Transcript for:
Joe Rogan Experience: Analyzing Modern Technological and Ancient Historical Theories

Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day yeah see the thing is about um that photo of the Moon that they do with the phones they found out that that's kind of [ __ ] no I took let me show you some of M I know I've took it too but what it is is it's Ai and so what what someone did this AI yeah what someone did online one of them clever kids they took a very blurry photo of of the Moon and they put it on a screen across the room okay and then they zoomed in on it as if it's the moon and the camera show detailed craters oh well that's not I'm talking I'm talking about like this you know oh okay that's a real picture so that you just use the 100x zoom yeah you didn't use the moon photo thing yeah no this is Moon standing outside there's a moonshot aspect to that that's a little I got to check that I didn't know about that one yeah if you zoom in on it if you zoom in on the okay I don't think that's real see that's what I'm talking about I think that's AI that AI create recreates it yeah really wow yeah I know I was showing off to my yeah list I have the 22 I think the s22 ultra I had the older one and I would take photos of the Moon I'm like look iPhone's [ __ ] it can't do this but it turned out it looks like I got fooled oh man yeah because he's you can't hide stuff like that on the internet technology stuff those guys are are too good they know everything they know everything yeah but we were just talking about the difference I'm really thinking about switching to Android I'm just tired of being trapped yeah and it's just like this resist everybody's like don't do that I'm like oh my God it's like a mind virus like everybody's like culturally locked in having a blue bubble well when you tell them you're going to switch from Apple then agent Smith shows up from the Matrix that inhabits their body and they turn try to tell you to stop doing it don't do it like try to you know convince you not to leave it's if you were a Catholic and you said I'm going to become a a Baptist right people go don't do it don't do it like what are you talking about yeah yeah it's not that much different I know it's crazy it's weird people get they get weird with everything they get weird with their beliefs they get weird with what they subscribe what what what group they attach themselves to so true it's so strange and I think this is a good way to segue into like what you do and cuz these subjects so many of these subjects so many people have like an instantaneous re reaction yeah and that instantaneous reaction is oh hogwash yeah if this was true I would already know about it it would be taught in universities it would all be but then you find out like no one is really just kind of trying to piece stuff together specifically talking about um these ancient tablets which are to me yeah some of the most interesting things about ancient history particularly what came out of uh ancient Su yeah ancient sume when you look at their their tablets and like what are they saying and why would they dedicate so much time to talking about this stuff exactly why do they have pictures of giant look enormous people looking things with like a humanoid with a tail sitting on their lap like what is this just fiction yeah like why would they detail this and how do they have a representation of the solar system with the correct amount of planets and relatively the correct order in size you know it's not exact but it's an artistic version of the real thing yeah and how the hell how the hell how the hell 6,000 5,000 years ago do they know that yeah and what explanations do we have like what's the conventional explanations when people tried to dismiss what they knew in ancient sumerra well the conventional explanation is always going to the term mythology they throw mythology around you know left and right to cover up the fact that they have no clue or idea so they turn it into mythology so they can kind of say it's all fantasy and fairy tales and this is how they expressed themselves or how they understood the universe it's all mythology it's all fake but in reality it's not all fake these people left behind such detailed records and information it's a time capsule of information on stone tablets for us today to be able to decipher breakdown and understand and that's what we're here to do now when you look at these ancient languages like uniform uh can you read that do you know how to read it yeah a small amount of it yeah studying it from books that I have bought right off Amazon oh yeah so basically you take a uh you take a stick it looks like a stick with a with a kind of a uh a curved end right almost sharpened it's called a a stylus and then it's like a stylus for an iPad exactly very similar right and then you take a piece of wet clay and right before it's too wet or too dry right in the middle stage you then start wedging uh making these incredible lines into the clay and then from that you get this C form text so this text literally uh you know some of them some of the letters actually relate to complete ideas uh but it's incredible work and it takes a long time to do and then you have to let this thing dry and then it becomes Stone so you know what if people were supposed to be trying to worry about uh how to how they're going to get their next meal uh shelter for the night and all these kind of things who has time to sit down and write these incredible works of art like the Epic of Gil mes for example yeah I think they really were writing down and also they were transcribing information that was given to them by these quote unquote Gods with the lowercase G so when you're reading things like the Epic of gilgames the Epic of gilgames for people don't know is one of the oldest versions of a lot of the stories that you hear in the Bible very very similar to them they seem to be there always seems to be a great flood there's a few Heroes there's angry Gods there's a bunch of stuff going on and Zachariah sitchin's work was like the most controversial on the Samaran text right because there's a whole website called sitchin is like people go crazy about him yeah but when when he starts talking about it you you when you read some of the things that they wrote and when you see like some of the the images that they created the images that look like the double helix from DNA and there's a bunch of the like that now we represent the the caduceus which is represents pharmacies and drugs like the that's the old version of an image of the double helix of DNA or at least it looks super similar to that oh it definitely is because it's referenced even in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and other ancient texts so there's no coincidences here now Zachariah sit you know I don't particularly uh go by his work not because it's controversial I believe he was one of the greatest researchers of all time and the reason why is because he laid out so many so much information for us to begin to scratch our head and ask questions but what I figured out was that by going through the UCLA UCLA cdli online online cfor digital library say that past 10 times I was able to take Stone tabus and decipher them myself so anyone can go online to the UCLA cdli online Kun form digital library and and read these stone tablets for themselves you don't need zachar H you don't need anyone else and as I began to break these tablets down do they have them transcribed or are you reading the actual TBL you can they transcribe them they actually transcribe them into English for you is there cont rsy as as far as like are there different versions of the transcription like does some people think it is interpreted differently is like some debate about that only where it comes to where some of the text is missing there could be pieces chipped off of tablets you see that corner missing from that tablet right there in Epic just look How how Wild is that just how Wild is that that that exists and that this was it's so hard for people to put in their brain 5,000 years of time and that there's these people that had this very language like when you look at that Lang we don't even know what it sounds like right right no and the the language popped up out of nowhere you know you're talking about a civilization that appeared out of nothing it looks like computer code it does doesn't it yes it does just imagine like a a human being deciding that they were going to write down in these very bizarre and they all agreed that all these things mean a certain thing so they had to somehow or another have a Rosetta Stone or something where they're documenting it so people can learn it and it and then we're looking at it 5,000 years later it's so amazing it is and what's incredible is this text was translated in 1800s long before Zacharias siton was born so there are some you know uh some rumors that oh he was the only one that could decipher these tablets well no uh George Smith who worked as an ass serologist and wrote many books and deciphered these Samarian tablets in the 1800s so we're talking about texts that have been deciphered for a few hundred years nothing that was just deciphered recently so when what are the first deciphering like what year was the first deciphering it was in 1800 I don't have I think around 1850 uh George Smith uh he actually worked uh at uh at at the uh I believe it was Cambridge and what was his take like what when when he's reading all these wacky stories and all the Anunnaki stuff like what's his take on it he is literally subscribing to this information the way almost that you and I see it today these people saw something experienced something interacted with something um and he cataloged it and it inspired him to write uh a complete um translation of the enuma Elish and the Seven Tablets of Creation and he talks about the fact that that information was copied right from those tablets and put into the Old Testament of the Bible and so you know not not exactly like it's going to go from here to the Bible but it went to other ancient uh papyruses and scriptures and and so forth and then later on when it was discovered in caves people took those and then said okay we got to put this into a book and then it became the Bible much later around 100 AD but he subscribed to the theory that these people interacted with beings in some way shape or form and that also this information is so incredible that it became part of the the uh you know the uh the biblical text did you ever read the Dead Sea Scrolls yes yeah so so the Dead Sea Scrolls was it found in the when what year was that it was in kumran right they found kumran but I think again this was um this was also I believe in the late 1800s or early 1900s is when they found them so these things are written on animal skins and this is the I mean this is a very old version of those exact same stories or some of similar stories yeah there's a lot of weirdness in the Dead Sea Scrolls like I I haven't read it but is there any references to anything that's similar like Anunnaki type characters the Nephilim or anything like that in the Dead Sea Scrolls they show up everywhere and the dead SE Scrolls and the enish and the eatris uh of course even in the Bible they're known as the anak an a we were grasshoppers in their isight it says in the biblical text uh so no matter where you go in in any culture you're going to discover that these beings in some way shape or form engaged mankind uh brought knowledge teaching uh building techniques um and just so much more wisdom and information esoteric wisdom uh Alchemy all these things came from these people so the the crazy EST version of this story is that they genetically engineered us out of lower primates and put us here to M gold mhm right and then established different types of civilizations and taught us how to build things taught us all these different things and enough time has passed that we've kind of Forgotten MH enough time has that's the wackiest version of it right right right that's the Bare Bones minimum yeah the the wackiest versions that they made made us which is we've always we've talked about this a couple times but how bizarre it is that human beings have this incredible Fascination for gold we're fascinated with gold this fascination with gold is really weird like why back when it was basically useless you couldn't make a knife out of it you couldn't you know like it didn't make sense that this would be so valuable just because it's rare you're barely alive you know we're going you know right we're going back to fullon Hunter and gather our ancestors with Spears and and stone chipped and then after that gold emerges and it stays it stays forever now when you read Zachariah sit's book he talks about this in the 1970s his description of it was that they needed to suspend gold particles in the atmosphere because their atmosphere was being destroyed right then you move to like somewhere around the 2000s when climate scientists start proposing this idea of suspending reflective particles in the atmosphere right and then when you realize the unique properties of gold how unusual it is in terms of like a building material you can coat things the reason why things are like coated in gold silver plated goldplated rather you can take a tiny piece of gold and cover an enormous area with it it's a strange metal like really weird MH and what you know the supposed story is it's very common on Earth very rare on the buau right yeah that's the story and now when when I I started looking into this goal thing myself and and here's what I came up with so when you start analyzing the text you discover that there was a camp an encampment in a place called South Africa at Adam's Calendar okay now at Adam's Calendar there's actually the very first gold mines discovered they're dating them back to about 200,000 years ago and that's incredible because there's a building there that looks like a worn down structure now in the tablets it talks about the fact that the eegi who were the workingclass Anunnaki beings who were cleaning out the Euphrates and Tigress River uh so they can create irrigation and you know create a bustling civilization also they were doing the actual construction themselves no people needed just them working they were like the construction workers and and new and inkin and liil these leader gods were like you know the four men the you know the master Architects and so forth right the boss so these people were working but they weren't supposed to be enslaved they were volunteers they got tired of doing the work according to them for about 250,000 years of labor on on Earth and also according to them on Mars This is in the text they call it lamu and so they decided to go to war against Inky and Lil and a new because their demands had not been met so they went to meet them in the Epic of atrais they go to Adam's Calendar they go to that same structure that was discovered where that gold mine is located I was like holy crap there is some link here to Gold specifically exactly I don't know but I know if you're in advanced civilization you need gold and the people that you have working it for you probably think you know it's it's to Adorn or to Adorn yourself or in recognition of the god so they'll wear it and they'll utilize it but not for technology um but what's crazy is they go to war they go to get ready to go to battle and then Anki says I have an idea that will stop this war there's an existing being on this planet existing not something that doesn't exist existing we can add our Essence to it with a slain God so they're talking about taking the DNA of genetics from some one of themselves and mixing it with the DNA of the homy that was here it's not specified whether it was you know an ape man or anything but they don't specify in the tablets but to create a worker being and they began to do this genetic modification probably disconnecting some of our DNA making genetic modifications to us to get us to take orders from them they inserted something called a worship Gene which was just discovered recently that human beings have a gene inside of them that can be turned on and turned off it can be turned off in a laboratory setting it can also be turned off with a magnetic field around your head and when it's off you don't want to worship anything outside of yourself you look inside and when it's on you look to get something from the outside so this is incredible uh and so they gen inside of us to make us worship them how genius it's incredible because then you're not a slave anymore you're doing this for the honor of the Gods and for people don't who think this is all this talk is really crazy I want to put into perspective that we talked about this the other day that during the was it which war was it it where the Soviet Union was experimenting was it it was scientists in the Soviet Union correct they're experimenting with creating a chimpanzee human being hybrid that they would probably send to war yeah so instead of having regular people we would make this monster this this freak you know apan and send him to war and have him crush the enemies like [ __ ] just how crazy is that they knew how strong chimps are I got an idea let's turn a chimp human and that way if he dies who gives a [ __ ] we made him get him to go to work for us yeah and now if you're a supremely enlightened being wouldn't you think of human beings with all of our Folly and all of our chaos and all of our war and [ __ ] and the internet and disinformation and misinformation wouldn't you think of us kind of the same way we would think about that chimp hybrid thing if I was a you know I was a president of Russia I want my cousins to go to war or want have send this freak that I made in a lab yeah and what's interesting I'm sure I'm glad you said made in a lab they had talk briefly in that text about fashioning people in other words almost like how did they say it they said the word fashioning fashioning a being what was the do can do you remember the actual quote um I got I would have to look it up the actual the actual quote but they describe it as fashion fashion because they said even the lamb hadn't been fashioned yet so they had fashioned Lambs so they fashioned and it's also an epicgames they fashion uh the friend that Gilgamesh went on the journey with he wasn't born from a woman's womb they created him they created him an artificial being to go on this journey in the Epic of gilgames so they they Ed that phrase several times in the tablets but they said no wait it was almost like that's not a good idea because in some ways it seems as if they had known that the idea of making these artifici too many artificially created people wouldn't be a good idea now they didn't go deeper than that but you can see where we are today with AI and everything else and these you know these robots that are coming maybe they knew something about that but they decided to take a biological and genetically modify and program that to do the work and that's exactly what they did well if they really knew what we would be capable of and that we would be illogical overpopulation would be a gigantic issue and in many parts I mean it's not really that big of an issue here except for in cities but in many parts of the world it's the whole country the whole country is New York City which is just [ __ ] Bonkers you know and you got to one it's actually not true it's like it's not even that bad even in China China has a lot of open space but when you're in those cities they are massive and they are filled with people and that is probably what you'd imagine a higher being would do if it was like us like kind of illogical and kind of a little bit Reckless and has a little bit too much technology for the average person that didn't develop the technology but all of a sudden you got some 85 IQ dope who has access to all the things that all these Geniuses have created yeah I mean you could I mean you could figure we talked to meio Kaku who he built a nuclear reactor in his house when he was a kid I heard about that that was crazy that's crazy I know that's so crazy but there's a lot of different stuff that you can do and have access to technology that is beyond anything you would ever be able to invent with your own mind but because we share things across the board we're you would imagine that if you were an enlightened being from another planet that's a million years more advanced and I you go I see where this one's going you know like you have that cousin who's an alcoholic and then he went the lottery like oh [ __ ] Derek just won the lottery [ __ ] this is going to be crazy dereck's got $200 million going to be [ __ ] insane it's crazy and they knew they were they were going outside their own guidelines and their own laws their parameters because they made a statement in the text they said the creator of all is going to punish them or they would have to answer to the creator of all for what they did here so and that lets you know they weren't really gods they knew themselves that they weren't the creator of the universe but that they um they masquerad as gods on this planet just like we did when you know when different versions of human civilization would find primitive tribes like the cargo Tri the cargo cult that you talked about in your documentary that is so fascinating that during World War II planes landed on these remote places and these people built mock planes to show like what the thing was that came to visit them that they thought were like Gods wild do you think that if the Anunnaki are real and if if niiro really exists and there's another planet with highly intelligent beings that are far more advanced than us if