Transcript for:
Transforming Your Life: Key Insights and Practices

transforming your life is a very powerful and exciting thing to undertake think about this word transform break it down into two words if you will the second word is form it means the physical world that you live in and all the boundaries that we experience in our life that's our form it's our body and then trans which is a prefix that is put in front of our form and the prefix trans means to go beyond to soar above to go past so transforming really means going beyond your form that is going beyond the limits of your body if you will I am presenting 101 specific ideas that you can use each and every day to transform or go beyond your form your life and transforming your life is not something that is a very involved and difficult process it can be done in any given moment in your life and as you listen there are many ways that you can use it you might want to just listen to one thought each day and let it sink in and meditate on it over and over again in the morning or you might want to listen to 10 of them and let them just sort of roll around inside of your head and then go back and replay them and replay them you'll use it over and over and over again in your life it is really designed to help you to understand how powerful your thoughts are you can change your life in a matter of moments by doing one simple thing change the thoughts you think and the words you speak your internal dialogue has an enormous effect on every aspect of your life and you can alter it in a positive way beginning right now I call this 101 ways to transform your life transform going beyond your form listen to each thought let it sink in and begin putting it into practice beginning now [Music] number one know in your heart that there is an invisible intelligence in everything and you have the power to make contact with this divine intelligence and create a life of bliss there is something divine that rolls through all things you can't get ahold of it a little seedling has treena's in it when it is put into the ground you can't see tree-ness you can't see the tree yet you know it is in there and same with you you have greatness you have an energy that is so powerful and it flows through you and in everything that you come into contact with know it begin to trust it and you'll find yourself experiencing transformation in your life number two this is your sacred quest the doorway to higher levels of awareness in your life opens inward and most of us spend our lives facing the wrong way looking outside of ourselves for the solutions to our problems where inward in that silent quiet empty space within is where the universal intelligence lies it is where your essence as a human being is begin to look inward rather than outward each [Music] number three become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you appreciate everyone and everything in your life you need to begin looking inward at who you are and why you are here instead of outward at the physical world or anything in it make this a day of appreciation a day of being in awe and bewilderment of everything that you come into contact with appreciate your liver appreciate your eyes appreciate your legs appreciate your mind and everything that you come into contact with instead of judging it just appreciate it [Music] number four draw your inner energy from the beauty that surrounds you when you do so this energy reception will become a source of strength and sustenance in your life as you begin practicing beauty appreciation and seeing it in all things that you encounter including all people as you begin to see the fullness of God and everyone rather than something to judge you'll find a new kind of bliss in your everyday life number five be peaceful experience silence meditate and really listen to God the result will be that you will find the solution to each and every one of your problems whether it be related to relationships or finances health or self-image all within yourself the peace and the quiet and the solitude all come from an understanding that God's one and only voice is silence as Herman Melville reminded us and if you can just be even for one moment today just peaceful and just go within your gonna find a bliss that you perhaps didn't ever know before number six forgive yourself for your transgressions see that mistakes are lessons for you to transcend release yourself from the tyranny of self-recrimination make the decision to be free everything that's ever happened to you in your life has happened for a reason and when you are filled with an absence of self forgiveness and you're full of recriminations about what you did or shouldn't have done or what you should have done all of these kinds of things are really a message that you're sending to the universe saying God's plan doesn't work and mine does that's really an insidious thing to say everything that you've done or experienced is over and you had something to learn from it so forgive yourself and move on with your life number seven write down this ancient truth and re-read it on a daily basis when you seek happiness for yourself it will always elude you when you seek happiness for others you will find it yourself number eight attempt to remove all enemies from your thoughts the same intelligence that flows through you flows through all human beings when you know that you are connected to all you cannot fathom striking out at others let alone feeling hatred for them or another way of saying this is on a round planet there's no choosing up sides we are all are here for a reason we all have the same divine energy flowing through us and when we stop thinking of ourselves as separate from everyone else we begin to see and experience the love that we are here for in the first place in my opinion God doesn't want us to love God God wants us to learn to love each other that's what it means to be a holy being to not have enemies and to love each other that's truly what loving God is about number nine release everything that you have been told is impossible or unrealistic