all right so what we're going to do is we're going to walk through uh the overall concept of impulse we're going to use both impulse exercises with the rope and then we're also going to cover um hyperarm impulses using the hyper arm along with the Rope so we want to cover both of those as both of those are similar Concepts just loaded differently um so I want to walk through like purpose of them methods like what we'll do with impulse rope what we'll do with the hyper arm how we'll structure that exercises are also going to be included like the setup how we set out different ways that we do them and then the exercise are going to be included there as well and then we'll also walk through like sets and rest schemes that I've used so far and what I found work best for giving scenarios so to start first thing like purpose of using these so whether it's the the impulses with the Rope or whether it's the impulses with the hyper arm again just loaded differently the reason that I use them is because I want to be able to get High Force into specific areas or specific joints that are otherwise difficult to do if you think about something like a push-up depth drop or a squat line depth drop where you're dropping off a certain height and you're Landing in that position you're trying to stick that Landing as solidly as you can like without giving what we're doing is we take we take our external object which in the case of a depth drop is the ground right that's our our external object we're imparting ourselves onto that external object and we're trying to stop as quickly as we can or or essentially meet that with as much uh with as much force as possible to to stick and stop on a dime it's not necessarily that we always want to stick and stop out in athletics but it's that we want we're using these as a tool to train yourself to be able to handle high amounts of force moving at high speeds like something like a heavy barbell load is very good at train has to be able to handle High loads we want other ways to be able to allow us to handle high speeds or high amounts of force very quickly or very rapidly like very fast and that's the way that that's what we use depth drops for now what the impulses are and again the the exercises will be will be later in the in the document like you'll see them um but what the impulses are is they give us an ability to take that same concept the concept being a depth drop sticking against an external force and in this case the ground with like a push-up or with a squat right but now we can take and we can input and we can input that into specific areas of the body so we can do we can do it at the shoulder right and we can do it at different positions and different movements with the shoulder like we can come forward we can go back like we can add act we can abduct we can rotate both external and internal we can go overhead back into flexion we can go into extension here right we can do that at the elbow we can do that at the wrist we can do that at the hip so we can do it at the knees so we can take and we can apply that same concept of we have an external Force because anytime that we go anytime that you go to move your body like think about this anytime that you go to move your body you essentially have you have bones you have muscles you have connective tissue you have fast you have you have all these that act on the bones and they create movement like when those move they move you through space when we want to move we need some external object to move against if we're up in the air then we're essentially like moving against ourself like if you do let's say you do like a jump throw right your your sequencing against yourself but when you're moving against the ground there's this there's this external force that we have to impart Force against to displace or to move us so that's the idea is when we're doing the impulses whether it's with the impulse rope or whether it's with the hyper arm we want to be able to take that concept and impart it into specific joints because something like a like a push-up depth drop right where we're asking you to accept Force very quickly against the ground that's more of a global movement where we're we're asking everything to sync up so that you can take and you can absorb that Force very quickly very rapidly right so you can you can do things very rapidly but if we want to be able to go and Target more specific areas like targeted tricep Target or bicep Target uh you know rotation of the wrist or whatever it is we can then use these as tools to take that same concept and apply to the specified areas so that's the reason that's like the main purpose be behind why I use these um was impulse rope or whether it's the hype arm work there's also a like rhythmic or reflexive component this is farther down in the list for me because um I mean it's more specific to the the actual exercises but they can be a tool to help you increase Rhythm and coordination like once you get into the hyper on work you'll you'll kind of feel it um you have to match your rhythm with the swing of the high bra otherwise you're just going to be randomly flailing about and so I've seen athletes where or people in general where the first time first time or two that they hop on it they have a hard time actually sticking it well and sticking it consistently because they don't have they can't figure out the rhythm of it um so there's a benefit there again that's a little bit lower on the list for me um because to be quite honest like there's other ways to develop Rhythm that's I don't consider that to be the primary benefit of these but it's still something that that we get out of that and then lastly in terms of purpose why we use them and I'll get into this a little bit more later but it would be like firing patterns and and this goes I mean this applies to all exercises or all movements right where we're essentially changing the way that your muscles fire to adapt them to the way that we want them to but what I found with these is because they're for the most part they're single joint moves and we're doing so many reps with high force and it's so simple we can really hone in on how you're actually