Transcript for:
Genesis Chapters 13-16

you salon family Motown Christ bless officer allez to my right officer Joshua all phrases so four chapters a day four chapters a day let's see that reader Frank I'll praise it a mossad like the like Bishop Nathaniel no leadership always tell us you have to make sure that we read four chapters a day at the minimum at the minimum okay so I'll praise the leadership was in a spirit when they when they initiated this four chapters a day so dad you know we can read through the chapters give the sense all right any questions that y'all have make sure y'all send them on to the message format on messenger okay we'll try to get to you as Captain Zack our mention yesterday first come first serve all right also sisters make sure y'all to stand in order all right make sure you have a stand in order all right make sure you keep quiet this is church all right okay brothers let's see who's on Shalom brother Tony all praises brother John Shalom will Santa Christ bless all phrase to the Messiah all right so today the the chapters that we're gonna be focusing on is gonna be Genesis chapters 13 through 16 we left off on chapter 13 so that's what we're going to begin all right so brothers sisters make sure you get two pens papers notepads take notes all right so make sure y'all the father went along all right let's go Genesis chapter 13 verse 1 13 verse 1 all right real quick uh can y'all give me a thumbs up if y'all can hear me clearly let me know if y'all can hear if y'all can hear us clearly give me a thumbs up I need to know how the audio is sounding because I don't want to begin and you know nobody's being nobody can hear anything y'all give me a thumbs up all friends okay so we got thumbs up are we good to go all praises let's get started Genesis chapter 13 and verse 1 uh-huh and Abram went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him ok so it says an Abraham went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him let's go back to let's let's let's focus on the word Genesis because remember what had just happened everything with Adam with Cain and Abel everything that happened with Noah all these things that transpired right until we got to the lean lineages in chapter 10 that kept the car when it went over of ham Shem and yes it okay so now Abraham came forth you know the situation in Chapter 12 went down where the Egyptian King was coveting after his wife he you know the Lord plagued his house the Pharaoh made Abraham very abundant in riches gave him a lot of riches and they went about their way so that that's where we leave in offense so Abraham went out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him into the stuff remember Genesis goes into your a lot of people say the beginning it goes into your genetics your genealogy you could break you know when you fast forward all the way to Genesis 49 you know but that's what it goes into the beginning goes into our genetics our genealogy how we come from Shem we come from the lineage of Shem alright let's keep reading Genesis 13 verse 2 and Abram was very rich in cattle in silver and in gold alright so remember a lot of times when the Bible talks about our forefathers being rich such as job Abraham uh it's not talking about it's not talking about Jordans it's not talking about you know carnal wealth it's not talking about carnal wealth okay he's talking about Abraham was very rich in cattle in silver and gold mean he had much many cows ox chickens and livestock things that can take care of your family you had a lot of land okay this is true wealth that's that's one it's a true up let's get Jeremiah chapter I think it's 25 verse 9 29 verse 5 redone and this is something that leadership has been telling us to make sure that we focus that we try to we have to change our minds we have to be rethought on how what wealth truly is what it means to be rich alright a lot of brothers sisters are already partaking in it they've begun landscaping and using their homes and their acreage to their advantage okay started to grow to potatoes tomatoes you know celery and so forth read that see Jeremiah 29 verse 5 come on VOD House bill G houses come on and dwell in them and dwell in memory and plant gardens and eat eat the fruit of them you see that he said in plank gardens and eat the fruit of them that'll save you a lot of money also you gotta use use your home to your advantage you know it takes a little bit of work a little bit of dedication uh you know but the Lord said is that we must we must be able to one day provide for ourselves right now we all rely on the other nations all right but Abraham was very rich in cattle in silver and gold let's keep reading Genesis 13 verse 2 verse 3 and he went on his journeys from the south even to bed though unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and hey I read unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and their ever called on the name of the Lord come on and lot also which went with Abram had flocks and herds and tents and the land was not able to bear them that they might dwell together okay so real quick who was lot lot was Abraham's nephew let's go ahead let's backtrack real quick in Genesis chapter 11 and let's read verse 26 Genesis 11 verse 26 and Tyrod lived seventy years and begat Abram so Terah was the father of Abraham read Nahor and hey Ron so Nahor and her on war Abraham's brothers or Abram because his name wasn't changed yet so Abram who was Abraham his brothers were in the war and Haram keep reading now these were the generations of Tarak come on so Rob begat Abram mm-hmm nay or and Haram come on so in her own and her own begat lot so as you can see her Ron begat lot meaning that makes lot who that makes that that makes that Abram that makes him his nephew so let's go back Genesis 13 verse 6 6 and the land was not able to bear them that they might dwell together for more for that substance was great so that they could not go out together you see that so their substance was great they couldn't dwell together what's going what's that mean their substance were great it goes back to verse 2 where they were very rich in cattle silver and gold now when did this happen let's go to Genesis chapter 12 verse 14 Genesis 12 and verse 14 come on and it came to pass that when Abram was coming to Egypt the Egyptians beheld a woman that she was very fair what woman is talking about Sarah Abraham's wife now y'all give y'all if y'all watch the break of the last four breakdowns y'all to have the understanding of what just transpired here okay let's read verse 15 the Prince is also a pharaoh saw her and commended her before Pharaoh and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house 3 and the intz and he entreated Abram well for her sake right because remember Abram just finished telling Sarah hey you won't have to tell the lie you go ahead and so you want to Charlie yeah you want tutty's dirt dirty how much that guess what I'm I'm you know you're my sister I'm your brother cuz if you tell him we married they gone they gonna have to kill me they gonna want to kill me so just tell them you my sister for now you know read that and he entreated Abram well for her sake and he has sheep and oxen and he asked us and menservants and maidservants and she asked us and camels so that goes into the substance that the Pharaoh gave him cuz he was like yeah you're gonna be my brother-in-law now you know if will be my brother-in-law we gonna be family you got to do a big like me you gotta you know because you know Egypt you know they were they had a kingdom here this is a pharaoh aka a king another word for king right so it says he had treated him yet he gave him sheep oxen that asses and he gave him a meant servants okay so he gave him made servants she asses and camels okay so this is where we read about the servant that he has later on and in a few chapters that we're gonna get to it this is where Hagar also came from his other maidservant all right this is where this is where they all came from let's go back in Genesis chapter 13 read Genesis 13 and verse 7 mm-hmm and there was a strife between the herdsmen of Abrams cattle and the Hermon of Lots category and the Canaanite and the perizzite dwelt in the land well then in the land okay so there was there were issues between lots lots men and there were issues between Abraham's men right so let's read verse 8 verse 8 and Abram said unto lot let there be no strife