Transcript for:
Overview of Disney Lorcana Trading Card Game

foreign Schweitzer with the gamer and I'm here with lorcana brand manager and co-designer Ryan Miller hello Brian tell us what we're looking at today this is Disney lucana the Disney trading card game uh is something I've been working on for we have a team we've been working on for nearly four years now and we're finally unleashing it to the world it's very exciting and today we have the starter decks that's right so I brought we have three different starter decks we're gonna play two different ones but each start deck is made uh so it's ready to play right out of the box you have a different theme in each one so you can kind of learn different aspects of the strategy uh but it's just fun to pop uh you know pop a deck open and start playing yeah I'm really excited because this is the first time I'm seeing these decks and for the people that are going to start playing the game a lot of them this will be the first text that they play with yeah so talk to me about like deciding that these are going to be people's introduction to the game and how you've designed a deck that's like a good way to start playing oh sure I mean I think you know with any starter deck like your goal is not to be competitive your goal is to be a nice onboarding and we also feel like a lot of folks who've never played a trading card game before are going to try this game and so we want to make sure that the starter deck experience is really welcoming and it's like and it eases you into like here's the intricacies of the rules and that sort of thing uh and it's also something we did in the game design itself right we wanted the game itself to be fairly easy to pick up generally speaking um but we also know that a lot of trading card gamers are going to try it out too and they we want to give them a really deep strategic experience that's something trading card games do very well actually because the rules themselves can be uh fairly accessible and easy to pick up it's the cards that add that strategic depth they add all the you know and so really the rules exist as a structure I call it like the bones right and the cards of the meat right and so the bones can be fairly easy to pick up it's really just how you choose to use your cards um how you play them which cards include your deck that's where that strategic depth comes into play but a new player can just pick it up and put like Pirates or princesses all in a deck and just have a blast and it's super fun right so that's that was our goal with that and then so with the starter deck specifically we just kind of wanted to highlight like kind of three different different ways you can play you know there's the sapphire steel deck and that one is all about kind of gaining more resources quicker than you should so you can put out larger characters um there is the Amber amethyst deck and that is about just lots of friends just tons of friends out really quickly and kind of you know questing and winning and going towards victory that way and then finally we have the Ruby Emerald deck which is one I'm playing today and it is more of a combo deck and I think you'll see as we play um it's got It's it's definitely the most uh I think uh strategically complex of the three uh but it's also a lot of fun so well and the starter decks also come with a pack that's right that's right so you get a starter deck you get a 60 card starter deck you get two two of those cards will be foils uh you get a booster pack uh you get the rules sheet you get some uh game components and you get that booster pack which I might have already said but I really want to hit that um but yeah you get a booster pack right out of the round of the gate uh and the Boost Spec's actually pretty cool too because we're doing 12 card boosters but we're doing two rare slots in every pack and a foil so you're gonna get always get two rare slots and a foil out of every pack every card is going to get a foil version and that one foil slot is going to be of it could be any part of the entire set right and So eventually you could collect a whole foil set if you strategically place the window you can blind your opponent with your foil cards and that gives you an advantage it does I mean don't don't quote me on that but that's that's what you can do so I think we're doing some really fun stuff with not only the gameplay but the collecting uh you know and and just it's so much fun to open the booster packs because not only are you flipping through some really fun game cards but you're seeing these characters that you know and love uh and one of the great things about having 204 cards in the set is that we can hit all the big hitters but we can also do some deep Cuts in there too yeah and that has been super fun to see people flip through it back and go Treasure Planet you know it's just super fun right oh the Pongo is here like we've got Sergeant Tibbs what's happening so it's been it's somebody's favorite yeah exactly lots of people's actually when we spoiled Sergeant tips we got lots of people like oh my God uh so it's it's just been a joy to work on because I mean I've been a Disney fan since I was a little boy and of course I've been doing Trading Card Game design for 20 plus years now and so this is just this wonderful culmination of everything that