Transcript for:
Transforming Your Life for 2024

4 3 in this video in this Bible study today I'm going to show you how to make 2024 your best year you've ever had like the best year you've ever had in your life and and and and I'm not going to be doing it from a place of theory I'm not going to be guessing and theorizing and giving you something that I read in a book well it is something I read in the book but the book was the Bible but I've also been applying it and I know that it works because I've been applying it and so I believe the Bible teaches and I'm going to get into it when I get into the text I believe the Bible teaches that human beings are the only thing God created that he created to be progressively productive he didn't create creation to be progressively productive he didn't create creatures to be progressively productive but when he created creatives or creators whatever you want to call us we're Made In His Image he created us to be progressively productive and which means that our lives should be getting exponentially better the longer we live that's just how it works um and and I also happen to believe that just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to get sicker and weaker and then die I believe that the human life was designed kind of like a light bulb it burns brightly its entire existence and one day it burns out right so another conversation for a different day maybe I'll go into that but just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to get weaker and sicker and all more no that's don't let them sell you that lie that ain't how God set it up anyway so in this video how to make how do you going to make 2024 your best year ever I this is something I've been able to do and I'm not oh Mar you've been able to do this you're so awesome sometimes I'm awesome sometimes not so much but I've been able to do it to the degree where our our profits in our business we've had years where our business has grown exponentially end overend right our YouTube channel has grown exponentially end overend um it's like it 2020 2023 whatever that year was just ended was like multiple times better than 2022 was and then I fully expect 2024 to be the exact same thing a replication so I'm going to tell you how that happens and show it to you in the Bible mind-blowingly good okay here we go Galatians Galatians chapter I'm going to start in Galatians then we're going to go back to Genesis because everything starts in Genesis and that's what Genesis means Bret means in beginning okay so here we go Genesis Galatians chapter 3 6: 3-9 here's what it says I'm going to read it slowly so you don't miss all of these beautiful juicy nuggets in here here's what it says it says for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself now it doesn't mean that you're nothing it means you're nothing by yourself right even here here's what Jesus said in in um in John chapter 15 I am the vine you are the branches the branch cannot bear F fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except you abide in me without me ye can and do nothing don't think you're something in yourself of yourself by yourself cuz if you think that you're deceived that's what that verse mean so I just wanted to make give you a little context okay you track it but let every man prove his own work then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another by the way this is one of the biggest problems we have in the United States of America in the world right now is the fact that we Rejoice so much in other people's wins that we think they're our wins what does that mean we are so hyperfocused on the anesthesia of distraction by watching other people win on the electronic income reducer whether that be the TV your iPad your phone or your computer or your smart TV or whatever we watch in Tampa we watch the Tampa Bay Bucks or the Tampa Bay Rays or the Tampa Bay right Lightning win and we say we won no you watch them win not the same thing why don't we go do something in our lives that serves people at such a high level that we winning means I didn't watch somebody else win but I helped somebody else win okay pump the brakes mind you're getting all worked up early keep reading but let every man prove his own work then shall he have rejoicing in himself and not in another for every man shall bear his own burden so some of you may have heard me say in the past every top has to sit on its own bottom that's what I mean now the Bible does tell us to Bear one another's burdens right which means when I'm with you I'm my responsibility to you is to Bear help you bear your burden but when I'm with me my responsibility to me is for me to Bear my burden and not to expect you to Bear my burden just because I expect me to Bear yours did I say that too fast my job is to expect me to Bear your burden but not expect you to Bear my burden even though even though you expect even though I expect you to Bear mine I mean me to Bear yours okay y'all tracking okay so here we go then it says this is so good let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things this is one of okay so a lot of people ask me to teach on tithing okay I'm not going to teach you on tithing right now but I'm going to tell you where I think modern-day Church make a mistake in the concept of tithing in the Old Testament the tithe was like a tax because they lived in a theocracy and the tithe was a tax and the offering was to provide for the work of the temple or the work of the Tabernacle that was what the offering was for but the tithe was the inheritance of the priests and the Levites and it was also the inheritance of the widows and the orphans so the tithe was to take care of the people who served in Ministry and the people who were orphaned or widowed it was not to pay for buildings that are not used 70% of the time I'm like it's in the Bible and so if we're going to trans send or transfer that over to the New