I pray thee so he said let there be no friction between us or men you know let there be no strife free let there be no strife I pray thee between me and thee uh-huh and between my herdmen and Diaries for we be brethren you see that so that was the spirit of Abraham he wasn't he he and he would always try to defer and defuse any situation deescalate situations okay he would always try to find a solution okay that's how we must be we gotta find solutions let's get Matthew 5 verse 9 Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 all right Abraham whenever there was contention or issues he was always looking into solutions to make sure you know a lot of lot of times some brothers don't they're not some we not solution money you brothers got to be more solution minded to fix problems using the scriptures redone Matthew 5 and verse 9 uh-huh blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God so what was Abraham Abraham or Abram was a peacemaker he was a peacemaker right all right let's go back to Genesis chapter 13 verse nine Genesis chapter 13 verse nine is not the whole land before thee so he's like what are we what are we fighting for look at all this land look at everything the Lord has blessed us with it's no reason for us to be fighting for space and land and cattle the Lord then gave us more than more than we need you know so he says is not the whole land before us read separate that self come on I pray thee from me if that will take the left hand then I will go to the right uh-huh or if thou depart to the right hand out then I will go to the left you see that so he didn't want no debate with Locke neither he said look if you want to go to the left guess what i'ma go to the right if you want to go to the right I'm gonna go to the left so I'll leave it up to you I'll leave it up to you that's called being a peacemaker you know what I'm sayin you can't argue with that you'd be like damn okay yeah well you know and that's what uh you know that's what lot ended up doing he looked around let's read so lot lifted up his eyes and lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan uh-huh that it was well watered everywhere that it was well watered what happens when uh certain areas are well watered abundance it's very fertile okay it's easy to grow crops and you know there's a lot of rain son so it was very well watered everywhere read before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah uh-huh even as the Garden of I'm sorry even even as the garden of the Lord uh-huh like the land of Egypt as thou came into so long you see that so he said it was it was a very beautiful land he was like before he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah even as the Garden of the Lord reverse 11:00 then light shows him all the plain of Jordan so lot once he saw he said oh yeah that looks good over there looks like we could be prosperous over there Reed and lot journeyed East so he went east free and they separated themselves the one from the other reading Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan Abram dwelled in a land of Canaan where's the land of Canaan that is north east africa read and lot dwelt in the cities of the plain huh and pitched his tent toward Sodom and he pitched his tent so would Sodom so where was was was he only living toward Sodom or actually in Sodom let's find out fast we'll go to Genesis 14 read verse 12 Genesis chapter 14 verse toilet come on and they took lot Abrams brothers son you see that his brother son Reed who dwelt in Sodom toward it means the same thing so he dwelt where in saw debris and his goods and the party okay go back Genesis chapter 13 and verse 11 then chose then lot chose him all the plan of Jordan and lot journey East and they separate themselves the one from the other Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan for a lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent toward Sodom three but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly no we all know when we get we won't get to that point in the later chapters to come but the men of Sodom were wicked and they were sinners before the Lord why they they conducted themselves and morally they were lawless they had no principles they believed in sexual freedom ok thus the reason why the city was overthrown by the Most High God that's the reason why it was destroying let's read verse 14 and the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward come on for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever ok so this is this was the most I reiterating the promise that he had made a few chapters before let's get that Genesis chapter 12 verse 7 well this was the promised land that he gave unto Abraham for his seed read Genesis chapter 12 verse 7 and the Lord appeared unto Abram and said what to dye seed will I give this land you see that he said unto thy seed will I give this land ok go back so let's read Genesis 13 verse 15 for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever come on and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth you see that's Lee said I'm gonna make your seed as the dust of the earth read so that if man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbered so this goes into the covenant that he also made with the children Israel we would be like the sand of the sea okay matter of fact let's get that Hosea wanted say so we would be like the his his children would be like the sand of the sea the dust of the earth the stars of the sky readin hosea chapter one first Isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 come on yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor number and they shall come to pass then in the place where it is said unto them ye are not my people there it shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the Living God here we go so let's go back Genesis alright now we're on chapter 14 Genesis chapter 14 let's read that's good I just want to get the part of how he was gonna make us as the sand of the sea what's going into the same thing to dust of the earth go ahead Genesis chapter 14 and verse 1 uh-huh and it came to pass in the days of my fair king of shinar king of shinar which today's modern day Iraq read oh yuck king of leisa mm-hmm to deliver to deliver king of elam and tidal king of nations since adult king of the nations right read that these made work with bare rock king of sodom uh-huh and with russia king of gomorrah read sign ah king of admah and shim a bear I'm sorry Jimmy bear king of Zhai Bowie and the king of Balaam which is though are all right so let's backtrack Genesis 14 at once so if you notice there were four kings that are mentioned in verse one then you realize that there's five kings that are mentioned in verse two so these first Kings in Genesis chapter 40 verse 1 these four kings made in allegiance to be Confederate together okay they made an allegiance and they were called the four Mesopotamian kings alright let's read it one more time Genesis 14 verse 1 and it came to pass in the days of I'm Raphael king of shinar hurry up king of a lesser the ultimate king of alone even elam and tidal king of nations so they were gonna go and make war with these other five kings so this was a world war this was the actual world war okay these were nations and kingdoms that were creating alliances with another to go to war with other nations all right reversed to first to that these made war with bharat king of sodom and with birdshot king of gomorrah Shinar king of admah and shimmy barrett king goes a bowie and the king of bela which is the law so one thing that you're also gonna notice is that in verse 2 it says and the king of bela which is so are that's the king whose name was not mentioned okay that is the name of the city Bayla and Zawar de la which means is a woman reached reverse 3 verse 3 all these were joined together in the veil of city which is the saw see you see that so it says all these were join together we're in battle right in a valley of Siddim which is also known as the salt sea or known as today as the Dead Sea all right three twelve years they serve to deliver and in the thirteenth year they were boom hold on so they didn't go into all the specifics obviously who lost the five kings the five kings right meaning the King King bura bura sha shine AB add Masha and Eber and the other King they lost the battle to the four Mesopotamian kings okay so they served them for thirty for twelve