How to Achieve High Sugar Crystal Quality of the Massecuite
- Presenter: Hans Cramer, Sales Manager for Latin American region and Florida at BMA
- Topic: BMA process for seed massecuite production in “pan seeding system” (El Tachito)
- Goals:
- Produce uniform crystals with low variation coefficient (CV) and no agglomerations
- Facilitate centrifugation, washing, drying, storage, and packaging
- Optimize crystallization time
- Reduce wash water and energy consumption
Current Situation
- Cane Industry:
- Seed massecuite produced by evaporation in separate batch pan
- Issues: Supersaturation peaks leading to fine crystals and high variation coefficient
- Ideal Process:
- Minimize fine crystals formation
- Achieve low variation coefficient and natural crystal growth
BMA’s Solution: Cooling Crystallizer (The Tachito)
- Process:
- Separate seeding from pan boiling
- Controlled crystallization by cooling
- More uniform and controlled crystal growth
Process Description
- Graph Overview:
- Y-axis: Temperature and crystal content
- X-axis: Time
- Crystallization without evaporation
- Boil massecuite, then cool from 60°C to 30°C
- Crystal content grows to around 20% by this cooling
- Cooling water temperature runs in parallel with massecuite temperature
Functional Principle
- Equipment (Tachito):
- Evaporate to boiling point, cool down, seed by adding slurry at 60°C, continue cooling to 30°C
- Batch process: 5-6 hours per batch
Process Integration
- Cooling Crystallizer Integration:
- Used in a continuous crystallization system with vacuum pans
- Equipment: Slurry mill, heat exchanger, fresh water, steam, vapor, thick juice
- Example: Seed production from 10 microns to 100-140 microns, then to 400-500 microns in batch pan, and 700 microns in continuous vacuum pan
Design and Application
- Design Variations:
- Depends on factory volume and cooling surface
- Example: 6.8 cubic meters cooling crystallizer
- Uses:
- Crystallization of refined, raw, and white sugar
- Standard in beet and refinery industry, now used in cane industry
Case Study: Santa Matilde (Honduras)
- Integration: Transition from double magma scheme
- Results:
- Seed crystallizer capacity: 1.6t/h
- Volume: 6.8 cubic meters, cooling surface: 27m², agitator: 18kW
- Crystal growth: From 10 microns to 100 microns
- Improved crystal coefficient variation (CV): 44% to 28%
- Increased refinery capacity: 7,000 to 11,500 bags/day
- Increased sugar yield: 2-4%
Benefits of Cooling Crystallizer
- Reduced wash water quantity
- Improved sugar color and syrup separation
- Reduced fine crystals formation
- Fewer losses in the dryer
- Reduced consumption of water and energy
- Optimized crystallization time
- Improved process control and automation
- Improved storage and packaging
- Uniform product size and appearance
- Low investment cost relative to benefits
Global Usage
- Over 50 Tachitos worldwide
- Spread across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas
- Expansion into various regions including India, El Salvador, Canada, and the US
Q&A Highlights
- Use of B and C massecuites: Possible but not ideal due to potential crystal damage
- ROI: Typically around 1 year, affected by the level of automation
- Use of brix/density measurement: Implemented, brand customizable
- Necessity of sugar grader post-drying: Recommended
- Exclusivity: Cooling crystallizer is an exclusive BMA product
- Batch Pan Automation: Necessary for optimal ROI, involves control room automation
- CV with VKT: Estimated CV around 25 for continuous crystallization
- Best chemical for slurry: BMA uses isopropanol
- Cooling crystallizer offers significant advantages for sugar crystal production
- Continued growth and adoption across global sugar industries
Thank you for your attention!