Transcript for:
Understanding the True Gospel and Misconceptions

like i said this is a um extremely um in-depth teaching so we're just kind of touching on the beginning of it we got a video that we did um that we recorded last shabbat but we was in the middle of it so i just kind of want to get everybody up like up to speed before i try to post that video right so if you got it you're looking at it um so what is the gospel and we just click through the next slide we're going to start talking about it so it says what is the gospel Now, traditionally in your mainstream churches, this is what you hear. The gospel is the good news that God became a man and Jesus Christ and lived and that the life we should have lived and died, the death that we should have died in our place. Three days later, he rose from the dead, proving that he's the son of God and offering the gift of salvation for all those who repent and believe the gospel. Now, that's a big, long definition, but it's not entirely true. okay um there's truth in it but basically just giving the surface of what the gospel really is um there's some misconceptions about the totality of what the gospel is supposed to do um for instance when it says uh the gospel was the good news that god became a man jesus christ and he lived that life should should have lived and all these other things they're talking about um for all who repent and believe the gospel that is true but there's an order of how the things are supposed to go that's what we're about to get into all right so you go to the next slide the gospel has three main functions um number one jesus removed the penalty of sin then the in theological terms they call that justification uh number two jesus removes the separation caused by sin they call that reconciliation and number three jesus removes the power of sin they call that sanctification All these things also are partly true.

In most churches, the way they teach it is that Christ died on the cross, so now we're all free from sin. That's not true. I mean, there's a guy named Joseph Prince. He has videos all over.

A lot of people follow him. In Christian circles, he has this doctrine called hypergrace. And hypergrace is supposed to mean because Christ died for you, sin doesn't exist anymore.

I mean, it's went all the way to the left. So we know that sin... um still exists and the penalty for sin definitely exists it was never done away with the penalty for sin is still still intact um what he did was he allowed us a way to be redeemed through him that we wouldn't be able to um incur that penalty when we walk in this truth so what we're trying to do right now again is try to completely understand how we walk in that truth um the number two when it says jesus removes the separation caused by sin also partly true yes if you walk into the truth if you're not walking in the truth he has removed the separation that sin causes we know when we when we sin we turn away from the most high right i mean it's just common it's common sense so um that barrier that separates us is something of our own doing and it's nothing that um that has been like magically removed since christ rose from the dead um number three it says jesus removed the power of sin by um sanctification um again half true yes When you walk in the spirit, you're walking in the Ruach.

The Ruach leads and guides you in all truth. So if he's leading and guiding you in all truth, you're not walking in sin, then the sin doesn't have the authority over you. So when you're born again, the thought is that your mind has been reborn and your heart has been circumcised to the fact that sin doesn't have the dominion over you.

But at the same time, again, if we walk in sin, we're going to receive the penalty and the separation that sin brings. everybody everybody kind of got me all right let's keep moving all right so you see the slide it says false facts i'm going to get into that we're going to start um open it up so next slide says the true gospel um what is it really about so that's what we're going to talk about because if we know what christ did we know what the mashiach did right we know yahushua did for us we know that um our hearts were evil and i going even back to our ancestors even in the scripture we read in deuteronomy um the scriptures from the jump street was telling us to circumcise not only our body but our hearts you know what i our ancestors had stick neck stick neck and you know hard hearts and because of that the penalty fell upon them and then yada yada we end up in captivity in the whole nine but there's an actual application with the hebrew there's always something that's um uh direct or concrete that goes along with the spiritual you So in the Hebrew mind, not in the Greek mind, but in the Hebrew mind. There is a physical and a spiritual salvation. Everybody get what I'm talking about? Physical and spiritual salvation.

So the gospel or the good news is about that physical and spiritual salvation, not just a spiritual salvation. Let's keep going. All right.

Truth is a new hate speech. Very, very, very, very true statement. And it says, you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. So the things that we're going to discuss today on the surface sound harsh, but they're not. I mean, everything that is written in the scripture is written for a reason.

