CS50 Week 2 Lecture on Memory and Cryptography

Jul 18, 2024

CS50 Week 2 Lecture - Memory and Cryptography


  • Objective: Introduction to memory usage, command line arguments, debugging, and basic cryptography.


  • Story Time: Use of grades to introduce memory and readability concepts.
    • Example texts for varying reading levels: "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" (1st grade), "Oh, the Places You’ll Go" (3rd grade), and "1984" (10th grade).
    • Analysis approach: Word length, sentence length, punctuation.
    • Goal: Create algorithms to analyze text readability levels.

Memory and Compilation

  • Compilation Process: Source code to machine code involves four steps: Pre-processing, Compiling, Assembling, and Linking.
    • Pre-processing: Includes preprocessor directives like #include for replacing code from header files.
    • Compiling: Converts code into assembly language.
    • Assembling: Converts assembly language to machine code (0s and 1s).
    • Linking: Combines all machine code fragments into a single executable file.
  • Make & Clang: make automates the compilation process, while clang is the specific compiler used.

Debugging Techniques

  • Basic Debugging with printf: Quick method to check variable values and program flow.
  • Using debug50: A powerful debugger tool in VS Code to step through code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables.
  • Rubber Duck Debugging: Explain code out loud to catch logical errors.

Arrays and Strings

  • Introduction to Arrays: Better for handling sequences, avoids repetitive variable declarations.
    • Example: Using arrays to store test scores and calculate averages.
  • Strings as Arrays: Understanding that strings are arrays of characters, ending with a null character (\0).
    • Manipulating strings using loops and array indices.
  • String Libraries: Standard functions like strlen and toupper for string manipulation and conversions.
    • Example: Converting strings to uppercase using ctype.h library.

Command Line Arguments

  • Using argc and argv: Main function arguments for command line inputs.
    • argc (argument count): Number of command line arguments.
    • argv[] (argument vector): Array of command line arguments as strings.
  • Example Program: Conditional greetings based on command line inputs.

Exit Status Codes

  • Concept: Indicate program termination status. 0 for success, non-zero for errors.
    • Utilize exit statuses for debugging and automated tests.

Cryptography Basics

  • Introduction to Cryptography: Securely sending messages using ciphers to encrypt and decrypt information.
    • Plaintext: Original message.
    • Ciphertext: Encrypted message.
    • Key: A number or string used to encrypt/decrypt messages.
  • Caesar Cipher Example: Simple algorithm shifting each letter by a fixed number.
    • Decryption: Reverse the encryption process by subtracting the key.
    • Security Insight: Caesar cipher is easily breakable but demonstrates core cryptography concepts.
  • Final Decryption Exercise: Practice decrypting a simple message by shifting characters.


  • Applications: Emphasize the importance of understanding these concepts for debugging, writing efficient programs, and secure communication.
  • Class End: Distributed rubber ducks for debugging practice.