jugo sign on this hey Jules I'm mo Conejo our Japanese Amana me Sanders hey guys today I'm going to teach you how to use the exploratory particle know that if you thought the exploit work that's okay that's normal actually a lot of Japanese people would have said Manny saw that oh she know Manny saw that she know this is by the way one of the most famous Japanese internet slang Nani saw that oh you know what's that is it yummy basically this internet meme is used when you have no idea what thing is like you don't even want to accept the concept of the thing when Japanese people here go I go what borrowed from other languages Japanese politicians like to use all those difficult get I go and a lot of people go Manny saw that oh you know obviously we know that it's not food but that's the point anyway in this sentence all she know has this knot at the end and this know is the exploratory not particle so I hope you already know that the know particle can also be used as the possessive particle so if I say Mesa no Pikachu and that means mrs. Pikachu there's no particle can be is like the apostrophe s or it comes to translate like Oh like you can say Oh No et tu me a part of the book or the shape of the ears Mimi no katachi like era no Mimi no katachi this possessive particle has to be between two nouns right Missa no he got you Mimi no katachi and so but the nonny sword Oishi no ma'am this note is used at the end right and it works different Lee from the possessive particle this knot at the end is called the exponent or II particle because it's used when you explain your stretchin or when you want explanation from someone so this is again often lost in translation but using this particle can give the nuance of I'm curious tell me more or hey guess what I have this news and also because this is used to explain it's also used when you explain the reasons so you can also often trust they like because so let's take a look at this conversation hey then go on Tony go ina neck oh honey come on uh-oh cats a really cute Neko cats home Tony really kawaii cute and this nut at the end is often used when you talk to yourself like when you're saying I'm hungry and you're not really saying it to anyone you're just saying it to yourself you're just talking to yourself you can say oh my gosh a Tama omakase Tama Anaka say that means hungry listener because of me anything but it just says the news that you're talking to yourself so neck go home Tony kawaii Oh cut the circuit and if I said that maybe my friend could say London neck oh come on I know I'm dead Nicole come on I know so none that means why you can say those that or Nunda for why but London is more casual than doorstep none death why neck or account come online no Caroline is the negation of the verb color color can mean quite a few things but make in this country cow it can mean to buy but cow in this sentence means to have a pet to take care of a pet basically you say pet dog color to mean to have a pet or if you are saying I have a dog you can say email or cut data informally and you know cut famous formally but when you want to say I will have a dog like you're talking about the future it's an email Kyle you know Kyle or you know crying mass so you use the dictionary form and when you want to say I will not have a dog then you negate the picture from day car wanna eat or chymosin so the friend said come on I know why will you not get a cat why don't you get a cat like maybe I always talk about how I like cats I never talk about actually getting one and my friend is like numb their neck oh come on I know so this new particle is used to prompt the other person to answer why the other person doesn't have a cat or won't get a cat so this new particle is actually often used to it toaster or Nunda why a lot to make this question more formal instead of the no particle we use deska deskah so those technical koala and Eska those technical caroline deskah this has exactly the same meaning but it's just more formal so the only thing we changed was we changed none dainty door aesthetically that sounds more formal and Kawana part is the same we cannot use the mass form in front of this nor deskah remember the mass form can generally only be used at the end of the sentence so Kewanee deskah deskah so if you don't use this deskah and say those technical kind mas ANCA so you just use this mas home mas ANCA why don't you get a cat it's grammatically correct but it's not unnatural as toast and Nicole come online deskah is this come online this car can really show that the speaker is interested to know why the other person doesn't get a cat so you sound less like a textbook robot so the friend says I'm dead man Coco and I know not dead Nico come on I know and the person who said Nick oculina can answer like neckla read again on da nakka ready Amanda I have a cat allergy I'm allergic to cats so nickel a day Turkey is how we say cat