moving that given area so like let's say we're doing a Palm up and we're impulsing forward against either the Rope or we can do the same thing we're impulsing forward against the hyper I'm like this move here either against the Rope or the hype ROM the the goal just to break down this one movement and we can take and apply that to everyone right but let's say your goal is to lock out the elbow so the elbow's not moving rather it's like it's isometrically held in position same thing at the wrist and all we want to do is we want to pull back that shoulder and then impulse It Forward while everything else stays in place so we're training we're training ourselves to be able to to move that cleanly so what you'll start to notice as you as you get into like a hundred reps 200 reps 300 reps or three minutes five minutes as you get into that like you're gonna start noticing this is what fatigues this is what gets sore this is what pattern my body wants to go to like this is this is how I'm having difficult this is where I'm having difficulty holding the position or or exercise executing the exercises in the way that I want to do it you'll start to notice things and because again it's such high volume and it's high volume that we can do like you can only do so much like even high depth drops or like think heavy loads there's only so much that you can do but these are a little bit more they seem to be a little bit more regressed to where it's not it's not quite as much of a global so stress I mean it isn't it and it isn't like it just depends on where you're at with how you're doing them um but it allows you to to really kind of like get a feel for because the volume is so high high you're actually moving like and just start to go in and literally like work your body to move how you want it to move so you'll experience that or get into more of that as we get into the actual exercises um but that's kind of like the third the third major benefit that I found from them is allowing you to move your body the way that you want to move it because like one person mentioned it's he essentially feels like a robot when he's done with a lot of the high volume stuff that we do and that's kind of that's the point is like your body is designed to move a certain way like your bicep is designed to flex your elbow that's pretty much what it's designed to do I mean assist with other things but like every muscle that we have is designed to act on the joints in a certain way and other things can take over but that's not necessarily the way that it's designed to do sensei's moves are so simple the goal is to train your body to move house design to move and because the reps are so high that's where it's like okay I know how to do this movement so like now every time that I go to like do that movement regardless of what other movement is synced up with it like this could turn into this during a throw right that it's it it becomes cleaner and cleaner the more the more you dig into it um all right so actual methods that we use because I want to keep this fairly short concise uh so it's mostly application for you guys um so for the impulse rope we'll go either low volume high volume obviously we'll go either uh low intent or high intent and we can go any mix of that so think we have we have low intent we have high intent we have low volume and we have high volume so what I'll do is I'll do any combination of this Square so we can go low intent with low volume we can go low intent with high volume go high intent with a low volume or we can go high intent with high volume so it just it depends on what adaptation you want out of it if we break those down so if we're going low intent and low volume the really the only time that I'll use that is very early on in a rehab process or if there's pain with some given movement um then we'll go like hey let's go to the intensity that you can do and we're also going to keep the volume low because this is your first day to like one two or three days doing these so we wanna we want you to be comfortable with how your body is responding to them so in that specific scenario is where I would go low volume low intent and we can even attach the numbers to these low volume for me is probably going to be anywhere from 25 to 50 reps and it's usually going to be like one to two sets mostly one set and if we're actually if we're really talking low volume um in low intent is going to be if we can let me Demo it here real quick so let's say that we were doing I'll just I'll demo one move okay so let's say that we're doing let's move here before we impulse forward something that's very high intent might be something like right something that's very low intent literally might be like this like if you're if you're a couple days after surgery or a couple weeks after surgery and it's the first time we're doing them where is that it's the low intent and the low volume it may literally be 25 reps like this where you're just you're like all right how the like how does my body how does my arm feel when I do this and that's where we start at okay so that's the difference between that low volume low intent or between that low intent and high intent is the amount of of force that you put into that impulse going against that immovable object um okay so we have the low intense low volume that's where we're going to use that low intent hot integrated in those rep schemes and as for how I break down the exercises usually what I'll do is I'll go it might be full body but generally I'll go like if you look at the impulse at the actual exercises in the document I'll do either like one day of upper body and then one day of lower body so it at those at those seven reps games if we're going low low volume so just to give you some practical like that's how I break it down take each of those moves do them one set one to two sets of 25 50 reps at low volume if you're like immediately after surgery and do it to basically not it doesn't have to be surgery it can be any injury um but do it to the level that your body is ready for and keep it within that low volume so that you you can feel the next day or two after you don't I'm okay how did my body respond