Testament then the people who do the work of the ministry see here here's what's really cool about motive motive is a really pure I mean here's what's really cool about money money is a really pure motive if I am paying you to do something for me I know exactly why you're doing it you can't trick me you can't trick me you can't make me think you're doing it because you love me that much now you might do something for me because you love me a lot and I make the mistake of thinking you're doing it because you want me to think that or you might make do something to make me think you love me so much but you're really doing it because you because you want me to think that but I think you're doing it because you really love me are y'all tracking and so like love is not a pure motive I mean it's a pure motive if you have real love that's a pure motive but you it's not a purely perceptible motive money is a purely perceptible motive when I pay you to do something for me I can fully expect you to do that thing because I paid you are you tracking okay so so I think one of the biggest problems we have in modern-day Ministries is well one why am I doing this because I'm getting all sidetracked but I'm going to say it anyway one we have too many preachers and pastors and evangelists and all the rest of that ministers selling blessings oh you saw a seed in my life God's going to bless you I'm G tell you right now you saw a seed in my life maybe God will bless you maybe he won't right so I I don't know I like I am not I don't I don't work in the kingdom of God blessing dispensing department so my job is not to tell you to give me money so God blesses you and I'm not I am not judging anybody I'm talking about me right now now if somebody else wants to think I'm talking about them I'm not I have no judgment for people who do self blessings maybe they're right I know that would not be right for me right because the tithe was supposed to be the first 10% of your increase from your own field so the first seed you have to sew is into your own field which in the Old Testament would be your family business yes and that family business produces an increase and then the tithe of that in incre would go to the workers of the ministry and then an offering would go to support the work of the ministry anyway so there's a little caveat inside the brain of myON when it comes to tithing I would go deeper into that and one day I probably will but it ain't going to be today CU we that ain't going to help that side rabbits are not going to help you get to 2024 but I'm telling you I'm telling you I am going to teach you in this video more about how to make this year your best year ever than any video I've ever done and any video video that anybody else has ever done so don't get distracted just because I'm getting distracted like I'm already doing this right maybe maybe the fact that I'm chasing rabbits is God's way of getting you to pay close attention Okay and maybe not okay anyway it's just a thought just a thought okay so here we go then it says this this is so good verse 7 Galatians 6:7 be not deceived don't be deceived we would say it like this date all right let's don't be confused about it be not deceived God is Not mocked for whatsoever a man Seth that shall he also reap this is known as the universal law it's also known as the law of laws it's also known as the law of the farm I would call it the law of the garden it's the law of sewing and reaping don't be deceived don't be confused don't trick yourself don't fool yourself whatsoever a man Seth that shall he also reap which means if you don't like what you're reaping right now you might want to go find some new seed cuz everything that you have in your life today is the result of seeds you've swn in the past and everything you going to have in your life in the future is based on seeds that you've sewn in the past and ones that you're sewing in the present so if you desire a different Harvest sew a different seed the the principle of sewing and reaping is the principle the scientific principle of inputs and outputs the key to success in life how you going to make 2024 your best year ever I'm going to tell you let me tell you how you're not going to do it you ain't going to do it by trying harder I'm going to work harder at what's not working and then I'm going to be more successful no you're going to be more tired you're not going to be more successful but the way to have more success in 2024 than you've ever had in your past is to change the inputs from the past change the seed and the Harvest will automatically change okay we we going somewhere most people when they think of this verse they think of it negatively like if you do a bad deed it's going to reap a bad Harvest yeah it will but if you do a good deed it's going to reap a good harvest that's the context how do I know well look what it says in verse eight for he that Seth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that Seth to the spirit of the spirit shall reap life Everlasting and let us not be weary in welld doing let's don't get tired of doing good why because in due season we shall reap if we faint not here's what it said don't get tired of doing good because when Harvest time comes we will reap if we don't quit on some people quit because seed time is not Harvest time but I've been sewing and I haven't reaped yet right but here's the thing you don't know when Harvest Time Is God knows that everything is beautiful in his time there's a time to sew there's a time to reap there's a time to build there's a time to tear down that which has been built there's a time to plant there's a time to pluck up that which has been planted there's a time to there's a time to heal There's A Time to Kill what see every season has its own reason and see we think that we get to determine the season I don't get to determine the season here I get to do sew the seed and cultivate the seed until