Transcript for:
Self-Authentication and Modern Self-Improvement

3 years ago I was a chronically online  malnourished looking 18-year-old my life   was merely watching other people live theirs  online while I just sat in isolation this year   I have lived in five different countries  spoken at conferences done book signings   gone paragliding seen more sites and met more  friends than the previous 3 years combined and   it's only June but there are still millions of  stationary young people they want to move out   to meet someone to stop missing out on life and  they just don't know where to start so they get   flooded with self-improvement YouTubers paid  courses and paid communities this is not one   of those videos modern self-improvement ideology  is primarily just how to raise your status advice   repackaged as holistic self-improvement and so  it misses important aspects of both the details   and the big picture they all Tred to give you  the road map but it is their destination this   video isn't going to give you a road map because  then it wouldn't be your road map it's going to   give you a compass that points to your Northeast  rather than mine anyway this is all to say that   your life tastes like cardboard and you want  to squeeze some more juice out of it the good   news is that you're capable of much more than you  realize but where should you start small you start [Music] [Music] small firstly think of yourself as a  dynamical system you are not a machine it's   why life looks a lot more like a parabola than  just a a linear line anyway what is a dynamical   system as an example you have a forest with foxes  and rabbits if the foxes eat all of the rabbits   then they won't be so many rabbits and the foxes  won't have a reason to go to the forest but now   there's not many foxes in the forest which is a  good reason for the rabbits to go there so the   rabbits move in but now there's loads of rabbits  which is a great reason for foxes to come back   and so the foxes you can see how they have a  dynamic relationship to each other you must   think of yourself similarly there are many aspects  of yourself your behavior your personality your   character your envir ironment your habits your  values and they all form a dynamical system so   no wonder it's really hard to figure out where  to start but there is one aspect of self from   which any progress made will amplify progress  made in all other areas your character put it   bluntly your character is what fills in all the  holes left by your personality defects but how   do we improve our character well it said that  all of man's problems stem from the fact that   he can't sit alone with himself in a room for 30  minutes so if we want to get started by improving   our character let's start there sitting alone  with your thoughts I can already feel everybody   clicking off the video just bear with me I don't  mean merely daydreaming thinking about your   problems I mean self authentication what is self-  authentication well it's my proposed alternative   to Modern self-improvement which shouldn't even  really be called that it should just be called   status Improvement at this point it's ridiculous  self-authentication has three meanings one   enhancing the authentic by removing the [ __ ]  two becoming the author of your own character   development and three taking back Authority  over your own actions self- authentication is   not a to-do list it's not a predefined list  of certain actions you need to take in order   to achieve a predefined end goal jacked Rich  famous it's a way of navigating the world that   immunizes you against your own [ __ ] and the  [ __ ] of the people around you so that you   don't merely achieve goals but actually move in  the right direction as well PS when I say [ __ ]   I mean self-deception falsity and unnecessary  noise so how does self-authentication work well   you know how in video games your character has  skill trees like strength intelligence agility   Etc well life isn't so different to that and  self authentication is defined as the process   of developing these following three skill trees  knowhow mind States and character traits and to do   that by pulling each of the following three levers  introspection web of practices and superordinate   Truth realization I'll explain all three of these  in a couple of minutes but the three levers all   hit the three stages of growth cultivation  integration and actualization cultivation is   where you initially cultivate dormant potential  that's sat within yourself integration is then   when you integrate what you cultivated into your  material life and actualization happens when it's   so deeply ingrained into the way that you act  that it is the actual You by far the greatest   wrongs are inflicted on self the weight of our  opinions now dictated by wealth the position or   my passion placed on both shoulders I will speak  for the ones who see hope but hope so let's start   with the first skill tree knowhow knowhow is  stuff like knowing how to fight how to flirt   how to conversate how to think how to articulate  what you think how to act on your thoughts how   to predict the behavior of things how to predict  the behavior of people all of the how-tos and to   develop this skill tree we apply our three levers  let's look at level number one introspection   introspection itself is a scale and how good you  are at it is directly proportional to how much   you make yourself subordinate to truth Discovery  you're probably starting to see what I mean when I   say that you're dynamical system as well like each  ability affects the others and when you make truth   the most important thing you become much less  susceptible to your own [ __ ] and self-deception   so you get more self- authentication per  introspective minute so to speak more bang for   your buck and nothing will motivate you to develop  your knowhow more than being honest about how much   you don't actually know how to do for instance to  get better at Muay Thai I had to realize that I   didn't know how to fight realize as in discover  but also as in make real it's always possible   to keep a comfortable arms length from all of the  uncomfortable truths but self authentication calls   you to embody those truths to make them real to  realize them not to shroud them in gym progress   and Calvin Klein underwear I felt sorry for guys  packed into gyms trying to look like how Calvin   Klein or Tommy Hilfiger said they should that what  a man looks like self-improvement is masturbation   now self-destruction which brings me to lever to a  web of practices this is the most important lever   to pull for developing your knowhow because the  brain has two main systems of memory declarative   and procedural procedural memory knowing how  to breathe how to drive a car how to tie your   shoelaces and declarative memory remembering facts  