to that and then you can adjust as you need to the next time that you do them um we can go low intent high volume so that would be similar like that low intent that I showed however low intent we want to go like a good way to think about this is establish what's your 100 intent on each move and then look at like okay if I want to go low intent how low do I want to go like 50 75 or whatever it is um and so we have that and if we go high volume with that like usually high volume is going to be if we go on the most extreme end of high volume this might be the most volume that I'll use will be like usually three sets of 100 reps or it could also be one set till fail or it could be multiple sets still fail okay if uh if we're gonna go high volume it really just depends like it's tough to give specific laid out guidelines because I'm using so many different ways and you cannot eat like you can use them so many different ways but High intent is generally going to be let's say that we take let's say that we take anywhere from six to ten exercises from either upper or lower body we take those six to ten and we're gonna do about it for all for three sets of 100 reps on both sides that would be an extremely high volume day for what I've done so far did so if we start with that we could also take those same six ten exercises of either upper body or lower body and we could go one set till fail or we could go multiple sets still fail till fail essentially means that we want to impulse like how I'll usually set this up is you want to impulse as aggressively as you can or as aggressively as your body feels good with and you just keep going until you can't go anymore or until you can't move the way you want to anymore or until you simply can't move anymore like it's literally until you can't go anymore and what you'll find is over the course of when you start to where you feel like you're going to feed to when you keep going to when you actually fatigue like throughout that whole process you're going to impulse in different ways like at the start it might be more muscular where you're you're actually like driving that impulse harder as the muscle fatigues out it tends to become more reflexive where it's like you're still going but it's more it's almost more of like a reflective bounce off the impulse versus like an active muscular drive into it um so I really like going till fail because it there's the actual physical aspect of of we can kind of burn through everything that you have the possibility to burn through and then also you really only fail when when you you want to stop because it's not like there's not an external Force like a weight that's working against you that's going to be like I literally can't move it I mean you probably will get to the point where you're like I literally can't move but you always know like okay I could do one more right so so there's that where there's benefit there but it's also not gonna just tear the out of your body like something like just jogging not in that jog is bad but something like just like a bunch of running where the intent isn't there like that's the most important thing is you have the intent that you're trying to take yourself to a fail like it's not like you're trying to necessarily go as long as you can it's I want to see how much I can output and go until I absolutely fail um so I think there's a lot of benefit there and that's like that's the higher levels of volume that'll go more what I'll usually do is we'll take those six to ten exercises are not even usually this is more like more like middle ground right but we'll take those six to ten exercises of either upper body or lower body and we'll go one side of 100 reps or maybe one side of 150 or one side of 75 reps will go high intent and we'll go once out on each side for either the upper or the lower of those six to ten exercises whichever ones you choose for that given day so that would be more like not super low end not separate not super high end volume but more of like um a less extreme type day would be six to ten exercises of 100 reps each on both sides or it's more like 75 to 150 reps both sides um and break it down like that so that's low intent low volume low intent high volume um and then also I mean High intent plays right in like it doesn't really change the volumes if we go High intent low volume uh what I will say with that something that's different with that and then low intent low volume or even high intent high volume like wear high intent low volume works really well is if you you want to be able to like just output as much as possible so which is obvious right but if I was going to do that if I'm doing that usually it's gonna be one set of 25 reps if we're going high intent low volume but it's not going to be that slow pulse it's going to be 25 Reps for you pulse you impulse as hard as you possibly can against that rope and that's where I'll go if we're going on the extreme end of of uh High intent and low volume that's where we'll go we'll take those six to ten either lower upper body exercises do it on both sides one side of 25 impulse as hard as you possibly can or as hard as you possibly feel good with right for each of those um so that's that and then High intent and high volume could be okay you're going to impulse as hard as you can you're going to impulse as clean as you can and you're gonna go for one set to fill are you gonna go for two sets still fail there you go three sets of 100 or you're gonna go like whatever the High Reps are that's something where I mean I really like doing those because you you the goal is to figure out how to continue to generate Force I'm going to continue to generate energy even when you should be going into fatigue and again it's different than moving like a heavy load and you'll notice once you experience it but it's like that external resistance isn't going to stop you it's how how much can you actually like dig into your own system to continue uh putting High Force for a long period of time um so I really like those and that's the rough seam that I use for that so that that is the combo that I would use um long time low volume one set one and two sets 20 25 and 50 