years and on a thirteenth year they rubbed elde against them alright so let's read verse five and in the fourteenth year cancer Dolan and the kings that were with him and smoke rough Rafael Reif Ames these are nations right Reed and smote the referee Ames in Ezra car naive okay so this is a place that's where they smoked them that's where they want the war with them and Ashtaroth carnem this ain't this this ain't ash the Ralph like the God this is the actual plate that was a place of Astaroth in-car Ashtaroth carne carne I read and in the zoo Zing's in hand uh-huh and the amines in Shabbat hmm karate karate in Korea funny Reba bar 6 and the hole right in their mouth Sierra unto el par on which is by the wilderness someone and they were turned and came in and came to in Miss fat in Miss pack which is Kadesh and smoked all the coaches of the Amalekites and also their mics that dwelt in possess Isaiah zone Tamar has a song to Moorea three and then went out the king of sodom and the king of gomorrah and the king of admah and the king of zeboiim and the king of bela the same is the walk cedar tree and they joined battle with them in the Vale of Siddim the veil goes into the valley the valley of Siddim 3 with $2 the king of elam and with tada kingdom nations and in i'm rafael king of Sonora and our we are king of a lesson for kings with 5 you see that four kings in battle against the other five all right these were the floor Mesopotamian kings all right read and the veil of the din was full of slime pit so it says in that valley right of Siddim where also can be found the dead sea there were slime pits what a slime pits known as today they're known as bitumens also known as a place where you find tar oil petroleum remember the Middle East right the Mideast is very rich in oils in petroleum all right so they were in the same area where there were slime pits also known as tar pits okay asphalt pits read first in and the Battle of sedan was full of slime pits and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah flayed and belted and they that remain fled to the mountain come on and they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and he took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah free and all that videos and went their way ok so now these kings took these four kings that destroy the other five kings they made sure to take all their spoils right all their merchandise and they went their way let's watch what happens read verse 12 and they took lot Abrams brothers son who dwelt in Sodom and it's good and departed so guess what because lot was dwelling in Sodom he was also taking on taken away captive himself along with his men all right so they took his goods and they departed whitlock all right so now Abraham's nephew was taken into captivity by these Mesopotamian kings breathe and there came one that had escaped and told Abram the Hebrew it's all Abram the Hebrew read for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite brother - I saw the brother of an heir and these welcomed with Abram what does that mean that these were Confederate with Abram meaning that they were good friends of his they were allies okay they came and they wanted they told him hey they took lot your nephew is in captivity with these other four kings that defeated the five kings all right read and when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive uh-huh he on his train service hold on so now like my brother right here uh Columbus Graham just said it was wartime Abraham said to himself it is war time it was war time he was like that's that's my nephew I gotta go get him back that's my brother you know whether it be enough you your cousin that's your brother that's your kid you know so it was war time so what did he do Abraham heard that his brother was taken captive and he armed his trained servants what does that mean a lot of times we just overlook this we just look it over that lets you know that Abraham he had them hands he was fit for battle he was a man that knew how to conduct war strategically you know how to arm his battalions and his squadrons and where that weaponry we're gonna reel and as we continue to read we're gonna realize Abraham wasn't this week white old man that like to put portray on these whitewashed images he was not this week white man okay that that that looked very frail no Abraham was a strong black man warrior type this man played no games Abraham our forefather was not was that he was very rich absolutely you know what I'm saying so Abraham he on his trained servants so if he had trained servants who was who was training his servants he was he was Abraham was a V he was a warrior all right so like you said it was wartime so let's see what happened three first fourteen and when Abram heard that his brother was taking Capcom on he all his trained servants born in his own house 318 so it says these men I was born in his own house 318 men read and pursued them on today hold on so he pursued them unto damn that's the other side of Jordan so he said that so you got 318 men that he has not to mention the other three men that are Confederate Woodham that's a total 321 okay so he had 318 men that were going to help him in battle all right so he armed them and he pursued these four other kingdoms these you gotta understand he he had that he had to go against all these other kings to get a lot back you understand so let's read verse 15 and he divided himself against him uh-huh he and his servants by night hold on so we'll just read that and we don't realize that that was him actually being strategic he says hey we divide ourselves you y'all go this way we're gonna go that way you know what I'm saying make sure like what sometimes you gotta read to understand y'all don't read the four chapters just to say I read four chapters you gotta read to understand what you what you read reading okay make sure you're reading to understand not to say our read four chapters or I say I read eight or I read a whole book all right so now he said he divided himself against them he and a servants by Knights Laden gold broad daylight he went at night sons okay that's 14 you can't see me on black I'm not like skidded you know that's gonna be harder to see me at night son let you know Abraham was a black man also now right so he divided himself against against them he and his servants by night so he moved strategically like a army that was trained all right read and smoke them uh-huh and pursued them unto her buck come on robot which is on the left hand of Damascus uh-huh and he brought back all the goods oh no so you told me these 318 men +3 you telling me these men went and got the victory took all four kingdoms took all four other kings and and and delivered lot from his captivity that's amazing y'all you understand let's get matter of fact let's get real quick let's give first Maccabees let's get first Maccabees where we are chapter 3 verse 18 all right Maccabees 3 18 parts Maccabees chapter 3 and verse 18 so it was 318 men that kind of go together all praises redone what's this it's a home Judas answer is it no is it no hard matter for many to be shut up in the hands of a few you see that is it no light matter read and with the God of heaven is it all all one to deliver with a great multitude or a small company you see that to God it doesn't matter if you got a great number a small company the the battle is of the Lord okay read keep reading for the victory of battle stand is not in the multitude of in host read that one more time for the victory of battle stand it not in the multitude of an host but one keep reading but straight coming from heaven you see that but the strength cometh from the Lord but the strength coming from the Lord to Saint the only time that this has happened ah in the scriptures you know let's go to 2nd chronicles let's read chapter 20 verse 15 alright so a lot of times but get weary of faint-hearted oh we're not gonna win how we gonna defeat these [ __ ] how are we going to defeat these other nations we got no army we got no ekend that link I know might know nothing because the Lord says that he's coming back and that the vengeance will be of him the vengeance is of the Lord he's coming to invade this country with his troops okay we just got to sit back and keep the commandments we just got to sit back and love our neighbor and put off whatever malice Envy strife jealousy a hatred that you have any lying spirit whatever