the issue I am recording is everybody comfortable with being recorded uh will you have you have a uh like a a little thing that popped up and asked you if you were comfortable if not it would asked you to leave the room but every you know you you um I'm just going to wait I think we might have a couple more people not many it was only 24 last night it's only 13 so that's good that's good for us you know what I'm saying the more with the more questions we can answer and uh I just I'm just going to let y'all know when I go over a particular topic and we and I before I switch topics I'm going to always ask you guys like um and make sure you understand or if you have any questions pertaining to what we going over just so that we won't so I won't lose you I didn't get a chance to draw on the on the white board here yesterday but today I'm going to I think it'll be beneficial for us before y'all ready to get started I'm listening all right so can everyone hear everyone can hear I want to make sure y'all can hear before we get started we are recording yes sir what's going on eni chilling it's it's pleasure to have you man if anybody got some Jewels you know what I'm saying if anybody feels that anything I'm bringing to y'all attention is in conflict with Y understanding or y'all what y'all may know to differ with the information uh I'm not a God I'm not you know uh the God so I'm I'm human just like everybody else so just let me know what's going on and then you know what I'm saying maybe maybe y'all know some things that you know I don't know what's up peace to the angel all right so first and foremost uh do y'all want y'all Canute unmute y'all mics if y'all want to if you don't want to y' anything like I like hey what's up what's up what's up see that's what I'm talking about man thanks for blessing us with the info thank you for all of it bro I'm always taking heed and taking notes bro cool I know you is man I know you be on your ground I see you in at the old telegram group you about to get into the new telegram group there's 24 people y'all that's inside the telegram group now that was in from there last night they received um a gift and they rece they received two gifts and I have a sister here tonight too that's really uh gonna bless y'all with something very special I'm not sure of her uh Zoom name uh Jer hey just entered the room and B hey how you doing we haven't even started yet I was just doing some quick introductions and stuff and say hi see it's two more people hey y'all yeah y y'all for the ones that you know don't got y'all mukes uny Ute mic's unmuted you can unmute your mics if you want to you know if you want to participate more than welcome to uh someone's bringing up something that you you know you is part something that you need to know or something that like um pertaining to what you know want to talk about y'all can cross communicate with one another I give y'all the floor at aingle time I was actually teaching the class last night from 3 like 3 to 5 4:00 in the morning so you know we I'm not going to try to have that type of party I'm going to try to go through the information efficiently and like I said ask questions to make sure that y'all F y'all know what's going on you know what I'm saying and stuff like that so just give me a second here and we gonna get it rocking and rolling so duplicate all right uh has anybody attended has anybody attended the class is anybody here from last night anybody no no has anybody uh received the 35 classes and and and went into any of the information did you purchase it and like did you did you oh you did I purchased and I've been going through it through the courses and reading oh well I I misunderstood when you said I'm waiting for it I I I thought you like you didn't receive receive it from me so you do you did receive it from me do I have do I still have do I still owe you the classes hey uh whoa I have okay don't worry uh y has has it who has is there anybody here who hasn't received all the classes and all that good stuff that look for real OK I don't even know if I got all the classes or not because look every day you adding new stuff so I feel like I don't W and got everything then next thing I turn around you like Crossing out 26 now you got 31 you Crossing out 31 now you got 35 so I feel like I'm always missing something thank you yes and you know what I feel like a lot of people feel the same way you know I the same way yeah okay see look it is important to be honest you know we family here so y'all GNA realize the more we get into this this y'all we we good I'm exactly before we get started what I'm going to do is generate a code and I don't care if if y'all didn't purchase it or not what I want y'all to do is open up your gum roll create an email I'm give yall this discount y'all see I'm y'all see my y'all can see my share so um my screen right y'all can see my screen yeah yeah so just go into gum roll go use this code right here code and go ahead and get all of those products okay that before we get started and then when everybody gets these uh products we going to uh then we'll get started okay thank you everybody yeah no problem would would you mind dropping um a link to the um to your to to your gumroad no I don't I don't mind at all let me just uh okay thank you yeah no problem thank you for letting me know that helps me out that helps everybody out let me just see where it takes me to okay yeah that's that should take you straight to it so yeah just load everything up just no problem W man you know what time it is honestly you know if it wasn't for you know if it wasn't for if it wasn't for y'all wouldn't be no me you know so we all work in Conformity together you we couldn't do do none of this without one another so I just appreciate yall you know I may you the host but still y'all y'all are much appreciated and the more time we spend here tonight y'all going to see like y'all y'all tapped in something very special tonight I got one quick question before you start oh no you cool yeah go ahead that's so so I'm not gonna be able to be on like the whole time or whatever go ahead yeah you good it's recording though I'm not gonna be able to be on the whole time but I still wanted to be able to I know you're recording it so are you gonna like like how how could I access the recording um I'm gonna I'm G to give it to you I'm gonna I'm gonna yeah it's recording now I forgot to record it it only takes about maybe a couple minutes before to zoom to spit it out it the uh production like to produce it it's almost instantly I'm going to put you in a telegram group uh you guys are G you guys download this link you see that you see this telegram Ambassador thing at the top here I need you guys to go into that telegram group and everybody is in there and everything that I went over last night is in there so everything that I'm going to go over is going to be in there I'm going to that's the first file that's going to be in there and the recording would have had been in there but I didn't I didn't end up uh recording it accidentally so after that after after class I'm going to drop I'm going to everyone that's invited to the ambassador to telegram group and that's the 24 people from last night that's uh you guys today and it's just that very small group is going to receive that uh video first the 19 of you are going to receive that video first so you got me hey y all right so there's 19 people there's people coming in the room let me just greet them hey re hey re hey I got a special guest Miss reek is she's here after um sometime throughout the uh webinar she's gonna bring some special stuff she one of the folks who has a special gift for y'all you tell you a little bit about her experience with the United States Post Office and something that's goingon to be able to benefit y'all what's up tone how you doing uh all right all right everybody for the folks that just got in uh um somebody had brought to my attention that I and I know that I had constantly updated the classes all the time and I was droing from 26 classes to 31 classes 35 classes 36 classes and so I you know I felt like what she was saying and everybody probably felt that way as well so what I did is I I put I want you guys to use um the passw code and then go ahead into uh go ahead and gumro the link is in the the link is in the chat if you look got everybody that just came in it says products click on that link okay I don't know oh it doesn't show the chat okay cool that's weird but yeah go the code is code so so use code code a download because you're going to need everything because everything is going to be relevant in that class you don't know how use it after after today and how to like uh navigate through it in a in a good chronological order that fits for you uh use code code uh download Everything download everything guys let me know when everybody's finished so we can get started with that I don't want to uh get started where people are oh we just got dropped somebody else in who is are you me J I'm sorry sorry you fine um I'm sorry to cut you off no you didn't this is my first time ever using this and I'm on the link however I had to make an account yeah you and I did but it's not showing me any any of your products like I don't know so I've went to collaborators go ahead I'm sorry no you fine go ahead I was wondering if anybody had the same issues the link is in the BT I did okay did you did so did you uh one second yeah I'm clicking the link but um when it takes me there is it's having me log in and it's pretty much saying that I I don't have any um prodct like I don't have anything to sell so I'm trying to find you do you have a gum roll account U yeah I literally just made it this is my first time ever hearing of this so I made it if you want to you got you could the easiest way to do this if you on your phone just go to just go to uh no I'm on my laptop yeah you might want to do on your phone it's it's kind of crazy because I I actually I try these codes and I download the material too I like sometimes it's silly you might want to go that new that new link works because the same thing happened to me so that new link um brother Enoch that works I just clicked on that and it works okay okay let me try it for sure yeah so there so so everybody that okay yeah that works all right awesome that's what's up now we moving we moving forward little by little we get get started so uh I might have to lock the room up after so long because I mean so when everyone everyone download this I'm lock I'm G lock it up is everyone up go ahead and and doing that yeah and you said click on the ambassad um Ambassador telegram once we get in there well yeah once you download everything don't just download the the just that go download all 30 36 classes because there's 36 classes in there you want to put every single you know what I'm saying yeah put every single product in there like uh yeah get the get the Ambassador the the uh w4t notice with the wbin example get the Tre uh the treasury uh docks those it says instructions I apologize for that but it's not those are the round one round two round three and round four for the treasury documents we're gonna go over those briefly okay some about just quickly try to download everything yeah and the code brother is it it's called it said uh download everything that's what we type in there no cold uh c c what's up D you were here last night right yeah I was here last night I I had a uh a dinner man that I had to attend but uh oh you cool cool yeah I just wanted to you know apologize because some of the stuff we gonna go we gonna go right back over it so just like if you know if you recall anything just forgive me for me having to reiterate over it because there a lot of new folks in here hey man repetition is okay I appreciate you brother your time is your your time is important and I I appreciate you man I got y'all so yeah we gonna lock in so once everybody gets situated yes see so y'all got this claim of abandoned Securities we're gonna go over that today we really gonna get into that um let me see oh yeah that audio right there see it's a whole bunch of little nice stuff in here that is going to get y'all situated I'm going go over we going to go back over this list and then after I do class and we going to see y'all got some nice you know y'all see that a lot of this material isn't from me that is lot it's a lot it's from a lot of other folks and I collaborated it together to really put this in your best interest you know what I'm saying and people was really taking y'all up top with these prices and I actually had to pay top dollar for a lot of these for these classes so but my intention was always to make it you know study the information get get a real understanding of it decrease the price and bring it to um a people that really couldn't you know can't afford all that crazy price and just really just try to do the right thing what's good thank you so much I just do what some you know what I would want somebody to do for me and unfortunately that never happened for me so so did everybody get uh all did all 20 of y'all get in there successfully and download uh download y' good no I'm I'm still dropping them in the book in the page right now yeah yeah okay for sure y'all good I'm just gon hey e how long you gonna leave that um code up because I'm driving oh you are oh yeah you know you good don't nobody know what's going on with us so it's gonna stay up yeah it's gonna stay up all the way until like a little bit after the class okay you yeah you ain't got nothing to worry about all right so it's locked no one else can join y'all are the 20 20 folks that is we about to turn up you know okay please man I was going in last we gonna be good all right so I'm just give you a little bit you you said you D so so you gonna download it later right are you I said I was driving but I meant I was traveling I'm traveling um I would like to just pay attention um uh so I can just follow I want to follow along and and work with you but I want to focus on what you what you're doing okay um uh I'm I'm trying to download it right now but I'm I'm not able to uh get it all download downloaded quick enough but I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to be the source of delay so I don't know if have fine no you're fine all right we gonna get like 10 10 15 minutes after we finish maybe we have an opportunity to download after that so we can get let you get started yeah for sure most definitely okay yeah we could do that yeah I feel like I sound crazy but I'm adding everything to the cart and then putting the code code and then downloading right yeah yeah yeah everything yeah every put everything in apply the code scroll down pop an email in and then go ahead and proceed like that y'all ready to get started yep all right so so a lot of people uh when when it comes to this information lot of people say Foundation Foundation Foundation you know everybody has an idea of what they feel their Foundation is me personally the way that I teach I like to give General instructions so that everybody can not so much try to enforce what I do and my practices or what I feel somebody else's practices is good I like to provide people with options and a good understanding and foundation and tools tools that help you navigate when it comes to this type of stuff so you're going you may feel that the information I'm going over is redundant but believe me that it's necessary to understand so you navigate and not up like oh what's going on we're going to go over a lot of great stuff I'm going to show you some documents IRS forms I'm going to show you some treasury documents that I'm getting started uh things that I don't know about we we uh we could talk about what I may know about them with some things if I can't answer it I'm not going to answer a lie or say that I know I'm just going to tell you my experiences but most of all I'm going to point you in the right direction I'm not going to tell you to go not provide anything for you to read and or but you guys are going to be set once we go through this material you got your mind is going to be blown once we get through the dry stuff like it's going to get crazy so first and foremost I like people to understand like does it like you guys hear about the cfrs all the time right like you like you hear people talk about the cfrs right it's right in front of us and we know uh does anybody know what those are for or like does anything know anybody know about them or anything like that these the uh the federal policies right they yeah so when a code like when a code like when this law is created it's either protecting somebody or it's it's it's making it's making a regulation for a person it's either so right so but the CFR is Right therefore they're so would so you so would you use a CFR if you were sending a debt collector uh anything or any or anybody uh that is not a federal agency you would not use cfrs the they cfrs belong to like when you're communicating with the ATF or the cfpb or the um uh the uh security Exchange Commission or the or the uh Federal Trade Commission you understand so like uh Banks really don't understand CFR they they they do they do they understand both Banks is different so I ain't going to say Banks and courts are a little bit different but when it comes to like uh the like uh anyway not to get confused the federal these are for federal agencies when you're communicating for federal agencies so you'll know the difference because you have to look out for some companies they'll have us and then you'll companies dog like for example like the treasury Department is a federal agency so you wouldn't communicate you you would like communicate with them briefly they're actually going to communicate and send out public information that has USC's inside of them but we don't communicate with them and and and proceed with their like their their rules because they'll put out rules and say you need to do something a particular way according to 31 uh USC and then underneath the regulations of 31 CFR so you wouldn't really communicate with them with USC's like you would just follow the instructions that they would give underneath the feder Federal Regulations you know what I'm saying such as money and finan so the legislation is created so when you so when you go to excuse me now we got Co codes us codes so it's very important to understand the distinction between codes and and uh USC's so like you can go to you you can go to these and then you'll see money and finances but see this is what Congress had laid out to to be adopted so Congress would make a act or create an act and put it inside money and finances and and and delegate the treasury to uh to be the person that handles this department so typically when you going 31 with legislation or if you go into 31 uh money and finances for the treasury Department you'll always see what the treasury Department oated to do the responsibility you'll hear the treasury lay out the rules and the foundations for dealing with the public debt for dealing with the treasury direct account you'll always hear them refer to the commissioner or to the board or to their agents AKA IRS and how they're delegated with assignment so a lot of times in financing and money with cfrs and inside of Cs uh USC you'll see that it would always reflect to title 26 because it covers taxes so in Title 31 they the they'll in in the legislation and the cfrs it'll it'll might say what the language say and then it may say like in accordance with title 26 which is some tax regulations and then it'll say also see um the regulation for uh the judicial procedure procedures which is the 28 and it'll show and then it'll combine those you'll notice that Banking and then some times 31 will also say um you know if you violate 31 CFR such and such you also look at the criminal rules of procedure at Title 18 and see the applicability to the to to the violations or it'll say 31 USC uh 31 CFR you know such and such in accordance with banking regulations so you got to understand that the federal how the federal legislation they give out that information and and then how sometimes there's nothing really written inside the uh inside the CFR and those agencies such as the treasury Department and such as uh the ATF they can their their uh administrative departments can go in and the ones that have authority to to put new information in the federal registar they will go ahead and put that but they will not put the actual real legislative language and sometimes you'll see that it differs from one another and they're kind of like the CF the CFR is overstepping their boundary see but you won't like you won't really see the you won't see some agencies overstepping their boundaries you'll see the agencies that's interacting with us every day like the welfare department that's under 42 Public Health you'll see like the vital statistics stepping on us and doing some [ __ ] to us through these public contracts 41 where it says public contracts and Property Management you know you'll see you know like the uh Federal agency here goes the post office you know what I'm saying so you see that these regulate you so you would not take these see there go the ATF right there so so I just want I just want to briefly bring y'all up to Pace of what these are and how they work in Conformity is does does anybody like does every is that like a clear example of how those things relate because they're totally two different things but they are like in Conformity they should be for folks that know this okay so yes so sometimes those Federal rules of reg like sometimes these agencies are overstepping their boundaries and in order to see if to see if they're overstepping their boundaries you may have to look into the cfrs and then you may have to look into the relevancy of the legislation which they should be they should not any language inside of these cfrs should not be violating the USC you hear me and that's also with the terms and definitions that they give in the CFR you know you just want to really know what's going on so and then a lot of people and then the U uh U UCC this is where the UCC come in because everything mostly everything that's going on with the cfrs that the which the agencies are using to to solicit to you to give you rules and regulations to how to apply for welfare rules and regulations to how apply for a direct treasury account rules and regulations of you know Public public uh assistance and stuff like that they typically lay that out in those applications with cfrs because that's the agency that's interacting with you and but they really reflecting on the you you know like it may be totally different language in the USC but however we all know that the uniform commercial code is what the individual states adopt overall which is the uh for transactions most of everything that we doing is transactions applications go ahead who whoever gave that message go ahead and do uh you can make your were you here last night summer I appreciate you but you good you you good I'm try to speed through this I got so like what I to bring to y'all so am I losing anybody or going too fast for anybody no you good okay so so we went over to cfrs in the relevancy with the USC's now it's very important to understand the Uniform Commercial Code and a lot of people really don't bring this to your attention see I mean see you see that they're in articles you know what I'm saying and there's only n there's only nine articles and when you go inside these articles a good way for you to understand and comprehend these articles is um understanding how they're formatted let me show you and these so these a lot of time can Trump or bring in a different contractual law agreement or a different remedy and Equity or a different you know different money and like dealing with money and finances and transaction commercial paper and all these you know this stuff like the UCCS can overpower uh what going on with these codes a lot of times you know what I'm saying and just you just want to understand how they work in Conformity and we we really don't come underneath the Uniform Commercial Code our our rights are not protected this is how we navigate and this is how unfortunately we're forced to navigate underne with transactions because it it'll tell you even in the you know General Provisions what what what this is for and how these go how the UCC govern uh transactions in you know uh International commer so ucc's and the cfrs are dealing without saying they are dealing with International Commerce so I don't know why this is popping up like this I never had I never had Cornell Law going and take you to another thing like this give me one second and see that it's a uniform commercial probate you got we're gonna get into some heavy stuff all right so you see the article so in article one you'll have Parts okay so in one article this is how you like really break it down you really want to see the prum facy evidence the title so you can go in there and you can go so so you can put it with what you're going whatever the situation is with the uh USC's and the cfrs you'll be able to put everything together so we're going to get more into that in a little bit now and I just want to leave y'all with something what a lot of people really don't know so ever has every does everybody use Cornell Law to get their uh read on and stuff like that is everybody familiar with Cornell Law yes okay so a lot of people say go read go read you know what I'm saying just uh go go read you know read USC go read title 12 go read then we got Publications you know people don't know what what's the difference between Public Law no one's telling us what's the difference between Public Law what is USC's like what is going on what is the cfrs I'm confused what's going on with the ucc's how does everything fit together and I'm here today to give you that Foundation because that's going to help you navigate and understand the atlaw portion so you can see your remedies you can see how to navigate in these administrative processes with the law and for the UCC how it's applicable in your situation and another thing is primarily for negotiable instruments you'll notice for titles transactions Redemption records you'll notice that the UCC is indirectly dealing with what's going on and because they don't want to link them and just say that they're linked together but you know so the UCC is if you understand the UCC then you'll know how to navigate the USC's better and to see like okay if I'm going to go underneath a constitutional statute or are we really dealing with a transaction are we dealing with a right are we dealing with a constitutional question a statute or or are we dealing with a transaction and then that'll give you the understanding to understand if you're if are you dealing with Commerce or is is somebody invading my my rights you know what I'm saying because you don't want to mix up commercial transactions with your rights it's a very fine line and then like you want to understand what's going on what with both you know like if your your private rights are being and a lot of Mo I'm here to tell you at the end of the day you're going to realize we are all of our rights are being violated you know underneath and that's protected underneath the Constitution our god-given rights our rights to our Securities but you have to understand like where everything is put so you can see how these people are playing with you and pulling your pulling your pulling you in all different directions and we have these mixed feelings and we're trying to navigate our own problems and sometime we don't even know what the hell is going on or where they're coming from because they understand these basic concepts these basic tools and this is very critical to understand a lot of people say oh exclusive Equity exclusive Equity you know and I like I love you know it's brutal to understand and it's really brutal to understand so Equity comes in so many shapes and forms and but people you know like I I yeah I study 30300 C 3,000 clothes all the time and you don't want to have to go through that I already did the work for you don't let nobody fool you the sauce isn't like you may not necessarily use these codes but you need to understand the type of language and trickery and then a lot of the codes give you great information it's almost in layman's terms and some will be very confusing you just need to know how to navigate it and know what's going on because these us codes are pointing to the federal rules of procedure these these the federal rules of procedure are pointing to the to those to those codes you know a lot of times and it just everything is just pointing to each other so you just want a real round uh understanding of what's going on and Cornell Law really helps us because it's free and it gives and the federal you know all you can get all this for free so we're forward now and I'm just going to bring you to everyone says oh you know um anybody got any questions at this point okay so if no matter like right here where I where it says Uniform Commercial Code if we like if we're looking up um if we're looking up what is USC's you'll see USC's right here but you see if you notice this L right here you see this highlighted L that I'm this Roman numero right here to the left hand side everybody I'm it's very discreet and I just want to make sure everybody's follow me okay so at least one person uh okay appreciate you guys this is very vital because a lot of people say go read go read go read and they'll send you right to the code they'll send you to right to the US codes right but why do that to somebody and not let them know that if you just click on that Roman numer and for the people that don't know this for people that do know this uh you know don't worry about it but all you do is scroll down and so how many people have showed you that all of your legal resources and your public all all your you know your free public basic information your Constitution is here your uh you the United States code is here the cfrs the Supreme Court rules the executive orders the all the ucc's who who who showed you and told you go read go read go read and and provided this for you right here and actually just gave you some a little bit of foundation you know what I'm saying okay right CU they want to keep that [ __ ] toel okay look administrative law Civics constitutional law Consumer Protection Corporation courts and procedures and this is just the this is just for beginners this right here is what everybody should be giving you just to begin because this isn't doesn't this it has Equity embedded in it because like family law estate planning you know business law Lord landlord tenant and you know money and finances and personal injuries of course but it's not going to be like pomoy it's not going to be like Henry Gibson it's not going to be like the r files you're not going to get that exclusive Equity out of here unless you know somebody that can navigate and pick and show you where that where that law sits and where Equity Works in conformity in the anointed Constitution uh article 3 section two will show you that we'll briefly go over that it says that you know um I'm not going to quote it because I don't want to say the wrong thing so guys if you're a beginner ladies and gentlemen if you are a beginner and you some you've been around somebody that's been one of your teachers and they say go read go read go read and all they gave you was title 12 and or Title 31 and you didn't know where to start guys this is where you start okay you you brush up on all of this stuff the stuff that pertains to you so that's a that's a Hidden Gem that is free and I don't know why I don't maybe they don't know I don't know why they no one ever ever brought that to you guys attention I realized that nobody never did that so that is very silly so now so we have the I'm not going to go into the Constitution because I feel like it's everybody's responsibility to really do this you know what I'm saying going into the Constitution but I will you know let you know you want to dig into if you don't want if you don't dig into anything else dig into article one article two and article three because it's very critical and article three is where it's going to work in your best interest you know what I'm saying it already says can y see that I'm going blow it up a bit it already says the judicial the judicial power okay the any only courts that's vested judicial power is the only courts of record so and we'll get more into that uh you know so is Supreme Court I want you to understand that the closest thing the the real courts of equity is probate court no one's going to tell you that that's where you solidify your orders and your seals but and then every Court of every Court becomes equity for you it doesn't matter because nobody can nobody can take a probate and uh do anything to a probate order especially if it's a order that is in the favor of a beneficiary and the treasury Department is you you'll notice that I go into it that the treasury Department is the only portion of a dour government because they're the only ones that enforce that uh order from poate court that is in the favor for a beneficiary is to not be overridden by any court order from any other court so then right there when I was doing my name decree I came to the realization that the Supreme Court rules are the rules that of equity because these these Supreme Court rules they actually are hidden in every single courtroom because even though we have Federal rules of procedure every even though we have all these other rules district court rules County court rules none of them are are are can be can avoid us proceeding underneath the Supreme Court rules and we're going to go into that I'm going to show you I'm going to show you the Scottish rule that shows you that that power is to you is for you okay section two of this constitution also says the judicial power shall extend to all cases okay guys all cases remember there's only one form of action and that is a civil action because all crimes are commercial however let's not get that misconstrued you can't go around punching people and injuring people because th those can constitute real crimes unfortunately because of the way that the system is set up it's still a commercial crime but it's serious because you you might be caught on videotape hurting somebody so and that's and so the judicial power shall extend in all actions civil or criminal or whatever for equity and and at law that's very important to understand because all throughout the law they're always going to be quote and even this UCC is going to be working in conformity in the general provision it always say that these rules are to work in in in Conformity and be construed with one another and to to satisfy equity and at law and you'll always see look arising under the Constitution it's very important to understand guys your rights do not derive your rights are not inside of the Constitution okay th this is the the lock box this is the jewelry box that the that is a junk file that is securing not only your rights but a lot of other rights statutory constitutional is part of the Constitution they say codes and statutes are don't you know not constitutional but they are to an extent because a federal question is a federal statute and when you do a deprivation of rights under uh what is it 18242 or whatever that it is that that is a statute that is a code the way that the courts read it and that is underneath a constitution so yes and the Constitution also protects Equity it's already telling you so don't let these people sit here and say that you can't get you know what I'm saying so I'm not going to really get into that and then one thing I want to stick out I hope y'all read this but look at this this is this is a part of the Biblical context that I'm going to bring to your attention and even amaly look they even say amaly okay and then look at this other public Minal counsels that's very important to understand too and we're going to get into that because this all has to do with uh it's the anointed Constitution like the ordained Constitution so you see once we really dig this up we get to the real surface of this [ __ ] you're going to see how spiritually and how religiously connected this stuff is all the way from the Social Security all the way to the Vatican I mean all the way to the London in in Britain we're gonna get into that real briefly I'm gonna break that down before we before I start really dropping heavy sauce on y'all so you can keep up so Ambassador if you look up Ambassador in the Bible and you see that it talks about somebody that's coming from a foreign place to do to do business or be a protector within a foreign within a foreign place so you know all cases affecting ambassadors that's very important to understand if you know we are ambassadors for Christ you know what I'm saying I don't want to be a Holy Roller just like I said in my my last recording I feel like I'm record repeating myself but it's you know reiteration is the key you guys need to constantly talk to yourself and let and be y'all Kings and Queens I'm an ambassador you know what I'm saying constantly talk to yourself yeah the judicial power extends to law and Equity you need to be always talking to yourself and reminding of of all these great things that the law is pointing to in your favor so that's that and now for your state constitution so the state constitution is the the anointed Constitution the Federal Constitution now y'all will go to like y'all mind is Ohio so everybody say go to your state your state constitution go to your state constitution uh you know what I'm saying and their right because that's where our Bill of Rights is so if you go if if you from Jersey if you from Florida it doesn't matter where you from Texas uh Illinois if you were to go to your Constitution you'll see and this is and the reason why that this exists is because it's extracted and adopted and ordained into the state by the original anointed Constitution so this the language is going to be very similar and it's not going to be like the cfrs and USC's that really uh contradict one another just as I'm not going to go all into the Constitution but like I said this is your responsibility as a person that lives in your state as a person that's part of this country as a private American this is your responsibility to look into this stuff but just to make it very brief and just show y'all what it says if I'm sure y'all probably read it before this is very powerful just to understand y'all especially when you looking at Public Law 97 and you looking at the year of the Bible when it talks about the importance and the influence of the year of the Bible look at the effective day you know what I'm saying most codes and statutes would be like ineffective 2003 2004 but look at this effective date none decades 18 you know what I'm saying that most of our our state constitutions have this type of longevity and it says the same thing that it said in 1851 that's very you know we the people of the of the state of Ohio uh excuse me we the the the people of the state of Ohio grateful to the almighty God not Liberty but our freedom you hear that to secure security full faith okay is is blessing and pro and promote our our common welfare do establish the Constitution and all of your Constitutions are going to be just like that and like I said it's our responsibility to go into these Bill of Rights and see how these how this is how your judicial dour courts should be set up but if you look into the revised code is see now now I'm going to just take here before I continue now for the state now look at this this is my state it says right here Ohio consists of of the Ohio Constitution the Ohio Revised codes and the administrative codes the Constitution is the state's highest law proceeding in all of all others so they're telling you and your state is no different so the the big Constitution the Federal Constitution is is the same thing for the state now the USC's the revised codes everything in the revised codes is going to be in my revised codes for for our states so these are going to be our state us USC's cefine for our townships to let you know how how they're supposed to follow the general rule which is the general provision okay and if you go to rules of construct and just it just talk it just tells them it never gives them more power or now it's talking about statutes all statutes of permanent and general nature of the state as revid and cons consolidated into General provision titles chapter sections and also known as the revised code so you can find USC codes in then Federal legislation that has been adopted into your state bills and legislations so that so and they're going to call them if you're in Pennsylvania they may call them the PCS or something Pennsylvania codes or something like that you know what I'm saying but if you the more you read this see now look at this the the enactment of the revised code shall not be construed to to affect the rights and the respon and the liabilities AC AC ACR or incured under the section of the general rules you know so it's going to if you continue to read this it will not it's going to tell you that in these revised codes they are not allowed to break the Constitution but another layer of law that they did was the cfrs so just like the cfrs that these federal agencies are are so like the ATF but the welfare department is not the ATF they're working in the county so they're operating under revised codes and they're mainly operating process on you so they're not going to say a lot of time they're they're going to present to the court that you violated or Abus your child or did something crazy as a USC they're going to present it as but they're going to do an administrative process and a lot of their applications are going to have the cfrs and they're going to come try to fight with you with these with these type of Co with these see these are departments and this is where the uh you know what I'm saying the administrative Human Resources we're going to get into that and this is very important I'm giving you a real Foundation because when I start reading y'all this public law and this stuff you're going to know like oh my God like this is how I get it like I get it you know what I'm saying so just like Health and Human Resources the Secretary of Health and Human Resources is technically the secretary that's over this department uh on on on multiple levels so you'll see that you'll see you know Urban Housing and Development inside you know workers Ohio's public workers Department of agent and and you'll see like all this stuff is the same thing you know what I'm saying so now you need to know like when you need to use it you know you need to understand even if you're not using these you need to understand these to see how they using it you know what I'm saying and that's codes and statues y'all that's all codes and statues that's everything with CES and statues there's no more thees and statues at all the only that's dealing with law that we haven't covered right now is federal Rules of Evidence and y'all need to understand the court procedures and what happens in a court procedure when you're a plaintiff and what happens in a court procedure when you're a defendant because it's two totally different things and unfortunately the way that the court system is set up you don't want to be a defendant you always want to be doing a cross claim or you always want to be the petitioner by any means and the more you get into this you'll have fun with it and you'll be the petitioner all the time so first and foremost like I told my last class I just want to let y'all know like if you really dedicated to this stuff and you really want to do this stuff and you really not going to uh wimp out after I present this to you and make y have y'all realize that this is really more hard work than a lot of people present to your attention they may want to make it seem look easy because they just want to sell their next Force to y'all but I don't do that we don't I don't do that type of things I just want to prepare y'all to let y'all know do you want in or do you want out and if you want in one of the fundamental things that is going to help you navigate forward and give you the opportunity to gain the same equivalent wisdom that I have which is not all glamorous it's just hard study is that you if you're working a job or you working healthare or whatever your your living is you want to work Friday Saturday and Sunday I don't care unless you're a single mother unless you just got to do what you got to do or you a father that got to watch the kids or whatever you got to do is it's something that's just totally stopping you from that lifestyle but you need to lay down ton night and really ask yourself do I want this because you need to open up your your ability to be available Monday through Thursday because that's when things are that's when you know people hit the floor that's when the court is clocking and the more that you spend time handling your business you'll start to see how the courts really operate you know what I'm saying and I'll get into that you'll start to see like you know what I'm saying just like you going to a restaurant one day and it's full of people and and the waitresses are mad and the managers are mad you'll see just like it's just you'll see right through the Matrix when you're dealing with these clerks and you're going to the post office day and you know the post office lady you going to see the same mail and the same dogs and the same people walking and get downtown you know what I'm saying get downtown park your car like I was telling other people in the last class park your car close to downtown and come on in into the city find out where your post office is find out where your District Court is you may be somebody that's living near the capital next to in a circuit court next to an appet Court get close to your court get acquainted with your clerks and you'll start to realize like I filed some paperwork on Friday and I was always having hard times in hard times but I've been doing this so much that when you walk into the clerk office they be sitting back sometimes in like a like a fast food restaurant sometime it's dead and one day they may be stamping papers and they just may be having an attitude but the more that you do it the more that they see your face you'll go in you'll come into the uh the uh the courthouse and you'll see like they'll be happy to see you and they'll call you by first name like hey you know Enoch what's going on what can I do for you today hey you know they be and then you start to see like oh okay this is really a matrix this is a game you know this is like really a game so I just wanted to go over that and then now we about to go over before I go read some stuff to y'all I just want to read a couple of things really quick does anybody have any questions regarding to what we went over about the about the study material with the law and the Cornel law or anything like that makes sense make good sense that help you feel like that's going to help you navigate a little better with Stu ABS absolutely absolutely at least for me yeah awesome okay I do have one question I was trying to catch it when you said um the treasury is the only dour court is that what you said well there like every well you could say court but they're not in the court that but yes technically yes because I'm G give you an example because they have a rule and I'll show you the rule that I'll Tred to show you the rule if I can get through a lot of this material they're the only ones like if you go to the probate court and you get a court order from the Probate Court saying that you're the trustee over an incompetent person or or you're the trustee of a beneficiary and somebody goes to a state court or any other court and tries to get and and they deem that beneficiary uh in default and they tried to go get to your to the trust account that you are solid has solidified in Probate Court and right huh that becomes fraud no no I mean to listen no it's cool like say say you you you know you over incompetent person that incompetent person is the beneficiary and you have a court order and you're dealing with their treasury direct account and you're buying secur and selling securities for them okay no one can go no one can go bring a court order no matter from what court that it is even the superior court and come into the uh into the Treasury Department and try to get funds try to take the their interest in that trust from that beneficiary okay I get it pretty much it all has to go through you as a trustee well everything really goes through probate that's the secret okay we're gonna get more into that the more the more I bring you up to peace Pace because I got to go over a couple of things before we before I start presenting the probate to okay no problem I'll I'll notate that no that's cool and then you'll get this recording okay thank you yeah for sure that's all love so bam so before we go into any anything two look already we started with 20 something people people already left the room because they can't people cannot handle this they think that they can and this is what I like hey it's going to break your' bones I'm telling you it's either going to make you or break you so we so we're to go over the birth certificate it's very important to understand what the birth certificate is and what it originally was it was it was a a a settlement certificate and that's what's very important to understand like uh extremely important to understand I'm just going to read a little bit of you this is going to be in the telegram group and so you see that it says 15 excuse me y can y'all see that is my screen blocking that no are you trying to show the origin bir certificate under King Henry yeah are you something else all right you see the date as a 15 so I'm just going to read a little bit it says the or origin of the set of settlement birth you see if see it's parentheses so it really says settlement certificate okay under King Henry uh the the the let's see 5 six seven8 the eth of England in his uh ventian mag magier advisers the the first poor laws so that's very critical right there you need to understand that the settlement certificate was isn't relevant to the first poor laws were prated around 1536 before the CES KV Co coining with the first official mandate requiring uniform record keeping by all churches of England uh parishes bth of births deaths and marriages the poor were considered the responsibility of the church that's the birth certificate so you start to realize like you really have something you really have like something that is a religious document and someone has responsibility the church has responsibility of the poor and so this is how the birth certificate started and this is the same idea and we're going to so these are the big players in the beginning and an establishment of the certificate of manifest and as we go further you're going to see over here in the states who are the delegates and the Agents that are dealing with this uh poor certific this poor man certificate in the responsibility of what was the churches okay ensuring that they were a ample work and uh work and did not starve to death as we as we're considered by default the property of the church so anyone who received a settlement certificate or a birth certificate were not only the responsibility of the church but they were the property of the church and that's very critical to understand when we're talking about because at this time there's no social security Social Security didn't come into about 400 years later and that's what makes the the birth certificate domestic certified unlike the the Social Security is an uncertified security that is an international document and is governed by a treaty and we we we'll get into that too so I'm just going to go quickly over probate you know what I'm saying you'll start to see that everything is in Probate this is the real Court of equity once you get your name decree and once you start taking over your incompetent person you start you this is where you want to take your your petitions you know what I'm saying Estates guardianships over a minor you know this is the the name correction this is the real probate court because any order that comes out of your probate court is going to over overrule anything because this deals with trust land uh Guardians over incompetence Guardians over miners Guardian so they got us going into the wrong court courts I mean we I mean they just got us doing stuff they're just not letting us know the details is what I'm saying so we're just going to go over a little bit of information about the cesk trust and then we're going to get it P so we need to understand um that the C trust in his true nature so a lot of people say oh you know this s trust we really need to understand his true nature and it's true nature when it was designed just like the birth certificate because it is the birth certificate remember this is for King Henry the dates aligned from the 1500s so the church has the responsibility and the church has the ownership however the CES was a method of fraud okay so it says some from the in in the students it will it will be somewhat long and uh par pair Adventure PA Adventure somewhat tedious to show all the causes all the causes particularly by the 15th century cesay was used as a vehicle to defraud creditors so you need to understand what happened was you know how they lay that Dollar on the ground and you go to pick up that dollar and they pull that stream that's what the SDK trust is I don't have the facts on that say know that for sure okay so then just so just like they laid out the birth certificate in the social security card and the only thing that gave them life was us getting into that vehicle and thinking that it was in the benefit for us you know what I'm saying when when in reality it was it was something for them to funnel what we our productivity and our value they were able to use that as a as a funnel so when we picked it up and we used it they were able to pull that string and funnel whatever that we was doing through there because we were we were their respon responsibility and they had ownership by well they declared ownership by creating the certificate of manifest aka the CES trust so I'm not going to go into this but you guys can Google this and read this and even that birth certificate you you guys can read that too so I just want to before I get into uh some heavy stuff I just wna I just want to read on the so I really want to break Downes has anybody did they authentication really read and broke down the understand their understanding of uh does anybody have any questions about the the cesk trust or the that because I'm to the ckv because everybody brings that up and I'm not about to go like I want to show y'all I want to they bring y'all straight to the 16 1666 but no one bring you into the 1500s and let you know they just come into the CES KV but they don't even know I don't even know if they know what really happened or transpire in the 14 and the 1500s for it even to come about C KV so the SS KV the birth certificate was it was already you know they just it's just complicated atten y'all know what to do with that material does anybody question uh at all sorry you went out when you turned the other way did you say do we have any questions at all you couldn't hear me did I break up no you just went out like you didn't break up like when you turned your head like the volume kind of went went down does anybody experience exper what she experienced yes um but I think you were on the subject of um CES uh CES v um I mean it was kind of like right after you said it's kind of how they uh defr it creditors and it was like carrot on a string or Dollar on a string you know every time you basically reach for it it's it's kind of an elusive concept um but um what what I what I still find uh confusing just in general um is I would like to understand more uh like what is the what is the modern comparison to what the sesa KV was is that like the treasury or Social Security the birth certificate oh it's the birth certificate I'm sorry okay thank you it's cool you don't got to apologize you didn't do I just let me put my headphones in I'm actually gonna bring I'm gonna We already lost people I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose y'all but I'm not too concerned anyway no no you're not losing me I don't care if I'm in the room you're going to be you're going to be thankful if you are if whoever's the last one in the room is going to be extremely thankful no I'm thankful already it's yeah I'm I'm right there with me I I have started something like um I sent my me and my son's birth certificates to the um State Treasury I mean not State Treasury my apologies the um secretary of state state Secretary to get it apostilled um um however I believe I did it wrong um because I later on learned that there was a difference between the hges um like huh say that again like a difference between doing the pastel and doing the authentication yeah so I'm just like okay it threw a monkey wrench in there for me so I completely stopped because I'm just like I I need to actually do the work study and like you said you I've met so many people who toss you around and everybody just want money and I'm just like okay well y'all want money but I'm not really getting anything out of this so I'm trying to learn and I've been trying to learn on my own and it's a lot to take in when you don't even know which direction to start from right all right let me see I'm I'm having issues with my headphones I really need to fix these I won't get back into I heard what you said though let me see you're fine as long as you're facing the computer I know that's what I don't want can hear you clearly when you're facing the computer it's just like when you turn like in behind you or something you kind of go out a little bit yeah I know I'm cool I don't want it like that I got to get these headphones in because this would be I've already did it like that before that' be so horrible y'all don't want y'all don't want no video like that trust can can you hear me yeah we can hear you we appreciate it yeah we can hear let me just try to disconnect me one second yo yo can't can you hear me now yeah we can hear you thumbs up yeah can you hear me now you loose it King I'm not breaking up am I no you sound good you're clear you loose it you loose it I'm um I guess that's good okay all right so we so we went over the birth certificate okay so be um before I get into uh public law 108 485 and section 20721 in regards to who are the people who's really dealing with the birth certificate fast forward up in today the same which is going to it's crazy so but before we do that I I just want to read this right here this is the authentication of the state and it's going to be very similar to what the do is going to look like but I really want to break this down because a lot of people will read this and really not understand the language uh that's really in here and how to decipher the languages so it's so it's so critical to really understand this and then when we get into authentication that that's it's really going to put everything in perspective for you guys and you're going to really have a good understanding of what's going on with this birth certificate and so now you guys got a good you guys have a good understanding of the cfrs and what the you the USC's are going to do for you and how you going to uh better navigate those Waters and then we got the ucc's which you can easily go in and and start to see what they what the language is really about because i' I've already brought that that type of stuff to your attention I to brought brought you to the Roman numeral l11 and now you guys are going to be able to navigate independently and uh go over whatever applicable laws is to your situation or whatever you want to brush up on you're going to know what you need to brush up on because you got the material to go ahead and uh to you know where to navigate not so much the material you got the material so but just uh bear with me for a second before I get into the document I just want to prepare the uh other the other portion of what we going to go over right after this document that's super critical so just bear with me for a second I might go over this today too so it doesn't look like I could we going to go over a little bit about uh what some very powerful Bible verses today as well we're going to go into the Minnesota rule before we go into the Minnesota rule I'm going to uh rule 220 I want to get into some stuff that's really going to help you understand and how to use rule 220 so so just bear with me and I'm going just make sure that y'all straight on that so these are excuse me it's a lot it's a lot a lot of people I don't really think that they really ready for this type of stuff it's just crazy all right so I'm G to have to go into my email to look for this one document just like I like I had to do before just bear with me for a second [Music] so a quick little second Tex oh Lord have mercy excuse me