so [Music] and i think it is important for uh new people entering the field to have a knowledge to have an idea yes it's okay to be updated actually it's better to be updated but it's also good we have an idea depending on depending indian i think fundamentals no to uh physics biology and whatnot supernatural tradition and it's been supernatural tradition someone up there someone or something up there more powerful than us is dictating what will happen to the stuff to the phenomenon so for much of our recorded history uh included um deviant behavior or abnormal behavior explanation deviant behavior has been considered a reflection of the battle between good and evil classic stories myths and legends that and it has always been uh good versus evil and uh young abnormal behavior is a reflection of that so exhibit abnormal behavior there must be some kinds of gods or goddesses or demons or what nah nah go work around no phenomena so all disorders and even diseases is the work of the devil in bible uh abnormal so it is explained no by supernatural tradition even jonah and uh those kinds of those kinds of stories normal behavior deviant behavior is always explained by the work of the devil devil made me do it offensively lucifer morningstar but anyway that's besides the point so this is one way of explaining a deviant behavior i think especially them before the scientific age dark ages especially dark ages so it's beginning of dark ages okay so usually abnormal behavior like for example hallucinations masters kind of stuff anyway so yeah uh behaviors uh vivid behaviors explained by demon possessions and then and then you're weird during that time weird guy because we know weird is uh you you talk like a man is normal behavior of course uh it it follows the numbers so for example first line of defense is exorcism so i exercise creative uh therapists conducive for habitation the funny thing or the ironic thing about it is it works like for example some witches although execution sometimes is politically driven if you know joan of arc nasi john of arc is uh we can say that she has deviant behavior um supernatural tradition but there are some i don't know supernatural tradition uh during that time [Music] um but anyway so yeah uh that's a supernatural tradition during the medieval ages and actually during the anode and during the ancient times then entertained in a talk hysteria and mass hysteria is basically mass mass possession so so europe the whole groups of people were saying was staying simultaneously compelled to run out in the street then shout rave and jump no around in patterns as if they were in a particular wild party late at night so basically and if i'm not mistaken it's a bible that means uh scenario old testament so that is mass hysteria in the modern times uh emotions are now if it is taken to the extreme with the right conditions and right circumstances of course actually possession then is like that possession can be explained by extreme emotions no extreme emotions extreme emotions mother so that's that will explain why young china is very very strong so we're gonna so it happens and uh in supernatural tradition that's possession in scientific tradition it's its emotions okay emotions are very powerful if you will look at it in a you know an open mind uh superpower not initial emotions uh power of friendship and power of anger power of the bus and uh as you can see now supernatural tradition is still alive especially here in the philippines and even at some extent catholic church exercises so it's still alive but it's not that rampant nowadays and it's uh it's dinner and frowned upon but it's not it's uh dismissed although of course uh there's no relatively speaking harm done you believe what you want to believe as long as there are some priests that are trained in counseling even psychotherapy so means this might be beginning mental health uh hygiene or mental health supernatural tradition uh inherently there's nothing wrong but as long as so supernatural tradition uh explaining abnormal behavior in his perspective of good and evil and of course didn't a papa biological tradition so so biological tradition again this has been around since the ancient time spa with hypocrites in galen for humor young it can manifest in your behavior or personality so that's one explanation on how biology can affect our behavior and therefore abnormal behavior so and then other than the hysteria this is different from uh hysteria modern hysteria young classic ancient hysteria it's also it it can be classified now as somatic symptom disorder what is somatic symptom disorder biological cause uh it is caused by an empty uterus wandered through to enter to various parts of the body in search of conception is explained by biology is a sexually transmitted disease by uh bacteria microorganism blood stream and then some advanced stages of brain and we all know that the brain is in charge with our behavior so combine infection again [Music] was that the causes of insanity were always physical it might not be a microorganism a virus or bacteria it might be the brain itself lung something [Music] therefore the mentally ill patient should be treated as physically ill uh okay so and then eventually uh the healing attend saket has a biological uh biological problem in accordance the biological base there so on first uh first treatment is death scientific it's one of the side effects oriented in brain which is some electroconvulsive therapy benjamin franklin if i'm not mistaken ect [Music] hallucinations and then of course as biological treatments discovering benzodiazepines anti-depressant anti-anxiety both depression and anxiety uh it's a minor tranquilizer so uh and then for uh hallucinations and delusions or aka psychotic symptoms uh on the young major cramps are major tranquilizers neuroleptics delusions or antipsychotic