Mark's Smart Investment Analysis

Aug 28, 2024

Investment Analysis of Mark

Investment Overview

  • Mark made two smart investments three years ago:
    • Rare Coin: Invested $400, sold for $1000.
    • Company A Share: Bought for $100, collected $30 in dividends, sold for $250.

Profit Calculation

  1. Rare Coin:

    • Cost: $400
    • Sale Price: $1000
    • Profit: $1000 - $400 = $600
  2. Company A Share:

    • Cost: $100
    • Sale Price: $250
    • Dividends Collected: $30
    • Total Return: $250 + $30 = $280
    • Profit: $280 - $100 = $180

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • ROI measures the efficiency of an investment.
  1. Rare Coin ROI:

    • Formula: Profit / Investment
    • Calculation: $600 / $400 = 150%
  2. Company A Share ROI:

    • Calculation: $180 / $100 = 180%


  • Comparison:
    • Coin profit: $600, ROI: 150%
    • Share profit: $180, ROI: 180%
  • Analysis:
    • The coin made more money but also cost more.
    • The share had a higher ROI despite lower profit.

Important Considerations

  • Limitations of ROI:
    • Does not consider the duration of the investment.
    • An 80% ROI over 3 years vs 30 years: significantly different value of time.
  • Always understand what and why you're measuring in investments.