And we know that the Bible says that he's not, the scripture tells us that the Most High is not the author of confusion. So everything has to be done in order, right? and so it's not that um people you know let me get to that i'm kind of getting ahead of myself let's just get into this all right we talked about this last time in the ownership vibe but the top 10 alternative facts concerning the faith right all right we all know that the letter j didn't exist to about 500 years ago right so Now, again, what I'm saying is I'm not we're not amongst those people that's going to go battle people over names and all that kind of stuff.

That's not what we're doing. We're getting a proper understanding. Right. All right.

So the letter J is only 500 years old. They were they were not calling the Mashiach Christ, nor were they calling him Jesus. Right. And we know, again, what the Hebrew names are.

and that's variation of the Hebrew name. Some people use the modern Hebrew. They use the modern Hebrew.

Some people use the paleo or the original Hebrew. But saying that to say, we know his name ain't Jesus. I'm just gonna keep going.

Jesus was not a Jew, right? The Jews didn't exist. I mean the terminology Jew didn't exist in the 1600s.

So no, Jesus was not a Jew. Somebody asked me that this week. Said, was Jesus a Jew? Like no, he was not. He was a Yahudim.

he's of the tribe of Yehudah okay um another fact we say Jesus did not replace Israel with the church there are some doctrines out there they believe that it's the gospel to the church and then there's the gospel to the heat to the Jews whatever whoever they are right no such thing right starting from the beginning if you go back in the scriptures if you go to um uh to the Pentateuch you'll see that in the actual scripture it was written and this will be one law for the stranger and for the bloodline okay there's not two different laws I mean I don't know what even got that from me you can go back to some people believe there's a law of God and there's a law of Christ absolute nonsense oh there's one way alright so Christ did not replace Israel with the church alright number five the church was never called the church what so we've been conditioned to think these things we've been in it for a hot minute but um but no it was never called a church i'm gonna dig into what it was originally called and this reason why you don't see like see that term really used in um you know in the first half of the book but you hear all the other terms we use congregation assembly you all those terms you don't hear the term church we'll get into that term later on um jesus is not part of a trinity or yahushua is not part of a trinity right so you don't exist the Trinity is a pagan concept the Trinity is a bomb only is a pagan concept it is a ancient concept predating the birth of the Messiah okay the Trinity came up post-flood started with Nimrod his wife Samarimus and his son Tammuz okay so um the Hebrews matter of fact we can get into the sheet Shema Shema, Israel, Yahweh Eloheinu, Yahweh Akkad. Here Israel the Lord our God is one Lord in English right so the first thing a Hebrew learns from day one is that the Most High is one okay that's reason why the Mashiach every time we ask a kid about how him and his father are one right getting to that later on but saying that to say so The concept of three gods was always a pagan concept. and then you're gonna have arguments with people or you have discussions with people which a lot of times turn to arguments and they're gonna say stuff like um well you know three guys you know it's not really three guys but they all won but if you look at the doctrine of trinity the definition of trinity is that there are three separate people okay and the first thing i ask people are like okay so let's say i'm gonna um give you that so let's you know let's go through that so if uh the father name is yahuwah or people say the lord in christianity and the son name is yahushua or jesus then who the holy ghost name what's his name why is he left out where is he at when they doing stuff like again how can he be a separate thing and then when the scripture to tell us from from a beginning to the end that it's one one spirit one one um lord one faith you know one master one faithful baptism all that stuff anyway we'll get to that later on this teaching Jesus did not found Christianity, Constantine did.

Now, there's a difference between, and people say, well, the word Christians in the Bible, it is, right? But there's a difference between the Christians and Christianity, right? Brother, you know, Yoshiyahu got a good teaching on that online.

He's talking about how the word Mashiach, which, you know, translates as Christians. Basically the concept was it was what is it in essence is what we call messianics today Everybody get what I'm saying. You might need me to explain explain a messianic Okay, so you're right.

So you got the Hebrews, huh? Okay, so okay all right all right shalom brother so um basically it's like this when you when you look in christendom you got the church and then people tell you you have the jew or the jewish people right so you have two different segments of the jewish people you got the people who claim they are non-messianic in other words the ones who believe in the messiah and you got the other ones who don't believe in the messiah everybody catch that So the ones who believe in the Messiah are called Messianics or they believe in the Messiah. So the reason why they would use the term Mashiach or, you know, in Greek, the anointed ones, the Christianos or, you know, being Christians is because they're talking about these Hebrews who believed in the Messiah. Everybody got me on that? So.