allergy naquadah Turkey and when you wanna say I have a cat allergy I'm allergic to cats you can usually say Nick got a turkey this naquadah dogie this but saying naquadah together sounds very weird you want to explain why you don't have a cat and you want to say that you have an allergy that's why you'd say naquadah Guinea Nanda naquadah again and so this that is the same months no in the question so when you ask a question informally you use no no and when you ask a Christian formally you say there's car or when it's not a Christian you'd use this that at the end and that or this formally you can actually use not when it's not a question but a and still sound feminine so naquadah Regina no is grammatically correct but it can sound family and you don't care about sounding feminine go ahead but even girls or women use and AH at the end instead of the not particle because not can sometimes sound also bit childish not just feminine but also a little bit childish not always but that is more neutral and I would say more common but he want to sound feminine you can say naquadah it again animal naquadah it again no no that's completely fine you're writing a novel for example you can also use not to show the readers that the character who is speaking is feminine and also it's not that I didn't write or not know so the reason why this not appears is because added a key is a noun so when we want to put this nor particle down this there's a matter which one you use so you say now nah no now na da now now this when you want to explain nutrition but basically when you can add the phrase that's why you can use this no ha so you might be wondering why can't we just use cutter which means because and you can but you can also use da or nest you could for example st. Nick why did I get up at our clan I I can't have a cat because I have a ology naquadah dogie da kyanite but cut out means because and that's quite strong statement it's because I'm allergic to cats this happens in English tea sometimes you don't use the word because even when someone asks why for example someone gets asked why are you late those that okay right ah no toaster ok the Tommo almost formally toaster ok late on desk our toaster or credit and Eska aqua data his iris it was late to be late and instead of saying because I got caught in traffic because I got stuck in a traffic jam you can say I got stuck in a traffic jam you know you don't have to say the word because it actually sounds more natural not to in Japanese I'd say two tiny mock eco-marathon des jeux tiny Mike eco-marathon des jeux tie is traffic jam mucky commodity it's like to get caught in something too tiny monkey kumara panda in firmly and to tiny monkey comment on this so here J tiny monkey kumara Takara is grammatically correct but not very natural it's like there is meant to be correct answer - Tanya monkey kumara takara it's ok but it sounds also a bit but whilst do tiny monkey commodity MO do tiny monkey comment on da this da is used to explain you stration right so this sounds a bit better done because I was caught in traffic dude I know Mikey c'mon attacker and also da this arm always used as because like you don't always trust a as because if someone asks what's wrong you often answer what's wrong using this not this so for example what's wrong you can say - Tom oh don't stammer or toast and Eska more firmly toast and eschar this is a really good phrase to remember by the way touchdown you could say Doster but that sounds a bit rock sometimes maybe male characters say inanimate but generally people say doors tunnel or doors done desk are actually you might also hear do stand-up in any man but it sounds a lot more rough - dun da and it sounds like your commander something so try to stick T Dostana or dost and eschar so I'm acting a bit strange like I can look like I'm in pain and you can ask - dunno what's wrong and like I say okay kinda oh my god ah my stomach hurts I have a stomachache so oh my god it died is how we say my stomach hurt so I have a stomach ache unlike a guy die and if someone asks - dunno just saying Oh Marco very tight sounds unnatural it just doesn't sound very native like you want to say unlike a guy kinda Omega great I know he wants a more feminine or formally unlike a guy time this to explain why I'm like like this oh I look really sad and you're gonna say Missa come on she saw doors tunnel you'll accept me sir what's wrong Misaka nah she saw those tunnel and like I say you be wrong not crystal oh you'd be wrong my customer I lost my ring you be on my crystal you be wrong like a stumble or more formally those done desk are you be wrong like ghosts on this so you could translate like because I lost my ring that's why I'm sad but when people ask - tunnel anyone say it's because I lost my ring you're really saying hebrew Olmec istikhara you belong acoustic era because I lost my ring it's okay if you want