Exploring Physics: Measurement and Scale

Aug 21, 2024

Lecture Notes: Walter Lewin's Physics Class


  • Lecturer: Walter Lewin
  • Focus of physics: Exploring very small (subatomic particles) to very large (the universe).
  • Measurements span 45 orders of magnitude (1 with 45 zeros).

Units of Measurement

  • Fundamental Units:

    • Length: Meter (m)
    • Time: Second (s)
    • Mass: Kilogram (kg)
  • Derived Units:

    • Length Units: centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm), kilometers (km), inches, feet, miles
    • Time Units: milliseconds (ms), microseconds, days, weeks, hours, centuries, months
    • Mass Units: milligrams (mg), pounds, metric tons
  • Discussion on the convenience of metric system vs. imperial system (inches, feet).

  • Preference for decimal measurements in the course.

The Powers of Ten Movie

  • Introduction of a movie titled "The Powers of Ten" covering 40 orders of magnitude.
  • Created by Kees Boeke in the early '50s.

Fundamental Quantities in Physics

  • Symbols:
    • Length: [L]
    • Time: [T]
    • Mass: [M]
  • Derived Quantities:
    • Speed: [L]/[T] (length per time)
    • Volume: [L]^3
    • Density: [M]/[L]^3
    • Acceleration: [L]/[T]^2 (meters per second squared)

Importance of Measurement Uncertainty

  • Emphasis on knowing the uncertainty in measurements.

  • Example measuring lengths to highlight uncertainty:

    • Vertical Measurement: 149.9 cm ± 1 mm
    • Horizontal Measurement: 150.0 cm ± 0.1 cm
  • If difference in lengths were significant (e.g., one foot), it would be easily noticeable.

Experiment: Measuring Height Difference

  • Experiment aimed at testing grandmother's claim that a person is taller lying down than standing up.
  • Selected student (Zach) for measurements:
    • Standing Height: 183.2 cm ± 0.1 cm
    • Lying Height: 185.7 cm ± 0.1 cm
    • Difference: 2.5 cm ± 0.2 cm, indicating a small height difference when lying down.

Scaling Argument: Size and Mass of Mammals

  • Example of Galileo Galilei’s reasoning on the size limits of mammals.
  • Analysis of femur length and thickness relative to size and mass:
    • Length of femur proportional to size
    • Mass proportional to size^3.
    • Pressure on the femur (mass/area) must not exceed a certain level to prevent breaking.

Testing the Scaling Argument

  • Collection of femurs from various animals (raccoon, horse, mouse, elephant).
  • Measurements of femur length and thickness.
  • Results indicate that the ratio of thickness to length (d/l) does not follow predicted scaling laws.
  • Conclusion suggests there are biological limits to animal size related to bone structure.

Dimensional Analysis: Falling Apple Experiment

  • Discussed the falling time of an apple based on height, mass, and gravitational acceleration.
  • Set up two heights: 3m and 1.5m for the falling apple experiment.
  • Confirming the time taken to fall is proportional to the square root of the height.
  • Measurement results: 781 ms (3m) and 551 ms (1.5m) confirmed the theory.


  • Emphasized the importance of dimensional analysis and the limitations thereof.
  • Raised awareness about the relationship between mass and falling time.
  • Closing remarks on the fundamental understanding of physics and its implications.

  • Next Class: Friday.