Understanding Statistical Misinterpretations

Sep 28, 2024

Lecture Notes: Statistical Sins and Course Wrap-Up


  • Last lecture of the course.
  • Focus on discussing statistical sins.
  • Wrap-up of key topics from the course.

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

  • Statistical Sin: Misleading presentation of data by manipulating the y-axis.
    • Example: Temperature data from 1880 to 2014.
    • Caution against charts that don’t start y-axis at zero.
  • Comparison of two data presentations:
    • Original chart highlights change in temperature.
    • Adjusted chart starting at zero shows minimal change.

Flu and Fever Data

  • Fever and flu example: Plotting fever progression.
    • Misleading to assume temperature can range from 0 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Moral: Truncate values appropriately but avoid deception.

Time Series and Trends

  • Confusion between fluctuations and trends.
  • Importance of choosing appropriate time intervals.
    • Global warming trends require long-term data analysis.
    • Short-term weather events are not indicative of climate change.

Cherry-Picking Data

  • Statistical Sin: Cherry-picking data points to support a claim.
    • Example: Charts shown in U.S. Senate argument against global warming.
    • Selecting specific years can misrepresent trends.
  • Importance of comprehensive data analysis to avoid skewed conclusions.

Context Matters in Statistics

  • Statistics without context can be misleading:
    • Example: 99.8% of firearms not used in violent crime.
    • Contextualize numbers to avoid misinterpretation.
  • Swine Flu vs. Seasonal Flu Deaths:
    • 159 deaths from swine flu vs. 36,000 from seasonal flu.

Percent Change and Probability

  • Caution against presenting statistics without proper context.
    • Example: Skipping lectures increases failure probability by 50%.
    • Need to understand the base probability to assess significance.

Cancer Clusters

  • Definition: Greater than expected cancer cases in a geo-area.
  • Most reported clusters don't meet statistical significance.
  • Example: Hypothetical attorney looking for cancer clusters.
    • Analysis using random simulations to assess probability.
    • Statistical Sin: Multiple hypothesis testing leads to biased conclusions.

Summary of Course Content

  1. Key Topics Covered:
    • Optimization problems, stochastic thinking, modeling.
    • Emphasis on programming skills and use of libraries.
  2. Optimization:
    • Formulation of objective functions and constraints.
    • Greedy algorithms vs. dynamic programming.
    • Applications: knapsack problems, clustering.
  3. Stochastic Thinking:
    • Importance of randomness in modeling.
    • Application of randomness in non-probabilistic problems.
  4. Modeling the World:
    • Inaccuracies in models, confidence intervals, and distributions.
    • Introduction to machine learning: clustering and classification.

Final Thoughts

  • Importance of skepticism in data interpretation.
  • Encouragement to continue programming and applying course learnings.
  • Suggestions for future courses (e.g., software engineering, algorithms, machine learning).
  • Closing remarks on computing's future:
    • Historical mispredictions about technology.
  • Thank you for participation and engagement in the course.