that's the case do you think there's more advanced and more advanced and more just like we are to chimpanzees they are to us and then another races to them and then it just keeps going on and on forever until you're God absolutely I believe there's a there's levels to the game just like there's levels in terms of how we live on this planet you know we have the first world second world third world just here on Earth now magnify that as a fractal as a universe as a whole you have civilizations that are a million 2 million maybe even a billion years ahead and every Universe progress every every not every civilization progressing within the universe at a specific rate so you can have beings that have already maybe even shed the Caporal bodies and only exist as beings of energetic light and then you have everything all the way back down towards us in the Emerald Tablet of th he actually says that he has achieved the ability to Incarnate at will on and in the plane he desires he claims to be able to Incarnate whenever he wants and even into other dimensions which is wild that's next level yeah that's next level it does make sense that if we're capable of doing what we're doing we're talking about your phone the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra with zooms and all this different [ __ ] that's magic to someone just 200 years ago and if we keep if it keeps going and you keep like playing this out as far as possible it kind of makes sense there would be levels to the kind of intelligent life that exists in the UN Beyond our comprehension yeah do you have you talked to Terrence Howard do you know his theory about how planets are created that it's just things ejecting from the sun over billions and billions of years and that there's a goldilock Zone where you can create life and that's where the people are and then as this goldilock Zone gets you have to be super technologically proficient right in order to control your environment to the extent you no longer require the sun in order to keep you alive that kind of makes sense if the bureau out there past Pluto oh it makes a lot of sense sh out to ter because I just talked to him a couple hours ago okay yeah I mean so I used we were talking about white congregations and everything [ __ ] me up for like three days I left this podcast for three days I was like God damn first of all how the [ __ ] is he so smart like how would you ever imagine that a dude who's an actor on a television show or or in a movie is that smart like like freaky smart right but but the his theory about the creation of planets I was like oh that makes sense we watch stuff fly off the sun all the time and if that this matter over time would coales and become a planet yeah creates an accretion disc and everything in space creates accretion disc so once that matter that word accretion discre this so once you have a certain amount of mass in space it instantaneously on its own wants to create this circular like the shape of our mil Galaxy wants to start SW circling and swerving around itself and then as it does that it creates begins to create friction as that that friction increases the the the matter begins to collapse in towards each other all right based on its own energy and then it then forms a ball and that then builds and attracts more mass until it builds into a moon or a planet or whatever yeah what do you do when you encounter Flat Earth people oh man I just I just try to be quiet I just tell them look it's not my thing you know I remember Flat Earth Society offered me money years and years ago um and I was like no I don't believe the Earth is flat I'm not getting involved with this and they really attack me hard death threats and everything else they get very upset I do not understand I just think it's people committing to an idea yeah it just doesn't make sense well it's a religion now they turned it into a religion anytime that people can attack you so brutally over that I mean you you're talk I'm on live talking about quantum physics and they're in the chat the Earth is flat the Earth is I mean so that's it's like I mean one guy fascinated by it because yeah because it's the ultimate conspiracy theory the ultimate conspiracy theory is that we are all on a set and that the the the Earth is flat it's a disc there a wall the government's aware of it they won't let you pass a certain distance yeah there's ice walls and that space is just lights in the sky right that's it and the Sun is is a bulb and uh and all this kind of stuff it's wild and it's attached to a version of Christianity which is very interesting it is it's tied into Christianity the 6,000 year old theme the Earth is only 6,000 year old the reason why people think the Earth is 6 th000 years old is because most of the tablets are 6,000 years old and the Bible was written from the information that came from tablets so that's as far back as anybody's quotequote knowledge seems to extend that's where the 6,000 year old Theory comes from but they've taken that thing and turned it into a religion I remember one guy dm' me and he was going off and telling me he was going to shoot me in the head and all this stuff and I said let me ask you a question if there's no atmosphere then what are you breathing right now he goes what do you mean I'm I'm I'm breathing oxygen I said well that's a gas gas doesn't exist I said well then you should be dead then because you're breathing a gas said what else you are are you inhaling when you breathe he goes oxygen I said well no you're breathing in you know helium Krypton you know most nitrogen yeah nitrogen I said you're breathing in all these other gases oxygen is only around 21% of that otherwise you'd be dead you know so he didn't he couldn't take I said did you graduate from high school he said no I said I stopped talking so that's when I realized don't waste your energy on these people well there's a lot of dudes unfortunately who just get on YouTube and they listen to very charismatic people talk that don't know what they're talking about which I do all the time but they but they do it in a way where they pretend they know something is true that's not true and people get sucked into it know and I just don't understand why you would think that Earth is the only one out of all these things that we've observed that's flat yeah it just doesn't make any sense and I think this is respectfully to all these people that believe that I think it's a giant waste of time it is I think concentrating on the shape of the earth even if it was flat who [ __ ] cares look at what's going on out there it would be kind of crazy if it was flat that would kind of like bolster the idea that we're the [ __ ] and that we're we are just so much more powerful and advanced and special than everything else in the universe because we're the only ones that exist on a flat plane right but the whole thing is just so insane just what we know about the physical universe itself and about atoms and just just what we know about all the matter that exists in our lives is insane yeah it's insane I mean you obviously they haven't they haven't tapped even forget Quantum they standard physics they don't they don't they don't comprehend it and so because of that you know they're lost I mean satellites don't exist obviously to them so one I remember H exist that's a cookie one like bro you can watch them you I mean it's crazy hurricane Maria comes and destroys uh the Caribbean and I unfortunately I had some loved ones that were involved in that and I posted a picture of the hurricane because I was raising money for Hurricane supplies and they were commenting and attacking that's a fake image it doesn't exist I'm like how but how let me ask you this how much of that is [ __ ] like how much of that is government either entities from other foreign governments where they're they jump into these subjects to make people seem really stupid and when people say something really stupid if they have one of the things they like to do is put a foreign flag like American flag rather in their their little their profile and they're just saying the dumbest [ __ ] and I'm going I don't know if this is a real person I think it's not I think it's one of those person one of those things that's designed to mudy up any discourse about anything yes it's a scop I I'm telling you I told people a long time ago this whole flat thing was a CIA scop I it drop it in there if it wasn't a CIA scop it was someone from forchan who just wanted to be silly and went so hard with explanations that a lot of gullible people without Science degrees like me um they [ __ ] they went along with it and it's just one of those things where it's just man what a giant waste of time it is it's a waste of energy and there's so much more we can learn like these ancient texts and people say why are you always focus on the ancient past well because the past is prologue if we don't understand what happened back then we're doomed to continue to repeat these cycles of time that we've been in for quite some time for eons yeah I mean it's just direct evidence that civilizations don't last when they go cooky yes you know that things go sideways and there's natural disasters and wars that reshaped Landscapes like look it's all there and it's happening right now and if we're not aware of it it'll happen to us and then we'll be a footnote of History we'll be one of those things there was this amazing country called America MH they got crazy they created all this art and culture and they they did amazing things but they went [ __ ] sideways they sold out the money they got involved in wars and and then the next thing you know M the world is operating essentially like communist China the whole world yeah that's possible too kids all right you got to be you got to fight for this cuz whatever this thing is that we have this is like super [ __ ] unique but if you don't want to look at the past you if you're not fascinated by ancient structures if you're not FC by what kind of technology and knowledge did they have 4,500 plus years ago to make the beid who are these people exactly what were they doing how did they do that and what was that thing was that a power plant right I mean if you I know you know that theory that is crazy theory that sounds so it sounds completely Wackadoo but then when you have it laid out to you uh Christopher what's his last name dun Christopher dun I said him on my podcast a few weeks just had him a couple weeks ago too I just had a uh brain fart his depiction of the mechanisms that would be involved in turning this giant structure into some sort of a power plant you you hear about you go wait a minute whoa yeah I'll makes a lot of sense and him and I have very similar theories on how the the the power generation occurred uh and I believe that the Nile you know when it used to run up close to the pyramids and the water would run underneath the pyramid and that would create something called physios electricity as it ran underneath that magnetized Crystal Granite those ions would pour up into the chamber move up the the grand Gallery where there used to be resonating rods with you can see the slots where the rods used to be they're removed now but the slots are still there then it would be pushed into the king's chamber where it would be Amplified and some type of fusion would take place then forc up through the Apex and then the crystal Granite Obelisk around the region would capture that ambient wireless electricity and then if you had something called a Jed which looks like a Tesla coil you can you can capture that energy and you can transfer it into a device for gold electroplating uh for any other electrical tools you need like some of the tools they had to have used to create some of these incredible works of art you we can see the tool Mark so we know they had the tools and but they had wireless electricity way back then that's insane that is if that's true that's insane CU you would think there would be some kind of physical evidence of a device like something left over some sort of a you know ancient chainsaw like something yeah they did a great job cleaning up I mean they poured sand over Giza to bury another couple hundred pyramids there at Giza do you think they poured sand do you think that's just natural erosion over time because when when Giza when the pyramids existed it was a very different place right like if you go back before the pyramid like 9,000 years ago was a lush rainforest right yeah and then over time it became sand and the same with the entire Sahara Desert which is really crazy we just we're talking about the other day they find whalebones yeah in the Sahara Desert yeah yeah I'm going to the Valley of the whales in a few weeks in Egypt actually it's another you know it's it's incredible that there's whalebones out there also so we're going out there to to the Valley of the whales whale bones whoa yeah but so the the point being that this this place has changed radically like absolutely radically over time yeah so who knows what's do you know why those things were covered up is it possible that it was just sand over time well well if you look at the tablets again they talk about this war right and this war that occurred there's a lot of Wars obviously but this one particular War it seems like the same one that damaged the area or the region of Giza Plateau also mohen jaro in the indis valley up there by Pakistan and the reason why it's interesting is if you look at the war in the Tex and in goto those areas it looks now almost you can begin to see oh wait a minute it looks like War mohen Garo IND this Valley the buildings turned to Glass the sand turned to Glass and the bodies are still laying in the street right now today holding hands never been scavenged by animals so wait a minute where is this Mohan jendo there photos that we can look at oh yeah look it up Mohan jundo indis Valley dead bod still laying in the street thousands of years later and nobody just they just lay there no one's covered them up nobody's covered them up yeah when you put a guer counter over them higher than background level radiation okay really yeah and if aren't Stones higher than background level radiation some stones are some stones are especially like diorite and uh Granite but these bodies these are just bones how come they're H than background level level R I can't wait to see this why haven't I never heard of this Moen gendo m o h en there you go wow yeah this is evidence of a nuclear war or nuclear type go back to the other the one that one there that one's insane yeah there's bodies that are sitting on the edge of steps next to their own buildings that they lived in the building has turned to glass that's 3,000 plus degree temperature weapons fire so there's a bunch of people that seem to die all at once just scattered around yeah and what's the conventional explanation for how these people died they have no idea they have zero idea the only thing that you that was just a couple Jamie go to the other just the Moran jandara mythical Mass Massacre yeah so did they think it's a massacre did is there anyy just laying there laying there and the that building those stones are vitrified which means 3,000 plus degree temperature oh [ __ ] what kind of you know what could have caused that level of temperature energetic release well it could have been a low atmosphere asteroid it could have been that's possible tunguska yeah it could have been a but then their bones would have been splattered apart and broken up into pieces good call yeah that's good call yeah because they don't seem to be broken apart no they're not broken apart that impact would have shattered the bones and spread them out over great without impact even if you just look at the one that burst in the atmosphere in Tusa it just flattened trees flattened everything I think it's some insane like a million Acres or something crazy it's incredible so the Tusa explosion that that one's yeah so those bodies would be toast cu the trees were ripped apart the buildings would have been flattened the legs would have flown off there's no way they would just be laying there like that that's interesting and they don't seem to be like chopped up did they have any evidence of stab wounds or anything on them they don't have any evidence of any injury of any kind of attack or any cutting or like swords or anything anything they just all got cooked right and then in the tablets it says that the evil wind moved over the land after they released these weapons and they and then enki goes to his father I mean yeah enki goes to his father Anu and says hey um can you stop the evil wind because he had fallen in love with some people you know and down there and he's like there's nothing I can do he said get in your sky ship and for Bo that means get the hell out of here and he said the people's hair was falling out their eyes were bleeding their nose were bleeding their fingernails were curling off that sounds like radiation sickness so you think it's radiation sickness that did this to all these people or was it an impact that did this to all these people nobody nobody knows nobody knows but they're they're not blown apart right they're not blown apart it seems like whatever whever whatever struck or whatever energetic weapon it was could have been not might not have been a weapon whatever it was it seems like that shock wave reached them at some point and whatever was in that wave just killed everybody that's what it did yeah and they just don't know what it is so how does a convention archaeologists describe it do they just say it's a massacre they just call it a mythical Massacre and they stay away from it when you look in the other text the mahabarata and the bagita you find out about these wars also they're they're recorded they have weapons called the Brahma asra and the brahaha weapon and these weapons they D what they what they describe them as doing duplicate what you saw there how do they describe them they describe them describe them as weapons that once released can't be revolted or can't be turned back and that they will obliterate any any area any City uh and they say that uh some of the one of the weapons can destroy any man on three worlds it's crazy stuff this is where Oppenheimer got his famous quote when he obviously tested the nuke right now I have become death destroy of Worlds he got that from the mahab barata yeah yeah what a great quote to say after you detonate the First new bom what a great quote so so the idea is that there were beings that were having Wars on this planet M were they do you do you believe they were having Wars with people that were revolting or were they having wars with other beings they were fighting with each other and evidence of this of these wars can be found in the book of Deuteronomy in the modern day bible these gods and I do mean Gods with an S because everywhere in the Bible where it says God singular it's actually a mistranslation the actual if you backwards uh look up the translation in Arabic and then down to Aramaic and everything else you find out it's Gods plural they were fighting each other over resources and people and control of control of the planet uh and so that's why in The Book of Deuteronomy God tells people go to this city and it's like a far City away they don't even know these people exist they go over there to kill them he says kill the women kill the children and bring The Spoils of War back to me and you see these wars in the mahabarata the bag the Bible the Samaran tablets and these wars are just nonstop the Indian Invaders and it's always about attacking another city and uh they even talk about tro Trojan Horse methods to get behind the Gates and then to you know utilize that to attack and kill and bring back these spoils which is pretty crazy stuff it's like they were attacking each other they had gone ay they had gone Rogue out here on this planet and then began to fight over over people and populations and resources and we would hope that we would get past that but there's no evidence that we have so far so like why would we think that as AI gets implemented and technology escalates and and all we're going to be able to do in the future in terms of being to go visit other planets and Duke it out on other planets like there was a whole story today about uh China just landed on the far side of the moon so they landed a probe over there yeah yeah they did it's this is you know there was a China America war on the moon like what if America Claims a spot and China lands and plants a flag there and they like hey [ __ ] you that's ours now that's what going to happen especially if there's like something on the moon they can mine that's very valuable this stuff up there I researched a clementine Mission years ago uh NASA and United States military sent military at that time it was a top secret mission called Clementine it was a low lunar orbiting satellite to go to the dark side of the moon and when I saw the name Clementine I knew right away this thing ain't coming back and as I began to dig deeper into the Declassified documents of course it never came back think Oh My Darling Clementine you were lost and gone forever wow and I was right and sure enough it hit something on the Dark Side of the Moon which is really just the backside it's not really dark there but it hit something and but it sent it back sent back about 20 gigs of data and these images are available to the general public they've been Declassified and there are strange anomalies on those image this is pre-photoshop pre- everything things that shouldn't be there that look like broken structures and junk and things that just seem to be laying around um so I think it was a recognizance mission