort sort of a lie of time and we are breaking down this time and this why astrology is the true timeline that we should following now as I'm recording this video the Moon is in Taurus which is exalted and near Uranus and it's going to meet it directly in J Jupiter um so the next two the next two days of July 2nd to 4th as before we are entering to the new moon of cancer H with Mercury moving to a to Leo is a shift of energy is a shift of energy that going to help us experiencing or looking at life from a different prism from a different angle and to make interesting and important and pivotal choices of our life about even accepting part of ourself and stop fighting th doubts or th past Paradigm how your family told you what your father expected you what your mother told you how the society would accept you when you need to get married what age what it means that you don't have children what you mean that you are Nomad what you means that you know so many people are so programmed having the same routine working in living in cities were living in the same routine going work home and having the same addiction with a with a with a phone and you know and it's all maintaining the same old program that is called Zombie Land so uh of course this is not a a message for those that suddenly came to this video out of the blue and uh I would wait them to to wake up but this is the description of this time uh of course that people even they don't have any conscious decision ER to to use those portals may experience a shift of the environment by any kind suddenly to deal with past issues that actually weren't ER calculated that existing anymore and this is going to change the political theme as well suddenly Biden will be removed or suddenly Trump is going to be in another sort of um trouble the justice system that is now in big uh transformation as well because Jupiter that is ruling the justice is in Gemini and it's very very adaptable and changeable so what to tell this is gcer season this is about creating a new sense of home and uh self-de uh creating a new shell it's also because we are before another full moon of Capricorn as I've said in the previous videos it's a time to to end a past story that we are so romanticizing that we were so used to romanticizes romanticized it Trump will save the world Biden will do this um my family this or anything that condition the excuses of why you are stuck and this is this month is about coming out from the shell of the egg so we are all we in egg that was the space and the options that we thought that are possible and how is going to be success and we are about to come out from the shell of the egg and who you are going to be outside of it because it's going to be another bigger shell that another game and most people are not prepared for this but at least if you are changing the perspective and start to see from the little Hollows inside of where you are right now you may be more in harmonized harmonized with what's coming of course it's going to be very chaotic to the majority of people and if you are in telegram discussion you are seeing my my messages through the ears now and uh join it it's osher Eco in telegram uh it's a lot of chaos coming to 2025 so much Pisces energy and this is not about government doing a a pandemic or planning a blir the pandemic now it's in the god of nature SL God ER in gatria you can find that God is related to H Nature by the same energy code and this is what astrology is aling US understanding cycle of nature cycle of God in a way but not in a religious dogmatic way um so so much Pisces is coming we are losing control like in the birth that you are coming no one asked you to come to this life no one is asking you when is your time to go away from here it's going to happen naturally and is a time of losing our ego but losing our ego because we are between eclipses of Libra and Aries that we just had the last eclipse of Aries in April 8 is about dissolving our ego but dissolving your ego is dissolving your identity we are all in identity crisis so when a person is divorcing as I promote that we are in we enter to the great divorce it's also the great reann uncemented to break the contracts the old contracts the old status quo in order to go to the new you need to to pass some time alone you are not going to end a relationship and go directly to another relationship you are not going to end the work after you burn out and going to find another work before you rested before you recovered before you realized what you are good at what profession you better to do what what what lesson you learned from the previous relationship and this is what this time is coming now so dissolving your ego because most people are wearing a faly ego the ego that your parents told you you are a Christian and you should wear those clothes you are an Arab and you should cover your fac in that way you are you know you they programmed you of what you are even very misaligned from the essence of your spiritual identity and it takes so much effort and so many people will never rebel against their religious tribe or their uh whatever identifi thems to be a nation or a place H by any Community they are living at because they don't know who they are without being part of this so uh this is another phase or maybe one of the little pieces of the break of religion because the religion is one of the biggest program of controlling tribes and Humanity by believing in something it's a program so uh with all the spices coming in the next year this is not just a message for this month is about dissolving your ego but you are going to lose yourself in a meaning that losing your past self and let the Divine to discover and to show you who you are without the previous CLS and then you will be able to choose another identification that is beyond your your Jewish Orthodox clots or your Christian Orthodox clots or your Muslim fanatic clots I will purpose I this because we are all without permission just born into those family and took the belief that our parents told us to be the truth right and with this Aquarius that is Pluto in Aquarius um it's all about being breaking apart but now we are going back to see the pillars of where we started where we came to here uh what punishment and what program from the past of your ancestors you are still running maybe you are resisting to break so with Jupiter in Gemini keep your mind flexible accept that you don't know everything accept that maybe you were deceived let your ego to suffer a little bit that yeah your wife cheated you face it it wasn't a love as you idealized it you know this is the same of the metaphor accept it and then you would be able to move to the next chapter but sometimes our ego is so attached to the Romanticism story we are breaking yeah I know yeah my bank is always safe yeah Trump is always the one that will save America or Biden is this no they will not be able to fake you know we are idealizing things in order to feel safe in a fantasy land so hopefully the message was clear I'm oer Financial astrologer and if you want to see what I'm drawing ahead for the markets not everybody can get this premium Insight otherwise you're just doing the fundamentals and following some free gurus in YouTube uh if you want to see my forecast that have enough credit for the last years join eosc Opia Donnet or even just come to study astrology the astrof finance method as I'm teaching to read the F the the the background of the energy to understand this language of Nature and what to expect in each time all the best my friends I'm ooser ciao