reps at that regress volume we'll use that we'll use that um immediately after surgery or immediately after not really immediately but a week or two maybe after surgery or after injury depending on what the injury is um that's pretty much the only time that we use that low intent high volume uh that would be something more of where it's like let's say we've done two or three low intent low volume days immediately after a surgery and injury we might go okay we're going to keep the intent low but now we're going to go instead of 25 and 50 Reps for one and two sets we're gonna go 75 to 150 Reps for let's say two to three sets so the intensity isn't going up yet but the volume is as we progress out of that injury or as we progress out of that surgery um before we out the intensity we're gonna we're gonna kind of take that volume up to prepare give us the capacity to go at at higher intensity so that's the main time that I would use that high intent uh low volume that's going to be if I'm literally just trying to put as much force as possible for a short period of time like quick get in and out put as much force as possible as you can into each of the moves that we decide to do and high intent high volume is going to be I mean I use those on days where I want to burn through everything so honestly that'll usually be either I like personally teasing the day before like competition or even the day of competition before the competition or before your you play your sport or the day after like you're gonna burn through everything but you're gonna feel really good when you're done so those are probably I really like doing those um if you want a little bit if you want the same kind of effect but like not just an absolute I don't know like destroyer of your system like how to maybe break that up a little more is if you're gonna do the day before or the day of maybe go more like 75 to 150 if you're gonna do the day after that's where you could push a little bit more and go you know with the actual real high volume but again I won't always do that a lot of times this is what I'll use I'll use the very high volume somewhat not super super often it's just one thing that I'll work in and I'll cycle through um okay so that goes into how the methods that we'll use with the impulses um muscular versus reflexive we talked about one thing that I'll add to that is and this goes into kind of like muscle muscular firing patterns as well it really depends on what you want to work on what you want to get out of them if you're a guy that's extremely muscular and you feel like you're not able to move smoothly and to move well we might not go like hey impulse as hard as you can we might say impulse as clean as you can so just to let to give you some context on that it would be like well let's say we're going to do a shoulder external rotation impulse right and you're a guy who you tend to get all like tensed up when you're trying to not that tension's bad it's kind of like tense up Is Not Great tense down is a little bit better I don't know if that makes sense but if you're a guy that you feel like you you want to be able to move cleaner and smoother we might still go like hey you're gonna go high intent but instead of being like like that it's more like how clean he moves while still impulsing hard so it's like it's almost more like a reflexive self out of that versus like a like a super muscular um drive into that so so it depends on what what the adaptation is that you want out of that but those are two slightly different ways they'll use them in terms of like muscular versus reflexive in terms of firing patterns like if you want to move really clean then move clean when you do them if you want pure Force don't worry about as don't worry quite as much about moving super clean I mean it's best to obviously combine those two um but I'll leave it at that those are two different ways two different ways to leave them last one rapid reps I'll have a demonstration video with the exercise list for that essentially means we're we're pulsing as many times as we can which is different than like a full range impulse rep um so that demo will be in the exercise videos lower or farther down in this document all right so that covers impulse rope that covers impulses now I want to get into um hyper arm so again because I want to keep this somewhat shorter mostly straight application for you guys so hopefully that helps with the with assessor wraps a poly using impulse wraps and when we'll use those with the impulse rope if you have the hyper arm with us this is what we'll do with that so we break it down similarly to how we just did we have used the dry we have heavy weight come on buddy and there we go we have heavy slash lightweight we have high slash low volume we have stick slash swing reps we have rope versus band and then we have band accelerated as well that we can do so this is what I've come up with so far for it so we can do any combo of these um so I'll walk through Pat I'll walk through what each of them means like practically so we start with heavy versus lightweight heavyweight is generally going to be I mean man it depends on where your strength level is at right um with the heavyweight what you're going to notice is the the hyper arm is not actually going to swing very much so I'll demo that actually to give you a little bit of a actual context into what like what heavyweight would look like so let's imagine that I don't have just one 25 on each side but lots of magic that I have like two or three forty fives and what I'm doing is a tricep a tricep extension like this right if the weight is extremely heavy what you're going to see in terms of Swing might literally like I I'd be impulsing as hard as I can but the swing might literally be like this like you're trying to impulse but it's more of like it's almost more of like a overcoming impulse where this isn't moving very much but it's still swinging a little bit right that would be extremely heavy weight versus if it's like extremely lightweight it's going to be more like where it's moving much more like that right or we can go 10 where the the contact time isn't quite as long so like if we were