God brings the Harvest I love what Jim Ron used to say Jim rone used to say Jim Jim rone used to say God said you plant the seed I'll grow the tree he said aren't you glad he didn't say I'll plant the seed you grow the tree how do you grow a tree I don't know how to grow a tree but here's what I do know how to do I know how to se see I don't know how to produce an outcome I just know how to put in an input this is why I don't set goals this is why I don't do New Year's resolutions this is why I don't turn over a new Leaf some of y'all done turned over a whole Orchard full of trees a leaf and still in the same place where you were when you turned over your first Lea but instead we got to change the input okay I'm going to get to the point here in a minute all this is foundational be not let us not be weary and well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially under those who are the household of faith what's he saying every deed is a seed that we are sewing into the garden of our future don't get tired of sewing the good seeds of good deeds into the lives of other people they will eventually bring a harvest he who's Faithful over a few things God will make him ruler over many our problem is we want to be ruler over many right now I I was Faithful over a few things for a few minutes can I be a ruler over many now no that's not how it works now here's what's cool we're talking about sewing and we're talking about reaping if we understand how God set everything up by the way I'm about to teach you right now of all the things I've learned in my life I'm 62 years of age I've learned a lot of really really cool stuff I've learned how to play Triads on the guitar in the last couple of months I've learned how to recognize all the notes on the fretboard I've learned some things about different languages I've learned some really cool principles about math and some really cool principles about science and I learned how to read the instrument panel on an airplane and I learned how to communicate with a control tower at an airport I've learned how to do a lot of cool stuff I've learned how to make lots and lots of money but I've learned nothing that's even remotely close to what I'm about to share with you in fact what I'm about to share with you is the greatest success principle I've ever discovered in my life and and it's going and I yes it's simple yes it's simple I'm sorry it's simple but the truth is always simple it's lives that are complicated so what I'm about to do I'm about to move over to my digital Blackboard I'm about to show you some stuff that when you actually get this you will never be the same and I'm glad I'm teaching this in January of 2024 here we go so in Genesis 1 verse number one it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now the first thing that God established was what I call the platform I know I've taught on this before but see here's what I also know you've heard me teach on this before but if you got it you'd already be living it like church got a new pastor Pastor got up preached a sermon was really great sermon all the people loved it okay man I'm glad we got this new pastor next week he showed up preach the same sermon next week he showed up preach the same sermon now the Deacon start having meetings with yall know you keep preaching the same sermon next week he preached the same sermon they came to your pastor you know you preach the same sermon 3 weeks in a row don't you he said yeah he said when you they said when you going to preach a new sermon when y'all start living that one I'm going to preach a new one right so so so I know I've taught this before but don't just hear me say it live it are you tracking y'all tracking okay so the platform in the beginning God created the heavens the Earth that's Genesis 1:1 the platform in the beginning that's time God created the heavens that's space and the earth oh I wrote the wrong thing in the earth that's matter so this is why I call it the platform because this is the arena that we as human beings play in we play in the arena of time space and matter this is so cool this is the first thing that God established he establish the platform we could call it the arena but I'm going to call it the platform okay so the reason reason people don't do better exponentially like God created us to do is because they don't really see the connection and they don't they don't seize the connection that's there so the the platform is time space matter everything that we do in our experience of life as human beings is governed by this platform of time space and matter so in the beginning that's time there was no time before the beginning there was just eternity in the beginning God created the heavens that's space and the Earth that's matter are y'all tracking okay so the next one is the parameters okay now what are the parameters this is the first the this is the first thing that God created like this is the first thing okay this is the first command this is the first command this the first command happened thousands of years before the Ten Commandments the First Command what was the first command okay now here's what's really interesting all of it's really interesting the first thing that God tells us about God is that he's created God is love but that's not the first thing he tells about himself God is omnipotent but that's not the first thing he tells about himself God is omnicient but that's not the first thing he tells about himself God is on my present but that's not the first thing he tells about himself he's judged he's just he's righteous he's holy he's all that none of those are the first things he told us the first thing he told us is that he's creative in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth why did he do that because he's creative and therefore it is his nature to create why is the fact that God's create of the first thing that God told us about himself because he