Transcript for:
Apostolic Culture 1.4 Understanding Apostolic Culture and Faith

When it comes to Apostolic culture and living, we believe in the impossible. Therefore, we count on miracles to happen to me and through me. This is part of the kingdom culture that we live in, which is driven through the Apostolic lifestyle. And so as Apostolic communities and Apostolic culture, the miraculous is a normal part of it. If we look at the birthing of the church, even in Acts 2, There were miracles, signs, and wonders that took place.

It was a daily activity. It was an experience that was happening to them almost as a norm because we need to understand that the miraculous is a norm in the kingdom. It's not supernatural.

It's only supernatural within a natural world, but the supernatural is natural in a supernatural world. And so we need to cause the natural and the supernatural to become the supernatural and the natural, which is kingdom culture, apostolic culture. here on earth in the world that he's given to us. You know, we live by faith and not facts.

Faith is a key to releasing the supernatural. You know, Romans 117 says the righteous live by faith. And because of that, if we're righteous people, it's the righteousness of God through us that he's girded us up with. He's dressed us with righteousness. And when we're in right relationship with God, living by faith, We become the plumb line between heaven and earth to release the miracles of God and the provision of heaven to a broken world and a society looking for solutions.

And so when it comes to this life of the impossibility becoming all possible, when it comes to a life of miracles, we cannot see miracles apart from faith. In fact, we can't even please God apart from faith. Without faith, no one can please God, is what the Bible says. Because faith is first and foremost relational.

It's intimacy. It's trust. And through that intimacy and trust, we release the provision of heaven. In Matthew 17 verses 19 to 20, it says this, Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, Why could we not drive it out? And he said to them, Because of the littleness of your faith.

For truly I say to you, If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you. And don't you love this? It ends with nothing will be impossible to you.

And he compares that to the faith the size of a mustard seed. And if we break this down, when he says the littleness of your faith, that word little means brief for a moment. And so in other words, It's faith that keeps you from miracles. It's your little faith that keeps you from miracles.

And so it's that moment where you may have faith for a moment, but do you have a faith that continues, that endures, that perseveres? That you have to keep your faith on no matter how difficult it is, no matter how fruitless your season is, faith always says, I am going to persevere. We are going to always continue to move. I will not quit.

That is the declaration of faith. That we're going to continue. Continue to advance. Even if it doesn't work, I'm not going to stop. I'm going to keep going.

That is the manifestation of faith. Being a faithful person means that you are faithful. So whatever you put your hand to, you're going to be faithful in because that's the first fruit of being a person of faith. In Matthew 13, 31 to 32, it says this, He presented another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed into his field. And this is smaller than all the other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger and the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

So if you take a little bit of leaven and you put it in, it overtakes the whole thing. And see, in the Bible talks about how we're like leaven, he's planted us in this world. And it takes a little bit of leaven to overtake the whole thing. So in other words, you and I are the X factor to the world.

You and I are the ones that bring the world into an experience of a limitless world, where we see miracles, signs and wonders, where we become the Isaiah 8, 18 people, where we become a sign to the world. Where we say every impossible situation has a door for all possibilities when Jesus steps in. When Jesus steps in, everything changes.

And so in our relationship with God, with our faith, we're able to bring solutions to a world that's broken, that's hurting, that needs healing, that needs to be restored and redeemed by our faith. Because it's faith that justifies. What if it's our faith that's able to justify the world to God because of the miracles, signs, and wonders that they experience through God? That there's an unseen world that's a greater reality than the seen world where we're living by faith, not by fact, not by circumstance, not by experience.

And so as a people of faith, we need to understand that our belief in God, our truth, trust in God and who He is is so paramount to releasing miracles because what we believe will become the way we live. In other words, our orthodoxy becomes our orthopraxy. And so, as we're living this experience with God, as we're living this life of intimacy with God, we become a people of faith because the more we know Him, the more we trust Him, and the more we trust Him, the more faith we have in Him, and the more faith we have in Him, the greater the manifestation we birth around us.

This is the culture of the apostolic. We believe in the impossible. We believe that God can raise the dead. We believe that God's name, the name of Jesus, is more powerful than any sickness. We believe that the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit, the existential Christ residing in us, is the Spirit of wisdom that will give us the solutions for every problem and every social ill. that God allows us to be in and experience and be a part of because we count on miracles to happen to me and through me because we are an apostolic generation.