I've worked on until now so yeah yeah I I love the idea of including the pack in the starter decks because it's just such an easy way to give people an introduction to deck building they have this perfect train that they can play but if they want to try to put one or two in that's right help it out that's right and we wanted to make deck pulling is a really important experience because it's like you know our best guess is that about half the time someone is playing a trading card game half of that time is actually spent deck building right or thinking about decks or thinking about combos the other half is sitting down with somebody and playing when you talk about playing a trading card game and so that means that dead building process has to be pretty fun because you're going to be doing it a lot and so when we designed the deck building rules for this game uh Steve and I really wanted to make sure that it was fairly straightforward and if you just wanted to put your favorite characters together you could absolutely do that right and so we've got really simple rules there's six colors of cards just choose two of them and those are the colors your deck can use right other than that it's at least 60 cards but you can know more if you want uh and no more than four of any one card that's it and that's it right uh so that way like my pirate deck that I really enjoy super fun to play uh but also really uh easy to put together you know and and we also designed the characters so that if you do put like all the princesses together there will be some synergies there that you may not have realized until you start playing it right so we really want to Deck the link be like just a really fun experience cool well you mentioned what tech you're playing with what tech am I playing with it well uh you were playing Sapphire steel so this um steel is the is the color of strength in fact the biggest uh character um in the set is in this deck that's Maui um oh he's awesome and the art so your deck is all about using uh cards to gain more resources quicker than you would normally do like cards like One Jump Ahead and Mickey Mouse the detective and Grandma tala and then using that extra resource to pull out some of these larger uh are more costly uh characters and hopefully overwhelm your opponent with sheer size right so that is what your deck is all about okay that's the plan well I've been waiting so long to ask you guys can we play a game seriously let's do it walk me through it all right so in the game of work on it you play the role of an illumineer okay and that is someone who has the ability to use Magic ink to summon glimmers of Disney characters off of the page and then with your glimmers you go on a quest and the goal is to be the first to complete the quest you do that by being the first to 20 lore okay first player so it's like we're on the same Quest but only one of us can finish it right and you just want to be the first to finish the quest um the glimmers are fun because that means so glimmer is kind of like a magical snapshot of a character that's sentient right uh and that means that we can do lots of different versions of the same character we can do really interesting snapshots from uh various parts of their story and then of course sometimes we do what we call dreamborne characters which are ones that are showing at character way you've never seen before and I'll Point those out as we get there um and the floodborne which are similar to dreamborne but instead of being summoned by Lumineers they were actually created by the magical work on itself in kind of a cataclysmic event which we'll go into more in zip too the storyship two is going to cover uh the floodborne in Greater detail but we wanted to proceed stay tuned we wanted to preview them here in uh in set one great all right so go ahead and Shuffle up you're going to start with seven cards seven let's find the game designer I'm gonna go first deal uh otherwise you would decide randomly it goes first no I like to go first to show you how the things go that sort of thing um we're going to talk first about Inc Inc is the resource of the game uh now most cards can be used as ink normally I would be showing my hand but you know for purposes most cards can be used in ink and you'll know it can be using because up here in the left you'll see this gold flare right this gold kind of wreath and some cards have it and some cards don't so you can see Pongo here has it but a Rapunzel hair does not what that means is this card can be used as Magic ink and this card cannot right all right and that means when you're building your deck you want to make sure you don't put too many cards like this in there because you might get stuck with not enough ink to use a card as ink it's pretty simple you just take a card that you decide you want to use as Inc you show it to your opponent to say Hey look it's got ink and then you put it face down in your Inkwell now that counts as one ink does not matter what's on the other side doesn't matter any of the numbers anything it's just one ink and then that number at the top left that's how much Magic ink you must exert in order to play that card okay got it so for my turn I don't actually have a card that I can play that I want to play um already ahead so I'm going to say go now you always start your turn