Transcript for:
100 Pro Tips for Rainbow Six Siege

100 pro tips and Rainbow Six Siege ladies and gentlemen we have gone from the 25 to the 50 to the 75 and now we're in The Avengers endgame now in the last video we tried to hit 7,000 likes and you guys crushed it so in today's video our goal is 15,000 likes I know we can do it but without further Ado 100 pro tips in Rainbow Six Siege number one is shooting glass in the windows are you being smart or are you being schizophrenic this way you can hear repels and enemies outside number two turn on night mode for more balanced audio quieter sounds like footsteps will appear louder and explosions will appear quieter now I've done some research and night mode actually benefits more for any with in ear phones like this that go directly in your ear for earbuds but if you're using a headset like a hyperx hypercloud it's probably best to use Hi-Fi so depending on your audio device you should try between those two number three is to use laser sight more on weapons this will increase your ads time so this way you're not caught lacking too much so if you want the fastest ads time use laser site number four is to learn default takes default takes are basically there's about two of them for every bum site there is a direct and a crossover what is a crossover a crossover is basically when you enter the opposite side of the map this way you can get some early map control you're mostly fighting the rors until you eventually get closer to the objective now a direct take is really just uh one or two rooms closest to the bomb site so use those two methods either a direct push or a cross over so this way you can have more consistent attacks number five is to get off 16x9 now if you really like native res go ahead stick with it or for a lot of us in this game you know wider hit boxes and the game looks a lot less squished together if you try 3x2 4x3 or anything above 16x9 but please give those a try before you stick with Native res number six is head level on barricades if you barricade a door and you look at the second top Buckle this is about 75% of the barricade that will be head level no matter where you go the only place it would change is either if you're looking up at a hatch vertical or on a staircase but this will give good muscle memory for you and good Crosser placement number seven is how do you MAV a wall soft you want to start from the top and then go from the bottom of a line You'll see in this video the most important part about Maverick is that you do not skip any part of the wall always make sure it's fully done otherwise you're risking your life by going back on a hole that's already open just listen for that metal panel sound and you're good and for the bottom you guys actually called me out on this but it's probably better for you to crouch so this way it's easier for you to retreat if you're getting shot at just get comfortable with the range of the Maverick torch and your solid number eight I actually use this on Royal penguin but that is to bait your florist drone what you can do is you can actually just drive it and immediately get off of it that way it will auto drive and when they go shoot the florish Drone you're actually already gun in their face it's almost like yoru from valerin to counter Bandit tricking on attack you are going to use use One EMP in two different harbach and devices this way when he destroys one this other side will open and that's an early chance for you to shoot now to canar Cade tricking is different it's actually two emps one heart breaching Gadget this way you can reset the timer of him trying to throw the K claw and that will lead you opening at the wall before the Cade can recover number 11 is the fuse Chalet lineup you can counter band tricking on the basement garage by fusing this exact spot and this way he will be going boom boom before he can do anything number 12 is playing aggressive isn't just brute force it is crossing the gate before it closes so what I mean by this it's not the smartest way to just bum rush into sight through a lot of traps and Enemy Lines but instead you should wait until you see an opening where someone's not watching an angle a room is being unguarded you got to take that before someone walks in so remember confidence is key if it's open you take that [ __ ] number 13 you can shoot Candelas so if you ever Miss and don't want to flash your teammates shoot it number 14 when you're making vertical gameplay back up and recover on a s a hard surface this way you can be unpredictable to bait the C4 number 15 Siege is like a puzzle of muscle memory so remember what I said about default takes on attack and keeping consistent being consistent on defense and attack really just comes down to your habits so whenever you encounter a scenario that could danger you in the round You by muscle memory and experience you already know what to do so basically you're just taking the smartest route and the safest one to allow you to have the best Advantage so figure out what muscle memory you need to fit into the puzzle this could be not change your sensitivity too often maybe you have a certain push down or even a certain trap setup that you love doing on a certain map being consistent in Siege means a lot cuz this means no matter what team you go up against you're already ready so avoid all the auto pilot and actually focus on what you're doing in the round so this way your muscle member can kick