Transcript for:
Masters Class Transcript on Transaction Desk

good morning everyone uh welcome to transaction desk um master class we are going to get started um I'm going to be sharing my screen somebody on Zoom please let me know that you can see everything okay all right so we got it in full screen mode yep all right Zoom people can see it all right yep perfect all right so welcome to uh class I do once a year um today we're going to be breaking down a transaction desk aenta sign um we're going to be going over office Clauses we're going a bunch of tick uh trips ticks or trips ticks and trips tricks and tips tips you want those we're going tricks and tips lots of different uh things you can do with transaction desks that um that a lot of people don't know about so this is really I know a lot of times people I've talked to even some brokers who still handr write their deals there's like couple people that hand write them all still yep they put it in and they handw write it and they just love that you know that that kind of old school feeli and to be able to you know present deals differently you every time they present it to a lot of times Brokers on the other side say wow that's you know that is that's cool I don't ever see anyone do that anymore you can still do that if you want but it takes a lot of time um the thing about transaction desk even if you are going to meet with somebody in person and you're going to get them to sign the documents in person you still should be using transaction desk for everything after this class you're really going to see like okay now I know why I should be using this because it's not just getting an offer written it's throughout the whole transaction right you typically aren't signing a deal and you're totally done there's not I mean you're not doing any other paperwork you're always doing more paperwork in that transaction once you go back to the transaction in transaction desk everything's still there for you you don't have to type names again you don't have to uh do that heavy lifting it's all it's all prepared right from the from the get-go so let's kick things off we're going to start out showing how to write offers so we're gonna we got a sample listing here I'm G using Josh's um I can see he's got it fully loaded love that got virtual tours and everything I Wii Wii oh will you help thank you Kenny um thank you so starting from the listing is is where transaction desk is already there so we have all of these buttons that are right next to the listing photo right you got the virtual tour the supplements which is very important right we can click these go look and see what's in here which I would suggest you doing sometimes in class if we have to people using the same listing these will come up uh in transaction desk as blank like they don't carry over that's actually a sign that that's a very popular listing that people are writing up so if you ever if you ever see that you're in in you know you're in Matrix and you go to the supplements and all of a sudden you you see them all there but then in transaction desk there's nothing in transaction desk that means a lot of people are clicking and grabbing that listing right writing it up so that gives you a little bit of insight to know that uh oh there's more people probably writing this up so that came from Lone Wolf 22648 so is that uh just for the moment and then go back as soon as they finish writing the transaction or no there's yeah I mean you might have to like go in download them we we'll talk about like issues like that and how you correct them so next button is the the little whistle that's if you're gonna report a possible violation on the broker and next is the magic button which is transaction desk for this listing okay and then you got obviously showing time adding your lockbox viewing the report so showing lot some of this stuff if you're not the listing broker you can't actually see it and get into it but it shows it for me because I'm the broker P all right so first button right here we're going to click this one time and it's going to grab this listing and pull it straight into transaction desk how many people were going to transaction desk on its own first and then writing up the list like a number um 2 two what was that number again 22 2268 26486 so when you going to write up an offer always go to the listing Y and then you know push that little button and everything comes up and then you can actually go to the template and start putting in your forms so again I'm gonna we'll we'll talk about this thing again just because it's if you miss this you're already lost so starting right from a listing so right from from the listing this icon right here it's actually says transaction desk that is the button you're going to click if you want to write up that listing always doesn't matter if it's vacant land condo multifam whatever okay so that's the very first step that you have to understand if you missed that then you're kind of like uh oh how did you get there so fast instead of going through transaction desk itself what if it doesn't have a button that means you're not a broker so maybe yeah you have assistant access so let me go back so as soon as you click it once you will you will have this popup window this popup window has a few things here first things first it has a name and by default it's always going to name it the first port por of the address if I'm representing a buyer I might um I might put their last name or something at the beginning right and now this next step you can't miss this either so the templates see right here by default it's selected as none in Kent North we've built out all of these templates for the forms okay so they're already here I know we have people from other offices here most of you I'm pretty sure you should have these if you do not uh get with your office leader to um hit me up and I will help them get these built out so that you guys have all of the same things okay so we we need to click in and choose a template we have a bunch of things in here there's like buyer information package buyer agency agreement um these have things in it that basically like has like you know the pamphlets uh it's got the fire broker Services you know in Washington state it's got the buyer agency agreement so it's got kind of everything all in one if you wanted to do those separately we'll talk about how those types of things work when you don't actually have a deal you don't have a house yet that you will start from transaction desk but we'll that buyers agency agreement in here just has buyer information package yeah yeah yeah that one that's correct that's the same one okay all right so next the main things that you guys should all see is JLS condo listing JLS condo listing less than 1978 what do you think's different in this one two things what and a 22j just in case that the listing broker was lazy and didn't have it so condo purchase and sale it's already in there yep so you got to make sure you select the correct template if you don't it's not bringing in all of the proper forms you need if you accidentally selected the wrong template and you moved forward you're going to have to delete that one because it it it pulls unless you want to like start all the way over and like delete the forms one at a time it's just way faster starting the whole process over so just remember that so this one was a uh single family residential and it was built in 76 so yeah so we'll look at the supplements and our good listing broker has everything uploaded in here that we need so it's got the 22j so we will not need that once we get into the forms list so I'm GNA need move that dang box we just do the regular present yep so we're going to do JLS residential purchase and sale agreement less than 1978 because it does have the pamphlet so by default it's still saying Matrix single family and then the MLS number and it's automatically making me the buyer broker and The Wizard use the wizard is automatically checked so we're going to hit create and pull this transaction into transaction desk all right so we got to talk about a few things here on what we're looking at so we are right now in this transaction this is the property it pulls in all of the information it pulled in all of the the tax ID the community the price um everything's in here right the wizard has some different buttons here you got previous to go back next to move forward and then you have a save and exit the thing to to know about transaction desk is that the far left side this left side of transaction desk this is the controller for the entire system okay the right hand side Far Side is actually the controller for this transaction you really have to understand that um because sometimes people unnecessarily jump back and forth to different parts of transaction desk when you don't even need to you will always stay in this transactions when you're working on a transaction okay if you can't see either one of these all you need to do is hit the little menu items these are little menus if if it's blind over here you don't see the rightand controller for this transaction you will want this to be showing because whenever you're in a transaction make sure that you can see this side because you will be jumping to these items all right so purchase price we're going to fill it in and since we're doing a class let's make this really low because I have had people submit offers in class accidentally let's make it very low 4199 okay did you make it 250 250,000 2501 that you did oh oh I see the pr right I'm going to have an escalation in here so all right so hold numbers put in put in the amount and then here's the here's the controller for the wizard right so we're in the Wizard what do you guys think we need to do go to next go to next the 2% what do we need to do it's already in there it's already in there you double check shouldn't I save don't you want to save your work you don't have to no you don't have it makes you think that you know that you should be saving what you're doing but this is cloud-based system so thank you you can literally be filling this in hit next and all of a sudden the power went out and your computer you're working on is dead you can go jump on another laptop open it up log in Jump Right In go to the transaction click the wizard open it and you right back where you were and everything was already written in there's only one item of