with Ready Set draw okay ready just means if you had any cars that are exerted are you ready them set just happens to mean if you if you have any cards in play that say at the start of your turn or something like that we don't have any of those in the starter deck and then draw guess what that does child card nice not your first rodeo I love it so um you might have noticed I didn't draw a card because the first player of the game doesn't get to do that okay there's a bit of an advantage going first we take some of that Advantage back by not letting me have a car but you are gonna draw cards so you're gonna draw your card you're gonna choose a card that you want to use as ink now this being your first game you may not have a lot of context for this decision so I just like to say that in your first few games pick like your highest costing card because chances are you're not going to get to that anytime soon sometimes I'll just put that down as ink so you can use some of your lower costing cards and getting characters out is generally early on a better strategy so if you have like a one cost item you might want to wait if you could do a character instead then I'm gonna add base to my Inkwell okay and then I can exert it that's right right away that's right and I can play this one cost look at flounder oh my all right yeah that's it now you're gonna be done because the thing about characters is when you first play them their ink isn't dry yet all right so you have to wait a turn on your next turn you'll be able to do stuff with your character and then we can talk about that when we get there okay okay so I'll take my turn I'm going to Ready Set draw I don't have anything ready or set so I just go straight to draw oh boy it's going to be a good few turns for you I think I'm gonna put the Mad Hatter down into my Inkwell cost two either so I'm going to pass the turn back to you all right so ready set draw draw oh I'm seeing so many of these cards for the first time uh let's see I think that I'll need to put Aurora into my email all right now you have two ink to spend but that works out for me because I can exert those two and play a different Aurora nice non-stock characters um so this chord this character you just played so ink is not dry yet but flounder is ready to roll there are generally two options you have with your characters the first is to Quest and questing is really simple you just exert your question question character and you gain one lore for each of these loricons on the right side of their text box that's it um challenging is the other option and that's where you'd actually challenge my characters but since I don't have any we're going to wait I'm gonna wait for that rule right there so yeah um I will say that um when you exert someone they are kind of vulnerable to being challenged uh so there is kind of a cost to exerting them but since I don't have any characters I have to challenge you you can just run the board right now if you want then I think that's what I'll do and what we'll spend uh we'll get you this really cool there we go and now you're at one lore uh like I said before our goal should be the first to 20. all right all right okay I think it's my turn unless you've got some uh sneaky card that cost zero which I know you don't so right what was your question you're about to ask a question if I if I've quested is there another action I can take after that or does that effectively end my turn uh no you can question you can do whatever you want as long as you have characters that have their their ink is already dry right the reason I think you're done is you have no more ink and you can't do anything with Aurora so there's nothing else you can do but if you have characters out and they're ready to roll you can do anything you want any order you want okay keep going in quest you can do all sorts of stuff so I'm going to Ready Set draw I'll look at you okay well I am I'm just okay magara here is going to be going into my Inkwell and I finally get to play the car oh my uh and I am going to play one of my favorite pieces of Art in the entire first set and it is Mickey Mouse Steamboat pilot I love the art of this card so much we actually the third we have three total play mats you're seeing two of them here but the third one uses this art right here and this is on my desk right now nice so there you go ink isn't dry yet though so uh he's not doing anything back over to you ready set draw ready that's it draw okay so I need to add another card to my uh Inkwell and I'm gonna choose to add the develop your brain I don't know about that oh no like to use my Advanced knowledge to intimidate you um okay and I think that I will exert those and I have another vanilla this is Jasmine look at all that L'Oreal on the table yeah okay so now you have spent all your ink uh and you've got a couple characters whose ink is dried so you can choose what you want to do with them um let's talk about challenging yeah so uh to challenge the first thing you need to know is you can only challenge one of my characters is if they're already exerted right so think of it like this this is safe this is vulnerable right and that means like whenever you do anything with your character you're kind of making them vulnerable to being challenged right so you know right off the bat that you can't