and events so if you want to improve your social   skills which be included in your knowhow skill  tree then you have to actually go and socialize   and be more social you can't just watch Charisma  on command in your bedroom for 4 hours that's an   entire enely different memory system and you  will never learn to socialize by memorizing   a bunch of facts about body language no matter  how accurate those facts are another example if   you want to know how to be more honest then you  have to actually get used to the discomfort of   telling the truth which brings me to that third  Lev superordinate truth Discovery what do I mean   by superordinate well so long as you are using  truth to become yourself it will be subordinate   to yourself in the service of yourself and will  become Laden with [ __ ] as soon as it points out   anything that doesn't mesh with your preconceived  identity that you're trying to build for yourself   this can soon lead to narcissism I've seen with  many of the self-improvement gurus who post some   real cringe on Main if you want to truly improve  you must engage with the truth not with [ __ ] and   to do that effectively you must use yourself  to acquire more truth not use the truth to   acquire more of yourself this is a sacrifice of  sorts you're kind of sacrificing yourself to the   truth but a sacrifice to the highest good no less  and one that flips your agent Arena relationship   around personally I found this one lever this this  one lever to be the foundation of all of my self   authentication more on agent Arena relationships  in the video link in description by the way so   what happens when you improve your knowhow skill  tree to put it simply you become a more effective   agent of whatever goal it is that you have the  second skill to develop is your mind States we   just discussed a perfect example of Mind States  using truth to acquire more of yourself is one   state of mind and using yourself to acquire more  truth is another state of mind another example   of one of the most [ __ ] Laden mind states of  the modern world is the victim mindset but all   of these can be fixed how well let's start with  level one introspection if you take that idea   of Truth in the service of you versus you in the  service of Truth and let it marinate in your mind   and really look at it from different angles get  a feel for the texture of it and what it would   mean if it was true and what it would mean if it  wasn't and what it would say about you and how   you would feel about that and why you would feel  that way then you're pulling the introspection   lever and I don't just mean repeating those  words in your head I mean genuinely thinking   it with the meaning under the words this is one  of the highest leverage levers for mind States   because simply put it's hard to untangle a web  of [ __ ] unless you look at it Lev Two web of   practices say you're in a victim State of Mind  a good practice to include into your uh web of   practices is to victimize other people joking  joking joking a good practice is to literally   just get good at something it's much harder to  feel like a victim when you're actively winning   at a really hard hobby like piano or martial  arts of course you'll suck for a while but it   will be real friction and in the absence of real  friction the mind will conjure its own AKA victim   mindset so if your mind is flooding you with fake  hard then get some real hard in your life pause   level three superordinate truth Discovery it  might be pleasant to adopt the mindset that the   reason you can't get laid is because we live in a  social dystopia and the sexual Marketplace is all   [ __ ] and blah blah blah blah blah but the power  follows the blame finger if you blame those things   you give them power and maybe it's not even true  maybe you just haven't included approaching girls   in your web of practices maybe you don't even have  a web of practices maybe you don't do anything   or maybe you've been punching way above your  weight class because your ego is still grasping   of who you'd like to be rather than who you are a  symptom of subordinating the truth to yourself if   you are genuinely subordinate to truth then you  will find out the reason and only then can you   start actually fixing it and finally character  traits this is one of the most important it   ties the other two together but first we need  to differentiate personality from character   personality is just your predispositions  it describes how you're likely to react in   response to various situations and stimuli so it  can be measured by personality tests like the big   five and it's generally a product of your nature  and nurture but character goes deeper it relates   to the values and the virtues that you embody as  you practice honesty you become more virtuous and   so the quality of your character goes up as you  recognize the importance of Truth you you love   it more or value it more and so the quality of  your character goes up it all contributes to the   quality of your character if you have for instance  an addictive personality to offset the dangers   of that you have to develop a disciplined  character but between introspection mind   a web of practices body and subordinating yourself  to the truth Spirit the quality of your character   will gradually improve and then what not only will  you become a better person rather than just an   improved self but you're also orienting yourself  towards the stoic principles of what you can   control rather than what you can't by definition  this will make you more effective in whatever   Endeavor you undertake so that briefly summarizes  self-authentication as an alternative to Modern   self-improvement but you might be thinking at  this point what should you include into your web   of practices ideally practices that help all three  skill trees if I was a modern self-improvement guy   then I would just tell you to brush your teeth  more go to the gym and wank less blah blah blah   but you've already heard all of that and you  probably enjoy hearing it as well because it   gives you an Avenue to improve yourself without  having to confront the immediate problems that   are unique to you and your current situation you  know what your most immediate problems to solve   maybe you have an addiction maybe you have  crushing social anxiety maybe you don't call   your parents enough and so it's damaging  your relationship maybe there's some tough   conversations that you need to have that you're  avoiding maybe your diet is atrocious or your   information diet is even worse whatever it is  start there and if you don't know where there   is for you it's probably where you least want  it to be or where you least want to look for it   it's easy to fall into the Trap of being immensely  dissatisfied and uncomfortable with your current   situation and then think the solution