We look at on the back end we look at Christian as being like a whole other religion that was started started by Christ that Christ came and started his new religion he he did not in the term Christian wouldn't even apply that way the way they apply Christian was or um Christiano uh Christos whatever way you want to pronounce it they were talking about the the Hebrews who believed in the Messiah versus the Hebrews who did not believe in the Messiah they already got me okay all right so Constantine founded Christianity right and I know people argue me argue me on that point I'm gonna give you Constantine's Creed and you gonna understand why he found a Christianity later on his teaching all right Jesus did not remove the penalty of sin the penalty of sin is live and well Bob says when sin is finished and bring forth what yeah right we still dying right okay and people if they live in in sin they will incur the second death so He didn't do away with it. All these are all like misnomers. I mean you can talk about christianity, right? Jesus did not die for the whole world.

Okay, this is the other thing that's i'm explaining. Okay, so they're like no had to be What are you talking about blah blah blah i'm going to explain i'm going to give you what the scriptures actually say About why and how he died and the bible says that he died according to the scriptures now I'm going to preface that before I even get to that point. When I say that Jesus Christ did not die for the whole world, what I'm telling you is that it ain't that he didn't bring salvation to the world. You understand what I'm saying? That's not what I'm saying.

I'm not saying that he didn't bring salvation to the entire world. What he did was he died for a certain group of people. So the salvation would be.

for the entire world. Did everybody get what I'm saying? They're right there? Okay, so I'm explaining it a little bit deeper, but I'm gonna give you a little bit right now.

So this is the reason why the scripture says stuff like it says that that Christ died for those who for the circumcision are the ones who are under the circumcision, right? Now, and the ones who are under the not the ones under the circumcision, but the ones that are under the laws, the people of the circumcision. okay so who were given the laws according to scripture the Israelites right who were the circumcision in Scripture the Israelites right okay so when the scripture says that he came and he died for them it's a reason and if you look at all the prophecies you can start understand it's not um mo mo do a great teaching on this and he explains what a kingdom is so for instance you have a business you won't eventually you want customers to come to your business right i know ty you know all about business you you're the businessman right so when you make when you create establish your business do you go get customers or do you have a staff first before you get a staff Right, right, but I'm saying that you got to have actually a structure of that business. You do, yes, you do. You have to build a structure, you can build a structure.

Right, right, because there has to be somewhere where they can come in, unless it's a mobile business, but let's say if it's a brick-and-mortar business. Right. You know, you got to have somewhere to retail, you got to have... Yeah, where the brick-and-mortar staff and the system are. Right, so it works the same way with a kingdom.

So in order for you to have a kingdom, you got to first... have rulers you got to have a location you got to have a you got to have laws you got to have all these things to be able to build up a kingdom if you have a kingdom and this we get to that too about the law but if you have a kingdom without no laws will not without any rulers what do you have you have anarchy right so in order for you to establish a kingdom you got to have the people in place who are going to rule the kingdom so this is the reason why when the scripture says those things about christ dying for the house of israel and i'm i'm gonna give you you know we're getting to those scriptures i'm gonna show you that later on it's teaching it literally says he died for the house of israel but the reason why he died for the house of israel because the house of israel are the basically they're the backbone of the kingdom so the in order for the kingdom to be established israel has to be established first everybody got that so this is why paul says to the what to the yahoo dean first and then the Greek. In other words, to the Jew first and then the Greek.

He says what? Blessing and cursing. I'm paraphrasing, but that's what we read in all the scriptures. That's what he says. Blessing and cursing first to what?

