Understanding Service Quality and Gaps Model

Oct 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: Service Quality and the Gaps Model

Introduction to Service Quality

  • Service quality is crucial in service management, tied to customer loyalty and people management.
  • Service quality is an attitude regarding the global evaluation of a service, distinct from satisfaction.
  • Key driver of repeat purchase and loyalty, formed over time by consumption experiences and word of mouth.

What is Service Quality?

  • Defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
  • Consistency in meeting/exceeding expectations is vital.

Dimensions of Service Quality

  1. Tangibles: Physical evidence, touchpoints, cues.
  2. Reliability: Delivering as promised, highest customer priority.
  3. Responsiveness: Willingness to help, especially in urgent situations.
  4. Assurance: Trust and expertise.
  5. Empathy: Caring and individualized attention.

Importance of Service Quality

  • Leads to higher loyalty, word-of-mouth promotion, increased share of wallet, and higher profitability.
  • PIMS Study shows link between quality, market share, and profitability.
  • Superior quality is a key to profitability, exemplified by companies like Apple.

Diagnosing Service Quality - The Gaps Model

  • Diagnoses shortfalls in service quality through different gaps.
  • Scalable: Can be applied to levels ranging from whole company to specific processes or teams.
  • Gaps Model Overview: Developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry.

Key Gaps in Service Quality

  1. Knowledge Gap: Difference between customer expectations and management perceptions.

    • Caused by insufficient customer focus, lack of research, management's detachment.
  2. Policy Gap: Difference between management perceptions and service quality specifications.

    • Common reasons: Too expensive or perceived as impossible to meet customer expectations.
  3. Delivery Gap: Difference between service quality specifications and actual service delivery.

    • Often due to insufficient capacity, support tools, processes.
  4. Communication Gap: Difference between service delivery and external communications/promises.

    • Misalignment between marketing promises and actual delivery.
  5. Perception Gap: Difference between perceived service and actual service delivered.

    • Customers not seeing or understanding what is delivered.
  6. Quality Gap: Overall gap between expected and perceived service.

    • Closing this gap requires addressing the other five gaps.

Investing in Service Quality

  • Companies often under-invest rather than over-invest in quality.
  • Important to determine the right level of investment in quality.
  • Service Recovery: Balancing between delivering as promised and offering effective recovery.


  • Service quality drives customer loyalty and profitability.
  • The Gaps Model is a tool for diagnosing and fixing service quality issues.
  • Considerations include the balance of investment in quality and effective service recovery.

Reflection Questions

  • What are your key takeaways on service quality?
  • What challenges and opportunities do you see for your company related to service quality?