Transcript for:
Creating a Financial Report using Naba Plan

today I'm going to show you how to create this report using naba plan starting with a forecaster assessment then promoted up to a level 2 plan in just a couple of minutes we're going to be starting with a massive fluent client today they're in their mid 50s and the main question they have for you is can I retire by age 65 so what we're going to be looking at today is the retirement module of the forecaster assessment and I'll show you how you can very quickly make a financial plan and produce that report so we'll start off by very quickly entering in some basic data about these clients they currently have residents that they're paying down a mortgage on and these can be ballpark figures as we're starting out our plan the important part here is that we are actually creating a skeleton for your level to plan with very minimal data input so here we're entering in our incomes in our expenses as your clients have either filled out on a form or are going through verbally with you in a client meeting we'll add in some of our clients investments our clients are both invested in qualified accounts Chris the 401k through his work and Karen an IRA so she's contributing about 300 per month they also both are investing into a brokerage account about $500 per month here as well from the assessment level we're going to put some baseline assumptions around the return right here but once we get to level 2 completely optional if you want you can allocate those assets and achieve a rate of returns through Morningstar now this page is entirely optional I like to sometimes go to this page and add additional information if my clients tell me that there's something unique about their situation but here I like to use the defaults we're looking to retire at 65 we'll pass at 90 we're both eligible for Social Security and we're looking to make 70% of what we're making today so at this point I'm ready to take this to a level to plan where I can really take advantage of all of the features that will allow you to create the report that I showed you initially so as you can see that really didn't take me a long time through the data input and that's already created a base plan for me so all I have to do at this point is take my plan through the promotion process I'm going to go straight to level 2 so that I can get all of the bells and whistles which I can of course ignore if they don't apply to my client at this point I'm going to streamline my data entry even further and just leave retirement selected now as we can see everything that I entered from that forecaster assessment has flowed through for me I have the basic plan in place if I wanted to I could go straight to analyze goals and begin coming up with some solutions for these clients but perhaps I'd like to add one or two small details to keep this plan as accurate as possible perhaps my clients told me about the property taxes that they're paying on their home I'd like to link my mortgage to my residents so that my software knows to pay it off as soon as I sell and then as I mentioned maybe I'd like to come over here and show that this is actually an IRA and if I wanted to I could allocate these accounts using Morningstar heading on over to cash flow if I wanted to show that Karen's income is actually self-employment I can easily do that here and then the program will know the tax that appropriately I'd also like to include a pension for my client next I'll head over to the retirement page and perhaps they told me that along with that 70 percent of current income they'd also like to see about 10 grand per year for their travel but they're not going to be traveling through the whole retirement period so let's say that they're only going to be doing that for about 15 years into retirement and that's not considered a fixed expense because they can definitely live without it make sure to check your goal funding and that all of your accounts are properly allocated towards retirement and you'll be ready to go and start analyzing your goal so as we can see here we've got our current and recommended plan recommended as an exact copy my client set 65 percent of their goal so with just a couple minutes of data entry I was able to show them and answer that question will I be able to retire around time on the amount of money that I designated and the answer is no so as their advisor I can come in here and start making a couple of changes maybe I'll recommend to them they're going to need to work a couple more years to get to your goal you'll probably want to decrease the amount that you're looking to spend perhaps we'd like to delay Social Security to take the maximum benefit and once I've gotten to this point I like to go to what are my options and see what is something that could fill up that cylinder to the one hundred percent so at this case I could look into saving a lump sum save a monthly amount or push off retirement to 70 so as this is a sample case I can show you right here that our clients aren't able to afford the additional savings but for the sake of argument we've gotten them up to one hundred percent success all in a short couple of minutes once I have produced that I'm able to bring up this report which will show currently here's where you're sitting in this case we weren't able to make it to our retirement goal but I was able to solve your problems in just a couple of minutes you