it is you got to put that off you know what I'm saying deal with yourself fix your spirit check your spirit whatever you dealing with because the time is short let's read them 2nd chronicles 20 in verse 15 and he said hearken ye all Judas and he inhabitants of Jerusalem and thou king jehoshaphat thus says the Lord unto you be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude you see that he said don't be afraid because it was a great multitude 3 for the battle is not yours he said the battle is not yours now you think of that you like what do you mean a battle ain't mine I got a shoot on me I got mine I got my sword I'm out here I'm ready for what what do you mean the battle was not all he's telling you the battle is in here the battle is in him you believe in you got faith that the Lord gonna help you get the victory you won't be all right how many times have and we always we're gonna go with some more another another example on how we would always overcome these other nations that always not numbered us read that again read that last part be not afraid no none of us save the Lord yes sir thus saith the Lord thus saith the Lord up to you huh huh be not afraid nor dismayed our reason of this great multitude on huh for the battle is not yours but God you see that so now let's phat let's let's backtrack a little bit go to chapter 14 let's read another example like our forefather ace of the King Aeson 14 reverse 8 second chronicles 14 in verse 8 and ASA had an army of men that Barrett Argus is is out of Judah 300,000 so ASA had a mighty army have 300,000 Jude i'ts alone all right keep reading and out of Benjamin and out of Benjamin now I know y'all remember that beacon ACF Clare oh not being a deacon iPhone you say you take Judah Benjamin alone they're hurt they'll then wax all the other all the other tribes we gotta give it to him man you talk about Judah Benjamin bright ain't no other tribes and I'm here from ain't no other tribes nobody stepping up to those two tribes right there I'm telling you yeah y'all y'all y'all southern kingdom but uh you know what I'm saying like when it come to an end Benjamin when they get together owes over is over so let's read up and out of Benjamin that bass seals and drew bows two hundred and four score town so now he has another two hundred four score thousand right that we're gonna assist the tribe of Judah so he has he has just a little bit over five hundred thousand men let's see who they were going to go to battle against read all these were mighty men of valor you see that they were mighty men of valor men of valor courage bravery they won no pumps they didn't have weak nature they wasn't emotional they wasn't mediocre they didn't self of mediocrity they did not self settle for mediocrity they wanted to be the best of the best read and there came out against them the rock an Ethiopian uh-huh within host of when the hope I'm sorry with the host of a thousand thousand you see that so he came out with it this Ethiopian kushai King came out with a thousand thousand how much is that one million men double the amount of men that Judah and Benjamin had at this time let's keep reading and three cherries and came unto my Russia uh-huh read and as I went out against him and they said to battle in a rape in the valley of sympathize come on at Marissa and cried unto the Lord his God hurry up instead Lord is it nothing would need to help weather with many or with them that have no power help us O Lord our God for we rest on thee you so you see that so he understood no the only way we gonna get the victory is that we put our faith in the Lord he said the battle is of the it is of yours he said is it is that nothing with D to help whether or not whether with many or with them they have no power help us O Lord our God read for we rest on thee and in thy name we go against this multitude our Lord read now order now our our God let no man from verlag is d ok so when you could when you keep read the story you'll see that they they overcame they destroyed the Ethiopians the fight and the battles of the Lord that some our forefather Abraham understood let's go back Genesis let's read that verse where we at Genesis chapter 14 and read verse 15 yes no read verse 41 what son yes sir Genesis 14 verse 14 come on and when Abram had hurt his that his brother was taken captive he armed his trained servants born in his own house come on 318 and pursued them once a day and he divided himself against him he and his servants so you see a lot of these servants I just you know just just saw they said born in his own house meaning what they were raised up in military tactics they were raised up to be warriors to be fighters okay oh go ahead read 13 again 15 and he's dividing himself against him he and his service by night and he smoked him and pursued them unto her buck which is on the left hand of the master and he brought back all the goods and also brought again his brother lot and his Goods and the women also and the people and the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of to Dolan and of the kings that were with him at the valley of Sheba I'm sorry say baby which is the King's Dale which is the King's Dale me in the King's Valley read and Melchizedek king of stock sale Salem goes into the same thing as Shalom peace king of peace so Salem mean Shalom read brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of them of the Most High guy he was the priest of the Most High God read and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth ha ha the blessed and blessed be the Most High God which have delivered thine enemies into thine hand and he gave him tithes of all okay so Abraham paid tithes to melt ELLs a day this was way before the Levitical priesthood okay the twelve tribes wasn't even alive yet we wasn't even we won we were still swimming around okay now we can go to Hebrews 7 in 1 we can go into the order milk sells it that we got many classes and regards that a breakdown of Melchisedec okay we're not gonna we're not gonna do that right now we're gonna continue to read and get through these chapters all right but you can go to Hebrews 7 in 1 you can also read John 8 verse 56 on them all right to prove who mel tells the deck is now let's keep reading verse 20 and he blessed the most high god we should live with thine enemies into thine hand and he gave him tithes of all three and the king of sodom said unto abram give me the give me the person's and take the goods to thyself so he said give me the give me give me two give me the people but you could keep everything all the spoils you could keep them this the king of sodom all alone as what beat Bera thereon he said he came back when he see he saw that his enemies were defeated by Abraham and he said you know what give me just give me my people cuz guess what they was in captivity you understand said the other because they had lost a battle ok say give me that you keep the goods to yourself them reap and Abram said to the king of stock uh-huh I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord the Most High God the possessor of heaven and earth that I will not take from a threat I'm sorry that I would not take for me3 even to a sulit he said I'm not gonna take one look there a thread from none of these boys I ain't gonna take not it not a shoelace read and then I will not take anything that is done and I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna accept nothing you give me this is what Abrahamson this what Abram said read last our city state I have made every risk you see that he wasn't gonna allow him to have the satisfaction to say that he was like nah nope you gets no credit let's read save only that which the young men have eaten uh-huh and the portion of the men which went with him he said only make sure you you can give these brothers read saying only that which the young men have eaten and the portion of the man which went with me come on and there he saw in memory so these are three the three brothers that was with Abraham that will Confederate with him that were fighting with him read let them take their place you see that because they earned it in a battle they earned it he said let them take their portion okay now let's read we're on chapter 15 read Genesis chapter 15 verse 1 after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision saying fear not Abel I am thy shield and I exceeding great reward uh-huh come on and Abram said Lord God