Introductory Python Programming Concepts

Sep 29, 2024

Fundamentals of Programming Using Python


  • Purpose: Teach programming fundamentals using Python.
  • Assumed audience: No programming background.
  • Objective: By the end, attendees will be able to write and run their own source code.

Why Learn Programming?

  • Programming translates ideas into executable steps for computers.
  • Applications:
    • Game development
    • Work-related applications to streamline tasks.
  • Skills gained:
    • Problem-solving
    • Logical thinking

Why Python?

  • Popularity: Most wanted language on YouTube channel polls.
  • Key features:
    • Easy to use and understand.
    • Concise syntax.
    • General-purpose: web apps, tools, games, scientific analysis.
  • Concepts learned in Python are transferable to other languages.

Getting Started with Python


  1. Check if Python is installed:
    • Open Command Prompt (Windows) and type python --version.
    • If not found, go to to download.
  2. Download Python 3.9.2 or recommended version.
  3. During installation, check "Add Python to PATH" option.

Running Code

  • Open Python terminal after installation by typing "Python" in the search bar.
  • Execute basic expressions:
    • Example: Type 1 + 2 and hit enter to get 3.
    • Example: Use print("Hello World") to output text.

Using a Text Editor (Notepad)

  • Write code in Notepad:
    • Save as .py file (e.g.,
  • Run Python file via command prompt:
    • Use python <file path> to run.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) recommended for efficiency.
  1. Download from
  2. Install Python extension in VS Code:
    • Type "Python" in extensions search and install.
  3. Set Python interpreter in VS Code:
    • Use Ctrl + Shift + P, type "Python: Select Interpreter".

Basic Python Concepts

Operators and Variables

  • Addition: 1 + 2 (result: 3).
  • Variables:
    • Naming rules: letters, numbers, underscores, case-sensitive.
    • Example: red_bucket = "Kevin".
  • Print variable value using print(red_bucket).


  • if, elif, else statements to control flow:
    • Example: Check if values are equal or different.


  • Define a function using def keyword.
  • Example: Create a function to print message multiple times.
  • Return values from functions using return keyword.


  • Types of loops:
    • While Loop: Execute code while a condition is true.
    • For Loop: Iterate over a range of values.
  • Control loop behavior with break and continue statements.

Using Libraries

  • Import existing libraries to simplify tasks:
    • Example: import math and use math.pi.

Error Handling

Common Errors:

  1. Syntax Errors: Incorrect language syntax (e.g., missing quotes).
  2. Runtime Errors: Errors that occur during execution (e.g., dividing by zero).
  3. Semantic Errors: Logical errors that produce unexpected results.


  • Summary of key concepts learned in Python.
  • Encourage viewers to provide feedback and suggestions for future videos.