challenge Mickey here because he's not exerted but let's pretend that he was okay let's pretend he was exerted um if you want to challenge him you simply exert your Challenger you decide who of my exerted characters you want to challenge and that's where these numbers here come into play the first one is strength second one is willpower each character is going to deal damage to the other equal to their strength and that's where these counters come into play so Mickey's got three strength he's going to put three strength on flounder flounder's gonna I'm sorry three damage uh flounder's got two strengths gonna put two damage on Mickey now damage is permanent it stays on there until something takes it away usually like some sort of healing effect or something like that or until the characters uh damage is at least as high as its willpower that banishes the character in the damage counters of course go away so in this example flounder poor flounder here and get banished you go to your Discord pile Mickey would be left with two damage items which means only take two more damage in order to banish him right so that would be your you know when you're thinking about do I want a challenge that would be the outcome of that right now as I said before since he wasn't exerted it's not an option for you but that's how challenging Works got so always keep in mind when you're exerting your characters to do things that you are making them vulnerable to be challenged okay so then I'm going to Quest um and I think I'll quest with Flounder and Jazz well Jasmine you just played Jasmine I can't do that so that's what I'll do is actually put my characters that haven't dried yet I'll put them down here right and that'll help me remember but you can I mean the outcome's pretty similar you're going to get two more okay for Aurora so you get three more points you're up to four uh I have zero points so you know what I'm going to double my score just to keep it is that fair it's my math nerd joke of the data terrible all right uh okay so I think you're all done right because you have nothing left to do so I'm gonna go ready set draw after all you tell me that you're done sorry I keep doing it okay all right [Music] uh I'm going to put poor Aladdin here Prince tickle me when Jafar says that Prince uh and I'm gonna spend all of my ink on Pongo now Pongo is pretty interesting he's an old rascal that means he's and he's got this evasive ability here and evasive just means that he can only be challenged by other characters with evasive and so he's just really hard so I can just kind of quest with him and since you don't have any evasive characters you can't challenge him you can do nothing all right so I am going to let's see you're at four and I think I need to uh Mickey Mouse is going to go have a chat with Aurora and this challenge will put three damage on Aurora well two damage back because her strength of two right uh and then the end result is that Aurora decides she doesn't want to talk to Mickey anymore and he goes to the discard pile my Mickey though has two on there but I had to do that because of the two lore that she gets every time she quests so I'm like I could have just questioned with him and I thought oh you're just going to win that race so that's what I'm doing there so go ahead okay we're ready and now Jasmine is in play that's right and we'll draw I need to add Maleficent to my ink all right I love the flexibility of being able to put whatever I almost whatever I want in my Inkwell but it is also painful to know that I'm losing a friend but it's like a good it's also a good point of strategy right like deciding which card to Ink becomes very strategic because you're basically having to look at the board and okay which of these cards is least useful to me right now all right uh so I've exerted two inks so that I can play this action card ransack okay you've played an action card so let's talk just a bit about extra cards they're pretty simple you just pay their cost do what they say and then this card goes into score pile so it doesn't stay in play like characters do so in this case you're going to draw two then discard two you get to like kind of shuffle through your hand a bit okay 0.2 cards and I'm going to discard a gram Grandma tell us all right Grandma and I'm also going to discard the frying pan it's funny you picked some of my two of my favorite cards from a story standpoint yeah so let's talk about frying pan first of all so this is an item card I don't think we've touched on just yet item cards are easy to spot because they have this gold border around them that way you can see them easily I didn't I didn't stay out when you play them so you pay their ink and they kind of stay out like characters do but their ink dries right away so you can use them right away what I like about the story of this card is it's the frying pan from Rapunzel and it's called clang banish this item so I put in his car pile chosen character can't challenge during the next turn so basically you bring them with the frying pan they're like they can still Quest but they can't challenge or two like whatever and then uh grab a tall is also my favorite from a story standpoint because what her ability is called I will be with you and what it says is when she is banished you can put her in your Inkwell as ink and