what would they'll give me seeing I go childless he said Lord God how am i blessed but you won't give me ain't gonna ain't I'm childless I don't have any children Reid and the steward of my house is this any any zone of Damascus he said thus toward the servant of my house is a lessor of Damascus reap and Abram said Behold to me thou give his nose thou has given no see so you haven't given me any children I don't have any children why is he worried about that watch we're gonna explain you read and lo one born in my house is my name you see that he said the one has born in my house is my heir who's he talking about Eleazer you understand it's like going into like let's say The Fresh Prince of bel-air how you had Jeffery he was he was the servant the butler of uncle Phil's house right if Uncle Phil passed away the inheritance wasn't all go to the but look you get what I'm saying it will go to your children so Abraham is saying I ain't got no children if something was to happen to me it will go to him I'm Tablas so let's keep reading first full and behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine and he said now don't worry about it he's not gonna possess your stuff he's not gonna be he's not going to receive your inheritance reap but he that shall come forth I don't dine on bowels shall be thine in what is that he's prophesying he's telling Abram he's telling him you're going to have children he said out of your own bowels out of your own seed all right Reed and he brought forth him and he brought him forth abroad today look now toward heaven and tell the Stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto Him so shall thy seed be he says so shall thy seed be right cuz he said now look at the stars you can imagine all the stars was out when he told me I can only imagine like y'all love it y'all ever experienced that one night where you just be like oh you just look up at the sky all the stars is out and you can't stop looking at him cuz it's so beautiful I can only imagine when when the Lord taught him look up now look at all these thoughts can you count them man he must have been everywhere that had to be a sight to behold right there read and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness you see that he believed in the Lord he believed that he that he would have children he said oh yeah if the Lord if the Lord said it it's going to happen and it counted him for righteousness okay what does that mean it counted him for righteousness let's get where's the masala chapter 1 verse 15 wisdom of Solomon chapter 1 verse 15 and it counted and it and he counted it to him for righteousness readin wisdom of Solomon chapter 1 verse 15 uh-huh for righteousness is immortal read it one more time for righteousness is immortal see that immortality accounted him for righteousness immortality why because it's gonna be his seed that's one forever that's gonna be a righteous sea right righteousness goes into keeping the commandments now go to Deuteronomy 6 and 25 it says that's how your righteous tone that these pastors play semantics with these words everything goes back to the laws the truth love grace all that stuff it all all those words that they like to play semantics with to put our people to sleep all you got to do is go precept upon precept and destroy all those doctrines because the Bible will simplify it and explain it for you that righteousness goes into what just keeping a low mattified let's get a real quick Deuteronomy 6 and 25 all right cuz that's that's what these uh that's what these lion pastors love to do let's read them Deuteronomy 6 verse 25 come on and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these Commandments just you see that it shall be our righteousness to do do is what an action word you have to perform something it's not verbal you understand there's something that's required of you action you know in your actions that you must do you must do what let's read from the top again and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these Commandments before the Lord our God as he have commanded us you see that so when you read all the way the beginning of the the first books of Moses talks about getting being righteousness being perfect by keeping the laws all the way to the last page of the book it's all about keeping the laws okay let's read let's go back to where we was at so it counted him reversed 6 yes Genesis 15 verse 6 mm-hmm and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness all right let's go to Romans chapter 4 verse 1 real quick so it counted him it ik he counted it to him for righteousness that's redone Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 the moon what shall we say then that Abraham our Father as pertaining to the flesh hath found read for Abraham was justified by work by what by work see that he was justified meaning when it says that he had faith that he would have children he showed it in his works he prepared himself free he hath whereof to glory uh-huh but not before god free for what for what's their description abraham believed god you see that that's what it just said we just were reading that in genesis chapter 13 where he believed god read abraham believed god and it was counted unto him for righteousness alright let's go back and it was counted unto him for righteousness let's read Genesis 15 of our seats and he'd believed in the Lord and he counted to him for righteousness 3 and he said unto him I am the lord that brought thee out of ur of the Chaldees to give thee this land to inherit II he said I brought - I brought you out of the land of the Chaldees right that's where taurah his father was living at her on his brother okay let's read and he said Lord God whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it mm-hmm and he said unto him take me an heifer of three of those so he said take me an heifer of three years old what's that that's a young cow that has not had any calf's any any any little younger kid you know three and a she-goat three years old she goat of three years old three and a ram of three years old huh huh and a Turtledove and a young pigeon read and he took unto him all these and divided them in the midst and laid each piece one against another uh-huh but the birds divided not 3 and when the fowls came down upon the carcasses Abram drove them away he drove them away because of course they was going to eat him he killed him because he was getting offering up sacrifices so read and when the Sun was going down a deep sleep fell upon Abram uh-huh and lo and horror of a great darkness fell upon him you see - Lee says and when the Sun was going down a horror of great darkness fell upon him he was about to he was about the receive of vision of once again future prophecy let's get that job 33 verse 15 Joel 33 verse 15 Joe 33 verse 15 ma huh in a dream in a vision of the night uh-huh when deep sleep followed up on me in slum rings up on the bay uh-huh then he opened open it the ears of me and see that their instruction you see that that's when men that's when the prophets received their instructions when they received their prophecies okay let's go back let's get matter of fact go to Abel three and seven real quick Abel's chapter 3 verse 7 5:15 all present story begun or 6:14 yacht's on eastern time Rheda a MOS 3 in verse 7 uh-huh surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealed his secret until his servants the prophets you see that he said he will he reveal if his secrets to the prophets all right so now he's about to reveal a secret to Abraham let's go back Genesis chapter 15 and verse 13 15 verse 13 and he said unto Abram know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict him for hundred years so you see what it says it says no for surety he says know for a fact know without a shadow of a doubt that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that does not belong to them and they're gonna serve these people and they're gonna be afflicted they're gonna be in captivity and bondage for 400 years okay let's get that let's read about that in the New Testament Acts chapter 7 336 next chapter 7 and verse 6 now we won't destroy this doctrine that this is talking about America because that's not what it's going into let's read on Acts chapter 7 and verse 6 and God spake on this one that is see just so John in a strange land you see that he said that his seed should surge or in a strength what's sojourn mean yeah