to make a sentence like I'm sad because I lost my ring you be on acoustic era Komachi that's like the sentence made by the speaker but if someone asked what's wrong you don't really answer like blah cut up you often use this and AH this or you can say why you don't seem well and when the other person doesn't ask doors tunnel maybe instead that person can say gangee nice I sold on there Genki Nassau sold on that so game g9o thanking God my it's like no energetic or not well and Genki gonna saw so I'll they made less on this so you see music Genki no sir so down there you don't look well you don't seem very majestic and I could answer like cuz a heat on da o cuz I hate thumb this I call a cold Oh for example your friend is crying can you want to say why are you crying you these no oh this car for the Christian sir why are you crying why dost thou or Wayne formally nom de and to cry not good not good and crying right now so you want to make the tie form right so NACA becomes nine and to be crying 1919 and even if you want to make the sentence formal we are not going to use mosfilm because in order to change the formality for this sentence when using this car or no he only changed the ending so if it's in boom oh you know if it's formal if it deskah it's a night terror stays the same actually if you wanna make it super informal you can get rid of the e between 10 and Roo and say 9 Teddy night teddy that's the only thing I'll change for the informal speech anyway the whole sentence first informally number 9 terror no none day night terror no and we gonna make this formal change none dainty toaster toaster night Ayden deskah toaster night Ayden deskah why crying like tell me why Mike I want to help want to know the reason so he he say dos tonight era all those the night they mask up it just doesn't sound very warm at all it just sounds like a textbook speech why are you crying you know he just doesn't sound like you have emotion so you want to say boy stand like that and all those tonight they didn't desk are so all the example sentences have been quite sad ones right or something negative but it doesn't have to be negative at all it could be like why do you look so happy oh it's the case something it happened you can use this not explain why you're happy T so do you guys remember how to say you look happy that she saw and then she saw so you could say ooh - you saw it on that and they copy your day she saw it on that that seemed formal for me you say who that she saw this and that who that she saw this map and I could for example say and you put you in jail will be released soon why it's not soon you know it's this winter but still if it's same for example so soon we say more circuit more circuit and new Pokemon game I thought I see poor game on again I thought I see put him on my game and I'm to be released so to be sold we use the verb something or had to buy said something or hard to buy say that when you release a product you use this book have to buy sitter to make it mean to be sold we want to use the passive form again so the passive form of sit it is this is irregular sir sided it sad edit so something got had to buy sadder it's how we say something will be released something will be sold don't gamer gutter by sad edit it's like a game will be released a game will be sold almost like a set race when you talk about a game being sold you say game and go out side by side at it so the whole sentence more secure I thought I see put him on my game my god that's a by side a dirt and I want to say that's why I'm happy so to explain that we want to put and this at the end so the whole sentence would be more secure I thought I see pop them on the game and got that's advice added and ah and more formally you simply changed and I'm doing this and say that's advice how they're done this Oh bracelet on there you look happy anyone say I passed the jlpt you can say dead a pity or you can say young go no Yoko chicken nihongo no your question and then to pass the exam we say chicken me you gotta scan me gotta or chicken me go cut consider chicken me go cut consider and the pastels of bukhara would be good cop top cop top and the pants of pork accident be go cut go stop go go stop so I passed the exam wait say skinny the kappa or chicken me go Kaku stop let me you want to say that's the reason you want to put this at the end right sir chicken me Captain de or skinny go cactus tumba no family stand me hook up BAM this chicken me go concrete on this and instead of just chicken example you can say the jlpt nihongo nor do Christian so be humble or Christian me coke at least on this nihongo know you're Christian go christen this so this is to explain why I seem happy right but when you want to announce it on for example Facebook hey guys I passed jlpt you just say nihongo know your Christian me go Kagoshima stop or go krysta importantly so when you announce a on my Facebook