and allow yourself the freedom to make your own contract with God about what is possible for you examine all of the doubts that you have about miracles and miracle workers and replace the dealt with openness be open and release everything that you hate [Music] number ten keep in mind that grievances bring turmoil while communication brings peace if you are angry at someone in your life work at communicating with that person about your aggrieved feelings no matter how difficult it may be one of the things that really destroys relationships is the unwillingness to talk or be open about the things that are difficult for us to talk about so even if it's something that you feel inside you can't do just push aside that impossibility and say to yourself I'm gonna talk to my spouse or my lover or my daughter or my mother about these things and the talking is a way of releasing the energy that is built up that creates all of the turmoil that we live with that destroys relationships number 11 lighten your material load starting today as you do so less energy is spent hoarding and ensuring and moving and polishing and so on the less attracted you are to your possessions and the more you are able to share them with others unconditionally the more peaceful your life will be see how many things you can give away that you no longer use and don't ask anything forward and return and don't tell anybody else that you did it just give not to get but just for the beautiful soulful notion of unburdening your soul with all of that material stuff that you no longer need number twelve work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others by being unauthentic say to yourself I am what I am and it is okay as long as I am not hurting anyone else in the process you have a right to be who you are and the only morality that you have to be concerned with is whether somebody else is being hurt with you being who you are you don't have to apologize for anything or anyone you don't have to apologize to anyone for anything that you are it's a wonderful affirmation I am what I am the black Asha fall I am what I am say it over and over again today number thirteen remember that what you think about expands since you have the power to make your inner world work for you or against you use it to create the images of bliss that you want to occur in your material world eventually that inner bliss will be the blueprint that you consult as the architect of your everyday life your thoughts create your reality once you know this you'll start being very careful about what you think about number fourteen let go of the concept that more is better this idea keeps us exclusively in the physical domain you can replace the more is better belief with an inner serenity that does not need more to be acceptable let me ask you this rhetorical question as you consider this transforming thought where is the peace and more is better and of course you know the answer there is no peace and more is better and if it doesn't bring peace to your life then it's something that you want to discard [Music] number 15 try to get back to nature today in some way give yourself time in the woods trekking in the mountains walking in open meadows or walking barefoot on the beach when you take the time to drink in the beauty of the natural world you will release your belief that things and accumulations are needed for you to feel complete there's a wonderful saying I used to tell all of my clients the wilderness is therapy even if you live in a city you can just walk barefoot along the grass at a park someplace you'll find yourself feeling more blissful number 16 today shed your fault-finding tendencies know that you are the creator of your life and that a loving presence is always with you your ability to be self-reliant will overtake your habit of assigning blame another way of saying this is that your life is the product of all of the choices that you have made up until now and no one else is to blame for anything that is going on in your life circumstances don't make a man they reveal him as Eames Allen said number 17 adhere to the most important guideline ever passed on to us from the spiritual world love thy neighbor as thyself make this a daily affirmation in your life beginning today I will love my neighbor as I love myself number 18 [Music] make an attempt to think globally rather than locally people who look different who speak a different language who have different beliefs are all a part of us we are all now here together in the eyes of the loving presence there are no favorites [Music] number 19 relax about the future they'll let it go instead make an active commitment to enjoy this day a little bit more it is very difficult to accomplish anything when you're stressed out over the outcome when you relax and get peaceful you become inspired and efficient and inspire comes from in spirit when you are in spirit you are inspired and the future isn't something you need to be worried about you are totally consumed with now which is all there is all there ever has been and all there ever will be now number 20 [Music] learn to allow others to work out their difficulties without feeling that you are the only one who can fix things your ego is pushing you to intervene while your higher self wants you to experience peace and harmony choose the latter allow your higher self to rule let other people work out some of the things and don't have to be right all the time [Music] number 21 put this affirmation in as many places as possible write it down in my world nothing ever goes wrong look at it each day and let it remind you that everything that is happening to you is in divine order and comes with a lesson if you can live your life in the spiritual world as a spiritual being having a human experience you become the witness to your life and as your witness says you say nothing is going wrong these aren't problems that I have to be absorbed with these aren't things that I have to be neurotic over I am the witness I am gonna watch them I'm gonna learn from them and understand that they're all in order