in and you don't have to worry about winging it cuz the team that is most prepared is most likely going to win the outcome number 16 is to pre- place your drones put them inside the building somewhere now obviously this might be a challenge because of sess but by the time this video is out the sess Nerf could already taken place where she can't see the drones in that prep phase but this is very very good for allowing your uh your entry fraggers to come in the building fast without having tojin them so and this also works in Solo Q when you're solo you and you don't want to worry about teammates drining you in just put a pre-play somewhere if they don't have a soless that's free information for you and you never know I killed a lot of people spawn peing because they never saw my drone number 17 now this really works in higher ranks or even lower ranks too and to identify gaps to take a lot of people want to attack or lost because they're looking at the entire bomb site setup and where all five players are at at all times instead find the little [ __ ] in the armor that you can destroy on attack if a certain part of the map is not being held and you can just get in for free take that map control as soon as you can and once you're close enough to the bomb site and you can isolate a certain Defender you can see that as like a domino effect if you kill that one person sitting in a room you unlock a lot of map control and all the other dominoes will fall because they're not aware number eight is to have proper sight setups a lot of people on defense forget to reinforce forget to make holes not even make the right rotates if you don't have a proper base set up your whole defense is going to collapse cuz sometime in later in the round you're going to die because you can't see4 over some holes you didn't even make so always always have a good base sight setup learn these sight setups from your teammates and make them every single time remember consistency is key number 19 you can actually destroy the Bandits on the CCTV wall from a safe distance outside if you go to the front door on clubhouse and you aim right to above wherever the uh the soft wall um hits the CCTV wall as charge that once or twice and you're good but if he's tricking you're definitely going to need to go Below on those holes to make sure he doesn't put any Bandits down number 20 have some godamn confidence so many of you guys are scared to take gunfights in this game as if you die in real life if you die in game how are you ever going to boost your KD if you're always just waiting for them to take the gunfight to you I guarantee you right now the way I see it the enemy team is just as scared as you my so just think to yourself you're better swing pray fire that number 21 the pixel call out you will hear is on Cafe and that is usually in the small corner of where people are to tuck in from you might refer to this as the [ __ ] corner or rat Corner because it's a quite a [ __ ] spot to play to counter mirror you can use a punch Ash charge Cali Gadget Twitch harbach zero number 23 we have the hibon clubhouse trick if there is a k Claw on the hatch you can actually put your hibon pellets around the hatch and that will eventually explode the gay claw number 24 the shyo peak this is the peak that everyone wants to learn SPO does it everyone does it the best way to do it is if you see on the mouse Cam that I have it's a big process of three main steps so get those three where it's leaning in you lean out but then you cancel it and come back in it's going to take you about almost up to an hour to get down once you do that the muscle memory is there forever so start out slow and then go faster number 25 is to learn to trade your teammates what does this mean when your teammate goes into into a room and he dies you want to go in there to get his refresh it's basically you guys take one of my people I'm taking one of your guys this is a good tactic because it leaves a small window where you can take that man Advantage away from the enemy when dealing with shields you're going to want to use impact grenades aim for their legs or their arm and keep your distance you're most likely never going to kill a shield player all at once unless they're literally not looking at you but you want to just take off a little bit of damage back up take off a little bit of damage until you have a better spot to kill them but don't try to get up close with a shield because they'll just end up pushing you over and killing but I will say if you are around a shield close enough and you have the time to knife him first you can kick back his shield and then obviously spray him when he's open but you have to be aware of that distance that he has the better knife than you number 27 some Clash counters are punching her Cali charge zofia charge or a nomad so the next time you see a clash stop Banning her just know the next time you ban Clash you are a certified worm number 28 Iana clones can destroy a Gates an infinite amount of times and it's also really good to know how to fake your Ion a clone so this way they hear the full sound but when they come to run out on you you're actually a real person so do this once in a while not too much to throw off your enemy number 29 you can thermite above a mute Jammer you just have to repel up don't go upside down just repel up until you hit the rad you are out of the radius of the M Jammer cuz if you go upside down then it's