drugs intense uh of course with the prescription of your psychiatrist traditions uh in consequence first of all of course you mean treatment [Music] or asylum very traditional torch or torture but ironically it diminished the interest to treat psychopathology psychological disorder is caused by some undiscovered stuff and the island discovered categorization of abnormal behavior as [Music] um um is something that is not biological but it's actually more psychological you know so don't pass a psychological tradition so it's a psychological tradition actually again this is already present now since emergence in the form of moral therapy and moral therapy is basically treating people with abnormal behavior as human as possible uh he did not insulated elderly house and whatnot so that is uh that's how filipino did it in france and then eventually the inspiring and then uh during the civil war in america therapist effective moral therapy especially abnormal behavior but uh the downside of modal therapy is that is it is not sustainable therapy for a patient in hindi of course [Music] explaining psychopathology in a psychological perspective psychoanalysis sigmund freud so sigmund freud is sigmund freud because they continue with regards to psychoanalysis but uh to make the long story short early 20th century early 1900s to help people with uh psychological disorder and then eventually energy ego super ego and and that distortion of reality is what we call defense mechanism so so defense mechanism is uh one tool of the ego to to please the id and please the super ego at the same time distortion of reality [Music] so that's a defense mechanism so in defense mechanism it's uh white normal no quite normal for people abnormally normal nothingness reality is not aligned with your own uh perspective with your own reality and tendencies hallucinations and it might cause distress it might cause it is already a dysfunction because so it will become a abnormal behavior now right so a main cause of normal behavior according to sigmund freud is overuse of defense mechanism especially denial and repression okay so you have a review about psychoanalysis and basically an explanation but basically it's abnormal a certain amount of abnormality in our brain or abnormality in our personality dysfunction alternative because i don't know uh another school of thought a very different psychoanalysis which is a germanistic you know panasonic that people are born good in this born uh torn apart by eden super ego i don't give a theory says that we can be the best that we can be no uh it is an alternative for human being uh for humanity for the nature of humanity because the negative freud but for people who are experiencing psychopathology humanistic theory is not that applicable as individuals humanistically say you are giving the person a choice no if you give a person a choice or a person who has a psychological disorder laser for example on psychological disorder in his um it's full of challenges but you are equipped well enough to to face the challenges it's not thinking positive but as in yes they're suffering but you can do it you know the president and it's very long i say almost a lifetime in viagra mudito so alternatively this psychoanalysis is uh international behaviorism so behaviorism it's quite simple um my abnormal behavior and the good thing about behaviorism is it can also be used to remove those kinds of abnormal behavior let's say for example zephobia we can we can actually use association to remove the phobia pictures then eventually pictures the aid of the word uh mindfulness no but what i mean apply nothing open conditioning so this uh this way of explaining and treating psychological uh disorders uh took hold and actually and if we will explain we will explain abnormal behavior usually it's one of the three you know actually it's either psychoanalysis or cb uh cognitive behavioral young explanation happens among psychological disorders and even social uh so it's not psychological tradition it's very effective in uh because after all it's psychopathology so that but it will make sense now psychologically although this is just a hindsight by yes um psychological tradition so uh psychological tradition did its best know to explain psychopathology but again even rampant or pinnacle psychological tradition we are only focusing on the social aspects no the environmental aspects and the psychological aspects inevitably connected to our biology to the brain to the nervous system everything we feel everything we think of everything we we we do know we think we feel we we behave it's it's ultimately connected to our brain and if we will not address some things about our brain specialism heavily biological like schizophrenia or neurodevelopmental diseases or disorders hindi magicking enough in psychological explanations and we will see this uh in uh in our discussions at dsm diseases psychology and they explain psychological disorders if we will actually merge everything because everything has a point you know everything has some point in the man even supernatural tradition to some extent [Music] [Music] so that is uh that is something that pediment explained in the behavior and of course example everything psychological is also biological as i mentioned kanina so there are times elega or most of the time an explanation is psychological disorder is very complex uh it it is uh it it's like a feedback loop whenever we see something like in blood association so association is psychological association behavior so that is the importance of integrative approach and actually we will talk about this in in in detail next meeting next uh lecture nothing so this is the the the history the psychopathology historical conceptions uh integrative approach connectedness so with that thank you for listening and have a good day bye