even the ones that I don't understand and the ones that I don't like in my world as nisargadatta maharaj said in I am that nothing ever goes wrong meaning when you live in the spiritual world you are the observer and you are not all of the boundaries and all of the forms and all of the things that we call problems number 22 be conscious of your thoughts of the makeup of your internal dialogue know that any thoughts you repeat that are contrary to your divine eternal essence are keeping you from experiencing the joyous and complete life you deserve [Music] number 23 make an attempt to tame your ego by catching yourself when you persistently use the pronoun I you can make the decision to take the focus off of yourself the more you cut back on eye the more personal freedom you will experience see how many times today you can start your sentences with you rather than I instead of making self references just inquire about the other person [Music] number 24 [Music] remember that you are not your country you are not your race you are not your religion you are an eternal spirit seeing yourself as a spiritual being without labels as a way to transform the world and reach a sacred place for all of humanity another way of saying that is that you are not what you notice but you are the noticer of what you notice [Music] number twenty-five if you are engaging an addictive behavior of any kind the most effective way to rid yourself of the addiction is to go directly to your higher self and turn this problem over to God that's right just turn it over surrender knowing that the highest force in the universe is within you simply say God I am turning this addiction over to you I've tried everything else now I'm trying you and allow the higher part of yourself and allow God in to help remove those temptations of the senses that you think you can't live without number 26 practice releasing the emotions of fear and guilt and replace them with love forgiveness and kindness if you're feeling guilty about your past conduct remind yourself that you are inviting turmoil into your life release the guilt by forgiving yourself and vowing to avoid this kind of conduct in the future guilt is a waste of your mental energy everything that you've done is over it all had a lesson for you using up your present moments feeling bad about it there's only one more way to keep yourself from being fully and spiritually alive in the present send guilt out of your life beginning now it's just a thought away number 27 except this seeming contradiction the fact that your body will die and that you are also eternal surrender to this fact when someone dies and stop telling yourself that his or her death shouldn't have happened the way that it did you can surrender and you can grieve you do not die that which was never born never dies you are an eternal spirit formless you are transforming your life with this tape going beyond form means that you the real you the observer within is ageless and timeless but that which it is observing or noticing is bound by the need for things to begin and end number 28 make a daily effort to look upon others without condemnation every judgment takes you away from your goal of peace keep in mind that you do not define anyone with your judgments but only to find yourself as someone who needs to judge or as it says in the New Testament judge not judge not lest you to be judged number 29 give yourself the gift of a silent retreat every day even if it is just for a few moments go back to that key to higher awareness of shutting down that inner dialogue and know that this is your ticket to peace you can just simply close your eyes in any given moment and retreat to that inner divine place that Robert Frost if described in his poetry we all sit around in a ring and suppose while the secret sits in the center and knows there is a secret within you and you can only access it through silence give yourself a moment of silence it's the greatest tribute we can ever pay to anyone a moment of silence give yourself the same opportunity of one moment of silence number 30 when you have the choice to be right or to be kind always choose kind remember that you have that choice in all of your daily interactions and this one key is one key of being kind rather than right in any interaction that you have will do more for transforming your life than any course that you could ever take or any book that you could ever read or any tape that you could ever listen to be kind and give up your need to be right number 31 avoid exaggerating or changing facts for the purpose of impressing others today this quality may be cute in a child but in an adult it is a way of relying on the ego to keep illusions alive persisting in this practice will just keep you from knowing your higher self which needs no exaggeration to feel important in the eyes of others [Music] number 32 remember that your past must have taught you the wrong messages if these messages do not bring you peace and happiness today do not be afraid to let go of those beliefs if they do not promote a sense of peace for yourself being peaceful is what your higher self wants its what transforming your life is all about and any thought or any belief that you have that keeps you from peace in your life is when you want to discard no matter how long you've had it or how much you've cherished it or what the tradition is in your family or in your country if it doesn't bring you peace then you don't need it [Music] number 33 judge not if you see someone who is very different from you and physical appearance or an eighth or an economic status use your mind to send them love rather than a judgemental thought we have so many of those judgmental thoughts when we see someone who was older when we see someone who was younger when we see someone who has a different custom than we have when we see someone who wears different jewelry or has body decorations or something that we don't go along with when you see someone like that today whoever they may be whether it's someone who is begging on the street or whether it's someone who was