To the Jew first and to the Greek. Because it is the Yahudim and the Northern Kingdom or Israel or the whole house of Israel who sets up the kingdom and allows the nations to be able to come in and receive salvation. and it's certainly ones who decide to because not everyone will but so this is the purpose of israel and that's what you know you talk about the difference between um following the scriptures according to the way they're written and following the scriptures the way people want to present them when they got a they got an agenda there are people out there who um when they go around yelling screaming at people and telling every gentile that they're gonna be they're gonna be their own sex slave and all kind of nonsense like that because they don't understand scriptures Because the purpose of Israel is to be a light for the Gentiles. And the Bible says that the law will flow forth from Jerusalem in that time period and that the Gentiles will flow into the kingdom. And there will be certain ones that will, certain strangers, according to scripture, that will join themselves with the house of Israel.

But Israel has to be in righteous standing first. Israel has to be in the land first. Israel has to be redeemed first.

It is Israel who are Israel who are in violation of the scriptures. right remember the covenant is was with the house of israel everybody got me so this is the reason why israel needed to save it israel needs to save it right now y'all saw that this week flando castile um all the stuff that's going down all this tribulation and anguish that we we have as people we're still we still needed to which we have our deliverer but we have to walk in a way that the deliverer can fulfill the things that he has put in place for us, our inheritance and our heritage. So, and this is nothing new. The Israelites basically been in some type of oppression since right after the time of David. And this ties directly back to the gospel.

So what is the gospel about? When we read the gospel, when we actually did the chapter that talks about the gospel, you will see why it's written the way it's written. Okay. All right.

So. Jesus is not taking people to heaven. Okay, the concept that we've learned in church Over the years is that you know, you hear songs like I'll fly away You know, you believe you're gonna sprout wings and we're gonna fly up to heaven and we're gonna be with the Lord forevermore, right? You know in general we've been taught that you know, we got it real hard down here But when we die, we'll go up to heaven.

We'll see the streets of gold we'll see little um little uh fat angels with um with harps flying around in the air the baby fat angels and stuff like that all that stuff is from greek from greek thought that is not what's about to happen the concept in scripture is our father which are in heaven thy kingdom what come thy will be done where on earth as it is in heaven okay so in the hebrews the hebrews understood that there's a future kingdom that's coming to earth not us going up to heaven okay the concept of us going up to heaven and being in the cosmos all this stuff again to come from greek thought that's the greeks um the epicurus and the um stoics and all them they believed that the body was a um was a prison and they'd be away from the body in rome the cosmos the highest existence so this is the reason why when you read when paul goes to mars hill in the book of acts he started preaching them resurrection and they thought he was a fool like because then the mindset why would you want to be trapped inside of a body that was the mindset like no no you need to roam the cap the the cosmos and be with the gods of olympus and that that nonsense so but that greek thought had trickled into the church and so that's the reason why people think that man you can go to heaven and walk the streets of gold when the bible says the streets of gold are coming down out of heaven to right john didn't see the new jerusalem in heaven he saw new jerusalem come down out of heaven so this is the concept but these are all misconceptions where we at at time let's see 43 okay we're getting to a couple slides um so i'm giving y'all the overview before we get into this big teaching and we're only going to touch like a smidgen of this okay so let's keep going Precept on precept, line upon line. Now when we teach scripture on a Shabbat, that's exactly how we do it. If you really want to understand scripture, you got to understand that there's two basics that you need to understand.

For one, we know people call it the Old Testament. I hate to use that term, but I have to do it for general understanding. The New Testament, on the other hand, is a commentary on the Old Testament. It is not a different gospel.

It is not a new religion. It is a commentary. And y'all know what I mean when I say commentary, right? It is a series of writings of people explaining the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

So when they write, when they actually wrote their scriptures, and if you pay close attention, when you study the scriptures, Paul will write something and he'll be like. as it is written in Isaiah. Then you write something like as it is written in Jeremiah or as it is written in Joel, you know, like what Peter would write. So what are they doing is they give you footnotes, right?

These footnotes are for you to go and reference what they're talking about. So when they write as it is in Joel, as it is in Jeremiah, as it is in Isaiah, as it is in Ezekiel, when they're saying these things, it's literally a commentary for you to go and research and get the whole concept. what's being said because if you don't go and read that whole chapter or Lots of times sometimes even a chapter before that you won't get the whole context and you're not fully understanding what they saying They've already got me.