to take I'll just do that if we were tank and put instead of having the 25s we're taking put let's say five pounds on here what you'll notice is the contact time actually changing is like what I mean by contact time is how how long it takes to overcome the impulse so we look at five Seer versus 25s you'll notice like it's much quicker so if you think about um if you think about this is this in terms of sprinting what that would be is if you like when you're at top speed right your your feet aren't on the ground as long it's more like a quick impulse where it doesn't take as long to overcome the ground versus when you're accelerating it's a longer time against the ground so the the heavier the weight you go with the longer you're gonna feel overcoming that external force and also the less that it's actually going to swing because you're not able to overcome the the weight with as much force right or the weight the force of the weight is stronger so it's not going to swing as much right um so really heavy weight is when there's not much swing happening and generally again it's totally dependent on on how strong you are right but generally if you're at a decent level of strength meaning you know like let's say you can let's say you bench somewhere between like let's say you bet around 225 you deadlift around I don't know four or five and you squat around 315 or something those are completely arbitrary but let's say that you have a decent level of strength and you're you're used to the hype where I'm like you've used it a couple times usually a heavyweight if we're talking upper is going to be something like 45 pounds or like 145 pound plate on each side or even 145 in in 125. that's generally if I'm going heavyweight with upper that's what's going to be if I'm going Headway is lower it's going to be anywhere from like three to four 45 pound plates on each side that's a little bit more intense or extreme I don't think like two plates might be especially at the start two plates might be on the heavy end where you're not actually able to move it very much excuse me like 245 on each end might be on the on the head round at the start um it really just depends on where you're at but that's generally like heavy weight what we're looking at and then lightweight it could be anywhere from Two and a halfs uh two and a half pounds on each side to like if we're talking upper body or even lower body um but really two and a half to ten or twenty five like if 10 pounds on upper 25 pounds on Lower like if we're if you're doing 25 pounds on lower and you have a decent level of strength and you've been doing them for a week two weeks three weeks maybe a month um 25 pounds is generally going to be pretty light and you're gonna be able to move that quite a bit um so in terms of practical numbers like that's what I'm looking at for heavy and lightweight and in terms of the adaptation that we're looking to get out of those like I mentioned the heavier weight is going to be the longer contact time so what that means is that's going to be a little bit more muscular based because you have you have like more time to overcome that versus something that's a a lighter contact time I mean it's likely going to be a little bit more like reflexive or tendon based just because you're it's a quicker period of time right so it's it's getting to that it's getting to that point of pull like faster um so I mean if you're looking to to work at like higher speed stuff it's probably good to go with a little bit more lighter weight where you're you're able to get through that impulse quicker if you're looking to look work a little more on the strength end of things but still make it ballistic then probably good to go on the on the heavier end of things that's how I break that down um High versus low volume so I usually do these in terms of time not not really reps you can do reps as well um I guess we'll give both so let's say let's say that we're going to do a high volume of reps that's generally going to look like I mean it's it's very similar to the impulses so high volume of reps could be let's say one to three hundred or till fail or if we go time because we can also use time for for the impulse rope as well like again these are very similar these might take a little bit more time just because depending on the weight that you use um but rapidly it'd be wonderful for high volume would be one to 300 Reps for each exercise or until fail um or if you talk about time it could be anywhere from like three to five minutes so that means you you either break it down into sets or you do it all in one set okay so we we can go let's say six sets of 30 seconds that's gonna accumulate three minutes we can go three sets of one minute that's going to accumulate three minutes or we can go one set of three minutes which would also accumulate three minutes we'd also do that for four months or five minutes usually I'll just get all you have to go three minutes or five minutes if we're gonna go high volume with it Okay so if we're doing five minutes it could be ten sets of thirty seconds five times 60 seconds it could be one set of five minutes it really just depends on on what you're looking to get out of it if you're looking to be a little bit fresher I guess than uh then you break up into more sets if you're looking to be able to just like repeat that output even through fatigue then you can go with that like five sets of a minute three sets or sorry one set of five minutes one set of three minutes um so it's kind of like all along next that Spectrum but that is what I'm looking at in terms of high volume would be that wrap scheme or it'll be that amount of time for each given rep or freeze given move on both sides and how I'll break down the exercises again the exercises for the hyper arm both upper body lower body are going to be lower in this document so how I'll break it up is we'll usually either go in upper body day or we'll go a lower body day and we'll do I mean with the exercises that are in there right now we'll usually do every exercise for the same amount now if you're going to go three to five minutes like it could be an hour and a half to two hour session assuming