or Twitter when you report it to someone who you just wanna tell the news to your teacher for example you can say you Hongo know your Christian go Caucasian my stuff but there is a stretch on where you can say nihongo Nauticus koneko cackles Tunde other than just explaining why you are like happy or something this that or this can also be used when you want to talk about it like when you want to make conversation from that topic so it's kind of like by the way this happened and I can't wait to ask me questions about it so for example I'm just talking to my friend and I want to stop talking about me passing the jlpt like by the way I passed the gel peepee I could say so yeah but in Hong Kong I do Chris can go caucus Tunde speaking of which oh by the way I passed the jlpt so yeah but nihongo know your Christian go caucus Tunde and my friends could be like oh minute yr congratulations so when you suddenly change the topic or you start talking about something me it's best to use this and ah when you want to talk more about it so like if I said youngin oil Christian go caucus tomba I kind of want my friend to ask maybe how was it da da da musica Carta was it difficult and stuff like that it's kind of like in English you put the wood so before saying something like you enough for example talk about a book that you bought yesterday and so I bought this new book yesterday also I could be expecting my friend to be like Oh what what's it like oh what's it called so for this kind of conversation IOT is da so I bought a new book yesterday I could say yesterday keen or new book I better see horn I thought I see horn and bought informally cut that cut that so Kim oh I thought I see home woke up that I bought a new book yesterday and I put no key no I thought I see home Kumbha so I bought a new book yesterday and asked me questions my friends could be like Donna home so because this is very conversational a sort of thing that you'd say when you expect others to ask questions about it it's a bit strange tippet Kino honk a panda on Facebook or Twitter when you just want to pause what you did like on Twitter or Facebook just use the past tense without that keynote tomorrow I stole a sambar you know kawaii cough any I went to a cute cafe yesterday instead of Kinoko a cafe Conda I'd say keno Kauai cafe Tunde if I'm actually talking to my friend in person or QB on skype or whatever I would say this when I want to talk about it but you'd see that candle or vesica on Facebook or Twitter a lot so this is quite different from da this on down so you know panda it's like so I bought a new bit yesterday right and when you want to say so I bought a new book and it's so good for example for this kind of sentence instead of using the word and weed is back a door or desica saket oh oh god usually mean but oh though so Chi take a bow together for example it mean I want to buy it but it's too expensive Kaito Kaito taka sir gear so this kettle is is to connect to closes and unlike demo which can only be used at the beginning of sentence kado can be used to connect two clauses right so if you use them more than one sentence hostage and then you can put them at the beginning so Chi tie and then you end the sentence with the . o murder and then you say demo but however tuckus agita it's too expensive and this is all right by doesn't flow as well as ki ki dal tadka segeda which is just one sentence tight like cattle taka sugita or instead of cattle we can also use god Jessica ohm a cigar formally and say Kaitaia des gap Takasaki mas chi tie this guy Takasaki mas and this means exactly the same thing but more formal so Kebbell I'm got usually mean Bob although but you said there's a good dog oh there's a cop it's used to set up what you're going to say next so you want to say that the book is so interesting but you want to say that I bought this new book first like I bought this new book it's just a setup and what I really want you guys to know is that it's so good so I would say Kim oh I thought I see you whom cut thumb like it all majide all majide keno I perish a cup and Aikido Margie Dale Moshe Roy tsukino a taraji home captain de parte we are already familiar with keno at Arashi home Panda but we put kiddo and then Margie there on my Oh Margie that is like seriously really very and almost you die interesting it doesn't have to be about buying the book if you played a little bit of a new game and us it's so good it's like you wanna say so I started playing this game a little bit and it's so good ud is this back door Jessica so you could for example say I thought she came or yadi hajima Tom decayed or wantoniy Tinashe a taraji game or any hajima Tom de kado wantoniy tamashii so a taraji game oh yeah areas of the nooses tipline game and Gary Hajj Emad hajimeta means to stop and when you say to start doing something you use the mosfilm stem of the word so yeah Derby comes yardie months so