Person-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit by John Holland

Jul 2, 2024

Person-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit by John Holland


  • John Holland developed theories to explain why people fit some jobs/organizations and not others.
  • Focus on:
    • Why some people are attracted to certain jobs and organizations.
    • Why organizations seek specific types of individuals.

Key Concepts

Person-Job Fit

  • Definition: Satisfaction and likelihood of staying in a position depend on how well individual personalities match their jobs.
  • Hexagon Model: Stratification into six personality types, each associated with specific job preferences.
    • Realistic: Prefers physical activities requiring skill, strength, coordination
      • Occupations: Mechanic, Drill Press Operator, Assembly Line Worker, Farmer.
    • Investigative: Enjoys thinking, organizing, understanding
      • Occupations: Biologist, Economist, Mathematician, News Reporter.
    • Social: Likes helping and developing others
      • Occupations: Social Worker, Teacher, Counselor, Clinical Psychologist.
    • Conventional: Prefers rule-regulated, orderly, unambiguous activities
      • Occupations: Accountant, Corporate Manager, Bank Teller, File Clerk.
    • Enterprising: Inclined towards activities that involve starting up and carrying out projects, leadership roles often included.
    • Artistic: Engages in creative activities, prefers unstructured environments.

Person-Organization Fit

  • Definition: Individuals are attracted to and selected by organizations that match their values and personalities.
    • Mismatch leads to attrition; aligned values lead to retention.
  • Example: A realistic person would not be interested in, nor be a good fit for, a job as a biologist in a biology company.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalities and job types have specific congruences, as visualized in Holland’s hexagon model.
  • Opposite personality types on the hexagon are very different in job preference.
  • Organizations look for employees whose values align with the company's identity.
  • Both person-job fit and person-organization fit are essential for job satisfaction and retention.