going to blow up uneven and sometimes you can't even walk through it just makes a hole above you when you are Solo qu Trust nobody but yourself oh you needed that you're going to get the wall you guys need a heart breacher soone to plant the bomb bro take the bomb every single time because if you're dead you're cooked so stop blaming your teammates when you're in solo queue if you're in solo queue you should expect to lose because you're basically signing a contract I agree to be at a disadvantage of my team so focus on what you can control and don't try to control other people and I guarantee you're going to see a lot of more Improvement and overall better mood number 31 some good Ace placements stop throwing the a charges So Random on the wall like a freaking playground kid throwing Play-Doh at a wall most of the time if you want to get more wide range you can Ace both sides around head level but if you want one where you don't have to vault in you're going to have to use two number 32 avoid Crouch walking and proning this is only going to make you an easier Target prone to more head shots and also you give off way more sound CU so I if you think that you're a little sneaky little worm going through the map you're not you're better off being hard to kill than easy to kill and nobody wants to be the little rabbit that gets caught by the arrow number 3 three the Lodi hatch angle if you actually Sprint out and you hit the uh the the fan then your character will just plop right there and you can see directly more deep in number 34 avoid rep peaking the angle the same way you always want to change your head level or even change up the angle but now they have a spot where they can just pre-fire you before you even see them just think about it if they seen you in that one position or angle you can't use that again for the rest of the round unless you're dealing with a different opponent it's a bit of a different story but this way you're always keeping keeping him on edge and being unpredictable as a player number 35 avoid sprinting inside you only want to be sprinting outside but if you're going to be sprinting inside you better know exactly that you are safe around you or if you're trying to get to somewhere fast but if you're sprinting around you're more prone to more angles and you don't want to get caught with their pants down or else Diddy's going to find you and nothing good is going to happen from there number 36 use the clock for better positioning if it's still pretty early in the round you're allowed to be outside if it's still pretty early in the round you can probably play off a little bit better but when the time goes down to like a minute left it's better to finalize where you want to go it's almost like when you're playing outside as a kid and the orange light turns on then you know you got to get your ass back home for dinner number 37 apply ghost pressure what is Ghost pressure ghost pressure is basically implying Danger on the enemy when you're not even there so if I were to open up a random barricade and I wasn't I just going around the map they would oh think someone might be outside that window when you're not so this way it's a lot easier for the enemy to predict you number 38 always always contest one room away from the site on defense so this could be study on Aviator this could be a blue bunker on Oregon basement so this could be Garage on clubhouse for CCTV the whole point of this is to delay the map control that the attackers are trying to get remember attackers are always trying to get map control around the bomb site to make it easier to take our job as Defenders is to delay that from happening and eventually delay the bomb from being planted so even if you don't know what you're doing you just happen to be defending the best bot on the map number 39 learn all the sound cues but don't get baited by them so if someone goes prone you know exactly to aim at the foot to you know shoot their head but if someone gets on their camera you don't want to immediately run out cuz they could get off and then by the time they're doing that they could shoot you down so have some Trigger Discipline when it comes to hearing sound cues think about the different outcomes that could happen and if the risk management is available number 40 take more accountability way too many people are blaming that teammate the server uh this guy's just doing random guys this all comes down to again you know focus on what you can control yourself your aim your game sense how good are you at the game obviously there's people like me dominating the game and every Lobby they go into I can counter a lot of players but that's because I've been playing the game for a long time and I owe it to a lot of actually you know what I'm not as good as I think I am I can always improve so the more accountability that you take in this game the easier of a flow of learning this game will be so listen you worm understand that you suck at the game but that's kind of a good thing which means you have a lot more room to grow so if you don't want to to take accountability then [ __ ] number 4 31 a zami Oregon pixel otherwise known as my domain expansion so what you're going to want to do you're going to want to press yourself up against the door frame a zombie the very bottom so you can cancel the animation and then you aim just above the Silver Lining you go aim a little bit lower and throw it down now you have the tightest