Transforming Cycles into Smooth Walks

Sep 19, 2024

Transforming a Cycle in Place to Forward Moving Walk - Part 2


  • The tutorial covers a method for transforming a cycle into a forward-moving walk, especially in complex scenarios.
  • Useful when dealing with:
    • Irregular walks
    • Varying accelerations
    • Non-linear paths

Method Overview

  • Locators on Feet: Used to "stack" feet on the ground, allowing free movement of the main control without worrying about foot sliding.
  • Key Idea: Constrain feet to independent locators to prevent them from sliding during movement.


1. Create and Set Up Locators

  • Create Locators:
    • Use Create Locator tool.
    • Ensure locator visibility is turned on.
    • Use Selection Mask buttons for locator selectivity.
  • Rename Locators: Optional, e.g., left and right foot.
  • Position Locators:
    • Snap each locator to the respective foot control.

2. Constrain Locators to Feet

  • Steps:
    • Select foot control, then locator, and apply parent constraint (all axes).
  • Outcome:
    • Locators follow the motion of feet controls.

3. Baking and Deleting Constraints

  • Bake Animation:
    • Apply keyframes to all frames in the graph editor.
  • Delete Constraints:
    • Feet animation transferred to locators, freeing them from constraints.

4. Constrain Feet to Locators

  • Inverse Process:
    • Select locator, then foot control, and apply parent constraint (all axes).
    • Repeat for each foot.
  • Result:
    • Locators become new foot controls; unaffected by the main control.

5. Fixing Sliding Effect

  • Key Deletion:
    • On timeline, find frames where foot touches ground and remains in contact.
    • Delete all keys between these frames, maintaining only the first and last.
  • Ensure Flat Curve:
    • Verify the curve in the graph editor is linear between these keys.
  • Transition Cleaning:
    • Smooth transitions when the foot leaves or approaches contact to avoid pops.

6. Finalizing

  • Bake Feet Animation: Solidify movements.
  • Delete Constraints and Locators: Feet regain subordination to main control.
  • Result: Feet stick to the ground without sliding.


  • Allows using any complex path for walks.
  • The method simplifies control over complex animations.
  • Teases a final tutorial to convert in-place cycles to progressive cycles.
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