we're gonna live there then we're gonna be in captivity their sojourn means to dwell to live doesn't mean you won't be at peace so joy means you just living there you could be living there in captivity you'll be living there in peace but he said they were gonna sojourns keep that word in mind read in a strange name and that they should bring them into bondage and then treat them evil 400 years he had 400 years let's to get Exodus chapter 12 verse 40 so let's see where this land was let's read them Exodus chapter 12 and verse 40 come on now the soul journey of the children of Israel what did I say now the soul journey of the children of Israel now to séjour Dean remember that was the prophecy that was adjourned or live in a land right now thus adjoining of the children of Israel Reed who dwelt in Egypt hold on what miss what what miss what doubt that's what was prophesied it in the vision that Abraham had in Genesis chapter 15 now Moses is telling the children of Israel reader who dwelt in the land of Egypt was 430 years was 430 years so when he told Abraham that they were gonna be there for 400 years it doesn't have to mean 400 years on a spot it was an approximation of time okay it's not going into America a lot of y'all need to be careful with social media you gotta watch out with Facebook and Instagram y'all are being led by by deep dummies on Facebook on social media you're asking questions on social media instead of relying on your leadership relying on the leaders that the Lord have appointed over you you understand cuz guess what it didn't even include the northern kingdom if you're talking about America America's captivity or here on the Western Hemisphere when Christopher Columbus came that was 1492 which would make it this is 2020 we did the math that was 528 years ago are we not still in captivity today yes we are let's read that Maroof chapter three verse eight so that is inaccurate that is inaccurate okay when y'all see post like that y'all shoot them down don't let let them think hey delete those posts get them out of there be mindful of the foolishness that goes on on social media let's read Luke chapter 3 and verse 8 come on behold we are yet this day in our captivity uh-huh where thou has scattered us where thou hast scattered us we bid the children as row we're scattered you understand Northern Kingdom went into slavery 1492 you understand it was about a hundred years later a hundred years later after the damnum nasty disgusting Spaniards raped robbed and murdered us to the brink of genocide that they were being so stupid with their slaves that they had to bring over who they had to bring over the southern kingdom they had to bring other other northern kingdom tribes that were already in Africa to fill in a rolls because they were killing us off as such an enormous I wait almost to the brink of genocide okay we talk about slavery 1492 so this is not talking about this is not going into America oh and when you add up 1619 all the way to our 2020 you get about 400 years oh it though it don't have to be exact now when you talk about that one and then got to be exact now because that's not exactly 400 years all right so be mindful y'all you know you still have to count all the twelve tribes remember this was this was a prophecy back in Genesis 15 that was pertained to all 12 tribes all right not just the southern kingdom all right let's go back Genesis 15 yet man fact finish that off real quick Exodus 12 is the first 40 read add one more time Exodus 12 verse 40 uh-huh other soul journey of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt was 430 years mm-hmm and it came to pass at the end of the 430 years even itself same date it came to pass uh-huh that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Asia so that prophecy was fulfilled that prophecy that was told to Abraham back in Genesis 15 and 13 that's what it happened during the time of Moses not today it's not talking about today all right let's go back fifteen Genesis chapter 15 and verse 13 and he said unto Abram know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them for hundred years come on and also that nation whom they shall serve will not judge and afterward shall they come out with a great I'm sorry with great substance Donald with great substance what's that going let's go to Exodus 12 read verse 31 they came out with a great substance right why is that we was always taking the Egyptians under you you saw how the Pharaoh gave half of his stuff to Abraham then over here with the Lord destroy Egypt we ended up having all a great substance we was always taking each upon - thanks to the Lord rido Exodus 12 in verse 31 uh-huh and he called for Moses and Aaron by night and say rise up and get you forth from among my people hmm both ye and the children of Israel and go serve the Lord as you have saved also take your flocks and your herds as he have saved and be gone and blessed me also watch this and the Egyptians were urging upon the people that they might send them out of the land with haste for thanks and it would say please be gone be gone and plagues was whooping it behind it was like a let a feral let you didn't hear Moses let the Lord's people go they said they moved them out of there with haste you got a really you got a really when you read when you read this book this ain't no this ain't no you know yeah this ain't no fairy tale yuh-huh this is talking about and I gotta use I gotta use what we call ourselves today so y'all can really understand who this is this is talking about African Americans Jamaicans Mexicans Puerto Ricans that went through the Red Sea let's talk about us the so-called Mexicans blacks Puerto Ricans and all that we are the 12 tribes in Israel but that's what you gotta get up like yo the Mexicans was going through the to the dead to the Red Sea yeah that was down that was Brazilians that was Asians and Dominicans so-called now we understand where the twelve tribes of Israel but this is whose this is who that that is talking about it's talking about us let's read Exodus 12 hours 33 and the Egyptians were urging upon the people that they might send them out of the land with haste for they say we'd be all dead men and the people took their dope before I was living there needing Trump's being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders now watch this this is the point read and the children of Israel did according to the word of most they did according to the word of Moses and what did the children Israel do read and they borrowed not even a cup reader and they borrowed enough of the Egyptians jewels of silver huh and Joseph gold and rainy I'm hungry and the Lord gave the people favor in the Sun Egypt you see that the people are going to the children of Israel read so that they live unto them such things as they required I'm gonna need to Mary's off your breath yeah I'm gonna need that I'm gonna need that pendant let me hold it I'm gonna need that I'm gonna need those are those twenty thousand oxen we ran away with all they spoils read so sorry so that they make them listen to them such things as they require and they spoiled Egyptian there you go all right let's go back Justice 15 Genesis 15 verse 14 and also that nation whom they shall serve will not judge and afterward so they come out with with great substance free and thou shalt go to that fathers in peace thou shalt be buried in a good old age you see that so that was prophecy so you won't die in a good old age you know I'm gonna die young you're gonna have a long life free but in the fourth generation they shall come come hither again for the iniquity of the amorite is not yet food read and it came to pass that when the Sun went down and it was dark behold a smoking furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces in the same day the Lord has made a covenant with Abram saying unto thy seed have I given his name from the river of unto the river the river euphrates and the kid nights and the kin is ice and the Kaduna and the could cabin i'ma night and the hittites and the perizzites and the referee I'm sorry yes referee and the amorite and the canaanites and the girgashites and the jebusites oh praise so that was chapter 15 let's read we're on chapter 16 now let's read Genesis chapter 16 verse 1 uh-huh now surah abraham's wife bear him no children but now remember the chapter earlier there was a conversation between God and Abraham and he prophesied it to Abraham