the forms that you have to be a little more careful with because of timing and that is the listing input form did you guys know that one takes quite a while to kind of fill in right so when you're filling that out I would make sure per periodically you are saving that's the only one because once in a great while like you'll leave it open it's like hour and a half later two hours later and you're like oh man I'm you know and you C next and the thing spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning spinning and you're like what the heck is going on and then you kind of get out of it go back and it didn't get a bunch of the stuff you had worked on so that's the only one form you really have to worry about but otherwise you're always going to be hitting next okay next we're going to put in the purchase and sale date it automatically shows the calendar which is red for today's date when do you want it to expire since it's such a good offer I'm only going to give until today okay next is mutual acceptance offer but right the mutual acceptance date do our offers have that in our forms they do no there's nothing yeah why do they have this here I don't know why why do they do this realtor didn't write that program transaction desk is a program that's utilized Across the Nation it's not just for our area so some of these these items are going to you'll see that are just a little different that's all and that's definitely one of them we don't even have a spot for that so leave that one blank obviously W want the closing date let's put this out there you know give them a long closing date just for fun did you see what happened as soon as I selected the closing date what did it do possession date automatically The Possession date automatically filled in the same date why did it do that because it should usually usually yeah whenever possessions not on the same day of closing that's the risk level goes up attorneys hate it most people hate it so it does automatically fill it in which I love all right so we're going to go previous next right uh oh I just hit save and exit I just it just literally took me out of the wizard where we were I'm still in this transaction right as long as you can see the right-and controller for this transaction all I need to do is click the wizard again and it takes us right back to where I was just next [Music] yep so we're right back into the same thing not a big deal all right so next is contacts this is really important if you do all your heavy lifting in the very beginning of transaction desk it's going to make everything else later on be way faster and easier has anybody written up any buyers lately and they didn't win their offer and you got to come back and write them up again and something else are you going in and inputting all their info again I am lot of times huh a lot of people do learn so we're going to add a contact we're going to create a new Trans action contact all right little add button plus symbol we're going to add and create a new transaction contact okay on the on the type we got a drop down and they have a bunch of bunch of choices here appraiser buyer buyer broker buyer brokerage firm buyer's attorney closing agent homeowners association inspector landlord lender listing broker listing firm mortgage broker other property manager seller sellers attorney septic inspector tenant title insurance company or trustee a lot of different designations for different types of contacts some of these really do make a difference on what you do in the transaction so if someone really is a reviewer and an attorney then you want to make sure that you put them in as that so we're going to be going over the differences here a little a little bit too how did you get to that okay if you're we're in step three of five okay in the contacts you've got to go to the little plus symbol above your list of all the of the people that are involved in this transaction because it's up remember in the very beginning it had the Box defaulted checked that I'm the buyer broker right from clicking that listing and it gave us that first little box the popup so it added me it automatically added my firm and it did the buyer you know or the listing firm automatically the buyer brokerage firm listing broker and the seller if there was more than one seller there would be another seller in here so if you need to add anybody else you're going to add create new and from the drop down we need our buyer so so the first name I guess I don't want to make this this let's do okay we'll do Michael J box put in their email address I just do my previous maybe not this is a buyer Gmail okay put in their email now this is important legal name legal name is what is going to populate on the form itself as the buyer's name so whatever the buyer's you know legal name is that's what you're going to want to put in don't forget each contact like if there is a husband and wife or spouse or whatever they each get their own individual contact you can't do not group them don't put them together each person gets their own even if they share an email which we'll talk about that later so legal name preferred signature so I like to control a contrl c and then I'll Tab and then contrl V so if it's exactly the same and then put in their initials yeah so if I hold down control on keyboard hit a don't like that now yeah it should do it the first time I don't know why it locked out the second time so then preferred signature and then we're going to put in the initials however the client wants it so by default the box is checked to add to the address book as long as you keep this defaulted it's going to place them into your contacts in transaction desk and whenever you come back to write up another deal I'll show you where we'll pull it from can I ask a question ER yeah so um we wrote one up for the seller then we hit the ad you know on the right hand side hit the ad now is this for the the first one was for the seller now this is the buyer we're putting in the buyer info transaction yeah same transaction okay okay now you would think by default you're just going to hit save there's actually one more tab here it's kind of hard to see because it's actually invisible it's only a different color right so click on the address this is where you can fill in the buyer information for you know wherever they live escrow does want to see these so Street number street name City Washington okay now cell phone and facts if you're going to put the buyer cell phone on there if you put it in sell it's actually not even going to show up on our contracts because it doesn't say sell on the buyer it only says phone so you want to make sure you put if this is the you know the buyer's sell number you're going to want to make sure it's in the phone box not the cell so if you don't want to be on the contract if you don't want it on there yeah then you don't have to okay so we've filled in the front everything we filled in our address and now we can hit save if you skip any of these items it actually makes it harder later because you're going to see how we bring this transaction directly into Athena sign and it already knows who everyone is so you won't have to like do a bunch of additional work I know a lot of people do it that way they kind of like either jump to athenas sign from the wrong section or they're just going straight to Athena sign on the far left remember the far left is the controller to the whole system the far right is the controller for this transaction and we're always going to be using this for this transaction so I'm going to hit save that Google thank you so now it's got our buyer in here we're going to add a second buyer so if you had that existing contact that you've you know had that buyer that missed out on another offer the next time you get to this exact same step on a different property you're going to say add an existing contact and then search right hit it it'll see who it is it said if they were a buyer you hit select add it's already filled in done oh I don't have a legal name here I have to put that in if you don't have the legal name it's not going to show on the contract do it all right so let's add that second one create somebody new it's a buyer what if the buyer was an LLC the buyer was an LLC you're going to put the buyer's actual name so if his name was Eric you put here his middle initial and his last name you got to put his email the legal name will be the name of the LLC that's what populates onto the form uh let's do Jane all right legal name all right now on the second buyer that you enter you don't have to add in any of this other info because there's only one place for an address on the on the buyer side of the contract so you don't have to fill this in if you filled it in it's not going to override the other one or it's not going to do it um but it's up to you you can still do that all right so we're going to hit save now we got both of our buyers now there's a lot of other different contacts that could be involved for the transaction back up MH you said preferred signature here so would it be the same as the legal name no one person at a time it's always the individual person so I would just put Michael the whole name sure the whole name usually it's the same exact thing as the legal name it's usually for the ID good name on the ID but sometimes you know you know him as Bob right Johnson and he's actually Bob Michael right so if they had LLC going down she said the prefer name it was still be preferred signature name is is the actual real person's name not the LLC I'm prer yeah okay I've seen that mistake too LLC said legal name yeah just remember that legal name is what's going to be showing on the contract at the top of every page and then you hit save and then hit save okay if you got the lender right we can go in create a new contact choose the drop down and we can actually do the lender put in their information if you have the title in escrow and you know them and you have their info you can add them as well that's a great idea that's that's very good that is cuz I always add that I always yeah I so you anytime you're adding a contact you're always using the plus symbol right up here then you add them y just like a buyer just like adding yeah a buyer anybody to the yeah to the deal it's like you're going to click that create a new contact this one I'm going to do add an existing but I I got Aaron in here oh actually