to gather Intel and data which is probably why China's gone to the to that Far Side of the Moon as well because they're probably going to it's a race to see who can capture ancient technology and then engineer it and then weaponize it well that's the most fun Theory ever the most fun Theory ever is that there's bases on the moon on the Dark Side of the Moon that aliens have abandoned Jamie are there any photos of these anomalies that's the most fun thing I can I can provide you some with links to the sources too okay yeah that'd be cool but Jamie will probably find something cool um so what do these structures look like to you when you look at them just Dome structures there one Dome there's domes uh and matter of fact one of the astronauts I think it was Neil Armstrong if you get the classified from the freedom Freedom of Information Act documents that are the um the blackbox audio and the blackbox redacted text statement from NASA which is available to the general public Neil says look at those convex structures down there I bet the people in there never get out and he's talking about Dome structures on the moon and this is an exact statement that was made that's in the blackbox audio which I can provide you to the link to that as well okay so where are these structures do you see any of these that you find four uh anomalies on the back side of the moon um we C we have we utilize a lot of these on our Facebook groups on uh on Facebook we have these groups anomaly hunting groups we formed the United Family of anomaly hunters and we've cataloged about 60,000 anomalies now a lot of them are uh are on the Dark Side of the Moon uh but tell you type in clementine moon photos anomaly you may be able to find some if not I'll send you the link to some resources where you can look them up and uh you can take a look at some of these crazy objects out of there so is that one right there in the upper right hand corner yeah that one's there some structure kind of look like two pyramids on to the left of it and then another structure which almost seems like has geometry underneath that you see the blur that looks like aisc directly uh you know if you go back up to that top right top right yeah top right B okay you see that where his hand is I moved to the left going down slowly see that see that see that go back up again see that what his hand is over right now it looks it's like aisc sometimes you can take these images and put them into a Photoshop and take away the U contrast and all of a sudden structures pop right out but right above that you see those Shadows of those pyramid structures right above that yeah you see those pyramid see that you can see this dark shadow see I see two lines okay well I I see the arrow that's pointing to that one straight line and then I see what looks like two superimposed arrows okay do you see yeah those things okay yeah those are superimposed right like no those are shadows but look look those are the same things that are in the bottom aren't they just pointing at something aren't those pointers I think they're they may be highlighting something right I think it's a cursor Mark or something so what they're say I see what they're pointing to they're pointing to that thing in the upper right hand corner that kind of looks like a pyramid see yeah you see that you see that right there yeah yeah it kind of looks like a pyramid it's cleaned up a little bit there in C C is more clean but you know those struct those those things don't look like they belong there well it's hard to tell yeah it's hard to tell now we have really those that P right there is very famous that's a very old image on the moon there's a there should be a link to that there's a lot of a lot of that that particular one's been around for years and years and years it's kind of hard to think that that would formed by natural now and what what happens is we're not saying we know exactly what these things are we're just saying that we feel like they don't belong there Jamie go back to that image that you were just looking at the thing that looked like a pyramid that one yeah yeah yeah get that one big H that one's crazy yeah that one's very strange looking cuz the way it points at the top and has flat sides like yeah you're like yeah so if that's real that's interesting yeah but it how tall that is by any chance that's a good question there's a there's a measuring tool we don't have it obviously access to it right here but there is a but there is a measuring tool you can see the shadow which gives you an idea of the height I'd like to see it in real life though you know what I mean like sometimes things [ __ ] with you it's just but the angle is so unnatural looking yeah definitely looks unnatural we just try to catalog things that appear to be anomalies things that appear to be out of place right it could be anything and if in this in the Samaran tbls there's this time where en liil takes his son to the moon and he says well grab your Eagle's mask because you're going to need it they were referencing that the atmosphere was was harsh oh so when you see when you see the anaraki with the Eagle's head that's actually their helmet it's a helmet so they can breathe our air exactly they talk about it twice once to go to the moon and the second time to go to Mars yeah and there's been other depictions of ancient gods and people that look like they're wearing some kind of mask too right yeah exactly I mean one of the cooler ones is the the bubble space head looking guys in the cave yes and you're like what did you guys see like what did you guys see in the middle of like hunting gazel trying to stay alive trying to make a fire and then you decided to draw that thing what is that and we know they can draw cuz they can show you what a gazelle is they can show you what a c what cattal is they can show you what a person looks like yes yes but then they draw that and you have to think well why right why is that the only thing you drew that's fake right exactly they time to waste like a dude in a suit with a with a helmet on and how here's the the question how many different things are visiting us mhm like and from how many different places oh a lot if we can't just think everything's going to look exactly the same that seems just as silly as thinking that all of our animals should look exactly the same correct I think we have three different levels of visitation going on simultaneously one is Caporal beings in a physical body most likely anatomically similar to us you know a bilateral bipedal organism with two forward facing eyes maybe one two it's what we eventually become it's what they are it's possible that maybe we already are them just uh um you know Earth could be an abandoned seed Colony we every culture that I've talked to indigenously around the planet all say they were Seated on this planet by pleadians or other beings Star Brothers in various different places so like the doans the Nomo the Hopi and the Lakota tribe the Star Brothers the Aboriginal Elders say that they were receded here by pleadians all of a sudden why is everybody having the same story that we were brought here we could be genetically I don't believe we're even from Earth to be quite honest with you our psychotic Rhythm doesn't even match Earth's uh rotation on its axis we're slightly off it's actually better tuned to Mars orbit on its rotation on its own axis than how's that work the psychotic rhythm of a human body the awake and sleep cycle is actually more tuned to to Mars uh rotation on its own axis a Mars day versus a earth day which is pretty weird that we don't we aren't sync to our own planet after all these thousands maybe hundreds of thousands circadian rhythm right so when how do they calculate it's more tuned to Mars like how does that work well it's just they they geneticists and and scientists discovered that our day our our perfect uh wake and sleep cycle is more tuned to Mars rotation on its axis which is about 23 and something minute hours and versus Earth being 24 hours and so they said wow this is incredible and the more they tested it and more they studied it they realize we're more tuned to to the Mars than we are to Earth which is pretty strange well we are weird we have we accept [ __ ] like leap year right like what kind of whack calendar do you have where he just make up stuff if some some years the month is longer what the [ __ ] are you doing make a better calendar isn't there a better calendar yeah shouldn't there be like a digital calendar that represents exactly what's going on and not go J January come on [ __ ] out of here I know it's pretty pretty bizarre but you know what's interesting if you want to say oh human beings could be aliens well actually every person on this planet is an alien even our planet itself is an alien scientists just discovered something interesting I've never talked about this yet on the podcast you guys can look this up so our Milky Way galaxy is pretty interesting because it's absorbing another galaxy at this exact moment called the Sagittarius dwarf Galaxy not the Sagittarius constellation that's something totally different we are absorbing the Sagittarius dwarf Galaxy at this exact moment people thought for all these decades looking or even hundreds of years looking up in the night sky seeing that swath of stars going across that's the Milky Way guess what we've been wrong the whole time this is now being taught in universities and astrophysics so what we're looking at you're looking at the absorption or the uh the merging of the Sagittarius with the Milky Way galaxy and the exact point where it merges and drops into the Milky Way is right where our solar system is located which would explain the rogue planets that we know that are out there there's millions of rogue planets that have no sun they're just floating free around there's planets and solar systems that are orbiting far beyond the orbit of Pluto in our inner or Cloud admitted by as by astronomers now that there's other solar systems within this inner or Cloud area orbiting our sun be 4,200 years so all of a sudden uh that's Corey Powell the astronomer uh at Discovery Magazine by the way who said that so this is pretty interesting talking about the fact that our solar system itself is an implant into the Milky Way that we come from Sagittarius we're not even part of the Milky Way galaxy whoa okay so when they're looking at our own solar system they have an understanding that there's a thing called the Kyper belt that's out there and there's so many objects in there that are small and that's one of the reasons why they decided to declassify Pluto as a planet because there's other objects real similar in size and all those other planets but they think there's something large out there they think there's something large out there that they haven't yet identified because of the way the that gravity is responding like what what is the reason for well what happened is they discovered that in some way millions of years ago something moved through our solar system and captured its own weird orbit around our sun and what's crazy is the evidence is in our solar system so Saturn and Neptune switch locations because of a gravitational field Uranus is flipped on its side and orbits it's it's its equator is orbiting North and South not east and west and they know that like you got hit like it got hit or something gravitationally just tugged at it so hard that it flipped sideways it never stops never stopped and it moved through our solar system way out beyond the orbit of Pluto and this thing captured its own orbit this is in the enuma Elish in the seven tles of creation this exact process that's been described Now by astrophysicists and astronomers is an ancient text that we can read and we can see oh my God this is exactly what this text is saying it's talking about the creation of our solar system it even talks about the creation of Earth in that text it says that when Marduk AKA niru a moon of niru crashed into Tiamat it broke into pieces and became the hammered BRAC it that's the asteroid belt one giant chunk swung away recoalescence self and it says that it pushed the net force pushed Mercury closer to the Sun and pushed Venus closer to the Sun and then we took the third spot in place around our orbit around our sun and then uh of course we have Mars which used to be a moon a habitable Moon of Tiamat a planet that was 46 times larger than Earth and slung into this crazy orbit that's why Mars has this weird orbit and you have to you have to rondevo with it if you're NASA or anybody trying to rev with Mars every two years when it's in apy or Pary you have to ape or par one of them is further away than the other one is 80 million miles and the other one's closer so if you R Rond every two years you can capture the orbit of Mars and you can actually get there in four months and then they looked at it and said wow they meaning astrophysicist this looks like this Mars wasn't originally in this type of orbit it must have been orbiting something else in our solar system which it was one side is charred black and the other side is smooth so the side where T exploded those chunks hit Mars on one side created a very charged side and the other side is a smoothest surface in the solar system which is because of the global flood that that created and then Mars's axis on its equator is tilted 45 degrees on its axis which means the the mass shifted it down 45 degrees they had a major Global catastrophe there on that on Mars uh and then after Mars you have another little planet that survived called series C re s which is also a result of this tmod exploding people don't even talk about series it has the most fresh water of any other planet in our solar system more more fresh where where's its location that's the next planet after Mars series really c e r s how big is it it likeo sized it's about maybe 2/3 smaller than Mars and guess what a dwarf planet so they don't it's Falls an orbit between Mars and Jupiter near the middle of the asteroid belt with an orbital period click on that Jamie when they flew by it about you heard about this before I didn't know there was another planet out there listen when they flew by it a few years ago the the lights were on they sent the probe out there what the lights were on and so they start tried to say it was ice particles glistening in the sunlight so when they got to the dark side guess what the lights were on on the dark side so they couldn't use the ice particle explanation anymore so they just said we don't know what it is what series small size means that even at its brightest is too dimmed to be seen by the naked eye except under extremely Dark Skies its apparent magnitude ranges from from 6.7 to 9.3 peing in opposition when it's Clos to to earth once every 15 to 16 month in how do you say that word codic cedic I don't know where you're at now uh 16th month codic period do you know oh yeah cedic cedic period as a result cic codic as a result its surface features are barely visible even with the most powerful telescopes and little was known about it until the robotic NASA spacecraft Dawn approached series for its orbital mission in 2015 mhm and we have high resolution images of the surface there are strange things there as well which is pretty crazy so what are the images of the surface uh you have to go to and go to the uh Dawn images and you can download or or sometime the European space agency has them as well uh es and then you can uh grab those images it's pretty crazy some things just don't look right there but there's a lot what doesn't look right well you know if you look at mohen jandara or areas of Egypt that's you know or even uh you know Iraq where it used to be suaria structures that used to be be there that are now worn down and weathered they have similar looks there similar things that they look similar there not this not not saying that they are I'm just saying that they look strange some things look strange we have a lot of strange things on earth that are natural that's true we we sure do we even have octagons and straight lines on Earth that are natural as well that that was one of the craziest ones that Terren brought up was the Octagon on Saturn yeah was it Saturn yeah Saturn Saturn sat that when you look at the O octagon and Saturn that it it's mimicked in the model that they've created us the whole idea that he really blew my mind with was the goldilock Zone idea that planets reach a certain distance from the Sun and that's when Life Starts happening and this is a normal force that happens everywhere in the universe and as time goes on that planet's going to get further and further from the Sun and then it's going to lose its ability to do that and then a new planet will move into the goldilock zone and that is also going to become like us and then so if you are following this idea this idea Mak sense it means that this is just this sort of natural process that these intelligent creatures go through and even though we're looking at like Ai and we're looking at technology is like oh my God we can't even be people anymore well guess what we can't be people anymore because we're not going to make it if we don't there's there's a timeline it seems like you're only going to live a 100 years so it's no big deal but humans if we keep going like a few million years we're going to have a real problem a billion years from now we're not going to be around anymore no and then there's going to come a time with the sun doesn't exist anymore exactly so if you get so intelligent that you can escape the boundaries of the physical world and you can move throughout the cosmos wherever you want then you've escaped right you've escaped this fear but it's almost like there's an intelligent test yeah an intelligence test that life goes through like we're going to give you all the tools just like you're in the womb you're in the womb of Mother Earth want to give you all the tools but you got to get out of the house yeah at a certain point in time you got to get out of the house you're 24 still living at home get the [ __ ] out of the house they're waiting for us to grow up yeah this what you know human human beings are like babies right now as a civilization trying to learn how to walk and right now we're barely crawling and then we plop down on our stomach and everybody screams and cries but we're getting to the point eventually where we'll go to the edge of a table and pull ourselves up and then we'll take a couple of steps and then we'll Fall Again everybody will think it's all over oh my God we were doing so good and it collapsed again but no that's just a fall the baby will pull itself back up it'll cry less and it'll take more steps until it falls again until it can get this controlled fall and that's the definition of walking controlling your fall so we're in that process now like you said this is a Proving Ground for us to be able to develop consciously spiritually Ascend to higher levels uh and eventually I believe I'm pretty optimistic for man kind that we will get through uh this period well that's a beautiful thing to hear I love when people are optimistic because I'm always like I don't know which way to go I I tend to be optimistic well you know it proves what these ancient beings were doing they were creating Breakaway civilizations the entire Milky Way galaxy because of what you just said the fact that uh you know planets won't be habitable forever even Earth let's say Earth never moved and stayed right where it's at in the goldilock zone we're going to lose our control over the weather because the the Moon is moving away at a few centimeters every single year and as the moon backs off of Earth our weather patterns are going to get more hectic and chaotic and the wobble is going to be uncontrollable to the point where life won't be able to exist not our kind of Life won't be able to exist on this planet so just losing the moon alone in a few million years is going to destroy us so we have to create Breakaway civilizations we have to get out of here which is what all these other Advanced civilizations in the in these ancient texts have done well it only makes sense if if Terren is correct about this idea of the goalie loog Zone it only makes sense and if there are other planets somewhere in another galaxy or ours that have the same exact sort of features water the same temperature the same mixture of amino acids and whatever the hell else is that makes life and then it happens there too it just makes sense that some places are going to be more stable so they're going to have less natural disasters so like people will evolve faster and longer they'll they'll exist longer but then you know there's the argument that the natural disasters are actually good because the natural disasters knock us back down if we're about to destroy everything knock us back down to some much more primitive version of ourselves and then we have to rebuild Society again over thousands of years which to the universe is the blink of an that's a blink of an ey you're right that's exactly what happened in The Emerald Tablets you know 36,000 years ago th is he arrives uh in this place called the land of chem ancient kmet before it was known as Egypt his father sent them on a Miss mission to rebuild civilization back up to a high level meaning that it already was at a high level prior to this flood situation and he says he gets into the great ship of the master and he takes off into the sky until the Earth disappears and then he goes to the pl appointed and he sees beneath him the children of the land of Kim and he descends down he doesn't sail in he descends down and when a ship lands he opens his doors and he comes out with his crew and he says