you would have children all right let's read now so right Abraham's wife bear him no children and she had in hand maid an Egyptian whose name was Hagar now where did this where did this hand may come from you read about that back in Genesis 12 and verse 16 when the Egyptians gave them menservants and hand mades read on verse 2 and Sarai said unto Abram behold now the LORD hath restrained me from bearing so she said the hold the Lord have made me sterile you know I'm struggling to have children can't have no children I can't get pregnant read I pray thee go in unto my mate mm-hmm it may be that I may obtain children by her you see that she said go in unto my maid that I may have children by her kind of like what happened with uh with Ruth and Naomi honey Oh me had children by Boaz right uh read up and Abram hearkened unto the voice of Sarang and sera Abraham's wife to take on her maid the Egyptian after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife you see that so Abram to be his wife 3 and he went in unto Hagar and she can see and when she saw that she had conceived her mistress was despised in her eyes so she saw she was the spot so Hagar got confident she had a she was proud she looked at Sarah with hate because now she felt like this is my husband she felt like yeah you can't give me right like this is my house you know she got really high minded and she despised Sarah she alright read verse five it's the right said unto Abram my wrong be upon thee she said my wrong my wrong be upon thee what's she saying because now she was because hagar was giving her hell she was like all the stress that i'm going through now is because of you abraham my wrong be upon thee you stressed me out abraham three she blamed the husband read I have given my mate into that booth uh-huh and when she saw that she had conceived I was despised I see that I was despised in her eyes right so she said she was stressed out she was going through this BS with Hagar Hagar wasn't being submissive okay she thought she was no longer a servant alright she didn't understand read the Lord judge between me and thee the Lord judge between me and thee what's that mean I may be in the wrong or I might be right but let the Lord decide who is read but Abram said unto Sarai behold that maid isn't died he he say a woman I said what did you talk Heys Martha he didn't say my wife he did not say my wife he said thy maid be in your hand meaning what your slave right you do whatever the hell you want wear that also that was a reality check for who for Hagar because guess what Abraham one feeling them feelings was not mutual it was not mutual he wasn't feeling the same way uh Hagar was you know what I'm saying she was on her horse and Abraham was like her missin yo.hannes man you matter of fact he breed once behold thy maid isn't that him uh-huh due to her as it pleases man you do whatever you want with her you could kick out the house because if Abram Abram did feel some and maybe you know let's say he was whoop y'all know y'all brothers know what I'm talking about and he was whoop to somebody he like let's try to work this out hold on none as you can see Abraham kept the laws of the Most High he understood no only only reason I did that was to have children with her not to have multiple wives I didn't do that because I believe in having you know what I'm saying having sex with the other nations no he did that sole purpose his sole purpose to do it was to bring full force II so that he can have an inheritance so that si can have the the inheritance what this wasn't going to be the one know what we will keep reading but that's why he did it okay some brothers look at this B oh you see you can have multiple wives like no some some brothers be saying eight they ten toes down and and but you believe that multiple wives you not ten toes now you ten hose down okay that's what you are if you believe in multiple wives did not ten toes down you're ten holes then there's no such thing as multiple wives okay well there is but that's Old Testament too many hak kingdoms or forefathers that had kingdoms all right now to living in your basement you know what I'm saying working at Dunkin Donuts come on man that's that's that's that's let's keep it scripture let's keep it you know what I'm saying that's adhere to the sort of loss to the best of our ability without trying to justify your wickedness because all these other yeah these otherwise the duty but that's Israel right there's man all right keep reading behold that maid is in dying uh-huh due to her as it pleases thee so you see that he didn't he had no feelings for he did not care about her he did not want multiple laughs he said you do as it pleased her cuz ah he was like this cuz I don't want no problems with you you my wife I want you to be happy so whatever whatever it takes whatever whatever takes to please you you do do to her as you feel read and what's the right job hardly with her you see sera hey awful mother didn't play that awful mother was like oh I got the green light she was like she dealt harshly with it she was like I don't know who that who you think you is but you know I'm saying you about to get your reality check and that's what that's what that's what I fooled mother Sarah Kaelin read and what's the right dealt hardly with her uh-huh she fled from her faith you see that the wicked flee so she was gone that says she is going into Hagar Hagar fled Reid and the angel of the Lord found her by the fountain of water in the wilderness by the fountain in the way of shirt come on and he said Hagar Sarai's me wind's coming south she said he said well you came from Reid and with or without go uh-huh and she said I believed from the face of my mr. Serrat she said I'm I'm fleeing from the face of my mistress Sarah does she deal harshly with me I don't like it she forgot her old man she got high-minded Reid and the angel of the Lord said unto her return to thy mistress and submit thyself under her hand you see that return he said go back humble yourself and what'd he say submit thyself what does that let you know she was given Sarah hard time because she was submitted to her no more because she had a son all right let's read she had a son by Abraham read and the angel of the Lord said unto her I will multiply thy seed exceeding uh-huh then it shall not be numbered for multitude you see that brie and the angel of the Lord said unto her behold thou art with child he was like what are you doing you out here pregnant you got a child you know what I'm saying go back to your mistress and submit read and shall bear a son and you gonna have you want you you want you gonna give birth to your son read and shall call his name Ishmael you will call his name Ishmael all right we won't we won't see who is Ishmael character is read because the Lord has heard that blitz because the LORD hath heard thy affliction read and he will be a wild man he will be a what a wild man so Ishmael will be a wild man a lot of times will tell me when you read Genesis the book of the genetics and the genealogy of where we all come from you you understand that this Ishmael that he was the forefather of a wild race these men are wild men ok now let's find out who this man is before we finish off 12 let's get that all right real quick I want to give you all a quick book this is called who's who in the Bible all right it's written by Colm a and browning kome and browning you want to get the one that has who's who in the end up in the Old Testament New Testament and the Apocrypha that's the one you want to get okay let's read page 172 and go into Ishmael read that from the tongue this is the who's who page 172 come on Ishmael come on well yeah Ishmael son of Abraham when when Ishmael with the right Egyptian slave Hagar became pregnant by Abraham's name for him Sarah's jealousy was around someone Hagar fled into the desert so Hagar fled to the desert read but the angel of the Lord persuaded her to return mm-hmm he told her that she would bury Sun hey Sun called Ishmael and that he shall be a what be a wild ass of a man whoa you hear what that's that did you hear what I call them if y'all have kids I'd like one of the ear muffs cover the ears but we're just reading a Bible history okay this is what whoever whatever Edomite wrote this he took it a step further he said he ain't just wild he's a wild ass of a man read that again we just read the book read then he told her that she would