wearing a certain kind of clothes or acting in a certain way as you're driving try not judging them and just seeing the unfolding of God in them try sending them love rather than judgment [Music] number 34 begin to change the vocabulary you use to describe yourself and your expectations instead of saying maybe if I'm lucky or perhaps and one never knows use words and phrases such as absolutely certainly and I know I can when you use these kinds of words that reflect an absence of doubt you're gonna begin to conduct your life in the very same way watch out for those things that sort of communicate to others and to yourself that you don't really have within you the capacity to manifest what you want for yourself in your life number 35 if there are someone in your life when you love tell him or tell her how you feel even if you're afraid to do so by taking action against your fear of intimacy you invite your higher self that is your loving presence to replace your egos non loving fear tactics just tell them I love you and if you feel the fear and do it anyway number 36 you cannot have a better past so abandon that idea right now you did what you knew how to do given the circumstances of your life instead of indulging in regrets let your thoughts remain unloved and let your actions stem from that love the past is over and you did what you knew how to do and you no longer are that person so don't fill yourself with blame and xed about what you might have done in the past learn from it and know that you are a new soul today learn from it and know that you are new human being today number 37 let go of all the beliefs that convinced you of your inadequacies and shortcomings clean out that closet of worn-out loyalties to what you can and cannot do just open yourself up right now in this moment just be number 38 spend a day silently reciting the word love whenever you encounter another human being this practice has such a positive effect that you may choose to use it as a silent background mantra throughout your day just repeat over and over inwardly love love love and just saying if you say it a hundred times you're going to begin to feel the expression emanating and radiating outward from yourself number 39 make an attempt to shift your career objectives from self-absorption to a calling use your talents and your special interest to fulfill your service with your calling your life work will take on a dramatic shift toward abundance then you're going to begin to feel that you are on purpose you have a calling you are here for a heroic mission think of everything that you do in this day as a part of that calling and you'll begin to rid yourself of some of the extraneous kinds of things and judgments that you have about your life [Music] number forty practice giving without receiving send anonymous contributions or gifts pay the toll of the car behind you put money into someone's parking meter feeling of peace and contentment will be a reward number 41 be still and know these four words will help you get past driving and help you get to know the Bliss of being here now when you allow yourself to be still you will understand the futility of constant striving or chasing after more keep those four words in mind today be still and know number 42 in the midst of a tumultuous meeting or a frantic encounter with your children get up and excuse yourself just for a moment give yourself five minutes to get centered and then ask God this question what is my purpose here and how may I serve you in the midst of all of this confusion a simple removing of yourself from the turmoil and talking with God just for a moment will give you an inspiration to get past all of the turmoil and tumultuous number 43 spend special moments in awe of the miracle that life truly is ah if the loving appreciation for God's work in the presence of the Divine intelligence being aw number 44 curb your need to be right if you truly want to work on this area of restraining your ego then simply respond to what someone has just said without offering an argument or even a piece of advice that you practice this technique your ego will fade and your relationships will improve number 45 notice the acts of kindness that other people do rather than their wrongdoing we're all good decent and loving Souls but we occasionally get lost when you can focus on the good in another and hold that in your mind you're acting from your higher self and this is called transforming your life number 46 keep a journal in it describe what offends you about other people if you can be objective you will find that what offends you is really a judgment about how others ought to be behaving these judgments are that false idea of yourself that is convincing you that the world ought to be as you are rather than as it really is [Music] [Music] number forty-seven give more of yourself and ask less and returned when serving others becomes a priority you will start asking the universe on a daily basis how may I serve it's a wonderful mantra how may I serve number 48 if your first inclination is to have a judgemental thought about the physical appearances of someone else notice what you are doing and redirect your thought to consider the fullness of God within that person number 49 entertain the thought that you remove habits from your life by coaxing them down stairs one step at a time try to catch individual toxic thoughts in the moment they are occurring one moment at a time one day at a time and you will be able to achieve the transition from toxicity to purity in your life number fifty develop the sense that anything that is destructive to one human being is destructive to all know that the essence of life force that flows through you flows to everyone that awareness will give you a loving energy that will help to bring all of us together number 51 get a clear picture in your mind of something that you would like to see happen in your life a job or an opportunity or a new love or quitting an addictive behavior or whatever and keep your inner focus on this picture and don't allow anyone else to smear it and extend