Institutions are crucial to society, encompassing entities like police stations, schools, hospitals, and businesses.
They impose structure on individual behavior.
Impact of Institutions
Laws and Order: Absence of laws would lead to chaos, e.g., speeding, theft, and home invasions.
School Schedules: Changes, such as no classes on Fridays, affect community routines, e.g., childcare.
Dependency Relationship
Individuals rely on institutions for structure and services.
Institutions need individuals to function but not any particular individual.
Institutions persist beyond the involvement of specific individuals.
Role of Institutions
Institutions fulfill societal needs by enforcing expected roles and behaviors.
Family ensures generational continuity.
Medical institutions maintain public health.
Universities drive innovation and progress.
Views on Institutions
Conservative View: Institutions naturally develop from human activities and inherently benefit society.
Progressive View: Institutions are artificial, needing redesign to effectively aid humanity.
Sociological Perspective vs. Common Understanding
Common Understanding: "Institution" often refers to businesses or corporations.
Sociological Perspective: Encompasses social structures such as governments, families, healthcare, education, legal systems, religion, and businesses.
Sociological institutions function independently of individuals and continue over time.
Institutions are enduring entities essential for societal function and continuity, adapting and persisting through changes in individual participation.