created us in His image so he wanted us to know why he created us which means he created us to create stuff and he made us to make stuff you were put here to create stuff you were put here to make stuff why that's how you exercise your godlikeness okay now here's what God said he said be fruitful parameter number one be be fruitful what is a fruit a fruit is a living organism whose seed is where in itself which means God put the seed inside the fruit so that when the fruit is consumed the seed is the seed is exposed then consumption creates production it's not a bakery there are no pieces of a pie there is no pie then want have too many pieces of pie there won't be enough left fortunately when God created man he didn't put him in a bakery he put him in a garden why because in a garden consumption creates production it's the Genesis okay and God desires for all of us to be producers producers who prosumers producers who consume and consumers who produce if you're only doing one half of either one of those equations you're missing the boat are y'all tracking way at me if you're tracking okay so so be fruitful and then be multiply no that doesn't make any sense be multiply no have multiply no that doesn't make it do multiply is a do God said be fruitful do multiply do replenish do subd be fruitful and do here's what here's what here's the formula B do now here's what's cool B is the input do is the output so do is the output doing is the output of being being is the input Okay cool so being is the whole seed thing okay be fruitful do multiply the word multiply by the way means increase okay which means I'm supposed to increase in what everything I do like I should live a life of increase but not just increase but Perpetual increase today should be better than yesterday this week should be better than last week this month should be better than last month this year should be better than last year more productive I need to have more increase in 2024 than I had in 2023 I need to have more increase in the next decade than I had in the last decade why it's how God made me be fruitful do multiply do replenish what's replenish mean it means fill up the Earth don't buy into this lie that everything that man makes is inorganic like cities are so inorganic a city is as organic as a beaver dam in a Creek in the forest why is it it's as organic like Tampa Florida Miami Florida Chicago is is as organic as a beehive as an eagle's nest why is it that when animals lower life forms bahima in it is what it is when lower life forms use their limited amount of creativity very limited amount to create something to make their lives better we call that organic but when human beings use our Unlimited creativity to make our lives better we call it inorganic you know why because we're deceived by the LIE of the enemy ples Trains and Automobiles are as organic for us as a beehive is for a bee okay I'm going to stop fussing B fruitful do multiply do replenish fill up the Earth with a stuff you increase well if you're increasing it's impossible not to fill up right cuz that's the result of increase and then it says do do do multiply do replenish do subdue what does subdue mean subdue means to trample down hey I thought it was building up why am I trampling down because God is showing us even in his first command that disruption follows intention when you decide to do something that's going to make your life better the first thing that shows up is something hard why because there is no challenge there is no Champion if there is no challenge it's the challenges that make us the champion it's the challenges that give us the opportunity to become a champion do you realize if you have a Super Bowl or an NBA playoff or um a Wimbledon and there are no opponents there can be no Championship it's the things that oppose you that make the things that you're producing more valuable but that why do they make it more valuable because they make you a better person disruption always follows intention okay be fruitful do multiply do replenish do subdue and then the last thing he said have dominion so here's the formula for Success 2024 you you ready I know I've said it before but you didn't get it last time so I'm going to say it again be do have don't be can't do can't do can't have the reason you're frustrated right now is because you desire to have something and have attempted to have something and have set a goal to have something but you've not done the thing that gives you the right to have it and the reason you haven't done the thing is not because you don't desire to do the thing because you've not become the person who can do the thing I believe that every human being the reason personal growth personal development personal preparedness is essential every day of Our Lives Lord teach me to teach us to apply Our Hearts under WIS I mean teach us to number our days that we may apply Our Hearts under wisdom the reason personal development is so important is because I have to be getting better every day to prepare myself for the next day there is no there okay so be do have don't be can't do can't do can't have and most people are frustrated because they desire to have they wrote down on a goal somewhere I'd like to have XY I want to have a million dollar a year without doing the things that'll give you a million dollar a year or without learning how to become the person who can do the things that'll give you a million dollar a year I want to find my husband I want to find my wife in 2024 but here's the problem you're a woman who wants to find a husband but you haven't yet become a wife you want to attract a husband to a girlfriend you want to attract a wife to a boyfriend am I talking too plain you want to attract millions of people to something that has never made a millionaire but this is the thing I love well good you get to love it and be broke doing it I don't I didn't create wealth doing the stuff I love I