hey everybody how's it going my name is eric and i hope you're having a great week in today's video we're going to mix it up a little bit uh a change of pace if you will we tend to get lots of emails that talk about the dangers of eating pork often we'll get a video link that shows someone pouring soda on a pork chop and out come the worms and the parasites and all this other crazy stuff a lot like this right here so what we're looking at is a pork chop that had some soda poured on it and wow that's a that's a big worm so obviously a video intended to incite an emotional response and before i did anything harsh like convert my entire channel over to vegan sausages i thought we would do this experiment ourselves so that's exactly what we're going to do in today's video okay so before we begin this experiment where we pour pop on pork to see whether or not worms come out of it and parasites and all that stuff i do want to say that i'm completely aware of a microscopic parasite that's found in some pork not all pork but some pork and wild game this particular parasite is called trichinellia and if you eat undercooked or raw pork or wild game you could end up with something called trichinosis which is definitely not good so if you work with pork wild game if you make sausages or if you make cured meats you definitely want to stick around to the end of this video because i'm going to share with you three things that you could do at home to render the trichonelia parasite completely inactive or destroy it altogether let's see how this experiment turns out okay here's what we're going to do we're going to run to our butcher shop i got some fresh pork in today i had them cut me a couple chops and we're going to pick that up as well some other products and then we're we're gonna go to a couple grocery stores and pick up some pork that's not so fresh a couple different uh stores just so that it's not coming from the same pig and then we are gonna run some experiments and see exactly what happens when we put pop on pork and just get to the bottom of this [Music] [Music] [Music] hola college [Music] all right we're back in the kitchen we've got pork from all kinds of different places we've got the uh shopping club you know the wholesale club pork we've got some from our butcher and a couple different grocery stores and some of these pieces look a little suspect i wouldn't be surprised if uh you know maggots and worms started pouring out of this when we pour this coca-cola directly on top so the goal here is to use the same kind of pork you know we have the pork chop but at different levels of freshness some of the stores were more sanitary than others and so we'll see what happens at this point i'm just opening up the packages that we got from the store i haven't tampered with any of these chops they're literally coming out of the package into the tray and that's the funny thing about youtube especially things like this is that maybe there's some behind-the-scenes stuff going on or maybe not maybe we're about to get shocked with some pretty disgusting parasite events so we shall see all four of these chops come from different pigs so we're gonna get a better you know more well-rounded experiment the last two chops are from our local grocery store and there is definitely a difference of freshness between these four chuletas these pork chops some smell fresher than others this one from our butcher great looking center cut pork chop such a shame we won't be able to eat that all right let's just go ahead and get everything organized because the only thing that's left to do is to take our soda and pour it directly over the top of those pork chops and that's it pretty simple demonstration from the videos that have been sent to me either coke or pepsi was poured on the pork and uh they all produce the same results whoa how you going i guess i should quit shaking the bottle um so yeah the only issue uh amongst the videos was the amount of time that you left the pop on there some said minimum one hour some said minimum three hours so here's what we're gonna do for today's experiment we're gonna do a six hour time lapse condensed down to about 45 seconds and then we're going to come back again at 24 hours just so that we can cover the entire time basis and one last little thing i'm going to do is take a turkey baster through this entire process and continually baste those pork chops with soda just to make sure that there's you know pop on top of them at all times so let's begin the six hours in three two one here we go [Music] [Music] um okay so after six hours of sitting inside coke basting the pork chops with the coke absolutely nothing happened and i know there's going to be some of you out there that said you know we didn't let it sit long enough you know some videos say one hour some videos say three hours we did it for six hours but i'm going to show you what it looked like at 24 hours just so that we could put all that to rest and here we go this is what it looks like at 24 hours all right so so this is what it looks like at 24 hours nothing has changed no worms no critters no moving pieces have surfaced uh in the pork chops himself and so i would consider the videos that are being sent to me and the ones that are circulating on the internet that demonstrate this to be hoaxes the folks that are making these videos are frauds and i know there are people out there that so desperately want to believe that worms come out of pork when you pour a pop on it but it's fake so now you know and if you don't believe me do this experiment yourself the only sad thing is that you'll waste whatever pork you pour the coke on so there's that okay now let's talk about something that's real and it's about a microscopic round worm a nematode called trichonalia it's found in some pork not all pork right remember it's found in some pork and if you eat undercooked or raw pork you could get trichinosis which is bad you can get muscle aches and fever and all kinds of really crazy stuff like that all right so if you work with pork at home it's important for you to know that you can buy trichonelia free pork now that may be a little harder to do depending on what area of the country you live or what area of the world you live so i'm going to share with you three things you could do at home actually there's there's five things but only three you could do at home that will either destroy the trickiness parasite or render it completely inactive and it doesn't matter whether you get your port from the supermarket or from your butcher you can apply these three techniques to your pork the three things you could do at home involve heating cooling and curing now there's a fourth and fifth thing that involve pressure and irradiation which we're not going to cover but let's talk about heating heating involves temperature and time and this deals with sausages you know pork chops bacon pulled pork basically anything you cook roast things like that you want to make sure that you heat your pork to the appropriate amount of temperature and you keep it there for the right amount of time for instance if you cook your pork to 844 degrees fahrenheit it needs to stay at 144 degrees fahrenheit for one minute and all the trichinellia parasite will be killed if you cook your pork to 155 it kills it instantly so making sure that you cook your pork to the right temperature for the right amount of time is absolutely critical the second technique involves cooling or in this case freezing if you freeze your pork at zero degrees fahrenheit for five days it renders the trichinalia parasite completely inactive you don't have to worry about it afterwards if you freeze your pork for let's say five degrees fahrenheit so a little bit warmer you have to keep it in the freezer a lot longer three weeks in this case so both heating and cooling involve temperature and time and you just want to make sure that you get that balance right i'm gonna put a link in the description box below that have the charts for heating and cooling and that way you can check it out for yourself and the third way involves curing which is really more catered to those of you who are into charcuterie and you got to start off with the right amount of salt so i recommend minimum 2 salt if you follow any of my recipes on my website we go with two and a half percent salt but minimum two percent salt in your dry cured products and but salt alone won't kill the trichonalia parasite but when you couple that with the low ph environment the acidic environment of a salami and the acidity happens when you ferment a salami that trichinellia parasite will not survive so what about whole mussels you know whole mussels don't require fermentation how can you destroy the trichenalia parasite in whole mussels well you've got to start off with the right amount of salt and that generally starts in your fridge when you cure your whole muscle if you start off with the right amount of salt and i'm talking minimum two percent once again if you follow my recipes on my website i usually go about two and a half percent you can go as high as three percent three and a half percent it's going to be a little salty but you get the idea start off with the right amount of salt and then begin the drying process and it's that drying process the the reduction of water activity that's going to destroy the trichinelli parasite because it won't be able to survive in such a low moisture environment now depending on the size of your muscle you want to dry for at least a month but longer is better you're targeting 30 to 40 percent moisture loss everything should be fine which is perfect for whole muscles anyway and there you go those are three ways that you can do at home to either destroy or render the trichonalia parasite inactive and i'm glad we could talk about it today more specifically i'm glad we could debunk this hoax of a video and if you get a video like that before you share it run the test yourself so you can see with your own eyes thanks for watching this video if you're new we'd like to say welcome be sure to hit that notification bell we post videos each week and if you got anything out of this one or if you found it remotely entertaining a thumbs up would be great i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below we'll see you in the next one bye-bye [Music] you