Understanding the Rock Cycle Processes

Sep 25, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Rock Cycle


  • Focus on Learning Objective 8: The Rock Cycle
  • Importance of understanding minerals and their role in forming rocks

The Rock Cycle

  • A series of processes at Earth's surface or interior that:
    • Form rocks
    • Change rocks
    • Destroy rocks
    • Reform rocks
  • Every rock is part of this cycle

Three Rock Types

  1. Igneous Rocks

    • Formed by volcanic processes (volcanism)
    • Magma rises to the surface, erupts as lava, and cools to form igneous rocks
  2. Sedimentary Rocks

    • Formed from preexisting minerals, rocks, plant, or animal remains
    • Known as "Mother Nature's leftovers"
    • Materials become cemented or combined
  3. Metamorphic Rocks

    • Formed by changes due to Earth's surface or interior processes
    • Example: Marble
    • Undergo metamorphosis (change)

The Rock Cycle Process

  • Not a linear cycle; can start anywhere
  • Example starting with magma:
    • Magma: Undergoes crystallization to form igneous rocks
    • Tectonic Uplift: Brings rocks from the interior to the surface
    • Weathering and Erosion: Breakdown and transport of rocks at the surface
    • Sediments: Formed from weathered particles
    • Burial and Lithification: Sediments become sedimentary rocks
    • Heat and Pressure: Change sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks
    • Melting: Turns metamorphic rocks back into magma

Additional Processes

  • Igneous rocks can undergo heat and pressure to become metamorphic
  • Sedimentary rocks can be reformed or re-cemented
  • Any rock type can be derived from any other rock type, including itself


  • The rock cycle connects all rock types
  • Each type can form from the other two, including itself

Upcoming Chapters

  • Chapter 4 & 5: Igneous Rocks
  • Chapter 6: Sedimentary Rocks
  • Chapter 7: Metamorphic Rocks

Learning Activity

  • Assignment on Canvas (not graded) for self-study
  • Encouragement to work through the rock cycle diagram for better understanding