created wealth doing the stuff other people love I love what Warren weby said I don't love everything he said but this is one that he said that I like he said what I love is my hobbies what other people love is my business that what I said right and so B do have these are the parameters do you realize that being is the seed that produces doing as the Harvest this is so good don't get tired of becoming the person who gets to become the person who can do the thing and I know you can do the thing that you couldn't do yesterday but you've not yet become the person who can do the thing you can't do tomorrow that's why grow growing perpetually is essential if you're going to have success and not just status are y'all tracking so being is the seed to the Harvest of doing but watch this doing is not just the fruit of doing it's not just the fruit of the Harvest but it has seeds in it what is the seed of like doing is the seed of the Harvest of having and this is the Harvest man when you get this when you get this is a wrap because then you can focus on the only metric that you can change anyway which is the only metric that matters you becoming the person who can do the thing I must become better why I'm alive and I'm made in the image of God and I'm not enough like him yet so I'm going to keep on working on me so I can become more like him so I can be better prepared to do the thing he put me here to do and what's cool is I don't have to do it by myself because he planted an aspect of the seed of his creativity inside of me so I can do the thing I can become the person who can do the that I couldn't do yesterday hallelujah hallelujah hallelu that was a false Edo by the way my voice is not that high so be do have now this is so cool because now these are I'm me just put put personality traits okay what are they well this is ident identity so being speaks to who I am that's my identity by the way if you understand this when you see the connection between this time this is so good and this is so good time is the seed of being the reason time exists this this part of the this part of the platform exists for this part of the parameters time exists for the purpose of being anything you're going to become that you're not right now it's going to take time and see your problem is you want to R the wash machine and you want to skip the rent cycle a lot of dudes in here are like what's a rent cycle see my mom taught me how to wash clothes so I know what a rent cycle is right okay anyway you have to go through all of the steps you can't skip steps time it's going to for you to become the person who can achieve the thing that you desire to achieve you have to become the person when you become more obsessed with becoming the person than you are with having the thing that becoming that person will get you that's when you start to grow see I'm hyper obsessed with become myin becoming better I'm not hyper obsessed with making money just happen to make a lot of money because I've been hyp sub hyper obsessed with becoming the best version of myON for decades and I'm not the best version of myON that's why I'm still hypers Su hyper obsessed with it cuz every day I can become better than I was the day before Hallelujah so time is a platform and it exists for the purpose of being we don't say to my four-year-old granddaughter here here's the keys go to publ and get me some almond milk not that she's incapable just she hasn't grown into the person who can drive a car yet she can drive her little cars but she can't drive my car yet right she's not yet become the person in order for her to be become the person it's not going to take more lectures from me and more lectures from her parents to help her become the person it's not going to take more of her trying harder to become the person none of that has anything to do with it you know what it's going to take it's going to take time and consistency and her developing every day and see here's the problem we graduate from high school and we stop growing and we graduate from college and we stop growing and we get a promotion or our job we stop growing or We join a mastermind and have some success we stop growing but if you will hyper obsess over becoming the person can solve the problems of your ideal Avatar if you a hyper success over H hyper obsess over that oh all the success you've ever sought will show up in your life when you least expect it or when you most expect it it doesn't like it becomes nebulous see you set goals because somebody you respect told you to set a goal and then when you don't have it you're disappointed and then you become apprehensive about setting another goal but I'm telling you right now just don't set the goal set the input objectives I'm going to become a person who can do this I'm going to become a person who reads my Bible every day I'm going to become a person who reads a personal development book every day I'm going to become a person who prays for my family every day I'm going to become a person who looks for opportunities to serve people every time I'm around a person I'm going to ask myself how can I serve them how can I serve them how can I serve them how can I serve them how can I become a person of service how can I be because you can't become a person of value to people until you're seeking to serve them and you're going to take like and then then you can let the process takes as long take as long as it takes like we have 550 something thousand subscribers on YouTube would I love to have 5 million yeah guess when I have 5 million when the inputs of me becoming a better YouTuber produce the result of me having 5 million subscribers and until then I got what I got until I become more than I've been and I'm telling you like you look at me and you think I'm good at YouTube I look at me and think I haven't even gotten started like I'm still like every day YouTube is one of a part of my business is a very important