The Barbarians came at him to attack him with cludes and Spears he says I raised my staff and sent out a ray of vibrations stopping him still as fragments of stone of the mountain so he had a stun gun he had a a a weapon that there was uh you know not Ruth not not Lethal non-lethal Weapon that can freeze you in your tracks and we have something just like that now in the military called the active denial system they can send a beam at a crowd coming to attack and make them stop still right in their tracks they can make you feel like you on fire make you feel like you want to vomit they can even put voices in your head they can make you be in extreme extreme pain it's called the active denial system so he's talking about technology back then that we have right now dude look up that cuz is that you think that's what that Havana syndrome thing is it's possible man this thing if this if you put it above like in in the sky and aim it at an area and it beam spreads a little bit you can create Mass illness Mass sickness Mass uh Mass hysteria you can have everyone running around thinking that they've got somebody talking to them and telling commanding them to do certain things it's this it's out of control this weapon can be fully weaponized in a lethal way in a way that can make people become psychotic you can make somebody think they're burning it on fire whoa active denial system demo can we listen to what this guy's saying can detour individuals on a military perimeter all the way up to a riotous crowd all without permanent harm it only penetrates 1/ 164 of an inch of your skin goes very shallow uh into where your nerve receptors are they can't take the pain there's no no permanent injury caused by it so what does it do to them it's a frequency a beam of frequency just like th says in the Emerald Tablets I I put this in my book because it's important to test out its Effectiveness and safety including the assistant commant of the Marine Corps wow he saidj assistant Secretary of the Navy most described it as feeling like a hot oven or grill being opened up it is something that wow so that's what he used on them thousands of years ago holy [ __ ] or something something like 2012 oh now they turned you into a statue actually stat absolutely now now it's over Medusa yeah Medusa holy [ __ ] same Tye what Meda was frequency technology imagine that imagine that story we always thought that was just some crazy story but imagine there's a technology back then that can actually turn you into stone right now that we know that people can do things like that and then we would imagine a thousand years of evolution 10,000 500,000 whatever these people are whatever these things are that that have the ability it's kind of disappointing that they're still Waging War I got to tell you that yeah it's crazy it's it's a real archaic mindset you know we have to find a way to Rise Above This is why we need to understand exactly what happened and how do we overcome what's been embedded into our epigenetic memories because we're suffering from epigenetic mental hysteria which is psychosis in this war psychosis we've been programmed as human beings to to have consumption and fighting and competition over collaboration everything is designed to keep us separate dividing conquerors main mission and it worked so well for so many thousands of years and this divide and conquer tactic that's been burnt into our DNA and our code has put us in a situation where we are not advancing as we should be we're getting now this technology leaked out to us and yes that's advancing pretty fast but consciously and spiritually it's it's holding us back everyone's putting themselves in boxes and saying I'm a part of this thing and I'm a part of that thing and then we don't work together no that's that's such an important point and it needs to be drilled into people's heads yeah we're distracting ourselves by getting involved these stupid arguments over stupid things when there's really important issues with the world M and those aren't being addressed and the one of the big ones is how do you stop people from killing each other how do we stop War how how do we stop this insane practice of having groups of people go up against groups of people they never even met and killing them exactly and then we're all okay with this we talk about how this is normal and this has to be done and these war is ugly and it's unfortunate but we have to do it like okay are you [ __ ] sure who's who's pulling the strings here people with $10,000 suits that don't get on the front line yeah they send poor kids and young kids young men and women to die yeah and you know they and it's all about money it's all about money and you know Smedley Butler wrote about it in 1933 war is a racket yeah that's right you read that read that from 1933 folks and this was a general who was he a general was his rank yeah who was retiring and he wrote this piece about how he thought he was pre preserving democracy he was really just making the place safe for bankers and Y it's just it's an ugly business that Eisenhower tried to warn us about and is leaving from Office Speech that's right when he stepped down or when he was no longer the president he left office and gave a speech about warning about the military industrial complex and its influence he sure did and I don't think they knew back then that people would be able to have YouTube and just watch that yeah and if if that's how they did it back then imagine how good they are at it now oh man they're Masters at Neuroscience applying neuros science to the general population they're they are Masters at it uh and they know how to get into the psyche of a human being and they know how to turn them again turn us against each other while they themselves chop it all up like I always say there is no democrat or republican doesn't exist the only thing that exist is a group of elite oligarchs that torture men women and children worldwide that exists they capitalize and monetize us and they put their boot on our neck but the think that there left wing and a rightwing I think it's the same Bird yeah it's all just money yeah it's all money and they use social issues whatever they are whether it's Christianity or abortion rights or whatever it is they just use those as like little little moves that they put in their little game and really what it's about is enriching themselves and and staying in power and the best way to stay in power is control narratives and and to control influence and make people believe a very specific thing and drill it into their head but the problem is like I think human beings are more awake now than ever before and they they know this game now at least a large number of us know this game it's shifting so fast it's shifting like incredibly fast which is great you Billy um I'll be 53 in September you look great thanks man so you and I are basically close to the same age I'm 56 and when when we were kids M this version of the world was never discussed you'd have to be a complete C to think that money is what why Wars are started oh come on no one would ever do that right you would be a complete C to think that the pharmaceutical drug companies lie about their drugs what are you talking about they can't do that they be arrested you you'd be C and now especially after the pandemic that's how everybody feels and watching these wars go on between Ukraine and Russia and Palestine and Israel you're like what the [ __ ] is going on in the 21st century this is still happening right now in large scale and people are having debate over the acceptable amount of numbers of women and children that are allowed to die in a war right it's it's insane it's Insanity insane Earth is you know partly is a giant mental facility mental health is a major issue on this planet when a person can look at someone and say they deserve to die because of their beliefs or their non-belief that's a major problem that's a sign of mental illness it's also a sign of like a spoiled child it's almost like we we skipped the line right we didn't really do we didn't pay our dues to become people we got turned into people you know like like right because if we there's anthropologists are looking at chimpanzees now and they're looking at them and saying they're entering into the Stone Age like they're using tools now now if you watch that same chimpanzee and you went a few million years in the future who knows what it looks like probably looks like an upward talk looking human that has much more intricate tools who knows if it's created Stone weapons structures houses they make develop a language we you could watch chimpanzees over the course of Evol but that's too slow yeah and so if you were another highly intelligent being from another planet you're like look they're going to get there give little give him a little something and the evidence of that is tablets called the myth of AD dapa which means first man the myth of AD dapa an ancient Samaran text it's a tablet and in this tablet uh you can buy the book myth of adapa on Amazon you can read it for yourself completely translated uh and translated by scholar by the way and it's talking about the fact that according to the anunaki human beings were created in a way that genetically we were supposed to become more Superior than them they didn't know this was going to happen and Lil was angry at his brother eny because eny put a little extra in the sauce yeah a little extra and he said that the Mysteries to unlock the secrets of the universe is hidden within our bodies and that we ourselves can rise to be even higher than them this is a major thing to be putting into text like this now who sits around how do they speci that sounds insane how do they specifically describe that they describe it just like that it says that human beings or or man Man adapa adapa was created to be even higher than us and that all the secrets of the universe the Mysteries are within our body and I believe that because when I started studying DNA that took me into a whole DNA study I discovered uh this this scientist called George George church and he he created this ebook that he was able to take from a digital format and he was able to download it onto one drop one gram of DNA a digital book he converted it from AC's T's and G's into from zeros and ones I'm sorry he converted from zeros and ones into AC's T's and G's read read write put it on the DNA then he said wow this is incredible DNA can store information in a volume then he said okay this is what we're going to do let's replicate this book so he replicated the book 80 billion times on one gram of DNA and this is a this this is not just a regular ebook this book had graphics and images and everything else in it so then he said let's see if we can get it back so he converted he created a read right again he converted it from AC C's T's and G's back to zeros and ones and uploaded it back to the server so now he knows that DNA can upload and download information crazy whoa so now they said okay well how much data can sto be stored on one drop over 433 pedabytes of data a pyte is a th000 terabytes what an unfortunate name I know right I know that's a crazy name I was like why'd y'all name it this head up bite but anyway but anyway yeah so so now they discovered recently onium atoms scientists have now written information data onto an individual holum atom and that they discovered that we can store information they can rewrite directly onto the surface of an actual atom oh my God think about that for a second oh my God so they're saying that a human body can store 13.5 billion years or roughly of data which is roughly around the time they believe the universe probably exists so that myth adop a text could be accurate the secrets of the universe is probably encoded into our body CU we're we're just recycled atoms right and then as we evolve technologically and biologically we develop a higher and higher ability to access that information exactly that's exactly what it is the longer we go the the more we're able to tap into this information tap into who we truly are begin to walk in our power look inside go to Inner Space not outer space we'll begin to tap into this and they but now that junk DNA is not no longer junk they're taking the term junk off of it that it really has function it always had function it was never junk that's just a word to keep us programmed and thinking that we're junk well I think it was a way for them to explain something that they couldn't explain right but when you use the word junk if you if you understand affirmations you I would never call myself junk so that's a weird way to do it but but now they're finding out that that that's you know and again in the myth of adapa it's saying that we're going to tap into this so I believe that all of our innate abilities that we used to have are going to start to come back over time like accessing Earth's magnetic field with the magnetite crystals in our brains we all have billions of magnetite crystals in our brains and they put a guy into into a laboratory and they put a giant bar magnet and moved it around the room and they put a an EEG cap on them and and a scanner and they saw that they were orienting themselves to the magnetic field so we still have the ability to navigate magnetic fields we just don't don't even know we're unaware of it well we know it exists in animals yeah so we have it in our body as well so all these things are going going to become begin to come back there's there's so little true understanding of like how birds migrate like how they all know when to do it what what is calling them what a very specific direction are they using landmarks on the ground are they just be using some sort of a magnetic field are they just tuned in to where the North Pole is and what are they doing yeah how are they doing it what is the organ that's allowing them to do it is that something that humans have and we just we it went away just like I can't remember anybody's phone number anymore right I used to have so many phone numbers in my head we had to have them cuz we're we're you know we're we're 70s babies you're you maybe 60 60 yeah I'm 70s 71 but yeah but what happened was uh if you look at the tablets again this is why I love these tablets man they talk about the fact that you know um they had created this this being not created from scratch but genetically modified they add their Essence to it is what they say added our Essence so by adding the essence you can see where all of a sudden Maybe our ancestors were in tune with the magnetic field and were able to communicate psychopathically maybe even had telekinesis and these other innate abilities weren't technologically advanced but maybe more spiritually Advanced and they tinkered with us and took away our memory took away our AB our ability to tap into that so we can focus solely on them well I guess if you were gonna you know have you ever seen the movie Prometheus oh yeah when the alien dies and its DNA goes into the water yeah if you were going to play a real real long game and Seed Life in the universe and then you were going to I mean especially with us if you you were going to create something that's very sophisticated and encode inside of it enough information that they could figure out everything just it's going to take time it's you have to earn this information but it's in there mhm yeah it's such a compelling Theory the problem is I get so wrapped up in these that I hope they're true when I hope they're true I stop thinking critically cuz I'm like that's the most fun it's the most fun to think that we were created by aliens it's the most fun to think there's a base on the north side of the moon right what but the undeniable stuff that uh to me is equally compelling I think even than than the aliens is like how did they make the pyramids like who who did that who did that and what's that what was that culture like right like if I could go one place I would go to Egypt Giza when it's thriving when it's driving whatever I don't even know what the number is you know I don't know if it's a John Anthony West number or if it's a you know more conventional number of 4,000 whatever it is just get me there just let me see what that was what were you guys doing how the [ __ ] did you make that thing how did you get those stones from 500 miles away how did you cut him so perfectly how did you get him all the way up in the ceiling of this giant King's chamber what was that damn thing why did it have a gold cap on the top right like what did what did you guys do how did you make the gold cap like what did you guys do it's wild I go with the John Anthony West Theory I'm closer to his time frames yeah you know rest in peace John Anthony West he was amazing amazing amazing man wow yeah magical Egypt folks it's a I think there's two versions of the video series that you can get online go find it it's incredible the first one I watched like 10 times I was like this is just the I mean forget about speculation forget about like timelines just the undeniable Majesty of the construction mhm of those structures and the the statues and like what they built was like my God like nothing else like nothing else in the world no no one's even a distant second place no not even Clos I mean wild Egypt can just stand above all of it and it was so long ago yeah it's super ancient you know and what I like about John Anthony West his his theory aligns with the Emerald Tablets date range because you know when he talks about the great Spinx being built two processional periods back it takes it back to around 36 38,000 years ago around the same time that th claims to have written the emerald tablets and in these tablets he talks about building the Great Pyramid he said builded I the Great Pyramid patterned after Earth's Force so that it too might remain Through the Ages so he claims to be the master architect of the structure of the Great Pyramid and what he did was he incorporated into it Advanced science it's not just a power generator it's also uh in my opinion it also could be a multi-functional stone computer okay and this thing calculates the orbits of the planets in the inner solar system which is crazy how does it do that matter of fact well if I have some can I open up this just read some notes I got some incredible notes that I did some math that I did I'm amazed at how much you don't need notes there's a few people that come on this podcast that blow me away without notes like Terence is one of them yeah he's one of them Ronda Rhonda Patrick she's another one of them I just want to get the numbers exact you know so one thing the equatorial circumference of the earth can be calculated by the Great Pyramid because the Great Pyramid itself is 1 by 43,200 scal down so if you take the Great Pyramid and scale it up 43,200 times it fits directly inside the sphere of the earth and it touches the equator okay so meaning the dimensions of how the angles of it would fit inside of a sphere inside of a sphere it's it's a representation of the Earth in a pyramidal format okay that's crazy and if you uh multiply that by the base perimeter you get 24,000 [Music] like what was the one he used for 420 yeah he had 420 and 69 and a bunch of different funny ones 420 we we day yeah he he was uh explaining how you take these arbitrary U procession of the Equinox numbers and you could multiply them times like whatever you want you could get a bunch of different results like based on what you wanted the result to be not based on the actual some of them are hard to do check this out forget about multiplying things what about taking the fact that the pyramid the great PID is located at the center of land mass on Earth not the center of the earth the center of land mass now the only way you can put the pyramid at the center of land mass is you have to have a polar orbiting satellite if if we were to do it today a polar orbiting satellite that's orbiting this way and as Earth spins on its axis you're taking swaps of data and you're you're calculating the land mass and then you're going to say okay this is the center point for land mass and you put it there so the center point for land mass being you take the the the surface of the Earth what percentage of it is covered with water where the ground is right and then you find the center of where the most ground is and that's where the pyramid is exactly ex the next thing is taking all the average heights of all the Peaks on Earth and then dividing that to get the average height and making that the height of the Great Pyramid now you can't just randomly calculate those numbers okay that's the average height of all the mountains and the Peaks on Earth that's right wow that's right and that's an absolute fact the grand Gallery the latitude of the grand Gallery inside the Great Pyramid leading into the king's chamber the latitude are the exact digits of the speed of light in meters per second you can't just randomly calculate that one well you can't just get those stones down I mean there's not one thing about it you can get real crazy with numbers and Mathematics but there's not one thing about it that's not completely insane like every single aspect of it is completely insane the fact that we still will try to pretend today that it's not impressive or that it was impressive but that they did it with sand and they did it with like how do you know well you would need more you would need more mud if you the mud ramp Theory you would need more mud in mass than the pyramid itself so that's that's a farce you know the mud thing I mean it's like just show me one yeah show me one to just well here's the problem with that mud Bram Theory I don't think people realize I take people on tour to