it's just like in the movie where after she spoiler alert after she passes away she's still helping Moana right so even after she leaves play she's still helping you right so that is a fun way we've tried very very hard to like make sure that the cards have as much stories we can put on it's not always possible with every card right but we really want the story to come through of like what story this card why you know like you know even Pongo having evasive because he's just really hard to pin down he's so fast he's so he's an old Rascal uh and it's been truly one of the most fun parts of Designing the cartridge for this game it's like coming up with fun effects like that oh I love that um okay and then this gets disconnected and you still got two weeks so you if you if you can spend it you can still use it if you like I can't but I think that I need to um I think that I need to challenge Mickey I told you okay with Flounder well that makes sense because he's on the the steamboat and so flanner kind of pops up onto the deck and they're gonna do three to fonder and two back and that will be enough for both of them to be banished good job founder good job founder so Mickey got a lot of value he got two he got two yeah so that's and it's one of the interesting trade-offs of of uh challenging versus questing because if I'm questing I'm kind of you know taunting you do you stop me by challenging but then you're not questing and going towards Victory or do you just Quest and really you know when you're in that race mode deciding when to stop and actually actually challenges a big there's another big strategic Choice yeah well I need to keep my advantage yeah so yeah six to nothing okay beginner's luck we'll call it uh yes the early game look all right ready set draw oh my look at you uh okay well I'm going to put all Jasper in my in my Inkwell I'm just gonna put some of these cards around here and then I'm gonna I'm gonna lose that race aren't I that's okay I'm gonna I'm gonna still Quest so I'm going to go and get on the board there you go too lore for me and then Pongo is going to be joined by his best friend Pongo so there we go I guess Duo Pongo uh okay and there's nothing else I want to do with that last ink so go ahead all right draw my card and I did that at order it's okay it's ready set I will not call the judge over this time um okay I need to get this magic Golden Flower this magical Golden Flower from uh that's from Rapunzel as well so that's the flower that Mother Gothel like hides and then becomes part of the magic of the healing magic that Rapunzel has right yeah oh yeah so he has an ability called break when you play this character you can banish chosen item there aren't any items so that's fine but you're still getting like a pretty awesome character out of it so it's like that's pretty great but will this you know his his zinc isn't right yeah so what about Jasmine what's her story now you can't challenge Pongo because he's evasive and you're not right so your only option is either to leave her safe or Quest I think we're gonna Quest oh that brings me to eight and that's the end of my turn all right we're ready set draw uh all right Sergeant Tibbs sorry Sergeant well actually you know what Sergeant I need you on duty in my Inkwell um I am going to Quest for four put me up to six I'm gonna spend all six of my ink for speaking of Rapunzel when you play this character each opponent loses one lore so minus a lower to U and now I will say done go ahead all right we're gonna ready set and draw my hand's getting pretty low should I be worried about that you should but there's nothing you can do Eric and I might there's nothing you can do I mean that happens mid late game is always going to be a bit like you know I've only got two cards too but one of them I'm holding on to just in case so instead of adding an ink at this point I don't think that's going to help me yeah you don't have to add ink if you don't want to and definitely depending on the deck you're playing that's your choice right if you want to wait hold off whatever um you do your deck does have that eight cost Maui in there but it's only one copy so if you don't already have in your hand it's like I don't know if I'd count on it okay well I think I'd like to um I think I'd like to play a song okay let's talk songs yeah so um grab your sword originally sung of course by um uh by Gaston uh songs are a special type of action card you could play them just like any action card you can pay their cost do what it says in this case deal two damage to each opposing character and then discard it that's just like any song or you can have one of your characters sing the song for you in that case you don't have to spend the ink for it to have a character sing it for you the character's cost has to be at least as high as the songs cost and you have to exert the character so in this case the only character you have that can sing this song because it costs five is your Beast so you could exert Beast sing the song you get the effect and you don't spin any of your ink so you could spend it on right whatever else you have in your hand now again it does make him vulnerable and it does mean that you can't question them you can't challenge them but that's how you sing a song and I like the songs are just such a fun mechanic because