I think I have him as or maybe I want the the title company so I'll select here hit add oh this one did not have all the info in it here I'm going to delete that one if you added someone and you needed to get oh did it it removed them right oh good I'll show it again hit add we'll create a new you want the title person escrow lender so put in there actual name so you get lenders the name do you put the company name in there yep company you can but I just put title yeah you can put blender in there and title if he ever has to sign anything then I guess he could be in here but typically lender's not signing anything title's not signing anything uh you'll see goodness I can't type okay so hit save now the lenders in there do the same thing for title person actually we'll do a title let's see if I have I think I might have a title person in here or I know is it I thought I had that there only has one all right so change this one title oh then you can actually put the title order number Chase all right so we'll save that so now we've got all our people everybody who's who's involved in the transaction who needs it no might change yeah whoever show all right so what are we doing next we going pre pre we going next or save save hey Eric quick question on Zoom yeah would would it be uh okay to add our transaction coordinating team or just for visibility or yeah yeah anybody who's kind of involved in the transaction that you may need to be sending stuff to because there's a way that when we get to actually ath assign and we we could designate as soon as the the document signed it could go out to like 50 people in One Click automatically so this is stand practice for you you enter I never done this is something new like I said it's a little more work in the very beginning but later on it's all done bless you all right so never don't have to hit save and exit because remember we're still in the Wizard we're going to hit next and it's automatically saving everything we've done so as soon as we get to step four of five now we're in the forms all these forms are automatically built here because we have the template made if anybody gets to this section and they do not have forms list that means that their office doesn't did not have the uh uh template set up so just please again tell your office leader to reach out to me and I'll help agency agement that mean you selected if you see the wrong forms in here you selected the wrong checklist the template you you selected the buyer's a it's not nope have to because you should have already had that sign before you're writing an offer oh yeah okay so if you got to this section and you see a 1A and that means you selected listings instead of purchase and sale agreements in that drop down in the very very very beginning there's two things you can do if you feel like oh my goodness I just did too much work already you can go over to the right hand side and you see these three little dots that's a menu how you can tell you're still in the Wizard is that the the big giant Circle that's next that is in this list next to the three circles is not showing that pretty much tells you oh I'm in the Wizard still when you're out of the wizard you're just going to see these big giant uh circles but these still work the same you can basically write or excuse me you can click on the little three circles and hit delete on all of these you'll just have to manually at you know add them so when you manually then you're going to have to go to the left side no no you are never going to the left ever if you're in a transaction but how do you change the the correct you know choice then you well you'd have to be adding forms where we'll get to that step in a minute and it's it'll really tie tie everything together and make sense so did anybody else raise your hand if you did get the wrong uh list did anybody else get it these are all the forms that the listing agent has no this is our office this is our office template for writing up a deal we love that thank you very all right so first things first you can see everything's here now I'm gonna jump ahead for a second before I uh do any other changes so let's hit next and good I can see all the supplements are here it automatically pulls all the supplements into the documents oh how my word in that movie okay how you do that I'm sorry I'm in step five of five and it's in the actual documents documents are supplements yeah again why do they not why do they name it different you know well because it's in different states they don't call supplements in every state but they use the same system so supplements become documents okay so did anybody get to this step and they have this blank because a lot of people are writing up this same listing so when we were in number four instead of um adding adding thing we just went next and then they and then this all came up they're all there they're all there because some people are like using transaction desk from the left side and that makes you go get them all and upload them drives me nuts I know I do that I do too I is a pain in the ass this is awesome this is really helpful okay so they're all here we're all good let's go back to previous so get us back to step 405 in our forms list we know the 22k or excuse me 22j is there and 22k well wasn't that there too I believe y so I'm going to go go to previous and I'm actually going to click the little three dots menu on the 22j and I'm going to [Music] delete and hit yes no you don't so you have it from the listing the listing is properly we got a good listing broker that uploaded every supplement and he filled in to see if it was there and it was so now I go back yeah y so now now that you verified it's there we don't need it so same thing on the 22k delete now he got preliminary title report do we need a 22t maybe I don't know we reviewed it looked good probably not especially in a competitive market so I'm going to get rid of this one too okay now there is the lead based paint pamphlet and then the wire fraud alert is in here so those are in there defaulted because we chose the template for this property that was built in what 76 I think it said so we got to make sure it gets to the client there's a couple different ways you can do this some people you know will maybe send those directly to the client separately because you know when you're writing the deal up you don't need to send that especially preliminary title report and all that they the listing broker definitely does not want that in the offer and it makes it such a big F yeah so I'm going to show you some different things you can do uh with this so the first thing we need to do let's let's go in and let's open up the form to open up the form you just click on the hyperlink to the wording here and it see how it turns green it's it's like a light blue now you roll over it turns green telling you it's active well click this and now it's going to open up the form and we should see the entire top totally filled in because it's knows who is who and it's filled in the price how did it know the price we typed it in we typed it in in the very beginning remember okay so obviously [Music] um you know this is in a forms class right now we do those on Wednesdays but we would normally go through this all and fill it all in did you see it actually filled in the title insurance because we said who that was so it it actually filled it in for you so you got to go through fill in your stuff like normal you know hit your dropdowns include all your addendums everything that you know like normal right we're not going to go through and do the you know do the whole thing but look at the bottom see had it filled in everything it put the buyer's phone number their email address it automated and put put in your lag number and more importantly put in your do license numbers if you if a lender gets a file and they don't have your license numbers and stuff like that do you guys know what happens to it it didn't mine didn't pop up mine either yours populated uhuh firm do my broker me but not the firm's do LIC those are left blank so oh maybe it's this it's not I no the 24581 is the firm yeah that's our do not 3647 no mine still 3647 that's our that's Northwest MLS office I office oh it's yeah this is the license to the firms licensing numbers so it didn't populate your no usually it it I don't know you know why it didn't because you did the listing yeah oh that's right yeah thank you yeah okay so yeah if you if if you if a deal comes over to the lender and you got mutual and they're like they don't have the license numbers they pretty much have to take your file the underwriter team or they're like well go send it that way they got to go look up and get your IDs because they have to have them on the deals so you could be delaying your client's file just because of something dumb just like that so this automates and fills everything in really question how do we just grow I don't have that on all right so now we got to look at a couple things up here at the top we have some icons here okay so we got a file folder if you roll over this it says like new save copy erase Watermark remove print send help forms manuals this forms manual if you're ever ever stuck and you're like I don't know what this thing I don't remember what this means I need help or you know it's 11:30 at night you're like I'm not want to call Eric Jim or Tony um so I'm going to click and jump into the manual you can actually go to the manual from within transaction desk right here that's cool right here file scroll down you see it says all forms manual or this forms manual you click this boom it'll open it know I'm smart new ages form how much do you stress if they use the form I we don't have that have I just have yeah I don't either it's probably again because of that mistake uh can you see the save and exit at the very bottom of it or no no I just see an X hold down control and minus symbol on your computer hold down control and minus minus keep hitting minus and it'll shrink your screen size it may be zoomed out to where it's it's cutting it off hold control and minus symbol minus minus symbol minus symbol and then try it again it shrink your screen oh goodness it made [Laughter] it control zero that gets it back to the normal size that's reallyy oh yeah some some machines so go there okay so now hit it again now you see it yeah it's just because of your view the view is cutting it