angle known to man I guarantee you this is a free kill every single round number 42 the Flores bang trick uh sometimes this is best for using Castle or if you want to just have a good angle in you can use this florish trick this going going to help you a lot next we have the Monty ads trick so this is actually to protect your face when you're aiming down with the shield like to say if you're Monty and you were the ads you would look up first really fast and then you would aim back down it's a bit of a tricky to get down for your aim but this will make sure that your face is un uh more protected so when you go for a head shot it's a lot harder number 44 pair doabe calls with droning this way you don't have to check every single angle as long as you just don't hear a ringing going on you can actually just pass through that room number 45 the bolo call out on Oregon is hard left of the trophy door number 46 you can buck up to three floors of vertical so if you're afraid of getting c4d and you want to try a do trick out go from the third floor and can you you can penetrate all the way down number 47 use more match rep playay the best way to get better the best way to correct your gameplay by yourself is to watch yourself play this way you see from a bird's eye view you can see what the enemy was thinking how they reacted to your push there's infinite information this is why pro league teams do all the the time cuz this way you will see a way of how you play and you think without all the pressure of the game itself In the Heat of the Moment number 48 stop carrying so much about your ELO so many people are like oh I lost a game I better not play for the rest of the day or else I might drop to Silver one guys listen even if you get the champion what ELO are you going to lose it's not like you're losing money so don't let this affect you unless you know you're on a very bad losing streak and it's just the game is miserable or too many cheaters then just keep going man keep it pushing and most of you guys need more reps you need to go in lose a lot more games so this way you can actually understand how to improve as a player and maybe just practice your gun skill but to an extent I would not recommend solo King too much but don't stop yourself from getting better just because you care about being a higher rank than your friends number 49 vertical bars are always opposite of the floor lines so let's say if the floorboards that I see are going this way the metal bars are most likely the opposite number 50 the best Co outs in Siege are he's right there watch out they have guns guys stop using these call outs use the compass on the bottom of your screen if you really don't know what it is number 51 IQ is a hard counter to visual and pulse number 52 a positioning mistake that lets a lot of people swing you so a lot of people in this game don't understand peers advantage and they think that if you crumble up into a ball and hide in a corner you're safe when in reality is actually the exact opposite so just because you're holding an off angle does not mean you're always safe you might prone yourself open to getting swung and pre-fired into a little hole number 15 53 stop putting shields on doorways this might feel good because it feels like you're patching up a hole with a shield but no this this ain't no Fortress Game this ain't fortnite instead you're better off just not putting it near a doorway in general and actually put it more somewhere in the middle of the room where you can actually hold that awkward angle back out it up a little bit if it's near a door so this way you can pair up some Jagger ads or W my gadgets number 54 you can make a wall soft with Ace and Habana although these aren't very realistic to use combined to like just using them regularly but something good that you should know number 55 how to deal with Monty in a 1 V one you don't it is extremely hard to counter on Monty especially when it's a good one but if it's a bad one you there's a few ways you can deal with it number two you can try to Juke him out left and right and try to pre-fire his gun or his foot you can use impact grenades Nitro cells to CHP down his HP and if he ever unextended his shield punch it right away because he can't shoot yet the only thing he can do with his [ __ ] knock back it gives you a time to shoot him in the head number 56 use Grim like map rather than a head- on B if you want an area where you want Defenders to not enter put those bees down and it's like a capital fire they're not going to even walk near that angle so use this time to actually get in get the bomb down or whatever you're trying to do and get the hell out number 57 you have the leion and Ella stack if you put some Ella mines all three of them up top you can actually stack a lot of leion Mines so if anyone walks through that door they're going to hit about five leion mines and they're going to die instantly number 58 is you can impact trick Ace charges now this is a very good skill to learn in high ranks as Ace is arguably the best heart breacher right now and a good way to H trick him is to use impact tricks you can either do it above the wall but with the impact trick Nerf it might not catch all the selas so when the first one goes off you can actually opens a small window where you can throw an impact grenade and destroy the second one so now he's forced to use the second one to open up the wall all the way these are kind of hard