here we are okay this is this is the document that's about to really y'all gonna be like oh my God like this is the one that's gonna really get y'all going and this is the one that's really going this is this is so important this is the this is true foundation when it comes to that birth certificate so this is the document that U I received on my uh one my daughter's uh and it's the same as mine and I just want y'all to be when we start calculating these bonds I'll show you how to calculate your bonds I want you to really just look at this number this is the number that when I sent this to the Secretary of State they created this and I created a bond with them so this is where just like this number is we're going to get it from the Department of Justice this is going to be the bond that you're going to extract your interest from and have the ability to issue your uh your um register mail numbers to actually have value because when you issue that number you're going to reference this Bond that's actually when when when the time is right you know what I'm saying because you can't create no bonds you got people creating bonds and borders on bond paper and think that they issuing bonds and they're lying because you can't do none of this real big boss [ __ ] that scoo nitty is doing if y'all shout out to scoo nitty if y'all follow scoo nitty uh like until you get those uh those bonds deposited as shity and then you can draw interest on them but I still you know I'm going through situations I'm still and learning and I know a lot of things myself and how to present things orally by parole by my mouth and so I um let me see so in other words with you words with you understand hell yeah school here kill yeah so and then you know so I'm 33 you know scoo and um like scoo was in my I follow his old Instagram he was like in my position maybe not too long ago when he was uh flicking through the the uh treasury form so he he accelerated like really fast from where he was and you know it's just he's inspiring I'm sure he's inspiring to a lot of y'all as well as me to know that there's a possibility of being very successful with this if you stay with it and uh we're going to go over those treasury forms and I'm going to show you that it's not easy and and and it's comp it's not it's not complicated but it's not as easy as people are making it out to be not if you truly want to be free and you truly want to take over your securities cuz a lot of people are getting discharged a lot of people are being able to pay their coupons bills and that's fine some people don't have treasury accounts and not having a treasury account don't disqualify you from being able to Tender your coupons and receiving your dividends or applying your interest to the principal balance or getting a hold of these trust indentures and uh doing send endorsing stamp or Bond paper no bond paper your 1099 C you know your uh recisions of the company's interest your notification your notices of Interest your statements of Interest your Alpha Davis you know and properly informing them that you want to you know you want uh you know your administrative process so that you can you know uh take over your accounts it does not the treasury don't have nothing to do with you doing your taxes you know what I'm saying you still able to do your taxes and receive your credits and take over your accounts the treasury I'm here to show y'all today like to not be overwhelmed to be relaxed and there's a lot going on there's a lot of moving factors but you need to know the plan areas that you able to play in as a beginner and you also need to be cautious about the big boy leads so that you don't end up in jail for Securities fraud that you don't end up in jail for filing the wrong tax form the appropriate way and someone's knocking on your door taking your ass to downtown or booking you in and you really not ready for that type of thing yet so I'm here I'm the one that's just really going to keep you safe make sure that y'all don't get into any legal matters like like that's really like yo like you get you going to jail for something that you did that's not what I'm here to do I'm not here to just give you some half ass story I'm here to really p position y'all with navigation tools so not to present to y'all what's better authentication or Apostle or uh you know I'm here to give you options and let you know that there's a whole bunch of things that you can do and equity and at law is not the only remedies to have intimity privacy is not the only way that you can actually Shield yourself and protect yourself or do business with your person you just like a company a S Corporation a welfare department or a business or a bank can do business with your person believe it or not you can do business with your person you can sue your person and show up as not being your person and then let your person not show up and put a lean on your person and garnish your own assets just like they do and use debt collection debt collecting instruments to to uh to put your person in debt whether you're a C corporation whether you're a S Corporation whether you're a limited liability whether you're just an individual you know what I'm saying who gave a loan to your person that that person has a right to sue your person so if you don't feel that everybody can manipulate and utilize and and put your person in a custodial trust and express your person as being you know in a trust then you can't do that then you got to really come to the light that you have as much control as everybody else and I'm going to help you understand the type of vehicle that you need to be competitive when it comes to controlling and manipulating your person and taking him or her away away from these people that are uh claiming your person at rim with these custodial records like these custodial record holders these custodial trust these power of attorneys how they're how they're intercepting that you can intercept that the same way but you can't intercept that benefit and utilize that benefit for the principal and while being the principle so you I'm trying to help you guys letting go of being territorial it's not it's not our it's not your birth certificate it's not your Social Security it belongs to the person that's named in the record so no that's not you the name here is the that that that person is the person that's in the record and that's who the record belongs to you're just the benefit you're just like and you're multiple things for that for that person sometimes you're the trustee sometimes you're the POA sometimes you're the Gran her beneficiary of that estate you know sometimes you're just different things you don't want to be the wrong thing at the wrong time because it'll make you look silly so most of the time we're beneficiaries on paper or beneficiaries in a courthouse or but you know in the most cases the the the person is the beneficiary of the certificate you're the person handling the Affairs so that that beneficiary can get his non-commercial obligation that is owed to him by the United States because the United States don't owe us they owe this person so we have to realize that that person is at rim and in order for us to receive those benefits on that person's behalf we need to administer a trust so that when the check is wrote to the beneficiary we are the responsible agents that receives those funds on behalf of the principal so being territorial about it it's my my mind you owe me that that is not going to get you know so I really want to before I get into this doc I want to read what this verse what this says and I need yall to really understand what this stuff says it says this is the United States of America for the state of Ohio this office of the Secretary of State I this is it says I Frank lose Secretary of State do hereby certify that I am the duly elected qualified and acting Secretary of the State of Ohio and I further certify Renee M bowler is the duly appointed registar Vital Statistics uh division Department of Health and of health of Department of Health for oh for the state of Ohio so he so so far the secretary of state is saying I certify who I am as the Secretary of State I I certify who the registar is you understand I'm certifying who I am and I'm certifying who this woman is okay who registered who this document so he goes on to say that in this um let see Department of Health for the for the state of Ohio and this custodian so they're acting underneath a custodial trust okay and that's critical to understand and that's what the tax Class M that's what the tax master class go over about the Intero forn granter Express trust and that is the IR the revocable trust because we're taking things in and out we're this is where we're dealing with the principles bills this are the bank because the Ein for that particular trust that we're we're making to making the person the beneficiary and we're the trustee of the custodial trust when we go to the open up the bank account that person in your de in your declaration and in your trust language is the beneficiary and you're the trustee so when you take and that Ein is that person's that tax payer identification number that has a commercial debt free obligation that belongs to that person you administer that benefit that benefit does not belong to you so when you open up that bank account with your Social Security it needs to be a trust account with that person and your name decree and your nationality ID with no social that's not you're appointed as the trustee so that you can pass the court test that is administered by the IRS and the courts as well and we'll go we'll try to cover the internal revenue manual where it talks about that the trustee in order for a trust to be foreign is for the trustee must be a foreign person a United States citizen that creates a trust that trust passes the court test and you don't want to pass their Court test you want to fail their Court test be by being a foreign of truste for even though that he's the United States citizen if you're the trustee for him then your trust will fail the court test and that's what you want okay so the reg the the secretary of state is acknowledging himself he's acknowledging the regist store and it says custodian of record of Vital Statistics and is a proper official uh and is the proper off official to make said attestation which is the do which is which is due form and all excuse me and that all official acts so his act her act these official acts are entitled full faith and credit so here the secretary is acknowledging that they attesting who he is and who she is and that their acts and that they are certified to give this official this document is full faith and credit so that's a mouthful but in this within this same document look at equity and look at law living the same place everywhere just like I showed you in the anointed Constitution all actions in um are ruled by the Supreme Court and shall Equity shall be equity and law it's always written in a document and if you don't know how to decipher it you'll never understand how to do it so it says the certificate it says the certification certifies only the authenticity of the signature of the official who signed the document the capacity in which the official acted and where and and where appropriate the identity of the seal or the stamp which the document Bears it says the certification does not imply that the con that the content of the documents are correct nor are do they have approval by this state so here you'll see your equity and then you'll see the disclaimer at law so they're telling you that the birth certificates are not so they're inconsistent they're not going to testify to the correctness we're not going to testify that it's solidified and that it's it's an official document from this office because they was bestowed as custodial record holders and and appointed without they didn't have the discretion to choose their job it was all already ordained when when when the birth when the all the rules for the birth certificates trickled down and the health and human uh secretary Health and Human Services was de delegated to give rules to to the uh State Vital Statistics departments they they can't solidify this record or say that it is correct because they're not the ones who took the initiative to create it or hold it they were mandated to do so so this is why you need your double authentication from the Department of State that is going to give you almost the same language but at least we have authenticated record that's that contest to the valid validity because the doc the document is not ours and we need to understand that and this is where the name correction comes into play because they're telling you that we can't contest to the correctness we can't attest but we do give it full faith and credit so that's when you take those documents the long form and the short form in your authenticated versions and then you go get your name decree and you let them know that you know what I'm saying this is an inconsistent document not only myself is saying that you know what I'm saying this the every other department that's dealing with this document it you know and it's causing complications therefore I need to correct my name and we're going to go into the name correction and I'm going to show you guys the way that I did my name correction and the way I attached my long form and the way that I attached these documents together and we're going to talk a little bit about the Supreme Courts and how how they rule in every Court okay so this is the after we go over to document here we're going to go over the way that I filed my name correction and the way that I would encourage you guys to get your name decree which is a peer trust if you Google peer trust now you'll see that a peer trust is between two people and we'll get more into that but right now we're going to stick on the topic of the birth certificate cuz we already talked about the laws we already talked about the birth certificate uh being a poor man certificate and the responsibility of the church we talked about that it was what it was to defraud the creditors now we're going to bring it up to 2020 four and we're going to talk about who are the people that's dealing with this instrument now and how can we express it to somebody that they're really dealing with this instrument as a financial instrument and we're not looking cuckoo to one of our friends and family members nor even a government official or anything that we can articulately and professionally and confident confident confidently Express with evidence that that there are a selective group of agencies that are dealing with this monetized instrument and that you're not Al Looney okay and that's what Foundation is about giving you real ammunition giving you real tools okay so this is the claim of life everything that I'm going over is going to be given to you and has been given to you already if you have downloaded the material and as the material grows we're going to go we're it's going to get dumped into the gumro the first of all this is irrelevant but I just want you guys to understand can you guys see this right here is does anybody have any questions before I go into reading this document this is I've I've been trying to learn this for going on a year now and this is my full-time job studying this and this is the clearest that anyone has ever explained um especially the authentic authentication you good did you you cut out your mic you may have hit your mic off oh yeah um the birth certificate authentication that's the clearest and I've I've been reading studying researching and um but the steps it's it's kind of connecting the it's connecting the dots in a in a big picture way and then you're drawing it in so I I like that I appreciate that right and I'm doing the same as I'm treating you guys as if I was that that person when I was navigating my way through I was hoping and crossing my fingers that someone would do that for me so I've designed it my my educational platform to dedicate that to that type of service so I just thank you for just you know giving me your Insight so and as you going to realize I'm really going to tie you in and it's just going to be so so fulfilling it's going to be unreal you not even I'm feel bad for the people we started with 27 people they actually left this this how like I don't but I'm just thankful that y'all sticking around please stick around you guys will not regret this I'm trying to make this much more efficient when I'm trying not to have y'all all the way into 4 o'clock in the morning like before okay so remember we're first I just want to take you to before we get into that document does anybody else have any other questions or any or you you good you guys good with me proceeding man we with you brother yeah I'm I'm here all right awesome if we can I'm going try to get into some business stuff if not we we're I we'll get into the bus the Comm the public business stuff another time I'll show you how to guys to develop s corporations dbas and what limited liability companies for and how to structure those things and how to get uh how to get um CPN how to use CPN the right way if you're interested in obtaining Apartments we that class is available inside that folder if you uh if you want to take that upon yourself and go ahead and uh look into that then you're more more than welcome to go ahead and and do that you know you can go ahead and do that on your own if you want to so so as so I don't need to do I don't need to do that part so we go here all right so let's go over this document so the reason so in this document I call it you have this document guys so this got and if you don't if we're going to put this I'm interested in to to learn everything yeah that's what I'm going to bring you into everything uh so you'll have options and you'll know how you want to navigate or what material that you want to buy from these other people that are that have material for you you'll better you'll better understand of what you need to purchase if you if you even need to you shouldn't have to purchase anything from anybody after today you not even me and everything the material that I update and when I update it you guys will get the material there will be no additional money or anything like that so the you guys will get this video for free whoever didn't attend or or engage with me as far as donations they would have to at least pay $65 for this video and I think that's fair uh for the type of material that I'm going to uh get through today so so with this this is the 20 I want remember we talked about the title 24 okay Title 24 this Title 24 is a USC now when the legislative Department outlined it this code I just wanted to put this in here they they look what they said that Title 24 is really pay attention to this craziness of what they're really doing remember people say that this we're in AUM we're in a Asylum whatever it's called a mental Asylum hospitals okay we know hospitals are Wards okay hospitals and Wards really developed when people didn't want their children and they gave up their children and they were able to go to the hospitals and leave their children at these hospitals they started off as churches remember with the uh certificate this ties into the birth certificate and they're also calling is it's roles for psychiatric hospitals now remember I told you cfrs are what the agencies adopt so the agencies that's dealing with Indian Affairs public housing and development that extracted their cfrs extracted it their housing rules and the way that they regulate anything dealing with our welfare and stuff out of the hospital and psychiatric uh rules so just keep that in mind that you know what I'm saying this is like me personally this is a benefit that I never wanted and I never I never had it and un I mean I'm not hating on nobody but that's basically saying that like they're putting us in a psychiatric unit they're basically putting us in the incompetent Ward minor the because the cfrs call it Housing and Urban Development and for the Indian Affairs where welfare and you know uh housing applications are you you mean to tell me that they pulled that out in those regulations out of house hospital and psychiatric laws very interesting to me so that's just something to really look at of what they're categorizing us our persons as and inside the application you'll see for uh I might sound wild but what the my [ __ ] y so this is a little bit of the UCC right here so the the eight and nine is dealing with a lot of property is dealing with a uh a lot of transfers of property and what's going on with the commercial transactions and see that's this is the Conformity law so we're going to talk about adverse claim let's see what a adverse claim is okay it's a claim to property interest okay of a financial asset and as we go down we're going to start to see that our as adverse adverse claim is going to be relevant to the interest of a particular property so our our interest is not the property our our interest is the security that's affiliated with the property just is like somebody will say when they're suing you for a mortgage or house this is in regards to the property their account is considered a fixture cuz they're not landlords they don't own the land they don't own the house they created a application a a interest inside of the note that they purchased from you and it's a fixture a vehicle and they're always referencing that they're not saying they're all they're very being very being very strategic of how they Place their words in order to avoid the liability of them saying that it is actually in regard it it you know they're referring to the ownership of the house there is is in regards to the house and then they'll refer to the note or or the or the agreement or the mortgage so you got to realize like they're only they're not even entitled to the fixtures but that's what's what they're really claiming but they want to make you believe that it's the actual asset itself okay so but that has nothing to do what we're about to go forward so a security entitlement I just put everything in ball because sometimes I just say certain words cuz what I told my last class remember when it comes to reading Law everything that I taught you about going back and reading Law when you guys start reading Law don't read it like you were taught to read in school because it's not like adjective verb uh you know and all a noun proper noun it's run on they have run on sentences and if you don't have the intuition to understand where to put the periods and where to stop or where what or signifies that it gives you an option you'll kind of get lost with reading Law so always read law like you're reading nothing but verbs nothing but action words like you understand what I'm saying so a security entitlement is a right until you get it and it and and that way of reading and then you won't have to really do that but be like that at first so you can because every single word and its definition is is is what you need to understand and reading it like that is going to help you versus trying to read it like a story of adverb and adjective pronoun because it's that's not the type of language that they're speaking okay so a security entitlement is a right a finan to a financial uh asset okay and that covers a a um asset that has been credited to an account so we need to understand bank accounts accounts custodial records things that's been credited to an account is a fin so something that has been credited to an account so they're not even being in Pacific it's just very broad right now what a financial asset is okay indicated by a book entry that's just one of them so you just now you need to know they're equipping you they're telling you like okay it's an account it's a book entry that's in your favor it's not so much they're trying to mix you up they're giving you options and ammunition of how to proceed with what a financial asset is pertaining to your specific uh circumstances okay be uh becomes obligated under the law so a financial instrument just in one definition alone if it's if it if it is a financial instrument has the elements to really be a financial instrument it's it becomes obligated under the law is just one definition in itself regulated it's regulated such as an account in the bank is regulated such as an account is regulated underneath laws such as apply you know anything dealing with accounts is regulated by law so it's just no way around that uh rules to credit and financial assets to a um excuse me rule to credit a financial asset to a person's Security account these are all the things in that what a financial asset is excuse me and uh a security entitle but see it's a fin a right to a financial asset which is all all it's all ties together guys like they're all talking about the same stuff okay has has uh has been met a person as a security entitlement let me see has been met as a in the conditions I'm going to kind of go I'm I'm I'm see the thing is it's referring to section B here but I didn't find section B to be relevant so just kind of like bear with me with that because I don't have SE I didn't put section B here it says if a condition of section B has been met a person has a security entitlement even though the security intermediary does not itself hold the financial instrument and the reason why I didn't because it was irrelevant because the thing is we do have a security interest in a security entitlement in dealing with some a intermediary Bank who doesn't necessarily hold the financial instrument because we do understand that when they purchased our note they deposited it our but they also assign that to another trustee bank or another affiliate of theirs such as a broker or a dealer may have acted like an intermediary broker but they do not hold the financial asset their themselves so that doesn't disqualify you from having your entitlement is what that means in the UCC okay if a security intermediary holds a financial instrument for another person in the financial instrument is registered in the name of pay of payable to the order of or specifically endorsed to uh other person it has not it and has not been endorsed to the security intermediary in blank is what they mean it says it right here or in blank they basically said that other person the other person you is treated as holding the financial instrument directly rather than having the security entitlement with with respects to the financial asset okay so because you're holding it see how they say you're not entitled to it until you enforce it even though the Securities intermediary is holding it and the person named on it is registered so this is where special endorsement and giving instructions come in because you start to see that the asset and everything is in Rim it's in the middle it's like you toss up a ball and the Govern and the rules of the law is saying let the best man win so that's what at Rim means everything you can go literally you probably get in trouble for this but you can literally go on the street and claim somebody your somebody that vehicle to be yours you can literally take down somebody address and their land patent numbers or whatever that it is and say that you own that property and if they don't come and stuff like that you end up you know which probably wouldn't happen but it's funny because you can when they say you could sue for anything you can sue for anything so that means you know what I'm saying you could try to take anything that's in Rim you can make a claim to and it's it's really if it's really you really have an interest such as these certificates of manifest these uh registered organizations such as the birth certificate aka the birth certificate you really have a interest in there adverse claim now that's what yeah like an adverse claim or adverse possession we'll get into that too a little bit I don't know much about adverse possession that's like the mois lighthouse that's like more his speed I've been I've been more like having issues with courts and stuff like that so everybody's on a different Godly missions but I want to tie it together for y'all where you can know how to navigate the basic materials and then you probably be able to do whatever you need to do uh issuance of a security is not established see look the issuance so even when they issue the security even when State issue the security even when we issue the security is letting you know that that does not constitute an entitlement so we got to make some type of you know claim and stuff it's pretty cool so look at this C cert CER certificated security so what's the definition of a certificated security it's a security represented by a by a certificate so is your ver certificate not represented by a certificate you know see it's it makes it hard to determine if it's a security yet but I'm going prove to you that it is a security okay because the way that they word this but it's it's just it's I'm going to draw you all down together so bear of form okay this is how like your bills are like your bills come in bare form it's identifying the person inside the instrument and that's what the birth certificate is doing it's a it's in bare form because is has a person identified inside of it as applied it says a bear a bearer form as applied to a c uh certificated security means a form which in which the security is payable to the bearer of the of the security certificate according to the terms but not by reason of endorsement so I'm not so I think I misread this yesterday but this would this really would cover your your bills in your coupons and your checks security is payable to the bearer of the security certificate this is interesting I read this wrong to my class last night so we're going to bypass that a little bit so don't try not to tie that into your brain so I gotta really check that out and Overlook that so entitlement holder person identified so this is it person identified in records so remember I told you they going like is this you in the birth certificate and you would you would you would be like look you like oh no the person that's identified on this record this record belongs to them but most of us say yeah this me that's my record so you have them look and you you give it back when they be like is this you and the birth certificate you be like uh look look at you see that person right there and you get them the certificate they going to look at it be like yeah you see that person they be like yeah I see like you see that name that's identified in that record and they be like yeah be like that's the person who the record belongs to you know what I'm saying I'm I'm the person who's bearing the certificate Who's acting as signatory agent for that beneficiary I'm the POA for that person so that's how your thinking needs to be you know what I'm saying because the person that's entitled the holder is not you because you're not the person would you know a person is a corporation entity or whatever you're not a person technically uh is identified in that record so right there in the commercial code is letting you know that you don't have entitlement you're not the entitlement holder you know what I'm saying you're you you do hold the the title you are the holder but we are the holder in due course that's what I'm saying I know you are the holder in due course but you're not you're the holder and due course for the entitlement holder cuz you're not the person that's identified in the record and if you want to be that person I'm going to show you the complications that come with wanting to be that person identified in the record and I can guarantee you by the end of this webinar that you wouldn't want to be that person identified in that record okay of a of a security of a security intermediate so a lot of us don't understand a lot of us don't know but I'm here to tell you that the vital statistics is a security intermed intermediary I was kicked out oh okay give me one second y okay it's just going to be some people pouring in that's all okay a as the person having security entitlement do you hear that so it's telling you the person identified in the record of a security intermediary the vital statistics in this case because they're not an intermediary uh Securities they're not even going to say that they deal with security they not going to say that they're intermediary at all because they're not going to talk that type of language with you until you understand how to present it to them because you can't make somebody a trustee you can't come to somebody and say I'm the beneficiary I'm the holder and due course and you have an obligation to serve me because a trust shall not fail for the want of a trustee and you can't just make somebody be a trustee that's it's against trust law so all trustees have the right of res resignation you can't just do that so I'm giving you tools how to just how to professionally navigate these Waters the appropriate way to make these people become your best friend by having this understanding okay as the person having a security entitlement so it's telling you the person identified in the record is the person that has the security entitlement so when you go around saying they only want you to be the record when it's in the benefit for them you're only the person identified in the record when you're signing over your the person's interest they want want you to believe that because that's the only way for you to sign his interest away okay against the security intermediary and this also includes like instruments you know that's like this just don't cover birth certificates if a person this is the UCC so if it's a check that has your person's name identified in that record that that's that person has a security that's why you can say I'm acting as an agent on behalf of the principal please take the principal interest and apply it to the principles account every billing cycle this is why you can say that and how you need to format that if a and I have all the everything in the templates that you guys are going to need and all that good stuff once I get down here if a person inquires a security entitlement by virtue that person is entitled to is the entitlement holder do you hear that now that this where you come in a person inquires a security Intermediate by virtue that person is entitled so that's when you become the holder of due course of that damn un uh thing at Rim what is the process for that so an entitlement order notification okay communication so this is where you write instructions it your instructions is like an entitlement order but it's don't let order fool you because you don't want to be control of and manipulative to the vital statistics or the Secretary of State when it comes to making the proper uh claim of interest to that instrument you don't want to sound crazy so it says notification commu notification communicated to the Securities intermediary directing transfer or Redemption this is such helpful clarification thank you of transfer or Redemption so remember you can't make a trustee be trustee so in within your communication you have to tread very lightly and come to some type of Common Grounds or use some type of articulant law to let them know that them acting to transfer and redeem your entitlement is in the best interest for not only you and if you can convince them that it's in the best interest for the public and you learn how to do that that's crazy if you can get that for the record and always put that on the record that not only what you doing is in the best interest for you but it's in the best interest for the public that's when you learn how to play their game because that's the game that they play this is in the best interest for the public so we're closing your account this isn't in the best interest for the public so we're locking your ass they always want to act in the best so like that's trust law they always protecting the trust they always want to say we're acting in the best interest of the public so if you can learn how to finesse their type of thing that they do on you on them yes this is the best interest of the Public Public that you keep my personal information private and you learn how public and private Works in Conformity together you're gonna get cold at this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying Redemption of a financial asset we still haven't covered what a financial asset is and tied it to to the birth certificate but we're we're doing that slowly to which the entitlement holder has uh entitlement in the security so now we're doing the definition of a financial instrument is that too big okay so Financial instrument except now look at that it's funny I'm going show you how they use these words accept but this means like like disregard you know what I'm saying but I'm going show you how to use except like a s a c c e PT they also use this word spelled like this to mean accept which is like it's in proper English you wouldn't do that so that's how you know they write fictitious language you know what I'm saying it's crazy David wi Miller was a beast at that at decoding the uh adverb verb verb thing that they do they really do that okay uh it says except as otherwise provided in section 801 you would have to see what that is so whatever's in section 80 uh UCC 8103 does not constitute a financial instrument but in in this in uh 8024 or I think it's 802 it's not four that's that but it's 802 financial asset is in there too and it says a security a share other interest in person do you hear that listen listen other interest in a person how the hell do you have interest in a person that should be a light going on that you're that's because you have interest in the in the in the record that's identifying the person in that record that that record belongs to so that's how you have interest in that person and you shall be secured in all your papers in persons like the Constitution said okay in property Enterprise of a person traded on financial market and when we go to calculate our bonds and we put our birth certificate bonds and our filing numbers in there and we will see that it's on the primary market and not only is it in the primary Market they're also trading on the secondary Market okay endorsement means a signature okay that alone accompanied by other words is made on a security certificate and registered from or a on a separate document okay so like instructions you know uh that comes with your endorsement which with endorsement covers so many different things for the purpose of assigning this is the important part endorsement okay the signature and the words made on that certificate registered form okay that for the purpose of assigning transferring redeeming that security or granting a power of assignment and we're going to get into assignments because that's a lot dealing with trust law transfer or redeem it okay instructions now this goes back to the entitlement order that where we have to be careful of how we give our instructions I'll get i'll hopefully I'll get into that because I think I have more definitions at the bottom so the instructions is going to work in Conformity with the entitlement order because remember the entitlement order entitlement order is a set of instructions to an intermediary okay it says it means a notification communication to the issuer the vital statistics the person who issued it you know what I'm saying and a lot of times we don't realize that we really issued the note but we don't really realize that we issued it they deposited it put it on the book entry so it's kind of silly that you write instructions to an intermediary that's notifying them that you know but you're really the issuer it's like a big game so you have to read it's funny of an uncertified security so the thing is the UN when they say uncertified security they're talking about the social security because that's uncertified that's not public record you can't go get people Social Security on the uh or go pick one up at the Social Security building like you can a birth certificate so th those are those are uncertified securities but they're Reg registered but they're uncertified okay that's the asset that's the the taxpayer the non-obligatory commercial taxpayer identification exemption card that was not given to you it was given to the benef it was given to the beneficiary the person that's named on the record that you know what I'm saying that that's their asset so that's their limited liability company and that's their banking number that doesn't that's for them and where it's our job to to use that business card for responsibility so if you take the if you working for your boss and he gives you a a credit card and you for his limited liability company and you go swiping that thing and you pull up in the car and stuff and you're using his limited liabilities uh I mean his his his business's credit card you're going to find yourself to be in trouble because you used it for personal use and you didn't go out and get the lumber and the things that commercial things that you needed for your boss this that's how the uh birth certificate is designed just like a limited liability company and we have been uh misappropriating and and and using those funds the wrong way and the UC and the 15 USC will trick you and make you to believe that you're a consumer and influence you to make you believe that you want to be a consumer and that a consumer is somebody who uses this uncertified security to purch purch Goods in a consumer transaction now youve toen the the true element that how it was supposed to be used for commercial transactions that's what justifies so you would think by you reading commercial laws that oh yeah I'm the consumer you know I'm using it for private use this is my house for house I'm good that's what makes it taxable that's what gives you the liability okay so stay away from these consumers they will get you in trouble because you're supposed to be taking that card and paying applying the credit to the principal balance you're supposed to be doing the taxes appropriately for the estate you're not supposed to be get if you get a vehicle it is really supposed to be restricted and properly you know discharged because that's not an open-end credit transaction and if it's com if it's supposed to be in in order for it to be a commercial non-obligation it can't be for you so you have to really you have you you're really only supposed to use your birth certificate and Social Security and Conformity for business's purposes and so when you're driving that car you're really driving that car for the benefit of the beneficiary so everything you do in that vehicle should be to go to the bank to go get to go take your coupons and your remittance to go get to to get certified funds so that they can uh take your remittance or give you a check or wire those remittance to your AT&T account to you're you supposed to be responsibly handling on the commercial banking matter for that for that person but we go we say that we're the person this is our account we don't open up a trust account and we open up a personal account and then we start dumping all our funds like into his account and then it get miscalculated and they don't know what's going on in the system so you're deemed an incompetent in a minor so they like okay they can see like this person is not handling the Affairs the appropriately appropriate so now they don't get that commercial obligation to be zeroed out they are going to be liable for the taxes because they've taken something that wasn't theirs and they used it so you're liable so that's the private social security number that is doesn't belong to you if that's your person's okay that's why you need a company in a DBA so you can operate underneath a EIN and operate underneath a business because they can't make like and we'll get into that and Trust to registered form okay it says a so a registered form is applied to certificated Securities so the anything is a a certificate everything is a c so don't let them fool you something nothing it it cannot not be a security that's all we deal with every account is a security and everything cannot be in existence without having an account attached to it we don't necessarily mean it's certified but it's a certificate so what is a birth certificate it's registered so it's evident in itself that it's registered form so I'm just is just bringing these understanding and helping your brain resonate with that this is for Real okay okay the security the security certificate specifies a person entitled to the security so it the birth certificate doesn't specify that and we'll go into that and that's where it comes where the issuance of a security isn't not the entitlement itself so they're just telling you all around basically telling you hey look if you want you got to go do the work if you want to be so this is very important before we get into the birth certificate with the legislative Department we're going to go into specific specifically mentioned identification documents and if you want to go follow me and see this for yourself if you think I'm going to give you some fabricated information or just lead you in the wrong direction you're more than welcome to read specifically mentioned identification documents in 18 uh 1028 does anybody have any questions before we proceed with this portion is Anybody Everybody kinding of understand of uh how I'm tying this stuff or you may not see it but does is everybody satisfied or have any questions or want to express anything at this point if you don't you guys could just remain silent I'll take that as a acquiescence it makes it makes good sense okay so let's rock and roll all right so does can anybody voluntarily tell me if not you could put it in the chat or you could just cut your mic on and say yeah or whatever what is Title 18 what what do they use Title 18 for this is does any can anybody tell me and no rush I'm not rushing y'all we not we're not rushing and I'm not trying to play y'all like y'all ain't intelligent people can can anybody tell me what that what the officials and people use Title 18 or what does Title 18 says that it is I'm not familiar with it no I can't remember top my head now criminal codes okay thank you Amanda yes so guys every so Title 18 is when you go do when when they when they find you violation of a tax code under 26 and then they'll say you violated the tax code which qualifies you for uh criminal rules of procedure we're going to also go under criminal rules and say you did this with taxes and we're going to violate you or you may have did something with 31 uh the fiscal Department which is 31 money and finances and then it points to Title 18 and say we have we can convict you underneath because you violated 31 we're going to convict you under 18 for this and then or you might do they you might be doing banking title 12 and then title 12 might point to a violation and have a rule under 18 to say we can prosecute on 18 because he violated 12 you know what I'm saying we get him on criminal because he violated a portion of Commerce and commerce regulations point to 18 so we're going to we're going to but this is this is the important part to understand that when we're reading Title 18 this particular uh code is where the do is speaking the Department of Justice and particularly with identification and this is very interesting if you haven't read this I went over this before but I really need y'all to understand this before we get into the birth certificate it says in the absence of a nationality card right mind you guys they're saying this is the code saying in the absence of a na I don't care what what type of nationality card that you have it says in the absence of a nationality card the prime means by which an individual establishes his identity in the United States is a birth certificate a driver's license and a personal identification card now right there you should be saying to yourself and understanding to yourself that an identification card is not the same thing as a national a national identification card because they're clearly telling you here in the Department of Justice that there is a distinct difference because in the absence of a a national identification card your identities are by means of these other three things so if you absent they're going to make assumption that by one of these documents is your only identification but if you do have a nationality card that is your primary means of identification but we know that the social security you don't need to to give your Social Security away because no one should be deprived of a right or a a license or anything because they fail to disclose their uh Social Security and that goes for local and federal government so that's the motor Department of Motor Vehicles is a federal agency you know what I'm saying so they're underneath the Department of Treasury and the motor DM and the BMV is underneath the Secretary of State Department of Motor Vehicles so we need to understand that we can we can get an identification card even a driver's license without a social security card okay so that would exclude us from being linked to that social birth certificate if we took that route or you can have a nation nationality card now now this is what the Department of Justice is also saying as well the birth certificate is not defined in titled 18 1028 so you mean to tell me in criminal rules of procedure where you're asking me my name where you're convicting me underneath a name and you're going by a name that's very similar to one on the birth certificate and you mean to tell me in court y'all don't ask for social securities or any validation of identity you only ask me my name and you mean to tell me that the birth certificate at least with that the name that you're asking that's very similar to mine is not underneath what you're Prosecuting me for but we're in a criminal settings and you're having me you're asking me what's my name what's my name what's my name but the birth certificate is not mentioned inside the criminal rules that's a problem so you can see the you can see the illusion you can see the de facto activity right there right in front of your face that's what I'm talking about no what are you doing what is this that's that's thank you so and then it goes on to say it is represented by an official statement the birth certificate they're calling it a statement don't you receive a statement from your bank right it may not have everything that needs to be on the statement right they have a positive balance they don't show you the left and right Ledger on the statement you you you you don't think that from the birth certificate statement you don't think they left out a couple of some things on that statement just like they leave out on the bills except they left a lot more out information on that birth certificate on that statement a statement is a financial instrument okay obviously the Department of Justice says a birth certificate is not intended to actually identify the person who claims that the document pertains to them H that's interesting and I think that's very critical for people to understand if the Department of Justice is saying that and they literally say obviously they literally say that in the law obviously the birth certificate is not intended to actually identify the person who claims not the person that's in the record with the record which which I told you that the person identified in the record is the owner of of the record and this is why the birth certificate is not intended for identity because for the person that's claiming that the document pertains to them because it doesn't so I mean to each is on even though the birth certificate has commonly accepted it doesn't matter because commonly accepted is not the law there it already told you that the birth certificate is not defined so where where do we Define the birth certificate where is the birth if the birth certificate is not in Title 18 if the birth certificate is not in title 21 22 if it's not in 24 in urban housing and public affairs where they're giving us if it's not if if they never mention it in the birth certificate language for the welfare department but they're constantly asking for Social Security and they're constantly asking for birth certificate but we don't really know the the the the the weight of what these instruments and and what they absolutely are and we're we're constantly giving them to these agencies and we don't even know what they are and we're going to we as we stroll to the bottom we're going to we're going to understand better what these agencies have been doing and how they have the authority to do it and and what we've been doing wrong we're going to know what three agencies are mainly responsible in today's time who's dealing with that settlement certificate who's dealing with that vehicle to defraud the Creditor yeah that's military I don't really know much about that DD uh 24 that Patrick Divine goes over that I studied it a little bit just in case I would have clients that be vet that were veterans but it just was so narrow and you know I just like it's just the majority of people are not veterans so I just you know I really haven't found anything to cater to Veterans so I apologize for that cuz y'all do veteran they everybody good y'all not sleeping is y'all the vet or anyway no I'm here I'm paying attention Okay so so so bam it's commonly accepted but it's obvious lot of identification so if you don't have a nationality card even though the the birth certificate is not obviously not identification we don't care it's going to be the pree uh Prime identification for you in the United States if you ain't got you one of these other documents name decree is on we going to assume something we underneath Theo we we we the def facto government sh we can't go we can't do we can't call you a man or a woman we can't honor your your god-given rights only you could do that so until you until you figure it out you is whatever the [ __ ] we can ID lawfully legally identify your ass is because we can't call you a man or a woman because we can't interact with those type of things so until you get you a vehicle to properly ident to to interact with us and you learn how to take that vehicle and take over your person then that's when we going to park our vehicle and stop taking your vehicle and trying to you know Take Your Vessel until you learn how to take over your vessel just like we do so you just got to copy the game so this is birth this we gonna get into birth certificate and authentication in the debate about authentication and the ones who wants to be haters which I had to block a lot of people who didn't let me put my you know put my sauce out there you know what I'm saying to authenticate according to Title 9 which is dealing with titles which is dealing with assets and and and financial instruments of being transferred and redeemed we have authenticate so authenticate means with present intent okay now mind you intent is what Equity examines they examine your intent they don't care that your intent was good that you know what I'm saying that you may have destroyed something with your good intentions so in an intent is a neutral word unless you add an adjective in front of it and say bad intention or good intention so it here authenticate when they say with intent it doesn't tell you what type of intention it's just letting you know that there's an intention but it does give us a little bit of descriptive intentions but this might not necessarily may be always the case but in most cases for our authenticated birth certificate this is clearly has to be the intention because it was a commercial transaction when you authenticated your birth certificate so it's an intent to adopt custodian adopt you notice that those are probate words those are trust words you you custody is not ownership adoption is ownership so if you have custody of your child you don't own your children until you go to probate and take over that minor estate by adopting that estate and getting your trust into probate which no one who was teaching Equity is going to let you know that the probate is where you solidify all your Equity orders and anything toen out of that probate court that has a solidified seal is wherever you take that document Equity is going to live in that courthouse and this is why we are not getting remedy with Equity because they're telling us about the name decree which is the the breadcrumb that I figured out when I went down to the probate and I did my name decree and then I real realiz that that they didn't he at least someone let us there but he didn't tell us that that's the house of equity that's the dead giveaway that's because that's too much gems for y'all because y'all won't have to come back and and you you would you would have to keep buying courses and trying to figure out where the real you'll make you think that it's an interlocutory appeal with denovo into the district court The District Court into the Circuit Court the Circuit Court into the appelate court which is cool you can get you can get good a good a lot of good relief but if you're talking about you're the estate owner over the minor or the incompetent person that you're the name and this is your name decree then you're going to need some solidification from the Probate Court that's bestowing that land that's bestowing that trust deed because that's where estate issues are really handled and no one can override those probate filings if if it's if it bestows uh interest to a beneficiary no one can write an order discharging the beneficiary from that position I don't care who you are and and it's weird that probate is in the county it's secret it's crazy but back to authenticate authenticate is the intent to adopt accept a record to attach to or logically associate with the record that's the importance of authentication without it it's your word against their word because the custodial record holder can't validate the document they can they can put this full faith and credit they can appoint they can say that the register do Hold This Record but they can't contest to the validity because they're not the ones who technically authorize theirself to deal with that record okay an electric an electronic sound a symbol a seal or a process okay that's the importance of authentication okay cash proceeds monies is currency cash is currency those are species they don't mean Federal Reserve notes automatically because you can have pesos yens with money Cho in different languages so when you see money get federal reserves out your head we're talking about a species of currency we're talking about a species of proceeds we're not talking of most of us think we narrow it down to frns but in reality in the Constitution money technically was initially defined gold and silver now money is a general word is it's a measurement of a particular species of proceeds so a check is a bill a bill is a check okay there there you know what I'm saying so order is a check a check is a order a order is a bill oh you need to understand that a blank check is not the same as a restricted endorsement check a BL you know what I'm saying you need to understand that those are all and the checks are forms of monies it's a form of postal money orders are the only lawful monies a a species of particular money defined in a particular language you could say money order in Spanish and all different it does you know those are just languages the way that they say what it is that they're defining but it doesn't it doesn't supersede what what the instrument and the tool is is used for was lawful money which is different from Federal Reserve notes we need to understand that when we go into lawful tender we're going to understand how we're attaching our interest with lawful money deposit accounts now you need to understand that deposit means loan deposit means check deposit means note deposit is a book entry a credit it's a purchase for a note or it's a loan to the bank okay so that's what a deposit is on account maintained with the bank a Catt paper this is in regards to our birth certificate a record generally a chatt paper is a record it's a legal title a security interest in Goods okay not Services here but a chatt paper for goods so a good is something physical like something that you can use you can eat you can pick it up it's a good so a share is a is technically a good you know what I'm saying like goods and services a good a service is what the car dealership will give you by processing your application is the service and then the good that they distribute is the car that you pull off the lot okay so remember when someone's accusing you that they bestowed a benefit on you and that they gave you a good and a service remember that a good and a service if they're bringing a claim and saying that they gave you a good or a service remember that they got to prove what type of good or service that they're giving you and don't automatically assume that it's a loan because loan can't really be defined in itself it has too much dis if it's brought up into the Open Court it has too the judge has too much discretion to determine what a loan is if they say that they gave you anything don't deny anything never say oh no you didn't give me this