off so it should be there all right yeah if you can't see the whole uh drop down menus you need to hold control and minus symbol to shrink your screen and then it'll do it if you need help about the form thank you Eric you're welcome all right let's keep going we're a little bit behind all right so next is fonts if you need to change the fonts or functions next is clause hold on to that this is one of the important ones and then there's transaction forms and then you can quickly jump to pages and this is your Zoom minus or stretch fit width or the length so you can click that does have a super long name I can squeeze it in there it should this says send to aent ass sign and then there's a save and exit most people think oh I'm going to go save and exit because I'm done filling is it form hold hold on guys let's bring it together um you don't want to hit save and exit because you're saving and exiting back to the form's list you can quickly get to the next form you need to work on by going to this transaction forms at the top and you just select the next one okay and now it's now it saved everything you did and jumped right to that next form instead of you going two steps you just did it in one step I always use that file you do save exit and then you'll have all yeah all right so now we're in the next form fill it in right blah blah blah looks good I'm ready for the next form we're going to jump to 22d boom right to the next form check your boxes fill in your blank length Okay so now here's a cool feature um here's our blank mini form addendum here soon as I selected the Box you notice it activated the Box soon as I click in the Box it turns green do you guys see this add Clause this is the same thing as up up here which is our Clauses so I'm going to click our add a clause you have three different folders for Clauses there's personal Clauses anybody who works with a builder or investor and maybe they're using this same verbage in every deal they write you can actually put that into your personal Clauses and it will always be there you literally can click it and it will type the whole form it'll fill it all the way in even if it was a full form 34 it would put all of it in one click so how do you do that initially you have to create it you have to create it we'll we'll talk about a little bit but first thing I need for you guys to see is the office Clauses so if I don't have that I talk to my office yeah if you don't have it talk to Tucker and then yeah I'll help him get you guys should have those or you can switch to our office that shouldn't that doesn't matter so got it okay so in here all right I it all right so in here are a bunch of ATT turny drafted language that I've built in to the system to where all you have to do is select the claws you want and it will fill in the boiler PL it'll fill in that language for you so you don't even have to type anything we have a bunch of different ones uh this is the old 41c which I think we'll keep these in here for now we broke apart the old 41c in case you needed to give credit or something like that um reductions 1031 tax exchange we've got oh this is a good one 22 ad additional down payment option so let's look at this one it says for clarification purposes in the event of a low appraisal of the subject property buyer reserves the right to reduce the down down payment identified on form 22A financing addendum page one line nine and can be used for the additional down payment identified on 22 ad increase down payment addendum page one line 8 so this is this is a way that you know sometimes buyers are like wow I got 20% down I could do that we're in a competing offer situation we're going to use a 22 ad I mean if I have to put another 25 Grand down I'm going to have to reduce my actual original down payment so this is a way you can kind of play and shift some money and still win the deal yeah and still get that deal ahead of other people who won't have a 22 ad at all so just this is just an example but if this was the language you wanted to include all we would do is select the circle go back to the top and say okay and it filled it in it typed in the form for you so there's a ton of different ones in here um so those are the closets corre these are the office Clauses in order to get to there you have to have the sales and First Agreement filled out is that correct the transaction well you have to have it in transaction desk problem is Agent that's very true okay we're going to go over this again in a little bit so let's finish and go to the inspection that was our last one so fill it in whatever oh yeah there's nothing really El to fill in this one all right let's save and exit because we need to get into our list view of the forms now let's at the very top bottom the big blue one watch when you're inside the form yep don't yeah don't close the window or anything like that all you need to do is hit the save exit or this icon if you don't see these words next to the items what that means is your screen is completely zoomed in too far I did took me you see how there's these icons you see how all of these they're just icons and it doesn't say the words you just have your Zoom your power of the zoom on the screen too far in so I click save ex and it took me to help videos oh weird so control minus symbol and you can kind of keep doing this until the words pop up again I hit save exit and it took me to a bunch of forms so yeah you should be in your forms you should be in this view but it's a to it's one of my clients that's weird how how did I do that no you're in forms list yeah at the weird but look at it it's different name let's get the house home the home click that that went to a different house it did it went to that and now jump to the right the controller go to forms and it'll boom be in your list see cuz when I did it I went up here and it said save exit of course you don't see it now but I went up to the top and hit save exit you have to make sure that you're clicking into the W you know at the top if you're in a form sa exit that's what I did okay so better that's weird so go to home yeah go home if you accidentally got out and it messed up or anything if you're ever stuck you can easily hit the house remember the left controller what's the left controller the whole system that's the it controls the entire system the right-and controller controls this transaction so you can literally hit the house go back click on the one you were in and opens into this dashboard the right hand side is the controller remember for this one let's go to our forms and now we're in the list again do you see how this one has the big circles and this one and then next to the little menus that tells you we're out of the wizard see there's no more steps if you need to go back in the Wizard just hit wizard again and boom now you're in the same thing if you like to do it that it doesn't matter you can always get back to the wizard okay so let's go over adding forms this is one that definitely gets people because most people do this incorrectly are you there D no okay go back get the house go home go back to the house right over here go home go home go home go right there there you go click on click on that wait a second right no not yet nope and then we're going to go to you the house you need to yes we need forms on the right there you go there you go now you're in the list okay every time we're adding something else right you got to use the little plus add symbol again just like we did for contacts exactly the same it'll be the same for our documents and the same for signings whenever you're adding something new you got to use the plus symbol or hit plus by default it's going to show all of these folders all the folders here right you got all of these company forms I want you guys to use the search bar the search bar is amazing because it quickly finds everything you need Okay so let's say we were going to use a 35 W right the inspection waiver addendum okay so I want to we're going to be waving the inspection on this one I guess so we're going to select the waiver uh oh it just selected two items why does it show two that's I was just going to ask only one pop don't get confused the system has this addendum in two different folders it has it always in the Statewide forms and it always has it in an addenda but look at the basket the basket controller tells you how many you have selected okay so right now we only have one so most people would just think you would go oh it's time to just add this one now right nope I have more forms I need to add click in the search again backspace let's say we wanted to say oh boy this person's waving inspection I guess we better do the JLS form type in JLS shows every single Jal Scott form okay do you notice it still has one in the basket yep that's our original that's the 35W so let's do how about a buyer's advisory and a seller's market that's definitely one we're going to want I'm selecting it now there's two in the basket you see that I selected the big circle oh we need to add another form how about that 34 boom shows the 34 select it now we got three forms see how much how F how much quick quicker that is like you don't have to B add one at a time back see it again now you can just if you know the form numbers or the names and stuff like that you can quickly get through these okay so now we're going to add all three of those forms in one click so it just added them all if you need to rearrange things roll over with your mouse onto the actual form itself you see how it changes from a pointer to the Cross now you can click and drag things and arrange them so getting rid of the 35 click the three dot menu hit delete are you sure yes okay so here are our all here's all of our forms let's get into the form 34 show this one more time about the uh office Clauses so select it click it open it it already filled in the top for you click into the body it turns a light green you can either hit to the top and go to Clauses or just use that little popup box that goes right on the form to add a clause go to office Clauses and choose one of the ones here's one that we always hear H the re this is the old school uh non-refundable earnest money one not the biggest fan of that one but it is longer we'll select it so we do office Clauses office Clauses yep select boom it just filled in all of the verbiage which one was that I just chose that oh I made the wrong one