to line up sometimes so it's going to take some practice number 59 if you thermite the side of walls for collap Lal breach it will blow up both the walls number 60 is a lion scan after every kill that you have to prevent rrags from happening this also just adds more pressure to your attack anyways if you're feeling lonely on Siege unfortunately I'm not able to get you a Siege girlfriend however I can get you a stack so use game chat if you just have absolutely no one to play with oh you come across a toxic person okay mute them and move on to the next but if you have a person who goes the hard breach he talks back to you really good and you guys make some good communication add that guy he's probably looking for a stack too oh but I have social anxiety or I'm a girl and uh you know it's harder for me listen like I said you're not going to find everyone is going to be nice to you but just add the people that are and truly you're not going to find a good stack out there they're not just going to magically show up in your DMs you need to put yourself out there and actually be the good teammate that you were looking for yourself number 62 is that utilize hibana pellet changes for example it's two to break a soft uh hatch or any kind of Castle barricade takes about four to destroy a reinforce worse uh hatch you can also make this as a small hole you can prone through and using all six would be get better for more of a line of sight but remember you are limited to your Habana gadgets so try to prevent any kind of useless use uh and not was any Habana X chyros number 63 change the team color to Blue for easy sight on traps Claymores and all that ye a lot of people ask why do I use orange and the story behind that is not for any competitive Advantage but when I used to play in competitive uh we would mostly start on defense first and this was before colors were a thing but if you were orange that typically meant you're defending first and I felt the most confident on defense so if I'm always feel like I'm defending first then you know I would have more confidence on attack too it's kind of stupid I know but it's just my preference number 64 turn off screen Shake we don't want that happening number 65 hard breach should drone most and stay alive until the breach is open I hate it when we're attacking some sort of bomb site that absolutely requires us to have a heart breacher and that guy dies because he's sprinting out of Spawn cuz he wasn't pre- placing his camera and he was scrolling on Tik Tok so guys please do your team a favor and do not get spawn Peak don't die early don't Peak dumb [ __ ] drone your teammate in be safe throw your Gadget get the wall open boom everyone's happy you can die now number 66 is to use buck to create fast and new angles a good Buck player knows how to switch from the shotgun from cover and switch back to his primary when he's taking on a long angle you can also use them and just make random holes for distract anyone nearby you you can Juke them out you know pop a buck above you shoot that open throw a flashbang through Rush the door act confident number 67 Bravo is a great counter to gadgets like Maestro and a Rooney so bring a Bravo if you see them playing those characters a lot because it can really turn the tide on them number 68 you can actually open up the ly hatch as Habana from all the way outside E3 it's a little weird but this could save you some time number 69 we have FAA can revive teammates always pop it when someone takes damage so let's say if you're walking out of Spawn and Ace takes about 30 damage to the chest pop that think surge ASAP before he dies it's better to use all your finger boost instead of just always saving an extra one at the end cuz you never know that a little bit extra HP could really save you the round number 70 Nomad air Jabs can be destroyed if you go prone number 71 if you were unsure of an enemy location just use a zofia charge this way if it doesn't blow up immediately no one's nearby if it does blow up immediately think about any of the common angles in that area and check those first number 72 florish drones can actually pass through a run Gates if if you jump it up through a window A Rooney window and you blow it and you and you detonate it it will become an indestructible little thing and then you can destroy it and just an extra tip for you uh I know there's no gameplay of this probably but you can actually throw an impact grenade at a floristone after it goes off and it will destroy it I don't know how that works but it just does number 73 do not neglect warming up because if you go in dry it ain't going to lube up and I'm talking about your aim of course and your joint and your hand but a little like 5 minutes of the shooting range 5 minutes of a training drill could really make her aim different number 74 Echo border yo-kai you can actually see in the spawn and get some good spawn peaks with this number 75 avoid solo queuing when you solo queue in this game like I said you're signing a contract away that I agree I'm at a disadvantage of teammates who are toxic won't talk to me and will drop zero kills every round so just add more people get into a stack build up your friends list but if you are going to solo que you must understand that it is every man for freaking himself number 76 go Chalet dining first if you're really trying to win Chalet dining has eventually grown from the comp scene over into ranked but it's