critical part part of my business every day I learn something about YouTube that I didn't know the day before and every time I do a video on YouTube I learn something about YouTube that I didn't learn that I didn't know before I did it and so you want to be good without the iterations but I'm here to tell you there is no good without the iterations and the iterations prede the being good by years sometimes I'm okay with that though I'm not in a hurry I decided when I became hyper intentional on YouTube that I'm going to post at least one YouTube video a week for 10 years and maybe in 10 years I will be good and maybe in 10 years I'll have a million subscribers and if I do that's great and if I don't that's great but what I am going to do is I'm going to hyperfocus on this part I'm gonna let the and then I'm going to do at least one video a week now we're up to seven videos a week right but we would never be at seven videos a week if I wouldn't have committed to doing one and then learning the lessons from doing one and then doing two and then learning the lessons from doing two oh we can do do then we at one point we did three long form videos a week sometimes we still do but not you say Mar what are you saying I'm saved King Solomon said one of the reasons he wrote the Book of Proverbs was to to um to receive instruction of wisdom wisdom is skill so to receive instruction from doing the thing that you can only learn when you're doing the thing see you want to learn lessons before you get started you know what people who succeed do they get started so they can start learning lessons that's why I don't set goals it's input I'm going to do the thing I don't care how it's going to turn out some kind of way and guess what I can do once it turns out some kind of way that I can't do if I don't do it I can measure how it turned out I can monitor what that result is I can make adjustments and I can control my next input but if I don't do it I don't have anything to measure my monitor or adjust or control how many youall tracking and see some of you you don't have any like you don't have anything to measure monitor adjust and control because you're waiting until you have a perfect seed before you sew it there is no perfect seed there's just good seed and all good seed don't fall on good ground and that's okay some seed some of the seed that you sew out into the marketplace is going to fall on the ground of misunderstanding it's going to cause people to misunderstand you it's going to cause them to call you names it's going to cause them to judge your content and then you're going to buy oh I need them to believe in me though I can't create anything because they said something bad about me or negative about me in my comments oh what was me man up woman up quit tripping stop acting like a baby okay in Christian love okay so so the purpose of time is becoming but the purpose of space is doing like this is another seed for doing if I'm going to do something I need a space By the way you want to create something you want to write a book you want to write a book give yourself some time set a time this is when the book's going to start this is my objective of getting it done by and then give yourself a space this is where I'm going to work on my book you want to do an event set a time then get a book of space nobody shows up but you at least you showed up and you learn something okay be do the purpose of matter is having the this is the SE this is the seed and the Harvest like I don't deserve to have until I do something now so so time becoming this is my identity but here's the problem with identity most people have no idea who they are you know why because you've already bought into your Li dentity you know what your liid dentity is right that's all the things all the people in your past told you you are not either by their words or by their actions and you bought into it you bought into your Li identity so you have no room inside you for for your identity you believe so much in who you're not that there's no room in you for who you are and you're always attempting to overcompensate for who you think you're not because they told you you're not and they told you the the miseducate the the so-called teachers in the Mis educational misdirection system told you you have a learning disability and you believe them they told you you're not smart and you believe them so you've been going around fulfilling their lying prophecy about your life your whole life and you think you're not smart because they told you you weren't smart and you don't even know they told you they you weren't smart cuz they were having a bad day you're you're still attempting to overcompensate for the coach that cut you when you were in junior high school and prove that you're good enough you're responding to your identity or worse than work like doing your best to overcome that the identity you hide behind it you hide behind your identity I'm I'm not important I can't be loved I can't be I people I don't I don't want to be around people people people are the problem no your perception of people is the problem in your identity our identity sometimes comes from people that we love can you imagine if when Joseph's brothers hated him for his words and his dreams he said well I guess this is not a good dream I'm going to see if I can't go find me another one can you imagine if David would have bought into the LIE of his brothers we know your naughty your pride and the naughtiness of your heart you came down to see the battle David was the youngest so I know he was a smart out no offense to my youngest brother I know he's a smart outl cuz little brothers and little sisters know how to needle older brothers and older sisters can I get a witness so if I were David or here's what I think David said knowing what I know about little brothers and older brothers David said What battle y'all ain't fighting y'all had I didn't come