backspace delete it all click in the form again add a clause office Clauses here's the list I mean we even have ones oh boy seller paid closing class that's if you needed it separate yeah got different ones so it's got a whole bunch of different things amaz so there's a lot of them in here if you needed to do a bunch here's the old KMS General addendum select that one let's go to the top hit okay there's do you remember that that's an old one yeah this one's cool so they're they're in here so if you needed this right so you don't use that not really okay so we're done with the forms let's go ahead and hit save and exit it should take you right back to your forms list we're still in the Wizard okay all of our forms are done let's jump to next and now we're in the documents you know which are the same thing as the supplements okay close closes now where do we go save and exit save and exit hold on which did you I added this y now hit that go you're in your forms list okay cool now go to since you don't have the wizard you don't have the steps you can just jump straight to documents on the right hand side just go to documents yep so we're in documents if you still have the wizard going it's showing you that we're in step five of five here are all those items right now we got to have our approval letter in here right so that an approval letter click the ad select the big blue box and go to our downloads and let's say this is our approval letter so I selected that hit open boom it added it and here's our approval letter how many people do a cover sheet with a breakdown of what their offer is you do that sometimes yeah but I do it on the email when I send the offer okay I write an email you know and I some people do it on a form so if you did that and you had it on like a PDF already like or a word doc you can add it there you can add it here too and you can arrange it to you know I'll show when we arrange for Athen sign and it could be the very first thing see so it it's all personal preference and adding the Lend appr approval yeah we'll see some of usually add it to the documents on the side I like it to add the pre-approval separately from the purchase and sale just because person preference that's what I you a question yeah I've gotta submit remil somewhere yeah you're not in the Wizard that's all it's fine you can use that the very far right hand side is the controller for that transaction so just hit documents yeah I don't know IC on the [Music] right okay questions about adding items in here everyone's got this pretty clear so whatever your preference is doesn't matter you want to do a cover sheet no cover sheet do it in email separate totally fine all up to you anything else you needed to add in here the Love Letters whatever you can you could put this in here as well so this is where you have so nice your choice to to add the items right that you needed to send different places so we're going to hit done and it's going to take us right back into that transaction dashboard again doesn't matter because we're always going to be using the right hand side to go through the steps remember first thing we did was the dashboard filling in the detailed information right and the details contacts we filled in all everything from the contacts then we did forms right documents are down here below the signings which is kind of weird because you would think you would go forms documents then signings but now that we've got everything ready to go we want to get this deal signed by our clients so we're actually going to go to signings on the right hand side not going over to the left to the pen going to here so go to signings and look there's no signings here what do you think we need to do add we got to add one just like we did on every single other type of the items right we're going to hit add let's name the signing yeah add in the address maybe and I don't know maybe I like to call it say offer offer on Southeast what is this one oh Southeast 233rd okay and I'll just say Michael and was it Jane hugs okay so name it whatever you want that's personal preference whatever I'm G to hit save and it's pulling the whole transaction straight into a thent ass sign so the first thing we need to do is click the big box for add a document I'm going to hit add and this is my transaction so everything is here all the supplements everything we uploaded here's like the pre-approval letter okay if you wanted to do things twice get the items to the buyer for the preliminary title report and all that maybe that you name it differently and you you know maybe you name it the buyer packet you know for items from the transaction whatever that's where I would probably send the preliminary title um the uh what do you call it agency law all I meaned lead based paint pamplet all those items you don't need to go you know directly in the offer just send those separate okay we're going to go through and add everything we need here add so as soon as you click it it'll Spin and it's adding them inspection waiver fires advisory that one I probably send separate right 34 and form 17 we can add the F the 22j 22 k we don't need a 35p we need a legal and the pre-approval letter pretend we added it hit close now everything that we've filled in will be in here right it saved all that stuff that we filled in if you needed to rearrange things like let's say you want this you know at the bottom just click the dots drag it a lot of times people want things in order right yes and move that up come on you can drag always play with the numbers play with the numbers yeah this way right from the form 21 that I'm working on and then I and time saving yep because otherwise you're clicking those one at a time well no or you jumped it and then you choose to add yeah I you canly more it's just slightly more stream you're right yeah you can also use the numbers and change the numbers so that's how you do stuff okay so next thing we need to do we got our documents here let's get our signers my mouse is like dying or something it's like not moving need a newy signers okay we're going to add our participants now when you click this it's got different items here it says add yourself add new don't click any of these add from contacts just click add from transaction from the transaction it brings every single person directly over so we've got buyer broker oh select yourself because in this one we do need to sign something with the 22j we got our buyers do we need it going to the lender do we need it going to yet maybe not yet but if you did let's say this is going to be the last signing you can literally select these people and rather than default it says to remote sign hit the drop down make them a cc they get a carbon copy select go to carbon copy that means upon final signature complete it's going to disperse to those people at the same time now you don't have to CC yourself ever because it automates and from the system to email it to you so you never have to add yourself unless you're signing something needed it to go to your transaction coordinator whatever you could just do CC um you do have set signing order this button's defaulted to off if you saved it to be sign in line you know where you choose you can actually arrange so we'll hit select and it wants to know who is who it says buyer one who's the buyer one who's buyer two buyer one is just the first first name to the left sellers ignore listing broker selling broker add signature blocks okay and what it did is it automated it and it placed every signature every initial in every spot for you for every single item that is a um a uh digital Open document from transaction desk it knows it knows where to place the signatures now anything that is scanned in and it removed that digital capability it's not going to know what is there to the system it's like a solid blank piece of paper so you will have to manually add signatures and initials let's see since we designated or told what this what it was on our 22j let's look so it automated and placed signatures for the form 17 okay so you see how this form this is more or less like one that's closed it's not doesn't have those same capabilities it didn't autop place the buyer initials so what we'll have to do is go to our tools oh wait hold on let me back up for a second when we're in the signers this is if you have set signing order if you have this turned on you see how these are just blank doesn't have a number if you wanted something to go to someone first you would drag it over to them you can make someone a reviewer that means they have to review it and approve it before it goes to the next person if you left it like this and you were like oh this is the first person I thought that was going to get it it wouldn't be that way because this is what's kind of like the old school uh Samuel sign it means whoever opens the email first like just gets it that's of course and they can literally start clicking and open them at the same time so so if you need to set the order click this little toggle switch now you change it around drag drag it around and that's who it's going to go to First you always want the CC people to be at the back though if they need to get a carbon copy okay so that's that one so let's go back to the tools tools are what you're using for each person so in this drop drop down remember it had me first so hit the drop down if I need it to go to the first buyer I'll select this one now we have different items here we've got the sign here initials text line checkbox initial Pages initial Choice radio choice and a dropdown we got full name email address Auto date Auto time we have a markup text box highlight line freehand strike through ellipse so those are the different tools so we needed this buyer to initial this spot on the left so we're going to we're going to click hold the mouse not not click and let go you click and hold drag it over and release it onto this box you can click on the item you can do things like click grab it in the corners and make it larger which I think it's all the way large right now or we can click and shrink it by just grabbing a corner same thing select the date move that over and you can do the same thing shrink it now if you have to do a bunch of different uh initials or signatures whatever each item I like to take the first person of the buyer and select their initial and then I can either use the tool and say copy or I can rightclick on their