a lot better of a room to roam above and to retake and a lot of people don't even know how to attack it these days so they just run around and if you really get good at this bomb site you're going to dominate the best way I like to play Chalet dining is to roam first and then come back to site and then by the time they're back on site there's no good way for them to enter the bomb site number 77 watch good players Why Try to reinvent the wheel when you can just watch other people do it so if you watch bolo spoy Uzi people with crazy aim you'll get some good confidence in them in how they take gunfights or maybe you want to watch someone smart like me pox unlocks or pangu you can kind of learn some good utility tricks but guys please save your lot of time by just randomly solo queuing watch good players and be like okay let me let me learn this skill next and then you just keep learning new skills cuz if you're always playing with your Chumps that play in custom games and Casual you're not going to learn as a player so always challenge your thinking number 78 when you feel stuck always think what do I need to do next it's as simple as was that is that way a lot of people just hit a mental brick wall when so many gunfights are happening and they're like uh what do I do be like okay what do I need to do next okay where's the bomb uh do we where we want to plant uh where are the rors at where's everyone sitting do we have a drone but drones are a really good way to get information to know what you need to do next number 79 when you're roaming aim to waste about a minute 30 off the clock when you have a minute 30 you've wasted a good amount of time and if you get out there alive and now you're back on sight you basically just made them waste half the round for no reason number 80 when you're anchoring pay attention to the gaps and rushes on camera cuz you don't want to lose the round just because it was a simple as not watching your bet and remember as an attacker we're always trying to look for those gaps number 81 for a recoil tip for really good attachments always run flash vertical or ACOG now this is good for about 80% of guns but with the new changes you'll see like horizontal grip or maybe AC cogs are just too zoomed in for you that is where you make adjustments but for most guns in this game we have the easiest uh recoil control so try those three attachments on every single gun if it allows it to and then make changes from there for your personal preference number 82 your stats don't matter I don't care what your KD is if you are not a good team player you're out also focusing on stats is just so surface level obviously if they have like a 7 then you know they might need some help on Gunplay but maybe he dies a lot cuz he doesn't have a good team so instead if you want want to raise your KD focus on your positioning gun skill not dying too fast just focus on improving as a player overall and your stats will reflect did so number 83 use game chat more often how do you find people to not solo que use game chat look I'll do this you do what you do this is how you find teammates and each yo anybody here got a mic shut up [ __ ] why'd you ban f [ __ ] silver ass [ __ ] okay maybe sometimes it's better to not talk number 84 the Harry Potter call out on any map is usually just under a staircase big because I've never watched Harry Potter because I'm not a nerd but I also like Star Wars is that he just lives in a under a staircase so let me know in the comments below is is Harry Potter Lord of the Rings or Star Wars better they're all nerds shut up number 85 the Chalet impact trick on the Drone hole now if a thermite or an a charge really gets the far left of the wall you can deny it completely with an impact grenade but you have to get closer up now because with the impact grenade Nerf which I don't know what was necessary they made it smaller so you got to fix up that number 86 is a cigar Strat guys this is also my domain expansion every good aomi player does this and it's a pain in the ass to deal with just remember after a minute 30 you don't have to stay in there that long but if they are actively not pushing red in that cigar area stay there number 87 a tip for traps is to not put them down so far the whole point of traps is to delay the enemies from getting close enough to you for a gunfight on your weak points so if my trap is like a lot further away from me on the bottom of a staircase is going to give me some time to react to turn my back but you have to think about it if an enemy were to hit my trap right now would there be any change number 88 when you're playing bad you're either caring too much or you're just tired you know long day at work English teacher took away your phone when you were trying to you know watch this video then you your mood might might plummet a little bit or maybe if you're just tilted at the first kill you're going to be hitting your desk and just overall not thinking correctly so try to avoid those two bad feelings and you're going to be a lot better in Siege or you can do what I like to do I like to play music so let me know in the comments below what artist you guys is your favorite cuz mine's the weekend how can I be mad when I hear you don't have to run no no don't no actually no wait no no no no don't don't put that in Joey don't put that in I swear to God if I see that in the YouTube video when this published I'm actually firing you number 89 is to