All right, so I said 28 9 through 12 says this who shall he teach knowledge and whom shall you make the understand? Doctor, that's what we're talking about right now. Like how do you understand the scriptures?

How do you study scriptures? What's the best way to understand it? It says then there are winged from the milk drawn from the breast for pre-salt must be upon pre-sale line upon line here a little and there a little for the stammering lips and another tongue while speaking to this people right now I'm going to the next scripture but so he's telling you that when you understand scripture you got to take a line here and you got to take a line there you got to compare them and what they do is they build upon each other they don't count they don't counteract they don't rule out they build upon each other okay so let's look at these scriptures alright so what is the gospel we get to do about four more slides we wrap this up all right luke 4 um 17 through 21 and there was delivered unto him a book of the prophet isaiah it says isaiah but it means isaiah and when he had opened the book he found a place where it was written and he saw it's read so who was the he anybody know who's the he jesus or yahushua right so yahushua goes to the temple and he opened up this book right now we're talking about what is the gospel you what are we supposed to be following because anytime you're talking about the faith the first thing people say is the gospel so what exactly is the gospel so the mashiach walks into the temple he walks into the synagogue or the temple opens up the book and he starts reading this right here and we're gonna we're gonna go like i just told you scripture is what line up line up online piece upon precept so we're gonna go to his precept that he's giving us right now but we're gonna read what he said at first okay so here we go the spirit of it says lord i'm gonna give you the hebrew names right the spirit or the ruach of yahuwah is upon me because he have anointed me to preach it is out the gospel to the who to the poor listen closely now to the poor he has sent me to heal the way brokenhearted to preach deliverance to who all right So the first thing you understand is that whatever this gospel is, it's to the brokenhearted, it's to the captives.

And then we go on to talk about those who are blind. So you got to find out who are these people that's broken, these people who need deliverance, who are in captivity. Y'all catch that? The gospel is specific of who it's talking about. So let's keep going.

And the recovering of sight to the who? and set at liberty those that are what? Blind and bruised, right? So these people that are hurt. So it's a group of people that are hurt and they are captives.

And so he said, he said, the Messiah, when he read this book, he says, the Ruach or the spirit is upon me to preach this news to those people that are in captivity. Everybody catch that? Okay.

the concept we've learned in in churches that this gospel is to everybody but you you listen when he says to those that are that um that are um need deliverance but that are captive everybody's not a captive right no they got to be a captor and a captive right right so so we're getting the specificity of this gospel already but let's keep going to preach the acceptable year of the lord or the yahuwah right and he closed the book now he only read a couple of verse and he closed the book I'm gonna go into the whole chapter okay and the second and then we gonna try to wrap this up and so we got through the first couple slides he says he closed the book and he gave it to the minister and he sat down so Christ he goes in the Messiah reads the scripture about preaching this good news or this gospel to these people that are captives and he closed the book and he sits down right and he says in the eyes of them that were in the synagogue they were fast on him and he began to say to them so after he closed it he said this this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears okay what that he's preaching these this good news to those that are captives now if you when you study the whole book of Luke and Matthew you will see that there's at that time they were actually still Hebrews that was in slavery there was a synagogue um near alexandra it was called the synagogue of the libertines right well not in alexandra but my bad but in um jerusalem it's called the synagogue of the libertines it was built by freed slaves in israel so not only did you have um hebrews that was in servitude hebrews that was in slavery hebrews being oppressed by the um by the romans um If you read another scripture, you talk about how at one point in time, the disciples came to Christ, and they said, Christ, you know, the Romans. took a hebrew killed him drained his blood and put it in their sacrifices this is how barbaric the things that was happening to israel um were at that time period people just for a long time i just read read that go right over the dude was killed and drained of his blood to be mingled in their sacrifices this is how wicked these people were at the time so they needed a deliverer So that's what all this is about. So anyway, so Christ reads this excerpt about the recovery of the sight of the blind, to free those captives, and to heal them that are bruised.

He closed the book, and he said, this day this will fill in your ears. Now I'm going to ask y'all, why do you think he closed the book? Any ideas?