I didn't do that I didn't do this we call into that fear as being defendant when you're a defendant and somebody pushes your back against the wall and they say to you that they gave you something well okay or you did give me something we'll prove it can you give me a statement uh can you provide me with a canceled check can you provide me with a wire from an account to another account by any means I mean I'm not denying that the fact that you know of what you're alleging but I would appreciate it if that for the record that you can place these evidences in the record okay so the judge can find find find find the findings and put them on the record okay so don't just automatically assume just make them prove and that's where that's a rebuttal that's when your Alpha davits and your testimonies and your declarations are going to carry a lot of weight because you're not going to need all these different things you just go down in a chronological order oh yeah you did this prove it oh you said this prove it oh you did this on this date show me something that says that it was done on that date and once you rebuttal in it you don't have to deny it because it sheds light to there's no there's no there's no controversy the judge only rules on two incompetent people that has controversy if you become a expert negotiator in in showing the court that there is no controversy by not denying it but asking for proof that's where goods and Serv because they're always going to say we gave you goods and services you were the benefit of a good and service you know certificate of title means the certificate of title with respect to which the statute provides uh provides for a security interest in question so the certificate of title is like the birth certificate uh you know with respects to like the statutes provided for the security interest in question indicated on the certificate as a condition result of a security interest obtaining priority over the right of a lean creditor need a certificate certificated title with respect to the so on that certificated title you are the person that's identified as your the your person is the person that's identified as the owner within that record so resulting from that statute from that type of Statute the way that that register organ organization by Statute by Statue it provides a security interest in question and and with respect to the collateral now you are the collateral unfortunately but don't never go out and say that you are a collateral because they're always going to deny it and and tell you that they're not going to tell you this but the person that's identified in the record was a copy of you so that's the collateral but technically your our labor our actions is collateralized our free labor was collateralized therefore we were the collateralization and I'll show you that in the UCC that they filed and I'm going to properly show you guys how to do the uccc once we get this this this basic information covered okay so it a CER a cert certificate of title includes another record maintained as an alternative now that's what our because we never get the original birth certificate so so our certificate of title it it includes a record that's maintained in a tangible uh medium database that has an alternative certificate of Title by the government issues issued a certificate of title so our B that's why like we never get the true original or we know don't even know how it looks and the only thing that is is is the best next the best thing to having both of your birth certificates is going down to the hospital and getting your either your footprint or getting your mother's and father's application with that has that signature from them nowadays everything is electronic so it may be difficult to get in it in paper so it's they they probably scanned it into there so you'll probably have like a a scan copy that they'll give you and believe it or not because it's coming from that hospital and underneath title 24 and is solidified by a hospital you can actually get that authenticated too at the secretary estate because a physician signed that underneath the state and I have yet to do that but because it takes time to go get that record and I've been doing a lot of other things but I'm just putting that out there to let y'all know like if you already did other things and you're position in a different spaced in me then you may have you may but I'm right by my hospital I could go get it but I'm just doing other things I'm just putting everything there so you guys have all the tools you'll see Joshua B out of Arizona do that take his feet print and claim his feet print and take his birth application and do that as well and if you took the M Tax master class with Tracy she'll she'll bring that up too so a record what if your hospital is closed that they should have allocated those records to another facility because they're not they should not have thrown those records away in some cases they some records do destroyed I've heard of that but someh there has to be hopefully that it was electronically filed like I said in today's time normally things are electronically scanned you may be able to call that hospital and say hey was any of those records allocated or was there any type of merge did the company merge did another company buy that hospital did the any where did the employees and the staff members go that were after that hospital was you know uh uh broken down or closed down where did where did everybody migrate where did those records migrate and that's what you need to find out I mean this is It's Easy once you get equipped it with everything that I'm about to give you you gonna be able to think for your like you'll be able to answer stuff like that for yourself records uh legal title so the record is a legal title right the record record is uh the Catt papers record is the person that's identified in the record as the owner now a record is the legal title right record owner Now record not that look the record owner why we seen in uh entitlement order entitle entitlement holder that was the person that was identified in the record Now record is telling you that record itself is a record owner they telling us everything literally okay information inscribed your uh your similar name at on an intangible media okay so it's it's inside of like a computer stored in the electronic or other mediums and retrievable your birth certificate is retrievable and perceivable form okay this is why so it's a record it's a title you know what I'm saying it's a record owner it it's also a registered organization that's what I like to call it a lot besides everything else that I call it because they get it I because it's they say B you know registered birth you know so organize organized solely under the law of a single state the birth certificate is something that is a record that is solely organized underneath a single state okay by the filing of a it's a public record remember I told you it's domestic record it's c ified registered that mean it's in the public so it's a public organic record how can they run from this now right with the issuance of a public organic record enacted of the legislation by the state or a or a business trust so the the state the state has a trust it the state agencies always are not acting in the trust the real State like the dour like the governor and the people that like the registers those are the ones that's acting on the business trust that's why they say buy the state or a business trust because the vital statistics don't understand that they're operating under a business I mean some of them do but like the business you know the entity itself don't have can say to itself that it's op you know it's just individuals that's operating the trust they don't know per se that they're in they you know like it's all spiritual it's crazy like once we how spiritual it is once I really get into it I already showed that they tied it where the where it started from a church the settlement certificate was made for poor people and it look it's it's not changing the law is not changing then we are in modern law okay formed and organized under the law of a single state all right if a statute of the state Governor or business trust requires the business trust organic record to be filed with the state now your state laws and your state you can go right now and look look at it it it the state the Secretary of State and the governor gives executive rules of how they should be filed and I'm going to show you who regulates those filings okay now remember 28 USC 302 the United States is a corporation okay the means of identifying yourself in the United States a corporation Federal means Covenant between man and God and Corporation is just a corporation so it's just saying that we govern the United States governs itself you know what I'm saying you just got to understand that because Federal is a covenant between God and man so they're saying that their United States their corporation is between them and God okay In God We Trust instrumentality of the United States when we're going to go over instrumentality when we talk about the location of a de and we go over the tax forms now now here comes the real juicy part public law uh 108 uh 458 you see that it says this act may be cited by the intelligence reform and terrorist prevention now we're going to see why as we read this what they're talking about I'm going to point out to you why they're talking how why they're talking about terrorist prevention because we're the ones that need to figure we're the ones that need to en enforce the terrorist pre prevention and it is the job of the SEC Secretary of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to also prevent the terrorist prevention but you'll see as we read this document that they're very intelligent and it is a reform that they are the ones technically doing the terrorist acts so it's kind of weird that they even and think about it act acting they're acting it's a act it's like a play and all this language right here is inside the Freedom of Information where you get the Freedom of Information uh Authority is in title five with uh Title 31 and you see mostly everything comes back to Title 5 when it comes to Agriculture and you know it's giving us notice allowing us to see the records and because you notice we're dealing in records so title T it's not a surprise to me that title five is right there so and so in public law so if you guys want to look pull this up yourself the whole document you can I'm just going to put the the main parts out I just wrote the main parts Public Law 108 uh section uh 72 okay uh minimum standards for birth certificates okay I'm just fly through this real quick it says in this section the term birth certificate means certificate so so they said birth certificate means CER uh birth certificate means certificate of birth and C certificate of birth means birth certificate okay live or long form or whatever form whose birth is registered in in the United States whom's birth is registered in the United States okay registered in the United States is issued by the state local government or agent authorized I'm going to skip lines you'll notice that if you you know all because I it's still going to sound appropriate because the way like I'm reading it like verbs uh authorized custodian of record and produced from birth records maintained by such agencies or custodial record holders because uh the reason why is because uh Vital Statistics is not the only people that issue birth certificates Sometimes some people are born uh and they there's like in small counties and things like of that nature and sometimes that there's like um there're in certain situations where like there's just one register agent that works in the office and they're not necessarily in the state that has like uh that's like in like like a vital statistics Health and Human Services Department so it's like a third party Contracting agency so if your birth certificate comes from one those type of uh people where it's like one register signed it and it says the United States of America birth certificate and it has no State on it you would have to go back to the custodian of that record to get that birth certificate authenticated on it state level so that you can give it to the do CU some people go through that situation authenticate now it says b okay it says means it says means of birth certificate B was one and then it says or B is a authenticated copy used by issued by the federal or state government see sometimes they do are issued by federal but mostly local it says remember now here we are authorized custodian they're always acting as the custodian so we got to be the custodial Trust we got to know what a custodial trust is uh the the custodial trust uh minor trust transfer act the minor trust uh Gift Act you need to understand those that's how they're transferring our assets and taking using the custodial trust to to control our person because they're the custodian because no one's we haven't claimed to be the custodial uh record holder or the responsible party the trustee for that record for the benefit of the person person that's identified in the record okay now listen this is the head honcho right here can y'all see this literature pretty good or do I need to blow it up more is anybody having trouble like can everybody see clearly I I can see it okay I'm just making sure yeah I can see everybody can see the L everybody cool and comfortable following me there's no uh everybody following got you okay all right so okay cool uh the state certification so listen this is one of the big players with the birth certificate so y'all know that y not crazy the state shall C now listen the state is supposed to be Sovereign the state is a whole body the state comprises of house and representative of legislative judicial and executive department so here how is the Secretary of Health over the state then you'll notice the violation of separation of powers as we read into this that the secretary of state is an executive branch in giving grants to the state how does an executive department give a grant to a legislative Department that's a violation that's that's that's a violation of separation of powers it's a violation of the Constitution this each state they're really talking about the agencies in the state because the governor the governor is not going to report to the secret it may see because some it was really want to that's what I really want to understand yeah it's crazy I'm about to tell you I want to show you they're G to show you it's not my words man these is this is the this is their words I'm not taking anything out of context okay the state shall not may not uh have a choice they're saying that the state has to certify to the Secretary of Health and Human Services but this is only in regards to the compliance of the requirements of the birth certificate so they're really talking to the agenes they're not talking to the governor they're not talking to the attorney general but the attorney general and the governor is included in the state the House of Representatives and the Senate is included the people that makes your State Legislative so why how in the world even if it said it doesn't even matter even if the agencies was real and they were really state agencies and they was really government and we really had back money back by gold and we were dour how in the world is the state reporting to an executive department that's still a violation of the separation of powers in the Constitution the separation clause okay and then on top of that the secret the Secretary of Health and Human Services from what the state is reporting to them the secretary of state is giving the state grants yeah that's a problem so we gonna talk about that okay so frequent frequency it says C certifications under paragraph a shall be made at such intervals see this is why some people a lot of my students they had multiple uh birth certificates that has multiple numbers and bonds and they're just let shooting them [ __ ] out in intervals like sometime like sometimes they get to cranking them out you know what I'm saying and people like you got five or six different type of birth certificates okay and such a manner as the SEC that's why there's supposed to be compliance this is why you this is the terrorism portion that we need to enforce that's why we need to be Hing at the Secretary of Health and Human Services you know what I'm saying uh with with the concurrence of the Secretary of home so listen this is the second player a shall be made at such intervals in the such manner as the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the concurrence of the Secretary of Homeland Security the homeland security is the second player in the birth certificate little scheme that's going on that's they little that's their little communication partner you know what I'm saying all information that's getting transferred to the state state agencies is because the state and the agencies are saying yeah we got somebody that signed up for welfare we got this census we sending up diversity certificate they dealing with is new issues to get new grants and they dealing to get grant money to the agencies that's reporting the activity from the birth certificate such as Distributing the welfare or application for funds so they have a block grant on us from receiving our grants they're blocking them and then they're receiving our grants because there's a block grant on us and we'll get into that because the treasury Department particularly talks about incompetencies and miners that can't handle their own estate are to have a block grant on them so that's what the opening your treasury direct account and and getting the trust set up and retitling that account is is at a prestige level where you're going to release your block grants off of you and you can distribute your own interest off your own shity bonds and you can determine how much of your own Grant or distribution that you want to take so right now they're doing that they're in control of that through the birth certificate not even the social yet we haven't even got to the social these are just the grants remember the church was over the birth certificate the church fed the poor the church had the responsibility in the ownership of the of the poor people so we haven't even got to the Social Security yet so they're able to dis defraud the the Creditor by funneling grant money through your vehicle using that CES Decay as a vehicle to put the grand by the statistics of the issuance of it to refer to it as for a to receive a certain particular amount of funds off the amount that was issued they're not going to tell you that but it's it's very uh you know black and white here okay so and the commissioner mind you they call the IRS the commissioner and they want to make you think that the social security administ and the IRS don't have a relationship but you can't look at them forms and tell me that they're not related when you look at the ss4 and the ss5 they're actually because the Social Security trust fund is what is is private the remember I told you the Social Security is private so it's not it's not certified you won't find it in public okay so not only does the health and human Serv the secretary of the Health and Human Services say not only does the homeland security have influence on how these birth certificates are handled but the commissioner of Social Security as well may prescribe regulations and if you ever had in then business or try to do anything with the Social Security of building you can understand why their agents and dealing with them are so territorial over what you're trying to get done because they're a big player in this grant scheme they don't want you to reverse These funds so each state shall ensure that units of local government and authorized custodians of Records I read y'all my birth certificate they said the secretary and the register said that they're the custodial record holder and here in this law they're even keep talking about it that records in the state comply with the section so they want the state so they put the burden on the state they they put the burden on the state so if they're do if the state's doing any fraudulent activity or reporting they said that the state is to be in compliance but off the information that the state is giving the secretary the secretary is given the grant that's a problem like that's a real bad problem okay audit the Secretary of human and human health and re and services May conduct a periodic audit and that's very this is where audit means abatement audit means like a tax assessment that's an abatement so you got to understand that you may be able to be the one to initiate the Secretary of Health by enforcing this knowledge to do a audit on the state or the vital statistics or when you're want something from the vital statistics you know if the the vital statistics is not doing it that the Secretary of Health and Human Services can get in their ads because those are the ones that making sure that they're compliant so if something is damaging to you or public information is exposed that's pertaining to your security interest in a particular property or an account you may want to take that up with the secretary of state if it involves anything in relation to that public record because they're the ones to make sure they audit those records for each state or agency so they're over the agencies that's dealing with those birth certificates too they because they're dealing with those they're dealing with that instrument okay so this just talk about the minimum requirements that the birth certificate uh oh no that this should you uh no later than one year after this date of the enactment of this act say the secur the Secretary of human health and services shall shall by regulation establishment a minimum standard for birth certificates look hold on for use by federal agencies that covered what I just said they said it they self so the the Secretary of Health and Human Services is to regulate establish the minimum standard for the birth certificate for the use by federal uh agencies Urban Housing Development taking your application and dealing with your birth certificate uh the the welfare department asking for your children's certificates and identification to facilitate uh uh they want to say that they're giving you money but they're getting a loan a grant loan from this from this Secretary of human health and services you need to be acknowledgeable that you're the one that's that's given your signature to release to ultimately release that Grant so when you understand that the nutritional template that helps you navigate and brings you to the law that they're violating for not giving you your full benefit at the welfare department when you're entitled to your full benefit not partial of it that that they're doing there so many other laws that they breaking but if they're using that birth certificate as a federal agency that's dealing with the secretary of Health and Human Services that's involved with releasing grant money so that's a big problem you know what I'm saying okay Grant grants to States assistance and meeting Federal standards okay be beginning on see look they're supposed to prevent tampering counterfeiting and duplicating birth certificates for fraudulent purposes that's why they say we don't contest to the correctness we don't contest to that this this this office is not saying that this is an official document because if they did then that would contradict every other one that's made and issued alongside of it that has contradicting register numbers because it would be counterfeiting it would constitute that these people are intelligent at what they do guys we need to understand that they're intelligent people at what they do the people that write this stuff okay uh beginning on the date of of final regulation and prom under subsection B3 the the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall award grants to the state come on man that should make a lot of us sad you know and just disappointed in our government how is the how is anybody from the executive department awarding grant to a whole legis islative executive in the judicial body if that's not money laundering I don't know what that is if I don't if that's not an abuse of separation of powers I don't know what that is maybe y'all could fill in the gaps on that but it's right there so can't nobody tell you that in regards to your birth certificate that the the Secretary of Health and Human Services are not giving the grant awarding grants to the states for the uh calculated issuance because I'm putting it right in front of y'all face so that y'all can have an articulated conversation with anybody that's saying that your birth certificate don't have some type of monetary value you bring them right here to this section and you just be patient with them and know that they just are ignorant to the facts and that you just need to put this in right in front of their face and if they look at this and they and they deny this then you know that they have a mental problem to assist them in conforming unlawful International crimes I don't know they're maybe they are because they're their cage numbers do say they International uh addresses so that's like an international crime you're right I pull their cage numbers and and they say that they're doing business with uh the government they solicit take contracts yeah we turning up we haven't even I haven't even gotten to the good stuff y'all I'm a I'm getting through the the foundation for y'all the one I hate when people say found found Foundation I can hear people saying that in they head they never give y real Foundation assisting them in conforming to the minimum standard for birth certificates okay shall establish requirements of proof of verification and identity all right now you see what I'm saying that's just as simple as it is notice of unjust enrichment I said because you know that's notice and an UNR unjust enrichment we're going to touch basis is when somebody is receiving a value and off another person and that person that's giving the value isn't receiving anything damn near the value of what they're saturated in because of what you what they took from you so that's an unjust enrichment where you're entitled to your compensation because no one should be able to take anything of yours and benefit off it and you receive nothing that's an unjust enrichment allocation of a grant the secretary and it says it again it keeps saying it so the SEC the secretary shall award grants to the state under this paragraph based on the proportion that the estimate average annual number we're talking money now we're talking real like this is really happening in front of our eyes of birth certificates issued so we know what a grant is some substance of money a bill a order to pay a promise to pay a giving a grant the non-pay up you don't have to pay it back off the proportion of a estimate not exact numbers so imagine how many imagine their estimations I wonder how off their estimations are when it comes the to the average annual reporting and I wonder how many numbers of certified birth certificates that they say that they issued I'm sure they have to actually issue them to say that they but that goes back to how many have they issued that you don't know about how many you think is in their computer they might give you one copy but how many you think they generated is they s we don't know we won't never know if they just generating them and then tossing the number to the Secretary of State to get the grant we would never know but that's not our job our job is to make sure that our numbers are accounted for my uh by the so the estate the agencies are applying for these grants okay bears the bears to the estimate average annual number of the birth certificate issued by all states okay minimal allocation okay it's talking about we talking money not withstanding paragraph B each state shall receive no less than 05% of the grant funds made available you see that they're taking distributions like a C corporation to theirself okay and here we are again I just want to reiterate over this same like they all you see look the the law even reiterates over this and they L literally trying to put it in front of your face but people don't read it so it says the assistance in matching birth and record and and death records okay in general I'm just reading this because it's showing you who the players are the Secretary of Health and Human Services in Con in coordination with the Social Security Administration look they look how many people they letting in your' business and other appropriate agencies who told them who get you know what I'm saying like I know the certificate is not ours I want to jump to conclusion I mean because this will get us back into territorial mode but this is why I took yall through the steps of yall entitlement this is why I took you through the steps of what the manifestation of certificate originally was a settlement certificate this is why I linked it to the church and showed y'all what happened before the CES KV that you we know in the C KV we need to claim to be alive but I didn't just show you that you need to go and say hey I'm alive I also showed you how it's a security financial asset register organization record title so that you can tie this together and you should let these people know that you know because who appropriated these federal agencies cuz besides them allocating grants the only one that's going in and actually releasing the grant indirectly is us through applications shall award grants to the state so they're so the federal agencies are awarding grants and they're just keeping it in the family you know what I'm saying it's sickening what they doing under the criteria established by the secretary assistant assist States in computerizing births again allocating grants they said it again a secretary shall award grants to qualifying States under the paragraph it was set up for yes it's really complex and this is just this not even the complexity this is just lame this is laying they're telling you in layment this not even a complex portion of what it is this how they make us they want to make us feel literate because it's been here the whole time there's there's way way more yeah there's way lay way many layers we're GNA cover hella layers tonight based on the portion in the estimate of annual Burton the BAM so that's that so now I'm going to bring y'all to the Minnesota rule because Minnesota is the only one who says it like this now if you go to the Min Minnesota rule to 20 if you're not comfortable and you feel like you need your state to back you up you cuz it don't matter cuz we're in uniform law so that's why we can use the Minnesota rule 220 but if you're comfortable and you need your state rule you can go to title rule 220 and I'll just put in Ohio now rule 22 like you said I'm inade um it will just pop up the qualifications for your register to register for the state to register your birth certificate your domestic organization under statutory laws the public organic record but Minnesota is very you know very a very special state to to me and everybody else because the way that they articulated their version unlike everybody else okay and there goes to read that the registered title of titles and they call it a title that other states don't is authorized to receive for a registration of memorials upon the outstanding certificates yeah they're outstanding because they're writing so many goddamn grants on them outstanding certificate of title an official birth certificate pertaining to the register owner you're not the register owner remember the register owner is the person that's identified in the record it says it right there too I just got it in my memory so crazy named in the certificate of title showing that the date of birth not the day born the date of birth of said registered owner provided there is and that's why you don't give them your birthday that's why you don't remember because you don't remember because you were too young to remember because when they say what's your date of birth they're not talking about your date of birth and then they're saying of the owner you're not the register owner so they're not referring to your date of birth even though coincidentally that's your birth but Unfortunately they have changed the times in history so you may have think that you were born in a particular uh month or a day but just keep in mind that you truly don't know your birthday because we truly don't know what time it is but that's another story but we do keep record and we do have birthdays and we celebrate them on a private level but don't never go to court and tell them be like you know I don't know my birthday because I was too young to remember you know but the person that you're talking about lives at that address and their birthday is such and such always refer to that person because that's not you they they totally clone Tyrone okay providing there is an attached is attached to said birth certificate in Alpha David you hear that that's the rule 220 the alpha David the claim of Interest I've already already provided the claim of interest for y'all that's this document and another document you don't even I'm giving y'all so much game y'all can just take [ __ ] out this document and not even overload them you know what I'm saying you can of an infant who states that he or she is familiar with the facts recited now you see how they say that an infant who states it didn't say that he's the birth certificate that he's the name and he's the owner no it says an infant who states that they are familiar with the facts recited they didn't say that it's a person who gives an alpha David that says that they're entitled they're the owner and that's you know the birth certificate is them no they just and it they keeping it brief they keeping public and private separated stating that the party named in the say certificate is the same party as one of the owners so you're not saying that they're not saying stating party that that's the same person in the birth certificate no it's saying what look it says one of the owners so what does that tell y'all your mother is the settler your father they're acknowledging that it's a trust your mother because your mother can make a claim to this your father can make a claim to this cuz they're one of the owners they're actually one of the settlers they're the settler granters we're the settler we're the benefici we're the granter beneficiary now but we don't want to go we don't have to use all that crazy language because it's telling you what needs to be in your alpha davit or your testimony or your declaration because Alpha David is commercial and you could use Alpha David because maybe they understand it better but if you talk with Bible verses and declarations and testimonies under God you're going to they're going to without a doubt give you what you want because you're coming underneath like public9 Public Law 97 which is the year of the Bible all right one of the name one of the owners named in the certificate of title and that thereof the registered T of title shall treat the said register owner as having attained the age of majority okay now we go to Joint house resolution I'm going to read this later when we get into uh but this is full faith and credit where the treasury Department the Secretary of Treasury is to pay the uh statutory debt limit when the stat when the when the debt limit reaches a statutory limit now let me tell y'all something and y'all know this because if y'all Y Americans when are they not on the news and when are they not screaming and publicizing oh my God we're at the we're gonna we're reaching the debt limit we're at the oh we God everything's going to crash we're at the limit right okay well it's to good for us because coincidentally exactly the treasury Department in the event that the the the reaches the debt limit guess what the treasury gets to issue new debts for the sole purpose of making payment on the principal and interest earned on that debt so well everybody screaming around oh my God the debt well guess what you're woken and you're a private American and you know that the debt when the debt limit reaches its statutory limit which is always and forever that means that your your notes and your redeemable Securities are always able to be reissued and the old debts are to be paid uh off the the principle and interest is to be paid off the the interest that was accumulated off that prior debt and then reissue because the treasury Department is a primary market so they can't print money so they have to just make uh e bonds and I bonds and other bonds and in uh paper that is monetary and then they have um floating Reserve notes like frns that you know they they have a different type of a maturity and they they're just different they're just different in their nature of of commercial of primary marketable Securities and then when they when they're issued out of that primary Market we're we are the secondary Market because we're taking it and putting it into the Walmart we're taking it and putting it in the dealership we're putting it into the secondary market so and then there's another Market which is the broker market like the S&P 500 that but that's where we're eventually putting our notes into that market when we're holding it we're that same Market when we engaging in Commerce so it's the the market that we live in pulling up for gas going out to eat that's the market okay so payments of Social Security trust fund so that's going right back there so Financial financial asset let's see if I let me see negotiable instruments I think y'all I think y'all get it y'all get this document I'm going to I'm going to go into some other things because time is rock and rolling but you guys get now look at this look if you look at I'm not sure what this law is but if you put in found dead found alive 14702 this might be American Juris circum or uh American jurist Prudence but I because these codes look like those type of codes but I know that these are not cfrs or anything so look at this and then we'll move on to uh some some other interesting things it says on the on the death of a person who is in favor against who the right of action has occur occurred for any cause prior to their death the right of action survivors in favor or against the legal representative of a deceased person presumed that covers an estate or a minor or incompetent person but this is where it covers you dead found alive a person presumed to be dead pursuant to section 14701 is presumed to be a a living a person injured by the presumption by that presumption so you have been injured by the them presuming that you are dead Okay shall be restored to the right of which there are which they were deprived by reason of presumption okay so that this is a a hell of a document they're making flal claims I'm going to go into that you know and we just read this document guys this going to be dropped into the chat and you know what I'm oh this is the oh yeah this is the trust test I'm just going to go over this I didn't go over this with my last class now look this is this is 26 guys this goes back to the custodial trust and when your your your name decree person needs to be appointed after you get your name decree and you create your uh custodial trust that person that's taking making the benefic making your principal record owner holder the beneficiary of the custodial trust and when you name yourself trustee it needs to be the same name as your your uh name correction that's going to make you be a a foreign trust okay it says domestic trust domestic and foreign trust okay this is straight out the Internal Revenue code okay it says in general a trust a trust look at that a trust in general a trust so they're presuming a trust is a United States person please take that in a register organization is a trust but a trust is a United States person I mean they're telling us without telling us so many different things a court within a court within the United States shall be able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of a trust it's called a court test okay that's a quick question on this you can yes and if anybody we can do that we can do some Q&A right now okay thank you this is this is interesting um to me because I I just created a trust for myself but this is a different sort of trust right is this the trust that um this is the trust that is connected with our um with our birth certificates and what have you right but that's not the one that we create that we want to house Assets in no I mean no hell no this is the one that we pay bills and take over accounts in this is the one that we hold accounts in there are we're going to hold assets but we're not going to hold real estate we're not going to hold cars we're not going to hold our you know our homes and our Deeds our land land inside of this trust which you can but I wouldn't because this is the one because the the person that's benefiting is your is the birth certificate person and their only benefiting because you're handling commercial transactions they and I'm going I'm going to read the Trump when I read the Trump letter after this you're going to get some real Clarity of what's going on excuse me I need to spit so this trust right here in in the class that you just that everybody just received is going to be uh the intervivos trust here let me take you to it real quick okay that's that when you go to this class and you go to if you when when you download this you're going to go here you're going to open up your material and you're going to go down here and this that's interesting hope they didn't hopefully these audio didn't get removed it look like they did yeah look like these give me one second look like these Audi removed out of here okay so but this is the class right here though I'm about to do something real quick this is the class that you're going to take right here that's going to really go into depth about this give me give me one second will that tax class teach us how to do uh 1041 V's also no no okay but I mean there's there's nothing really too 10 the only thing you need a 1040 V for is if you got a negotiable instrument that you didn't restrict that go4 but most of the time because I I have I have a trust I have trust and they when I followed them and got the Ein it told me I would have to fill out a 1041 uh at the end of the year or in April yeah the trust it's that's a statutory trust okay I mean until you until you uh I mean it's for a lot of things yeah right he already said so you there's some you're going to see as we get further into this information that uh you need when you when you get that that that letter that looks like a check at the bottom and it's going to say in the middle real fine print you need to file a temp 40v by this date and then at the bottom is going to say if you have if there's anything that you need to tell us please you know send us back use this tell us if your name is correct or incorrect they're also telling you that I could show there's in in the in Internal Revenue manual it it says that uh you you um excuse me I have a brain fart that you're supposed to write take that send that letter back and when you send that letter back you let them know that you're operating in an unincorporated private Express trust and then you send in your 8832 and send them and check uh letter I think it's letter C or letter e will go over the text document and it's going to say it's G to that's going to tell them that you're operating as a foreign your entity is disregarded and separate as the owner and then they're they should send you back another letter saying that your trust is exempt from filing tax return you can do that than you but I'm G to give you all the you you're G to have all the information to understand that when I when you leave when you leave my class okay I appreciate you man thank you good all right just give me one second let me just do this real quick yeah I don't know how these I don't know how these uh got out of my gum r the devil be trying to stop me all right all right so I'mma show y'all something so what you need to do when you get this class give me one sorry about these pauses you good what is that so yeah I don't I don't know where the hell these went but I got to find these because this is very important weird that even happen like I know somebody in and start messing with this because you need we need those two audios y'all need them two audios that's issue all right here we are right here so I'm going to upload these into here so the so this is what you do when you when y'all get this where the hell them thing go unfortunately these are they're at the bottom now do you see it says Tracy s gims happy to be here hey hey Pilla I I uh my video didn't it didn't it didn't uh record yesterday so it it's cool we we we we turned up today and we about like I'm it's just God is good and I think that everything happens for a reason Tracy's audio all right so y'all see right here audio yeah y'all when y'all when we get done with this class this this class is going to go over the 56 the 56f the 8832 the 8821 the 911 the power of attorney 48 uh 2848 what to attach to each document is going to have the language inside of it as well is interesting too because I don't even see the tax documents let me see if I see the tax documents in here and it's going to show you how to do yeah tax documents there we're going to go over the tax documents too y y'all wait wait wait till I get y'all with the S so you just go to when you download this file what I want you to do is you listen to these two audios download these two audios she's going to go over the text forms verbally verbally you need to have a notebook just like this and you need to be writing everything that she's talking about down you need to have two notebooks when she's talking about these tax forms you need to be writing everything that you that she's talking about that 56 you need to be writing every single damn word down that she's talking about that 56 if she's talking about that 56f you need to be writing everything down about that 56f if she talking about that power of attorney you need to be you need to be writing down everything that's in regards to that power of attorney if she's talking about that 8832 entity election you need to be writing everything down about that election if she goes off and she starts talking about the custodio express granter inter Vio revocable trust and how to operate it and what governs it you need be writing down what governs it and how to operate it and what type of certificates and declarations and and needs to attach to that trust you need to understand and indulge yourself into this information as if you about to die the next day so if you really want this then that's what's going to determine how you dissect the information and extract it to be a to be creative in your own way so you're going to you're going to uh this may not down low because I got so much going on but we're GNA get these in here I'm G to get these gems in here and when you get done with these two audios you're going to go up and then you're going to navigate yourself to this uh video and everything in those audios are going to be reiterated on here however in this is a video not an audio so you're going to see the tax forms she's going to read the language she's going to go over the the uh the the two3 the 231 power of attorney from the uh Department of Fishkill and how you're going to we're going to go over we're going to go you it's just going to be a duplicate because I'm just I'm going to go over it too and then we we're going to go over that you see you get the 8832 you get the 56 prefilled out with the language you just put the information that you're supposed to put in and take them down to the IRS office and get these accounts stamped and each several each of these forms if you go out and get a credit card your obligation is to retitle that account for that beneficiary of that trust because you're the trustee of the custodial trust you're paying the bills and receiving the tax forms and making compensation as a trustee for the beneficiary so you're going to do if you go get a vehicle and you discharge it you take over the account you need to do these tax forms all over so like one account this is one account okay this is one of my accounts stamp you get it stamped by the IRS okay this is my birth certificate and every this is just one account you just all those forms for one account so you need to understand if you really want to be a part of this or if you want to be a United States citizen because once you start doing this you don't go back and start doing any of that stuff that you did before is going to be a whole different ball game cuz you're going to have to so you got a car note you got an account you got to retitle it back to the dealership that's the instrumentality and the location of the deor not your address I'm going to go into that and then if you got a credit card you it's Capital One you uh at their address their headquarters or wherever that goddamn bill is from you $199 be it barter and trade it you don't do a 99c on open in accounts you going or utility accounts you will destroy the account and they will they will discharge the account and you won't have a credit card if you want a credit card and you want to do business with the bank on an open credit credit line you do a 1099 B and you take control of the account you don't you don't just destroy it for you and the bank that's not a that's not how you a responsible Banker so you so you need to know what a acquisition is you need to know what a a 1099 B is you need to know what a 1099 see is you need to be very careful with a 1099a because it can get you in in much trouble as it can do good for you because you need to understand the duality in that form which is abandonment of funds and Acquisitions so when you have an utility bill and you give your social security to get a cons commercial uh utilities for your principal's location who lives there you're you're going to that's an acquisition so you gave them permission to do an acquisition but they're giving you a bill and it's a it's a check but if you don't know what it is then you've abandoned those funds so you can pay the utility company in full for 12 months with the 1099a by making yourself the deor and making them the Creditor because they're creditor in it and they'll take it out of that account in that circumstance but if you want to Bar you can barter and trade it and you can put a 1099 B on it and because it's a negotiable instrument account then you every month you can decide to Tender those bills and reapply that interest it just depends on how you want to operate and I'm giving you options that that you guys have choices on how you want to operate you understand what I'm saying so every account gets several forms it doesn't matter so in your house you should have a office and you should have a fax machine and two you know everybody can't get there and this goes back to where I said if you're if you're a single mother or a father or whatever you're doing you're working five days a week get out of that tell your boss I've joined a church I gave my life to God and I need Monday through Friday off because I need to do what I need to do Post Office court filings tax filings IRS appointments learning this material and I need to work Friday Saturday and Sunday so I can accumulate my daily my my monthly living and until you can get on your feet and transition out of that if you're working with an employer we have the the 1099 B is what you give to your employer if they tell you that they can't fill it out you just tell them this is how it goes I have a certain relationship with the IRS and if I if if I do anything other than this form then I would be it would be constituted and it it would cause more damage to me than it would if we would to proceed with this W4 or W2 so I'm going to just be like tell HR do you remember how you filed that W2 make them answer their own questions because you know it'll help you and they'll be like yeah of course of course they know because they filed it you know but you want to just play dumb yeah you're going to file this 1099 you're going to file this W8 B just like you did that as simple as that here you go file it and get your 10 your your uh because that's gonna that's going to make sure that you don't so it's going to exclude your FICA it's going to make sure that Social Security and that stuff is not taken out with that and then with the state you can do your waiver with the state and you can send notice to the state so they can stop state taxes and uh Federal ta you could stop federal taxes from coming out of your checks and then you're just going to have to make sure that you do you you know is one thing that I don't know about is I haven't received all these forms back or my CF numbers back so that so all this stuff is going to be applied on the 1040 and I'm going to show you that I know that to be a fact but we just need to navigate the 1040 on each line cuz most of us get intimidated by the 1040 and we don't want to go we get intimidated but I'm going to show you how to break down just like I break down the art the articles in the UCC and there's parts that's exactly how these tax forms are and they're in bold so you can see it was basic I'm just going to say article but in on the tax form it'll say article uh you know this section payment and then it'll say article distribution so you just need to pay attention to the terminology and then it'll be say line 1099 line W2s income you know I you know and then you'll start applying them appropriately and then it's you know it's other people that really more advanced in that than me that I could put yall in the direction like scoo nitty you know reach out to sco nitty and two things that I'm not I can I'm going to know tell you for sure that you need to do is get your birth certificates to the Puerto Rico and get your authenticated birth certificates to the Department of Treasury but I have just stumbled on that information which changed a lot of this information that I knew even though it's right and we on the right track it's just certain tweaks here and there that we need to do like that's going to get us on the do not detain list that's going to get us reading inside the system as as immigrants which we want you know what I'm saying because uh in school nitty he charges 500 he know some somebody that goes back and forth to New York to the Embassy reach out to him he's really busy and uh so I'm just somebody that's going to be able to feel majority of the gaps have get you guys to where you need to be so when you come across somebody as advanced as him he's going to be able to deal with you like hey you know I was a guy Enoch he brought me up to Pace I got everything done here's my children's birth certificate can you just take this 500 and deposit them and you know in the back of your mind you handling everything in your s in your state and he's going to deposit your certificates and you can continue to learn and grow from there but the first key is because you can't get in trouble for doing these forms you won't go to jail or have no frivolous files or anything like that and make sure you make these oppon we're going to go over this in a little bit but first just to uh so yeah that's in the that's in the tax class guys and all of that we're gonna get back on topic so bam so the the trust test okay so the course can administer you over you over your estate of a trust because the trust is is a a United States person okay for the purpose of the Internal Revenue code on any day that a trust meets both the court test and the control test for the purpose of regulations in this chapter the the the term domestic trust means a trust that is a uh United States person okay so it tells you the a court Court in the United States May supervise and administer over a trust if it's determined to to pass the court test it sounds good but you don't want to pass the court test that's how they make it seem they make it seem like oh do you do you want to wave your rights and then it'll make it seem like you're losing something like you want to wave your rights to a lawyer like and it'll make you make you scared like oh I don't want to wave my rights but they're trying to trick you into getting a lawyer oh hell yeah I want to wave my rights to a Goddamn lawyer what do you mean how like you know what I'm saying like no I'm not waving my rights but I don't want no lawyer stop asking me these trick questions you know what I'm saying so they like pass and meet the criterias of a test and most people we be in school which school is a programmer we know if failing a test is the worst thing that you could do so the programming in your mind will make you think like oh I gotta it'll confuse you it you won't know you'll think like passing the test is a good thing and being you know you wouldn't understand this if somebody didn't break it down for you so no you don't want to pass the court test you want to fail that [ __ ] you want to fail the test you don't want to pass the the control test you want to fail at you understand what I'm saying because okay so that's what you want to do you don't want to be a domestic trust the term foreign trust means any trust other than a domestic trust hear that okay a foreign trust is considered to be a pres to be present in the United States at the time for purposes for Section whatever this is and it's probably Commerce I know dealing with trust in my studies that that you know if you're a foreign trust the only thing that they can regulate if you're not a United domestic trust after you fail those tests and you qualify as a foreign trust the next thing that they're going to try to do is trying to to convince you that you're doing trade and business so you don't you want to refrain from doing trade and business and there's very fine lines to determine whether you're doing trade or business versus private business and not trade okay because it involves a capital G and it it says that too look it says which deals and I'm I knew that but because I read a lot which deals with capital gain okay of nonresident aliens that are present okay more than 180 days or more okay applicable law the terms of a trust instrument in applicable law must be applied to the to determine whether the court test and control test are met which is a safe harbor it sounds good right you would think oh I want Safe Harbor no you don't want Safe Harbor you don't want to pass the state the Safe Harbor a trust satisfies the court test if the trust instrument does not indicate that the trust be administered outside of the United States so it passes the test okay it satisfies the test which is bad if your trust instrument does not say that your trust is governed under the general law Merchant and the principles of equity and your trust does not express that it is outside the District of the United States you fail you would pass the test and qualify as domestic the trust must in fact be administered exclusively in the United States so yes it can be administered with in the United States but the instrument must clearly state that it's being administered outside okay because these can simultaneously happen because the way that the government is set up okay so uh domestic and foreign so forg is going to go over what like the foreign the the same thing up top but just for the foreign trust okay a United States per if a United States citizen creates a trust okay that's the trust provides income okay that okay so the so even if the United States person right your person your birth certificate the beneficiary the settler uh the settler um granter creates the trust right he's let me see trust created by B oh no excuse me so the United States citizen is B okay the trust provides income for a and b for the rest of their life so B is a United States citizen okay REM remainder A and B descendants okay a is not is a nonresident alien so B so the United States citizen created the trust on behalf of a non-resident alien and itself which is a United States citizen and B is a United States person okay if the if the trustee of the trust is a United States person the trust instrument authorizes a to replace the trustee your foreign person this is your name decree your name decree will be appointed as the trustee the power to place the trustee is a substantial decision because a is a non-resident alien controls the substantial decisions of a trust the the test is not satisfied and that's what we want does everybody follow that yeah that makes sense yeah down with you okay did I lose anybody does anybody have any questions that pertaining to this particular thing before we uh get into anything else anybody no bro anybody anybody got question oh no I'm okay all right yo my bad I got one I was just taking the notes on are the is there a correspondence between private American and nonresident alien well that's just what that's just the terminology that uh the IRS use they're not going to say private American okay you have to read for sure