drone no more than two rooms take the ground so [ __ ] will be droning the entire map out before they enter in the building just to get killed by Cav hard right number 90 when you're in a five stack try more quick plants because a lot of people underestimate coordination in this game it is literally night and day difference from a solo qu team from a five stack in a five stack you can make sure everything works out perfectly and this way you can abuse that more on the other team you're going up against cuz those guys probably don't have the coordination number 91 learn peer Advantage have you ever died to somewhere where you're like oh my God I just didn't even see this guy on my screen or I just died to this guy's elbow understand peer advantage that sometimes is unavoidable but you can use that into your favor about 90% of the time so swing or be swung number 92 treat Legion mines like capin traps now now legion's got a Nerf where you his goo mines aren't invisible anymore so put them on the side of the door so this way they won't see it very easily number 93 reinforce the Middle with head holes as a wall so a good high rank kind of skill is if I were in a wall right a big wall or a big piece of area map control I'm going to want to sit in the middle most of the time so this way I can Peak left or right this way it gives me more options makes me a little bit less predictable on where I can push and this way you can disrupt a lot of common uh angles so if you're ever like does this site setup look right think about that method reinforcement in the middle cover in the middle and holes in the left or the right number 94 it is better to be loud and scary than sneaking on attack now this is very very true because if you try to be sneaking on attack it kind of goes against what you're trying to do in the first place how are you supposed to open up big walls you know breach charge walls up and you know shoot a lot of the enemy if you are trying to be quiet all the time and a lot of this time this creates a very narrow and tunnel vision mindset this ends up tripping over your own shoelace the enemy already knows that you're coming in the building so you might as well make it known and make it extra known who knows and then at that point you're adding more pressure and you're forcing them to play your game number 95 is to check default cams at the beginning of the round to get an idea where the attacker is going to enter for example if they haven't shot any kind of outside cameras on a certain part of the map they're probably on the opposite side so now I can get off cams and rotate over to that map before they enter in number 9 six it's easy to get heated at the moment but once the round is over straping for the next one too many people are worrying about oh I should have done this last round or arguing with your teammate about Randa the most stupid stuff come on that stuff is for woman just accept that you moved on except the other person is right all right sure whatever in this move on remember that ties in with accountability number 97 when you are dropping a hatch shoot your gun right before you land kind of mask the drop sound number 98 use the man count for aggressive or passive gameplay this is kind of similar to the clock when I told you guys to use that to dictate but you have to pay attention to the factors of the round in the situation you were dealt with if I'm in a 3v5 on defense it's probably best that I go get aggressive and try to get a kill or that collaps on site you usually always want to think about it from a ret retaliating perspective if we have three people and they have two they take one of us we take one of them they take one of us we take one of them now you have one person left standing but that is obviously if of course you guys don't overswing so when you are a man Advantage you have a higher man count you play Passive you sit your ass in sight but if you are in a 4v5 or of any kind of man you know deficit then you do want to get more aggressive this way you can calculate your uh percentages and your risk management better number 99 perspective in this game is ass accept it sometimes you'll hold an angle and it's similar to the peaker advantage you'll see someone's elbow one time and you're dead but also understand when you are an easier Target but in and you want to do your best to kind of eliminate as as much of your body as possible on an angle so the next time you're Hing an angle tighten that [ __ ] up and number 100 I'm actually going to give you guys 10 One tips because this is kind of two tips it's different ways to break a barricade the first one is every single barricade requires 20 bullets to destroy it so if you shoot 19 just take away 19 from your mag put 19 bullets into there and then when you want to run out you just shoot at one time and you look out wherever you want to shoot the second way to break a barricade now is to shoot a little uh a little slit at the bottom then you punch the tape or the side of the barricade twice you don't punch the wood you just punch it uh the the yellow strip because that counts as the hit boox for the barricade so shoot a little hole hit that thing twice and then when you want to jump out you just jump out whenever ladies and gentlemen that was 100 pro tips in Rainbow Six Siege like the video subscribe to my channel if you're new and get my charm on my twitch Channel I'll see you guys soon and thank you for watching