that you move through them quickly and move through them well so there might be some that you need to cut out if you don't have the time um but that's that's generally how I'll set up is we'll either do like we'll do a lower body quad lower body hamstring lower body adduct abduct rotate rotate Flex the hip if we're doing lower body we'll do those like one of each of those at whatever volume we're doing for the day doing upper body will do each direction of the wrist each direction of the elbow each direction of the shoulder pack delt as well um for whatever volume we're doing for the day so that's really how I'll break it down uh practically like when I'm programming it and again if we're going high volume we may need to cut out a move or two to make it uh more practical for the time that you have to do it it just depends on on what you have going on so that's going to be the high volume the low volume if we're talking about reps is going to be um I'm anywhere from 25 to 50 reps similar to the impulses for for one to two sets usually it's just gonna be one set for going low volume and then if we're talking time for low volume it's going to be more like uh yeah it's gonna be more like 30 to 60 Seconds so if we're going low volume we're not really going to get over that 36 and second Mark and it's going to be like one to two sets to get there again take all the exercises and do that okay so that covers the weight and the volume now the combination of those I mean I'll do all of it so like I'll go heavyweight high volume where let's say we have I'll say we have like 345s on on each side of the hype room and we're doing the lion hamstring curl we do that for three minutes straight so I'll do that where it's extremely high volume and extremely high weight but I'll also go extremely high volume where it's that same thing um which is a set of three minutes and we could go 10 pounds or 5 pounds on each side of the hyper arm so there's different adaptations out of that one is again more on that strength end of things with the heavier weight one is more on the on the like speed or or reflexive end with a lighter weight so but I'll I'll really just because the weight's heavy doesn't mean I'm going to go low volume and just because the weight is light doesn't mean I'm going to go high volume like we can use any combination of those um to it just again it just depends on what adaptation you want to pull out of that and I think we cover that pretty well with as we went through that earlier coming down here lower stick versus swing reps so basically what that means is all demo so that you have a good idea of practically what it means we'll use the tricep extension again so a swing wrap is going to be where you're not you're not doing that but it's more like your swinging through it and the tricep exception isn't the greatest exercise to demo this really the the swing reps work best if we're talking about the rotation reps I don't have the lower body stuff here to set up right now but let's say that we were going to do uh an external rotation like you notice I'm not really impulsing it's more like I'm letting it Swing Man and then I'm driving out of that that is a swing wrap if you do like a bicep swing wrap it would be you let it fool you and then you drive out of that versus a stick rep is going to be where we go like we do the impulse so it's gonna be more like you get it sweet and then you you're meeting it and you're overcoming and you're going through that versus allowing it to swing you into Arrangement and driving out of the range again really what I'll use for the only things I'll use the swing wraps for are for the most part anything that involves rotation hip rotate the hip rotation that exercises that we have um the shoulder rotation exercises that we have and then the wrist rotation exercises that we have are the ones that I'll use swing wraps but I'll also use stick wraps with those so like if we were going to do uh this but we wanted to use stick instead swing [Music] something more like that in the height could be set up better um this is just uh I'll hit that I have set up right now but if we can use the stick wraps with rotation it's just the swing wraps we'll use with those sometimes if we want to kind of really drive that range and work on uh driving out of that but everything else for the most part that's in a straight line or that's mostly in a straight line is going to be um stick wraps most of the time so that's the difference between those two as far as adaptations obviously the the stick wraps are going to be what we're talking about before we're it's like overcoming that external Force extremely quickly the swing wraps are going to be really if we're using for the rotation which is going to be more like get into your end range and then drive out of that so so it's it's going to be a little more muscular in nature for those but it is good for ballistically getting into end range and then being able to drive out of that um or kind of sequence and cleanly get into and out of those deep ranges with rotation so I do really like them for High Reps for shoulder rotation and the hip rotation and the wrist rotation because it's just it allows like the weight will pull you into that end range then you drive out of that um so that stick versus swing wraps we can also use a rope or and we can use a band so I'll go ahead and demonstrate this one as well so basically what you just saw was the Rope um if we don't want to use the rope what we can do is take the band we can hook it over in the same way come through here and then we can do we can do band instead of the Rope so if we do that same tricep and again you can use a wrist or angle strap here I'm not going to just for for time purposes or for time's sake but foreign moves but now with a band instead of the Rope and biggest difference there is that time like that time of contact right which we talked about with the heavier versus lightweight with the band it's going to be a longer time of contact because it's not as soon as the weight hits that band the band is going to stretch when the weight hits the Rope well the way it's that rope there's no stretch there's no give