down to watch y'all had I'll fight y'all can watch me fight right but what if David had bought into his identity and said well they think I'm just trying to be prideful I don't want to be misunderstood so I'm going to prove that I'm not prideful so I'm going to go back to my dad's house and let them fight the giant or keep hiding from it you cannot let your identity control your actions you are only who God says you are and no one else you're not your Li identity you're not your myidentity which is your your attempt to overcompensate for your Li dentity it's just a different kind of identity I'm going to do this to prove that I'm more than they told me I wasn't and you ain't that either can I get a witness but I am telling you if you don't know it yet I'm going to give everybody a little eye contact so you can know I'm talking to you if you don't know it yet I know you are great I know you are great in the I know you're great even if you don't know it how do you know my how do you know I'm great I know you're great because you're made in the image of a great God how could you be anything other than great you were created for a great purpose why am I struggling you're struggling really hard right now because the purpose that God created you for is bigger than you are right now and the only way for you to get bigger is for you to stay in the furnace until the one who quenches the fire shows up and shows out so this is your identity and if you don't know who you are you can't do like you're everything you do is misguided when you don't own your identity I am who God made me to be I'm going to do what he called me to do what he created me to do and some people going to like it some people going to hate it my job is not here to please people and serve myself my job is to please God and serve people period and I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do it if it makes me a lot of money or if I end up living under a bridge I'm going to do what God put me here for if it finds me a spouse I'm going to do it with a spouse and if I'm single for the rest of my life I'm going to do it single if it builds me a successful business I'm going to do it if I've got to get a job at McDonald's I'm going to keep fulfilling my purpose and let that take me where only that can take me and wherever it takes me I'm cool with it I'm so cool with it I don't want to fool with it I'm going stay on track then you're you're doing this speaks to your activity most people think that the way to have more okay this is your property the way to have more property is to do more activity but when you attempt to do more activity without increasing your identity all you're going to do is frustrate yourself because you are attempting to do more than you are it can't happen that's like it's like it's like attempting to drive your car farther than the amount of gas you have in it it can't work the gas is the input that keeps the engine running the being is the input that keeps your activity running so this identity is the seed of activity and activity is the seed of property and what you do is you try to intensify this this is called trying harder this where everybody tries harder stop trying harder and just like ask God to show you who you are and then when he shows you believe him more than you believe your third grade teacher more than you believe your seventh grade coach more than you believe the boss that hated you more than you believe your spouse who abused you more than you believe your parents who abandon you more than you believe anybody believe what God says about you he's getting you ready for what he already has ready for you and you can't win in 202 can't do more in 2024 can't get in a higher gear in the new year until you own the identity that God gave you I had Polio as an infant I'm colorblind dyslexic if I went to school today they'd send me home with a note to my parents your son has ad d d a d h d a b c d e f g they send me home with the whole alphabet you know why cuz it was hard for me to pay attention in school and it wasn't because I had ADHD yeah they had KP a d what's that k k uh k m a d you know what that is keep my attention deficit they were boring anyway huh I am here to tell you this is game changer it'll change your life for the rest of your life like if you hyper like if you hyperfocus here this will be the natural outcome like sew into the being read more books pray more and ask God to reveal you to who you are and then once you find out who you are like do not procrastinate becoming because what's here's what's really interesting like becoming is about learning and growing right but one it's it's fascinating some people don't do more because they don't know what to do some people don't know more because they're not doing the things they know one of the keys to learning more like to getting more of God's purpose revealed to you is doing the stuff he already showed you if any man will do his will he shall know the doctrine oh so doing what I know is a precursor it's a prerequisite to knowing to going to doing to becoming got it I have to be willing to do the stuff I already know so here here's here's how most people live their lives God I'm going to ignore the last 75 things you told me to do can you show me something new Heaven's open no go do the last thing and the thing before that the thing before that and the thing before that how many y'all tracking I'm telling you if you will do this oh by the way what do we read be not deceived God is Not mocked for whatsoever man Seth that shall he also reap he that Seth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that Seth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life Everlasting and let us not be weary and well-doing don't get tired of sewing into the becoming because in due season when it's our time we shall reap if we faint not I was I was talking to one of my mentors recently last year went to Pennsylvania