yeah d+ a genetic to start doing to start playing so yeah he has a meta like a door on Tony tamashii it's really fun so here a beginner you probably would make a sentence like keno atarashi home kata sugoku omoshiroi which is grammatically correct but not very natural to sound more native you'd say you know I thought I see homo cut down like a dog so go comb why should I so you didn't have it guess that that's what we'd use T say and write kiss and in Japanese a lot of people tend to use the particle pop but this top part could can only use to connect to nouns anyway so you can't use it between two sentences or clauses so you can't say I thought I see home or cut the top blah blah I thought I see homo cut toe quantonium sure this should be even grammatically ranked or you might use the word foster which and and yeah so she said coming and and you can use it at the beginning of sentence but it's not natural at all or you might use the tempo of the verb kappa because i did teach you that when you want to connect to verbs you'd use the t form of the verb like oh you're me my stuff this is perfect like I bought it and then I read it just like a translate this type article usually means and then so it has to be something that you do after doing something but this is a bit different right I bought a new book and I want to talk about it it's so fun it's so good so the first part is just a set up basically you can't remember that when you want to make a sentence like so I did this and below so I did this bah blah blah blah you can usually use this doc cat though it's a for example come at a whole month dictum dakedo and CD card or was it a chapter come at all my text and Aikido I brought my camera but a CD card or was it a chuppah oops I forgot my SD card I actually made the lesson on how to ask where like no more taco like that's why it says in the title and I actually explained this exact Dokdo day circa and I said we often use this Nessa girl to ask for directions like instead of blah blah blah doko desu ka' we often say where you want to go Nikita in there circa so we say like I'd like to go to this place and you explaining iteration you're setting up so you want to watch that video team and we also use this desica like a door when you want to invite someone for example you have two tickets and you wanna say so I have two tickets and do you wanna come with me you can say ticket don't go me my I don't like at all in SHINee I can I check out oh god me my I don't like at all in SHINee I can I to get to got me my you my sorry County like papers or tickets and our I have dark and oh so that's like the set up and then the main thing why one asked is it shiny Iike my do you want to come with me do you want to go together it's really so this is like the phrase you want to use when you have two tickets and you want to invite someone oh you don't even have to have two tickets you can for example say I should Disney run Dhoni he conducted or is shiny can I tie sure Disney run Dhoni it conducted oh so I'm going to Disney one next week is shiny can I do you wanna come with me more formally you can say I shared is near Ambani it Condesa got is shiny akima Sanka alright another usage of da this when you say something and you make your own conclusion use that so basically when you can trust it like oh so I see he's blah blah like for example ah I see he's lost like the boy is on his own may be crying you can make an assumption that he's lost so you can say my job done ah my your captain de my yacht is to be lost to get lost and my your choppa yeah maybe less on this this chapter please check that my chat and oh he's lost them or someone has puffy eyes and you can kind of guess that that person was crying you can say night and my Teton de Sanaa idiot is to be crying but she changed the last era into Teta moon firmly just Teta just was doing something it's my theta or mindful my nine Teta was crying so you could say sakura-chan wha mega hot at that night a panda Oh Sakura has puffy eyes eyes assuming she was crying it's a good I don't want manga hot it did it not a panda so it's like you're talking to yourself and you're making an assumption or you come to this room you will see that I still have the posture of Carnegie from Turkey girl and you can make a guess and we like uh Misawa Carnegie gasps Amanda Misawa Carnegie Gaskin and Suzuki is an adjective and when you want to use da all know with logic tips you want to keep the map master Sakina Sakina know she's a con and also it's quiet oh he meets me in person I usually have like pink everything pink bag pink shoes pink jumper pink caught just I mean I don't tend to cover myself in pink but like I have so many pink things and you can guess that I like pink so you can say me some whopping cougar scheme on da to yourself oh so you see Mesa likes pink misawa pink Agassi Amanda and you can see this da when you're saying also you