the pyramid every single year I take a people on a huge tour last year we had 140 people on tour in Egypt for 12 days or whatever it was but the pyramid itself each individual stone at the pyramid excuse me each individual stone at the pyramid is a different shape and size there are no two stones that are perfectly the same each Stone fits in an interlocking format so you can't say go over here and cut these Stones we're going to bring them over here and we're going to throw up this pyramid it doesn't work that way each stone is made individually specifically for the location that it's exactly in because they all have to be at an angle because they're all going up towards this angle so every has to be cut perfect exactly so they're interlocking stones and there's there's no way to say just cut this cookie cutter out and we're going to bring him and hoist them in spot all of them are perfect all of them are and if you accidentally cut the wrong size or you're off by a few inches you can't make the period you can spend a week or two getting a stone into a location that don't fit it doesn't make any sense they had four knowledge people don't take the amount of resources energy effort that it took to build that structure and then guessing that it will work out in the end you only build that if you have a complete blueprint and you've got proven facts right you have proof of concept that it works and you've done this before now what do you think about the other pyramids that are wonky like the ones that aren't perfect do you think that they were trying to duplicate the Great Pyramid do you think they were trying to make their own the deeper you go into Antiquity the more perfect construction was the further you come forward in time the more wonky and crazy things are and begin to fall apart so do you think they just forgot how to do it the knowledge was lost you can see the evidence of the knowledge by the time we got to Alexander the Great have you ever been to Alexandria no I thought I was going to go see this incredible place it looks like a bunch of crap a bunch of piled up rocks buildings leaning on each other even the people living in in apartments that are leaning buildings leaning oh wow um everything there looks just it was what the stones are small I can pick up those stones with my own hands they tried to duplicate the Majesty of ancient Egypt but they didn't even come close it's just so bizarre that one civilization got so much further than everybody else and no one really really knows exactly how they did it right a lot years ahead now when you hear the carbon dating of uh the Great Pyramid what do you what what is your take on that cuz the the radiocarbon dating is 2,500 BC right that's what they think I just don't believe it you why is that well it first of all the way that the structur is made if you look at other structures made in that same time frame they don't have the same Majesty they don't have the same level of construction they don't have the same capability of withstanding time right so why are these falling apart but this one isn't falling apart um and I don't but that's not necessarily an because look you could have a shitty house today and you could live right next to Jeff bezos's house that's very true you know I mean it's just there's going to be different cultures and different abilities and and and you know different Craftsmen yeah within the same region I'm talking about within the same area yeah but even in the same area you're always going to have people that suck if you look at the Subterranean shaft I don't know if you've ever been there it descends beneath the Great pyram down into the ground on a specific angle about 65 M and there's another 30 m drop straight beneath that this is where Christopher done as hypothesized there was something that was creating a frequency down there something that like pounds in the earth creates a very specific frequency and a very specific vibration that goes through the entire Stone structure which theoretically could work oh yeah absolutely and then this whole thing about using different chemicals in these shafts that leak through the Limestone and that limestone is porous and would have a specific amount of thickness with Limestone so you'd know exactly how much chemicals to put in the shafts and the shafts did exist and they they did have openings to them and they were sealed you could open them up and dump things into them and then then then the passageway that goes into the king's chamber the so-called King's chamber and that it has opening shafts that go to the heavens they and I think I know why my hypothesis on those shafts is well you look at the way the pyramid is designed the Queen's chamber is technology it seems to be like an electrolysis generating machine to extract hydrogen from water and christon had the same pretty close to the same hypothesis I had with that now why hydrogen it's the mo it's the most abundant element in the universe and right now today we try to communicate with ET on the hydrogen frequency now those shafts imagine on the certain alignments we know for a fact that that pyramid aligns with specific planets or Stars Orion El debron uh you know Draco these alignments and then these shafts would send out this hydrogen frequency potentially on my hypothesis around those alignments why for communication purposes updates on this Breakaway civilization because I believe there was an ancient Galactic War which I talk about in my show uh my docu series annaki uh and this ancient war created these space refugees which then spread out around the Milky Way Earth just happens to be one of the Breakaway civilizations it's not outside the realm of possibility when you think about what we're doing and if we get more advanced and do this better that we could be still involved in very similar types of activities throughout the Galaxy yeah it sounds terrible but that just might be how things get done unfortunately War might just be a part of our Essence and it might be a part of the whole Cosmic balance of Good and Evil the this shifting of the Winds and this you know of the tides coming in and coming out this is like this it needs good and bad it needs all these things yeah well in the biblical text God says in Isaiah I create the good and I create the evil do what I sayth the Lord Lord right the he's saying he creates good and evil yin and yang is what they call in you know ancient cultures right good and evil dark and light it's all the same thing it's the most fascinating subject to me it really is the most fascinating subject is when I hear stories from the Bible or the babat Gita or the talmud or any any stories like what what was the origin what were they trying to say what what what what were they documenting what were they sharing in an oral tradition of the history of people and of the earth and of the heavens themselves like what were they sharing what were those things how much of it was myth how much of it was someone misinterpreted the original story and watered it down but at the the beginning of it even at the beginning there was light mhm just it's literally like the Big Bang Yeah it's literally describing what the current scientists believe happened and then you think about these stories of floods and then we know there's evidence like the Randle Carlson work all his work on the flooding that existed where you could see these like enormous channels cut through that is indicative of just insane amounts of water over a short period of time and when he describes that you're like what yeah it's incredible and then the fact that we know that there's asteroid impacts there's Comet impacts and that the Ice Age ended abruptly and that all these areas like this is where it was this is what where it went down and this might be every [ __ ] story that you've heard from the beginning of time Epic of Gilgamesh no in the ark all these stories yeah all of it I mean obviously the Noah story is inside of the Epic of Gilgamesh yes I believe that is a result of the younger drus incident in the EP of Epic of atrasis there is this um this this strike or of this either um an asteroid or whatever it is is going to hit it doesn't specifically say but they had the ability to stop it and there's this other disc that has C form writing on it which is supposedly the direction that this thing took course through space to hit Earth um and so it was kind of known that this was going to happen and everywhere you look on the Earth around that same time period that this is estimated to happen me megalithic construction stopped what happened that everyone stopped at the same time unfinished in the query unfinished in the query over here unfinished in the query all of a sudden around the entire planet everything is unfinished something happened globally that made people stop working on these structures and go to maybe Darren kuyu underground base or in the in the Americans that you know they say that the ant people The Hope say the ant people took them under if you couldn't go under and save yourself you had a ship we know that zidra in the Epic of Gilgamesh was told how to build the ship but it wasn't a boat like what we know was said in the Bible it was actually a disc he was told to Bill we found the tablet for that so we have the tablet in the British museum it was an actual disc that looked that looked like pie sections on the inside and he was told to collect his local floor and Fara and his local livestock not two of every kind in the world he didn't get two ticks and two fleas and two it didn't happen you know he had local livestock um but he built a disc not a ship which is pretty interesting uh but yeah these stories are everywhere you know it's pretty crazy it is crazy and it it's it's just so strange when you see resistance to the idea while there's still real evidence of this impact once there was real evidence of the impact once the younger Tri impact Theory started being discussed by legitimate scientists and they recognize when they're doing these core samples that they find nuclear glass and they find uh all of these things like aridium that are very common in space very rare on Earth all this very thin layer it's like it's real clear there's a time where all this [ __ ] goes down yeah it happened and there's also Mass die offs in places and my friend John Reeves have you ever seen um the um uh Alaska Boneyard on Instagram no I haven't seen that one yeah wow Jamie pull that up so he has this piece of land and uh he's a gold miner in Alaska he's a [ __ ] great character and he has this amazing piece of land that they've pulled out thousands wow of Bones and tusks and woolly mammoths and animals that aren't the Boneyard Alaska is his Instagram uh that things that weren't even supposed to exist in that that area they have absolute proof of these things existing different cats and short-faced bears and all kinds of [ __ ] so they're they're pulling things out every day he just texted me the other day asked me to come out and blow out a masdon bone I can't make it bro I can't make I'm busy but I love this dude and what he's doing up there is all his this is his property so he's got it all documented he's got warehouses he spent millions of dollars doing all this stuff and his one area is only a few Acres man wow it's only a few imagine what's really up there imagine what's really up there and what he thinks is that there was a mass off that probably happened instantaneously and all these things got swept in the water and and washed down into this one particular area where they collected and that's where he's finding them gotcha that makes sense so he's got two very specific areas that aren't that big yeah just a few Acres each I think the biggest one is like six acres wow it's crazy and so they're using these high pressure hoses and they shoot into the permafrost and they SL cuz it's you know it's cold it's up there so everything is just frozen into the ground right so they blast into the permafrost and start to loosen things up and show some of the images of the warehouses that he has I mean insane amounts of tusks and bones and there's even more than this the the the um what is the Museum in New York that has his bones Natural History Museum Natural History Museum from the previous owners of this property they they took a bunch of these bones and they wind up dumping some of them in the East River cuz they had too many of them oh man so then they've sent out people what is his name dirty water Dan da Dawn dirty water Dawn dirty water Dawn who's this [ __ ] scuba diver guy who goes into the East River who found woolly mammoth bones wow and and what what the other one bison bones all these different bones at the bottom of the [ __ ] East River exactly where he said they would be dumped off so they dumped them because they had so much of them and then they have a bunch of them that are still there so they now they have Alaskan politicians who are pressuring the museum to release these things back to these people so they can get them in the hands of people that could [ __ ] study them cuz they just have them locked up and they're just trying to say that they're theirs first they tried to deny they have them then he provided paperwork and there's proof and then they denied there was ever any dumped into the East River but now they pulled them out of the East River now they know it's real so look at this that's incredible this is insane that's a that's an incredible graveyard this is insane wow boning he calls when you help you're it's a Boneyard so if you go there you become a boner so he he wants to make me an official boner so all these bones this is just a small sampling of what this guy has we have one out there we have a bison head wow that that he gave me well I saw it out there yeah that's what that is yeah that's probably 15,000 years old or something who knows w i mean that's crazy you this whole thing is insane look at all this stuff he's got I mean it's just and this is just one small area that they're chipping away at a few Acres so and there's charred surface there's a layer that they go through that's all completely charred and he's documented this too like what the [ __ ] happened look at this layer this layer is insane this whole place was Up in Flames see the Char's got it in his hand there's thick layers of that scroll up to his um caption what does it say uh something uh came in hot from out of this world I'm thinking what you're looking at is what we found on the Bedrock when we were digging the the drain the Bedrock is burned the gravel is burned and nobody knows why yet that's okay we'll figure it out someday so there's a whole layer of this it's clearly something was on [ __ ] fire definitely well we found charge stones just like that at the base ejected out from the base of the bent pyramid of DOA really and if you look at this we've been documenting this I'm going put it in my TV show you know the anaki series there's areas of the B pyramid that look like they've been blown out something hid it and blew out the stones and charred them black like just like that and there's a like a debris field out there and nobody is studying this stuff so we started studying these these charred stones and these charred rocks and up above the area where you kind of walk in to go down into the pyramid there's more look like another impact point where there's more Stones blown away and as you walk out away from the face you discover that's where they lay and you put your hand in the sand and pull up these charred burnt Stones which is just wild so can we see some of that see what that looks like look at the bent pyramid the bent pyramid if anybody goes to those Corners they'll be a a common theory this theory of it being hit by something nobody's talked about it yet you know that's why I'm trying to we're trying to analyze and see what could have happened a piece hit there but like the bigger impact was somewhere else they just wiped every you know how when something comes in it breaks into chunks and then a piece hits over here yeah see that corner there you see that corner now that corner you know I wish we could get a better color picture but there's a debris field there um all those stones are just it looks like an impact and there's out away from it there's charred burnt rocks in the sand you pick up a regular piece of rock you can see what that is a go you put it up these looks like CH burnt stone that came from the pyramid itself I like to see the image of the CH because to me when I'm looking at that it just like people were stealing Ro yeah you yeah but you know that that's exactly what it looks like but that's not stealing rocks there and uh the guy the Homegrown archaeologist that was with us Muhammad Ibrahim has the same exact uh belief because we are able to see the broken those areas there the mass of what's missing majority of it's in the sand which is why I would send you the photo oh okay so it wasn't stolen it was knocked off yeah it's there it's still there so I'll send you I'll send you the photo that we have can you please click on the one to the left of your cursor right yeah that one thank you can you make that one bigger I see yeah so all that got blown apart it's blown apart and the it's the mass is still there a lot of it turned into dust and powder but the dir the black pieces are further toward would be further toward me can you uh tell us where we could find images of those the chard I have some can you show them to Jamie or send them to Jamie I'll send them to you right away absolutely you can't air drop it cuz you foreign technology not even yeah we'll we'll just download them and email them to you but we want to be able to do it they're on our Google photo drive right now um could you just send it to him if he got you an email we'll do it right now absolutely okay Jamie will you give him an email we'll pause here for a second folks we get these images we we don't want to Bard you with this okay so we left off with the the burnt pyramid areas that look like they've been hit yeah and he said so we we got the photographs from your wife so let's take a look at them here yeah so this is a video yeah just I have the videos because they were going to give me screenshots from the videos so I figured we just look at the videos instead there's one that's kind of more zoomed in but yeah it's hard it's hard to get the idea of the coloration the discoloration there from low resolution uh you know phone video do we have any other videos or is it just videos Jamie or we have photo oh you see those areas there those black areas on the stone if you if you rub them they get very black underneath there's also other pieces that are smaller laying further out that are so there's charred areas that have been covered with dust and sand over time right exactly but if you brush it off you see a charart you see those dark areas there on those stones yeah that's not the natural color of stone if you go back up that's not the natural color at all those colors there and GE the geologist and the Homegrown guide that we use and the archaeologist uh also said that's not the normal coloration they don't know what energetically happened here oh okay so now I see it I see it in that it stop right there I see it in that stone right there as well so charred and then over the thousands of years covered with dust and sand but if you dust off the dust and sand you see his charred surface right oh yeah which is crazy well that does kind of make sense if a little chunk hit that yeah and a bunch hit some other spots and that was just yeah and it also makes sense if you think about how an advanced civilization like that can just disappear what would what would have to be the the moment it just doesn't make any sense I know there's the burning of the Library of Alexandria where they lost a lot of the information but I think that might have been a book Heist really yeah I think the burning of the Library of Alexandria was a heist the burning did happen don't get me wrong but that was just a distraction to steal the knowledge and that the majority of that knowledge ended up in the Vatican archives I know I you're going see the Vatican that's what I vatic is one of my favorites yeah that's one of my favorites uh I went there with my family a few years back and I was blown away and I highly recommend it to anybody that that gets to go to Rome if you go to Rome please go to the Vatican it's stunning yeah it's stunning all the artwork they have and they also have an Egyptian obelisk yes right center and you know that obis that courtyard is the same Courtyard as tacon if you look at T Dimensions not the dimensions but just the actual shape of that courtyard it matches the courtyard of te tikon so really yeah it's an incredible coincidence that they built it based on the tacon where the Avenue of the dead has those platforms and then you have the Pyramid of the sun on on the right and the uh the Pyramid of the Moon Straight Ahead that area resembles the courtyard of the Vatican wow the Vatican is so insane it it really I didn't know I knew that it had a lot of art I didn't know it's outrageous when you go to St Peter's Basilica you're just like what what did you do how did you do how much time did this take this is so intricate and so incredible know it's one of the most spectacular things I think I've ever seen in my life in terms of like what human beings can Doh with Ingenuity and time and Artisans and Craftsman and people that Artisans that just create the most insane ceiling you've ever seen in your life so intricate I mean and perfect for a house of worship CU you walk in there you believe in God like immediately right like how this is obviously sh God