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Exploring Grit's Role in Education
Aug 27, 2024
Lecture Notes: Understanding Grit in Education
Speaker's personal experience transitioning from management consulting to teaching.
Observations from teaching seventh grade math in NYC public schools:
IQ was not the only determinant of student success.
Hard work and perseverance were key factors in learning challenging material.
Key Observations
Educational Understanding:
Need for a better understanding of student motivation and psychology.
IQ is not the sole predictor of success in education or life.
Research and Findings
Transition to graduate school to study psychology.
Research focus:
Who is successful and why in challenging settings?
Research settings included:
West Point Military Academy
National Spelling Bee
Rookie teachers in tough neighborhoods
Private companies' salespeople
Major Findings
Grit as a predictor of success:
Grit is more important than social intelligence, good looks, physical health, or IQ.
Defined as passion and perseverance for long-term goals.
Involves stamina and long-term commitment.
Grit in education:
Study in Chicago public schools showed grittier students were more likely to graduate, regardless of other characteristics.
Implications and Questions
Importance of grit across various contexts:
West Point, National Spelling Bee, schools, and at-risk students.
Lack of knowledge on how to build grit:
Common question from parents and teachers with no clear answers.
Talent does not equate to grit.
Grit often inversely related to talent.
Developing Grit
Growth mindset as a potential solution:
Developed by Carol Dweck at Stanford University.
Belief that learning ability can change with effort.
Encourages perseverance through challenges.
Need for further exploration and testing of ideas to build grit.
Importance of being persistent in efforts to improve student grit.
Call to action to be gritty about making kids grittier.
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