for over 2 million years the human race has dominated the food chain and ruled the planet however on June 8th 2020 a new Predator emerged a creature so frightening that they could cross a town in seconds survive a nuclear blast and send the world into total silence so put your headphones in because today we're explaining some of the most terrifying monsters ever to be put to the Silver Screen the death Angels because the director for day one has dropped some new juicy law revealing the truth behind the multiple different kinds of death angels and their real world counterparts helping us understand exactly how they work however before invading Earth these deadly predators lived on their own Planet it was a lightless world where according to the creator of a quiet place John cinsky it was a living hell it had no star sending the planet into Eternal Darkness forcing its inhabitants the death angels to evolve and utilize echolocation as a survival mechanism making the Need For Eyes totally redundant but that wasn't all because their planet's gravity was much more than Earth's they evolved totally indestructible layers of armor all over their body making it as you'll soon see the most durable material to ever exist the reason for this can be found according to an experiment performed by the Imperial College of London while they simulated gravitational forces getting stronger the viscosity of cell membranes would increase making the skin thicker or harder to pierce thus it's no surprised that the likes of bullets are totally useless it's how they survived an event which should have otherwise made the Angels extinct as one day their Planet violently exploded this sent fragments of the planet to be sent flying across the Galaxy before finally making contact with Earth's atmosphere and crash landing which we see happen in day one and in part two the known impact locations were New York Boston Shanghai Mexico New Delhi Singapore bugata Moscow and London however it really puts into perspective just how durable these creatures are when he considered that they survived with the coldness of space for what could have been an incomprehensible amount of time a human would normally freeze up after about 18 or so hours in the vacuum of space however because the Angels originate from a lightless world with no star we know that it's considerably far away from Earth we also know that one of the larger fragments of their world which hit Mexico was with the force of an atomic bomb AKA 17 kilotons of TNT reaching temperature of over several million degrees which they survived this explains how when Evelyn set one on fire it didn't even notice or feel a thing the fact that they seemingly don't breathe or rely on an oxygen supply to survive either means that they could survive theoretically on any planet of any climate therefore other planets which were unlucky enough to have been colonized by unwelcome Death Angel meteors would have also become a suitable home for them well unless it was 100% water that is as that's the Angel's biggest natural weakness due to the density of their bodies causing them to drown within a matter of seconds as seen during a quiet place day one and part two knowing this you'd think the Angels got unlucky landing on Earth considering 71% of the planet is water well it instead solidified their position as the most deadly predator the planet had ever seen granting the death Angels new abilities as I said they were used to much harsher gravity thus landing on Earth meant they were like rock Le dropping the weights due to how light they now felt they were essentially given super speed by their species usual standards this newfound Freedom allows them to move at speeds of over 300 mph this already makes the death Angels the fastest beings on the planet overtaking the paragan Falcon for reference the entirety of milbrook itself where the first movie takes place is only about 14 square miles meaning the death angels can cross the whole town in about 4 seconds even New York City which not including in the water is around 304 Square mil meaning the death angels can clear it in anywhere from an hour to 30 minutes even if you were in the fastest car on the planet the kog zesco absolute you'd only just outspeed them at 330 mph however the most frightening aspect of the death Angels isn't their durability or speed but rather how ferocious they are John Kinski when creating the death angels and story for a quiet place spoke about how he wanted to do something different with aliens he didn't want it to just be another hostile takeover of Earth by extraterrestrials where they strip of the world for resources yada yada yada rather he wanted to be a story of an invasive species which can't be stopped and the impact it would have on the ecosystem the results of which are causing Havoc across the Earth in a matter of hours whittling down the human population to a minuscule number compared to what it once was even the US military admitted defeat claiming that there was nothing else they could do to protect the human race and this is thanks to their deadly claws which can instantly kill a human as well as effortlessly claw open a train Carriage we've seen how they can easily throw a human off their feet and even toss an entire police car which on average can weigh upwards of 450 kg and that's without them even trying meaning they are easily stronger than even the strongest humans to ever live this makes sense when you realize that they are taller than humans standing at around 8 ft with what fans have dubbed the queen dwarfing that in comparison at around 12 ft plus but don't you worry because I'm going to explain exactly what this queen really is in just a moment because once the Angels predominantly walk on all fours they can also stand upright using their incredibly long for liims to tear prey apart or even scale buildings with complete ease like a spider yeah as if they weren't scary enough now despite having no eyes or apparent nose hearing isn't the only sense that they rely on as we see in a Qui Place day one that the fragmented armor on their skulls can also be used as feelers to check things out in front of them via poking the instance we see in the movie is one using these to touch and feel a dead body to see if it's dead or alive however when realizing it's dead it simply leaves it alone now the fragments on their skull however does expose their second big weakness and the only other known way to kill a death angel because as John krinski himself said the death angels are evolutionarily perfect machines