did do this so for example I was talking about buying earrings for a long time and you see them wearing new earrings for example you can say PA circuit under PA secondo oh so you pull earrings oh if I talked about how I want to go to Hawaii and then on faceook you see my pictures and on Instagram you see that I'm in Hawaii it can be like Oh Mesa Hawaii Thunder oh so miss I went to Hawaii Mesa how I dun da alright another users that I want to explain today is using not Orton this when you're surprised when you're doubting you do usually see ya know with Christian mark for example do go sign a no Dougal sign now know what you're 15 years old so do go say it's how you say 15 years old and because we treat aged juegos I like a now we patina and say nah no jericho sign nominal if you want to say this formally you can say jugo sign numb desk up jiggle sign on this car what you are 15 and that is used to show that you're surprised you could think it like you're surprised so you want to know more about it like you want the other person to explain like how are you actually 15 for example ye offered drink to a girl like oh so girl what are y'all I will buy you a drink and that girl could say oh well that cameramen my Sam I can't drink well ii own them my sin and then she could say jericho sign on this jericho sign on this I'm 15 years old she's explaining so she's using to co-sign on this and you could be like hey do go sign on oh wait what you're 15 hey joko same MO as I can Jago sign on des hey juice I'm mo oh you're talking to your girlfriend and your girlfriend drops phone so uh mr. and aaah-choo aaah-choo change Tyrande to an inch instead oh no I'm actually pregnant and you can be like it mr. Donnell you're pregnant mr. Donnell and if you see a woman with big belly you can guess that she's pregnant right then you can use as the previous usage like an inch instead and uh oh I see she's pregnant me instead oh you've been having a good time with the girl you met at the bar and then you find out that she actually has a boyfriend you can say Oh courtesy come on oh you had a boyfriend courtesy attano or you can jokingly say tomahto gee Tom oh oh and did you knew you had a friend Tom Adachi I dunno get your friend maybe your friend is like can I bring another friend like Tom ology more study three text and when ye come on touch a more study to detect away and he can be like digit under hey I'm surprised you had a friend or you thought that your friend wasn't going to your party but she is like oh I'm actually going oh I changed my mind I'm going give me like a eternal what you're going hey Kuno and me count so translate in like really or for example you're shopping with your friend and your friend is thinking about buying something really weird and you wanna say and you really find up easy so de couleur no saw that car no are you really buying that so remember that this knot can make it sound like are you really been there or like I'm surprised you're doing that and if you say cop Donal here use the pasta then that means did you read you bought it oh my gosh you both here cut Bunnell so remember that the distal part can cut them yourself did you really do that oh I'm surprised you did that if you wanna say did you buy the Pokemon game me sir you just wanna say I thought I see Pokemon game Kappa Oh taraji Pokemon game okay my stalker if you say a taraji Pokemon game or cut panel it could sound like you buy Pokemon game I'm surprised oh oh I thought you weren't gonna buy it but you did so this is the common mistake a lot of learners empty say past tense no like I thought I see I named a meetin or like I get a question like that a lot but it doesn't sound very natural because it's like I thought you weren't gonna watch it but you did or I'm surprised did you watch it rather than just did you watch it just to ask did you watch it you'd say authority on email Mita a taraji an email me mastica Casey he's an authority on email me tano autarchy an email me Tom this car it's like oh I'm surprised you watched it or your friend is injured but is claiming that he can walk and they were say can you really walk there you can say I don't kiddin oh I did kidding off ID okay they walk out a cat it potential one can walk how'd it get him up can you really walk all right the video is getting so long and we covered the most common usage of this no ha but I want to make the party covering more about the know that because it camming a little bit more so I will make another video on this topic by Hugh on this sofa you're pretty good to go using this down this alright thank you so much for watching I hope this this and helped I hope you're not like the Explorer that were nanny sorry Oh is she not anymore and he keeps for me on patreon you could watch more videos for me and also you do get to the some exercise so please consider supporting me on patreon I thank you so much Johnny bye bye