initial and hit copy and now all I all I got to do is right right click and paste and now I've got that same initial and the cool thing is I can go over to the second buyer drag their initial right no if you want to make it smaller you could do you can click on it use the box and scale it or just grab a corner of of the item when you select it and it will it will let you shrink it manually or use the scale so got to do the initial select grab a corner select it grab one of the corners click hold and drag it now I can get down to the next or the first page because there's two pages oh that that is both for the initials but let's go to one of the items that's pulled over from the supplements right so sometimes it will autop place and no if you use transaction desk to fill in the forms digitally for your listings and you have your client sign and everything you keep in transaction desk it will retain the capability to autoplace the initials and signatures if you don't and you save it outside of it or if you scan it in or whatever it loses those capabilities you're going to have to manually add the initials and signatures uh yourself from the tools okay so this one does not automatically fill in the top so if we needed to do a text box you can click on this activate it scroll over here click on here click into the box and put uh say seventh okay you can make it different size by selecting the font size now you can click and drag that over now we got the buyer names are missing scroll down you see s uh signer Fields click drag over their name like you do initials and you got each one of the buyers names already done you don't have to type it out yeah the sign oh I did Jane twice oh made a mistake select it delete change back to the first buyer once you're in the list you're in the tools grab the full name drag it over and now you got it got the names that helps with tyos know I always do another F box okay now if you have a a box that needs to be checked you want the first buyer to be the one to Market you can grab the check box click hold drag over like you do everything else and put it on the item and let go and then when the Buy buyers getting their contract to click and sign it will automate and go to that box this blue one is a uh you know check box they also have a check mark so you can do those dropdowns if you click this over you can say what is the drop down you can put in values if you wanted to I really haven't seen a a reason to use that one but uh you've got that choice okay so it automated and put my signature here now we got the legal got the sellers initials we have the first buyers still um in our copy it's still in the you know it's ready to be pasted so I can rightclick and paste from what where I copied it before and then drag the initials from the second buyer which if you wanted this one to go back and because whenever you copy and paste it's going to make it exactly the same of whatever you did so you can add these okay so that's ready to go I can hit next and it's going to say when do I want to finalize the signing nobody click this and send please but you do need to put a reminder I would say put your reminder every you know one day if they forget and you can do whatever time you want 8: am whatever and hit send you can customize invites and this can give give you a chance to send a message uh to the to uh the buyer so each person can get a different message but if you're just sending one message basically I just copy and paste it yeah yep all right so I'm GNA cancel that okay has anybody been in the middle of a deal and you're like oh man now the buyer changed their mind yep let's go ahead and raise the price and you're like I just filled it all in right you got you're in this step you know you're oh man now I got to now I got to go back and try to fix this right well if you wanted to fix the price there's a couple little things you can do that's I'll show you one way so we can do a text box okay and I can click on the form and do you see how it's got a transparent background I can toggle this off and it filled it in as a white box and I can cover it oh my go I did not know that all right and you can then you can double click in here ready to type your new [Music] price oops okay so I can do it that way cover that so you can do that but don't forget yeah if you have to you know type out the actual dollar amount you know you got to do that so that's the transparent background either on or off see it's on now off it it covers it so that's one way you could do it get the text right so you can do that um or if you're like oh no has anyone been like oh no I missed a box and you know notice that what do you guys do when you're in that situation use the tools yeah you could do the same thing you might as well just use the checkbox and you know drag it over and Mark it oops Yeah my mouse is done so when you do that and you you know you're marking it you can does that mean that the buyer has to sign that little X that because you changed it or anything okay no it's not a change it's it's it's coming to the broker as a you know as an offer new offer here's the offer so it's it's if you had something and you're send it to them and it's crossed off that doesn't look good and that causes confusion in the transaction because esro gets it and like what we need the change do we have a deal here what's the problem not initial if you send it and then you realize you miss the box and then you go back you you need the initi right so checkbox has a red little asteris on but that's okay that's not your sure what that that is is it tells you that any Aster item says it must be clicked if it's not clicked it will not let you complete it and finish buyer or assigner activated box right know what I just added an X and to the fireplace and it's got a red aspect yeah that's exactly correct so that'll work right yeah you can yeah you could do it over and over and over pal it doesn't matter like I mean obviously want the deal to look perfect from the GetGo because the more like crazy little stuff you're using like I mean that doesn't make a lot of sense some people can say oh well know what remember remember the right hand side's always the controller for this transaction right that's it's the same for here if you said oh no I don't this is too many mistakes I'm going to go back if you say don't save it literally is not saving anything you've done in here nothing for authenticy so let's hit save okay watch where it takes us where where is it takes us right back into the same transaction right we got our right hand side here here's your draft let's go to the form but remember if you're changing price you got to do that in details right and change it here oh well you can go to the for so there's no save button in here right now right because you're like you're making a change here but if you go back to forms it's going to pop up and say or it should forms it says do you want to make confirm the this change say yes now it's going to overwrite that now open your form 21 again because we changed the price and boom it replaces the price for you now you can go through oh I missed that box do this again you know make your changes doesn't matter what you know whatever the ones you were doing now hit save and exit okay now go back to signings here's our signing open up the signing okay now this is the one with all the mistakes so let's go here and go to Docs here's form 21 that's all in here right scroll to the bottom say add a document we need no hold on it should have oh yeah yeah well okay form 21 let's see if that shows the old no that is the yeah it shows the new but you need to delete the old one yeah it should have oh you know why because it still knows it knows it's still here so click on the form on the right and we can remove this one okay now go to the bottom add a document and now the add symbols back because it it knows that oh there's one in there it add now it places it in but where do you think it placed it at the bottom who is who it needs to know the designated boxes so just tell most of the time it knows who the buyer is right away because we we said so add so there there's form 21 the quickest way would be just change the number we'll go one hit enter boom it just rearranged it and added it to the top oh that's so then it just put all that back if you needed to split items and you're like oh man I don't need all of this you can click on this you see how there's multiple forms yeah you can hit select and you can actually click on an item delete the one item oh that's do know that so that's another thing you can do to quickly kind of like you know like oh maybe you made a change and the buyer's already signed everything else well now you can upload that open it up click you know click to edit it and then select all the ones you want to delete delete and now you now you just have that one different page so can you go back to the tools where you're using that little x i I can't find I don't know where it's at oh okay so here's docs this is that's always in tools signers are just who the people are tools are who the signer is can you go as the front for a battery yeah killing me uh double she has a different I have Eclipse freehand highlight Xbox line stri tools I'm in tools you don't you don't have any of that not the one you have I don't have the X this you have the checks no no I don't it could be the you have a different uh wait a minute did you you have yourself you're using this off yourself that's why you didn't well I did do the drop down who your you got to see who your signers are you don't have anybody there's no one in here that's why but if you have your side you should be able to no because you haven't designated who anyone is That's So you was a AG so if you don't see stuff like that that means your signers are not properly in here or you don't have anyone yeah a lot of people like the first way out okay so signer scroll to the bottom add a participant don't forget add from the transaction that we're already in there it came up Lo now go tools all right there we go and now you can pick who was in the transaction select them select designate who they are what they are are they a remote signer a reviewer or a carbon carbon copy I'm sorry doing the ex's where did you say which part um said when you're in the signers and you're adding someone as soon as you add someone you need to designate from the transaction