yeah exactly and the fact that they did it for so long took hundreds of years to make that place I know it's incredible it's so amazing it let you know that there's time periods where people would operate within a golden age in certain regions of the planet and have time to do that type of extensive art and craft and and Beauty create that kind of beauty right and the only way you do that is when you got your resources covered and your Army Strong that's it and that was Rome yep I mean that's that's what they were back then they tried to take over the world yeah and and the thing about what they what they have is they don't have to kind of tell you yeah like so if they do like there's archives that they have in Rome that haven't been searched like we're not they're not just opening them up to everyone that everyone could look in and see what they have so there's always been speculation that they have some wild [ __ ] written down in there yeah some wild stuff I mean they're investigating aliens you know right I mean one of the Pope's uh astronomers you know were talking about years ago though they were talking about years ago that they wanted to the pope wanted to baptize the first alien now that's incredible that's an incredible statement that'd be like turning meio Kaku into a Scientologist right it's like that would be hilarious that would be hilarious and then they built this telescope called Lucifer to look for alien life that's not a good name yeah you would think out of anybody who would know better right the lightbearer that you know what Lucifer means supposedly but yeah they built a telescope named Lucifer right but the swastika used to be a sign of Peace you can't really use it anymore no you can't use it anymore I know I know somebody it's like things can be stolen forever no one's rocking that Hitler mustache that's a rap it's over Hitler mustache it's over no one's getting called a off that's over that's over that R so I I guess they they they didn't want to you know cut that name loose but they utilize that name for that the naming of that and it's actually in America I believe it's in Arizona really yeah no kidding wow Lucifer telescope how kooky I know all of the telescopes are fascinating but the what's really the most interesting to me is the the James web and the information that's coming out about the birth of the cosmos and about how they're looking at these galaxies that seem too big that they form too quickly and that they're starting to reexamine the timeline of the big bang and they're reconsidering whether or not they were correct with this 13 what is it 9 or S 13.5 to 13.8 billion year yeah and they think these galaxies should not exist in this I was just watching a documentary on it yesterday or a couple days ago where where they were getting into why this doesn't make sense and the the the the size of these galaxies and they were too formed and it was I believe it was 500 million years after the big bang right so like this doesn't make sense yeah according to us now with our minds yeah you know we're still trying to figure out what dark matter is right well I'm just the Terrence Howard the the the concept of stars creating planets and the planets eventually getting to a go elock Zone then eventually getting out and that this is how life propagates through the universe like it makes so much sense and with our limited understanding of the cosmos and are adherence to very specific ideas of how it all was created and the the resistance to things like even the James Webb telescopes discoveries yeah you realize that like science like everything else it it's when it's practiced by humans humans [ __ ] everything up they they use their ego they use arrogance they they don't want to be corrected they want their initial ideas to be correct yeah and then there's you know a lot of great scientists that are just looking at it and going this is amazing like let's uh let's keep doing this and let's get an even better telescope out there that maybe could see even further and maybe we'll have to re-examine what we think about the birth of the universe exactly I mean it just keeps getting better technology keeps getting better I remember Hubble when it came back with the two trillion Sky book two trillion galaxies is what it estimated exists within our known universe and then the web comes out and it's just showing this stuff in much more clarity and it's probably going to make discoveries that are even going to surpass obviously Hubble in terms of the quantity of galaxies and it just keeps getting better and better we're getting a bigger and better understanding of our place in the universe as a whole and some people are scared of that this is why they don't they don't want it to get out they don't want the information to be put forth that's going to change change the Paradigm but the Paradigm is not to be afraid the paradigm shift is about to be Embrace Embrace this new huge part of us that's connected directly to us we're part of it and is part of us intrinsically uh energetically and I think people are just afraid of the what they think is the unknown because it makes them feel small when I hear all this stuff going on out there it makes me feel bigger because I I know that I'm I am part of it yeah we are part of it but we like to think as individuals you know oh my God God I'm not important the universe is infinite exactly the universe is not just infinite it's so infinite that the infinite nature of the universe might be a part of an atom right in another infinite universe that's the fractal holographic Universe yeah when you when you go fractals on things and you start thinking about it in that terms you just you go what yeah it it's never ending it's just this constant thing that's in you in subatomic particles and deeper than that and then further out than that it just never ends right it goes both ways forever yeah yeah you just go oh boy I know it's hard to take yourself too seriously it's it's listen it's hard because you know I think individuality I think individuality is an illusion we we appear to be separate in individuals but energetically we're really all the same entity the same Consciousness experiencing itself differently subjectively through different bodies yes different life experiences different genetics different places in the world correct yeah but we're all the same thing yeah and you know that's the hardest thing to for people to get in their head anyone that you run into is you living another life right we're all the the concept of me when you think about it everyone has that same feeling of me everyone has me inside of them just me with less information more information better brain better this better that shittier this shittier that and there's a infinite number of examples of it and then it probably exists everywhere in the cosmos and it's probably what facilitates change and growth is that there is this imbalance and that there is this constant struggle amongst human beings that's probably what makes us stantly try to improve it's just very disheartening to think that we improve to the point where we can travel to other planets and have a war I know I know we don't want that to happen that's we don't want that to happen but just if it really did happen here it just makes you think like is that just what we do forever and is this just when we have this utopian perspective of being able to eliminate war on Earth someday which no one thinks is going to happen and not with this current version of human beings right and then you think well if we we surpass Earth if we passed out if we passed our genes and our civilization out into the universe are we still going to be behaving the same way right and if we were I if I was an alien I'd be like don't let those dudes in you know if we get to a point where we're us now but 500 years from now with the same genes same wacky ass crazy genes but now we have time travel now we have interplanetary travels like that and then we show up with nuclear bombs say give us all your titanium right you know like [ __ ] you know like that's a problem yeah could be a problem I would be really trying hard to stop us if I was from another planet I think a lot of a lot of these suppression and oppression of Technologies potentially this hypothesis could be that there there's a hand in the background holding us back a little bit it's quite possible but then there's a theory like the Diana pula's books where they talk about these discs that they have found in the recovery program that apparently does exist they call them donations they think that these things things are kind of left here so that we can just go oh fiber optics what a great idea velcro oh yeah there's a lot of these things that seem to like transistors microchips right yeah a lot of these things seem to have come very quickly after Roswell yeah which is interesting that's a fact I believe in the arvs alien reproduction vehicles I believe that exactly is what what's really going on with a lot of these uaps I think that there a lot of them are ours I I believe that there's UFOs out there but a lot of these objects that we see in the sky are probably made by us by re-engineering existing alien technology uh and so but you know it comes to the point are we going to be able to advance as a civilization to get Beyond War I just saw they released an AI fighter jet that went into a dog fight yes just a few weeks ago yeah Mike Baker was on here showing us that it beats the it beats the human piloted planes 100% of the time yeah yeah so that's W that's Skynet Skynet is online and then on top of that instead of just AI powered fighter jet you could develop a fighter jet that no longer has a person in it so you have to worry about g-forces you can do wild [ __ ] yes yes exactly and it's fully AI controlled vehicle especially as these Technologies scale up like I have a Tesla and my Tesla has auto drive and uh I can set in a destination like a restaurant I like to go to press auto drive and navigation and it does everything wow it hits the blinkers it stops at stop signs it stops at red lights it takes turns it changes Lanes moves around Park Vehicles wow it's [ __ ] Wild Man and it's not done yet and this is the beginning yeah it does hit curbs though I heard I heard it hits curbs I heard like when you're taking turns like for o overpasses or underpasses man like a few people have curbed up so keep your hands on the wheels kids but it's not there yet but it's a lot better than what when I first got it I remember I was driving down um Laurel Canyon and uh I was with my wife and we were I was playing around I was like I have like we're listening to lead Zeppelin and I'm moving my my hand around the steering wheel I'm like look at this the car's driving itself this is crazy but that was primitive back then I didn't totally trust it it was probably better than I thought it was but like every now and then it would it would get a little wonky now it's smooth now it's you use it all Jamie here and there I kind of almost forget sometimes where that it's like oh yeah this car drives its [ __ ] self I do it for a goof sometimes just randomly I've been doing it a lot lately though yeah it it's shockingly good all grandkids are going to Des all they're going to know 100% they won't have to drive at all yeah but right now like like people joke around about manual cars that it's a good theft deterrent device have a manual transmission nobody knows how to drive that [ __ ] thing listen it's hard yeah well used to be the only way you could get a car that was it I learned I learned it by accident you know because I was in emergency situation and I had to drive my friend's car that was a manual and I had to learn within the distance between where I was to where I had to go oh wow cuz one of my kids had got hurt doing something and the only car available was manual that was it yeah it's not hard I mean you could learn quick but most people don't know how to do it but the thing is like that's going away like they're they're now saying that the next version of Porsches is going to be the last version that they have with a manual transmission and all yeah all which is crazy because Porsche that was the one thing that people held on to was that you could get that stick shift people love that engagement of the car right but that's going to be the thing of the past everything's going to be automated because your freedom to drive that people are going to you know the Communist nature of especially California they'll do it first probably your freedom to drive that is not worth you know the potential of you taking someone's life in an accident right you know and this is makes sense that's part of the problem it does make sense you can see the argument oh yeah it makes sense and that's where everything is going to go I mean there's going to be so many I mean drivers are going to disappear like you know chauffeur and so forth it's all going to go it's all going to go away there's a lot of that in here they cause traffic jams these wacky driverless cars you know they have them here um and they're not quite there yet but they're good enough to take people around which is crazy you know take me to Red as drives you to the restaurant drops you off bye thank you all on an app everything's done simple it's kind of nuts and it's just the beginning I mean we didn't have any of this 10 years ago 10 years in most time periods is not that big of a deal technology no with technologically rather yeah now dancing fast well Chachi bt5 when they release that it's going to be as big a leap if not bigger than three to four and 3 to four was nuts yeah I mean in a 100 years we went from a horse buggy and carriage all the way to putting remote control cars on Mars so we're moving at an extremely fast pace right now and they just released this chat GPT and other uh robotics on on Humanity uh which is great it's going to do a lot of good for us but at the same time if you're going to replace somebody's job you have to then take away their financial responsibilities you can't expect them to still have the financial responsibilities and take away the job right so that's going to be the conundrum I'm waiting to see how that's going to pan out how many of us are going to stand up and say look wait a minute now uh I I'm a mother I'm a single mother of three and I can't waitress anymore so what's going to happen even attorneys are at risk nurses are at risk now so uh here's the do there's enough money in this country just in this country alone to if you did replace jobs you make it so that whatever controls that industry has to give a certain percentage to ensure not just like a living wage but a good wage like where people where people live well and they don't have to think about it but then you got to give people a purpose mhm cuz you can't just have them laying around getting free money and not having a life cuz a lot of people their purpose is their job you know that's what they look forward to they get engaged with something they have a community there they have tasks that they do they succeed they go out to dinner and celebrate that's a big part of life for people you can't just take that away so then how does that get replaced right I think it's video games I think they just they're going to go into cyber world yes when you look into the ancient TCH they had similar situations in these Golden Ages but people spent time working for things like service to others traveling arts and crafts exploring inner peace uh so it's about teaching people's new people new ways to Define and develop their passions and how to explore those passions well that would be a big yoga explosion across the country that' be cool that would be great yeah people get into fitness martial arts and just be able to do but you have to do something right if you're I mean well if you become if you become stagnant you die yeah and you still should have the ability to possibly work if you want to right it shouldn't be mutually exclusive you don't get this money unless if everybody got like 200 Grand a year just imagine the entire country just gets a fre 200 Grand a year you're never going to have to worry about food you're never going to have to worry about a place to live you're good you got $200,000 a year because everything's automated and everything's done by the government then you're going to have to find something you're going to have to find a purpose you're going to there got to be a thing that you whether it's art or writing or whatever it is you better find something or you're going to go crazy and something that's going to be a percentage of our population that's active they're going to be working out and there's going to be a bunch of us that just [ __ ] off and drink beer and play Call of Duty just sit down yeah just get hammered and [ __ ] order pizza and never have to do anything yeah live in a nice place you don't have to worry about money ever you could always buy like a good laptop and you you get together with your buddies and you all play games but you better have something go bowling you better have something you better have something you like to do yeah you know cuz that's where that's where it's going though wouldn't that be better than work cuz for most people like you know there's a great satisfaction working and accomplishing A Hard Day's work and you know you get your paycheck and you feel like you've accomplished something but wouldn't it be better if you just all of your needs were met yeah and we put an emphasis in our culture on creating and doing things that interest you and whether it's competition or what whatever it is but this will be financed essentially by this ability that you just get free money because robots control everything no more jobs there's no more jobs they don't have to pay a a salary to these robots only repair cost exactly and management cost obviously so yeah it would be great and the $200,000 that everybody gets they're getting it anyway because they were going to buy stuff from them exactly exactly it would be a wild change and shift in how human beings interacted and if if there was a way for us to channel that in a positive manner it could ultimately be beneficial and we could be looking back on these days where people at work work at Wendy's and go what the [ __ ] was that about well most people are working in jobs that are not they're not passionate about these jobs and it's evident in their work you know their effort and their sure and their work ethics well it's also evident in their success right and their happiness like a guy like you who likes to do you do what you like you enjoy this you you pursue this you talk about this you're very good at it this is a great way to live yeah and other people can find other similar things or different things that similarly excite them yeah and if we were under that new scenario of ,000 a year whatever it was I would still do this of course you know so people will work it's like Star Trek they work for free on Star Trek they don't you know that's that's just a TV series but they don't have a paycheck Kirk didn't get paid no they never got paid any money it was all for free Communists they were trying to turn into communist it's all for free but they did it because they were passionate about it and they believed in it so much and so there's things that people can still do if they're passionate about those things um and and you know it's just work but you don't ask for a paycheck right if there was a base paycheck for the whole country just a base paycheck based on I wonder if 200 Grand is even possible what is $200,000 time 333 million check that out Jamie and only only 190 million are adults 190 million adults right that's right let's just make let's be generous let's make it 200 million adults yeah so 200 million time 200,000 is what yeah so be 2 * 2 is four add add all the zeros from the 200,000 on to the 4 million right what is that in like the word uh is it trillions 200,000 200,000 time 200 million 200 million's got eight zeros [ __ ] so six zeros 6 zeros is a billion nine zeros is no 6 Z is a million nine zeros is a trilli a billion it's giving me four e113 so it's four 13 zos let me see what looks like 13 zos four 13 four times 13 zos it's a lot of money folks yeah gonna have to drain these oligarchs tax the ranch what was the what was the numbers 200,000 times 200 million 40 billion that doesn't sound right is that is going to be it's either 40 billion or 400 billion then it's A40 billion 40 billion that's it reasonable that's reasonable 40 billion that's so reasonable that's so reasonable that's less than the uh military industrial complex budget for the year 100% imagine that folks I just want you to think about that we could give 200 million people $200,000 a year that's a good amount of money $200,000 is nice you can live in a nice house go on vacation you can eat well $200,000 yeah not bad at all not bad at all and if you did that you could also still work you could also still make money but everybody if we just elevated every adult in this country to that that amount of money you're talking communist no I'm talking everything's going to be automated folks and there should be some sort of attack on the result that this has on society particularly when if everything is automated the people who run the Automation and the they're going to be making staggering amounts of money so if a tax of $40 billion a year to keep everybody happy keep everybody from going [ __ ] crazy I mean that might be it sounds crazy because it goes against human instincts right like human nature is goes our programming what we've been programmed to believe is correct and is that because we were designed to