good look yeah that that's what divides public and private from mixing got to got to you gotta read between the line unfortunately that's that's what I'm here for though y and everybody else that's really genuine genuinely helping yall all right so so we're going to go to the name decree all right so can you can y'all see me yeah it's clear all right y'all see my body right okay I may go on the board for this one y me y'all may need some perspect I mean it's really easy to understand okay what I'm about to bring to Y so anybody interested in the name decree has anybody went ahead and tried to do that then and now everybody that since I've took you through the USC's I took you through the ucc's I took you through the UCC I mean the the CFR the ucc's took you through the anointed Federal Constitution I took you to your state constitution I took you to your revised State con uh the fake Constitution and I took you to your administrative rules I showed you how to go read everything in the Roman numerals to bring you all the way to bottom from Cornell Law I brought you told you how about the asset the register organization how to tie that to your entitlement the record the title you know everything with the grants releasing the grants oh first time okay that's fine that's cool this is perfect uh so everybody's getting an understanding how I'm bringing everything into a chronological orders to give you a real Vivid understanding of what's going on yes yeah we are we starting to see based on the the foreign trust test that a needs to be even though that the United States uh person starts a trust they need to appoint the trustee to be a a private American that by Internal Revenue code in order to fail the the trust test and the control test yeah right we want to fail that and and the way that we fail that is because the exemplified name decree that's signed by the judge and gets three seals from the clerk and when you obtain that you don't go get a Social Security with that you don't go get a birth certificate correction with that because you're going to be right back emerged into the system okay a pure trust is between two people when you go into the probate court and you petition they're going to give you a name decree you want to get that sealed don't go by their rules and they're going to say we're going to publicated we need an ID you take your nationality ID and you tell them that uh you've been living in the where your area is for five years you contest to it I'm going to tell you what documents to to bring don't let them tell them that you want it sealed because this is dealing with your sacred name and you don't need your private information is not public information even though that you guys file and used to filing public information because the probate court is one G because they're because they're Equity they're the courts of equity so that the Bedrock of equity is to give public notice so everything that's dealt with in Probate Land Titles you got to get public notice they really strict about giving public notice so they do it s you need to let them know that you do not want to so we're going to get into what what really constitutes and allows you to use the in your state it don't matter if you got district court rules Federal rules of procedure you're allowed to use Supreme Court rules in any state so if you're in any state in any Court in any County the Supreme rules automatically are applicable to every single court that you ever walk in in your life so if they're telling you that you can't do something or you got to do something according to a statute you go look at the the alternative go see if the Supreme Court has an alternative document to seal that matter or an alternative remedy that you don't want to do with that because you can exercise those Supreme Court rules in that any court that you're in okay so you you just want to get it like this you know what I'm saying you want a petition to seal it you know what I'm saying I filed this and the probate court I'm just waiting on waiting on my date but I already know the power of the decrees trust me and then it may say name change please make it clear to them they're going to be like we don't do name Corrections we just do name change let that go over your head that's just their commercial capacity because we're doing Equity with this particular matter we're want to do a correction okay does it I'm sorry does it matter when um when you're married um so the name on the birth certificate is for for women is maiden name and then um and then after you've gotten married you take on your husband's name um so what do you do with the decree then do you keep the the legal name that you have that you like what do you do with that I mean it's not you really you can keep the name that whatever whatever which name that you want your husband's name or your name when you go if you do a name decree you can keep that but that's a private document but your marriage certificate with both of your names on it your medic name and your marriage name and his and his name that's joining because this you know marriage licens are copywritten by the state so technically the state is the title holder for that they're the they're you actually Mar you didn't marry your husband you married the state and then the state married your husband and y'all both married to state so they're they sit between your marriage and that that that's copywritten so the the formality and the blueprint and the analogy and literature of that mechanism in that vehicle the marriage license is a copyright so so it's it's not it's not it's not you so you so once you take over your name you get your birth certificates authenticated you get your name decree you get your stuff deposited to the treasury you can own you can take control of your whole marriage because your marriage is is a has a bond number has an account number you can retitle that you and your husband both can retitle because y'all both have Equitable interest in that trade and that barter uhuh yeah so and then everything that's involved underneath that marriage is a another account the car the house and everything is is you're assigning it to the state oh oh my God yeah you're assigning it you're assigning it to the state to distribute it and to if there was a discrepancy they're the ones that are entitled to distribute your stuff and if there's no wheels or anything oh so like I'm in California and California is a community property state so like is that is that where that starts coming down to like when people get divorced the state the state judges whether who gets what Assets in the end yeah especially like oh oh my God especially if there's no will especially if there's no trust like if you guys didn't build a trust before the marriage and put the marriage in the trust and get like especially like because you can get married without the state you could actually get married in Probate Court we've been getting married in the wrong courts I didn't know that that's great yes you but you can't it's too late to switch that around though right I mean as long they can't do they cannot interfere in a contract if you and your husband mutually degrees agree y'all can y'all can divorce the state it might look like you divorce your husband but you really divorcing the state oh that's next level okay that's crazy yeah it might look like you divorcing your husband but y'all can read establish the terms like and then do redo it you feel what I'm saying I don't want to derail the class but that sounds like a whole thing that sounds like a whole thing yeah that's the whole that's what like that's what I wonder with the decree because you're going down there for your basically your straw man right you're going down no no that's what I'm about to explain now it's cool it's okay it's okay don't feel that you wrong or right because if you didn't have any type of expression or try any typee of attempt to try to understand and express it to I would never know so trust me even when you don't seem that you right or you asking the wrong question you're on the right track okay you just may be dealing with the wrong person okay you know yeah I know what you're saying I'm all ears I'm yeah for real people that don't want that don't want you to win lowkey so you see how it says in in the name in the name of the in the name of Enoch D that's funny to me it's in Probate you know I'm going to take y'all to probate and show y'all what's inside the probate so you do that and what I told them was that you know I went straight to the Bible I said the reason for my petition is a sacred name is special and private and it and it it is uh valuable to me it is it is important to me because it fulfills God's law and as pursues to Public Law 97 which is the year of the Bible and I went to Philippines and reminded them that we are citizens of heaven and then I went as far as to Matthew 6:34 where it says explain to give your gifts I had to put a little carrot in there like they talk taught us in English class because I didn't put it give gifts in private with the father remember y'all when we go over Bible study uh it's the it's a banking book so when God says come come pray to me in private uh pray to pray to me and come to me he's talking about petition so if you ever hear the word pray just know that it means petition okay when you're praying to God you're petitioning okay and he hears you okay um so Matthew 6 uh verse 6 um I mean chapter 634 uh you know bring your gifts to me so how many times do we not bring our gifts to God how many times do we bring our gifts to the dealership we bring them to the public God is telling us to bring them in private how many times do we bring uh by applying a credit card and gifting our interest away we're like in Disobedience because it says in the Bible to bring your gifts to me in private we've been G we've been giving all our gifts to the public okay and then Matthew 664 four says God instructs men and women to pray to to pray to pray to enter into the uh it says case but it's supposed to say closet or like because God in the Bible it says closet to pray to the father but I don't care because Equity corrects a mistake we're allowed to make mistakes that's what being like you know a human or you know being a regular person like us is like and then this you guys got all this the name correction you guys got the video you guys got the all these documents are provided for you guys a living Soul right thank you Spirit we are spirit so you get a settlers if your if your mother is alive get her to this is her language in here and this is just your mother saying you know here I come my mother you know formerly known as my maen name such and such I am the infant who has the age of the majority and sound competent mind having knowled that I have made a mistake and I'm here to come and to receive Grace and the Lord and our father and savior would ever forgive my sins on January 18th 1991 I gave my life I gave life to my Offspring known as the capital name Enoch hin Dell and then on the hospital blah blah blah you know that you know that is when locals parenes and parents partree jurisdiction took without the the attorney presenting the uh the example of legal proceedings taking place like them making this security agreement with your mother now if your mother God forbid that your you know mother is passed try to get this you know and then your mother get your mother to sign it just let her know like Ma you know it's just a lot going on I'm in Pro you know I'm trying to take over my estate I know I sound silly you know but I love you and if you know I'm don't I'm not going to take your signature and do anything strange with it and if you got trust with your mother just try your best to get your mother's signature because she's the person that is the Gran or settler of that appli and once you get her signature you got a contract with your mother they can't break that Bond they can't even break that bond with your mother automatically cuz if your mother is deceased you can automatically assume like hey I came to the realization of you know my mother made a mistake and I and I feel like any person in their right mind especially my mother in this case her true intentions was to bestow the my my uh the the estate on to me as beneficiary not to be the trustee so and then that's your guys are going to get that form you just put that you just put that with your file for inside the probate court and then you're going to get um inside that same course you guys are if you can get your family tree get your family tree and put it on the record if you're German polish Irish Sicilian you got a family tree just do what I said if your if rest rest your mother's Soul if if that if you if do what I said and be vouch for your mother because your testimony is the only thing that is is equivalent to proof and evidence it doesn't matter about the documents that you file in the court it's ultimately about the testimony that was given that day that solidifies the findings as evidence on the record so it's not so much about your documentation remember that guys you need to understand the Rules of Evidence so if I believe that you're about to hurt me it doesn't matter if you were going to hurt me or not my belief stands as truth in the court of law but it's you know because who going to argue with me even if you didn't hurt me if I believe that who can argue with that so if you believe that your mother bestowed this estate on you who's going to argue with your belief they can't and they GNA say no they didn't because I know your mother and I talked to her and she so she appointed you trustee you know what I'm saying it's ain't nobody gonna argue with you when you know who you are so you get all these documents this this is your petition that's the that's your mother's Settler's intent and this is your petition and you're I don't want to go read this because I really want to get cuz this is available to all of y'all through the name correction and the videos and the templates you guys got everything plus me vividly describing explaining it to you guys way more in detail than anybody else is going to okay now we're going to go cover a little bit about special tender because and because the birth certificates we're going to go a little bit about talk about the birth certificate the difference between the the the legal title and the Equitable Title and both of these are legal title technically because because they're legal and they were they were generated by uh government but this is more of a Equitable example because right here is this this is the only certificate that's acknowledging a live birth and and and this is the only form that's acknowledging a child so it's it's without contesting it's proof and evidence in itself that this is referencing that somebody that was a living witness somebody testified that they seen a living baby being born so this constitutes this long form constitutes your your your Equitable bond this is this is your estate okay this is your estate the the long certificate the short certificate is your bond okay the reason why is because it's fiction it it never it didn't it doesn't I it says certificate of birth it doesn't it doesn't talk about nothing living and where the child's name is it doesn't say that this is a child nowh on here does it talk about anything really I mean even though it says father and mother it still doesn't matter it's still it's still the the legal title portion because this is the one that they typically use that they you know it's it's more this the one that they give you without asking if you don't ask this the one that they give you so what you want to do is you want to be you want to let them know and remember I read the authentication that they said that these records are not correct records we're not we're not contesting that these are correct we're not contesting that these show validity in our office these records don't identify you they do identify that someone was born but only you can identify and determine self-determine who what that born being is or you know and what his interest is so the person identified is the beneficial interest holder tities you're going to be the you got to play the game unfortunately we know what it is I'm telling you what it is but you got to play the game so you want to show competency that you know that these got different records different file numbers District numbers different Bond numbers you understand what I'm saying so they're inconsistent they're not correct and that's the reason why we take these to the Probate Court and put them together and show them the inconsistency and how it's causing injury to you because it's it's showing that you're not you're not active when in fact you're living you know what I'm saying you don't got to go all crazy with the probate court because they're going to give you your name correction because it's religious you don't have to go in there and be like yeah I know the birth certificate is fake and you know I'm don't want I just want to take over my estate don't do that to yourself shoot yourself in the foot the judge wants to give it to you she's going to just ask you like hey is that is that the name and that's the right you know upper lower case yeah upper lower case this is the format that's the new correction what brings you in today want to wanted to do this are you trying to run away from the law you already I already you already put that you didn't my these my uh set the settlement the templates already say that you're not it already contest that you're not doing this for illegitimate reing reasons or trying to hide from the law it already says that you're doing it for religious reasons and and and correcting the record so now you get a name decree from a judge that you had a trust relationship with y'all the only ones in the courtroom she's a witness and you're a witness two people Witnesses you leave the courtroom you go to the clerk of courts they give you a seal stamp name decree and they give you a three seals on it I don't care just like Amry said if they kick down your door the feds kick down your door how they going to tell you who you are when a judge and told to not only is the owner of the record but she she as as you have an interest in the record she also gave you a certified copy exemplified order that's identifying you in there no one can contest to that so now you got the records for the person who's the beneficiary of the custodio trust that you're the trustee of and now you have a name decree that matches with the name that you appointed as trustee and that person don't have a Social Security number when they run that name on that decree it don't got a social it don't got a bir certificate so it's a private American it it it fails the court test and when you purchase anything I don't when you purchase these birth certificates guys you can you know these are shity bonds they take our they take our Charities and they bankroll them and because our sh our certificates have life they can give their certificates their notes life off of our certificates that's an injust enrichment cuz we didn't receive any benefit they Bank wrote our security in our sacred name so it's that's a problem problem so when you purchase anything when you purchase these titles the leg the Equitable and the bond you make sure that you purchase it with a money order and the reason why we use a money order is because is because when you purchase something with cash it's not going to have a check number and when you purchase something with cash it's going to say tendered in cash and those serial numbers those green serial numbers on those debt notes they're debts you just you can't you can't have ownership of anything that's paid with a debt and so you'll notice that on a receipt you'll never see a receipt that says the the money order number I mean the the the serial numbers of a dollar so you can trace back your dollar and claim your dollar with your tit because the receipt is a title so with you pay something with cash and you throw your receipt away and it's a $100 receipt or $1,000 receipt somebody could pick that receipt up and if it's applicable to their taxes and they coincidentally bought a boat for they company that you boat and they whatever they can put it on their taxes because it doesn't tie or co-mingle with anything like the lawful money like the um the money order the money order is right there you see that you see what I'm saying and that's on the check so what you did was you just solidified and you secured your purchase not only with a a money order that was backed by gold by the lawful money of the post office but you also have a receipt with the the the person that the issuer you also have the transaction the cashier number you also have the Bureau of Vital Statistics the numbers of every all what you purchased what you LW so now your certificates or anything that you purchased can't nobody say that they are not lawfully yours because yeah they might be his yeah they might be belonging but you you lawfully tendered a payment so you you what what these right here you're entitled to these you know what I'm saying and not only that when you now you're entitled to you know your reimbursement on the taxes on the tax side y'all y'all following me with that yes sir yeah yeah that's good yeah okay and then you just column is where you make all your Publications so if you're on the news so if you're having trouble finding your local news this is a computerized uh you put in your state you tell them what state you're in they'll find you somebody that do your publication this one cost me just just for one publication was $106 it is very costly because they go word by word line by line and uh what you do is you just put in your notice for your name decrees you put in your notice for your um your claim of interest to your CES Decay your notice that I'm alive I'm living my public notice claim to life you put that in the newspaper four times you know what I'm saying you can just just do one and you know until you just keep running it if you can't afford it just keep running it until you until you know what I'm saying until you come until your next pay or whatever if you got the money to $400 is do all four of them all at once consecutively you good no you can run it I mean not really you co I mean no I a because I really got headphones for real okay appreciate you uh so does is is everybody following me before we move into the next thing uh does anybody have any question pertaining to that now everybody is seeing how everything ties together from what I started in the beginning that probably seemed like it wasn't going to tie together does everybody see how it's tying together one question yes sir okay I got one question yeah you got to do the the probate in your the state you was born or you could do it no you could do it anywhere that you've been living for five years or anywhere that you got property or trust set up okay okay yeah you could use your another birth certificate from out of town you just got to let them know that you you've been living here and you give them a piece of mail or something but when you sealing it they don't they not they can't ask you anything until that gets approved or or until they don't approve it you know what I'm saying all right thanks yeah because like I don't I didn't give them no mail or proof or anything because I'm asking for them to sell it the only thing they asked for was a address and I I wrote it down I didn't bring no proof of mail and they got a nationality ID card they I didn't give them no state ID I don't give people I still got the last state ID that I'm about to that boy about to get turned in I don't give that to nobody I don't really use that unless it's for public like that's why you do want to uh you when you eventually get yourself together you want to get that ID card from the DMV without your social because you still want limited liability companies you still want to do Commerce you still want to incorporate your name you still want to get you know Li limited liability companies for businesses that have high risk you still want DB a for your children you know what I'm saying cuz those are going to act like just like the manners of the custodial trust how you're using your social for the whole thing the DBA just because it's tied to your S corporation you put a DBA in your child's name can't you got right to do business in that name so they be like oh you can't talk on behalf of this person well I'm doing business in a fictitious name and the Ein instead of me I know it in my head and I'm not going to give it to my excorporation in court I'm going show the DBA like yeah I got I'm doing business as this person but I'mma give you this Ein and I'm I'mma give you my social you ain't going to know the difference and when that name pop up it's gonna be the same name that's on that DBA brother Jonah Bay actually got me hip to that years ago he one he official with that he was actually presenting that on YouTube years ago probably before my daughter was even born so that had have been about nine years ago he is one of the he one of the originals and if it wasn't for him it wouldn't be a lot of these folks out here today such as myself I'm rather I I really never did anything that he was talking about I just did my DBA I mean so I can't say I'm one of the ones that follow him but I definitely heard his videos and saw what he was doing and what he was doing was working so in the meantime until you get your Affairs together yeah go get your incorporations your s corporations use uh used to be ink file they'll file all your forms your tax forms get your S corporation your name Enoch Dale Incorporated yes put your dbas underneath that and you're assigning and doing cont cont s you know I got my kids owning shares in my S corporation and I have my trust one of my trust my 98 I I don't know if I made an accident because there's I found out after I did this that only certain type of granter trust can own stock so if my I got to look into this but I just been teaching and doing so much other stuff but I'm not scared it's always a way just know that you never stuck it's always a way don't never get scared or discouraged when you doing stuff and navigate and it's always a way to correct something okay and and so what my plan is to do if my my my trust is valid and I could leave my my trust owning this 30 33% of his stock in my Corporation what I'm going to do is give have my company give have my trust give my company alone with an an agreement and then default on my excorporation and then reestablish my articles of cor incorporation with the state and then turn my S corporation into an unincorporated associ because I'm going to have my trust consume mycorporation eventually are y'all following me but that's just me um you know that's just me on the public side and I encourage yall to operate like that too you know put Vehicles commercial vehicles that you know you really for your business dayc carees you own dayc carees or whatever that y'all do you know or whatever your church has Vehicles you know put understand that you retitling everything you know to different places okay so I'm G share share screen again and we're gonna get it popping all right if we get some time we'll get into uh so this is how you calculate your bonds guys so you is that cool if we go over how to calculate do you guys ever went to and calculated your bonds I I got an account but I ain't never calculate before so that be good that's fine I got I got barns I ain't though do you know how to help somebody get back into their treasury to the ones that's been locked out if you've been locked out and it depends on what you've been locked out about because you know I just put I told you I told y'all 31 31 uh CFR uh they can lock you out you're not that's not your right and you're not entitled to that that's the Bureau of public debt and that's a privilege and if you got locked out if you did something something strange or anything like that if you got locked out they can lock any incompetent person that has a block grant on them until you uh you gonna have to holl at scoo nitty and pay that $10,000 for him to unlock your account because if you locked your account you not entitled to that that that's that's not a that's not a benefit that's a privilege to operate on that because the treasury Department is they got there's government contracts Federal contracts contract their Securities going in and out from fin Federal institutions banking institutions S&P 500s corporations donating to them you think they want to deal with somebody that they don't have to deal with when they're constantly receiving bonds 247 they have to calculate these bonds distribute these bonds wire these bonds move these bonds for uh the they have to handle every dollar that's printed every caral in the world all them Securities out there guess who got to handle that the treasury so if they if you did anything strange or you sent something to the wrong address or you told them that you want your bir you some Securities or even if you put too many things or even if your birth if your it could be many issues it depends on your issue on what you did if you got your Social Security doesn't match your uh birth certificate and they want to give you problems they can give you problems until you there's forms to prove your identity there's a certificate of identification you could try that there's a form for 5444 you can try that you can call them and be polite to them and ask them I made a mistake I'm not a terrorist I don't have any bad intentions my you can make up a s ass story and say look you know my child is needs this and I'm really in poverty I'm having a hardship and I feel that the only way for me to really find prosperity and the pursuit of happiness in my life is for me to get my buy Securities you know what I'm saying whatever that you if you don't think like creativ like that there is no one way to just open this up because I they they already told you if you're incompetent or you're a minor or you have not you you have a block grant on you which you we all do they will lock your account and then they don't have to open [ __ ] I promise you that's what I that's what I don't like path to Freedom her ass because she didn't uh don't go open up a treasury D account they GNA lock but never told nobody what the truth was that they can do that that just because you don't got a treasury direct account don't mean you can't endorse your coupons just because you got a treas don't got a treasury direct account don't mean you can't take your coupons and your remittances to the remittance office in the IRS and can't take them to the bank and get certified funds and take them take them uh those interest payments to the appropriate place to to act in good faith but you just ain't going to be able to buy a purchase and transfer no actual Securities or put your Legacy account together cuz opening your like you don't it's crazy it's it's once you open up this treasury account what they ain't been telling you is how to get your Legacy account you got to do four rounds of of of uh so of Treasury uh documents so one round is like five documents releasing the grants one of those documents is releasing the grants then the second one is like a whole another load for another phase then another third round is a whole another phase and then the fourth round is a whole another phase and that's going to take your regular individual treasury direct account and create you a Legacy account and take off your St man and put your expressed trust like you see Malik Johnson Bay my man's scoo nitty has his name on top of it so it's levels to this [ __ ] so if you locked your individual account that's kind of a problem because you haven't even got because once you open it and start buying regular Securities you can't really start getting busy with it until you actually get your Legacy account open and they say quote unquote they'll tell you online that they discontinued the Legacy account but that's far from the truth you they you have to know have to do like 28 documents those rounds in Don colan book and I would encourage you to his book The Private American book CU that's where sco nitty had got all those forums and and just I went on his old page and he was flicking them through just like a couple months ago like he he he been flying through the work so so hey hey brick bro so uh all them forms like the forms that you talking about about the treasury direct and everything with the Don K book so all that is be done after you stuck I mean after you solidify all the actions and sending the um the 56 forms and the power and stuff ain't got [ __ ] to do with this that tax that custodial trust your name decree and setting up your custodial trust and Banking and taking your coupons to your trust account that's just some Comm that's just all the way left from what this treasury talk this is the Bureau of public debt this is not a benefit this this is this is a this is a this is a privilege this ain't this is not the same sit this is the primary Market this is the primary Market this is not your constitutional right this is not your god-given right this is a privilege right here so if you if you don't know what you doing with this not only will you end up in jail for facts you'll end up in jail anything dealing with this you put in the wrong number or anything that's Security fraud you accidentally do something strange with these it's all different type of categories of bills and notes treasury bonds and T bills and you do some [ __ ] that you a supposed to be doing you and that broker going to jail so this is like I'm I be kind of satisfied when people get locked out because until they hear this information that they need to hear and yeah you gonna get your account open with this You Really Gonna Get It open with the information that I'm telling you if you got a lock treasury account you definitely because I'm going to teach you how to navigate and do equity and they might say no so then you going to have to get that block grant lifted off you or you want tell you one thing that the treasury can can't dis if you get your name decree and you go get go get um filed for an incompetent person and you name your person incompetent but the beneficiary then that will get you back into your treasury direct account because they cannot they have to honor the benefit beneficiary of the Securities but if you're the trustee for the benefit of that person then that they then you're not deemed an incompetent person you they'll they'll let you release the block grant for that person but that because it because it's they have to protect the beneficiaries cuz it's in the public it's a public debt it's they're acting in the Public's best interest they don't care about you being a private American they don't care that you feel that the birth certificate that you're entitled because you feel that you're in nope they will lock your ass out in a heartbeat it's just the way it is I hate I hate to even tell it like that I love to get good news so you what you do is you just just like this you put in your all if you put in your this is my birth certificate number if you put in your birth certificate and this is not this is only primy evidence y'all this is very to take and prove like tot and be like yeah I got the unless you know it's very difficult but I still do it anyway I just be on some ignorant Stu when it come to them like because they be doing some ignorant stuff so I do ignorant stuff to the courts especially the lower courts I be honorable in district courts and higher courts but they just dirty in lower courts so I'll take these bonds and I'll throw them boys in court and put the codes on there for the 28 and 31 and tell them that you know bonds are not to be collateralized you know what I'm saying so I'll do some sick [ __ ] like that I know they going to ignore me they're going to ignore y'all they ignore they ignore us it's only you got push you not push it on the record all right so now when you print these now look I I put my birth certificate and then I put my name decree y'all see that number right there that's my name decree and it's it's funny that it's only a uh $500 value they don't collect no interest but it don't mature until 30 something years can y'all see that no y'all can't see that so yeah so like bam so once y'all get it like that y'all go to view you feel me so so I have a question about the um the serial number for the birth certificate for example um it has a it has a higher value but can you see it on Treasury direct after you've authenticated it or be or you're gonna see all the bonds you're gonna see that's what I did like yeah see when you authenticate it you're going to get a number let me let me show you when you authenticate it you're going to get a number at the bottom a whole another Bond number and if you put that Bond number in that's going to be another Bond you understand so you so so the one that's not yet authenticated you could still check on Treasury direct and then after it's authenticated you can still check the new Bond number so every layer you can you can check your bond number yes yes you can pull the file number off the long certificate the bond the the serial number at the bottom that's red that got the letters and the numbers and the file numbers all different attachments and then when you go on your long form and you flip it on the back you take those Bond numbers that file number you put those numbers in all bonds when you get it authenticated on the state level when they bring it back that's a bond number and when you and you'll see it's crazy when you get it authenticated on the dog is going to come back with another Bond number and you put that in and that's a bond number that's the bond number that allows you to pull interest and and issue your uh register mail number to have value so if you create a document and you want to put value on a document you put your register mail number which is your us register mail number- 00001 through Z 99999 meaning that your your register mail number your us reg mail number anywhere from0 to 99 if I take a trust instrument and I create a trust instrument and I issue that trust instrument out with that number I I can write a value on my trust instrument or my asset because I have the original Bond deposited as shity and I know the value of it so I can draw that I can I can I can get I can sell you a promis not oh wow wow and then you you took that to the treasury or you deposited that with like Fidelity or something like that no it's certain ways to do it like it's levels to it so like okay yeah it's like so you can you can deposit these in the uni United States Embassy I have not done that but I'm going to do that that's why I'm telling you to follow scoo you know who scoo nitty is yeah yeah yeah he's he's real stuff yeah I like I like school real patient too yeah yeah great guy so I don't know him personally but I'm about I know I'm get with him so uh he charged $10 10,000 for the whole pack he charged 500 to run your stuff to the Embassy so I see him working heavy and he been real inspiring into me I just ran into him but coincidentally everybody's hating on people like us because we giving y'all the whole shebang and I'm really younger than him I'm only 33 he probably like got 20 years on me you know what I'm saying so it's no surprise at the level he at and I'm not surprised if I would be where he at even in the next three years CU I'm on it and I'm always going to bring that to y'all for low he just charges a different price and I'm not mad at that because as I begin to fill these treasury forms out it's tedious and it's and I could imagine having to do that for 10 people all them documents and it's just like people are impatient and I just commend him for that so I'm just happy that I'm coincidentally happen to be giv a very similar service to him but I feel like I'm able to take a weight off of him for people that's in a different caliber CU some people are all at different levels I want to be able to get y'all with all the information that's available to understand it so y'all can navigate the waters and maybe the next three months from now y'all can have all y'all things done and you won't have to pay $10,000 and it could take a lot of weight off of him and you could say school I did everything I met a brother named Enoch he got I got my name decree I got my authentication I got my treasury account I just need you to help me with the forms and I just need you to help me with depositing my birth ific now on the other hand there's another location which is the Puerto Rican Treasury and you can also take your bonds to the intermediary Banks and you can get those wired to your treasury account see the thing is that it's levels to it you know what I'm saying because whatever it's it's like your your regular direct treasury account your individual one you can't deposit those yourself or start working your like Medallion stamping them and just you sending them trying to send them to the treasury Janette Janette Yellen and a lot of other Publications already said if you want a paper e Bond or you got a paper the information you want to send it electronically they tell you what forms and what they give you the routing number if you have an account number you should be smart enough to know to take it to the broker or Fidelity or whatever that you want and meet a broker and even talk over it more with the broker about the bond and your understanding and have you know what they are their expertise and have they ever done this before try to interview these Brokers don't just feel like that they're over you you're the one interviewing because you're the one hiring you're you know what I'm saying so if so you can transfer those to your individual account but it's just a different ball game so you can when you discharge and you do a special deposit a a a s endorsing stamp a stamp endorsing s and you recision in the contracts and you sending your money orders and you doing you discharging your car notes or you discharging whatever that you're discharging and you want to deposit that note you can deposit that note into your individual account now that take 45 days to be able to put that on the ace card or put that into another checking account for you but that's not the big leagues the big leagues is when you set up the the trust and you remove that individual name those Securities are still going to sit there in that account but the idea is to get what scoo is doing is taking it to a Next Level and and switching the expressed trust and removing the individual person as like and putting them as still as the beneficiary but the trust is administering the the the treasury direct account now so now you have a direct license through the treasury Department and now you can Medallion stamp or communicate directly to the treasury but you can't do that with an individual account you can't do that while you got block grants on you you're going to have to work with a broker to get those first those marketable Securities back into the primary Market or redemption or exchange for a new issue so that they could put it in that treasury direct account so it's just level to this [ __ ] and you know what I'm saying and that's and and when you doing that stuff you really want to have when you setting up that big boss [ __ ] that new school got you want to get with him and deposit that [ __ ] to the because it's going to give you a better license an international license and it's going to put you on it's going to put you in a place where they're not going to be able to hit you with no Securities for all you're gonna be dealing with them directly because they ain't gonna be able to run you through the system because you're gonna be on a diplomatic status but until then you still can work your custodial trust you still can endorse your coupons you still can file and sue you still can sell your notes and then re you they selling you not directly selling them they can purchase them without you knowing you still can be you know act go in and play Dum and sign these contracts and give your interest up but re resign the contract because of newly discovered evidence that you know you didn't pay the appropriate way or you never paid at all you gave the wrong form of payment and you want to recision their interest because they didn't expose you to the fact that they purchased your note and that they became a book entry and that you're actually the owner of it and then that they were the custodian of the record but they play like like they own the account and so it's a big problem with that so then you can start doing your that's why it's important to understand the 1099c understand the 1099a and the 1099 B before you get into the IOD because the IOD is if you're not in position to do the oid and you do the oid you can go to jail because as some as when you're on the other side and you're and they're buying your security and you're giving the valid that when you're signing for it and giving life to it they're supposed to do the 1099 oi you know what I'm saying so they're supposed to distribute it to you so you could take it put it on your 1040 or you could take it to H&R Block and liquidated and get the payment from the $10.99 but most people are most people that you do business with are not going to be honest and give you your your 1099 or your 1099 ints you got to know how to enforce it to make them distribute those type of uh forms to you and but because if you try to do it yourself you can end up in trouble so you could print these out yourself did I lose anybody anybody got any questions on that same subject before I try to move forward on that no I'm I'm like process yeah you got the that's good that's that's good stuff yeah y'all good it's levels to this [ __ ] so like y'all G it's y'all gonna win win y'all God put like God protected us for real for real he put us in position to like try process the whole this whole is is lit information though yeah it's cool though because you gonna have a video for the rest of your life and your kids hey boss if uh if I have a treasury direct account and I already have my kids attached to it when I get the uh Legacy account are they still attached to it also they attached to that Legacy account yeah because because uh when when when you when you sit that Express Trust on top of it and they remove your individual name that's still the individual account just your Express trust is controlling it now so and on behalf of that old name so oh okay yeah so that but that person still has linked minor accounts so you're going to every account that that individual account is linked to when you when when you retitle that account it it's still gonna be linked to your minor accounts and it's GNA have more Authority for you to to do more with they minor accounts cuz it's rules and regulations to make transer to minor and it's different amount types it's different like you can't send a lot of them you can't purchase you can purchase them it's it's just a lot of rules with that I would encourage y I got I mean just get this book all those forms go here right there all those forms that in that in the treasury direct go here there's the on the forms they also tell you the PO box but if you send them here it'll be much faster is what I was told by multiple people and when y'all do y'all you know I ain't going to go off topic cuz this I'll wait till I get back on the tax side but yeah get that book you know me and Don KH got into it he didn't want me to show y'all his book and what's inside of it because when he wrote this he was in desperate and he was giving all the game but now that he like got up on his pedestal he don't write books the same no more he don't give game like he used to he he this is this is in the beginning I was there in the beginning there with D I was there with a lot of them Derek Grace brother Ben X RZA before Jake Jacob Taylor who was doing the insurance in home banking who ripped off brother b x I was kicking it I was chilling with all them brother ronway billionaire from Philadelphia that's where I learned all my business credit and business stuff I was one of them in the midst of that early so yeah like uh you feel me you just calculate everything guys I ordered my book yeah it's cool y'all gonna need that book all right so we about to go to the tax War we gonna do the tax class y'all ready for the tax oh I'm about to crack y'all heads one time I'm about to y'all y'all be like how back to back jewels on this [ __ ] like how is his brother doing this all right y'all this President Donald Trump anybody need to piss [ __ ] smoke a blunt do anything hey let me know no discretion it's all uh let me go I'm going go through there anybody got any questions before we move on I have U I have uh plans with my husband tonight but I'm I'm like sing him I need another at least another hour or so so I just want to make sure that I don't miss anything you not I mean you're you are because we're going to be here until about 11 or one or two if you can't do that that's fine you're good I have it recording I did this and I did not record it yesterday can y'all do y'all y'all know I'm doing the same exact thing from yesterday I was doing how do how do I get access do we need to pay for access to the uh recording no you don't why would I do that to you oh blessings bless oh my God thank you thank you y'all good God is good man y'all in good hands I did not come here toide or sell y'all anything else all of you guys are going to get into the tax class I mean into the telegram with the remaining group from yesterday they waiting on y'all and they're waiting on this video and I can't get started until I get y'all 24 into the telegram so we got a lot of exciting things for y'all tonight so you y'all gonna be straight and I'm actually recording so I'm excited like y'all don't know how sick I was from 5:00 p.m. yesterday till 4 o' this morning hey bye everybody and my my heart sunk to my stomach but you know what God is work God I love the Lord so much and my everything that dwells in Me is from the father so I'm like you know what it happened for a reason you got to go back and do it better you know what I'm saying and I'm just here happy I could be here for y'all man I'm happy that yall could be here for me too appreciate everything that we going through y'all appreciate you big bro yeah we really about to turn up wait till I show y'all how to do properly do the uh UCC that nobody been telling y'all how to do I feel like beating people up for that one I ain't going to do all that so we're going to do the Trump letter all right this is an this is like an executive order that was given but look Donald Trump signed oh [ __ ] hold on all right all right now oh oh y y'all see the screen or see me y'all good all right so look Donald Trump is look sign this this right here right this is going to be crazy have anybody ever read this one before no I yeah I have I got it out the package uh oh yeah you was uh you was here last night right yeah that me oh no that's Damian no no this this Tay Tay yeah you was here last night no not last night no I was in the ones before last night I didn't know you had one last night Q&A oh yeah okay so look this is a letter where Donald Trump is is addressing the federal public person and then he's telling us about the prepaid non-obligatory uh commercial debt obligation and this [ __ ] is this document is wild it get it empowers you so much man it just go it just solidifies everything that we talked about with the with the uh IRS the control test the uh ver certificate everything so all right so I'm G try to run through this I'm try to not hold everybody know try to make it but whatever uh in regards says so in so this is what this letter is in regards to so it says US Federal public person Roger Allan Moore you notice that it's in all capital letters Nam de gear but he's on but Trump is referring to in regards to US Federal public person so we are so if your name is your capital name just imagine that right here this is not about Roger Allan Moore this is about you too so this will be Enoch hin Dell and all capital letters that is your US Federal public person you feel me so and then look he he he's referring to it as a taxpayer identification number a descendants social security number right this is crazy so that's what Donald this is the subject The Descendant the E Federal person and the Social Security okay and it says no C United un States Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Forum 2848 power of attorney and Declaration of represent of Representative and 56 notice of fiduciary agent see uh December 1st 200 y'all see the year United States Postal Service certified mail all right so if you really want to you can go look at this certified mail and go see if this document is real I think I'm about to do that also wanted to authenticate this document at the secretary of state but I was telling people what I didn't think they would because normally when an executive order or something is written it would have a reference number or a file number but this number is this document is naked so it's almost like is it real but it's real it's real because if you know the law and like I've been breaking that's why before I brought y'all down to oh you got to unplug it go ahead uh yeah go ahead you good so I thought this was uh you know I mean I'm just saying there's nothing to indicate or track this but this certified mail number now that I'm thinking about it I'm thinking about after I get done with this class I'm about to track this number really that might help me get this [ __ ] authenticated all right so it says to who look to can y'all see the document big yeah clear see it definitely can okay when I turn my face can y'all still hear me yo no I ain't talking to yeah I can hear you okay I was I was doing a test all right all right thank you man all right so to whom United States business entity this may concern right who commercially operate on United States public market and steps and or exchanges in United States currency while providing goods and services to us consumers and customers customers and consumers in everyday Commerce right the above mentioned US Federal public person your Social Security and your tax identification number has a prepaid obligation hold on I'm let that sink in all right has a prepaid non obligatory commercial debt obligation with the United States in relation to 12 USC code 995a now when you read title 12 USC code 95 a is very similar language to the commercial 15 USC which the Congress discovered and they said that we understand that there is an elaborate mechanism that uh is been you know defrauding consumers and we want to promote a fair a fair banking system and we want the faith of the American people to know that they can trust on the the the banking Institution but all that is is just in 12 USC code 995a is just the same language but it's for the bank it's for title 12 not Commerce so we get we get we get it in we get the uh validation in in 15 USC and we get the same validation in banking rules so it just lets you know that you're a private Banker which you truly are okay so our we have I'm G say it again US Federal public person has a prepaid non obligation commercial debt obligation arrangement with the United States regulations of transactions in foreign exchange and gold and silver Property Transfers vested interest enforcement and penalties and other public policies of us Deb okay going on to say this [ __ ] is mindblowing when I found this out take code off yet I don't care about that your business entity is federally bounded what what this is they talking to all the businesses your business entity is federally bounded to the United States United States and you US public debt obligation by way of your Internal Revenue Service employee identification number we have a tax our person has a tax identification number they don't have a tax identif taxpayer identification number they have an employer identification number but they try to always treat our social security at a job or any transaction as if our social security is an employee identification number when it's [ __ ] not it's a non-obligatory taxpayer identification number a IRS being under the US Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank account your business is hereby ordered to itemize whatever or however many commercial products and or services in which the above a federal public person wishes to commercially inquire so this becomes the problem when you use this [ __ ] for personal use because the federal public person has a commercial debt oblig non debt obligation so when you go underneath consumer laws and you say that you're using this for P for private use and you become brainwashed to believe that you're proud of that as a consumer you are misguided and because you cannot now you're help personally liable because because you did not you commercially inquire anything because they're calling it a consumer transaction and in order for a consumer transaction to transpire you would have to use the goods and services for person in household uses which is not a violation but it's a misconception of the way that we're doing business y'all following me yes sir all right okay so it says wishes to commercially inquire and adjust the bottom line cost amount to zero and release the item release the goods and services to him provide him with a receipt provide him with his title why to the above Federal public person by way of his duly authorized representative give it to his representative his trustee and retain the record of the transaction to settle the federal your to settle with your federal tax obligation with the Internal Revenue Service as an entire overall transaction is only a commercial accounting matter and this is where the G the the the Gap the the general uh rules of accounting and those principles because he's telling you this is only an in a commercial accountant matter and no more zero and itemize and give the item to him by way of his representative here because you guys have the debt obligation like I told you in the beginning this is what Donald Trump is saying why they got this man in court right now trying to cook my man and don't man you don't know how good he was to us you wouldn't even be able to see a prophet if you if he was in front of your face because all the misleading we won't talk about a white man or a black man or you know what I'm saying such and such or just all this racist [ __ ] or make you make you lose out on on what what's really going on they about to cook they trying to cook our president right now we can't allow that that's why I hope he win this presidential I'm not saying that the president or do everything but for him to say some [ __ ] like this and for and the things that he done did despite all the little ignorant public things and who to say if he even did it because it's so much green screens and it's so much Hollywood and fake ass media and news who to say that they broadcasting what Trump if that's really that man you know what I'm saying with so many leather skin mask and and and and and all this [ __ ] they got going on what if Trump this [ __ ] really ain't going on and it's just all a fake ass Hollywood show but despite anything of what we think we got the literature that benefits us right in front of us [ __ ] all the other [ __ ] we got the gold in front of us we got the rules and the regulations and we equipped it with all all the tools that we need to go back and claim what is rightfully ours discreetly privately y'all good anybody got any questions I'm listening bro I'm listening you running I'm just blown away I know man y you don't know how blown away I was [ __ ] going when I found when I found this do when this document was introduced to me I was like like am I reading what the [ __ ] I'm reading or am I tripping I had to walk away and go read it again I don't read this document so I like I carry this document around with me all the time what the [ __ ] like I would love to I would love to have this like like you said like authenticated or something and like submitted with my Securities to to you know some compal form or just auth just authenticating this document is legitimate enough to just slap this on the court record if you can trace that mail number down and it's real and it really was like if you could see the transactions going from the the Department of Justice or the Secretary of State for where Donald Trump is the presidential office and if you can see it going to some type of address and it solidified that it was going there and then you ask the Secretary of State to authenticate it and they actually put a seal and say that this is one of our records and within our executive department that was actually put out by Donald Trump and then you slap this on the record I mean this probably will make people [ __ ] they self yeah I can see a lot of banks being upset about this you can't find this document I of man when he when they shot this document is so hard to find man like they that's why you see this person holding it this the with his thumb right here this is the only document