you need to designate who they are oh Goa what is so as soon as you select somebody you see the type by default it's always doing a remote signer if this person just needs to be a carbon copy you select that's the type that they are well whatever if they reviewer that means it has you know you if you ever have a reviewer you definitely are going to have to do the um I don't want to do that well I'll do it anyway select them if you ever have a reviewer you better make certain you toggle the set signing order button if you don't do this you never know someone can sign it before they even get to see it so that's not good so scroll down and see the reviewer and make them the first person you can do the same thing with the boxes and why is that oh it's it's confused because I'm the same person yeah so reviewer because it's going to go to them first if they don't open it then it's not going anywhere it won't go forward you better make sure the person knows they open it's considered no they have to approve it if they don't approve everything it will not go forward not a sign yeah copy to like me once they sign it it's automatically going to send it to you because you designated yourself as the buyer broker one last question you can only make changes before you send the contract correct as soon as you hit send it's gone it's out of the system there's no you can't do anything else with it you could jump in and say cancel you know the send and all of that but but you're starting over you got to do all of this stuff again I think you can uh cancel and then be something there is a an option where you can devise the yeah you can read yeah it it's but to do the fixes is that it's gone you can't you can't get would you please and go one more time over the transparency box so how do okay steps so got question for to do the transparency box if you did need to do something like that okay you're going to go to tools scroll down use your text box click on it once to activate it and then you click anywhere you want on the body of the of the form by default it's set to transparent background if you ever said oh I want this to be my default for this kind of item that I'm choosing as soon as you set it up the way you want like maybe you want this always to be size 13 for the font size you can click the save default and now every time you use this box it's always that exact same way when you get into the system regardless of what file you're using so we'll toggle the background right select it and now you can fill it in okay click outside of it and now you can click and drag it around you see how the box is filled in now so you just cover the mistake on the you can if if you're doing I mean if you had one little mistake maybe that's what you do you know you might you might like do it on that be easier to go back to the very beginning of yeah it like I said if you have a bunch of uh things to to fix then you just place that over the old price let's say the price is y so so you use so if I wanted to yeah transar yeah so click it ask me if I'm gonna remember delete it here's what I did I just all right how we doing we're going to have to jump over to the other stuff now we got so ble so click it delete it if you need to remove it there's some cool things you can do for highlighting you know if you are like I really want the buyer to understand this one go to the here move this thing down you can do the highlighter select it and you can click and drag and it'll it will you can highlight as much as you want right and it shows up that way same way if you're doing counters let's say you're the second person to get this item and they sent it to you you uploaded it into um your transaction desk because you're going to see later when we're doing anything else you know for the deal that you'll always come back to the same transaction so if I needed to do a strike through I can click this once and say Okay click and it makes a line if you don't then turn it off now you can activate this item oh it should oh come on so here you can change the color the width The Stroke by default I think the system makes it red yeah it makes it so right you can change it to Black you can change the stroke exactly the same way of anything else when you're when you're picking it you have to select it soon as you select it it's you're in the tools and it lets you and you change it change it and now you can say save this as my default and that's always going to be the the way it is when you select that tool um yeah freehand is a freehand and rarely see that one so let's say that okay this transaction's done I'm going to go ahead and get out of this we'll hit save for right now let's say you got the deal it's accepted now you're in the uh time for the inspection right time for the inspection phase you do the inspection okay you log out of the system it's you know five days later soon as you log into transaction desk you have this showing right this is what it shows go to the left hand side to your house go home this list isn't the default list this is the you have a grid list or or the list view personal preference it's all right here you click this to either the Grid or a list I like grid list whatever go back to the transaction you need to work on select it open it well we need this buyer to send the 35r let's jump to forms let's add a form let's click here type in 35r select R 35r see how it shows it in three different ones yeah there's only one in the basket going hit add now we go down to our 35r open it up and everything's filled in already for you it knows who everyone is Mark the Box whatever you're doing we're good now that we're done we actually rather than jumping out saving and exiting we can actually pull this one straight to Athena sign because it's only one form we need signed click the pen on the left hand side NOP right at the top for this one because you're in the form you filled it out it's only one form you need to send it says send this form to athenas sign a look at that know okay the document's there already it's because it knows what you need to sign now who do we need to sign it from the transaction everybody here's our buyers select select oh I need to get this to the title company and to the listing broker oh I want to go to the listing firm automatically change these to carbon copies carbon copy carbon copy select okay now this one didn't automatically throw the names there so we got to use our tools we need to click drag the buyer name for Signature there let go change to the other buyer select grab the sign here that's the full signature let go hit next next done send and it went to the buyer went both buyers as soon as they click and digitally sign and finish it's automatically just dispersed to all those people that you set as a carbon copy and you're and and that's it so it's way faster than going out starting in refilling everything in again it's it's definitely will save you a ton of time all right we need to quickly jump over um and start working on listings okay so we'll head back I'm not going to save on this one if you saved everything you do and if you need to finish later will always be in the signings signings is a fenta sign for this transaction all right let's get out of transaction desk real quick let's jump over to Matrix okay we need to jump to realist we're starting off with a new listing okay I'm going to do a search put in the address or tax ID number find your listing so as soon as you start typing it should find it select it hit search here is our listing this is the this is the right address this is everything's correct look at the top hand side here there's a button what's it say oh transaction desk pull this out of realist take it to transaction desk what do you know here is our form to or uh create transaction dropdown what template do we need oh we need a listing we need a listing this time for the template this one was built in 1972 we need residential listing so be careful remember be really careful when you select your template because whatever you're picking is pulling all the forms and the transaction type for that item so we need a listing residential built prior to 1978 so I'm selecting that import data it says Matrix tricks we actually need realist actually it should have done realist that's actually weird well you have my yeah it shouldn't have done that real well I went from realist it should have pulled it as realist right put the county oh oh I know why it did you guys want to know why it was listed before that's right if it was ever been listed see right here here's an old listing number but it's not but if it's not then it should pull realist that's why so why doesn't it pull realist uh it's been listed before it has not it's just a default it's just the default yeah do we want to get rid of that old list no we it doesn't matter I mean if you do this I think it actually does pull let's I'm going to hit create anyway just for the sake of time and let's see who it adds in there it may actually show the old information here's the address tax ID yeah there's the old list in purchase price mine came up so see how it brought the old house well list price so it depends on which one compensation time blah blah blah fill in all this info we're hit next we don't have any of these dates we don't need these we can Skip it's not a transaction seller yeah see it brought in the old brought in the old people you have so you want to make sure the old listing number is not there otherwise all you'll have to do is you know know who is who if this was our you know it's a different seller or actually no that you took the that old MLS number out yeah you you want to do realist so let's do this let's go back to the house oh no let's go home we made a mistake select this one go to the top actually what I'm going to do real quick is grab the details and get this tax ID number okay and then click the menu and delete this transaction if you needed to start over like you pick the wrong thing you pick the wrong you know template any of that type of situation started from realist again let's try it from this way transaction desk close that one okay we need to make sure it pulls from realist County and we need tax ID number and I'm not the buyer broker I'll be the listing broker we're going to use the wizard use our template or it's not going to bring all the forms for us okay residential listing built prior to 78 I'm the listing broker