oftentimes people sing the song as they play it and so whenever there's like a room for full or kind of people playing you'll just hear random bits of songs like one of my favorites is is Let It Go Let It Go is a song that you can take one of your opponent's characters and turn them into ink right and so you have to sing just let it go let it go right it's just super fun right uh it's just one of my favorite parts of playing Arcana so what is your choice sir do you want to pay the ink for that or do you want to have Beast sing it for you I have ironic because normally I was about to say yeah unfortunately I don't think Beast wants to sing this song but that's my plan yeah all right so that's gonna put two damage on each of my characters which is super sad but they're still around which which yes I'm okay with that so that's gonna leave me with enough ink if I exert these four to play this Aurora oh my okay disarming Beauty so that character um you can choose any one of my characters to get minus two strength for the for this turn right usually you're going to do that if you want to challenge one of my characters in this case it's not really going to help you but it does give you another character because you can't challenge these two right or Rapunzel because she's she's not exerted but it's still uh fine you know the the five willpower it's still a good character to have out there and I think that I will have to Quest with Jasmine okay yeah I could see that happening tonight all right and it's your turn all right ready set draw let's see here oh all right I'm gonna play Aladdin street rap uh when he plays character each opponent loses one lower oh you're really bringing me down uh I'm going to Quest for six going up to 12th floor wow I'm going to play slingshot right past Horus and say go I don't know how to process so it just happened oh pongo's kind of mean like he's got you got to deal with Pongo because all right let's deal with that dog okay he's an old school so first I'm gonna exert and I'm gonna fire the Cannons win your Pongo okay I hope you can sleep at night that's all I gotta say that's all I can say about that okay so that's an extra card going straight to the Disco pilot let's deal two damage to a chosen character and that was enough because he already had two on him that was enough to banish him you know and uh my next move I think that I'll need to deal with Rapunzel and at Great costs sir a great cost um you don't want to tangle with her I'm a dad I can do that now I think Jasmine will give me whoa real oh yeah I guess that's true like like it she's worth more yeah totally yeah okay so that's gonna go three which three plus the two is going to be plenty and then five is of course is plenty for that so that good work just two steps and gets Tangled Up In some hair but that's enough I'm gonna hang on to this for a turn and I think that I will just Quest nice brings me to 11 right behind you not for long all right and you're gonna hold off um yep you're trying you're done okay okay ready set draw oh geez okay all right so I'm gonna go plus four uh up to 16 and I'll play another horse and pass the turn over to you draw my card and I'm gonna be honest I can feel Doom in pending all right uh I'm gonna play this Hercules who has bodyguard oh cool let's talk bodyguard it's bodyguard basically just says that while The Bodyguard is exerted your other characters cannot be challenged uh and then also it says that when you first play him you can just exert him right then and there so he's right off the bat protecting your team okay now that doesn't mean that you can exert him to a quest that's not what that means it just means that you can put him in Play Already exerted so he's in instead of being able to challenge your other characters I now have to get rid of Hercules before I can do that so right that's about it so but it's up to you you don't have to put him down exerted if you don't want to uh but if you want if you're like if you're planning on questing or challenging with these two and you don't want to get hit back then you might want to do that yeah I think that's a good plan for me I'm gonna put him down on the in bodyguard mode that's right and then um now I have to decide if I'm gonna Quest your challenge uh well I'll give you a little hint sure uh I have you you need to challenge because I have five lore on the board and I only need 40 ahead of me and so I'll win on my next turn if you don't get rid of at least uh two uh two lures worth of characters right okay so beast and Horus okay Aurora so let's do these one at a time okay um so in this case you know four strength is gonna do a four danger Horus which is enough to banish him for strength on Horus is enough to manage B so both of them are going to go away a bit of a different story with this one right Briar Rose here is going to deal two damage to my Latin which is enough but then alad's gonna do two back which is not nearly enough uh so she's gonna stick around there you go and no she's still yeah she's still exerted uh don't cheat now are you trying to is that how you win your games Eric is that how you do it I don't think I don't really know what you're talking about right that's the end of my turn okay ready set draw hmm okay I like you all right so now I'm looking across table and I'm like do I