Understanding Pressure and Density Altitude

Aug 1, 2024

Lecture on Pressure and Density Altitude

Importance in Performance Calculations

  • Key factors in aircraft performance calculations.
  • Common weak area on tests.

Pressure and Air Density

  • Low Pressure Air: Air molecules are spread out, less air in a given space.
  • High Pressure Air: Air molecules are tightly packed, denser air.
  • Aircraft Performance:
    • Propeller is more effective with denser air (more thrust).
    • Wing generates more lift with denser air.
    • Engine produces more power with denser air (more air molecules for combustion).

Altitude and Pressure

  • Lower Altitudes: Higher pressure due to the compacting force of air molecules.
  • Higher Altitudes: Lower pressure as molecules are more spread out.
  • Aircraft performance decreases at higher altitudes.

Temperature and Air Density

  • Heating Air Mass: Molecules move faster and spread out.
  • Higher Temperatures: Create lower pressure air, decreasing aircraft performance.
  • Weather changes affect pressure systems (high and low pressure air systems).

Humidity and Air Density

  • Water Vapor: Reduces air density on humid days (water molecules crowd out air molecules).
  • Aircraft performance decreases on days with high humidity.

Pressure and Density Altitude

  • Used to predict aircraft performance under varying conditions.
  • Pressure Altitude: True altitude corrected for non-standard pressure.
  • Density Altitude: Pressure altitude corrected for non-standard temperature.

Factors Affecting Density Altitude

  • Increase in altitude increases density altitude.
  • Decrease in pressure increases density altitude.
  • Increase in temperature increases density altitude.

Calculating Pressure and Density Altitude

  • Use charts to determine these altitudes.
  • Pressure Altitude Calculation:
    • Altimeter setting conversion factor added to field elevation.
    • Example: Altimeter 29.92 = conversion factor 0, field elevation 1000 feet = pressure altitude 1000 feet.
    • Example: Altimeter 28.90 = conversion factor 957, field elevation 1000 feet = pressure altitude 1957 feet.
  • Density Altitude Calculation:
    • Use temperature and pressure altitude on a chart.
    • Example: Temperature 20°F and pressure altitude 3500 feet = density altitude 2000 feet.

Tips for Test Day

  • Charts can be difficult to read, use a straight edge.
  • Remember: A 15°F increase = approximately 1000-foot increase in density altitude.