He's dominating this last three minute stretch. In which case, he'll dump it over to his teammate for an easy two. Tshihiro, are you-In transition a couple times, here with a nice ball fake.
Dude, that's not funny. He's hysterical. I love this. I think it's great. You don't know if he's gonna vlog your shot or go back to the big for the long.
You don't know if he's gonna vlog your shot. Your shot or go back to the big for the long. You see something.
I'm so happy! Chihiro, thank you! I'm so happy!
Spartan, Steph on the handle, David Lee the... 6 quarters against Washington. Bailey cuts close.
I'm setting to the Andre Jordan. Alexander, Alexander against to this. Thank you, Chihiro.
Finish! Foot! Show and go sets up Draymond! I mean, one dribble, really from the free throw line, it kind of looks like Going his first basket But I mean, he give it Has to be a boss You got me? Crossover, I'm going left Getting on the floor, and then Imani Space, you look to intimidate me Y'all Sink, don't commit Cause the black llama is staring down Out of the park Let it be a backcourt.
Finds Von Legg! Float by three! This one-handed pass stolen again.
Not made up. It's cherishing. Man, great, great.
Five. Offensive end. We know he just picked up the foul on the other end.
fake is what opened it up