which are only vulnerable when their flesh is exposed the VFX supervisor for acquir Place Scott Farrar explained that when the creatures lift the fragments of this armor from their head the flaps function like little radar dishes picking up the sound just a beat before they hear them this allows the creature to sense exactly where the sound is coming from by triangulating the sound waves with its different flaps however when a super high frequency is played like Ran's hearing aid feedback it can overload their senses leaving their flesh skull entirely exposed and available for a quick kill be it with a bullet or sharp weapon the hidden abilities you may not have known about regarding the death Angels however do not stop here as all these creatures interact with the elect magnetic Spectrum causing lights to Flicker and triggering large scale power outages something else we see in day one and to a lesser extent in part one and two with TVs and lights now in an attempt to make the Angels even scarier the VFX team added terrifyingly large teeth taking inspiration from the Venom symbiote now you'd think considering they have a jaw full of razor sharp 7in ins sizes they would be used to violently tear apart their prey and be used for eating dinner however Lee Abott cites that the creatures never actually eat what they kill or at least not in the conventional way you'd expect from a carnivorous alien monster as the death Angels actually leave that job to another species from their home World which they bought with them that's right the death Angels aren't the only surviving aspects of their ecosystem as some form of fungus plant also began to spread around one of the meteor crash sites which this queen cultivated so that the others could eat this plang SE is grown from the humans the death Angel's hunt as revealed by day one's director Michael sonoski who said I like the idea that the creatures are kind of like leaf cutter ants that are sort of farming using the organic material of people to grow what is their food source which is these kind of weird melony egg mushroom things that they sort to feed the little ones with he also added that the scene is hinting at the fact that these are farmers and that they have a little bit of a family Dynamic to them this is huge for how the death Angels function and work as it shows a form of intelligence which people otherwise assume they didn't have making them very similar to another famous alien inspired by ant colonies the xenomorph this is because the death Angels do in fact communicate with one another which likely explains why they don't just instinctively attack one of their own kind because they make a sound they're smarter than that they can differentiate you see the sound engineer for acquire Place Ethan vanderin explained how at one point we had much more of that concept on the track a lot of that offscreen communication stuff we took out of the movie but I think we definitely thought of of them as highly intelligent and communicative at least with each other that being said a quiet place day one finally showed us this communication on screen in the form of the soall queen this version of the Angels was much larger and much stockier easily standing above the piece of scaffolding Eric and Frodo was hiding on making the Beast look at a minimum 11 to 12 ft tall her role is to be the lead amongst the colony it's her responsibility to care for the other death Angels by growing the food for them now the fact that the director for day one named leaf cutter ants specifically is in incredibly interesting is it helps us fill in the gaps more regarding how this species lives dayto day because believe it or not leaf cutter ants and fungi go way back in the real world as a perfect example of co-evolution as 50 to 60 million years ago just after the age of the dinosaurs two species formed a bond that would never be broken again leaf curant and fungus they evolved to live in harmony where one would die without the other the way they do this is by the ants going out to cut up leaves chew them up into small pellets which fungi relies on to grow and then the ants eat the fungus once it's ready sound familiar well by studying this Bond we can learn exactly how the death Angels survive what they do with the humans they kill and all the other Secrets the acquired Place story is yet to reveal including each different variant of the angels as within the hierarchy of the leaf cutter ants there are four different kinds minims Miners medier and majors minims are the smallest and tend to the fungus Gardens this sounds very similar to the large Death Angel we see in day one as it never left the farm and tended to the fungus it was growing however in the case for acir place these minims aren't quite so many and are instead the largest known size of death Angels miners are slightly larger than Minima Leaf Cutters and are present in large numbers in and around faring columns these ants are the first line of defense and continuously Patrol the surrounding terrain and vigorously attack any enemies that threaten the foraging lines thus it doesn't take a genius to realize that these are of course the leaf cutter alter alterative to the death Angels we're used to seeing but moving on to the media they are the generalized foragers who C up leaves and bring the leaf fragments back to the nest unless part three suggests otherwise we can also deduce that this job is shared with the usual death angels we see and then lastly the Mages the largest work ants who acts as soldiers and defend the nest from Intruders this once again sounds more like the new Angel we see in day one suggesting that the four different kind of leaf Cutters have had their jobs split up between two kind of death Angels however their similarities go even deeper as the new Angel we see also seems to have a kind of white mess around its body well this same white mess can be found on Leaf Cutters too as it's actually a key part of their farming as it's an antibiotic which helps keep the fungi safe from intruding mold but like I said the fungi and ants rely on each other so if you kill one the other will also die thus if Humanity wants any hope of getting rid of the death Angels once and for all their best bet is to figure figure out a way to Target their food source as without it they wouldn't be able to eat any humans and eventually die out now if you enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy the one on your screen right now where I explain the full timeline of the story from day one all the way to day 477