expand your vocabulary with our core 2000w ebook it's free and packed with essential Expressions that you'll use on a daily basis start building your vocabulary today click the link in the description below to download your free Korean ebook before it's gone cooku wheat flour noodles cooku wheat flour noodles in Korea when there's a festival this is the main dish that you can try traditionally cooku um the we flow noodles uh was the main dish for party like instead of having a lot of meat and everything in the past people share the noodle for celebrating um someone's birthday or a big event of a family so in the sentence you can say Kim Kimi so I think this is one of the very famous Korean food around the world so in Korea like without kimchi you cannot call something as a meal like so every time whenever you have something even with pizza you can you know you can find Kim on the table too so in a sentence I can say which means that my mother it's kimchi when she's having pizza kimchi bab kimchi fried rice when I was a kid like in the morning my mom is working mother still like she's working so she was very busy in the morning so this kimbab was the food that she can prepare very easily within 5 minutes you know you can sometimes put some something like egg on the top of the kimab as a topping or something like some different types of meat too so you can have different flavor for each day so in the sentence we can say which means that I was busy in the morning so I made kimchi bmab kimchi fried rice kimchi chicken kimchi stew so here we have the word Kimi and chig which means stew so there are actual a lot of type of stew in Korea and Kim is the most popular one so in a sentence I can say k that means I ordered kimchi stew after having Korean style barbecue Nan cold noodle soup neon cold noodle soup so the way to make this noodle cold is to put shaved ice over the soup so you can have Noodle and shaved ice together um so that's why it's very popular for summer but for actually any season you can find it at a Korean restaurant in a sentence you can say which means since it's hot today I'm going to have cold noodle soup for dinner tangang stew or soy paste stew the way make it is similar to how we make Kim Kim but with a different main um item inside the soup which means that I ordered one Kim stew and one soybean paste stew at a restaurant toi stried rice cake toy stir fried rice cake so here we have the word dog which means rice cake and Pok means fried when I was a kid I love that because it's spicy and it's sweet it's very small portion so you can have it between lunch and dinner and it's cheap too so for one person like it only cost about $1 or in the sentence I can say which means that I often had stir-fried rice cake when I was on the way home from school Raman Ramen so as you can see it sounds very similar like Ramen is the Japanese name of the same food so we call it as Raman um using the word meon which means noodle when Korean people say Ramen it means a instant Ramen not some kind of Japanese style Ramen so if you find out that there's nothing to eat at home um you can simply just say which means that I'll go to a convenience store and buy Ramen Army Bas stew P Army Bas stew so in the the past you could have it only around the Army Post but now people love the taste so you can find the restaurant selling P at every corner of the city and in South Korea which means that I had the army base stew with my coers for lunch R be C stew sundub raw ban card stew I like Sund because of its texture like T sundubu is very soft it tastes like pudding so cream paper usually have sundub with egg too um to make it a little bit less spicy so if you um don't like something spicy I think it's kind of good tip to put something like raw egg into the soup so that it can be a little bit less spicy this say I think sundub is getting more popular so you can actually find it very easily do you want to have Robin C stew today K lazy K lazy this is I'm kind of becoming lazy I'm not sure if lazy is bad which means that I don't like him because he's too lazy muda procrastinate although it's kind of due I just do something on the due date so in the case we can say which means that I continually procrastinate they're preparing for the test in class which means don't chat in class skip class skip class so in a sentence you can say I skipped a class because I was sick Che on a test cheat on a test so when I was said the elementary school like we usually put some school bag on the desk um so that kids don't cheit on a test and these days I heard that like at a Korean classroom they usually ask one or two parents to come in so that they can watch kid taking a test and making sure that no one cheats on a test con which means that I got caught while cheating on a test so fail a class fail a class so in a sentence you can say I failed a science class in Korea instead of using AB c d f like we have a system like suang so Su is something like a which is the excellent and Ka is something like fail so if someone get car which is like f you can say that so I failed the class not do homework here we have the word meaning homework so you can say I was so tired so I didn't do homework sleep in class sleep in class I slept in a class because I was so tired p plagarism in the sentence you can say which means that like this report seems like have a lot of issues with PLM not follow rules not follow rules and here we have the word c which means rules if you're talking about law you can use the word pop or pom but here it's just the rules of the score so you can say that or to say school's rules in a sentence we can say that which means that if you don't follow rules you can lose your point so when I was at Junior High we actually had a point system as schore so if you do something right you can get like three points or if you do something wrong like then you could lose your point so at the end of each semester like teachers sum it up and they just give award or punishment do smart do smart so you can use this adjective as in that person is smart or you can also say something like I think I'm really smart emotional emotional I'm kind of emotional so whenever I read a novel or I see a movie I become so say when I see the movie I became emotional reading it like keep crying so I couldn't you know read the charactersin coin cool that person is really cool and then when you see someone cool like you can just you know thumbs up toward him or her you know say you're cool honest honest meaning I want to get married with someone honest lazy K lazy this say I feel like I'm getting lazy so in that case I can say which means that I think I'm getting lazy recently you know like on weekends like I'm usually just laying on the floor suun shy shy I'm kind of shy which means that I become shy when I see someone new for the first time romantic romantic romantic romantic you know when you watch Korean drama you can see a lot of characters who are romantic in that case we can say meaning that main actor seems to be very romantic shimak serious sh serious it can describe me as meaning he's kind of serious guy that's what I have to overcome but I I become so serious sometimes tan friendly tan friendly so here we have the word tajong which has two Chinese characters ta means many and Chong is something like sympathy so it means something like who has a lot of sympathy who has a lot of things to give things to share with other person so U you can you know translate it as friendly saying which means that my mother is someone who is very friendly I want to meet someone friendly Quan bad tempered Quan bad tempered so any word starting with qu means something like weird something strange because that's what this ch Chinese character based the word mean strange like weird means he or she is a bad tempered Quan generous Quan generous when I was in college like I remember one senior who was very like Quan generous like if someone makes mistake she was like haha like it's okay you're human being you know anyone can make mistake and they you can say something like for example meaning my senior is a generous person meaning I want to be a generous person Artic so here we have the word meaning art the person is Artistic polite polite so here we have the word y meaning politeness and pardon means something right correct so it means some something like someone who has the right politeness polite which means Parents try to raise their kids to be polite indecisive indecisive so using the word you can can say something like which means I don't want to get married to someone who is indecisive kind kind which means that someone who is kind loses something you know some people are trying to use their kindness for their one benefit among Japanese people there are a lot of kind people okay that's all adjectives about someone's personality um I hope you enjoy this adjectives and if you want to learn more about the adjectives and more you know expression to describe yourself visit Korean class.com you can find a lot of that I'll see next time