that I could find this was it came out in 2022 I mean 2020 19 but man I try to find this I punch in the date I punch in everything key words it's like they eradicated this from the uh from the public hey can't you use would it be something good to use like a substance with uh a a declaration something like that yeah like you feel or just I mean this is a declaration in itself right yeah like you know I mean if it's if if you could like yeah there's some videos of Tik Tok on it they said see like a dead Manifesto yeah right I didn't think a do I didn't think do the foil on this though but the thing is like they gonna ask what record see normally records got like a number or an executive order number this like what am I going to say the Trump letter like you feel me they it's like they intentionally didn't attach anything to it normally you have like an executive order or you have like you like a file number like Ain nothing on here ain't nothing on here to track this document nothing so it's like I that's why I'm giving it to y'all that's why like we need to work on this as a family like for real and somebody because I'm doing so much like and and bringing this to y'all like for more than 40 people thousands of people's attention all these gems and jewels and maintaining three cases that I got and doing all my authentications and filing all my taxes and it's like I'm I'm like I'm I need to get this to y'all to see what like what y'all can do with it you know what I'm saying maybe somebody could take it to another level way quicker than I can you know so my let me see my sister still here everybody still in everybody good Amanda you good Alvin what's going on Coach Damian uh man I got two Damian in here yeah man we still good we still rolling with you brother my girl I'm looking for my girl is it Jer hey Billa I see you hanging in there Theon where my sister at she I my sister a man where my sister at my sister still in here that's supposed to give us that free mail I got a sister here that's supposed to give y'all a number to make yall free Priority Mail oh she might have left the building though here I might have to leave though oh okay is that oh it's cool you y'all got the recording y'all ain't got nothing to worry about El I see you back in the building sorry about the re the reiterating over the certain things that we going over we gonna get a little bit deeper and I'm going to do the tax class a little bit different so if you didn't feel like you got the a lock from the task class we really going to go over that in dep like a little bit more but it's it's nice to see you back man I didn't it didn't it didn't record so I'm I got it recording right now so it should yeah it should be recording yeah it says recording on progress okay so all right so now now listen it says right here this the last thing okay so to retain the record of the transaction and settled the federal tax obligation with uh with with the Internal Revenue Service as an entire overall transaction is just commercial uh of what the bank R United States owes is true creditors which is the American people in direct relation to borrow to borrow gold and national uh bankrupt emergency 1993 that's joint house resolution that they repealed and then they gave you full faith and credit through house resolution 807 we're going to go into that when we go into the tax forms in the intervivos trust because it's going to be relevant it's going to be relevant to you so it it say say all commercial uh public debt obligations while transacting business within the United States commercial Market belongs to the United States as the United States is the true obligor in which in every in each and every us commercial transaction so you want this is why you want commercial transactions and not private transactions it's it's on the behalf of your principal at least the private transactions that you do don't require you know those are like you really want to know the difference between public and private uh any any willful dishonor and nons and or non-settlement of United States commercial public debt obligation Matters by any duly bound commercial business entity within the United States will result in federal prosecution to the fullest extent signed by President Donald Trump all right I'mma open up a new window real quick so I just want to go over joint house resolution real quick okay this is not so how y'all like that much that's some fire right there for y'all know I'm saying so did y'all get I'm just going to show y'all what y'all going to get you're going to get this here this is how you know what I'm saying just showing you the the a template it's just like a paper template the bond you know what I'm saying uh like the contract to pay a particular uh certain amount of money then you got the coupon what to do with the coupon know the how to endorse it and plus y gonna have a lot of other uh people endorse their bills and coupons so many different ways so I just want y'all to be have all the G you can put it together and you can you you can decide how you want to endorse your bills you know what I'm saying but you want because it's a bearer coupon and it has the principal's name on it you you if it's it's been payable to the whoever company is payable you pay to the order of that company but because it's a bearer of security and your principle's name is on the bill you're paying to the order of the bearer because it's a bearer of security and you're bearing that security so you're paying to the person that's bearing that security but it's it's to the name that's on that Bearer security so that's why you put pay pay to the bearer and then you're going to put your signature at the bottom you're going to write you know everybody should know that you got to write out the amount $300 you got to write 300 or $365 $365 and then you got to put that on there and then you negative so 300 and you know 300 plus 300 is 600 so you take a 300 bill pay put $300 on it y'all went to school so y'all know that that don't add up to zero so in order to really balance it and and apply the real interest to the to the balance you would have to use private credit so the private Ledger is the left side of it which is it goes into the negative so you're going to use a negative negative and that and you just write those in the box and then write it out in words pay to the bearer special attender for this deposit acceptance you know what I'm saying you can even go ask as far as when you start depositing those coupons and you want to get those to your individual treasury account you can go ahead and use your CFR stamp if you have the CFR stamp and if you don't you can just remit your coupons the appropriate way and if you need to get a hold of the office there was a somebody last night who drop some Jewels for the right terminology to use is uh the receivables department or somebody who has a remittance department or things are like that who handles us uh registered Securities and then they'll take care of you with that you know what I'm saying if you have any issues with your bills so I mean y'all y'all can get everything I mean I I done did I done did so much ground work for y'all is unreal but we went over that over that so I just before I go into the taxes I just want y'all to understand that when somebody transfers something like when somebody's transferring uh dealing with property and they're transferring your trust property without having an appropriate uh they're not allowed to do that so this is one of the forms that you could request from them any public official should have this form it's called it why is that okay this is a standard form Standard Form B okay this is a declaration of appointment so these need to be in to the Secretary of State I'm going show yall the code that talks about that all right and then you got the uh form 61 SF I think so so bam so right here when these need to be turned into to the Secretary of State when somebody is administering your estate and this is supposed they're supposed to have an appointment of alfid David to administer your estate so it's a old the office every single P of sheriff uh register everybody is supposed to have this in at the Secretary of State the alpha davit has a purchase in the sale office they they are purchasing selling and transferring your stuff you know what I'm saying they supped to had these on file that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States from against all enemies foreign domestic so that's why you don't want to be a com combating an enemy a domestic you know because that's what they trying to act like they treating you they you know but they you not you know I bear uh TR uh true true faith and allegiance to the same and that I take the obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of in Invasion and that I will I will and well faith and Faithfully discharge the duties discharge the duties they know what time it is off of the office on which I am to enter and which I am to enter so help me gu so when we go right here we'll see title 26 Okay so right here it's a fiduciary notice upon upon notice to the Secretary of State any person acting on uh acting for another person in fiduciary capacity shall assume the power the rights and the duties and the privilege in respect but this is the key see they go off and drift off and you get to reading this but the most important part is upon notice when the [ __ ] did they give y'all notice when did they give the church when did they give you notice that they was administering your when did when did they give the secretary notice that they so this is important why we sending a package to the Secretary of State never exactly that what we're doing because we are any person acting as a fiduciary for another person we're doing that when we're doing that to the person so we got to get ours in too you understand we need to get our forms in too and give them notice that we Act because if our forms are in and they ain't got no forms in whose fors you think going to stand up and that was probably will hold more power even if they did because we the title holders yeah even if we don't got theirs they still supposed to have theirs in to be and because is any person acting acting for another person as in a fiduciary capacity that's enough information right there for me where the [ __ ] is the notice at at that point cuz y'all definitely acting like what is y'all doing so so notice under this this section shall be given in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the secretary of state so they probably making exceptions where they come in and do some [ __ ] some [ __ ] notice that they don't they don't want to claim that they being a fiduciary so they come in with a weak ass power of attorney or security agreement that we done sign saying that we allowed to administer and they they acting like an executive power these Banks and these agencies are acting like an executive power CU we signing over our estate to they ass we don't know that's what we doing y'all get this y'all get all this y'all get the Paramount y'all get the Paramount life claim y'all get all this I'm prepared y'all y'all don't even got to write nothing you know I'm giving youall all the things that I know that that doesn't have to be unique but your trust has to be unique your trust can't be the same as everybody else so then I'm about to take you to another code you know what I'm saying right here all right so when they dealing with a trust this is what they they violating too okay taxes so now we already know it's the in title 26 that went dealing with taxes that was title 26 where they got to notify the Secretary of State still but it's in regard it was under title 26 you feel me phenomenal def appreciate so title 26 2002 liability of payment so this is how they put the liability on us all right the tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid by the executive so the person that's executing whatever transfer so when you go register your car they impose the taxes on you because you're the one administering as an executive and making the registration to the DMV so they impos the tax on you but did the DMV tell you or disclose to you that they were purchasing your your your uh your uh your ownership did they tell you that they were going to put your Manu uh your your certific your um your uh what they called your MCO on the back burner and print you out something that's similar to it and then like take ownership of your vehicle and give you um like give you let you use it you know what I'm saying did they tell you that you were that a registration was a transfer of ownership because if you didn't that was a mistake so in reality they they initiated the the transfer by a false pretense because if you ever knew if any of that thing was going on you would have never even made that registration or transfer so in reality by persuasion and under duress they were the executors that transfer that information underneath a false pretense and made you believe that you were that you were getting that you were getting a credit or that you were transferring your social security and birth certificate in exchange for some from some [ __ ] that didn't even exist so you gave ownership of your assets in exchange for a tax liability that's going to be imposed on the person that's executing the transfer but then they ain't got no 61b and 61 on file and then but they but they put that's how they imposing the tax on us because they saying that we initiated the transfer well we would have never initiated anything or dealt with any of y'all if we would have known that that was the case you understand what I'm saying like who the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you how you going to tax me on some [ __ ] that I bought outright that goes right back to purchasing things with money orders okay so now we going to go into a little bit of equity okay all right has anybody ever seen these ledgers before you probably seen these in am's class if you ever took any of his classes you guys ever seen these ledgers before no I never did no I have my I've never seen it either all right so these are this one is am's ledger this one comes from the RO files from if you know I car I clearly credit and I use both of these ledgers because on this particular one there's some missing information underneath this private Ledger you see how it says balance sheet of the US of you're going to get this picture too you're going to get everything you guys are going to get all this you see the balance sheet of that it says balance sheet you see that this is a public Ledger but you see that it's under it says Municipal article one and two trading with the enemies TW WEA okay emergency bacon Resolution Act 1947 was Cod defined so when around 1947 is when they made the U USC prior to that they weren't in existence in the public if they were used in Commerce we didn't know about them yet that's because we still had a dour we we had them but they were like different they weren't Cod defined and construed into the Constitution they were separate so as we look we look on the asset side okay and the assets are credit and I want I want y'all to look somebody was in my class talking about it a debit a debit a debt ain't a credit now I want y'all to understand that a credit is a debit a debit is not a debt y'all follow me okay yeah so it says you see how it says dep on the right side D it doesn't say DP it debit CA debit means credit so that's why it's a debit and a credit in on the on the Ledger on the banking Ledger but if so and but so debt is like an illusion it's like an it's something that fictitious that would drawn not the reality of of a debit and a credit because a debit and a credit is the same thing but in order for it to be a difference they had to extract the terminology and the belief and the illusion of debt because that's why you got to read the theory of credit because the whole idea of credit and debt is a theory because ultimate credit is Word of Mouth hey man [ __ ] I'mma give you $10 when I come back you know what I'm saying that's like the way that the theory of credit originally involved before it start coming and forming into contractual obligations and agreements and then people start really keeping tabs and then you know a credit went from a someone giving a credit or a debit to somebody to them having to book it into their entry as a debt so you have to understand that a credits and debits are the same but a debt is actually means like a negative okay so under the debt and liabilities we got District citizen so the the district citizen US citizen now I'm going to take look I want y'all to pay close attention the district citizen the debt portion damages and monetary damages out of the banking industry and out of the trading with the enemies is under article two and it's codifying in the codes that's why when you use the codes they got to create a bond and when you use equity they do unsecure bonds means that they the unsecured Bond means that they gave you uh something to sign while you was at court they didn't lock you up and they gave you an unsecure bond that mean that they didn't collateralize your bond because you you were able to stand on your ground and let them know for whatever reasons that it was unlawful or that you was the grant or beneficiary of the of the implied shity and you were able to express sh ship enough for them not to uh proceed with bank rolling your bonds so they will give you what is called an unsecure bond that which is the opposite of a secure bond which they make you pay to receive a baill so that is all underneath rule 47 and and it's underneath the banking rules and if you and I'm going to show you how to Google rule 47 because if you just go look up rule 47 by yourself and you don't know that put goddess rule then you're not going to see what's what they're saying so it says obligor to express implied unilateral adhesive agreements Commerce artificial person absente he remember absentee is somebody that's declared that they're not in their estate Pagan Heathen lunatic voluntary shity statutes and codes but within that same place which is consumer law credits right consumer credit transaction I'm the Creditor I'm the consumer all that good great stuff it's still underneath the public Ledger it's still underneath article two in trading with the enemies in the Emergency Banking Act so you really got to understand that so it's under a contemplation of of legal under the emergency Municipal military you own nothing but you have a mortgage you own nothing but you have a asset a lease you own nothing but you're discarded to be in the territories of you know you own nothing and have assets but their privileges when they gave you credit okay that's extremely funny to me once you really understand and free your mind out of that consumer this is all title 15 the Graham leech Bailey the consumer by valid D of a Deb and all that beginner [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so once you get out of this space then you want to move over to the private Ledger and start understanding what the [ __ ] is going on over here that's crazy man I can hear consumer laws right now doing some Instagram [ __ ] oh God forgive me uh dour so the so these assets these are real assets see there's assets and liabilities underneath this Ledger but they're truly liability now there's assets on this private Ledger but they're truly true assets and liabilities remember a liability is an asset and an asset is a liability but these are true asset okay and these are governed underneath this brings in the custodial trust your name decree this is why I went through everything I went through and brought y'all to here before I even brought this ledger to your attention Okay so you need to know that this is the dour side this is the private American this is dealing with the cess decay under article three article 3 section two I already showed you guys about Equity law every action shall you know equity and law so they are together you just have to I'm giving you the I to show you how to see both every document and every every statement and everything the bank send you there's always going to be your remedy in that document you have to be the one to put the glasses on and be Neo in The Matrix to see through the agent and and dig out what's applicable to you and decipher what's not applicable to you when they're talking to that person and when they're talking to you and what and how you can you know go about the situation in the best interest of your person so that's very critical to understand so you got the assets and the Equitable side so this is the private citizen side you understand this is the cesk trust this is this is in chamber seal xart you understand hairs these are orders that you're taking from probate and putting them into any Court and you're using Equity maxims to uh to go ahead and let them know that a trust exists you understand what I'm saying or you're coming as the executor you know what I'm saying pure substance no laws no statutes and that's why I'm teaching y'all statutes and laws so you can navigate your way that's why I have an issue with people that present y'all and teach y'all about shity ship subreg and Trust law and jur American Juris prudence and in corporate j a condom and bringing you to these different elements and different Waters and they're they're great if you do what what the teacher tells you to do and you do it right but we're really regurgitating because nobody's equipping us with the foundational reason of how to read the UCC how to read the Constitution and pick out the equity and pick out the law so we can puzzle something together when we're in a court of equity so if we're if we want to go underneath a consumer law which we can I'm not dissing consumer law but when you're navigating in that Emergency Banking environment you need to know who you are while you're in the Matrix until you pick up that phone and disappear back into your private environment but while you go out and you put on them glasses and you go out into the Matrix you got to be very careful of who you're touching and how you're talking to them because Neo they will kill you for things they do not understand okay so on the liability side that's going to be what your houses your things that are in trust your mortgages the thing your notes that are underneath Equitable Title because you're going to come in as the trusty a non-commercial and non sagittary and you're going to request a chancellory common law because mortgages and houses were deemed underneath lawful money and before though before the banking resol solution we that would have to go underneath Equity okay this side is your Constitution protection you're protecting your body your person your your papers your right to be left alone you whatever is dealing with your your CES Decay but if you're dealing with your assets or or assets or your asset because assets are liabilities they might say liabilities but these are assets cuz you're cuz you're liable to keep the taxes on your estate your houses your your account so that's why we call them liabilities because they require you to keep a account an accounting a tracing on them and if you have an asset you're not required to keep accounting of your body technically but we keep accounting to God and but your car once you have it you don't account your car you go out and you adore your car and you drive your car are you understand you don't you do your liabilities your your accounting on your accounts which are assets but they're your liabilities because they're your responsibilities so if someone infringes on your liabilities while you're accounting for them like your house or whatever that's coming underneath the judic cree Act and the Supreme Court has the original jurisdiction underneath the chancell so if like if so the reason why I use two ledgers because you'll notice on this Ledger you oh we'll get the Scottish rule 47 you see the Scottish rule 47 ladies and gentlemen definitely so what we do is we go to the the internet and we put in the Scottish rule 47 okay and let me show y'all something too oh no that's not okay I just want you I'm just G to bring this up to can you oh okay y'all can see that okay now you see rule 47 guys this says reference to State and State Court and state laws y'all see that everybody follow me is any anybody have any questions about the ledgers that I brought to y'all attention everybody good does anybody have any questions about amir's Ledger no you expressed that perfect way no okay all right the reason why I have a problem with this particular Ledger because on this side they they give you the rule for 47 the uh they give you the rule for the the banking but what the [ __ ] what why do we I mean it's still good but we need the other side don't y'all think we need the other rule for this what's the rule for this side right don't y'all think we need the rule for this side too yeah telling you this information but where where y'all going to go to go look this [ __ ] up right don't y'all need some type of resource to go find out where this stuff is definitely that's my problem with this document that's why I provide two ledgers what rule what rule is that guys rule 48.2 that's the Scottish rule of equity I once her Equity has no d dition is that true Equity has no yeah you got to create it okay you are the court of equity the probate is the true Court of equity okay remember what I said if you play back on this recording and I told you if you got a court order for a beneficiary or a rulership over an incont incompetent person and you're appointed trustee by a probate court not even the Supreme Court can overrule or tap into that trust if it's dealing with the beneficiary you understand what I'm saying perfectly so anything that's created in Probate Court it can't it can't be superseded by any other court even though the Supreme Court is the highest court but in order for you to turn the Supreme Court into a court of equity in order for you to turn the state court into a court of equity you need an order from the probate okay so they got y'all going in doing I mean it's working it's definitely working but how you really going to get what's yours is when the Probate Court which is the estate court land Court Trust Court land uh plots uh incompetent Wards of the state Guardians and custodians once you get a us uh and those are sealed they're private documents a lot of those are sealed some of them are publicated you get an adoption can't you get you an adopted child through there ain't ain't nobody you can't nobody like you can't come you can't do nothing with them they sealed a birth certificate in in Probate you ever heard of somebody getting adopted and and they birth certificate is sealed no man talk to anybody that's adopted and ask them if they can see their birth certificate it's sealed that's how powerful that probate cord is you can't it's hard to open those sealed documents almost impossible you mean to tell me that you're going to generate a court order and an account out of a sealed account so even if they got your court number to your name they can't even go look into your case but they got they it's a order in front of them that a judge signed and it's exemplified and signed by the clerk of courts a real order you understand what I'm saying wait is that how some of these people are actually getting out of jail I don't know you know that's a really good question and that's it maybe that is how they won't tell me nothing because I'm somebody that come run and tell all of y'all everything that's why I I don't have any friends and people don't like me because everything I have to do I have to like kind of like like either get to class with somebody else when I figure out the information I just I just dump it to y'all and people don't came to me like you need to you need to slow your Ro you need to you need to uh you know God uh is in is a is a you know God told you to be secretive and be I'm like man all these people claiming that they believe in God and doing God's work man they really don't want to tell y'all like they want they don't want to tell y'all everything I don't know if they don't I don't even think they I don't know I don't know why what but if I knew that's one thing that I'm moving to next one thing that I don't know nothing about is adverse possession and uh I what I do know about criminal rules is that it's dealing with the GSA bonds and it's dealing with the taxes and it's dealing with the oid and it's also dealing with property that yeah so you know what I think that probate has a lot to do with that because it they they say it's they're claiming ownership of the body and the body is a land you understand what I'm saying the you know you know your body is considered the land in Mineral count you know you're the minerals you're made of the dust in the dirt like so you have literally have magnesium iron uh you know phosphate so whatever all these different elements in your body and when you go into the dirt into the ground those are the same elements inside of your body so you are the land you understand what I'm saying we all of that we land air and yes we land air and water yes facts bro I read that we're walking mortgages basically walking mortgages we're mortgages or yeah we're like walk right we're like walking fixtures we need to get up we need to get up right we shouldn't be more walking pledges yeah because a mortgage is a death a death pledge so yeah we like them we like we like bundled we like one bundled ass up security a walking bank roll it's unreal what they do to us yeah I love emology too that's I always go to etymology to pull that root word then I go to Latin you always want you guys want to really understand Latin all these words that they use are Latin words they're counting words they're Latin words they're banking words and they're they're mainly emology because that's going to the real root of what it is and how it was used and what type of environments that the word what type of geographic locations and different nationalities and ethnicities use that particular word and within what language that word was reference to yeah it's crazy so let me so the rule 48 guys look what it says when I did my name decree and I sealed my case underneath the federal rules this all clicked to me and I realized that you could take excuse me it Supreme rules when I did my name decree and I and I realized that I had to do xte and seal it underneath Supreme rules that that's when I woke up and understood that rule 48 was the was Equity that had a majority of a lot of equity involved in in the way that we pursue the courts so listen it says these rules adopted September 2017 will be in effect it says the rules govern all proceedings after the effective day don't worry about this except because this only is in regards to S uh SAS uh which are like rits a particular RIT so this is not y'all case in this matter so don't this what I'm highlighting blue we just going to not worry about that so the r just what the rule above it the rule governs all proceedings and the effective date in any case in any case in which a petitioner now I want y'all to really understand because in any case in say in which the defendant y'all got to really understand that because the defendant don't have these privileges you want to be the petitioner so that's why I really want y'all game tight I really realize that you don't want to be the defendant you want to be the sewer you want to be the person suing believe that you don't want to be the the defendant I've been like trust me I know from all my practices you want to be on the the the the better end of the stick even though it comes with more responsibility than the defendant because the petitioner and the app the appellant they move the court and I'm I'mma draw something up on the board a little bit see like about that you know what I'm saying uh so so in any case where the petitioner because the petitioner sets the jurisdiction the petitioner comes in and says this court has jurisdiction under blah blah blah blah blah so the petitioner so it don't even matter the judges are automatically the courts are designed if anyone can add me to the telegram yeah don't worry bro you going to get in there I don't want nobody I don't want none of y'all stressing that's what I don't want they a lot of people have you stressing and biting your nails and and and I just want y'all to know that y'all Securities are safe y'all Securities are good y'all you know you know take your time be you know and we when we get into the Bible when we talk a little bit about the Bible we'll get into that okay or the appellant has filed a brief on the merits okay as long as you got good merits you got good standing and you got good principles okay prior to this effective date these these Revis rules remember revised rules statutes all remain all remaining briefs in this case may comply with the October 2007 version of the rules of the Supreme Court of the United States so see that rather rather than using revised rules so now do you see why that you can come in as a private American do you see why you can take over your CES do you see why you could take your orders from the probate court and use substance because they told you and 48 that a petitioner who files the briefs on the Merit prior to this effective date of these rules all remaining briefs in that case may comply with Supreme Court rules of the United States not District rules not County rules not not uh Federal rules of procedure not Revis codes they already told you Equity you can come in and do Equity you can set the jurisdiction with 48 and you can come in underneath the judicary act of 1787 and you can go ahead and kick they ass 1789 excuse me with the judic cree act come in with your Bible and come in with your maxims and kick some ass now rule 47 right mind you this look right here guys normally it says normally it says C like statues look it says Supreme Court rules that's why I showed y'all the importance of clicking on this Roman numeral right here where my little mouse is wiggling on the left hand side to use that Roman numeral and and go look up what everybody has everybody want to play uh Jesus Christ they never ain't nobody up read go read go read go read go read but they never ever ever ever showed you that all the laws are down here so all you got to do is Supreme Court you supreme court stuff is all here you understand what I'm saying see they not you got actually got to go to another book because they don't provide everything but they provide case law and that's what Supreme Court goes off of you understand those are called uh precedences and decrees that they go off of and and under underneath Equity they're bound to go off of those latest case laws and that's probably why that that that Supreme when I clicked into the Supreme Court there's no codes and statutes it's only case law so right there judic cree and boom case law us codes this is the a military uh military even the Constitution embodies the military but the Constitution also EMB IES the Supreme Court so y'all got to look at the Constitution like a treasure chest like Drake's Uncharted Adventure it's one big ass Tombstone that has all the different treaties and laws and rules and regulations and tools and nationalities and everything is in it so believe it or not a US code is a is a constitutional statute a Supreme Court case is also constitutional rulings Federal rules of Regulation are pregated only by the authority of the Constitution to not to not uh nothing none of these laws can be in conflict with anything that embodies the Constitution okay none of that you got your administrative law this is business law pretty much it's going to look like business law but it's like agency it's a it's agency law you know constitutional law you know what I'm saying saying that's probably bring up a different element but y'all go ahead and dive into that I dived into all of that that's how I even got to where I where I am today uh but y'all get it though that rule 47 and Rule 48 and how that reflects to The Ledger don't worry you got the recording and you guys got everything you guys need okay the term State Court when used in these rules include now they talking about the District of colia they talking about the corporation they're talking about 28 USC 3002 the state has nothing to do with our with our constitution I mean it does but they showing you the division you feel me the the court of that's why when you walk into these courts and you don't understand how to go into the probate court and you don't understand how to create your trust then you walking right into these courts these same courts right even the Supreme Court even even the but it you notice that it says it don't says the Supreme Court of the United States you know what I'm saying you better to leave this is the key to get upair get in the door yeah I'mma call you man you coming back oh man all right Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of of of so you feel me I ain't about to go all into this but y'all know it's the District of colia the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico boom boom now this is all the territories of the District of Colombia and the instrumentalities and the location of the DOR this ain't got nothing to do with us man but unfortunately we navigating and they got attachments to us within this Rule and that's why we need to understand all these fundamental things that I have brought to y'all attention today it's very vital it's very vital so like I said if you want this you got to go hard because this ain't something like this ain't a quick fix even if you wanted it to be look guys you go to probate adverso this is when two people are having issues with each other on a trust level you feel me instead of having complications in the public you know what I'm saying petitioner appropriation you feel me affidavit or request of servical publication you know what I'm saying affidavit as known as hairs in request for service of publication you feel me land they're not supposed to be having no like land is supposed to be in Probate applications to private sale you see what I'm saying that's why you need Land Trust land Deeds this is where when you get your [ __ ] secure this is where you come in and file your estate fuci complaint you feel me somebody breach trust oh yeah we going to the we going here then we going to get take this order out of this probate and go enforce it inside any other court that we want to look at that entry confirm and sale of a order deed they don't do this with us they we we doing they got us doing other stuff you know what I'm saying look at this adoption you know what I'm saying you can ad requirements of you can adopt an adult a look requirements of court and agency adoption this is this this is what they doing custodial Trust on us you know what I'm saying they're acting as custodian but they're getting away with it in the other courts you know what I'm saying petition to recognize foreign adoption it's all type of crazy [ __ ] in here and this and this is the like I call this the real Court of equity I've never heard nobody say that because I never heard nobody expose to this and I think that they told yall about the name decree if you have if you haven't heard if you heard it from someone other than me then they they gave you a breadcrumb but they didn't tell you they didn't lead you they really didn't tell you like that's why that that name decree is serious because once you get that it unlocks everything because now you can go back in that probate court and be that name for every single issue here so you can't go do none of this none of this if you don't got a name correction you can't you go in there with your public name you going to get treated like nothing you feel me that's why you go get that name decree and then you go ahead and start petitioning to adult Guardian you feel me your person don't come up you put it in the newspaper and you take guardianship over your estate you feel me report distribution of a minor or an adult claims successors custodians you see what I'm saying you got to go in there and go and clean house you know Guardian Bond you see what I'm saying like and this a lot of stuff I just figured this out I figured this out like after like trust me like I I'm like oh my God it clicked name correction you know what I'm saying in every probate y'all all got probate courts look trust forms look at that trust trust filing guy everybody see this is why you want to know how I why I have an issue with people and I don't have an issue with people because in Ohio we are a little different because we're not like Pennsylvania or other states that has been implemented before us see we're like a new state so we we were like we we didn't have back in the day they registered deeds and they registered birth certificates in the same place where the Deeds was but if you don't live in one of those States that's old like one of the 13 colonies like New Hampshire or New York you're not going to be able to record your goddamn trust or your birth certificate inside the goddamn uh d a record so anybody ever went and realized like I tried to do it like they like what the [ __ ] is you like what is you doing I'm like sh I'm I'm trying to get my [ __ ] in there you know what I'm saying they like no buddy now I figured it out this is where you put your trust so when your trust get a a a docket number and it's you take your custodi your trust and get a docket number it's over with who gonna deny your trust ain't nobody gonna deny it because they can't you understand what I'm saying this is where all test testamentary trust you feel me like this is I'm giving y'all a game that's that you are y'all mind y'all I'm giving you a game that is going y'all this this is beyond anything y'all ever gonna hear it's a lot of good stuff out there but I don't think a lot of people that's doing that's not going to show y'all that and y'all probably don't came to the probate court and looked at it and probably never really know cuz a lot of times we all everything that got the gold in it we walk past it a hundred times a 100 times and then we come back like oh my god I've been W I've been oh my and you be like I've been walking past this [ __ ] the whole time and it's like it's for real so just I'm sorry that y'all learning this late I'm sorry that I learned this [ __ ] late you know what I'm saying but they not going to tell you that that the probate is the first court of equity okay so we gon to do these tax forms now and then we gon to jump to the how to file the UCC the appropriate way all right [Music] y'all good any questions everybody okay I'm concerned it's very no no I'm still here I keep pushing it back the time but I'm I'm still here because this is essential this is crazy I'm I'm far from finish I wish I could I don't wish I mean I'm it is what it is I don't whatever but this this is for real this is for Real this stuff is heavy you know what I'm saying I don't want y'all clenching on and I don't I don't want y'all like have like I don't want people trying to be play God to y'all you know what I'm saying like I don't want like it hurts me it like I be in tears y'all don't even know like how sensitive of my my spirit is to this [ __ ] like I be want to choke a lot of people that got this information I don't know if they don't if they know what I know or I don't know if they hiding it from y'all and I just be want to choke them lowkey and they just be like I don't want to be violent neither but I just don't like it so the only thing that I can do is give back to a few you know I'm here it's only thing that I could do is just give back to you know to y'all and and just try to do God's work the best that I can you know what I'm saying so that's just as simple as that no problem so we so we y'all gonna get this the this file y'all G I got I'm got pull this out of here because it's organized oh no what the hell did I just do back I'm gonna pull the tax forms out of here because it's just organized I just like it that's why I even download this myself sometimes yeah it's Priceless and it was only 100 it was all the classes and all this was $100 in this class Zoom was $65 I bet you people that's cool because that's we we that's how we got the right people in you know that's why God God don't make no mistakes man believe that okay all right so we about to go in we really about to turn up a little bit more oh shoot yeah there we go yeah VI convention we got the Hughes convention we got the Hughes convention on applicability of trust we got the Trump order he wrote another order too let me see if that's which one of that is yeah that's the that's the Trump order let me see this is got the [Music] DL got a lot I'm getting excited because we about to go into a lot of Juicy information I should go I'mma go back and categor categorize this but just know like most if if if something don't like you got y'all y'all got to just read the trust and denture act just and then the trustee act I'm not gonna pull that out because regulatory I don't know what that is so we got the we got the I went over that last night I'm show yall trust trust notice of fiduciary relationship letter I get excited about this and we got these text we g go over all these text show you y power y all got all right there's more stuff in here too know something this this before we get started this the F uh y'all ever heard of neb Joo anybody no no not not me he uh created this class and it's six videos and it's a lot of work but if y'all brave enough to go in here I have not finished this and this is probably why I don't know much about the Securities but I mean treasury directs but this man has all these videos these videos are going to take you a long neb Joe right here you ain't gonna find him I don't know what happened to him he just like fell off the face of the Earth crazy but take class this is the security and Fidelity okay he going to break down the treasury direct account like y'all like y'all ain't never heard of it he gonna put Fidelity with it it's G some of it's gonna be uh vocal like right oh this is a video but you got to down download excuse me no this is audio audio and video but if you want to know about like Fidelity I still got to go and write my notes on this and study on this too because this [ __ ] with some heavy account and all that but this man right here is an alien like y'all think I'm I'm dropping hella game on y'all but he's a specialized person in this right here and what he's going to talk about you're going to thank yourself for the discipline if you can make it through some of this I had made it some of through but some of the [ __ ] went over my head because yeah neb Joo I don't know what happened to him Miss Wade he just disappeared one day I hope he okay hope he ain't like I don't even want to say anything like but I hope he okay that's all I can say that boy missing the action just Instagram just disappeared I'm like what happened right like hopefully he's still alive they probably G y'all probably gonna find me missing one day I don't know I'm hard I mean I'm in a crazy ass State though I don't think they want to I mean things happen [ __ ] I'm done it is what it is I'm ready I get the stabbing agents and all that good stuff they I don't know what would what it would be like to get abducted by like somebody like I I I grew up selling drugs so it'll be like like somebody hopping out of a a mark car I'll be tripping I live I don't I live in Lorraine but I'm from Cleveland I got I met my beautiful wife out there oh you live on Detroit oh you in Cleveland Cleveland I'm right down the street from you look that oh you inv Ved oh were you at school back there school out there sco that's funny yeah I'm G be out there in Nevada soon just taking care of some business I I'm cool I'm good comfortable in my body you move from Ohio to oh okay I feel it I ain't never moving oh to from Ohio I mean if I do I'm still always I'm still always going always going to be here I'm never ever ever ever not until I get like not until I get uh control of this state and control of this city and start freeing a lot of people from here so I'm like I'm like if you can't get it in if you can't get it in your hometown then how you going I don't know I don't know I don't know everybody to e his own shout out to everybody I ain't everybody know about the rights of indigenous peopley hear all right everybody okay y'all need to get a drink of water or anything everybody probably you can you need to step with I'm actually need to go get me something drink y'all cool with that yeah go ahead stretch your legs I ain't going to be too long cuz I'm about to get it in and before before we actually oh I know what I forgot to go over let me write it down all right I'm just about to go grab my drink and I'll be right back I ain't gonna take you long e e e y'all good y'all ready okay yeah okay cool I forgot to uh actually show y'all something really quick I gotta find it real quick because I actually before we get into these taxes and then I want to tell y'all my experience in the office with the agents like I then we got to do the tax forms that's right got I'm do I'm G do I'm G do the UCC after that all so y'all gonna rece all these documents you see me flicking y'all gonna get all of these so like all of these prayers to close this this is this is good for child support Paramount claim and that's big I'm really trying to find this one thing it's about it's about to show yall about endorsment like the uh the treasury Department don't have no rule on when it comes to like uh name beneficial owners like with a signature like endorsing U you see look at that I show y'all how to make pay STS too that's funny we ain't even got man y'all don't know man we got I got to do like a business class for like the CPN and stuff Y show y'all how to use Pro time meal and uh just set everything up the right way may y get y'all be paying yourself crazy be getting approv and under CPN that [ __ ] wow oh man I'm sorry y' I'm trying to look for this uh it's real important man where is it oh yeah that's that one oh well we're gonna go over to taxes for now I don't want to hold y I'm still gonna finish no matter if y'all leave see I got templates for y'all too like for the Foreclosure templates I got templates for enforcing a contract for y'all yall just got to fill in make make sure you attach your summons to your complaints you know what I'm saying whatever you know what I'm saying your compensation declaratory release and stuff like that for y'all you just gonna have to I made I'm so plain like that cuz it's really supposed to look like bit your bit you not look like somebody stuff I have I have a question yeah please when once all this is completed like um give me one second sorry my sound was next to me snoring um but I had a property that I sold and uh I found out that it was actually a corporation who purchased it I I've wondered like would I be able to go back and reclaim the property oh sound crazy not technically huh I said no that's I mean no I not really you I mean that's a complex situation really because there's a lot of stuff that just happened right there right yeah I don't question but like you you owned it out right you had it in the land trust no see that's the thing I didn't put it in the land trust but like when I started to learn more about all of this because again I don't I absolutely don't know nothing um but one thing that I learned is that you know when you when you contract it has to be of like mind so it can't be a living breathing being with contrac uh Contracting with a corporation they contracted with your person they didn't contract right so so then is it wouldn't I wouldn't be able to go back and actually get it but I would be able to go back and get the Securities right because it wasn't truly I don't know it's no mortgage on it paid and clear you like you you rolled over the mortgage to them like to the bank and they took responsibility of it no it wasn't rolled over to them uh they put it back through um what is it escrow and was that escrow a bank a bank you was financing through a bank yeah but see the bank that I started with is not the bank that I ended up with it's like they sold it to somebody else and I ended up paying somebody they definitely did almost immediately yeah they sold it I mean you already sold it so how you gonna have it what you like it's gonna be that's that's going to be hard and then man it's like even with those type of cases you got to have real bonds with mortgages like when you go for a mortgage and you and you say you try to do whatever you trying to do with that mortgage and you fail and they and they default or give you a judgment not in your favor dismiss your case and you try to appeal it you got to have a bond and you not getting foreclosed on so you going to be like if you're a petitioner like this you going to really have to prove I mean you going to have to really like what would your story be I don't even have a story for you because you like you already you got played but you had an opportunity to sue the people that played you but you already sold your interest like I don't know kind of weird it's kind of weird it's I mean because it'll be different like CU when you first sign your mortgage you they purchased your note and they created a deed in your name which is like a a like a shadow chain like a it's a it's like a colorable marketable title and that's how they keep record of whoever has it but the note is is separate you know the note that they trade in is what they gave to the other person but the mortgage was the pledge which is technically like just figuratively speaking the whole thing in one like the package The Pledge all in one which is comprised of the deed the note the promise the security agreement and everything attached to create the security now when you when when you when they purchase that without your permission and you knowing you put your down what you can get your down you probably can get your down payment back from the bank your reposit from the bank like out of that out of that house for them that might be a you might really be able to do that but you ain't gonna be able to do nothing to you to the person to the corporation or the person that you sold it to that you assigned it to technically because you never went for your Equity initially okay you know what I'm saying so they took your note and they sold your note you would have had to go after that person and see if they even had the note for real that would have been the first one and then the person that sold your note to them would have been like an accomplice in that too you you know what I'm saying it's like it's just a lot it's just a lot like you you don't you you the only one really that hold the note you know what I'm saying it's like they ain't never GNA admit that they hold the note it's just like and but that's typically when they suing you but see you would have been you wanted to look into you claiming your equity and suing them but it said you it's like I don't know it's just like you layer you L like you was better off not selling it to somebody and you was better off just going ahead and just take like trying to get your Equity out of it trying to get your note trying to get your home or do a forensic audit on it but now you not even in a position to do a forensic audit on that I okay because I still got get notifications as if the property is still mine like uh but I get emails all the time and I'll get like email saying that the equity has went up on on my property and I'm just like okay but crazy I don't know you might have to look look into that that's not I really don't know much about mortgages I never I never purchased no home but I do know their notes and if if you're if you have Equity tied to that you should be able to get that out but I don't I would know how the hell to go about that after you after you sold it I don't know like I don't because I still have all the paperwork like I from when I first bought it to when I sold it like I have everything so really whatever your house was worth whatever whatever your house was worth you know uh including you know your down payment included is because your your down payment wouldn't take away from the worth it would actually add to the value of the house so say like it was a $200,000 house and you put 30 or $ 15,000 $30,000 down and then that would be that you would need those reposit back for those payments that you made that you should have never even made CU it was paid for the day that you signed it and then you entitled to that Equity because it's like it's just this is land so it's so hard possession of land they like but they never made no claims the only thing with them with that is that they uh they Mis they misleaded you in purchasing your note and made you believe that they gave you some financing to finance your home but and then like the thing is like you was entitled to the whole to the whole note so if if you sign underneath that mortgage for like $200,000 house underneath of application for notes it should be that whole that whole transaction for you and your Equity should have been a two a $200,000 note or whatever you put down with it would be your entitlement to your Equity but now that corporation that purchased it is is say they want they Equity too so it's imagine everybody tracing their Equity so you it does seem like to me honestly the way that I understand equity and the way that I understand notes and the way that I understand Shadow titles with with property it's like a it's a lot of y'all that got is you and the the person that you sld it to got equity in it and it's crazy you actually got put in the middle of a fraud like I don't know what it is like you really didn't sell your house that's what I'm saying that's that's what I got out of it so I'm just like I still technically own my house and if I claim it if I can figure out how to properly tie it back to myself and tie me to the land then I can reclaim my property so I've been kind of stuck on that um and I don't really know who to talk to because again some occupied in that somebody's occupying and living in there so they have somebody written it but when I looked at my paperwork when I started to learn about this I looked at my paperwork and it's it's different names that sign the paperwork so it's not even like the corporation signed anything they had like their agents signed for them so it's different people acting as the corporation of course um who signed the paperwork but my house was what is it my house was 390 I mean I I honestly the person that I'm going to try try to advise you to but I heard somebody say they pay $400 for his consultation and didn't get [ __ ] out of it but Amry like at law he traces he traces quote unquote traces mortgages I'm not sure what like what you willing oh no I um bought some stuff from him like and and it didn't include everything and I reached out and he never reached back out or said anything and I'm just like okay well that's just my lesson learned like that's so C man I don't I don't know yeah what's that like he's the only one like I really don't know like I noticed like people know a lot of people who's learning this or teaching it I I truly don't know anyone like I'm new to you I'm new to your platform um I forgot how I even found your page um but I'm new to your platform and the only one um aside from you and Amir um is clearly uh credit yeah he's a beast too literally it's just it's y'all three but I don't follow air like I stop following him because I feel like he he it's open-ended with him like he not really he's saying a lot of stuff but I don't know I just my spirit never could really get with him just being brutally honest no I feel it and it be like that sometimes some people I don't know but I yeah I this is just this is this a little different than foreclosure it's like honestly I think really uh you got you got all your paperwork that you said I have everything so I I mean have you ever thought about getting a forensic audit on your transaction I didn't even know that I could do that like let me show yall something I'mma mute myself until we start talking again because my baby still snoring next to me let me see I said in the world I should have seen like this what you want to look for you want to and then they shutting these they shutting these people down because of what they do but I me I was start with like a forensic audit on the account I mean you might be able to get some of the you might be able to get some of the chadow Securities out of it now as far as getting it now with the comp see you got two things you like it in the middle right now it's crazy because you got issues with the people that bought your note and then you know they enter they put a book entry with your deposit like that's the principal and then like they already pulled a principal amount out your everything was paid for from the beginning so this is just complications and not nondisclosure say but see but they didn't foreclose on you so they didn't make any claims to the land that was the problem yeah it was never foreclosed on so like it was it was