one of my mentors when I was broke as a joke and ready to choke this is back in the early 2000s late 90s I no it was late 90s like he was my mentor I was in a multi-level marketing company he was my upline he was making 990,000 a month in the in the in the 90s when 990,000 a month was like way more than it did right now you understand how inflation works right there are only $1 million in circulation there are more than that if as soon as they create print another million and put it in your dollar that every dollar you had before is now only worth 50 cents okay that's how inflation Works they print more money and the money that you have becomes worth less okay so so back in the ' 90s 90,000 a month was a lot of money a lot more than it is right now and so I had I had lunch with him and I bought him lunch cuz he was he was he was my mentor like he traveled all over the country and even out of the country to do trainings for me and my team and my team was like really really little I was making you know few thousand you know 5 6 thousand a month but I was working and I was producing some revenue for him and he supported me and when I was really broke he even loaned me some money one time and told me I didn't even have to pay him back like to me what was a lot of money back then like $7,000 said I don't worry about it like what so I went to lunch with him recently last year I said I just want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship appreciate your example appreciate you being a Believer who actually Liv lives the stuff you talk about and being such a good example in business I appreciate that you know he said something to me he said my you passed me a long time ago but if that's true and I don't know that it is but if that's true one of the reasons I passed him a long time ago because I wasn't racing with him I was racing with me I can only run my race here's the cool thing the race you're in the only thing you have to do to win it is finish it because you're the only one in it live your life in your purpose live your life on purpose find some people to serve be do have in 2024 your life will change forever this is the last thing I'm going to say how do we how do we how do we increase our awareness of our identity through a concept that I call intentionality what does that mean I become hyper intentional when I become hyper intentional it increases my awareness of who I am are y'all tracking okay um so intentionality what's the opposite of intentionality distraction here's what's really interesting if you read the Bible one of the things you'll notice it's it's in any Endeavor in life in which you're going to improve dting the don'ts is the priority over doing the Dos stopping the things that won't get you there will produce a multiplied effect over just doing the things you're supposed to do what do I mean by that if you stop eating the things that contribute to poor health that will impact your health faster than just working out more Fitness Nutrition without Fitness is inefficient but Fitness without nutrition is dangerous you need both but stop eating the stuff like I got stuck I gained a bunch of weight when I was traveling to Inda last year I got stuck 192 and I was doing all these working outs like a crazy person wasn't losing any weight and I said okay no more cards until next year and it's already next year and still no more cars but I lost 11 to 12 pounds over that time it just fluctuates back and forth each day not by working out harder I worked out less but I cut off all the stuff that was contributing to the outcome I didn't desire most of the things that we are doing in our lives that are causing us to push our success further into the future are the distractions that we're focused on by Distraction I mean anything we're focused on that doesn't move the needle in our favor anything you're focused on in your business that doesn't move the needle in your favor is a distraction you be the opposite of distraction is intention our activity we we increase our activity with Ingenuity how many have ever felt stuck Ingenuity I felt stuck well Ingenuity is I use my ingeniousness to discover an approach I didn't have before y does that make sense so I keep doing a different approach it's like when I was working with my dad I learned this when I was in elementary school my and my dad we were working on an old flood car we were attempting to take off the exhaust manifold one of the bolts was froze I mean was rusted on we tried a torch we tried to hammer in a chisel nothing was coming off my mom called us for lunch we're going in for lunch I said Dad it won't come off he said oh it's coming off it's coming off he said you know why it's coming off son I said no sir cuz we got a brain it don't have a brain H what what he saying he's saying we're going to use our Ingenuity it can't come up with any new ideas all it can do is what it's already doing but we can keep attempting different approaches until we find one and then we increase our property with intensity I'm telling you when we apply this to our lives it will take us to a level that we did not know existed I'm I'm not giving you a theory I'm not telling you it's St my bread in a book I've learned this by watching the results of the outcome of all these seeds I've been sewing over the last couple of decades I I'm [Applause] so joyful for you because when you do this I know it'll work I don't hope it'll work I don't think it'll work I know it will work it already works it's a principle it's it's it's it's God's automation it's already woven into the fabric of the universe and now it's your turn to win go make 2024 using these principles go watch this video every day if you have to go make 2024 your best year ever I promise you if you will focus on this you'll be blown away come December 31st 2024 in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best I hope this video blesses you bye for now