(inspiring music) Hello loves, how's it going? My name is Ann Le and I am the creator of the Creative Minds Journal which is now available for order on CreativeMindsJournal.com. I will have that link below this video for you to check it out. Today I want to share with you 30 writing prompts that you can do for journaling and how you can use this Creative Minds journal. When I designed this journal, I made sure to have plenty of blank empty pages so that way you can get creative as much as you would like. At the same time, I have some guidelines to help save some time while planning your week and month. So with that being said, let's go ahead and dive into this. (inspiring music) So with that being said, number one is to write about and area in your life that you would like to improve on. These are really, really fun and really gets you thinking. So number two, what are some things you have difficulty letting go of and would like to set free. Hmm, number three, write about whey judgment can be so unhealthy. This is really good in raising your own self awareness because we sometimes don't catch ourself judging others, or judging a situation, or judging ourselves. So this is a good time for you to reflect. Number four, what are 10 current simple joys in your life. Number five, when was the last time you felt inspired and you could elaborate on this and just take these prompts, writing prompts into a whole new level, or make it your own. This is just something for you to start with. Of course you can personalize it, or change it around. Number six, what are five simple acts of kindness that we can do to make a great impact on other. Not only are these more like reflections, but at the same time, it helps you to think outside your everyday perspective and just also are good reminders to be kind to others and ourselves. What are your highs and lows this week? This is something that I like to reflect on, just to compare and then also remind myself, oh it's not always going to be bad. We always have highs and we always have lows and that's the balance in life. Number eight, share three fun facts about you. Number nine, if you can spend a day with anyone in the past or the present who would it be with and why. Number 10, write a letter to a person that hurts you most. This is a really good exercise if you're hurting right now, from a break up, or somebody who really, really has deeply impacted you in a way that just you can't get over and it's really hard for you to get over, you want to, but at this moment it's very tough for you to. It's always healthy and it's always helpful to write a letter to that person. You don't have to give it to them. Just write a letter to that person and it's almost like releasing that energy and if you can do this in a responsible way then burn the letter so that way that energy can flow out into the universe. Number 11, if you can have the courage to be upfront and honest to three people you know, who and what would you say to them. Number 12, what makes you feel alive. Number 13, what would you like to spend more time on. Number 14, what are three things you would like to learn this year. Number 15, what kind of person to you strive to be. If you can have any one thing in this world what would it be? Number 17, what are three magical gifts you would give to yourself and why. Number 18 what are five things you are most grateful for every morning when you wake up. Number 19, what is your life's motto this year and elaborate on that. It's almost like what is your quote, or what is your mantra, or what is your yeah, what motivates you, and what describes you. Number 20, what is my ideal morning like. So writ down your ideal morning, like if you have time, you're not in a rush, like what do you strive your morning to be like. Number 21, what is one thing that is both your strength and your weakness. Number 22, what legacy do you want to leave behind. Number 23, what are seven things you want to cut out in your life. Number 24, what are the seven things you want to add in your life. Number 25, what are the top three blocks holding you back. Number 26, how can you change your mindset of these blocks and what actions will help you. Number 27, what does HOME mean to you. Number 28, what do you need to hear today. Like if anyone was to tell you something, what do you need to hear today? Do you need to hear some positive reinforcement? Some sort of validation, or just a simple hello? Write it down and why? Why are you feeling that way? Go deeper into these topics, into these subject and write down exactly what leads you to your thoughts. Number, 29, write down ten things that you love about your life right now. Number 30, this is a really fun one. What advice would you give to your teenager self right now? So here's a tip that I like to do. I would take out my washi tape and tape the edge of my page and I would do this to both pages, so that way when I close my journal, I can see it from the side and if I want to revisit this page, I can easily access it. All right loves, so those are 30 writing prompts that you can use to start off with and of course you can revisit this page, add on new writing prompts that are inspiring you at the moment, or if you have new ideas you can always go back to your writing prompt page and that's the fun thing about writing prompts is that it gets you thinking, it gets you going and gets you more aware, aware to want to improve, and find that next step in your life. So thank you all so much for joining me today on Creative Minds and if you want to check out this journal it is on CreativeMindsJournal.com. Thank you all so much for watching, I love you, and I will see you soon. (kissing noise) Ciao. (inspiring music)