paid and uh it's considered paid in full on my end right right because you got somebody to take it over uh right see that's I don't know I ain't never no [ __ ] like that I hope you know what though and I feel like I could go after that bank as well like I not even feel like I know I can I just don't know how like I know I could go after that bank that uh actually went went yes for selling your for purchasing your note without your knowledge and then selling the note right let me tell you something like them courts is wild especially with them forecloses and properties because they they actually make a lot of money off of them them Judes I that they um how they do it when they when they run it the way that they do it they actually remove us off the land uh and they put it through the uh the the state assessor or something like that I don't know a lot of stuff is new to me with mortgages but I just understand notes and securities I understand how they moving them [ __ ] around I just never been in those transactions so I how the paperwork look I never you feel me I never seen them like literally experience the not like the mortgage company getting switch and them sending me a letter saying that the mortgage was switched or bought like I would sent me a letter saying that it was switched they just sent me a letter saying like hey you know this where you gonna that's a problem too that's a problem yeah that's where you making your payments now and me you just okay cool you know what I mean I ain't never missed the payment no nothing um well you it's crazy I guess that's an assignment though for real for me I see that I whatever I get I could try to help you know but I'm I'm going try to reach out to you if I I mean that's that's that's a lot of wisdom with them homes man one person I know that may be able to help you that I know he a good dude maybe you could ask him is uh morish morish Lighthouse you know I talking about who's doing the adverse possessions on property no I only know you and again I just came across you um and I'm just going to say clearly uh clearly credit which is Rick because I don't I don't follow a here so I don't I absolutely positive don't know anyone else like I just go ahead no you co oh I was gon to say I just recently followed another guy I don't I forgot his name though but he talks a lot about um lawful money so he does like a lot with the the stamps and everything it's mortgages ain't about they don't give a [ __ ] about that I'mma tell you that now like mortgages that [ __ ] ain't too much of that like if you if you getting four closed on that's where the the tener come in and letting them know about your interest and [ __ ] like that but like really them like that [ __ ] is like that [ __ ] is like a serious deal cuz I mean you play that's a big business you know what I'm saying that's one of the biggest business that's probably close to next to prisons even bigger probably because one two sip numbers you saying it's a three almost $300,000 house you Ain no telling you got a probably like3 billion note and then yeah so the house was almost 400 um it was in high 3s um but they they bought it from me for really they really ain't bought nothing for real but they gave me a 100,000 more when they um cashed out however you you know the the broker and the what is it the realtor took a portion of that and I kind of want to go after her too but that's another story um yeah because honestly I I came to a point where I was just like I didn't want to sell my property but then I was told because um I had already signed the paperwork that if I backed out that they could sue me the um realtor in a company yeah so I'm just like Su me like that's crazy that's wild because I don't want to sell my property yeah that's wild B Be threatening you man that's like a threat right so I ended up so I ended up just along with it but if I that to a court that's that's hear say because there's nothing in W in that could prove that that conversation was had I mean lot of moving factors yeah proving that in court would be the Rules of Evidence it will be testimony given it will be testimonies and cross examinations with that type of stuff and then not only that it's like the notes know what i' be able to testify that right because it'll be my word against the she was the only person there and she wouldn't even be able to bring in an attorney to speak on her behalf right because what one of the maxims what is it I learned that Equity doesn't Aid um Equity doesn't Aid volunteers that that's that's like that but that exactly because you you never restricted your signature in the beginning that's what that's for so you gave a un you Equity does not perfect an unperfected gift you right you're right a gift no but it's cool though I hate that you even going through this here the serious but like sometimes you just got to take a loss but I'm telling you if you gear up with this information I'm telling you and and dig in more cuz I'm telling you everything I'm telling you will get you prepared for something big like that because I'm telling with them mortgages and them houses they will eat your ass alive the the easiest way to to do it is like why is and in the adverse possession why they foreclosing on you or you petition and get they ass right back like you like like days after you sign that mortgage or like less than 45 days that you sign that mortgage then you can get their ass you know what I'm saying it just depend on what side you want to play but that's not your situation in this case so it's just moving factors you know what I'm saying C you you ain't even G it's like one side you trying to defend yourself so I could see them saying coming in like well you know she doing like all this Equity stuff but in the same time she was the same person that participated in the commercial transaction to relieve herself and get it to somebody else you know what I'm saying know my would be honestly if they wanted to sit there and and play that honestly I I would just let them keep the property but what I would go for is my Securities and I've like just sitting back listening to you like I I like how you strategically rebuttal like you don't try to like you said don't put yourself in a a a position as a defendant so I wouldn't even go in there with the the ideology that it's mine is mine and y'all need to give it back I would more so be on the the spectrum of okay right I didn't receive my Securities like the the transaction was not proper um you know and I wasn't giv full disclosure of everything that was actually owed to me in that you know in so many words it would be a lot different a lot cleaner once I learned but that's that's honestly the angle take and then I just take whatever they give which I'm pretty sure it's going to be a hell of a lot and go give me some land they can have the house and then and dealing with that you I mean if you want to liquidate the Shadows I think you know this [ __ ] is just wow that's something that's way above my like experience I ain't even G to say understanding but I haven't even experienced nothing like that so I would no I don't want to give you any bad advice but I just one thing that I could yeah 72 like if you would have hit that [ __ ] in the beginning you would have been better off like even me even me just not KN never having a mortgage I probably would have been able to coach you through and you probably would have had it's it's just a lot of rules you would have had to go by rules of federal rules like with them mortgages it's really not no joke I'm just not even gonna lie to you you know what I ended up buying there I got this book called it this book is worth almost $46,000 right now whoa it's crazy it's a uh ok Conor's Federal Cil forms oh wow you said ok Conor that's that ain't he a Judicial officer yeah so I got the federal civil forms and um it gives you like the arguments and everything and I I have like the whole entire layout of how to um pretty much it's a book full of templates and it tells you how to apply them and what what to apply them to and it gives you like uh various arguments to input in there it's like a copy and paste like the attorneys do pretty much right right you said how much is that book now that book is like almost worth $46,000 right now oh my God you gonna sell it no I'm not selling nothing you don't sell gold it's going to my library y ready but if you ever need anything whatever I I sit it all go God positioned you with that book because it's going to do something special for you down the road believe that I'm telling you I don't I don't I haven't even come to that I don't really like to come and needy I just I know God is going to situate everybody cuz our hearts we get what our hearts desire My so it's don't worry you everything will be in position I don't know you know I just I'm satisfied now I'm content with where I'm at so yeah she said how much for a scan copy that's what you should be doing selling them no I wouldn't even sell y'all no I'll just give it to you like I mean just like that's what my heart is my heart is the the money and everything is cool but my heart has always been set on the freedoms of it all when I the from the first moment I knew that I did not have true ownership of my son that's what that's what puts the fire in me everything else you know that's just it is what it is I mean that's my god-given rights right but I just want my freedoms I just for my freedoms and my for my son to be a free man we got it we got freedoms we just want to put we just want to put position them in a safe place right yeah we just want to secure them we we just want to rescure them that's all it is yeah but no I'll give a scan copy I wouldn't charge it I wouldn't charge you for it at all it don't take nothing for me to scan it to my phone I just take a picture and I could text it right to you I don't know I actually you know what I don't know about path to freedom but if I let y'all in my I don't I'm going to bring old stuff from my ass Enoch Enoch is in here hey Enoch tell them about my brother uh my brother uh Joshua and my other brother bahadi who put the forensic audits of they uh they forensic audits inside the uh chat I have friend here named Enoch who's in my uh telegram group we have real forensic audits of them cusps man they're in the billions I don't know what path to Freedom does but I ain't G to lie to you I fell out with her but I got to give credit as credit we due I would never take away from anybody's good work and she has a lot of good work and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have learned a couple of things up my Avenue to like really understand so you know me and her be beefing I know she got a lot of stuff going on but it's all love in a certain but it ain't you know it ain't like that but she has some good knowledge I ain't gonna fake the y'all like so if anybody really ever experienced her I mean I'm sure that y'all probably have learned something or two and I know that she just didn't tell everybody everything so but y'all can get together Miss Wade she said she said she'll you know she'll uh conversate with you about you know that scan copy I'm not really into that right now but I appreciate that offer that she offer but I have I have uh I got some other stuff going on where I'm I'm not thinking about no mortgage or nothing like that and I I got a lot of weapons so everything that I'm handling right now and when when I do get into that I'm going to the mor Lighthouse brother you the coldest with that [ __ ] and uh Jamal Bay Jamal Bay and him is the coldest with that uh mortgages and stuff so look guys I'm just going to read um pass you got to pay attention to the lives and comments yeah yeah you got to do you got to read the comments and really pay close attention she not they don't just give you everything so when you creating your custodial trust guy you uh your your demission is going to be like this is a foreign granter trust uh granter custodial living trust in uh isn't an indigenous Aboriginal Express trust unincorporated Associated founded on this day of creation and man or manifestation of his articles the such and such uh estate trust foreign Express granter custodial living trust was formed and whatever wherever whenever it was formed in the uh Aboriginal region of wherever AB Aboriginal region of Republic you come you are in and the trust uh primary objective is for uh the custodial living trust to function as a multi-purpose unincorporated association and this is where it goes back to that uh trust test where it says it has to make sure that it's not operating in the United States and it was created to be CES use in the same manner to the same extent as the individual sour grantor might or could do the general law Merchant embraced the general the Under The General commercial common law the original and unique system of the commercial law in America in America states that which there is no Commerce regulation of expressed trust except in connection derived from the corporate stock in physical franchise under article 18 uh Section 8 Clause 1 and two of the Constitution it has been long held that the uh that the trustee of the express trusts have greater uh latitude than the than the ordinary trustees simply because such trust created by individual through jur May do whatever individual through jur may do it it uh has been held that the express trust is a contractual relationship based on the trust form and that any law or procedure in its operation denying or obstructing contract rights impairing the contractual obligation and it's therefore a violation of Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution because the express trust was created by the exercise of the natural right to contract as the as the con as the court has made it clear that they express the express trust is not a subject to uh legislative control when the trust is engaged in trade or Commerce on behalf of the trust it shall be acting under General law General common law as the trust is within the jurisdiction uh over which the literal and absolute protection of the Bill of Rights lie and EX stand which is now adopted under this trust as a primary Duty and Mission as living bylaws that that's the way my trust the beginning of my trust if you want to copy it that's the only thing that I will give you a copy of I will not give you anything else in my trust I will get show you how to uh point you in the right direction and then y'all could just get because this is what this what I wrote down what Tracy talked about so everybody should be because it's just general so I'll put that in the chat for y'all like in the telegram group for y'all but I'm gonna I put out my trust because there's certain things on international law that uh governs my trust and it should govern yours as well such as the vi The Diplomatic uh convention uh the Vienna diplomatic convention on trust and uh diplomatic Affairs in regards to consent and then we got the Northwest Ordinance I don't even know if I'm going to be able to find that today I'm G try my best there's just a lot of it's just so much information it's just unreal but I'm sorry everybody okay does every do everybody uh is y'all need a break or anything see we at 20 people now I actually have a question yeah go ahead uh good even evening everybody um I am interested in the all of this stuff it's so overwhelming but I'm being patient I'm just taking it all in but I have a special needs adult child oh hey and um I she's 32 and I'm just now yesterday years old realizing that she needs a Special Needs Trust um I'm also looking into getting our birth certificates authenticated as well um but I I'm not sure if she would lose her government benefits if I take this route of our freedom which I really want to take this route but um the question I have about her Special Needs Trust is I don't know what [Music] to put in it the specifics um should her birth certificate go in that or should it go in the one that that I build you know um as a as a revocable trust so um I guess my question is what how do I make her Specialties trust I'm TR I'm very limited on funds so I'm trying to do it myself I'm going through I went through law Depot for her uh Power of Attorney but they don't have a Special Needs Trust so I'm going through I miss another one um something online but and they ask you a series of questions and I guess at the end it prints out a trust I don't know if that's the route that I should take when you say Special Needs Trust who did you talk to before when you first found this out and before you even said and knew what a Special Needs Trust is who told you about that you need a special needs trust because of your daughter who told you that um um a business person a colleague of mine she told me that because I have a Guardianship and what aroused me was when I moved from Illinois where we are from to Texas Illinois I had a court date and I had to show them my um guardianship for Briana and then they they labeled it they they gave me a two-year out date that date was like two weeks ago and we did Zoom Court here in Texas so then after court I get an email and the email was as if as I'm reading it it was as if she was property and I had to pay a fee to leave Illinois pay a fee for them to gain her in Texas and it just blew my mind like this like they they're treating my child like a property oh my God and so it it opened doors to where I am now and I'm only like three weeks into these type of studies so I'm so fresh wet behind the ears and with that being said I spoke to my business colleague and she was like yeah you need you you not only have you only have guardianship over her so if she medically got in trouble she couldn't speak for herself I couldn't say anything and I guess the courts or whatever would you know just let the doctors do anything so I'm like what do I do to gain total control for my daughter and her wellbeing did you did you hear me go over the probate portion no I am just now sitting I've been on this call like 20 minutes since you started are you serious you just now getting in here no I've been in but I'm just now getting to my desk where I can take notes so I'm going to go back over it um well let me talk to you first you I ain't gonna do like that okay a lot of information so so I know I'm sorry y'all I'm about to get started let me let me let me attend to her real quick so it says a Special Needs Trust is a Legal Financial entity that allows a person with disability or functions needs to receive financial support with the effective affecting uh means test um tested government benefits now this is what I really want you to understand that like this type of trust is a statutory trust this trust that your friend wants you to get is a statutory trust because you you you in fear right now that you need to lose your fear okay for real because they gonna scare you into something that you know what I'm saying you gonna feel like that you can't protect your daughter when that's far from the truth like State just going to take advantage of her you know because they what what going to happen because of the knowledge that I'm about to bring to your attention they know this knowledge and they they want you they want you to be in a position to not be aware of it too so because them are the only they how they goingon to be like oh all you got is Guardianship all you got is custodial ship well those are the type of trust they're gon to use to if something were to happen to you to put her in a nursing home or put herit so they're going to have guardianship so let stop letting these people some of these people they they really that's goes back to intent people got good intention but sometimes they good intention they don't realize how detrimental it is to somebody's psychological well-being in their health and they think that they comforting somebody but they truly not comforting them so I just understand that this see when they say government benefits Medicare and Medicaid or Social Security they're referring to it as if they're giving you something yeah I want you to understand by the grace of God and and by your daughter being born into this into this environment and for her flesh and blood that she is the equity that gives life to their instruments if it wasn't for her living and breathing it's it's not because of the Social Security building that she that she's in position to have a financial benefit you need to understand that God has blessed us with life so that we can give life to dead corporations that quote unquote try to make us believe that they provided us a value when in reality if it wasn't for the values and the gift of God of our creation then their instruments wouldn't have no life to distribute quote unquote benefit so with that type of understanding you need to know and understand the probate you need to understand that what a private Trust trust see they want to these fancy terms and call them specials trust in regards to disability and financial because once you make that if you go to a Rocket Lawyer or anything like that it's going to be that's what it is rocket it's G to be rolled up in a statutory uh and governed by the state of Ohio or this what state are you from we are from Illinois but um we're residing in Texas right now so like you in a great state right now Texas is a great state there's a lot of beautiful people out there that understand what's going with this situation and you I think me personally I think that you need to create a custodial trust for for for uh in in I mean I hate to say the term I'm not saying that you know nothing bad but just use the word incompetent or incapacitated person because she still living and you have to make decisions for her so you feel what I'm saying so that's going give you the ability to continue to utilize her so not only utilize her social security benefit but you also going to make her the beneficiary what she truly is of her estate you know what I'm saying yes so what you what you can do you can continue with the authentication if you want to but that's not really going to do that's for something else but you can do that yes I know it's for something else but I just want to a mission to free all my off so it's so many steps to this type of stuff but me personally I think that you need to draw up your own I'm going to go over the custodial trust now you just need to not make it statutory you need to make it a private unassociated you know I'm saying custodial Express revocable trust gr we we'll talk a little bit more I think I'm g go ahead and uh get you situated cuz this is somebody who really needs something and I feel that this is important so what you're going to do is draw it up I'm going to go over we'll go we'll talk in private about it because it's it's not trust you know what I'm saying but they're very easy I was actually enjoying that because my son is autistic awesome okay see all of this is needed yeah you want to become the custodial you want to be the custodian of of this of this person in need so what what because their tax exemption number for that trust with that they're going to ask is going to be their social security number you're going to do is you're going to set up a trust account at uh at uh Federal Navy Federal or something of that nature like a credit union and then you're they're G to ask you what type of trust is this so you you go go ahead and let them know that this is a revocable trust this is a granter trust and this is a it's a custodial trust and who the beneficiate when they ask you for a certificate of trust you give them a certificate ific of trust naming your daughter as the beneficiary okay you understand what I'm saying yes okay good and once you create that bank account you get proof of that bank account you get proof that her social security is being directed towards that trust account and then you take your your um your uh your the the beginning of your trust where it's where you are appoint you are the granter of the trust and you're appointing yourself as custodial trustee over the estate in the as in naming her the beneficiary you're going to take those pages the bank is going to ask you for those pages to open up that trust account and and then once you get that open you want to take that to the probate and you want to go to probate and file that trust into probate okay and then once you file that trust into that probate and ask them if they could seal it tell them that this is a private and confidential matter this is in regards to you and you are the not only the biological mother for this person but you also are the acting custodian of this trust because a trust doesn't need a a de uh paper you can form your trust by word of mouth because I'm G give you you know we do it all the time when we go hey can girl can you watch my kids or hey can you just you know can you do this for me real quick and or can you take this car to my brother we're doing trust all the time but we never really know it you understand what I'm saying so you when they ask you was this trust created don't get stumbled up on that because this trust technically created the day that your daughter was born okay the relationship but this is the first time that you actually put it into writing yeah you feel me trust me I know what I'm talking about if you look into trust law they're going to tell you that a a trust the establishment of a trust can is is once the once something is transferred or once it's a oral it's a oral uh agreement between parties to establish a trust a trust can be can can be uh done by your mouth okay verbal contract okay I appreciate your blessings but I'm not finished okay okay great see you see how it says oral trust trust by parole you see how it say oral right there okay and this trust is between you and God this this is not no statutory trust okay the they can't do it not you feel me they could build the estate and all that stuff but she like they ain't none of that she ain't going to lose none of that [ __ ] if anything she going to get more of it once you do once you start getting into it the right way no telling what she prob so what going to do is after you file that trust and they appoint you actually get a decree or once you file that trust in there and they allow you to do that in the Probate Court you're going to take that document and take that claim and then go to make a claim for an adult that's that's uncapable of taken care of they self they might say uh uh filing a claim to administer in a state for an incompetent person or like a a a incapacitated person right then you going to go in there and take that trust and you're going to express that and then you gonna get that solidified you where where you where it's going to really it's going to create another trust but with the course so you got your paper trust that you created your custodial revocable trust created and naming her as the beneficiary in US trustee then you file that at as and give public notice of that trust and then you going to that those same records Publications those filings to go claim her estate because they're going to and then you're going to put her birth certificate in that probate okay you understand what I'm saying yeah because it's it's a it's a at Rim item and when you put that birth certificate on the record and it's showing that you the mother is going to show your competency that you acting in trust and when when they give you when they when that judge grants you because you're her mother you understand what I'm saying it ain't gonna be she gonna be H that judge gonna be happy to give you what you're already yours you understand so most important part is that you get those because now they can't stop anything because you got a court valid validating the fact that matter all trust handles Financial issues all trust can deal with accounts all trust can have bank accounts you understand what I'm saying so don't let them hit you with that fancy you need a special trust to allocate the social SEC that get get the [ __ ] out of here that's for somebody to try to get into your your break into your estate you got to solidify your own estate so you once you get that stamped up and you get those two the the record your [ __ ] reced in the probate and you get your [ __ ] you recorded and they appoint you like they just agree with you that you're you you are who you are and nobody's taking up because nobody's taking up this responsibility so you have toen the initiative to take this responsibility so once they once you get that acknowledgement from probate you get you ask the courts to seal that from the clerks get a sign order certified copy and then the uh nobody can do nothing at all that's it and what you would have to do after that is as far as you like like if you were thinking about further if you were going to pass away You're gonna put a make a wheel you understand and within that wheel then that's when you're gonna make your distribution or make a Pointes like if I were to pass away within my will I would like my sister to continue to take care of this trust I you know what I'm saying and the is going to protect that the life of that trust if you pass before your daughter okay awesome information now I was told that a what makes it a special well another word for a Special Needs Trust is called a thirdparty trust not a first party the first party trust if if um with the first party trust she will be liable to pay back um any Social Security payments towards her if she got a big sum of money say if she got my inheritance from me passing she would have to zero that all the way down before she can get Social Security again or some crazy stuff like that so they say to make it a third party as if the as if the person funding the trust in her um in her benefit is someone other than herself or I don't not sure or me but they said to make it a a third party trust are you afraid that like something that you got going on or like is she do you know that she's gonna be allocated some funds no I don't but however just you know the splinting of of my uh death benefits or anything you know or if I win the lottery or anything I I I mean that's where the whe that's where the wheel in maybe another trust you can make you can create another Trust that's going to hold that that death asset so it's in a trust so if you know that you got a death of life insurance policy that life insurance policy needs to be retitled to a trust so it's distributed to a trust and the will going to appoint somebody to to to handle those finances and what to do with those finances so that they won't with one another do you understand I get it I get it I get it yeah that's what trust is okay all right we going to tap in though don't worry because you still got to develop your trust yes I'm sorry I'm glad that yeah my apologies I'm way off the topic I guess you're not don't don't uhuh don't do that to yourself uhuh it ain't that type of party all right we just gonna continue with the Jews we took care of what you did I think everybody you know I think everybody was patient enough they know what's going on got nothing but good godly people in here here all right worry about all right so we going to get it cracking and we going to holl with each with each other all right ladies and gentlemen yeah that trust is serious that probate court is serious trust me get her protected and locked in with that probate they can't do nothing all right sounds good yeah trust me I'm when you read and go back and do this video and we gonna chop it up okay gota we got to formulate your trust you make a custodial trust so let me go ahead what no this ain't the right one oh here we are all right guys so the custodial trust guys is oh excuse me is is governed by a lot of things I mean I don't even think I got the right I'm G just probably have to go over the TX point I'm trying to find I'm really trying to get I normally get his class by itself let me see what is this publication so this I just want to go over this with y'all this is the type of thing that they use these are the reg see regulations okay this is the type of trust that they use since we was talking about the topic that we did was is is come you know these are by finr these is uh I I forgot uni I forgot the acronyms for these but I said them before okay but right here it is the uniform gift minor act this is how they able to take over our Estates and do what they do with our Estates okay no uh with these uniform transfer minor acts and this is how they are able to like you know act in our behalf with uh so you might want to read these members firms and UH responsibilities regarding accounts these are the type of accounts like these are the type accounts that I'm trying to get you to create for her for for your baby see a custodial account okay cuz she's still a minor it might seem like she not but she is still a minor that's exactly how they do it they operate with with those type of trusts I'm missing stuff man so let me see we got the Vienna con convention the Northwest binance it's a lot of stuff missing man let me see I'm just about I'm so tired guys fall out all right so when you do when I I got a go over the trust okay I gotta go over the trust I just can't skip that I tried to but I just can't so I want y to understand this order this order is right here or this is actually executive order this is from Donald Trump this is something that you want to implement this is the reason why we can operate and Trust how we can operate you understand what I'm saying because I'm just going to read this but you guys get this in your packages by authority vested by the president of the Constitution the laws of the United States of America in in order to guide the executive branch okay in order to guide the executive branch remember the executive branch that's the Secretary of Health that's releasing the grants to the goddamn uh State that's doing the separation of powers and violating the Constitution and and Trump is talking about the Constitution but this is a order to guide the executive branch okay and formulating and implementing policies with implications for religious liberty of persons organizations in America and to further compliance with the Constitution okay so thank you for not oh no problem I I mean can't just can't just do s you just gota you know it's rules of certain [ __ ] with applicable statutes and presidential directives it is hereby ordered of the following I'm just going to read this first one but you remind you you guys get this order if you just you know you guys gonna get everything that we went over everything everything it shall be the policy of the executive branch to vigorously enforce federal laws robust protections of religious freedoms okay the the foundation envisioned a nation in which religious voice and Views were integral and vibrant Public Square in which religious people and institutions were free to practice their faith without the fear of discrimin or retaliation by federal government federal agencies you feel me that's why y always talk about the lord always to their ass they ain't never goingon to want to hear about Jesus I don't care if you don't believe in Jesus or not you don't even believe in Jesus Jesus know the United States Constitution enshrine and protects the fundamental rights of religion okay Liberties as As Americans First Freedom federal laws protect the freedom of American and their organizations those are the 508 nonprofit organizations you can actually work underneath those too those are trust believe it or not man Amazon is wild to exercise religion and participate fully in Civil Life without undue interference by the federal government so they talking to these agencies you might have to slap them with this executive order one time you know what I'm saying respecting religious and political speech you feel me science and prote protection with respect to uh privative care mandate look at that you see there go to Secretary of State and I'm glad I'm about to read this right here because this look juicy let look juicy hold on let me read this oh no I thought that was oh yeah it is the Secretary of Human Services let me read this all executive departments and agencies shall to the greatest ENT practic practicable and to the extent permitted by law respect and protect the freedom of persons organ organizations to engage in religious political speech and and practically the secretary of the uh treasury shall to the extent permitted by the law that the Department of Treasury does not take any adverse action against any individual house or of worship wow they're talking about the IRS and talking about them taxes and stuff they say treasury I like that or other religious organizations and and the bias that which individuals or or organizations speak or speak spoken about moral or political use from religious it's funny to me that they say that I ain't even going go off topic religious uh perspective where speech of similar characters has consistent with law not or ordin ordinarily been treated as participation and intervention in politic IAL campaigns let me see I just want to read the parts where they talking about the Department of Treasury I'm trying to always I see that say okay as using this section the term adverse action means an imposition imposition of tax I knew I was going to talk about tax and penal and tax penalties and delays and denials tax exemption status and remember I told y'all 508 c1a you just don't got to do nothing with the 508 c1a that want that that wants Grant Government funding those are the ones that must do the paperwork but here it looks like even though it says 508 C13 501 C1 C3 there's still this still means 508 C13 they want to trick you and make you think that it's not but it is because it's a church that that doesn't loses it religious and political Powers because it didn't receive any grants from the federal government but if you do then you lose that 50 that 508 c1a is literally a 501c3 like for real A real one with restrictions okay uh the disallowance of tax deductions for contributions made to entities exempt from the taxation under uh section 301 of title 26 uh of the US code and other actions that make un unavail unavailable or deny any tax deductions exemptions and credits and benefits I just want to read this the SEC the SEC I I'm about to read this to myself that's not the Y the Secretary of the Treasury the uh Secretary of of Labor and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall consider issuing amendments regulations consistent with the applicable law to address conscience oh okay see that's what I said guys like look at that so like even the president is making this the treasury Department like why what is the treasury and money and finances that's what we need to find out because I really don't understand how they relevant to religion but I mean what is that we talking about money I mean is is money part of religion is taxes a religious matter cuz if so it's about to get really real you know what I'm saying especially with me [ __ ] let me find out that these monetary instruments are tied to religion uh sec I think they are they got to be that's crazy we about to get into the Bible in a little bit Secretary of of Health and Human Services right address cons so so for the Secretary of Health now conscious and religion I could see why remember I told you we need to holl at them them the ones that got the influence on the birth certificate them them in the treasury Department but they don't call them the treasury Department they call it oh excuse me it's homand security and the IR I mean the Social Security Administration is the ones that's dealing with the birth certificate but they also been ordained by this executive order to issue issue Amendment amended regulations consisting with applicable laws addressing conscience-based objection so is maybe maybe the way that they deal with your birth certificate is a conscious based objection maybe the imposition of taxes is against the the con is a conscious objection this is critical guys like this is these executive ERS man are so powerful for for us they're really powerful for us so just like just read into that more like so everybody familiar with public law 97 the year of the Bible ladies and [Music] gentlemen no no anybody do I got some yeses is anybody familiar look at this guys and girls one page now this is one of the legislations that is not commercial law this is not commercial law you will not find a CFR a a fake Statue you will not find the USC this is a joint resolution and the only thing that's on it because this is private law this is real Public Law this is a private this is a true legislation because it was given to the people and no one else so it was not donated to to the CFR it was to interpret it is interpretation it was not given to the fed the legislation anymore than just this document to do any interpretations on the word of God so you will never find anything else but this one damn sheep and you get to determine what this means okay it's uh Public Law 97 where the Bible the word of God has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States and is distinct bless nation of people this is where they do acknowledge us as people whereas deeply held religious convictions just back up that order that's why the executive order and this right here you get to slapping in with this [ __ ] is for real religious conviction springing from the holy scriptures uh led to the early settlement of our nation whereas biblical teachings Inspire concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence this is where our of some of our rights are contained not the Constitution so the Constitution protects these rights that are given by the Declaration of independent or declared by the Declaration of Independence are embodied inside of the Constitution and the con well it already says it and the Constitution of the United States where many of our great national leaders among the president of Washington Jackson that's one of my favorite presidents I love him Lincoln and Wilson PID tribute to the S surpassing influence of the Bible and our country develop in our country's development as the words of the president of President Jackson yes the hero the bank killer that that the Bible is the rock on which the Republic rest you hear that not the Democracy it is so it is where the rock that our Republic rest let that let that sink in we are a republic form of government shout out to Aaron Russo rest in peace uh whereas the history of our nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntary applying the teaching voluntary you see that okay of the scriptures so in the lives of individual families and societies where this nation now faces great challenge that will test this nation at it as it never been tested before which is happening and whereas the renewing of our of our the renewing our knowledge of the faith of of and faith in God through holy scriptures can strengthen us us as a nation and a people now therefore to be the year of the Bible is the law the Bible was the law so just know that it's for which the Republic sits okay full faith and credit guys house resolution this one of my favorites one of my favorites all right set purpose of to provide I mean we can grow food we don't need money they won't let us grow food we can go to the river and we could filter water I think we just want sex and weed I think we want X pills I think we want to get high I think people love cigarettes more I think people like you know like really aroused by section have Miss inappropriation of like fantasies and things like that behind closed doors I think people are not with their and a lack of character I think people are afraid to be strict and love the Lord I believe that a lot of men want to stick their dingling and a lot of women and a lot of women got their little cooters wrapped up around the wrong things I believe that people say one thing and live another way I believe people need to some real serious help but that's just general you know what I'm saying I don't know I think a lot of people really need help before they even mental heal before they even start getting into this type of stuff cuz I think a lot of people are not honest with their themselves it's true I'm not perfect I got sins [ __ ] but I mean it is what it is you know I'm not gonna bash on nobody I love everybody even my enemy I love the devil praying for him all right so uh this act it gives gives us our power and it and it and it this is uh full faith credit it's not it's not true it's a duality I mean honestly nothing is really true and nothing really matters after you really pass away I mean I don't know every it's almost like we live in a matrix for real it's crazy I'm sorry I don't want to get off topic I just want to provide these gyms and then live my private life so all right so this act may be cited as a full faith and credit okay payment of principle and interest on public debt and Social Security trust fund do do you hear that ma'am you said your daughter's on social security benefit do you understand that Social Security is a trust fund for people in need so when they trying to take her stuff when their job is when the treasury Department has full gave us full faith and credit they cannot be trying to charge her because you got to understand that the treasury Department the the um the the Social Security let me let me let me not say this the wrong way so let me grab my book and really give yall this the right way you got to understand this stop right here yall gota understand that okay so uh United States Treasury Securities are purchased by the Social Security Administration that's what y'all got to understand that okay so so so the Social Security is a private entity they invest their the lay that people work for it gets deposited to the to the to the Social Security Administration the people that don't qualify for benefits after the Social Security Administration distributes all the benefits to the people that are righteously owed the benefits whether it's a veteran a person incapacitated that's in need of Social Security Disability or rather whatever that it is they after they pay that out there's surplus funds available and they cannot pay those out they have to hold those until they have qualified recipients that will allow those grants to be released wow so be and they don't release them so the private administration of the Social Security trust fund they go to the primary they're they're one of the they can go to the primary treasury account and they purchase Securities and they buy into the debt of the United States that's what you guys got to understand okay so there's a surplus they they're taking the surplus funds left over that can't be lawfully or legally distributed in they're purchasing debts technically they're purchase security so they're purchasing debts of the United States so what happens is ultimately the Social Security trust fund is is technically given the treasury Department like a Lo like a loan like loaning the United States government money it's weird it's really weird but just know that the social security and administration Administration trust fund has a very close relationship with buying treasury bonds and securities from the treasury Department that's what we really need to understand that they are a very significant influencer like of owner they're a majority owner of the the national debt this is why they're so territorial over you owe me money they think that they're they're a debt collector they think that are they think that they're going to get they because they can't don't can't come after the government other people they can't go after they're not going to go after the United States they're going to buy the United States debt and then they're gonna come after the people that quote unquote represent the United States they ain't gonna go after the United States for owning the debt they gonna go after our labor they gonna go they gonna say oh we paid you too much Social Security you got a loan you got a grant you got a we going to go we going to tap in and take your [ __ ] back when you actually the one that gave life to that you know what I'm saying with taxpayers really paid into that and that's it's unfortunate but taxpayer money is what's paying out the dis the disability but not just that neither it's also our applications too it's like that's our [ __ ] all of it that's all of it is our like so no like I would be like like you feel me because like they want to make you believe that you got compensation and that goes into that we need to understand that we're not receiving income if there's if I can't if if if my if somebody tell me yeah I'm about to uh so when they give you US money is just a it's a debt they didn't give you they gave you an illusion I'mma tell you what you're supposed to do with your money you're supposed to hold it you know those are you know those are Federal Reserve notes they have interest on them but we don't know we when we use them the wrong way there's no interest on them those those when they print a dollar bill a dollar bill supposed to circulate and and build interest from the economy for like two to three years that fed that note is supposed to be lawfully redeemed but instead it keep going through the S system and the interest is never collected when that note is matured so we got notes out here that dollars that matured but we never redeemed them there's a whole bunch of [ __ ] floating notes out here but nobody never saved them reported them to the IRS because we're supposed to keep the revenue we're supposed to only put out what we need to run our business we're not supposed to be buying weed buying toys for our kids that's why they promote Christmas and holidays they want you to go out there and spend them notes the wrong way you are supposed to Rue those notes and buy only what you need for your business and keep keep the receipts and then you report report your total revenue in your in your receipts your deductions and you get your refund back when you get your refund back that refund is taxfree and it's it's it's uh it's appropriated to to so now you can use those funds the way that you want to use those funds but we're not patient enough we're not doing the the things we're not handling business right we want to go get bottles and all this different [ __ ] like it is a for real a mental Asylum it's not by coincidence that Title 24 says hospitals and psychiatric unit and they put us in those different type of environments we like it isn't like it's sad it's like being sad and I'm not perfect and I'm not saying that I'm haven't been an accomplice to this [ __ ] I have but I'm taking responsibility so yes those not when they distribute Federal Reserve notes we supposed to get those back there within a year or two because when a that note has interest on it so if you got a dollar bill the IRS probably owes you like three or four dollars for that dollar but you can't we can't redeem them for lawful money because joint house resolution 92 was repealed so we got house resolution right here to redeem our interest and get and right here issue new obligations but we too ansy and we got to put that money back out there at for a person use we got to put a down payment on a personal car and then go crash the [ __ ] up then we held liable like we we are incompetent we need to take we need to have some foundation and and be and really fess up that yes we've been irresponsible and we made mistakes we want to fix it but those are sirias Siri C Siri B that's why there's an alphabet that's why the alphabet says series A that's why there sometimes there's a a on your bill that's a series B A series a a series C A series D they tell you in the treasury Department what when those what years they was issued how much they are worth and when they mature those are floating Reserve notes if they're also sin notes so if you take them and you put them back into if you accumulate them if you going for your labor if you if you working for somebody and they be like man I ain't got nothing to pay you with bro well [ __ ] I got this piece of paper right here you can take this piece of paper n you can't redeem it for your know your value bro but you could take this right here and go get you a whip bro go get you some liquor bro go get some weed go smoke some bag and go on take that huh bro our job is supposed to take that Federal Reserve Note and retain it and hold it and only do what we need to do to function on a commercial level if you really that disciplined then you going to be able to account for everything you going to be the best bookkeeper in the IRS going to love the [ __ ] out of you you're making more work for them when you taking your notes and throwing all your notes and never keeping your receipts and then claiming a refund so they withhold everything because they ain't got nothing they ain't got nothing to audit they you ain't turn in no series you ain't got no receipts you ain't got no Revenue where they can go look and look at your account you ain't got nothing nothing just a bank account at the end of the year but made $100,000 with no accounting that that's incompetency and I I've been a I'm I before I knew that I didn't I'm mad at myself for [ __ ] like that I get mad at my woman for spending money hate that [ __ ] I hate man spending all the [ __ ] money up everything that go out is a donation if I feel like I ain't got if if I get somebody I need some money donation that shit's going out as a donation I'm not just giving you anything [ __ ] contract donation here you go I need M at the end of the year ain't nothing going out unaccounted for underneath this Administration so we got the Vienna convention I'm I'm really just trying to find the articles for the Vienna convention ladies and gentlemen also got to go man these are the First Fundamental steps to actually you know preparing for the big league you know what I'm saying we got to just practice these small steps these small accounts all right so this is [ __ ] ispl I'm sorry for the for the uh silence everybody good is anybody got a question any anything love peace and love guys I love you guys appreciate y'all patience and all that man I need to get this together appreciate you too Lord have mercy God please help me all right so we just going to start with the international Hughes convention all right so uh so so when it comes to your International no TR yo trust we going let me see he I can never say he right hey convention okay so let me see here it is right here all right guys this is this is where you get your Authority on the international level to operate outside the United States because we are not on we're on international law okay the convention on on law applicable to trust in their recognition y'all hear that it's the same people that did your Declaration of Human Rights they also made a convention y'all need to check out the Geneva Convention too okay so bam we G we gonna go in here and see what they talking about it's other articles I know there other articles in here too that we need but look look at this okay a trust created in accordance with the law specified by preceding chapter shall be recognized as a trust such recognition shall imply as a minimum that the trust properly constitutes a separate fund this is what I'm talking about y'all when you set up these trusts and set up your will you're going to be able to protect her assets and yut Y y' this is international law that's why you don't want that you you kind of want administered in administered in the state administer in the United States but you don't want it to have Juris you don't want the United States to have jurisdiction of it so that the state court it could still go to the state court and the state court can do a ruling on laws that's applicable to what you're trust is referring to and because your trust is going to set the jurisdiction and if it's already set in the trust so when it goes to that the court within the state which it has to go to somebody's Court the the judge don't don't have to take statutory Administration ruling over it and they can rule the way that the trust is organized that's important to understand that the trust properly constitute a separate fund that the trustee May Sue be sued in his capacity as trustee you see that so they're suing the trustee but not like they can't really touch the trust and that he may appear or act in the capacity excuse me before a notary or any person acting on the official capacity in so far in so far as the law applicable to trust requires or provide such recognition shall apply in this uh in in in particularly that the person's creditors of a trust shelf have no recourse against a trust asset did y'all just hear that y'all hear that you mean the international Hughes convention article uh what that personal creditors of a of the trustee shall have no recourse against the trust assets that the trust asset shall not shall not form part of the trustees estate upon his insolvency where he can't pay or bankruptcy that the trust asset shall not form a part of Mont monreal property I'm not sure what the [ __ ] that is but I can kind of get an idea of the trustee or his spouse nor part of the trust estate upon his death marriage okay I appreciate that I I I I thought it was up that way but I didn't even give it no brain thought I'm just trying to get through I'm tired I'm really tired y'all don't even know that the trust assets may be re recovered when the trustee in breach of trust has mingled trust assets and that's what we need to avoid with his own property or has alienated the trust asset however the right and obligation of the third party holder of the asset the beneficiary shall remain subject to the law determined by the choice of the rules and the Forum it just gets better and better like what the [ __ ] like I'm it's crazy like we like do like we are the Lord has like shielded us and so many layers of protection we just don't even realize it like this is this is international law you know what I'm saying like for real on the on recognition of a trust the convention on on you know what I'm saying the Hughes convention that's International treaty remember now Constitution doesn't supersede International treaty I want y'all to know that trust cannot get robbed at any time no they can't especially if the beneficiary is appropriately established water and oil don't mix then you can say that again Amen Let the church say Amen you feel me water and oil don't mix so now we got the Vienna convention we gonna go get into the Vienna convention and why that so the Vienna convention is is about diplomatic relations so there was issues with diplomacy and Country versus other countries and states versus States but because we're on international law and Ohio is a contingent state to such as Pennsylvania contingence meaning that they are touching however they are different countries you know what I'm saying so they're the the Vienna convention just like the Hughes convention let me help y'all understand what why this is relevant if somebody abducts their own child and goes over and and goes to another state they call they use the international child adduction which is a huge International treaty so that they can bring that child back into the state so this is why the the the Hughes convention treaties are applicable because that's how they collect child support by a through an international treaty that was agreed on for I guess the paring and all that good stuff but that's another story we talking about using these International treaties to protect our trust because the Hughes convention probably has so everything that you could imagine that's dealing with every individual subject on law the conventions are have already covered it and not mind you 1961 so we going to go to article two and just read a little bit okay a member of a service state of a a member of service staff are members of staffs of of the mission right so that's like a trustee okay in the domestic service of a mission a private service a private servant is a person who is a domestic service of a member of a of the mission and who is not an employee of descending State just get a look complicated with this stuff right here see you got now we gonna have to understand what it's sending I got this in my trust right here so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get it I'm not I'm not even reading the right one yeah I'm read I knew something was a little strange all right article two because man it's very complicated to talk about sending and receiving state but basically when it comes to sending and receiving state will that be a DI a diplomat possibly I don't know I mean all of this is in reference to diplom diplomacy you know what I'm saying all all of this because this is this is being a convention on diplomatic relations I mean we are diplomats we are ambassadors I mean go to Philippines uh go to Philippines uh what you know what I'm saying and and go read that you know what I'm saying we ambassadors and diplomats for the for for our Lord and savior who who G to tell it we might not be a diplomat to them but we not excluded from we just like we not excluded from the human rights of Declaration of Human Rights we not excluded from the Vienna convention especially