He talks about vengeance or... exactly exactly great job man that like alright so you're already on the path because it the time wasn't for the next part of this scripture the next part of the scripture is about to happen but all of it is the gospel okay this is the other part of the gospel that nobody wants to talk about they want to talk about because all these things in the Greek mind or abstract So because the Greeks think abstract, they're like, okay, yeah, yeah, you know, brokenhearted dose. I'm brokenhearted. I've had some trouble.

You know, I, you know, I had my, my, my grandma died. My family lost some money in the business. You know, I've had some hard times.

So just talking to me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is to a specific people.

And when you read the whole gospel, you're going to understand this. Okay. So let me read Isaiah 61. That's what he was reading.

Y'all ready? All right, here we go. the spirit of of um the spirit of yahuwah elohim is upon me because yahuwah have anointed me to preach the good tidings that's what he read to the meat good um he have sent me the bind of the brokenhearted to proclaim the liberty to the captives exactly what the mashiach read and the opening of the prison of them about and to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord he said the book close the book set it down this is the second part of the gospel here we go and the day of vengeance of our god of our elohim so the next part is the day of vengeance so now you're talking about a specific people did y'all catch that vengeance for who vengeance for what right and the day of vengeance of our elohim to do what to comfort all those that mourn let's keep reading to a point unto them in where What? So it's a specific place now.

So it went from a specific type of people. It's going through a specific hurt and it's going through a specific captivity. Now they have a specific location or like, you know, a group of people. So let's keep going.

Point those at Morn and Zion to give them what? Beauty for ashes, right? Okay.

So what does that mean? Giving them beauty for nothing. you got ashes that means that every it's something that's in ashes has been burned it's been destroyed so he's telling you right off the top of the head whoever these people are they're destroyed right so here we go the oil of joyful morning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called that they might be called so that's telling you right now that they're not right so not only are they cast down and all these other things but they're over there um uh spoken evil of right it says that they might be called the trees of righteousness the planning of yahuwah that he might be glorified let's keep going now let's get even more specific about this gospel and they shall build the old wastes right they shall raise up the form of desolations now it's talking about them returning somewhere and rebuilding something y'all catch that okay so now it's getting even now it's talking not only talking about the people and where they are now it's giving like them it's given the purpose of this because not only when they when they get delivered from this captivity when they get delivered from this oppression they're gonna go do something they're gonna go and rebuild the old waste now all this is gospel this is the gospel all right here we go and shall raise up the former desolations they shall repair the way cities the desolation of many generations.

Here we go. And the what? Somebody read me verse 5. Alright, so now he's telling you that whoever these people are, not only are they going to return back.

to the some place and revealed everything but strangers other people so now you see the separation okay now it's talking about so these other people are going to stand and feed you they're going to be feed your flocks and you're and they're going to basically do the work in this place that you're going back to rebuild so that's getting even more specific so it's separating so you got these people and you got the other strangers who are in a different category so let's keep going you This might read 6 for me. But you shall be greased, and we will speak of you as the ministers of our God. Of our God you shall eat the wealth of the nations, and the glory once that of your captors shall be yours. All right. So in the King James, it reads like...