love outwardly with this picture in mind the results will be worth your effort you will manifest what you picture in your mind or as it says in Proverbs as you think so shall you be number 52 be aware of your thoughts and remind yourself that the simple act of thinking is evidence that there is an invisible energy that flows through you at all times every thought that you have even though you can't see it and can't get ahold of it and has no boundaries and no form it's still there it's still real it's still divine and that's who you are even though it's in another dimension other than your form and when you practice living there you are transforming that is going beyond the form the form that is your body the form that is your physical world number 53 have conversations with God in private and important moments during these conversations instead of asking for special favors affirm your willingness to use all of your inner strength to create solutions [Music] number fifty-four develop your inner faith the kind of faith I'm describing here does not need a religious service or a holy book it comes from having the direct inner experience of God as a part of your higher self [Music] number 55 let go of any repetitious inner dialogue about the horrors and tragedies of the world know that everything that happens is perfect even the parts that you dislike all of your opinions about how things should take place are nothing more than opinions that you have of how God should be orchestrating this clay there is wow in the world there are problems in the world William Blake said it so beautifully as you think about this affirmation for today in his poem he said man was made for joy and wool and when this we rightly know through the world we safely go joy and woe are woven find a clothing for the soul double-under keep that in mind and get rid of all these ideas that all of the walls shouldn't be happening it's all in order and it's all to teach us some grand and heroic lesson number 56 consider the possibility of totally eradicating your personal history from your consciousness and simply living completely in the present moment you will find a new freedom that you realize that you aren't relying on the way things used to be to define your life today get rid of all of the labels that you placed on yourself about all of the things that you are and just erase your past and try to go out into this day with no past at all just know number 57 slow yourself down with moments of contemplative silence that is do nothing in these moments appreciate your body and all of your physical universe notice the inner waves of pleasure that you experience as you go to silence number 58 know that you are a soul with the body rather than a body with a soul remember that your soul cannot be measured or observed with the tools that we use to view the material world that's a different world in there that invisible divine world that's the world you want to connect to to transform your life you are a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul [Music] number 59 release the idea that a failed relationship makes you a failure there are no failed relationships every person who enters and exits your life does so in a mutual sharing of life's divine lessons all of us have people who come into our life for a short time and some have longer roles to play there's no failure in there it's all in divine order we have do we have in our life in order to help us to create the world that we showed up here to fulfill our heroic mission number 60 know that you are an eternal and purposeful being be secure and serene with no need for compliments or reassurances that you are in one way or another more special or distinct from others we are all children of God no favorites no outcasts all one this is a Yuna verse Yuna one verse song for all one we don't need to think of ourselves as special because the moment we do we make someone else not special and all of us if we're all special we don't need a word like special to define us special is the work of the ego you don't need your ego here you're working at your higher self which says you are a creation an extension of God [Music] number 61 make love the focus of your life when this is the case you will have no expectations about how others should respond to your acts of love your higher self invites you to serve and give without any anticipation of reward number 62 in the words of Thoreau simplify simplify simplify your life as you do so you will discover that many items that you previously chased after including money will ironically begin to show up in your life without your pursuing them this is one of the great ironies of life less is more and more is less number sixty-three take full responsibility for all of the events in your life when you blame something outside of yourself for the circumstances you're experiencing you give control of your life to that outer phenomenon when you release blame and go within you will always find what you need number 64 trust your intuition quietly affirm that you will define your own reality from now on and that your definition will be based on your own inner wisdom I always think of your intuition like this if prayer is you talking to God then your intuition is God talking to you trust it and you won't go number 65 it's not paying so much attention to the superficial pursuits of your life learn to tune within and no higher levels of awareness you need to become acquainted with this part of yourself and believe in the energy of the loving presence that is always a part of you number 66 release the false idea that you need to prove to anyone that you have acquired the necessary credentials to be considered a success success is not measured by externals it comes from within success is an inside job you don't have to have it validated by anything or anyone outside of yourself [Music] number 67 remind yourself that every negative thought that you have about another is something you're thinking about yourself replace these negative thoughts with positive ones and your self-esteem and your