if we operating in the trust there's International rules especially if your birth certificate is deposited at the United Nations right especi all these International treaties become very relevant when your you feel me United Nations why you think they allowing us to deposit our [ __ ] at the embassy yeah cuz it's for real y'all notice they got the flat earth right here right we don't live on the globe just want y'all to know that you know they took us out of our foundation and gave us a spinning Ball but God is a steel guy God is a is a foundational God forever nonmovable for it is him that not see the Right light that I put it with the clouds okay we are not moving we are as stationary as it can get the establishment of diplomatic relations between States look at that so when you P when you fail the court test and you got your trust and it's forign you're a state you understand you got your own damn laws you are Justified as an individual State you feel me okay and on permanent diplomatic Mission taking place by Mutual consent now diplomatic is is very important to understand that when there's involved with diplomatic relations in in in countries versus countries and State versus State look it the Diplomatic convention is telling you there must be some type of mutual consent for the sending State and the receiving State y'all both protected we need mutuality they don't we we don't you feel me so International level is a whole another law you understand what I'm saying that the state the other the lower people don't know about these type of laws but they're very powerful okay the functions of a diplomatic Mission consist inter Alia in representing a sending state in re in a receiving state so basically if you have we ambassadors for Christ and we residents of heaven so we as a as a sending State we came down into the receiving State you understand which is foreign the receiving state is foreign to us because we come from the sending state which is heaven God created us so we came into that state by the grace of God into the receiving State we mind you we in receivership we'll get into that with the taxes protecting in the receiver State the interest of this do you hear that protecting in the receiving state so remember I told you we come from heaven we we come from our father into a state into a foreign territory a receiving State and the Diplomatic convention says for B that they're protecting the receiving State um protecting the receiving state right they're protecting the re receiving State the interest of the receiving state so there's a mutuality here a do we have to respect each other's territories and of its Nationals both of them the sending and the receiving state must have a mutual consent in regards to their Nationals and within the limits permitted by international law we need to understand that the negotiation with government of the receiving State asserting by all lawful means conditions and developments in the receiving State and Reporting there to the government of the sending State and our government of descending state is our Lord and savior who created us that's who we report to we don't report to other like but this is also this is how we operate cuz we live in people but this is a regulation for countries but we can develop our own countries we can develop our own States we can be diplomats and ambassadors for Christ which makes us makes these rules applicable to us because we are operating in international diplomatic is issues especially you know ese like especially when you really traveling out to go see other churches and stuff you would really be operating in this type of law asserting by by lawful means conditions and developments in the receiving State and Reporting there into promptly friendly relationships between the sending and the receiving state so they are promoting friendliness relationship between the sending State and the receiving State and developing their economic and cultural scientific relations nothing in this present convention shall construe as to preventing the performance counseler those are like Ministries performance of councils functions by diplomatic Mission so you may to tell me you weren't sent here by the Lord into a receiving state to fulfill a diplomatic Mission you're not about to tell me that that's not why you were sent here because that's why you here for a diplomatic Mission the sending state must make certain that the agreement of the receiving state has been given for the person to its propose to the person it proposes to accredit it as ahead of the mission of the state the receiving state is not is not obl oblig o obliged like they don't have parlay to give reasons to the sending state for refusal of the agreement okay because they're all they're promoting consent that's what this convention is about respect and consent and they already had it the same convention already talked about trust and their recognition we're talking International laws and things that govern our uh our relationships with uh with these trust it's serious and now we want to go to which was the North West ordinance of 17 this document also protects our International rights because this was created this was created before The Constitution this wasn't inspired it's outlined by Thomas Jefferson ordinance you understand what I'm saying this if I'm not mistaken this come came before The Constitution West River my family is affiliated with this document if you see it says Ohio River I I don't know if y'all know but I told yall that I come my family is senica so you'll see here that the Northwest Ordinance is affiliated with a lot of the treaties and relationships and Inspirations from uh the the arquest Confederacy which was in which my peoples from my family tree and my uh tribes inspired those these type of documents to be written up by people like uh Thomas Jefferson and stuff like that and uh they had some really good information inside of here that y'all really want to uh use for your trust because this this document is ordained you see it says or ordain that means like hold on one second y'all know what ordain mean I'm not about to Google it [ __ ] it I feel like people that go Google that be trying to like I be laughing at people because they get stuck and they don't know what to they let me Google it real quick I don't want to look like that but I know what I'm talking about it's funny let me Google it real quick now listen right here section one off top okay is ordained for government of territories United States and Northern River of Ohio my people was actually affiliated with this document I could I can prove that okay section one be it ordained by the United States and the Congress assembled that the said territory for the purpose of temporary government yeah temporary government they lied be one District subject however to be divided into two districts as future circumstances May in this opinion of Congress may it ex expedient okay so mind you they keep saying ordained come on now they that's that's deep when something is ordained that's so what the oh I supposed to read the second one to y'all I'm sorry yes section two by The Authority offor said that the estate both residents resident look at that hold on it's ordained by authority of foret that the Estates guys a state the cesay the birth certificates the property the land the bodies both residents this is in 1787 this is so this back in the day so this is United States citizen now residents and nonresidents you see that how did they make that a very clear distinction between residents and nonresidents just like the IRS with Estates dealing with trust and they both residents you see that Pro proprietor they're talking about people that have investors that have proprietory um in the said territory okay dying in inter in intested I don't know even what the [ __ ] that is I don't know what that that must be something weird territory I don't know what that is guys we learn we that looks crazy if y'all seeing what I'm saying if I'm not saying the same thing somebody correct me shall descend shall descend it shall desent to and be distributed among their children it was ordained for Estates both non-residents and residents okay that is that should be given to their children we protect in our children's Estates it's ordained y'all understand that in the in the descendence of the descend of the deceased child is equal part and yes yes basically yes it's the trust like they like it's crazy they they with all these new codes and stuff that came after this they blocked our grant they blocked our gifts they accepted our our [ __ ] yeah you got to have a wheel you right man you even supposed to have a wheel even when a CH wheels are not just for death wheels are for birth too you're supposed to have a wheel a living wheel when a baby is born so wheels are not that's why I call it a test a testamentary wheel because that's refer to the death but we haven't never been trained that the The Royals are going to use a will because it is their will to publicate the newborn Offspring has been born it is the mother's will to to bestow this this settlement on the child that's why Wheels ain't just used for death wheels are used for life too or in or and I mean oral trust only go so far because they done did so much to our government yeah oral trust would have been good in 1787 riding my yeah get this horse these buggies of my peoples W be good yeah going buddy going do that you know what I'm saying they handled the business real good but nowadays you got all these statutory laws that done gridlock our interest all these Emergency Banking and and it like it just it just attached so much to us you know what I'm it's just crazy we just need to fix our Estates I mean it's just as simple as that it's really not complicated okay it says where where their children shall no children or descendant their equal part to the next of the kin and equal decree and among collateral the children of the deceased brother or sister of and man I cannot get this word in in interstate I don't know shall have an equal part among them their deceased parent share and there shall in no case be with the estate thank you thank you pill distinction between kindr of the whole and Half Blood Wow saving in all cases to the Widow of the in intest intestate that's that's I got to I got to practice that word but I'm having complications this but I have read this probably before but you like if you read this you will get the idea that this is talking about trust you know what I'm saying and right here by delivery you know what I'm saying these key words shall be appointed for that purpose person property may be transfer delivery these are all trust words you know what I'm saying so French and Canadian inhabitants most people probably would say that we are not part of this but if you an American if you part of if you an American then you know that this is about you too see I wanted to I I needed to check this out let me see thetion crime govern like there was one now look at this this is article one oh actually actually I didn't even read the articles I read sections I I haven't I got to read the articles to y'all no person demanding himself de Deming him demeaning himself in a Peaceable and ordinary manner which we're doing that's why we need to be Peaceable and have an ordinary manner about oursel right shall ever be molested on the account of his of his mode of worship or religious sentiments in said territories so that's going to back you up right there too the inhabitants of said territory shall have all always shall always be entitled to the benefit of rits of habius Corpus and of Trials by jury so this is not trials by this even this is even in the Constitution this is this is the original this is before the I think this is before The Constitution if I'm not mistaken this is like the original Constitution cuz they're talking heavy [ __ ] right here like even in here they're talking about about we got not jury trials they talking Equity they talking the real due process civilian D process they talking about trial by jury you understand so just read this guys I'm I don't want to hold yall too long it's 11 o'clock oh my God so this is why we oh yeah the custodial dang man I still got to do this where's that trust at Jesus okay at 911 58 21 so what was that the 28 that gra everybody okay oh I left I lost a person I lost a person I get so sad when I lose a person I'm still here rocking with you big bro I appreciate y all right so oh what is it oh yeah gotta go to the content let me grab a uh 2848 real quick okay okay so bam so all these remember so we everybody every we good on everything that I went over about from the beginning to the end did it all did I lose anybody did did everything connect y'all and I like it's showing the conformity in what we talking about from the Scottish Ru from The Ledger from 1500s when Henry they made the poor man certificate then the CES V came the claim of the life came the 1700s came the 1800s came you know what I'm saying and then the uh you know what I'm saying the uh y'all understand article one and two is the Emergency Banking Act and trading with the enemies and then when we exercising our uh judic Act of 178 9 we going to be using the Supreme Court rules we going to go into probate do our name declaration our name correction we understand that the money orders are when we when we flip the switch from law to equity we given that tender that money order and that receipt and that that right there is is giving us our ability underneath the seventh amendment to go ahead and make our claim to equity we are like and then the Minnesota rule that I went over and then uh Public Law 1084 58 where it was talking about in section 72 when we went down that the grants are allocated by an executive dep Department to the state which is a violation of the separation of powers we understand the you know it's a register organization we understand how the person identified in the record is the is the is in the title is the person that's the that's entitled to the commercial benefit we understand what Donald Trump was talking about you guys it's connected yeah good okay good yeah praise God Amen yes y'all going to be on the road to where y'all need to be God is good you know okay ladies and gentlemen now we about to do the taxes and y'all got everything and and y'all got everything all the time and y'all got everything y'all got the y'all got the shirt let me just go through this before I go through the tax class if you got these products ladies and gentlemen y'all got the Ambassador thing y'all got the the WWE bin for your employers you got the Social Security notice and the the W4 that they're you we those are voluntary you got the termination if you need to terminate from a old job and you're going or you need to put that with the WB terminate that and then put the WB we got the treasury forms you got to claim your bond for the birth certificate also if you go in there I think that's both of them I think I put both of them in there yep I got the claim I got to put the new claim of Securities in there don't worry I put everything everything's in the gum roll too y'all got a library full of books hundreds of books hundreds of books almost probably 700 books you got my audio recording right here which is me and my transcript of a audio of me and the judge of when I'm saying that I'm coming in as an ambassador for Jesus Christ you're going to hear how the Jud how what it's like engaging with these people and knowing who you are and how they still talk over you and [ __ ] like that so y'all could be prepared for that you know what I'm saying and then I got to actually go over I actually got to go over the tax forms too I actually got to go over these tax forms and those tax forms and what they expect when you get into the IRS office okay boom I got the pass in the buck one and two those are very expensive books you get those absolutely free practically okay I'm only going to say this here but this is fix your public pool this is consumer stuff I can't put credit on these files they will tear that they don't want anything dealing with credit repair but if you need credit repair you have it you have a a lot of very I don't do consumer law but if you want to fix your credit and your business credit and get business credit that opportunity is there too we got the T child support termination pack you going to straight the shity ship is in here the tender for special deposit the templates is in here and all of that tweak them holl at me if you need help with that okay uh we got oh yeah so well I'm getting mediate on this before y'all go to bit I'm sorry you going to sleep anybody got any questions or need to go you need you got any questions before you go don't worry I'm going to drop it it's getting recorded it's it's getting recorded I promise you okay all of you are going to get this I promise you I promise you okay Secretary of Def oh secret defense for termination this if you don't want some if you I'm not leaving just a tip for okay um if this is the this is a document that I used I sent it to a sheriff that was trying to serve me and I said why are you trying to contact me and why are you trying to serve me and you you guys already removed property and came in and serve they they're try to serve me again you feel me cuz I cuz I did so much paperwork in the court that they try to say that they didn't serve me and they try to get them to come back and serve me after they removed my property so then I hit them with the violations I never heard a [ __ ] word from them again but I like I I had to get their name and number so I had to call up so I scared them off before I even got the information that I wanted because they're about to get sepino uh seven educational videos these are the these are foundational videos but you guys are good you got all you guys don't are not going to need these seven educational videos those are I went over everything that these videos cover and more okay this is going to be deleted because that's the live that's the live that's the Q&A the Q&A is g to stand there that's my first one okay uh important definitions of equity definitions y'all print that out and study that this is how to win a government contract and get yourself situated in the in the public World on the government contract your limited liabilities and S corporations this is the executive and executive executor letter it shows you how to properly communicate with the attorney general because they're the executive they're the uh custodial record holder over um you know over records in the estate and and alien custodial property so they're the executive over dead over dead estate so you need to learn how to you know uh formulate executive letters when it's dealing with the attorney general um we got the uh ATN uh ATM Workshop you know just something I put in there that everybody you know you want to start a little ATM business or get your little limited liability company you can crack in that I'm going to drop that in the chat cuz some people had complications with downloading that this wh sale oneone is a of course I got from Ashley you guys probably know who Ash is just flipping pallets and stuff like that if you want to go with liquidation warehouses and things like that and and you know just learn how to uh find different stuff I got to actually find some Pap the paperwork and load it up in here but I put as much as I could from her course in there you know what I'm saying so yeah this is the yeah and this is both of them the warehouse Master Class got the bill of exchange the bill of exchange videos are in here the notices of Interest are in here stage one stage and two they apply the interest to the bills of for their billing cycles and the videos are in here the first two videos are the old videos and when you scroll down there's five videos watch them in chronological order if you just need to brush up on your bill of exchange this is the power of food and nutrition you guys are going to get the the public law the cfrs the uh the a um the criminal rules of procedures that they violate these Federal violations when they're not giving you your full benefits and your SNAP benefits is going to you're going to use this information this one template document to draw up another document to enforce after you appeal and go into your hearing you're going to tell them like and and tell them after you understand income and the difference between income you don't make income that's a capital gang and that's business and transaction you don't you don't have any income you don't make any you don't have any value for your labor you're practically working for free you're a volunteer so go ahead and run me up my [ __ ] you got Works video If you really want to get if you really Prestige and you really want to know trust and you really want to get your hands dirty and you really want you got hours or weeks or days because it will take you hours and weeks and days to finish these these are all the work files this is the this is who Amry this is am's teacher this is who you know started him on his journey this is those uh books right here you already know if y'all know you know you know what I'm saying these them books right here for a love you feel me also got I got some other gifts that's about to blow y'all mind actually I'm about to give you this gift hey is my sister in here with the free male priority male who's going to uh are are you here still I think it's ke Kiki you in the building you're in the building all right this these is uh you know just some stuff to start airbnbs to really you know it talks about trust and Status correction but I don't like the way it talks about it but you got the authentication the right way we already talked about the Authentication I think this is just beginner information but I just gave yall everything this is the form formulate your 508 c1a your uh Ministry Church the templates and everything is in here you file with the Secretary of State don't get no Ein and go get an EIN by yourself and call it for banking purposes okay don't let them get your EIN for you with your social security number don't do that just tell them when they ask you what your purpose is from at the Secretary of State when you forming it what's your purpose just tell them I'm an ambassador for God and I want to walk to Earth and teach the teachings of the Lord that's it now you got a 508 c1a you don't need to do no tax forms or nothing just alert the IRS what you are and what you're doing the security and Fidelity uh class is I can drop a few free I got it don't worry I just I just make it sure I got something don't worry just making sure she ain't she in there what are you dealing with a a Magistrate Judge you me I don't know that's not clear that's a real broad question all right Kingdom Hearts Library you got the drive you know what I'm saying Boom for uh form um this is the apartment approval guys this is how your your CPN how to validate your CPN this is trade lines I mean you name it it's some crazy [ __ ] in here but I was G to teach this class but I I don't have to teach this class because somebody else teach this class but trust me I did everything up in this [ __ ] and it worked I got my CPN they legit I know how to try merge them with uh Credit Karma and make whole different ass people that's ghost so it's real like I said y'all seen that pay on accident yall was supposed to see that but I ain't I don't don't do fraud I don't do no fraud or nothing so don't believe that I don't do no fraud or nothing irresponsible or anything like that so we got the garnishment prevention the tag the name decree class guys look see at the bottom don't don't skip all these goodies y'all got some goodies and then we got the shy sh master class and that's that's on a lot of these classes are probably all they have they're all intuitive like they all related to each other and some of them some so we got the power of attorney we need to understand that when we when we dealing with these accounts we want to retitle these accounts so when you walk in and you go to the and when you walk in and you go to the dealership or anything like that and you go ahead and you uh get get make um get a car note that that company is the location of a deor why because when you go into uh USC 9 article 9 and you look for location of a dtor it's going to be the instrumentality of the United States and we all know that in 28 USC 30215 that it's a corporation and not only is it a a corporation it's an instrumentality and I read you the order for Donald Trump where he said all business entities in exchanging or doing government or doing um goods and services are entitled to give provide a receipt zero out and itemize and and give the item to the uh the federal public person by way of his dly authorized representative so that means that the they want to use your address and get your address because they want to put the debtor's location at your address we need to understand that the zip codes are something that the the IRS can go in and when they look up your um address they're to see that account lives at your address that the location of the deor is at your address but that's far from the truth that actually the deor was a new debtor was erected within that dealership and we need to understand that if we went to Capital One and we were online even though we were at home doing that whatever that bill says when it comes to you and it says that address that is the address where that dtor was arest it and the location of that deor is that address it's not your house so you need to that's what retitling is you need to retitle your address and put the true location of the debtor which is the taxpayer okay guys this is why we're retitling every single account okay now if you uh pay close attention now it says name and address but here it says representative that's very important and very critical to understand that they're acknowledging the taxpayer and remember Donald Trump already acknowledged the federal tax player that has a non-obligatory taxpayer identification number and this doesn't say Ein this doesn't they know these they didn't make these documents by accident okay so you will put your first last your truste or executive whatever that you're if you're dealing with a dead estate or if you're dealing with a living estate that's what determines that okay and then you're making the IRS a power of attorney you understand what I'm saying now don't look at this like oh I'm about to give the the um the IRS um rulings over me and they're gonna have power of attorney why why not they already got power of attorney and they already make an assumption that you're the Goddamn taxpayer and they're taking all your Goddamn money so why not correct the record and situate them in a position where they can do the right thing I somebody on my wall talking about it looks like why would I even he I be want oh I be want to fight that's that Cleveland in me boy we need we can't got stop resorting to violence but I gotta I had to learn so okay so the reason why we doing when it says description of matter okay income employment payroll taxes see gifts in the state see it's saying gifts in a state y'all see that we're gifting our stuff away okay whistleblower these are the forms that it cover F they know the IRS knows everything they want y'all them the big dogs them the dogs on the leash they waiting to bite somebody get them sick them you feel me them your dogs you got to look at the IRS them your dogs they gonna be dragging you they gonna be trying to eat people you know what I'm saying you g that's who you sick these [ __ ] on theend is might ear than sword amen amen it Dam it is I promise to God okay gifts income returns in the state we going to be doing 1040s we're going to be doing 1040 vs on the negotiable instruments that are not restricted you understand what I'm saying and we going uh so we can finish the voucher is going to the $21 money order may be paying for like $400 worth of stuff but the voucher is going to cover that the 1099 in your schedules then boom you put that in now I'mma blow it up ain't gonna be able to see this y can y'all see everybody good can y'all see can y'all hear me yes yeah I can hear you I can see I'm sorry I'm sorry all right am I moving too fast no you good all right additional ACC and authorization you feel me additional ACC and authorization this is important okay so they going to be disclosing to a third party you're a third party access to the IRS record Rec you feel me such as those Master files such as those BMF files that's what we that's what we are BMF files you you'll hear more about that and learn more about that you can just Google it and see what's a IRS BMF file just Google it and and look anything that I'm saying I'm Google anything and everything don't take my word for nothing pretend that I'm bring everything that I'm bringing to your attention is false intermediate service inter intermediate service so they're going to deal with the banks they're going to deal with the check I'm going to show you that they're going to deal with the drafts and the bills okay author we did that substitute that's subreg remember that any time is substitute a substation or issue of a new issuance exchange or issue of a new issuance or add a representative okay to sign a return okay full Dominion okay guys full I I don't think I yeah I can't highlight these because you can edit these on so this says full dominion over the legal estate assets together with all rights to Future payment of CES decay use retitle account and assess just is responsibility that you given them assess and relations to foundational documents like applications and everything that you put your signature on for it to be initiated to whatever issue that it is of title in name of Trustee of the inter Vio trust withdraw all assets paid remaining unpaid from General deposit deposit and reposit credit the on the same subject matter okay other acts okay on the same subject matter assets as trust deposit on special deposit num Pro which means from the beginning until the until now until further notice the CES trust use assign all public debts obligations to the Secretary of Treasury you see that restate the terms and the conditions the language is already there if you don't want to do the typed up you print it out and type it up yourself and add your substance to it okay and boom you sign it everything is here for you trustee you know what I'm saying you just fill it in and do your thing with that and then the power of attorney oh no we ain't got to the 911 we'll get to the 911 in a minute this is the entity classification this is the document that's going to separate you from your your domestic estate the birth certificate and the Social Security I'm going to explain that how now you see we check this box it says Rel it says late Rel for late change of the entity classification election sought under the revised code in these procedures of of uh Revenue procedures 20110 whatever that is but the real reason we going to do is I'mma tell you it's Daniel 99 if you go to the Bible and you read Daniel 9:9 you can that's the reason why that we that's the reason for our relief anybody who love the Bible or whatever and just love the word of to God and just want to just see what Daniel 99 is go do that okay uh election information initial these several forms need to be done for every entity John Doe identification number the company that company is a disregarded entity separate from its owner and its location of the dator is at the dealership so send them the bills just initial classification for newly formed entity okay so this what the newly formed entity is is is the trust you know what I'm saying to interent Vio relationship okay and then it says no this is all done by Tracy Tracy is what really is the backbone of this material okay so you're going to I'm reiterating and regurgitating what she's saying but just giving you a little bit more hunch because you know she not going she got she it's a lot of times where she just moving forward you know what I'm saying and she not going to reiterate over a whole bunch of things so you going to find yourself pausing it so I just want to make sure this is clear has eligible entity previously filed uh an entity election that had an effective date within the last 60 days no because most of us have never even knew nothing about this [ __ ] okay so bam we G I'mma skip three because it's already done for you if the eligible entity has only one owner which is you provide the information okay so the name of the owner is Chris or whatever your name is such and such such and such Express living trust okay because you're using your social so you want that you want that owner to pop up even though like the the name on the birth certificate to pop up because the identification number the owner's identification number is the trust number all right now I'mma let you know I got children so for people that got children if the eligible entity is owned by one or more affiliate Corporation watch my Corporation is owner of my child's Corporation okay that's why it says one or more mom dad or both Affiliated corporations they're not talking about you they're talking about them that person that files a Consolidated return why because you think you're filing your child but you're not your person is filing their child their child the your your birth certificate is the father and the mother of your fake your children's birth certificate so provide the names of the employer identification so if you have children you're doing your children your children will go up here their their trust identification number will go here and you are the parent corporation that goes here if you if you're doing this for your child okay now this is the uh election information this is a domestic eligible entity with a single owner electing to be disregarded as a separate owner this is the form when you get your 98 EI in or you form any trust you can declare that trust to be forign because remember we you can just do it it's just you just can't so that would be right here a foreign eligible we don't see we're doing domestic here because the birth certificate is domestic that entity is domestic we're going to continue to use a 1040 for them you understand so when we get compensation for our trust person our trustee can do a or whatever you you could do your 1041 with a trust but keep cuz you want to use your taxpayers commercial benefit don't give that up don't don't get people that saying get rid of your Social those are idiot don't get rid of your Social a a a foreign eligible entity with a single owner so when you so you feel me when you do that 98 it's a foreign eligible entity with the single owner which is you electing to be disregarded as a separate entity and you'll receive that paper back and then we just put North America a axium and you know we put trustee and we put the contact number and that's it for that form am I losing anybody no we still here any questions at this point any questions okay I'mma continue so the mon the reason why we put monetary instrument on these forms on these 1040s I mean these these 1099s is because Tracy son got into a car accident and when her son got into a car accident and she got back the uh the the insurance return policy and she did an she did I mean an insurance check for her son she did an audit on the account and when she did the audit on the account it came back that the lawyer for the insurance company had put this uh code inside for her son for them to and bankrot a transaction and pay out the recipients and get their money and she realized that at that point that the lawyers are putting monetary instrument because the CFR is a billing code so in order for them to have the insurance pay out they needed something that constituted something that was the initial value that gave life to the policy and it was the Monet it was declared as a monetary instrument by that lawyer so then at that point we found out that why this is why we use the description of the property because the birth certificate is a monetary instrument the Social Security is a monetary instrument without a doubt so when you go to be on 1090 L 1090 line 10 10 999 you're going to put B okay cuz B is going to put I forgot what it is but when you go to B it's going to show you the category and you read it and you're going to see it's applicable and when you go on 10 line 1099 online. see it says broker proceeds from a broker and barter exchange transaction nobody can buy nothing and nobody can sell nothing that is an illusion and that is Commerce and that's like it's not real the real thing that is going on is brokering bartering and exchanging of transactions that's the only thing that's really going on so me to me personally a 1099 B needs to be on every single goddamn account that's ever that you have really because you're not really there's really and anything other than I mean I feel like we feel like Tracy has taught and we feel like this is the safest form you feel me this is the safest form without having that frivolous filing and the 1099 C of course but the 1099a is a acquisition you got to it's you got to understand that a little bit more in dep because it's dealing with a bond when when an acquisition happens a bond is created so that's why you can get in trouble with that type of stuff if you do that inappropriately so your name is going to go here when you go to 1099 on uh 10 1099 onlinecom is going to give you an option to choose your entity as disregarded that's how you going to know it's real the more that you get into this you're going to put your Social Security and if you know the tax ID identification number for The Entity that you're coming going after you put that recipient's tax identification number and we don't know the amount we never know the amount until we get a full audit so the only thing that you can do is a half a million do $500,000 okay no more because we don't know and or either you could put na but it should you it should be no minimum than $500,000 because they're making a trend tremendously amount of money a lot amount of money on these transactions okay when you for the account number where's the account see it says cup number but when you go to 1099 it's not going to say that it's going to say account number that's where you're going to put the account the case number the court number or whatever number that it is okay and nothing else is applicable on this form and these will get accept this you will see this get accepted from the IRS guarantee 100% okay so on this form we asking the IRS to help us with these and I'm just go straight into it okay it says right here you know what I'm saying I am not a CPA excuse that's what this this form this now I'm g go right here first real quick now you see this right here and you this is why you guys need to be very careful about where you get your information from and then if don't take my words you know just really read it because if you read it in internal you see how it says this right here representative information but we need to know that the power of attorney has to be attached attach a form 2848 if not already filed on the IRS if not already filed so the 2848 gets attached to the 911 because you're giving because in order for them to do a 911 which is help you with your taxes common sense it's all common sense in Reading it's not hard or this is not magic or nothing it's just really not being scared of these forms and just reading them so you we want you I want your help IRS can you help me with the taxes okay well let me let me let us not tell you forget to tell you that please attach the power of attorney because we want to help you out for real it's the IRS is your friend they want to help you out because if they didn't want to help you out they wouldn't have told you that the power of attorney goes with this form so uh as I am not a CPA I am currently not can afford tell them that you can't afford remember we you know what I'm saying you work you working for free downn there tell them you know saying you don't make income you work for the estate until you get until you get compensated from the estate which you don't know when that's GNA be you just doing good faith Duty you know what I'm saying so that's it that's if you just I'm not about to go into this but y'all can read this I come in good faith and Clean Hands I hereby authorize the IRS agent on form see that see form we about to go over now this is the form that we about to go over that's gonna really blow y Minds if you have not uh went over this form and read it yourself form 31 now there's a 32 and there's a 33 you can do form 21 and 33 but when you do uh 220 232 you're going to need two witnesses and that's why I haven't completed that document yet because I just a lot of people haven't been on what I'm on but I'm about to link up with some folks and see what's going on CU you got to having some witnesses it's starting to look like out here so that's it the taxpayer is just asking for help for their taxes and that's it that's all this form is f you feel me now I don't get this one confused with uh the uh 56f where y'all going to be appointing people to be fiduciary for y'all this uary relationship will have your address on it this is the only form that one of the only forms that will have your address besides the 911 the 911 will have your actual taxpayer address because they're doing that's where you need them to send the correspondence and the in this one your legal address is used here because you're the fiduciary for that person here because you're just telling the IRS that I'm giving y'all fiduciary power through the power of attorney but I'm also the fiduciary too you understand over the person to okay and so you give the descended Social Security and you know what I'm saying you give the the legal address and then it says validate validate trust in amendments I think I went over this bankruptcy yeah I think oh no no this from yesterday uh so bankruptcy remember we in a bankruptcy and assignments for benefits or credits those credits are what we want back can everybody see this or is anybody having trouble seeing this okay so your date here uh I can see it okay the date that the the date that the account initiated so if you're doing your birth certificate your if you were born in 1989 that's the day that you're going to put your birth date if your case was open yesterday you're going to put April 26 right here and that's dealing with that case you put your DEC you put your trust under declaration this is a mistake this is not supposed to be declaration you don't give your declaration you give your certificate of trust and your custo for your custodial living trust and you give your UCC filing we're going to get into the uccc filing the non UCC filing non-commercial lean filing okay remember like CU we're not commercial okay for Access remember access Texas is deal with the Surplus that's left over in the Social Security trust that they don't distribute and they buy Securities with that that is access and surplus is very similar so because they're keeping the access they're withholding that so the income and the gifts and the Estates and the generational K skip which is uh form 706 you'll get into that what you want when you set up your trust you want to set up the generational skip so you can benefit in your your today's life and then pass it over to your children and your children is supposed to do the generational skip for their children so we're just throwing it everybody's throwing the ball down the generation and benefitting in the present we just saying hey we gonna pay it later we gonna pay it later we're gonna pay it later but you know what I'm saying whole 500 uh five generations went past everybody passing the the taxes for the estate down and down generational Skip it's just a game it's crazy that's why family is so important if you got good family uh the 1040 and the 1040 Sr and also the 10401 because it's going to be trust involved the and also the 11 because your person is going to own businesses so the 11 2020 is the uh for the S corporation if I'm not mistaken that's the form that it pays out the individual for an individual working for S corporation so that covers you with that and then you do your P it says other you do your power of attorney remember the that's that's the not your power of attorney from Rocket Lawyer the 231 the fiscal power of attorney your certificate of trust Express trust and then your lean now when it says these documents on here you attach those documents and I'll show you what I'm talking about okay and then you right here is the director which is one of it says 111 but it's supposed to be 1111 okay and then so like see how it says Court cuz they know cuz all proceedings a court proceeding is in a proceeding in front of it should be in front of the Internal Revenue Service you'll hear Tracy talk about that administrative proceeding why would these tax documents say court precedings because courts pay taxes and if they're not paying taxes they're invading taxes because they're transferring and transferring and I guys took you to 26 uh uh 2002 where I showed you where they're tricking us imposing the tax on us by transferring our property and getting us to transfer our own property making us an executive making the tax to be imposed on us so this is why you go tell on they ass and put the case number there and switch the account on they ass and and put that [ __ ] down at the courthouse or whatever the case may be and then the 8822 is very similar to the power of attorney it's almost identical to each other and it's I think if I'm not and this is what's going to get you your calf number so it says Please assign your calf number and once the IRS has looked over your information in a matter of time they got a lot of work bear with them don't don't bombarding them just because you it's not coming right away but it it will some correspondents make will come I talked to people last night there's someone in my class that did the same exact thing that I did and she and I was like I haven't received my calf number yet but she like don't worry it's coming she's like I got mine so I know it's coming so you feel me put your if it say plan number you put the account number okay and then boom taxpayer there it go again okay put the company address at the bottom the 8821 okay and then you you're going to appoint the IRS again and then you're going to appoint yourself again and then you feel me that's going to take care of that you know I'm say always put without recourse because that's going to protect you always put all rights reserved without recourse void were applicable by law okay because that's going to put you in a situation where you don't have any liability okay this is the general power of attorney this is form this is form uh 231 that they that she was talk that she was talking about remember it said Forum 231 everyone so this is a general power of attorney by individuals for collection of certain checks drawn on the United States Treasury okay this is going to be heavy okay this is your name right here you're the undersign anybody who is an undersign has the ability to issue a bond or issue a order this is a order you're drawing up an insurance policy technically because Underwriters are people who are uh signatory agents for insurance policies okay so I hereby you your address hereby appoint the director of the revenue okay at 1111 and as his attorney to receive we're in receivership remember that okay that's we can only receive that's why that's back to that sending and receiving State we're here on a diplomatic amission okay to receive endorse collect checks payable to the order of the undersign okay drawn on the United States Treasury and to execute in the name and on be on behalf of the unders sign all bonds emities applications mind you that's title 16 bonds mind you bonds this is this is they're going to take care of that the bonds though because bonds are very complicated and very hard to comprehend for a majority of people so section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act part two is going to say applications for notes that no applications shall be no more no less than what the notes are applied for so this is why the application is a note the application is a check the application is is the like so that's why they have applications there and it shows you just show you that when you walk in you're going to when people say hey would you like to do an application you're gonna be looking at application totally different after today even School applications your child you gonna be like dang this is real okay other documents which may be required by law or regulate to secure the issuant of substitution exchange and redemption or issuance of a new security such as checks such as your refunds okay give full discharge not part discharge not discharge by itself but full just like full accounting full discharge for the same granting to the said attorney full power and substitution and revocation hereby ratifying confirm that all said attorneys or his substitute okay his sub his subreg you substitute yourself in the shoes of the Creditor to get him to act for you you know you a point it's it's dope it's dope what's really going on shall lawfully do lawfully not legally mind you not not legally okay or do cause to be done by virtue okay the most important part that even these people your these they tell you read carefully please it's telling you read carefully this how you know that they care about you enough okay hey I just want to go through this this general power of attorney this is their words I'm not the fisal department the general power of attorney may be used for endorsement the general power of attorney may be used for collections of checks drawn on the United States in payment of principle and interest on public debt obligations notes Securities debt obligations guaranteed by the United States those are the ones that come are generated or issued by the non-obligatory commercial Federal taxpayer who has the arrangements of a non-debt obligation with the United States those the other entities don't have this this type of thing unless they took your power of attorney to act on your behalf it's just tax re and they do it all the time tax refunds see that tax refunds power of attorney may be used for endorsement tax refunds and payments for goods and services I didn't I didn't tell y'all this the fiscal Department did okay the 56f is for a fiduciary relationship but look at the key word financial institution that's what makes the difference between the 56 and the 56 F because it's showing a fiduciary relationship between your person and a fidu and a financial institution okay so first you give the first 56 you give it to the IRS this is not this is not an enforcement thing this is not like enforcing a bill or enforcing an alpha davit this is this is retitling your this stuff takes a lot of time was he more so speaking for like a 1099 a or C or something like that huh I said was the question more so referring to like a 1099 a or C or something like that something like a cancellation of debt I that was your question or no I'm saying that's what it looked like his question was kind of resort to something that you can use to like kill a de of apartment or something like that no this ain't no a everything that I brought to your attention ain't gonna do save y'all quick no my question to you though I was ready ask a question though big bro is it a specific order that you send forms into the IRS or you can just send them no they will make they will make you think that but no this is what you do call up your local IRS agent I mean call call them don't go in call them because the people on the phone know are the like the supervisors okay call them on the phone and be like yeah I need to make an appointment they like what do you need to make an appointment in he like uh I'm the I'm a fiduciary over I'm an administering in the state and I just got some forms I'mma uh I'm want to submit for an for an account and I gotta uh I have to retitle an account uh on behalf of the beneficiary um you know just try to keep it brief and don't if they try to ask you what forms just tell them it's a private trust you know what I'm saying under what bases and circumstances are you are I mean why are you requesting that information and if if you just want to share with them and you don't want to cause no trouble just be like I got I got to uh bring down the 8832 you know what I'm saying classification of entity you a even got to get into that just tell them you need an appointment to drop off some forms tell them you got several forms and the forms are are pertaining to the uh administering in state and and you know what I'm saying just let them know like be be Stern don't sound scared or nothing just sound like you know what you doing you did this [ __ ] yeah like they gonna be like all right we let's this what we got they gonna go through the appointments they G like oh what's best for you they gonna get you an appointment and then you don't miss your appointment they going to tell you to arrive 15 minutes early I arrive like 30 or 15 minutes early if your IRS building is in a federal Zone they're going to tell you to bring an ID I don't bring I don't carry IDs on me uh State IDs I I only use nationality identification so I go in with they get you get in with that boom go whatever you your IRS building might not be in a federal building so you might not need to take an ID the IRS can't take don't they should not be asking you for no ID they're not allowed to ID you they don't have that's not their scope of practice so they already been delegated with with with an assignment to take care of the American people so you get your appointment you're going to go to your appointment you gonna walk up you gonna stand in line they gonna say like all right well uh I got an appointment they like what's the name you give them your name they were like uh or they might ask your social like I ain't got no social but I got this taxpayer identification number who I'm actually here on behalf for then they might get smart with you and be like I don't care about that I just want to know the name I just need to know who's KN so whatever do that bam when they they may ask for ID I don't take see I don't take no state ID into the IRS because if they ask you for a ID I'm cool on that bro like I just don't do that like I ain't got no ID on me or if you just take your get a nationality idea if you don't got one what if you have a nationality a nationality ID huh you said what what if you don't have a nationality ID just get one get one from a church go to your church and ask them for a ID like do you have a do we have religious IDs here or if you don't go uh to brother uh brother uh Walter Bay you know y'all know Walter Bay no I that's one of my that's one of my sheeks that's his name on Instagram yeah I'm about I'm about to put his uh Instagram okay thank you yeah he gonna get you he he charged 40 now he a used to charge that much but it's it's it ain't like one of those like all super duper uh the Empire one I don't believe that you you just need to know who you are it's just because you could use any form like the dog already said without a nationality ID the only means of identification that you will be identified by is that is that other ID so they gonna look at it they're gonna be mad they G you gonna be like we got one here that needs to sign in because they can't scan it they can't scan it they can't trace it they can't do nothing to it they can't even because they're GNA they're going to try to rip that uh driver's license number off of it so if you identify with the with the with the with the thing that you're if you're if you if you're trying to ident if you give a ID that's identifying you as the thing that you're representing then it's going it's just going to be a weird situation you don't want that so you get in there you get that appointment everything is locked up it's cameras and they lock them IRS agents in there could I imagine people going in there beating they ass and trying to kill them so it's locked up PE a lot of times security take you into these places when uh they're going to say oh what are you here for they're going to be like like I'm here to uh submit some paperwork and be like they gonna be like here hand it to me don't do that they're gonna be like because they will take it you'll never hear from them again they'll probably shred your [ __ ] up so be like no no ma'am uh I'm I need these stamps and I need to see a IRS agent about some other things so then bam you go in they gonna be mad like what you know the one that I was dealing with was like what can I do for you like what you know what do you want like and I'm like I'm here on behalf of the taxpayer he like he like I don't need to know all that he like I just need to know the name that I'm like he knocked out deal whoopy whoop that's taxpayer I'm here for that person and what are you trying to do I'm trying to submit some paperworks uh I'm I'm you know administering the trust taking care of uh trust and I had just had some forms I'm retitling these accounts and I need you to stamp these uh things and he like a well you got your stuff you know got your stuff together I'm getting my [ __ ] together and he's like oh he looking all crazy like he like he was about to try to get me out of that office and uh he's like you he's like you got all these forms don't look like you together you got like 30 minutes I looked at him like in my head I was like no the [ __ ] I don't got no 30 minutes in my head like [ __ ] I won't leave I won't leave about this [ __ ] they want you to flip out on them but I won't do that so then once he did that once he did that I'm like once he once I realized he was giving some problems I'm I'm like you know what uh what's your name and badge number then he he like he he uh he pulled out he pulled out his badge number he pulled out he had a bad number he like he looked it up he like and he was looking at me and I I didn't I didn't stunt him I just I just stayed calm and I just like all right you know what I'm saying and and I'm writing it down and I'm adjusting my eyesight showing that I'm not nervous and I'm looking at his badge and I'm making sure that I got the right information and I'm letting him know that I'm put take this down and I'll go to another IRS agent uh a uh down in Toledo cuz we got plenty of them in Cleveland I'll go right down down to another place put a 506 in for you bro and appoint you a [ __ ] uh trustee and I'll [ __ ] come right back up in this [ __ ] and make you do more paperwork so don't [ __ ] with me so once he saw that in my eyes he got up like he got up and he got so start filing my paperwork start snapping my paperwork and doing what the [ __ ] he was supposed to do so then uh this this the uh 11 he stamped it when you take this when you take this in remember that the 8832 you got to have your trust attached to it you attach your trust to it you feel me and then you put your signature page on there make sure you put your signature page you feel me because this what I didn't know he's like I'm going to lunch I'm going to I'm going to let you get the rest of your paper cuz I had everything to together I just didn't put I just didn't put my attach M on it because it was my first time but I've been I've been sizing it up and doing like just practicing it in private for a long time and just talking to myself about it like I'm a nutcase for real low key uh this is a uh this is certificate of trust you know what I'm saying I put the certificate of trust together and just put the person as the beneficiary of this trust so with that and then I asked him to stamp this and he try not to stamp a couple of them but I made sure that [ __ ] was stamped I'll probably been one of them people choking up out his chair know I'm just playing so this the 911 you know what I'm saying we stamped that up and then remember that I said that the 911 got to be attached to the power of attorney so that's why this is so thick and then inside that you know what I'm saying inside of the power of attorney you also going to put your own power and you also gonna put your own power of attorney in there you feel what I'm saying because this power of attorney is gonna say right here you know what I'm saying it's gonna say perform and act necessary deposits negotiate sell or transfer any notes Securities or drafts of the United States of America including US Treasury Securities and that you this the one you want to get from rocket LA but you might not have to do that because I've already prepared everything for y'all and once I get yall in tegram y' already got this material the only thing that you need to do is invest into Microsoft Word or Microsoft 360 so you can pull my document in and just change my document and put the names in for yourself you know what I'm saying that's that's how that's how you rock out with that and then and then the 56 had to go the 56 had to go with that you feel me I mean yeah the 56 F you know what I'm saying yeah that's a point in them so they stamp that up you feel me and make sure