you shall eat the riches of the gentiles so now it's going back to more even more specificity so it's saying that who these people are they're not the gentiles everybody catch that okay it says you shall eat the riches of the gentiles and in their glory you shall boast yourselves now this that's a deep statement um going to some other type teachings but we're not getting into that today so we're going to try to wrap this up at nine or you know about 10 after here we go for your shame ye shall have double and for your check this out confusion so whoever these people are not only are they in shame but they're in confusion they have they're confused about something they don't fully understand okay they shall rejoice in their portion before in the in their land they shall possess the double they're going to get repaid back double for the things that happen to them everlasting joy should be unto them for i yahuwah love judgment i hate robbery for burnt offering and i will direct their work in truth and i will make a everlasting covenant with everybody with them right okay and their seed should be what among the gentiles right so if he's telling you that in the gospel that they see gonna be known among the gentiles what is that telling you that they're not known right so whoever these people are and this gospel is tied to a people who are not known in the in the world the world don't know who they are okay it says and their seed should be known among the gentiles right and their offspring among the people all that seed them shall acknowledge them and say that they are to see who yahua has blessed so all this stuff in the night right now all this stuff seems strange to us because you know in our minds says all we ever seen is evil when it comes to us i mean that's all we ever get but um according to the scripture that's gonna be this future time when the most high is gonna make the other nations first of all understand who we are second of all they gonna make them acknowledge that not only has he loved us but that we're we're who um we claim to be i mean that we're starting to claim that we are anyway as far as coming back to the heritage so verse 10 i will greatly rejoice in yahuwah my soul should be joyful in my alahim for he have clothed me with the garments of salvation he have clothed me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decketh herself for ornaments and as a bride adorning herself for jewels for as the earth bringing forth a bud and the garden causes things that are sown in it to spring forth so yahuwah elohim has caused righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations now you see the last verse there you go righteousness and praise to spring forth before the nations so like i was telling y'all earlier the purpose of israel is to be a light before the nations the nations might and the ones who choose to to follow the Mosai so but we have to set the standard there's no scripture to talk about how we supposed to establish the earth with what with the law but scripture says that the law will flow forth from Jerusalem once Israel is regathered again so and this this lot I'm just throwing some scriptures out here this time back to to Paul Paul says that we should prove all things right This is our purpose in this world. Our purpose is to be a light. So this is why Christ said that we're the salt of the earth. Check this out now. It says, he said, if a salt has lost its savor, what's up with it?

It's not any good. It's not good. Then what you do with it?

Right. Cast it out and then what? trampled under foot so what happened with the israelites is when the israelites lost the laws and statues when they became wicked sometimes it was point when they had lost statues and they still were wicked because their heart was wicked but when they became wicked they was cast out of their homeland and they was tried under the foot of men do y'all catch that So they've been tried underfoot ever since. Because their purpose was they saw their purpose is to be a salt. What does the salt do?

It flavors, it preserves, it keeps, right? So if we're not walking according to those scriptures, we have no purpose because that's what our purpose was. So everything in us, the reason why we great at everything, just being real.

Like, you know, a black person. If you let this is why people want us to be involved with stuff me we can we get in it We're going to basically take it over because we have the most eyes put all these gifts inside of us And every gift is to be a light to the world and to use those things that he might be glorified But when we don't I'm sorry go ahead Yeah, man, and when we ain't we have we're worthless so it's gonna description like like um christ told me she i said we good for nothing but to be cast out so um let me keep that one Yeah, I got to keep that my own call. That's hilarious.

Y'all hear me though? Okay. But anyway, we about to wrap this up, man. This is the first couple of slides. And, you know, I'll try to come in over time and we'll start talking about every aspect of it.

Because that's the reason why this teaching is so long. Every single aspect of the gospel. we go over who the seed are who the um who the lost sheep are who the gentiles are um um what the true church is how the assembly pulls the work everything is in this teaching but it's a long teaching because of that um we just we just take it at increments but so our purpose again the scriptures tell us that when we lost that purpose we're good for nothing but to be tried and under so that's the reason why our people have been tried and under even though we we so talented and we're so gifted because we we're not put we haven't put those things into the proper purpose but when we end the proper purpose ain't nothing nothing that can stop us um which of course is walking in the in the light in the unction under the um ruach um standing step and step with the most high so anyway saying that to say now um we'll go on next time we'll talk about um how the gospel works because the gospel um is is powerful salvation to everyone right but the order is to the yahudim first or to the israelite first and then it and then um the gentile so and um the main reason being because if you're in the house and the children acting up and you got some other kids in that house If your children ain't going to respect that house, the people that's visiting that house ain't going to respect it either.

You understand what I'm saying? The people in the family set the tone for what's going to be respected and what's not going to be respected. So we have to walk in accordance with our father, with the Most High, in order for other nations to be able to see the proper way to walk it out.

And the first person to ever do that was the Mashiach. The Mashiach came down and walked it out for us so we can properly understand how to apply these laws, statutes, and commandments. So anyway, so that's the first part of this. It will be a long teaching.

I try to shorten it down in the future, but we'll continue in it. When we get time, we'll just jump on a conference call. We pull up the slides and we'll walk through it.

Any questions?