bother or I just race you I think I just race you so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna just quest for three puts me in 19. um and then I'm going to put the Mad Hatter out uh it's a really wow put the pressure on you um yeah oh you know what I'm good go ahead go ahead go ahead it's your turn I can see it coming and I don't like it it'll be a little rough on you I mean you never know what you're gonna do you get a drug card you know you never know here we go oh it is it is a good card that was all right but it's not gonna help it's good well not great I couldn't slow down Pongo I think that was my undo the pongos were really rough on you yeah the pong was really rough um and it's you know one of the things when you're building your deck is thinking about what to do with evasive like you know uh steel cards the Steel part of their uh kind of ability group is direct damage to characters and so you do have you know we saw some of that in this game yeah uh and that's as close as you got um but yeah that was a tough one the invasive characters are pretty powerful especially when they have two two of them out yeah it was rough well I mean you could blame Pongo if you don't want to blame your own lack of a skill then that's fine it's pongo's fault and I'll never forget that all Rascals I will play it out I'll take my my two okay to get me to 13 and I must show you what I've drawn yeah oh yeah I'm gonna see this good card what'd you get a big bad Maui oh nice you're a little bit far away from planet but yeah oh man yeah he's like what else did you have what's your other card and okay Mickey Mouse Mickey so that wouldn't have been bad because if you played him you get an extra so when he comes and uh when you play him you get to take the top credit back and put his face down and exert it which puts you one ahead next time right next turn so he's not too bad either that's a good ramp card for for yeah yeah that like I said that deck is about like playing more resources than you should have and then trying to get cards like Maui or or two let's search that some of the like beasts and stuff like that out but as you have predicted I already said draw but I don't need to do anything else because I could just do that and now I get five six more points GG my friend GG very sporty wow that was so much fun thank you so much I'm glad you enjoyed it I do have one other rule that we didn't get to yeah I wouldn't mind just running by it um we've got a building called shift uh and let me pull one out here shift as an ability that certain characters have and uh there we go so this is what we call a floodborne character and floodborne have this ability called shift uh shift is a different way to play the card kind of like songs you get to choose how you want to play it you can play it normally in this case paying seven ink to put Aladdin heroic Outlaw out during your turn whenever this character banishes another character in a challenge you gain two lore and each opponent loses two lore so it's like he's it's a pretty powerful one um but that's why he got seven eight uh or you can pay less Inc in this case five it says shift five you can pay five ink if you do that uh you need to put him on top of an aladdin that you already had out there right so you pay less ink uh you effectively lose that character though right but the advantage is this if this card's ink was dry then so is this cards so you get to act with it right away now there's other other baggage there or like if this card had damage on it the new card does too that sort of thing but the real Advantage is you pay less ink and if this the inks right here you get to do something right away and do some kind of surprise swing if you've got you know a five strength five more power character all of a sudden from you know from that it's quite a change right it could be a nice strategic shift uh in the gameplay but that was the only rule that we didn't quite touch on during that game there well you didn't even need it didn't need it I'm fine Ryan when can players get their hands on these starter decks well the very first time is going to be at Gen Con right uh which is next week oh my gosh I can't believe it's coming up uh I I've been waiting you know when you buy someone a gift and you can't wait for them to open it that's been me for three plus years or maybe post before uh I can't wait for people to get this game out uh and really start enjoying it there's nothing quite like that right and so we've got uh some events uh and we've got uh some learn to play stuff uh but that'll be the first time anyone can actually buy product and then after that it's going to go in Hobby Channel hobby retail stores on August 18th and we're giving it to them exclusively for two weeks so it won't show up in any of the larger uh you know accounts until September 1st because we want people coming to those stores because that's where the community is born it's where it grows and so we want to and we also want to let those stores know that we value them and we want them to be a part of the organized play plan that we have for them right so I'm very excited and I I mean I started in retail so it's kind of you know near and dear to my heart right so I'm glad we could do that cool that's it for this game of Disney lorcana visit us at the gamer for much more