self-worth will grow accordingly number 68 be aware of the fact that everyone who comes into your life in any capacity is valuable the petty tyrants are just as divine as those who provide you with encouragement and support those whom we judged to be unfortunate or evil can teach us our greatest lessons petty tyrants may appear to us as petty and tyrannical but they may be divine masters just disguised as petty tyrants to teach you something that you didn't know you had to learn number 69 know that you don't really have to do your best at everything you do your best leaves no room for improvement you are better off to simply do and enjoy and be willing to learn rather than putting this standard of having to do your best and everything that you do today or any day just do [Music] number 70 try on the concept that beliefs restrict you while knowings empower you a belief is merely a mental note attached to your lapel by your mommy and knowing is etched into cells of your being and therefore lives within you with an absence of doubt everything that you believed was handed to you by someone outside of you and therefore it has melt attached to it everything that you know comes from within so think a belief says something that restrict you while knowing has empower you number 71 release your fear of disapproval you do not need it you are a divine creation of God when you know that you are on a spiritual mission you become independent of the good opinion of others get on with your purpose number 72 appreciate the beauty around you a soaring bird a budding tree a mother and her nursing infant an elderly couple holding hands allow love to circulate from you to them and feel it being returned the more you practice receiving love from your surroundings the more energised you will become number 73 if you doubt your ability to know God then know that if you are alive you have the life force of God within you it's as simple as that your aliveness confirms the existence of the highest awareness within you God is within you God is alive God is the divine energy that flows through all things and creates all [Music] number 74 drop the notion that you are what you do remember this exercise in logic if you are what you do then when you don't you aren't number 75 when you find yourself troubled by anything say out loud I am more than what bothers me just this simple statement affirming yourself as something more than a receptacle for troubles will keep you from allowing these troubles to run rampant in your daily life I am more than what bothers me I am more than what troubles me I am the noticer of all of those things not that which I am noticing number 76 remember that you are here on earth for one purpose to love and to be loved when you concentrate on this thought everything in life seems to flow more easily number 77 practice listening to others today while keeping the focus off of yourself during conversations concentrate on what the other person is saying and what they have feeling then respond with a sentence that begins with you instead of I you seem to be having a tough day today rather than I want to tell you about myself number 78 remind yourself every day that the highest worship of God is service to mankind and that it is through those acts that your spiritual quest will be realized you do not need to convince others that you are divine do it indeed your inner awakening of joy and bliss will be reward enough number 79 try not to compare yourself to others as a measure of your performance or feelings of success if you do you will have brought into the erroneous idea that God plays favorites and that you will in some way be better when you are ahead of someone else there are no favorites there are no betters we are all one we are all equal in the eyes of God so comparing yourself to others is an exercise in futility and a belief somehow that God doesn't really know what she is doing number 80 examine everything that offends you and see if you can get your ego out of the picture when you are offended you are actually thinking this is awful how could God allow it release your ego and act upon that which you are for that there will be no need to fight everything that you are for empowers you but everything that you're against weakens you whenever you have to fight something you're weaker for the effort [Music] number 81 resists the need to be boastful about yourself strive to be interested rather than interesting become the listener the one who cares about the accomplishments and activities of others and you will not need to distort your personal storyline at all [Music] number 82 practice generosity people who give willingly of their possessions and their money are not doing it because they have it to give they are coming from a special heart space that is attracted to serving and sharing we can all give something in the service of others and in the service of our higher selves as well [Music] number 83 know that love is the least threatening experience there is love asks nothing and demands nothing it calls for giving sharing and vulnerability with God as your inner guide communicating infinite love number 84 avoid dictating to those who are smaller younger or less educated we are all at different stages on the spiritual path but none of us is better than anyone else which is different [Music] number 85 allow your higher-self to guide you when you have problems create a sentence that you repeat silently such as please decide this for me I leave it in your hands this may seem like a cop-out but I have found this technique helpful in many problem areas of my life turning to God is like turning to the higher part of yourself and asking for the guidance to make the right decision in this moment [Music] number 86 remind yourself that God created you in perfect love that has changed listen eternal your body is changing as is your mind so you are not that body or that mind you were created as a spirit that is pure love that is where you want to keep your attention focused on the spirit that is pure love [Music] number 86 remind yourself that God created