Transcript for:
How Energy Fuels the Body

so this is 2.1 how Energy Fuels the body so Okay so we've started to use the terms ingestion digestion metabolism absorption Transportation just make sure that you're aware that those terms are not interchangeably um met metabolism refers to the chemical process that occur within the body in order to maintain life and the rest kind of start at the top so we ingest as we eat we digest as we break that food down starts in the mouth goes the whole way down to the semic acid and even in the small intestine we're still we are still digest digesting certain electrolytes and then metabolism how are we using them and how are we doing breaking down the chemical processes that are required to maintain life and then absorbing them and then transporting them to where we need them in the body and the correct organs so these pathways are never really inactive they're constantly moving and adapting to external stimuli so metabolic processes can be classified as either anab abolic or catabolic anabolic uses energy to produce new molecules and catabolism breaks down molecules to generate energy um so are we creating new molecules or are we breaking down molecules depending on anabolism is to produce new and catabolism is to break down so if you think about the first law of thermodynamics think about what does it State how does it apply to the human body and nutrition out of all the energy sour sources available in the universe it's the chemical energy that our body uses to break down food um that really fuels our body and it fuels our body through all of these things breathing blood circulation body temperature oxygen delivery waste removal synthesis of new tissues and repairing and um worn out and damage tissues so can you recall the three main nutrients from which our body can derive energy this is where the macronutrients come into play those fats carbs and proteins and then that chemical energy is utilized as a source of catabolism of molecular Bonds in those nutrients catabolic reactions within our bodies produce ATP which is addin um adenosine triphosphate which is the byproduct of heat okay let me know if you have any questions about that one