[Music] technology has become one of the basic requirement of modern society in today's digital era we use mobile devices to perform the networking [Music] [Music] sector has not only changed the way the world look at our country but has means exchange iit includes all type of technologies take a almost sub type technological use id used to deal with information such as computer hardware and software technology used for creating storing several benefits for a business such as i it helps in reaching more potential customer developing a business relationship with potential customers types of streamlining operations reducing cost improving efficiency maximizing profit minimizing waste providing better services to customer supporting better relationship with key partners and allowing customer to better guide the business [Music] and improving the quality operations with exploit information technology for improving the efficiency of an organizat this service provides a wide range of career options that include opportunities in all offices like call center payroll payroll logistics management updates revenue claims say easy types of friends medical billing take a pass that handles phone calls between organizations and customer or prospective customers foreign management services operation through and outside service provider bpo also comes under it services as i t play a very useful role in optimizing the business performance ticket the bpo industry is highly organized executed management business process management industry has been fueling india's growth in addition to contributing towards the country's growth job the growth of the itbpm industry has provided india with the wide range of economic and social benefits okay which includes creating employment rising income levels and promotion promoting exports it has placed india on the world map with an image of a technology technologically advanced and hardware industry in india is highly developed and capable of delivering numerous types of vpo service and exceptional quality reasons organization with the it bpm industries are categorized along the following parameters sector the organization is serving okay type as well as range of offering the organization provides foreign but operate in india most of these organizations have their headquarters in india while having offices in many and do not serve external clients this model allow the organization the option to keep it operations in-house and at the same time take advantage of expanding their global footprint foreign foreign foreign watching movies playing games doing office work chatting and sending messages managing daily planner easy types reading books paying utility bills booking tickets to travel bank operation etc computers and ict is used in industrial in offices and in-house also the various applications area are business banking insurance education marketing healthcare engineering design military communication animation research agriculture and government or friends examples online and offline games on your smartphone and computers facilitated innovation creative expression time management work efficiency and effective management at workplace the software and hardware technology is used for creation and transmission of information in various form including still pictures audio video and animation to the learners okay these types of friends next section the learning becomes easy and accessible through it a lot of teaching resources are available for teachers to teach in a better foreign there are many ways in which the ict is used to use for education in the classroom such as e-learning learning using using the cd-rom media pc types of friends which are examples like desktop publishing of magazines okay letters and documents easy types of gathering educational information on the online [Music] is used mostly as a teaching ad in schools to use pictures animation and audio visual to make the lesson interesting learning via video easy types of executive monitor the progress of their children by parents or teacher can register himself or herself on the official website to access lms and can get many services from lms the student can be benefited by using lms as it can be used because organization for [Music] [Applause] browsing shopping basket checkout tax and shopping receipt and process inventory [Music] these cards have a metallic chip metallic chip capacities repair on which the user's personal identification number and account number is stored and can be read when it in marketing computers are used for advertising of products by using art and graphic facilities youtube interesting advertisement of various products so that the goal of selling can be achieved using e-commerce websites people can purchase item even sitting at home marketing sector marketing is foreign is an essential part of the model banking system obviously every activity of bank is now online the customers data and transactions are recorded by computers pks tabs are requiring deposits financial analysis and related services are available in the online platform okay easy types of bank customers use automatic trailer machine like atm for cash deposit and withdrawal or to view current balance so yes foreign so insurance companies keep all record up to date with the help of computer database procedure for continuation of policies starting date date in insurance companies okay many online policies are also available which can be purchased by using the website of insurance companies so is to convey message and ideas pictures or speeches a person who receive this must understand clearly and correctly modern communication makes use of the computer system we use computers for email chatting video conferencing social media like whatsapp facebook instagram twitter etc subscribe technology has had a major impact on the entertainment one can download and view movies play games chat use multimedia incorporate visual and sound effect using computers digital broadcasting has changed the way we experience television online broadcasting has changed the way we experience televisions with more attractive programming past participations use [Music] complex applications are used for drawing designing and for upper joy simulation here simulating and testing the designs computers are used for storing large amount of data performing complex calculations and for visualizing three-dimensional objects complex scientific applications like rocket launch launching space explorations etc are [Music] sector in numerous ways hospital management system is used to maintain and manage patients record as well as via various activities pertaining to hospitality administration like the computerized machines are used for ecg eeg ultrasound and ct scans the variety of measuring instruments and surgical equipment are used to monitor patients conditions during complex surgery system is used for diagnosis healthcare manufacturing companies use computers to add the production of diagnosis tools and instruments sc3 computers are an integral part of laboratories and dispensaries they are used in scanning and diagnosis different diseases examples [Music] impression of internal organs of the body by using strong magnetic fields okay and radio waves the digital images are very helpful in the detection and in deciding the treatment [Music] then your friends thank you [Music]