you in perfect love that has changed less and eternal your body is changing as is your mind so you are not that body or that mind you were created as a spirit that is pure love that is where you want to keep your attention focused on the spirit that is pure love [Music] number 87 free yourself from addictions that is addictions to substances such as alcohol drugs sugar caffeine or more abstract concepts such as approval and danger and in sexual conquest all of this is just your ego at work when you know that you have the presence of God within you you will no longer be addicted to externals number eighty-eight begin keeping track of the judgmental thoughts that you allow on your thoughts each and every day increasing your awareness of this judging habit will help you consult your loving presence as these judgmental Attitudes begin to surface number 89 rather than continually making an issue of things with your immediate family and friends try letting go of your ego investment in favor or more peaceful point of view you only need a few seconds to pause and know how much better piece feels allow them to be who they are and let go of your need to be offended by all that they are or are not that's just your ego at work unconditional love means just that you love them without any conditions number ninety instead of cursing the past blessing and forgive yourself entirely when you know that all of those experiences were a part of the divine design of your life you can afford to forgive number 91 try not to judge God know that hurricanes tornadoes crime and poverty are as much a part of the divine plan as our sunny days calm seas and compassion and prosperity your desire to improve conditions is also a part of the plan so concentrate on that that is unimproved distasteful rather than why certain conditions seem to be wrong which is just your ego at work telling yourself that it knows what should and shouldn't be it's all in divine order including your right to fix it number 92 develop the ability to witness your thoughts by stepping back and watching them enter and exit your mind just observing the flow of thoughts will slow the mind down to the still point where you can experience God become the witness cultivate the observer within you rather than on all that is being observed number 93 when you feel an inclination to blame someone else for your circumstances take an instant to say a prayer of thanks for the lesson the lesson is to become aware that you are the one experiencing the feeling number 94 remember that whatever you want to know or accomplished in your life is possible if you are truly ready to trust in your divine powers to manifest it you will find that the appropriate teachers will appear for you and that you will be guided in the right direction [Music] number 95 remember that love is the best antidote to fear and doubt therefore when you experience a moment of fear or doubt give yourself a portion of mental love and remind yourself that you are a holy creation number 96 know that objects cannot give you freedom they only demand more companions and further enslave you the idea of purchasing freedom in any way is a false idea and this false idea tells you to expect freedom when you achieve a certain level of financial accumulation these are what we call counterfeit freedoms authentic freedom is the freedom that comes from within from going to the higher self and allowing that to be the ruling force in your life number 97 free yourself of prejudice prejudice thinking comes from treating your mind like a rental space for the thoughts and beliefs of others the antidote for toxic prejudging thoughts is to suspend your ego and listen to your higher self you will begin knowing that no one on this planet is superior or special in the eyes of God just as Nolan is non-special number 98 be aware that nothing will bring about an inner feeling of turmoil faster than allowing yourself to be seduced into fighting or arguing you always have a choice to argue or not to argue to confront or not to confront choose the path which leads to peace [Music] number 99 look into a mirror and say out loud I love you I value you I know that there is much more to you than what I see staring back at me you will find yourself going beyond the physical you and remove many of your intrusive thoughts about defending yourself and attempting to prove your worth you are not that face looking back in you in the mirror you are that which is observing the face and that doesn't show up in any mirror on any physical measuring device that we have on this planet [Music] number 100 demonstrate tolerance and love by ignoring what may have transpired in the past avoid the inclination to make someone else wrong by pointing out the fallacies of their point of view with examples from their past let go of the desire to win and cultivate the desire to communicate number 101 knowing that you are not your name your occupation or your social security number you are eternally light and divine regardless of what you have done or have failed to do regardless of what family who've lived in what you may have been labeled in the god intelligence you are holy and you have a purpose for being here stay with that purpose know that there are no accidents and the energy that moves the planet that moves every thought across your mind is the same energy that moves the star across the sky you are a divine being [Music] this concludes 101 ways that you can take a look at transforming your life each and every day of your life 101 thoughts that you can use and when you begin to practice these on a daily basis without telling anyone else about it without having to write them down without taking a test when you just know that each day you are working on transforming going beyond form you will understand the magic of knowing that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience but indeed that it's the other way around you are a spiritual being having a human experience and these 101 techniques are just ways to help you to make that human experience more blissful god bless you [Music]