bury son called Isthmus uh-huh and that he shall be a wild ass of a man so what does that mean Ishmael will be a wild ass of a man what type of man would do this let's keep nuts let's read this one the third paragraph about Jewish read by Jewish and Muslim tradition now y'all gotta understand when when when these books now that we can decipher if we got the spirit of discernment on us we understand when it says by Jewish tradition is talking about according to the Bible Muslim is a pleasure plagiarized version of the Bible the Quran right and they yes water down they added there on their own verses but we understand that it was state uh it was plagiarized they plagiarize the Bible our history so it says by Jewish tradition and Muslim tradition being biblical and according to biblical information read Ishmael came to be regarded as the ancestor of the nomad desert tribe he became the ancestor of the Nomad desert tribes read particularly those inhabiting the era area from the Sinai desert mm-hmm across the knee gave to southern Jordan now where is this this the Sinai desert and again to southern Jordan where is that the Middle East that's what it's going into this is the Middle East so this is for people that don't understand when they say oh how you know you it is like we don't just only know we this relates we know who every other nation is in this Bible we know who the who the Chinese are the Japanese we know who the white man is we know who the East Indian is you understand they're like oh you call yourself Israel yeah but we know who we are we know who everybody else is too because we study okay so these were the nomads desert tribes that lived in the Middle East keep reading the Hebrews considered themselves superior to these primitives and usually hostile desert kinsmen oh I like that part read that one more time the Hebrews the Hebrews who are the Hebrews we are we to Hebrews awful fathers what do we consider ourselves consider themselves superior what superior we are superior read to these primitives and usually hostile so hold on it cause of a while ass of a man it calls them primitive it calls them hostile so these whatever nation this is about to say it is this is a very dangerous nation this is a this is a nation that the most I put this spirit on them and you can't change them the way you want to try to change the white man you're not going to be able to change who this is neither let's find out keep reading the Hebrews consider them superior to these primitive and usually hostile desert kinsmen so they might they might have been hostile and wild but guess what they when it came to Hanahan combat we were superior to these two whether these are let's read let's see who they are read descended from the common forefather Abraham you see that it was a descendant of the common forefather Abraham read the Arabs the who the Arabs come on on their part venery Ishmael as their father you see that the Arabs understand who their forefather is it says that the ABS venerate Ishmael as their forefather it's written in their Quran it's written in their history books they know who their forefather is they know when they talk about Ishmael that's their daddy that's they fo father that's that's the Pappy he'd be the Pappy he'd be the bat-beam he's the papen so it says that the Arabs venerate themselves read that again yes the Arabs on their part venerate Ishmael as their forefather you see that he says that they venerate their selves meaning they called themselves we didn't call them Arabs we I mean we didn't say it should the Ishmaelites or the a Rabb's even white men even all the other guess what they themselves know that they are the Ishmaelites in the Bible they know when they read chapter 16 of the book of Genesis that's where they could find themselves they understand that that's where they could find their genetic their genetics in Genesis their genealogy in Genesis read out the Arabs on their part bin array Ishmael as their forefather come on and there is a [ __ ] legend there's a Muslim legend come on that he and his mother Hagar are buried in a sacred Kaaba and Mecca you see so now this is saying that apparently there's a Muslim Islamic doctrine that Ishmael and wealth and Hagar or buried under the what under the cobblestone at the mecca where they go over there to pray and worship a rock that's where they go to worship a rock who does that the a revs they understand they see they understand all this history it's the so-called blacks Hispanics and Native Americans we're the ones that don't understand our history we're the ones that don't understand where we come from because we're not reading to understand we're not reading to learn we're reading to just say oh yeah I read I read I read I read o book today come on y'all we got to read that understand you know how you know you're reading to understand when you ask questions okay because we don't know the whole Bible I don't know the whole Bible you get what I'm saying the scripture says we prophesied part we know in part okay I have plenty of questions for my leadership here you know so y'all have to when y'all read read to learn and don't be asking on Facebook don't be asking on Instagram you're gonna hear so much foolishness you're gonna hear so much you somebody with a with a fake deep name quwata Rob mashallah Kamaka ride Aparri on but about aa qualms Yasser Allah like that brother deep let me ask him a question but as simple as hell on his photos he got a cigarette in his mouth beard shaved off you know what I'm sayin come on y'all use wisdom don't be relying on cyber lights to answer your biblical scriptures that where your soul is on the line your spirit is on the line right they don't give a damn about you all right so it said the issue lights venerate themselves as the the nation of the Ishmaelites right okay so now let's go back Genesis 16 read that verse 12 Genesis 16 in verse 12 come on and he will be a wild man his hand will be against every man his hand will be against every man Reed and every man's hand uh-huh and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brothers you see that they were gonna always live amongst each other okay just like today you got him in Qatar Kuwait Saudi Arabia Iraq they constantly live around each other okay read verse 13 and she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her thou God seest me for she said have I have I also hourly for service usually have I also here looked after him that saved me come on wherefore the well was called beer-lahai-roi beer-lahai-roi uh-huh behold it is between kadesh and beret reed and hagar bear abraham a honey everyone called his son's name which hagar beared ishmael which hagar bear whose name was Ishmael who according to the Bible according to a more reference points and who's who in the Bible this is talking about the nation of the Ishmaelites know today as the Arabs the Arab people okay finish that and Abram was four score and six years old when Hagar bare Ishmael so it says Abraham Abram was four score six years old how old was he he was 86 okay when Ishmael was born Ishmael was the first born son of Abraham okay you know the reason why they created the Quran is because they understood that the Covenant didn't go to Ishmael you know that's why he created the Quran you might have gotten a temporary blessing but they they they know they ain't got that covenant though okay the company goes through the twelve tribes of Israel okay that's why he was like nah we'll take Genesis 16 we'll call Abraham our forefather but then we're gonna create a Quran on the side that's gonna make us the chosen people and this and that and it's funny because even their Quran says that we're the chosen people right all praise to the most high so brothers and sisters I pray y'all I got something out of these four chapters that we just read we read Genesis there's 13 through 16 okay if you have any questions please post them on the messenger okay post them on a messenger all right and Lord's will everybody's reading there remember you're not limited to you know but after at the at the minimum read four chapters you can keep reading if you want the Spirit was on the Spirit of the Lord was on our leadership to implement and incorporate this four chapters a day I'm following along I'm learning new things you know so all praise to the Most High all right with that I've been off Celeste officer Joshua and with that we say Shalom Shalom