mine for gold right designed to work hard right work hard man because it's kind of in our head that we have to work hard listen we're so programmed to believe what happened in ancient times that we believe the government is in control of us when we're in control of the government right we allow them to tell us what to do when we should be telling them what to do what and what we want but we sit back and allow them to put rules in place laws on us and even lock us up and do things to us and there's nothing we can do about it but there people think there's nothing we can do there is something we can do we've given up our power we've relinquished our power to an outside Source because of divide and conquer it allows it to work once we realize that divide and conquer is just a distraction that we should coordinate together and organize then we can take back control of this planet yeah and this this idea of the government being in control of you is literally how it works with every single country in the world it's just a natural course of human nature that the people in power want more power yeah you know when you're selling skateboards you want to sell more skateboards next year you know when you're in power you don't you won you don't want to relinquish some of your power make it better on the people no you want clamp down that power more we had to get on Facebook and stop these people from tweeting about things or posting about things you know we have to this has become a problem let's put pressure on this company to censor certain voices on YouTube exactly and that's the [ __ ] that happens that's that's really what happens because they're not acting in the best interest of humanity they're acting in their best interest which is what every industry does when it's just trying to make money exactly well the United States is a company it's a corporation right and so they're acting like a corporation that's that's the reality of it I I agree with you too about this U UAP thing UFO UAP I just many people have said this but I'll repeat it that there's something about them doing it always near where military bases are too that's super susp ious come on I mean listen to me what's going to happen or what potentially could happen another Gulf of tunin incident you know the incident that created the Vietnamese War they lied about an attack at the Gulf of tunin false flag to create the Vietnamese War yeah exactly so all of a sudden you see one of these uaps they're going to call up one of these not ours we don't know whose it is and then it attacks a Navy vessel Y and now they've got the right to say we need1 trillion a year whatever the number is to create these these after Iran yeah right whatever generates more money yeah so you know could this be why the formation of the space force is here so they can find a way to to channel money into something else where these private corporations can create these black budget projects that we we've approved because we're afraid we're going to be attacked by aliens now and then they take that money and they develop these projects that never see the light of day and they all chop up the money behind the scenes yeah that's the reality of the world we live in folks and you if you're Clinging On to this left versus right this aru these culture War arguments you are getting caught up in their [ __ ] game most people want the same thing they want to be healthy they want their family to be healthy and happy they want to have a Pursuit that they enjoy they want to enjoy their Community enjoy their loved ones that's what most people want most people want the same thing most of the [ __ ] that you're seeing is all been stirred up by Foreign governments and and special interest groups and a bunch of [ __ ] and if you're online they're spoon feeding it to you if you're online you're engaging on social media they are shoving that down your throat gaslighting every day gaslighting you every day and it's more and more obvious now that it's ever been before because people at least are aware of it they know what's going on but it is it's shocking how much of it it's going on and it's allowing us to fight with each other why all this [ __ ] is going on behind the scenes and all these hundreds of billions of doar I mean we talked about $40 billion a year what is the amount of money we spent so far in Ukraine what's the they continue to raise it right they just just approved a new um batch of money that's headed over there incredible it's insane amounts of money numbers are incredible yeah and we have infrastructure falling apart here people on I just came from La a few weeks ago people on the streets of LA okay you know so Congress passed five bills appropriating 175 billion in response to Russia's February 22 invasion of Ukraine so this is of May 9th of 2024 um which is the most recent so 175 billion that that could have solved all poverty in America literally solved poverty yeah which is wild yeah what if it's if poverty and crime are our number one problem in this country which I would I would say they are yeah that would solve our number one problem the crime is is is a side effect 100% of of the poverty yes and you know I always said this if halberton can get these no bid contracts to clean up Iraq after we bombb it and it's for profit right so they make a lot of money doing that how about a no bid contract to clean up terrible neighborhoods no build contract to or a no bid contract rather to develop Community programs and will they'll be funded through the state you'll make a ton of money you can do this and also you'll have a ripple effect you'll have less crime you'll have more people that are out there in the workforce you have more people that are being productive more people that are inventing things creating music and culture and art and all kinds of other things that people like to do and they're not getting locked up in [ __ ] jail exactly and then you just have to figure out a way to get off the grip of the military or the uh rather prison industrial complex which has a vested interest in keeping people locked up because that's what the the idea that we let that happen I know we we let it be profitable to put people in [ __ ] jail and then we let let the prison guards actively campaign to make sure that certain laws stay in place so that people keep getting locked up for nonviolent crimes yeah yeah 40% of the people that are locked up in America are locked up on victimless crimes yeah they only hurt themselves it's so nuts yeah and the amount of money that's generated by private prisons that should be zero it should be zero dollars it should be no incentive to put people in a cage yeah you can't have capitalism in everything capitalism has to be broken into pieces you can't have it in medicine Health Care prison systems right uh imagine if that was the way with the fire department imagine if you had to pay to get your house put out right that's the one thing that we exist that that we rather accept rather universally that we we pay for yeah it's a socialist idea the the fire department is paid for by the state and we need fire department people we need everybody well trained and all the equipment to be working perfectly we all agree to that why because it's a real dilemma yeah it makes sense it's logic so's poverty yeah so crime yeah and mental health and mental health yeah most people on the street are mentally ill and giving kids guidance having Community programs and having education programs and giving people like an Avenue where they can get out from where they are and see a path to to success so they don't feel despair they have a possibility and and show and have it be run by people who've already made it through say I can help you just like you could teach someone how to play piano or you could teach someone how to do karate you can teach people how to live life that's right yeah and and it costs a lot less than what it's costing in Ukraine and how much would it benefit our economy how much would it benefit our culture our society how much more would get done if there was less crime a lot more and then those people have all instead of being criminals now they're contributors yeah there's enough for everybody and as civilization grows the way it should grow yes the way it should the problem is it's been captured it's been captured by Elites that want to keep draining money and they keep draining money and using it for their own needs and their own means and it's it's terrifying that's why I call it poly tricks poly tricks that's what it's called yeah I we made a pretty bad math there okay what we got oh 200 40 trilon 40 trilon that's much more of an issue ladies and gentlemen I retrain we're never going to have enough money to fix this problem I forgot what I said so what is our GDP what is our yeah but that's a problem too it creates inflation infation what's our GDP for boy there's a big difference between 40 trillion and 40 billion how many people are yelling at their computer you [ __ ] idiots I worked backwards for one of the things we did says $875 like wait that is not enough to get everybody out of here uh that's hilarious GDP increased in 2023 to 27.36% have enough money because it would take double our GDP that's the 200k if you want to go to 200k so well you have to give people it's only 200 million people it's not even everybody right that's four 4,000 so we're [ __ ] back to we're [ __ ] you just you just you just cut it down to cut it in half you could do it if people if you do it cut even then if you have it like 80 about $80,000 and then let people worked to earn their own money and other things Grand was a little okay so if it was 40 trillion you could get it down to 15 trillion that's still most of the money we make that's still a lot it's going to increase though significantly in the next 10 years because of the AI right yeah all the chips and robot when a company can lay off like Amazon lay off a thousand people and replace them with a th000 robots right their profit but their profit margin goes up significantly within the first 8 to 10 years yeah what if anything is being done to provide a safety net because you can't give people 200 bucks a week right you know whatever it is it's got to be a significant amount of money to actually get by whatever that number is whatever we decide that number is the number could be less if things are covered like if AI becomes so efficient at creating power we have it in our head that power must be paid for but if AI becomes so efficient and eliminates jobs that we decide that we're going to nationalize all of our power and then we'll look at Power the same way we look at the fire department right and we we set it up as a socialist power system which is not the worst idea in the world if you consider that most power is being generated by the use of Natural Resources which really belong to the Earth and like that individuals are pulling these out and profiting from them wildly especially when they're doing like offshore oil drills like who owns that spot yeah how are you able to just suck all that oil and make billions of dollars out of the ground that we all live on like it's seems like that should be everybody's right but then you lose the incentive for profit that allows you to go D dig you lose yeah I think that everything is going to move not everything but a a lot of power is going to move towards hydrogen that's the big new push the Navy has vessels now that run off of hydrogen so they never have to go refuel do you know that Bob Lazar made a hydrogen Corvette in like 1990 wow incredible that's psycho yeah wow yeah he made he made he was such a freak wow he is such a freak but but I love that dude I'm fascinated by him and I don't know if he's telling the truth but boy I hope he does he is but you know one of the crazy stories about was in the Los Alamos labs days when he was living there in um New Mexico he developed a rocket powered Honda so he put a jet engine on a [ __ ] Honda wow lot of time on his hands here well he's just a genius he's a geni he's an absolute gen look he talked about Element 115 before we discovered Element 115 yes so that's what sold me on him well he he also has never really varied from his story and to tell a story for more than 30 years and tell the exact same story is pretty strange yeah and also didn't really profit off of it no it's not like a thing that he's like selling Bob Lazar t-shirts and you know Bob Lazar was right baseball hats and constantly going on podcast no he did my podcast yeah yeah I don't even know if he's done another one I don't know I know he got you know a lot of hell for it yeah you know and I was trying to get him come back on again but he's he's working on well during the Jeremy Corbell documentary the FBI raided him yeah which is insane it's insane and he thinks that they believe that he has a stable uh version of El 115 that he has a sample of it somewhere yeah and so they went he thinks that's what they went looking for they'd love to get their hands on that cuz it you know the Decay rate so fast well the video that um uh George knap had there's a video that George knp had from a long time ago where he was demonstrating with George knp how this element when bombarded with radioactivity can distort gravity and he showed some he had some experiment that they did that we could show with light and I don't I don't exactly remember what the parameters of the one ofed that may he's telling the truth this whole thing is and then when you see like these images where it shows these crafts behaving as he described that this gravity projection generator of what whatever it is his gravity generator whatever this thing is whatever the they weren't exactly sure right how to because they at least back then in ' 89 but that you would turn towards where you wanted to go sideways and that's how it would travel wow they saw there's videos of these crafts doing that of rotating yeah same thing by fighter jets so fighter jets are locked in on them with these highspeed sensors and they're they're locking in and there's like a video where they go finally I got it locked in and they they're like look at it go yeah I heard that yeah yeah see even find that video cuz that video is one of my favorites cuz the the pilots are so genuinely excited about this when they finally lock it in I think that's the go fast go the go fast one and they're likeo we got it we got got it locked in like what the [ __ ] is this thing have you heard have you researched any of the vas from the ancient text yes that's very very fascinating because they in the babaka in in um what is this the one yeah yeah yeah this is it and um in the mahabarata they they talk about these flying crafts like what is this uh which back to he is actually us fighter pilots powerful Ron displayer pod display how come I'm not hearing any voices oh there it goes y there it goes oh there's just explaining um how the display works is Ron display and how these fighter jets are using this to try to lock in on this thing so look how it zooms in they see it pass by it's going so fast they're trying to lock in on it but they're having a hard time so they keep adjusting and they're trying to get their sensors boom so they got it yeah now they're excited yeah what the [ __ ] is that what is that like what the [ __ ] is that it's it's wild man what is that like I say I I just see these things and I go back to the like the you know the vonas they ran on a ferrofluid Vortex engine that's how it was described yeah ferrofluid so they had liquid mercury ferof fluid Ferro fluid which is liquid metal and so they put liquid metal inside how do you spell that f e r r o ferof used to have a ferof fluid lamp yeah really remember I B you that one thing you like put a magnet on it and the oh yeah where is that is that in Storage storage so to use a fair so you put if you take a Taurus we need a new one Jamie order us a new one if you take a Taurus and you put a ferof fluid like Mercury inside of it and you magnetize the Taurus in a way that creates this rotation this RPM of the of the Mercury moving around that field and you get it up to about 60,000 RPMs and then you actually pressurize the Taurus to about 250,000 atmospheres you and you Electrify it you get anti-gravity properties what yeah whoa so you can create a anti-gravity flying device utilizing that technique and this is really you know know well known and how do they describe it in the text in the text they talk about the fact that it used mercury in a rotating disc really yeah and then they have some of the you know the flight plans and some of the layout of actually the the plans of the actual ship itself one of the ships and so from that you can almost hypothesize or backward engineer what it might have been able to do and in the text it says they used to take a compliment of men to many worlds so this is incredible technology a compliment of men to many worlds yeah wow yeah so do you think that the government has access to something similar to that oh I believe so 1,00% I believe they've been backwards engineering information from ancient text and uh and of course any artifacts that they found from anywhere in the world they might have even gotten information from uh you know Saddam Hussein's Museum because that's the first place we went in the Gulf after the whole situation happened with uh you know wanting to go take him out of power and kill him they went straight to the museum so this Jamie just pulled this up it says flying with ferof fluids to solve this problem El Brad King Ron and Elaine star professor in Space Systems at Michigan Tech is creating a new kind of micro Thruster that assembles itself out of its own propellant when excited by a magnetic field the tiny Thruster requires no fragile needles and is essentially indestructible we're working with unique material called ionic fluid ferof fluid King says explaining that it's both magnetic and ionic a liquid salt when we put a magnet underneath a small pool of ferrofluid it turns into a beautiful Hedgehog structure of aligned Peaks when we apply a strong electric field to that array of Peaks each one emits an individual micro jet of ions whoa exactly you have to Electrify once you Electrify it you create this electromagnetic activity this is what it looks like in yeah that's just on two screws I think it's just transfering giv yeah just giving you how it transfers itself wow and so you could use that as something that could Propel a device yes absolutely wow and you don't get to reduce the gravity the weight of an object to zero but you significantly reduce the weight of an object and the fact that they figure this out and that it's in is it in the mahab barata or the bhavat Gita and the mahab barata wow and also I think what his One account in the betas like what is the defin like what's the explanation for how they figured that out like help me out they just they say they have flying cities they said they say they have flying cities and these cities would go to battle sometimes against each other in the sky oh my God yeah so you're talking about massive objects flying around right like and how do they explain that away that's what I want to know how do you explain that away how do you explain somebody thousands of years ago sitting down to write a Sci-Fi epic well not not just that but writing about a process oh yeah of creating this field that now has been documented all these thousands of years later it works now like how did you figure that out this you guys doing this happens over and over again in text in the anal Tabit just the book I wrote th talks about using simatic frequencies and light waves to create manifest solid matter and what happened about four years ago in a laboratory they used simatic frequencies and photons to create solid matter out of nothing just happened about four years ago what did they create they just create a few particles you know but the fact that we can do it but it was it was already in ancient text wow so now we can do it on a very small scale just like we can create Element 115 with a collider correct same kind of thing and it's a very small unstable version of element 115 that only exists for a fraction of a second but they can measure it right so but if with sufficiently advanced technology you could create it and then form a stable version of that right imagine being able to build an entire city by manifesting the matter needed to build a city instead of harvesting j instead of harvesting the city from Rock 3D print the city with Nan use you Nanobots to build the whole city you would man it would manifest as it went and you you could also use that to repair things absolutely so you would never have to have like construction again everything would be self-re correct self-repairable correct wow yeah well like of course if you just scale up just think about what we can do now and keep going make it much better and much more efficient we're talking about programmable matter now programmable matter and what you were saying about DNA the fact that you can encode into DNA and you could actually hold information in DNA yeah the Microsoft has created the very first DNA hard drive so it's a molecular hard drive that works on hard you know technology that's hardware and also biological software and so a device a hard drive the size of my cell phone can store an enormous amount of pedabytes of data so things like teleportation are going to be possible in the near future we've already teleported I think a couple of particles from Earth to the space station right but what's stopping us from teleporting a human being understanding and knowing the location of every atom and the rotation and sperate of every atom