to it right so it's going to it's going to act on your on your musculature or on your tissue much quicker versus that there's going to be a period where it's like you almost like hold as the band stretches and then you drive out of that with heavier weight it'll be a little bit more pronounced where you can feel like grabbing that it kind of stretches the band and then you'll fire out of that so the the heavier weight or sorry the Rope is going to be a little bit more like tendon based in nature the the band is going to be a little more muscular base to Nature personally I hardly ever use the band in that manner I I don't I don't think that's the strength of this I think the strength of this is the rope and be able to see that high like at high speed impulse against that external Force I think that's what this is best used for um there's other things that probably are going to do the most of them a little bit better but that's not to say that you can't use that once in a while or try it around for yourself um you might be a different type of athlete where you feel like that is as beneficial as the Rope but I just want to get that option that's another way that you can use that that's another way that you can use it last thing is going to be band accelerated actually for this one I have I'll put the demo video for how you set it up um in the exercise list essentially what it does is it's going to swing your hyper arm back faster than it would without the band so it increases the speed at which you're accepting the external Force like if you think about standing on a box you drop off you land in the squat gravity is going to act on you at a certain speed if you hold bands the bands are going to act on you faster so that you move faster than you would if it was just grab the acting on you it's the same principle that with this and yeah it'll make more sense when you go to to check out that the demo video but the band is going to swing so you're going to swing the heartburn forward band's going to swing it back faster so you're forced to accept a weight that's moving faster than otherwise would be using without moving without that band so we can do some pretty cool things with that in terms of like you can load it up super super heavy and do that pan accelerated back so that you're having to accept High loads of high amounts of force or high loads that are moving very quickly you can do it with lightweight you can do with any combo of all this it's just the the principle is that you know you're going to have to accept a load that's moving faster so it's a good way to kind of over speed your ability to accept external Force um so the time that I like to use that is I mean really if I want to thank depends on what weight you're using but like generally I'm thinking if if I want to look more speed versus like pure power output then that's what I'm going to use the band accelerated uh moves and we can apply that to any moves that we do work again we have the demo video for it but we have the band accelerated faster we can apply that to any move that we do within the exercise and within the exercise list um and I'll generally do those more when I'm thinking about okay I want to increase the speed at which I'm doing things versus like the pure output of it um so that's the last way that you use those um Let's see we covered sets and Reps yeah we covered sets and Reps covered all that so last last piece would be how often do you use these and also like probably how to introduce them to you so the way that I would work into these um what I'll start with is essentially as if you were almost like coming off of surgery or coming off not coming off the surgery but it almost as if you're coming off an injury with them where we go we go like we go low volume we go low weight with it and you're essentially getting the feel for how it swings for how to be rhythmic with it you're getting the feel for how to actually move that I'll maybe do that for one session for upper lower body okay where you go you take each of the exercises that we have in the upper and lower body you can do one set of 25 reps I would start with that with a lightweight with the light weights that we mentioned up here right as you get more used to as you get more accustomed to it I would probably start working at the start in terms of higher levels of volume to build your capacity before you go super high intent with them um so I would start with let's say I mean like I I really like doing three sets of a minute or one set of three minutes and your goal is to just not stop so like as little as as you're able to move like even if you if you feel like you can't move and you're literally moving an inch and you're moving extremely slow like just keep going for the whole three minutes straight or keep going for the whole six second straight and do three sets of it and just don't stop so I I would work into that after kind of that initial on-ramp period with them I would work into that where you're going more like you're building capacity with it and then from there you can get you can get a little more creative with it so you can go you know with the high loads you can do the band accelerated type work you can do all that different stuff and start to to work into that more based on the the adaptation that you feel like you get from them um and kind of play around with that but in general I'm going to use them anywhere from from one to three times a week sometimes four or five times a week just depends on on where I'm at with it and um what we're trying to buy or what adaptation we want to get out of it um and I'll just I'll continue to cycle through those as I get more or if I get more exercises I'll continue to add them into the exercises for for both upper lower body or other areas like you know rotation and all that um I'll add in the exercises I already have some rotation exercises in there but I'll add those in as we get them and uh yeah that is that is everything that I wanted to walk through um if you if you get this you go through this you have any questions always feel free to ask either on a DM through any of the social media or also can send me an email as well