that they stand it up because he gonna be like oh next he try to say some smart [ __ ] like I don't care what they tell you on the phone I'm not gonna do this I'm like man I ignore that [ __ ] for real I he don't want me to say nothing to him for real and then so I'm like I just give him that look like [ __ ] you like respectfully and then he he he also tried to say to me like and next time you come back we're not going to stamp all those papers we're not going to stamp all of your papers so they do everything that there was a woman on here last night she she's in our telegram group she went through the same thing but she went through something even nastier she reported the IRS agent and they got that boy together you know what I'm saying cuz they they try to not stamp her paperwork and do her dirty and they going to try to do yall dirty they're going to make you feel so uncomfortable with yourself that you're not going to you're going to walk walk out of there you may be afraid if you not ready for this [ __ ] they may you may be afraid not to come back that's how they make you feel like next time we're not going to I'm not going to stamp all these papers well I'm like next time I'll bring one account for your little ass since you can't do no work but that's their job they there doing nothing they ain't doing nothing in there you know what I'm saying because ain't nobody coming in there like us doing this [ __ ] and any everybody think that that income tax is just done once a year so ain't nobody in there around these times but people that know what the [ __ ] they doing so you feel me like that's the uh you going get that notorized you going get that that's that 8 that uh there that power of attorney that needs to be attached with that that we keep referencing you know what I'm saying and then like I said it's other it's other ones too you feel me this this is the power of this is the other power of attorney that the the 233 and I told you I couldn't do the 232 you can look that up and get that for yourselves that I couldn't do I didn't do it because at this time when I was in motion I looked at the form and I didn't look at good enough but it says this form required two witnesses as well as your signature so I had to go ahead and and that's just one account this that's just one account you feel me that's just one account I got more feel me like I I did I I got I got I got multiple accounts they all stand you feel me so this this [ __ ] ain't no frog this [ __ ] ain't no fake know what I'm saying it's for real folks that's stepping you know what I'm saying you know we all stamped up my feel it's my babies these my little babies I'm saying they all stamped BR you feel me so don't be scared go in there and make that [ __ ] happen CU these the first steps to get y'all [ __ ] together now we about to go over to UCC how to get them how to get them in the right way so this right here is uh y'all y'all know what the what this is the the Maryland Department of assess assessment and taxations y'all know what that is no one second I got to put this back does anybody know what it is I don't mean to put nobody on Front Street all right what everybody know what the state UCC department is where it's at where do you file the uccc from where do y'all F your UCCS where where do you file your where do you file your right Secretary of State I appreciate you all ucc's are are they've been teaching us to put them in the Secretary of State okay so this is mine Secretary of State okay so when you go in when you do like most people be like has anybody I'm in PA that's the P that's that's you this is Secretary of well pa probably big so y'all I mean Pennsylvania is probably humongous so you got to find a secretary of state or wherever y'all I don't know how PA is big as [ __ ] so where is your secret what city are you in like that's your that's your you go to I don't know how oh no I'm saying you got to do you got to do the you got to do the UCC filing wherever you located like if your house is located wherever your prop wherever that see that that's back to that story when oh girl said that we walk in mortgages right because we really not property we really not we really not uh with this we the reason why we doing ucc's is because some you know how like a doctor say have you ever been exposed to to covid-19 that mean you got covid-19 but that mean like are have you ever been exposed to it okay that's the same scenario now is have you have we been exposed to slavery and commerce unfortunately we not slaves and no we ain't part of Commerce but we've been exposed to commercial slavery so let me make that make sense okay this is how we've been exposed to commercial slavery okay can y'all see this document anybody ever everybody anybody ever seen this document before I seen a template like off Google before all right this this is this is this is a old document and it probably don't got a lot of standing I mean but it's serious it's serious this [ __ ] that they do okay look at this send acknowledgement y'all see that where it say send acknowledgement send acknowledgement to the United States of America Treasury Department in the Internal Revenue Service you see why we retitling and we dealing with the treasury directs and all them ain't no nobody got no higher authority than these [ __ ] right here you see this number right here y'all see that number y'all remember that number for the rest of y'all life y'all gonna have this number right here this the number that tied y'all in to the collateralization of Labor you see this little box that's checked right here so I say real estate record remember old girl that said that that uh we walking mortgages she wasn't lying she understand you hear me you see how it say terminate right here y'all you don't got a message y'all could talk y' it's not it's not a lot of us ever heard of Charles yeah Charles Miller you mean David way David Miller or who is Charles Miller i i a you talk David W Miller the Centex dude the the Judge David for Coen W David wi Miller or who I don't know who Charles Miller is so assignment so what they did was the was the [ __ ] government or whoever the [ __ ] ambushed us see this is think about joint house resolution I'm I'm about to see when this is dat let me see when this was dated see this is this was updated I don't know when the first one went out but this is a updated record okay because you got to keep going in and amending it when it change a UCC okay now look at the look look what it say right here organization new or additional okay it's it's saying the organization the United States Treasury slash the internal now you see how it don't you see how like it say it say Rue it don't say Revenue cuz they ruing credits you know say cuz you got to understand the difference between revenue and revenue and they now for the rest of your life now you going to be looking at re Revenue different you gonna be saying re Revenue you should because that's what you want revenue of your credits okay Federal Reserve Bank and that's say Boston right there I never realized that 11 USC 1600 Atlantic app I'm really about to do some digging cuz cuz I want to know why are they putting a trustee title 15 you see title 15 is Commerce y'all that's the one that they made us believe to operate under these are what the consumers want us to operate under 15 15 15 15 tired of it you know what I'm saying some things you can go under 15 and then protect your Constitution but if you don't know about if you don't understand certain things and basic fundamental things that I brought to y'all attention as the the cfrs the USC's and UCCS and how they Connect using the Supreme Court laws into using the probate and the orders from you know from those places to go take them into other courts and you don't really know how to navigate the water it's it's designed for you to drown oh so this ain't even the original document I got to actually find the document hold on one second this not the whole document me one second find this water [Music] Alliance I'm just about to go ahead and try to pull it up oh D so this what we gonna do don't worry about it so I'm about to go ahead and we're gonna search we G we gonna pull this document up ourselves this right here the the Maryland one besides y State ones this the international database for UCC but for people that did I no one knew what that was so once you file your UCC in your state you come here and terminate that number underneath UCC attach your ucc's into it your termination get that print out and then take that and put it back in your state and amend that update and put it back in your records of determination that you completed in the National Database so you uh question big bro yeah same is that uh is the same if you are you broke up I said it's the same applicable like the uh detailing applicable for uh fol breaking up you can hear me I hear you well as you talking it breaks up all right my bad I was saying you like is the same applicable like the detailing that you just gave like far as ucc's and stuff together stuff like that do you think that still apply if you already in Maryland or do you think yeah you do the same that's funny because last night we had a woman from Maryland just it doesn't it doesn't she's already in the National Database their system is the National Database right so she's still going to go in and file a new number for her initial filing as a state filing but it don't matter because she's in the National Database that's a National Database and then when she get that number if she in Maryland what she what what what I had to tell her you in Maryland ain't you yeah so when you go into this Maryland and you file a new claim before you attach to this order create you a UCC and let me let me let me tell you what it needs to be what needs to be on there before y'all go do that and in y'all UCC it need it it needs to have your dtor name uh whatever but the most important part is the collateral when I had to go back in the men mind so but the collateral is the birth certificate the register file number right and when you go back in you start putting your other bonds and your other ucc's into this you don't have to but just your melon bonds cuz one of the questions last night or do I list my whole bonds don't list all your bonds all your bonds is really private you put your register mail number in there where you draw where you drawing your interest and putting value into that number so basically the ones you curate from like in the public like yeah like the like the post office the ones that you get you mail and you get back that register number and it's yours right but once you once you deposit your birth certificates and you could actually have shorty deposited and you have value that you can draw from then you can take that registered mail number and you can put a v if you put that register mail number on a piece of paper you can create a paper note you could you can create money you could create value okay you could literally say that I'm you know this is my registered Bond number this is a bond or a promissary note for $10,000 because you drew it from real interest that sh is deposited on your behalf you not it's not just some make believe [ __ ] because some people drawing up them bonds and saying I made a note I got a promiser note but you got to have somewhere to draw that from but you can't do that until your birth certificates are deposited you know what I'm saying till you get them for not only if they deposited but you need to deposit them and then you need to get that number that's on that authenticated version the dog version doj version and that's your shity bond so what you get that Bond off of there and once that deposit it's going to deposit it about like each one is like a million probably a million dollars worth probably like a hundred million dollar worth of shity you get five of them School says you can get up to a billion dollar Bond that's how you can become that's how you become charity or become a bounty hunter because you can't become those things if you don't have a bond deposited no you can't you gotta be bonded to become a sherff for real you got to be a real sherff you got to be bonded to at least be a us Mar you gotta be bonded to like you feel me like to be doing certain things certain things but anyway the you eventually probably gonna put your register mail number and just call it a buy you know what I'm saying because because you because you using it because it belong I don't you don't necessarily have to do that just your discretion but at least put a collateral at minimum put your put your birth certificate file number on there put your social security number on there your driver license on there and then uh that's it and then it's gonna say file and type you transmitting utility remember I don't know if we went over transmitting utility in this class but transmitting you utility is communication by by way of um electronic or light you know what I'm saying we was we was talking about fiber optics and uh stuff like that it just crazy high but we are transmitting utility uh so and then when it say Public Finance you put no and then it's going to say manufactured home no agriculture lean yes non UCC filing yes non-commercial and then it's gonna say alternative designation you gonna put it's gonna say Lei and Le lesser relationship that means just a relationship you going to put no it's going to say cosign and cosigner meaning a relationship you going to put no there going to be seller and a buyer you going to put no and then when it say baile and bayor that's the relationship you put yes when say lensey and ler you choose no so you going to choose bayor baile yes non UCC lean agricultural lean and transmitting utility and then and then you put your security agreement inside of there you hear me yeah I heard you big bro no you good and yeah just put you feel me just put your security agreement in there you heard me go and then once you do your state filing go go back into it and search do you see that number right there the following number you see that number right there that's this one you see the Federal Reserve deor you see the US Department of Defense deor com controller of Maryland deor you see that North American Water Alliance deor then you see all the real secured parties in US Treasury Internal Revenue are secured parties on that and then you even see me down here where I [ __ ] up right here and put myself as a secure party well I wasn't supposed do that sometimes I think the feds was going to come get me they might come get me [ __ ] I'm tell them it was a mistake but you really want to go in here and you want to terminate see I didn't I I I don't know what I was doing at first but you want to terminate that [ __ ] so that so that it looks like so it looks like that let see if I can find it let me see if I can just pull up I'm trying to find the water Alliance name for y'all where show man body uh whatever the hell that [ __ ] sound crazy out what they what they uh doing what with our [ __ ] let me see if I can just find it on the internet you got really like I was trying to find the the one that's like amended because they show everything on there you know what I'm saying they show everything on there literally everything let me try y'all good 17 see another thing I really want y'all to understand too is this you feel me like we need to understand like this right here you know what I'm saying what what stamp Duty really was you see wine wine stamps issued from 1914 until 1945 paid the federal tax wine you see that this is how this where stamp Duty come from you know what I'm saying and a lot of us don't really know that what this what that [ __ ] was all about and they be like man that [ __ ] [ __ ] that stamp [ __ ] is [ __ ] look at that and order to do Commerce you got to uh in order to sell beer in order to to sell cigarettes in order to do actual real firmament fruit juice Firearms narcotics and pl and all that tax tobacco and all that good stuff that was a sin tax so they literally had was paying taxes with um stamps so don't let nobody tell you that that was oh that's some [ __ ] nope is a facts tobacco sell tax stamps were over over printed docu document documentary Revenue stamps used to show tax had been paid on Tobacco firearms and everything anything that got to do with Commerce they had they had to pay with taxes with with these stamps paid the taxes right along with the money or whatever they use to purchase it but that we definitely used to use those uh those stamps you know what I'm saying so don't let nobody even tell you like oh that's not real blah blah blah you know if you you know you know what I'm saying this is Alvin things right here um this he he really what like he was really mad at me for me telling y'all a lot of his [ __ ] you know what I'm saying Alvin like this a 1099c you can see that like he had his whole goddamn mortgage discharged you know what I'm saying $80,000 you feel me like $800,000 of worth it so this is Alvin right here he dark skinned with glasses he he was what he was in clearly clearly credit uh class with us and we was doing Bible study and stuff and they they didn't they stopped talking to each other I guess for differences but he came he see me teaching y'all and [ __ ] and dropping game on y'all and he like he'll come my inbox like you need to have discernment you need to be private sending me Bible verses and [ __ ] that's telling me like in his own words to shut the [ __ ] up I'm like oh yeah you a man of God bro that's how you feel like what what type of party you think I'm running brother I block it off jump I don't play that [ __ ] like you ain't about to do you ain't about to do anything and I what I stand for and what I'm trying to get out to the people you know what I'm saying we I'm not on that type of time bro so I wanted to show y'all how the Social Security is a is a is is tied into a a treaty so the Social Security uh card is tied into a treaty before we get right back to the UCC we going to get right back to don't worry I ain't lose no topic I just want to make sure I cover the most important [ __ ] for y'all I like that video from yesterday didn't get uh situated so it's like man so I got this for y'all you know what I'm saying bam you know what I'm saying I got these fors already ready for y'all W4 is voluntary so y'all can just series and let y whatever let people know like this stuff is for real like we you know I'm saying Social Security you know I'm saying it shall be you know I'm saying right here it shall be unlawful you know what I'm saying for any federal local government to deny individual right or benefit or privilege provided by the law of such individual refuses disclos their social security such as a job or anything they'll make you really believe and make you like man what do I do because they know like what you GNA do what you gonna do you know what I'm saying that's how they do it like what you going to do you know what I'm saying so I got this this is a secure party creditor thing I normally don't do the secure party creditor thing that I was telling everybody but this going to be provided for y'all because they you know it had good information probably some of the best information that I've ever heard about because it Incorporated trust law really well and I understand trust law down like really well so it just it Incorporated trust so good and it's like man this this got to be one of the best uh secure party creditors documents that I ever seen you know one of one of them was um uh the uh what's that it was a secure party creditor book that everybody was talking about I forgot what it's called look like a matrix book but it's called it's something else I forgot what it's called but I don't really like all that cracking the code cracking the yeah I think it uh that's like part of the book that's part of the uh title but I'm trying to think I'm having brain farts my brain ain't I'm tired I don't know I've been doing this but the Redemption manual Redemption manual yes yeah thank you thank you really appreciate that so you know what I'm saying this [ __ ] real real like you feel me they say Aba but the treasury Department they give you their routing number they want you to do the right thing don't get discouraged because I told y'all the ups and downs about it you know what I'm saying but once you get straight your treasury direct the you get an account number and a rer number you got to learn how to put that in the hands of a broker you know what I'm saying don't be trying do nothing crazy and remember always talk to the treasury Department just talk to him and ask him a question just don't send nothing don't even get a cuz the broker don't know what type of communication you want to be able to tell the broker like yeah I already had a communication you want to be so thorough that you want to know you want to know who you talk to on the phone you don't even want to get up you like hey you know I don't mean to be rude or nosy or invade your privacy you know I don't have no bad intentions I'm really acting in good faith but I just want to tell my broker that I talked to you today so that he could feel conf as in helping me naig through these Waters and you you going get the name of the the fal officer the first and last name you gonna go to the broker at your intermediate it's going you going your presentation is going to be on point and ain't nobody going to have yall type of presentation if you do what I'm telling you to do that's going to make people want to really help you you know what I'm saying and help you and tell you secrets that and make you help you figure things out along your way and um you know just tell the broker hey I spoke to this fisal department officer this is her badge number her name and I just want to give it to you to let you know that I talked to her that she let me know that these is what I this the form that I need that I need to get a hold of you this the rer number this my account number you know what I'm saying by any way are you familiar with this document you know until you get your legacy stuff set up and you really start filling out all these these different rounds you know what I'm saying and as I it's like this is four rounds and as I as I start like really filling these papers out I start to realize like what was really happening with the trust relationship you know what I'm saying so just get Don kan's book and really look just like I sit here at today with yall and read over these forms I got I still got reading to do here but the more that you read it and the more that you see where they're telling you to send it to the addresses and what to do and how to avoid the violations you're going to start to see what I brought to your attention today and what I have on my Instagram and when y'all start to put everything together you guys are going to be able to move so Superior it's going to be real you know what I'm saying uh so so that's that you know I'm saying I got I got you know this book you know I'm saying 11111 I think I showed y'all that two three four five six and this G this book gonna help you right here secure government contracts and situate that before I'm just do a little quick spree real quick they got Federal Reserve got got I got cor Warr to in there for y'all you know what I'm saying everything everything all everything you shouldn't even have to buy that many things you if you want to purchase something from somebody you ain't got to never purchase nothing from me again y'all always anybody could show me a receipt or that they attended or participated in this we got a trust relationship you can automatically get every update and anything you know what I'm saying that I got I'll never try to ever try to charge anything unless it's something new and it's some new groundbreaking information that's just totally irrelevant and relevant to what we you know that's really going to take us to the next level and then I had to do some research and I've been had my head down and I'm representing some brand new [ __ ] that's the only thing and I'm not gonna charge that much probably $65 these are the addresses you all gonna get all these pictures and stuff to to reflect on you know what I'm saying everything you know what I'm saying y'all gonna get everything everything that I got y'all gonna get and the [ __ ] that I ain't even got inside of there y'all gonna get know what I'm saying y get the EBT template like I said these are going to have all the goddamn Public Law then it's going to have the resolution Bill the human rights declaration that backs it up all the violations that they violate the public law and the codes and the 18 codes you know what I'm saying they where they violating 18305 or whatever you don't need to hit them with all them violations you just need to let them know that they depriving you to just up just get your stuff situated the right way you know what I'm saying like all of this stuff is is here I'm try to oh hold on there it is yes now we going get back on topic all right this is it right here this is the actual whole this right here is what's link to the court registry system so All the Monies and the finances that's dealing with the banks and the and the courts this this is why this is this is important public finances with assignment you see that now this is look check this out this got the US Department of Defense you see that's why you got to go and read all of the documents CU they they changed them every even from the beginning when these was first F they they changed them so look at the de or not it's the Federal Reserve System is the de on this one which he was was the the deor originally but the it literally the federal it says deor Federal Reserve you feel me it says the address where what for whatever Federal Reserve that must be the main I don't know what I know it's 12 federal reserve banks I don't know if no Secret locations maybe it is I don't know yet you see how they got Latin words right here and they got the United States this this not the same United States this not our United States of America this can't be cuz look I mean if it is that' be real scary I don't know maybe it is but it's a deor it's an additional deor and notice that it says like e like un sanctum like it's Latin you know what I'm saying like the pope and the vatic and [ __ ] and then boom you got the United States Treasury Department which is the secured part party right and then you got these fings a no telling what these fings are these are the fing statements and then it says look at the security they got title 15 commercial law title 15 they calling it a security so me understanding the the the the the depth of my understanding I'm seeing the the rabbit hole just jumped way down low because this goes back to them billing Cod they're actually using these codes like as if it's their billing codes they're calling it a security I mean they calling the whole 15 USC a security they're not and then they're calling it a commercial Alpha davit so and then they're not calling it a point of law that's the weird I got to dig into that for y'all see this certain [ __ ] I'm going to dig into I don't know it might get me in trouble I don't know but look at this you know what I'm saying it's a additional de the US Department of Defense and accting services you feel me like this is it gets strange real strange and then look f look financial statement right here look at that all all as all real men with hands and legs in all real land in the United States of America trillion or whatever the [ __ ] that number is look at that and they got the nerve to say with with trust in God right this real estate is with the public that's why they that's why they lock you out of your treasury account because the treasury the treasury public debt I just showed you they the secure party they can do that people like my my they can shut your [ __ ] down for the public they talking about not private interest they did this UCC for public interest I don't know what I don't know what that's all about you know what I'm saying look at that out of many all 50 States cities counties and properties one real EST one real estate in the United States of America you all want to go in and terminate this you understand you want to have a copy you want to go in you want to punch that number in and you want to terminate that you want to take your UC that filed in state as or whatever that is you want to show you know what I'm saying you want to get you want to get you want to get a document that that says termination like this person right here this person went in all of us that know this we we look they going in oh [ __ ] I man I just deleted one of my goddamn y'all see what I just did did y'all see that I just deleted like a whole uh like I just deleted one of my whole goddamn you know how you go try to click up here in the corner you try to I deleted a whole goddamn all like everything I was doing on that thing yeah like the devil be trying to fight me just but L bam so you gonna come up on this page like this you ain't G you ain't gonna know you might not know where to navigate but you know make your online services to the left bam UCC filing bam get back there you feel me go to search not you feel me boom put that number in guys okay one 81 4 [Music] 25776 and then you go ahead and put that number in and get your oh shoot get yourself out of this thing get yourself off of this UCC put put your when you do the termination put file your CC UCC into it anybody like not understanding that you feel me all right so you go in you put in that number and then you want to get you want to get you a filing and go in and ter I'mma show y'all how to do it you terminate like this just like this lady right here she went in and she terminated it okay and it says right here you're going to get a document with this number on there and it's going to say termination Effectiveness and of the of the financial statement identified above is terminated okay it's gon to say with respect to the security interest which is you you were the security interest we was okay to the security interest of the secure of the secur part author party authorizing determination statement so that's a ter when she go down the organization name that this is the SEC party you put your such and such expressed trust you feel me that that's the secur party you know what I'm saying who who terminated that [ __ ] and then you gonna have all your UCC attachments from your from your from your file that's going to be with your claims underneath it so you go to your state make your claim claim put your UCC file in with Maryland your own number then take that into that this number and file for a termination when they tell you if if you want to load any of attachments you going to load your your underneath your termination is going to have your new filings and then you just going to take that termination and all your filings underneath that and put that back into your initial filing y'all following me I'm with you guys and girls all right so that's all you do all you do is just go to termination ucc3 and you hit termination all right that's it boom boom boom I'm just about to put some [ __ ] in here let me see contact what what I what oh yeah so just put that in keep doing that I don't know why I keep doing that oh so just put your information in let me see see cuz you got when you terminating you got to have a number you feel me y'all hear me so that's the number that you want to use you dig is that number so you GNA have you gonna have have that number so bam 25 77 776 I put that [ __ ] in wrong and then bam bam it pull up the fing number it shows the primary um United State's Department of Treasury and then you go you don't you don't touch none of these this why I accidentally did cuz cuz when you touch one of these you acting like that person that's not what we doing we going in here and we putting our yeah we putting it we putting our [ __ ] right here so like say Express trust Enoch all right boom and then see the only thing I didn't like about this that it didn't it didn't look like you feel me it didn't look like the way that's why really y'all can really print these out and and fill these out on the computer you could put take a UCC termination just take a ucc3 and pull up the PDF if you really want it to look right like let me give y'all an example a perfect example I'm trying to find it but let me see if I find it let me find dat I didn't even do it but don't worry about it just this what I like just this is just what I did like just some just just try you know I'm saying this is not the way that you really do it you upload files you know what I'm saying this is how I uploaded my UCC so upload your UCC I put file in this file that's a fixture file in that's just because I just understand like like certain [ __ ] so I just called it a fixture you know what I'm saying like an interest like so that's it it's $25 but if you add additional I'm not about to do this but I'm about to go back and show y'all you know know what I'm saying like what uh what I'm about to pull somebody else's let me see I'm about to pull the perfect the person who showed me this I'm about to pull here so y'all can see here cuz I'm might I mean I'm cool I'm comfortable with mine that [ __ ] say terminated I don't care that's all I wanted I go back in when I feel like it get it situated so is is January 20th here it go right here this the example that y'all want I'm going to put I'm I'm don't worry I'm just I'm about to put this in Instagram off jump a Avery Yep this it right here so this how you really want this the person who showed me this [ __ ] right here this is yall know who this is this is let me see let me tell you who this is hold on let me make sure this the right person no I think let me just double check this right no it's sparoh that's that is oh I think it's this but mind you this this just ain't everything this ain't going to like just save you off of everything you just got to understand like this just commercial [ __ ] right here for real you really want to get your trust situated but this is just an extra layer like for real especially it got some weird [ __ ] going on like what yeah this is it right here like that's just some weird [ __ ] to have arms legs human bodies all the uh real estate like how the [ __ ] y'all even do some [ __ ] like that like no it ain't going down like that you know what I'm saying so this what y'all really want that's why I'm going to think I'm GNA Download a pdf like this and get the clean UCC state spiling statement from Maryland and just file it in I don't know I'm figure it out myself but this this is the brother who wrote 0% with that red book okay so what he did he terminated it he went in and he did this but I don't know how how in the world he got his to look so neat like this and not only neat he actually got this additional stuff see this was the filing statement I don't know this must have been his he must have been from Maryland for real that's probably why his look like that that's probably how he know I don't know no I say Virginia or [ __ ] I don't know but s trust oh I never even looked at that that's the address to the Vatican yo I'm just discovering this oh okay do y'all see that that's the Unum sanctum do y'all know what that is you said what's that do y'all see that that says 1302 un s them good night this might sound crazy but is does is that something that have to do with the Pope or something like that yeah look at the city oh that's bad [ __ ] what he made them the de oh wow the Roman I I just I just paid I just I went through this so fast I didn't even realize it that's crazy yeah that's wild just go look at all these different terminations because everybody's termination is different that's what I realized that's wild all right so just get your termination in this man this it's levels to this [ __ ] that's crazy I'm about to drop this inside the telegram real quick so that y'all can have this real quick oh my God I can't believe that in I'm going just drop this in M until I get it in there everybody request I have a question will we be getting access to the um telegram yeah you already got access remember in the beginning of the chat I told everybody to go in and download that uh everything yeah I I downloaded every hold on let me go back and check again it should say Ambassador telegram I saw that um let me double check D in the gum roll at yeah it was in the gum roll app yes there it's there remember the the code is y'all ready for y'all want free mail does everybody want free Priority Mail too bad for the folks that left I definitely do yall gonna have free priority mail for the rest of y'all life that's funny huh priority and certified two different or same priority you could you I mean priority is fine it's that's tracked okay that has a tracking number and everything attach all right did you did you get what you needed all right guys so um this is how you guys are going to be able have free priority mail for the rest of your life for the rest of your life for the rest of your life all right try not to get give too many people this number friends and family and just try to you know what I'm saying just try to you know bless people if you feel like they need to be blessed and whatever just try not to go crazy cuz you know I just don't want no attention draw to any other to any what the hell is going on here see this the devil my that's girl excuse me ladies and gent all right so the way that you get so the way that we've been doing it is all right I'm just going to read something to you so a friend of mine uh gave me a message and they was like that's the code you you used it's the Bureau of Indian Affairs put this in the priority mail envelope and you can mail your things for free I have been using this code for about a month now a group I'm in shared it with me I just want to give back where I can and I saw that you mail a lot I use this code and they use this code and they will and they and they will get it the next day okay so I'm so all you guys got to remember is these three digits and the rest of them is nine zeros I'm going to put the number in the chat and not have it in the live for a particular reason you see that right there this is y'all see that I'm showing it in in the chat huh look at that defeated my purpose should cut this out people G have to pay for that you see that zero you see the receipts y see y'all see those pictures yeah all right let me show you another one this was done she just did this today hold on I don't want to show y'all her name see that y'all see that all right y'all got the code right there y'all see the code in the chat room somebody asked if you could um drop the link to the chat yeah I don't I don't what G no no I think they're talking about for um the telegram oh yeah I do give me one second don't forget to download uh the numbers in the chat either I'm in you talking about the meeting chat I'm looking at it I don't see it though what the numbers for the uh priority ma yeah look yes you do look in there y'all see right don't tell me nothing scary like that I'm still not in the chat you're not in it's not in telegram I put it in our chat in here oh I don't see it that's yeah I don't see it either oh c I only sent it to summer summer didn't say nothing Alvin did you C did you get this you should have got this you stayed all day I saw it okay I got it now yeah I got it too everybody let me get you the uh tegram sorry I was gatekeeping stop playing she's so silly so yeah yeah y'all get right with that mail man get your [ __ ] out get your birth certificate everything free she really blessed me with that she was supposed to give it to y'all but she I guess she let me do the honors y'all know how PRI Priority Mail look right yeah say it on the envelope right it does but just I'm just you know everybody everybody you know I don't mean to be rude or nothing no I get what you're saying because before all of this it's not much that I honestly knew about the the post office either I mean because honestly who really mails out stuff like that right I mean I feel like that unless we doing this I use the post the PO I use I mean right but since I've been I mean the post office that's like a daily stop for me that's like almost like five days a week the post office I live in there so it's just for people that know you got to look in all right so everybody got that I'm want to make sure I don't miss nothing the post office I mean the post office is the the lawful way to do business right yeah that you know we found out last night from our class last night that a lot of the banks are doing a lot of their processes and payments through the post office uh yeah that's crazy like it's just a lot of stuff I forgot where I learned that I don't know too much more about it I just know that that the surface of it that lawful business is done through them the post y through the mail So eventually I'mma have some more stuff I just just been really I've did this class twice yesterday and I've been I prepared a lot for this so I do y'all understand the court process like how things are done like let me just before let me let me just leave on this note y'all probably heard heard this or seen this but I just really want y'all to understand this when y'all get on on your own really quick let me check it up okay so oh no y'all see me right y'all see me right yes okay so y'all know about the administrative process sending like your notice of interest and your statements of interest to the people like y'all do because my last class really didn't some people didn't know what the administrative process was did y'all know about their private administrative process to let them to make the company aware you know no this is the better rocket Equity before you getting to send doing filing lawsuits and doing things like that y'all do know that like first first notice to cure uh second notice to cure third notice default third notice no to Pursuit notice to pursuit to the court y'all know about that uh Bradon does a good uh Brad hon does a uh yeah on that y yep what is it the fulls no it's just it's just like you y'all took man class for like the yeah yes I you know how he tell y'all like yeah like the three the three things the three the three notices yeah it sets you up basically to to take a judgment uh or like a summary judgment right that that that's the administrative process this just general in in equity we call it a notice of interest and then like another notice of Interest then like a statement of Interest then a notice of default or a breach of trust is what we call it trust law so like so so when it's time to petition you need to you guys got to you probably got to understand that it's it always start with a petition okay but be before you before y'all can see that it's kind of little huh can y'all see that oh I can see it okay let me just make sure okay right so that's a so that's the petition and this is like so after you do administrative process you got your notice you should have a copy money depending on what you're doing you basic I'm going to just say substance you got to have all your so like say you send a send a notice out and they don't respond and you requested information that's like kind of like a default or a dishonor or because they didn't send no communication so through your second communication you might say well I noticed that you you you Dishonored the the the uh request and I request the foil for uh statements regarding this account or I asked you to put the interest towards the principal balance and I haven't seen anything reflecting on that account as of right now and you failed to respond to or in your you know you're you're acting in dishonor right now so then they might or they may they may come back and say you know what we're not obligated to we're not going to take the you know the the uh I don't know we were not going to take the ini to to to deal with your obligation and some [ __ ] like that just keep that's your substance either they're going to give you nothing or they'll give you something but when they give you something you got to know how to examine it and tear it apart and just like how to read through it and and like what to do with it in most cases like it may be nothing it just just like you just got to ignore it and continue your process cuz you got to default them you want to default them your true intentions is not the default your if it's about an account your true intentions is to get the account satisfied if if if you if it's a foil request and you need information about something that you need to build a case and they're not bringing the information then you you want to just kind of like okay they're not bringing it they're not bringing it let me put them in default because I'll get them I'll eventually get the judge or get somebody or whatever the case is you if you want to end up in court and you want to have a good fight when you draw up your claim and your summons and then you do your uh deposition or your um your uh duay techum and you send out your appeals and you start requesting all your information and you start uh setting dates and subpoenaing people to come in for a deposition it's like it's always going to before anything you do your private administrative process because that is what's going to solidify your actions in private to bring it over into a petition which is the public so some people call him a petition or some people call him a motion you know what I'm saying if you're a defendant you someone might have put a petition on you and then you might have did a rip you know what I'm saying you might have answered with a COR warto or you might answer with an affidavit you know what I'm saying and you want to really not go in there and be like I'm the man the living man you really want to go like they may have say on this date such and such uh I you know breach contract breach the contract on such and such day uh we there was a coming you know they came to the Meeting of Minds and this person signed a contract with me and I provided the benefit of goods and services so you want to go down the line and say like I said oh show me the cancel check if you gave me goods and services or show me the statements you know don't be like I didn't do it I rebuttal it I'm the man I don't got you don't got jurisdiction just learn how to kill them line by line so if you're the defendant but if you're the petitioner you got to learn how to move the court guys so so say we're going to stick to the petitioner because the petitioner is the person that you want to be you know what I'm saying so you do so the petition comes okay and and this is this is the trial okay so so so so a petition comes and then a so you're when you do your petition and your claim when you become crispy and you start to know what you do you're going to incorporate that summon Okay so you're going to incorporate that summons there so you're going to learn how to do your petition with your claim or your or if you're the petitioner you put your claim in you put your uh summons in and you attach your exhibits so that's all the communication the tender for special deposit the uh the emails of them saying some [ __ ] or we're not going to give you a record or you don't have no account here Knowing damn well you got an account you this all their lies that they did in paperwork and then so after you serve the summons in 26 days depending and 90 days depending on what states and rules you're operating underneath of the court is going to give them uh a certain amount of time to answer so so they're they got an answer to 26 to 90 days so once you do your claim once you do your summons once you put your exhibits in you're waiting for an answer okay A lot of times a lot of lawyers if if if they they understand um I think I forgot what rule it is but it's motion for declaratory relief it's a certain uh Federal rule of procedure and after seven days after seven days a lot of lawyers they'll go in for a declaratory relief if if they're the petitioner and that person don't answer in seven days they might ask the judge for a declaratory relief in some cases the judge might not want to hear that or they may may give it if the declaratory relief is not a card that that you play or the plaintiff or the attorney or they or you play then they just have to answer it if they fail to answer in 26 days uh the judge can default them there or you know or dis just dismiss the case or you know depending on who you suing or how much pull that they got but say it's just you and another party or you and a creditor they got 26 days to answer that and then when they answer that when they answer that it's there's going to be there's going to be there's when they answer that then there's going to be a discovery okay so that means that both parties one has sent the petition and one has answered now we're going to start requesting information that's the discovery So within a discovery it's a deadline so there's only there's a certain amount of time that that the discovery can there you can ask and exchange information that's what lawyers do like okay what do you got on I see that you got on my uh client you know this what we got and then they'll be like okay but that's lawyer and lawyer talk see you're not going to get that privilege when you're being the petitioner and because that lawyer is not going if you're going prosay litigate or a private American the person that you're suing or their lawyers are not going to want to give you no [ __ ] Discovery but you should already know what you're doing because you have your claim your summons and your exhibits you should be preparing of what you think that they're going to use as a defense okay so the discovery is a Ri so so that's why if you're a defendant you you what a discovery is a Ri so if you aate if you get a traffic ticket and you aate the traffic ticket or you do a CO warto you're really doing a discovery because all in one you're answering you're you're petitioning and you're doing a discovery so you're knocking out as a defendant you're knocking out this whole chunk because you asking for the O the office you're asking for jurisdiction if you're the defendant so you're knocking out that whole Discovery and most of the time the judge has to answer that or if the cor warranto is to the other party they would have to answer the judge would have you would have to instruct the judge to get them to answer it so in between after the discovery is done once everybody's exchanging information and what type of pro because you have to give exhibit but you already filed exhibit so more than likely you as a petitioner you're not it's not we don't hide things by Nature it's the attorneys that hide and conceal things by Nature so you you know I'm saying so you're you're really not going to be asking them you're because you're the prosecutor you're the one moving to court you're the petitioner so in between the discovery and this deadline is a settlement a possibility for a settlement you understand what I'm saying and before you get to a settlement this right here is all called a Depo it's called a deposition so after the discovery you can go to the clerk of courts and say I you know I want a deot I want a deposition so you can you need a court reporter okay so you're going to hire a court reporter and that's very costly it can cost anywhere from $200 an hour to $300 an hour you in a deposition more than likely nine times out of 10 you're going to need your own court reporter and that's going to person that's the person so the Deo is is the defendant so the person that you had the conver in in your exhibit if you're explaining that you had a conversation with the person on the phone and you know the witnesses you know you want to suboo the CEO of the bank you put a sepino de techum in and the sepino de techum is going to specifically ask for the record that you did not receive as well as the the the uh the defendant that you are suing has to come in on this Depo which is the pre-trial technically it's like a preliminary hearing pre uhin hearing I'm not the best spell but it's a preliminary hearing pre-trial or a hearing you understand and if you're if you know how to if you're the plaintiff and you really know how to motion the court you know you got your claim you know you got your summon you know you got your exhibit you know they answered and then you request a Depo because it doesn't matter that they answer anything because you're you're if your prestige and your understanding of the process you know that their answer and even your petition doesn't have validity until you testify because that's the Rules of Evidence testify that's the Rules of Evidence are only relying on someone's testimony so you need a deposition and you want to do a direct examination and ask open uh not open in questions direct yes and no questions well uh Hi how are you doing for the record uh Mr defendant do you know that this is a deposition and that you're you're here uh you know do you swear to tell the truth you know you know that you're uh obligated to tell the truth and you're underneath a oath underneath this deposition and the defendant or say yeah you got to really know how to do this [ __ ] guys and is um so on such and such such and such date is it not true that you received a mail some mail uh requesting from the petitioner that we we did a foil request on the banking statements or whatever it is that you requested or did that you received the tender for special deposit to appropriate an account and and satisfy and settle um a particular account that you uh that you you know whatever and then he may say yes or no or what ever it's only a yes or no question and then okay you pull out your certified mail your exhibits you pull out your request your notice of interestes and you bring them up to the court and then he say well didn't I send you this notice and then he says well oh yeah you know I remember now and then you got to know to go look at the judge like your honor right now I would like you to uh to find find the uh find the testimony right now and uh find it into the record and uh and read it and find it and read it into the record right now based on this based on the defendant's testimony he has just testified that he has ignored uh my attempts to settle this account your honor can you please uh read this into the record and find this on the record right now and and the judge may say no I'm not going to do that I don't want to read can you can can you find me a reason right now why the why why the defendant why why you can't find this on the record and the defendant and the open testimony right now has said that they have refused to settle and close this account you know what I'm saying so then you battling in depositions there could be multiple depositions in pre-trials and preim or hearings if you really know how to handle that [ __ ] and then they might want a settlement they might see your exhibits and it may might not even get to a [ __ ] Depo they might hit you up on the phone and settle your [ __ ] right then and there and if if if you can't get a settlement and mind you the deposition is testimonies is under oath and whatever's done in this process automatically is taken to trial I know this board look messy but I'm sorry about that I got to get my little scribble Scrabble together so the depth everything the discovery gets wrapped up the deposition whatever happened on that stand cross examination all the evidence and if a trial by jury they get to hear every single thing and then that's when you do your open and closing arguments and you open you open up and you close out and you always reflect to what they said in the deposition and when you do your cross exam examinations and your uh your uh your cross examinations and your direct examinations in trial you want to catch them in a lie uh based on what they said in the deposition in the pre-trial and if you can get the jury to make them look like a liar or the judge or make them lie on the record you'll you probably more than likely you'll beat your case but it's a it's not that easy guys but it just just a lot more with it but that's like some basic [ __ ] sorry about a scribble Scrabble y'all understand that yeah it's a lot that's that's every case that's a general so remember so when you when you come in as the petitioner you know what I'm saying whatever my scribble Scrabble ain't good you can either come in with the remember the Scottish rule remember guys 48 you feel me the judicary ACT you could set the stage and and exp parte and seal the case you're the petitioner you set the venue that's what they do to us and the the court is designed to favor the petitioner unfortunately you got to be cold at being a defense lawyer or understanding The Rules of Evidence to really combat a petitioner because they set the stage so you can ru 48 you know what I'm saying uh J jutter act so that's the J jree act okay the Supreme Court rules okay you can take that [ __ ] straight you know what I'm saying straight to the Circuit Court straight to the district court but and then you don't even got to do that you know what I'm saying if you if you want to come underneath if you want to do your petition you could straight hit him with the 15 us one you know what I'm saying the the uh Clayton Act you know what I'm saying you can hit him with The Clayton Act you feel me or the or the Sherman Act you feel what I'm saying TR trust law where they violating and doing monopolies with trust and restraint on your ass if your trust is set up right you know I'm saying or you can hit them you can hit them with anything you can hit them with deprivational rights you know what I'm saying uh was that 242 you know what I'm saying as long as you know how as long as you got the substance and the exhibits and what you need to back that code up and you know how to do your opening and closing and cross examinations and your [ __ ] like that and you know how to get put them on the stand and ask them questions and don't be no chump about that [ __ ] man you will be dogging them in court I'm telling you y'all gonna be some beasts with this [ __ ] like cuz this what it's all about like if you like you got to learn the game you gonna get chewed up you gonna learn this What's Really Gonna Make You Learn when y'all file claims and y'all really get y'all feet wet in there y'all going to have fun trust me I have fun in I get a little trem but I love it I love it I swear to God I promise to God y' I live for this [ __ ] I breathe for this [ __ ] I love this [ __ ] when it and I'm still educating myself on this [ __ ] you feel me I ain't never gonna so just that's the basics guys remember this remember play this back and and I got a video that's more clear because I wanted to run through this and I really want y'all to really understand it like they think this they think this [ __ ] a game like let them know that you know so if you a defending you get the cross-examine too you you get the cross-examine in the people that's accusing you so just know that that's that's the that's the power that a defendant got that's how you could switch to burden the proof instead of saying I didn't do it I'm not you know I'm not GNA say nothing no you can you can say you know what oh you gave me this you gave me that prove it oh you saw me here prove it make put the burden back on them don't never deny it cuz it's going to look crazy no I [ __ ] they didn't give me nothing then what well we still in court the judge looking at you crazy look hey look if you gave it to me prove it bro always remember that don't deny make them make them prove it cuz the person that got the claim has the has the burden of proof a conditional acceptance yes that's a real conditional acceptance okay so that's all I got tonight for you guys I love y'all it's late you know what I'm saying I'm going to do some more free stuff for y'all don't worry we're gonna I'm going to start break since I did these big ass classes and gave y'all boatloads of information for a damn near eight hours what I'm going to do now is break things down in increments and teach certain things very I would never have big classes like this again you guys are so fortunate because I'm not doing it I have about 40 of you guys I'm going to work with the 40 of you guys and I'm not going to I'm only going to everybody I'm not going to bite off more than I can chew I'm going to work with my new clients little by little you know what I'm saying and I'm going to be attending to you guys in our telegram group you understand what I'm saying yes sir peace guys I love y'all does everybody satisfy what what we had going on here today more than oh my gosh I'm beyond satisfied like I'm extremely Greatful for real awesome awesome awesome let's build don't get into the telegram group everyone you know what I'm saying request if it's something not you know grab my attention hey I need this I need that you know I'mma pop everything into the group give me some time with this video soon as it download I'm dropping this [ __ ] right into the telegram group okay we thank you thank you yeah you know what peace guys it's recording so we ain't got nothing to worry about okay yes thank you peace and love