that's a lot of information a lot of storage space now with DNA hard drives the storage space problem goes away we'll be able to teleport biological beings or objects big objects into space or wherever we want on the planet like Star Trek like Star Trek wow who's going to be the first guy to get beamed up somebody's going to be a real guinea pig for that one yeah we're going to have to find some pedophile because when you teleport you die I don't know if people know that oh yeah well that's a bit of an issue teleport I mean you're reborn again instantly in the other location but it's it's a fa simile of you anytime you teleport even the molecules that we teleport now the original version the original molecule or the starting ma matter it's destroyed and it the data is then transmitted and then it's reformulated so a teleportation is actually the death of you and the Reformation of you maybe they could do a better job like an Instagram filter you know you know maybe you could maybe you could just just like tone a few things up clean up a little bit get rid of some scarves or whatever get some body fat right right yeah maybe they can make a better version of you but you have to be willing to die yeah yeah but maybe that's hell maybe maybe you come back and you have no soul when you teleport your soul doesn't go with you well they're transmitting your Consciousness so everything is saved all your information is saved we know that was done also in ancient times th talks in the animal tablets about being able to go into these Halls of a menty where he had rejuvenation Chambers which is what I believe is the serapium in Sakara and he would go into these gigantic Stone boxes and he would then uh transfer his Consciousness from his body into another body and he would leave the the body that he left inside of one of those gigantic boxes one of those G gigantic diorite Stone boxes for a hundred years while it recharged itself and rejuvenated while he said he walks amongst men but unlike a man what yeah and he would do this for eons he would transfer from body to body not bodies he stole bodies he created that he did created himself through probably some advanced form of stem cell technology and he would walk amongst men but unlike a man and he was known all around the planet because of this the guy lived for he's according to the ancient Egyptians he ruled over them for 16,000 years one person what yeah yeah so is this those ancient texts like the ancient hieroglyphs that show Kings going back like 30,000 years well that's the Samaran Kings list located in the ashmi museum in Oxford England I was there myself in person to check out this stonework and it's an incredible tablet that talks about the Reigns of Kings some Kings rule for 28,800 years 14,000 years I mean 20,000 if the numbers are insane these are not Egyptian this is this is no not Egyptian this is these are Anunnaki this is pre flood this is post sorry anti- deluvial and then when the flood comes it talks about and then the flood swept over the land after the flood happens then they they they descend kingship from Heaven back down to humans and then the Reigns of humans begin but they or they're not really full humans they're demigods they're half human half anunaki uh and then their their lifespans are like you know uh much shorter because their ruling times are only like a thousand years and 800 years and 700 years and it starts to go down down down down which is why like Noah was 600 years old right exactly so this this these tablets what do they called again uh you're talking about the uh suan suian Kings list can you show me that Jamie I want to see what that looks like it's a giant foursided tablet located in the ashmolean museum in Oxford England yeah and so what exactly does it say like it gives you the right here that's it right there those are all four sides and how old is this oh this is you know they're saying 6,000 but can you make it bigger Jamie believe me it's much older than that I just want to look at it yeah man this is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy over tens of thousands of years in my opinion but this text gives the Reigns of Kings uh in chars s h a r a sh is 3600 years so one Char would be 3600 241,000 years of rule whoa on that stone right there the Sumerian Kings list now there if this is right if this is all true what a mindblowing idea yeah that humans have been around that we're engineered hundreds of thousands of years ago mhm and that this is the reason why there's this bizarre shift between lower primates in us which you don't see in any other animal there's nothing like it no there's nothing like us look we have 46 chromosomes right right at 48 exactly yeah they discovered that chromosome number two was taken out art they call it an artificial mutation they they mean geneticist fused together and two telare caps put on one telare cap on each side who in the world took chromosome number two out fused it together and put Tel caps on it and they say that it happened as an estimated 200,000 years ago right at the time that samarians have a say they decided to make mankind to do the labor there's no coincidence that the tabbits are lining with modern science and this this means that a couple things the first thing it means that we were genetically modified the second thing that it means is the telr Caps limit our lifespan to about 120 years Max according to Harvard scientist now in the Bible what does it say it says that my seed shall not abide in Man Forever his year shall be 120 that was taken from the Samaran tablets even further back than that thousands of years before the Bible was written when and when Yahweh AKA and liil shows back up sees the human beings building a tower into the heavens copying a tower that they themselves had built it pissed them off and he said whatever their hearts decide to do they sh they shall achieve it my seed shall not abide in man his years will be 120 and then he did a genetic modification and that point I believe with the telr and he spread mankind out around the planet and he confused their languages he he had us speaking different languages so we couldn't collaborate now we're in competition no collaboration divide and conquer and this is the tower battle that's it that's it man so it was all done just to keep us from rising yes we were advancing too fast and he had to slow us down if we shorten their lifespan then they won't have enough time by the time they realize who they are and what power they have they'll be dead and see that's what's happened to us so if the anuno are real and niiro is real and niiro is on an elliptical cycle that comes between uh it's like Mars and Jupiter right somewhere around there like well it's F it's further out now it's over time it's orbit has been pushed out and that's just one planet that these ano people come from they come from many planets but do you think that this planet neiru that's on an elliptical orbit do you if it's coming every 3,600 years wouldn't there be some sort of documentation 3,600 years ago at the very least well you have to look for geological disasters as marker points this object this Nibiru Planet which is mentioned by the way in the enuma Elish it's not a fabricated name just so people know it's a real name in the enuma Elish the oldest version of the enuma Elish it says neiru as one of the planets but uh you look at the time frame when this thing gets close it orbits another planet another star so it orbits a brown dwarf star this brown dwarf star has the same amount of M is our sun but it's much smaller right but it generates enough heat through friction and or it's orbiting planets you can see it in two Mass infrared mode coming out of the constellation of Leo if you go to a worldwide telescope and download the software and all of that but the fact that modern science now admit that there's an object out there that they say orbit our Sun every 4,200 years right and that's Corey Powell from uh Discovery Magazine he's a he's a real astronomer been on Fox News he said that on Fox News if I can find the clip I'll send it to you matter of fact and so we'll find it yeah we'll find it yeah Fox News uh um uh Cory pow and so what's happening is we are seeing evidence that there is something out there that's orbiting our son and that our sun is a binary star system so we used to think that our sun one sun in the solar system is normal but as they looked out into space with Hubble and now the web they discovered no binary is more of than normal and even trary and so it's like wait a minute if binary is normal they started looking for this object that gravitationally should exist and they believe that it's out there far beyond the orbit of Pluto and that Cory Powell says a solar system exists within our solar system and he goes on to say we come from there on Fox News which was just crazy so the idea if you follow Terence Howard's uh theory is that matter comes from the sun it moves away coalesces into planets it gets to goldilock Zone life comes out of that life becomes far more intelligent as time goes on develops more capabilities and then is also assisted by other beings that have been through this process already and then if this scales out for hundreds of millions of years you get to a point where this niiro is yeah or billions of years or whatever it takes for it to get all the way the [ __ ] out well I estimate that they're about a million years ahead of us technologically now it could be and then there's things that are millions of years ahead of them oh wait ahead of them there things that are far far ahead of them you know which is this is what's hard for us to scale out we like to think that aliens that flying spaceships that's the Tope of the food chain right but not even close yeah like I was saying before I never got to it really there's three types of beings I think that exist one is a physical Caporal being that could be what we see flying around in these UFOs not all of them some them that visit us that interacted with us in the ancient past not all our little green men but they have various different body types the second kind uh that I believe is potentially multi-dimensional beings okay that there's life in every different dimension and you know Mitch okaku was famous for saying that the Universe they believe have has 11 Dimensions so that's 11 Dimensions we're only in the third there's fourth fifth sixth all the way up to 11 at least or the university says would collapse so if you're in a a being in a higher Dimension you can see the past present and future all at once in the third if you say that's an interesting place I like to visit it if you can actually create a phase shift in your Atomic frequency to match the atomic frequency of this dimension you can walk right in and then you can walk right back and then you probably have something else that's outside of this entire universe that has a capability maybe it's the creators of the universe itself which is why I wrote the book fractal holographic Universe maybe there's a creators or Creator outside of this entire universe that has a hand in creating this ancestor universe itself well it also makes sense that if you scaled intelligent life up infinitely you're going to reach a point where you have Godlike Powers this being or collection of beings this hive mind whatever it is yeah it it it could essentially if given a 100 million years harness the very power of the universe itself or maybe even create the universe and create other universes yeah which is absolutely the ultimate mind blower that intelligent life is the reason why this thing exists and it creates this thing we're creating universes right now as human beings on this planet 14 college kids created a video game called No Man's Sky no man's sky is on one dbd D disc and it has 80 quadrillion planets and unlimited life forms and the game never ends we've talked about that right yeah that one's a weird one yeah you put but you put AI in it then what's going to happen right scale up to a quantum computer now all of a sudden and then have a v virtual reality headset boom yeah the people in there who are we where are we from what is the big bang when we turn to conso alone that's the big bang for you yeah Sims The Sims are going to get AI now they're going to be a asking questions right they're going to be creating their own soft within the software and trying to build their own copy of a universe we're not even close to Bas reality we're live literally living in a stacked reality we're just one reality out of who knows Googles of actual realities that exist do you think the simulation theory has weight oh I believe so I just I wrote a book about it that book is uh is about the fractal holographic universe and I believe that we're living in a simulation one of these books you got a stack of them how many books have you read or written rather four the one just came out today to fral holographic Universe this is The Emerald Tablets the Epic of humanity and my financial book woke doesn't mean broke financial literacy book not the political woke either but the real woke when did you start going down this road of exploring all these uh interesting subjects well it was a long time ago 1977 in Miami Florida we moved from New York to Miami next to the opaka airport living in the hood I used to go out in the backyard you know how it is back then no cable TV no cell phones no tablets you just go outside and play I'm in I'm outside in the backyard playing but I'm looking at the airplanes go over and this one day this plane goes over but it's not really a plane it clears The Horizon in seconds not minutes it just goes straight across I know from as a little kid the planes take a long time to go from one point to the other and it went straight across and it was more like not a full size not not cigar but not an egg kind of in between the two glowing Tic Tac almost like a Tic Tac glowing metal yes and then it came back and it stopped right over me complet silent about now I can estimate about 250 M and then it just went gone and I ran in the house and I told my mom I told her I can't believe what I just saw and my mom said to me son back in the day there were Advanced beings that came to this planet this is 1977 mom mom yeah that's why I dedicated the book to her and she said they they they used to live on tops of mountains like in Peru in matchu Pichu which is why one of the greatest places I ever went I had to go there and so I went to the library at Rainbow Park Elementary the next morning and I told the teacher I have to go to the library inside the school Rainbow Park and I said I need to get all the encyclopedias on on space on Aerospace and she gave me the encyclopedias on Aerospace and that's when I started researching from that exact moment wow and I haven't stopped since so you were how old eight seven seven years old oh my God you just got locked in I got locked in I started researching swep wi deltawing ballistics interc InterContinental ballistics I'm looking at submarines I'm looking at hovercraft that existed way back then flying disc that we had created in military way back then uh you know sr71s and all this stuff and I'm trying to figure out what the hell did I see and I couldn't find it but it took me down the path of Technologies and Advanced Technologies and Aerospace uh information and I kind of became a quasi Aerospace historian and that led me in further on down the line to studying you know architecture and seeing a connection between the two and you studied at both Harvard and MIT Harvard was uh for ancient civilizations I took a class and got a certificate ancient civilizations and in MIT I took a class in applied neuroscience and got a certificate and applied neuroscience and do you just doing this for your own edification just because you're interested in it yeah yeah right now I'm I'm enrolled again in MIT right now for a class in uh Ai and when you first got down this road we're talking about a time where there's no internet and there's no you're just like trying to make sense of some things just trying to make sense man and this one have you ever seen anything since then yeah Yes actually edti Ranch in 201 uh 17 I believe it was uh we were out there I was out there to do speak at this Ranch in Washington state and it's down from the from the Basin of Mount Shasta and that's it's called The seti Ranch eetti oh okay yeah ETI EC TI it's like a private Kingdom in America actually it's a private they've got registered as a small Kingdom they don't even have mail or anything there it's a weird I had to stay in a YT it's really crazy out there but I spoke there for a whole week I had to get used to it cuz nobody told me about this before I got there you had to stay in a yur for a week stay in a yur for a week have running water at the community bathroom oh boy Saidi yeah he said oh enlightened contact with extraterrestrial intelligence oh boy so they're just out there with no technology trying to talk to aliens no no just out there every night skywatching basically really and the video that we rich crazy person's idea yeah the re the the video that we the video that we uh created that night watching those UFOs in the sky actually made it onto an episode that I made on Ancient Aliens wow yeah that show is the best show to get high to you ever see Action Bronson show where he would watch Ancient Aliens they would just get stoned and watch Ancient Aliens that show's crazy but yeah so we recorded some crazy footage in Disguise there what did you see well they were giant discs flying around some were changing color some you have video footage of this it's on it's on the I sent it to Ancient Aliens and you know uh see if you can find that if James Gillan the guy who owns the ranch licensed it licensed in an improved uh uh ancient but if you go to eetti Ranch YouTube videos you could probably find one right on YouTube right now uh that yeah um it was incredible so these folks are just out there trying to make contact just not not trying to make contact just watching just watching just like in amazement there's no there's no contact attempt there and why yeah there you go that's it that I was there that night that video I was standing there that night um and uh you know there was a lot of activity that night there was some crazy stuff going on and what does this thing look like to the naked eye we're seeing very blurry looks like zoomed in footage footage rather year is this from this is probably yeah yeah 18 there you go have Samsung Galaxy S2 we we didn't have we didn't have we didn't have that one back then uh but uh from the naked eye it looks like these giant glowing balls moving around sometimes they expand and get uh they change colors sometimes they descend right down by Mount Shasta and then they you can see their Lighting in the tree line and then they would go back up into space again it was just crazy stuff have you seen that uh ball lightning that they get in Texas that comes out of the mountain uh no I saw one on the railroad track though ball lightning yeah there's um this phenomenon that uh happens in this one particular area in Texas what was it called Marfa was that what it's called jimie I think it's Marfa yeah um it's like this bizarre artist Community town and they have like frequent instances of what they call the Marfa lights wow and it's ball lightning that flies around out there wow you don't think that could be that no because sometimes they would keep going until they just went out into space w yeah and there was so many sometimes they would two would come and they would en Circle each other and then one would change direction and drop down by the mountain and one would just take off in another Direction some somewh go slow then go and just go how frequent does this take place uh uh I don't know I was only there for those seven nights i' say the first night we were there that was when we saw like the 10 in the sky moving around and doing things the second night not too much the third night was a little bit more maybe four or five so do you think that what it is is that this place has no light pollution and they pick a very specific area area that they knew these things occur in it's possible no light pollution and plus also maybe that's an area where they have an opening or access or I don't know who knows I'm just I'm just now speculating now but I don't know why that people came from all over the world to that location the day the week I was there to just camp out and look up at the sky wow yeah listen man we covered a lot yeah three hours um I really appreciate your time and I appreciate all the stuff you put out there it's so fun so fascinating and it's it's so interesting and uh thank you very much for being here man I really had a good time enjoy appreciate it man thank you thank you please tell everybody uh how to find your website all your social media all that stuff okay yeah well first of all I have my own streaming TV network called forbidden knowledge TV it's an app on the App Store so they can just go get the Forbidden Knowledge TV app with the number four Forbidden Knowledge and they can get access to a lot of videos and stuff that you can't find on YouTube or anywhere else you know produce shows like the one you watched my anunaki series is on the uh on the Forbidden Knowledge TV app and of course I have all my books on our website Forbidden Knowledge TV on Amazon uh as well and um just everything Forbidden Knowledge with the number four for B DDE n forbidden there it is we'll do this again man we I think we can talk for like 50 days I know I know for sure thank you Billy appreciate you man bye everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music]