hit create brought in all the information didn't add in a list price any of that so put in the list price hit next list date going to go live on the 29th when's it going to expire I'll go six months out blah blah okay don't need anything else hit next so it pulled in from the county who's the seller is we need to edit this and it didn't quite fill it out correctly we need the names of the sellers remember fill them in separately you do not want if you more than one person to a transaction each person even if they're using the same email then you know then still make them separate contacts every single time no put it in email AOL legal name oh if this one's a trust or something like that we can say whatever preferred signature whatever and then same thing add to the address book is going to add them in there every single time put it their address automatically fills in because that that's the address to the property I'm going to hit save let's just pretend there's you know this is only one seller let's go next here's our listing information okay it filled in the information for the 1A it put the date that we said was going to be the live date automatically automatically added you when is the the expiration Ona Le live dates down here okay you fill in your compensation amount okay it automates fill in it filled in the bottom info okay let's go we could save and exit to get to the forms list view in Wizard or just go to the next form so filling in all these items I'm going to show you guys how to send the form 17 to the seller so they can digitally fill it in okay so here's in the list I'm going to jump to the input sheet the input form is where you do the most of the work as long as you actually do all of your fill-in in the input form digitally it's going to preserve it in here and when you're ready to input this deal into Matrix how many people is anybody paying anybody to do this for them so if you're doing the work already it's actually done for you let's let's pretend that you got this listing signed already and it's all done this is all filled in all you would have to do is get back to this exact same view okay we're pretending this is all filled in you see this button at the top upload listing this is the button you click it one time it is going it's going to fill in everything that you filled in into the input sheet into Matrix an input as an incomplete listing it's actually going to give you an MLS number of what your listing will be too so that's where the secret button is right here upload listing if this isn't showing and you got it and it's got the icons right you see the you see the little box that's what it is it just that your screen zoomed in too far for it to see the words on the device you're viewing it as so don't click this unless you you got this all done pretty much because it's going to input the listing and give you an MLS number and everything and it's putting it in as an incomplete listing so in your list view of your Matrix right Eric show question Jim deers yeah hey Jim so so on that when I hit upload list and I I want to tweak my remarks or I'm not done it's not going to take it live it's just inactive I can always go back and I can change go back and change yep because it's putting it in as an incomplete listing it's not making it go live on the MLS it's just inputting it it's exactly as if you went into input click the button add a new listing and it what does it show you all the exact same Fields as the input form itself and most people go there and then they're inputting again what you already did as long as you do it one this one time in transaction desk perfect you got to have the form open it's not in any other view you got to be in the form you want inputed whether it be vacant land multifam condo whatever it is the system knows what it is you don't have to do any any other work and you can always go back update it later will it give you the same MLS number or a new one no no no you only want to hit this button one time ever because it's going to input what you what you have in here right all right let's get back let's uh save and exit okay we're in our forms list view now if you needed to send the form 17 to the seller the dots aren't here to send it to the basket right you have to be out of the wizard to be able to do this next step so we're in this listing we're in the transaction go to the right hand side go to the forms you must see the big circle if you don't see the big circle we can't do this step okay seller I want you to fill out your form 17 so let's check the form 17 first to make sure it's filled in at the top it should have they've updated this yeah tells you legal name automatically went there address went here oh is the seller occupying the property they are and now it's time you want them to fill in the form so here are the sellers disclosures from here on down so I need to save and exit be in the in the forms list view select With The Big C Circle the check box on the form 17 now go to the basket open the basket and select the envelope icon this is send via email you can actually fax this form to somebody you could print it you could do it a bunch of different ways but let's go and hit send via email okay who is the person getting it whatever or if you're like oh no I've got the person already in the transaction select the little icon here actually it's not going to do it if I've got somebody filled in okay so select this it knows who that seller was because we told who's who so elect them okay subject is transaction desk message I usually say something like um here's the seller disclosure statement be sure to check one box per line no matter what and if there is any yes answers to the starred questions please answer that question and reference the number on page five and the Box okay something like that or really it should be conversation maybe pick up the phone and explain to the seller you know exactly what they need to do by default it is said as is send as a link you need to check this box or they can't make changes allow editing of forms you have to check this and put the date in which it's going to expire by you better put it out a ways okay so check the box hit that hit send as soon as you do that the client will receive the form 17 just like they see any other any other like um authentic sign item they click and it opens up from that hyperlink exactly in the same view so now they can go through and start making all of their disclosures you know boom boom boom like and you can see the progress yep well no so what you see is a email notification that the client clicked and opened it that's all you will ever get to see it doesn't tell you that now they're finished and everything so you're going to have to kind of communicate to the broker the only time you're going to know when it's done is you know through communication but the next time you come back and you click in to this form from the forms list it will just be filled in so they can click into the box down here and they can you know type in all of the information fill in their EXP explanations in the box and theirs is a little different but it pretty much says save and exit you know for theirs so only time you're going to know is when you're back in this transaction you click your forms list you click on the form 17 you will see that it is filled in right that's yeah but that's how that's how this is process is done tell them not to worry about signing it because you're going to sign everything in aenta sign and and how you do it is exactly the same way we did the purchase and sale agreement you're going to do signings and we need to make a new signing we're going to make the listing package you know whatever the name of the you know the client address whatever you want hit save it pulls this entire transaction uh of the listing into um Athena sign and now we're going to do the exact same thing like we did on our purchase and sale agreements there will be documents the same way if you needed to add things yep legal you do the same thing legal go to the documents you know same exact way we did the transaction you had the add symol if you need to upload anything else close everything's here we need to make our signers who's our signers add our participants from the transaction oh it remembers who everyone in the transaction is don't forget you got to delegate on what type of the of Aigner or whoever they are reviewer CC hit select oh you need to be signing it you're assigner to select soon as you do this the popup box that should oh it should yeah it knows who we are because we designated it there's no cc's in this one at all so it it it automatically placed all your signatures boxes and everything for you on everything initials the only thing you would have to drag and drop for is the legal but there's the form 17 it even does that for everything pamplets are already in there and everything because that was in the forms pack questions I know we did a whirlwind of two hours of transaction desk training but hopefully you learn a lot of different things on I'm trying to do the listing right now and every time I you I'm just doing my name I put my name and then I put this name and I in inputting it from realist and it has an MLS number you got to clear that you don't clear that it's bringing in Old information we did realist we chose realist and put the tax ID number there the tax ID realist of populate no you have to do it you have to do it I think if there's a transaction there previous they replaced it with an MLS number see now it says I have that field has to be so I go in and get it's mandatory you need the the tax ID number without dashes okay without the dash I did tried it with the dash and it did work oh maybe they fixed that they might have fixed it there for a long time it would never take a dash 10 digits not the extra Z yeah well the actual full whatever the tax ID number is on the county that's what you C and paste in there thank you you're welcome other questions you guys good I know the little things it's recorded I'll post it on the YouTube channel so you guys can go back and rewatch I've gone to you so many times to ask you how to send the form 17 I finally did it on my own a couple days ago it's a lot of stuff I know lot of Step yeah you're welcome [Music] Kim you're welcome Jim thank you guys for making it take care you guys have a good one you're welcome Martin good seeing you brother