is to get  jacked and Rich before you've even solved your   raging alcohol addiction cuz to solve that you'd  have to look at it which is very uncomfortable   you'd rather just be an arms length away from  that at all times while allowing the pattern to   continually harming the background another example  of why subordinating yourself to the truth is so   important foundational rather to solve getting  rich you get to think about being rich all day   which is much more fun how's that working out for  you anyway when it comes to what practices should   I include I can't answer that for you psych yes  I can there's three main practices that I think   everybody should include and while it is true that  you should probably include things that are tailor   made to your immediate problems that you're facing  uh I think everybody benefits from these three   for self- authentication the first non-negotiable  practice is meditation meditation will serve every   single skill tree that you have even the ones that  I haven't mentioned in this self authentication   thing but it will make you much better at the  self Authentication a stuff too the best way   that I've heard meditation described comes from a  guy called John BVI he's a cognitive scientist and   he says that you look at reality through yourself  in a similar way to how you'd look at the world   through your glasses they're the means by which  you perceive everything and he says meditation   is the equivalent of just taking off the glasses  looking at them inspecting them so you can clean   them and work out the Kinks so that when you put  them back on everything is much clearer and it   doesn't matter if you miss a few days don't fall  into the Trap of I did 5 days and then I fell off   so [ __ ] it I give up don't do that just do it as  high frequency as you can if that means you missed   2 days you could sit around feeling sorry for  yourself and like oh my God I suck I can't even   do this one thing or you could just do it three  times in one day and then you've evened out your   frequency it's just a frequency thing do it as  frequently as you can the more frequently you do   it the more results you'll get so be relentless  in your commitment to actualizing meditation as   one of those things that you just do sponsor  me Nike the second non-negotiable is something   that's physically hard gym martial arts running  tennis it doesn't matter but you have to include   something physically challenging into your web of  practices this will help you make progress in your   knowhow your mind States and your character traits  immensely once you have meditation and something   physically hard there's one more non-negotiable  self-destruction self-destructive impulse cannot   be removed it must be integrated and there's  no better way to integrate it than to make a   practice out of intentionally coming across  as more weird than you actually are in Social   scenarios at least once a day so every day do  something embarrassing in public on purpose   it could be as intense as asking for your coffee  for free or pretending to mistake a stranger for   someone that you know or it could be as simple  as making slightly prolonged eye contact with   a stranger whatever it is it has to be weird or  embarrassing approaching girls doesn't count while   that's a great practice to include as well it's  not weird get used to intentionally being more   weird than you actually are to divorce yourself  from the tyranny of your own identity everything   in your mind wants you to be as confident and  normal as you can be you know the voice in your   head that says don't be weird don't be weird don't  be weird yeah that's the part of you that prevents   Confidence from cultivating if you want to do  self authentication properly then you have to   gain Authority back over that part of yourself  and that's a knowhow thing so you have to get   used to actually doing it I know that everything  in your body right now is telling you that this is   a terrible idea you're above it and you don't need  it and why should you make yourself out to be more   weird than you actually are that's the [ __ ]  stuff that I was talking about earlier you can   start small but start with something even if it's  as simple as asking someone to repeat themselves   twice even though you heard them just fine both  times and then just incrementally progress towards   more and more uncomfortable acts not at anyone  else's actual expense of course break Conformity   codes not marel codes don't go stealing people's  seats on the bus just for self-improvement point   being you must get used to social discomfort the  part of you that wants to prevent you from doing   that is overreaching it's telling you there's  danger there and there's not danger there and the   only way you'll find it out is by actually going  there but besides that the ball is very much much   in your court the practices I've included will  make you better at getting to wherever it is   that you need to go on your personal road map they  will help you improve the quality and efficacy of   your compass some other good practices to include  are writing having hard conversation prayer taii   reading creating or basically just about any  sport that gets you into the Flow State like   surfing or parkour whatever the practices are that  you choose to include in your web make sure that   they improve your character your mind state or  your knowhow not your status that's a byproduct   by orienting yourself towards things that you can  actually control rather than compulsively chasing   external solutions to internal problems you'll  slowly grow into the type of person capable of   making those changes to your external conditions  you have to walk before you can run so stop   thinking uncertainties and buying blueprints to  success from people who have never met you online   get used to listening to your internal compass  and the more self- authentication you do the   more accurate your internal Compass will become  the more effective you'll be at following it   and the more accurately you'll begin to orient  yourself in the world and when you do that   things start to fall into place not just material  success although that does happen but things like   meaning and purpose as well you can't get those by  doing noap and taking C Showers they can only come   from metanoia a deep change in one's psyche or  perspective on the world and that can't come from   words and thoughts alone Behavior perspectives and  feelings need to change as well by definition it's   said that it's easier to act your way into a  new way of thinking than it is to think your   way into a new way of acting and while that quote  lacks some Nuance that I tried to recover in the   self- authentication approach I think generally  it contains a hell of a lot of Truth at least a   lot more truth than the idea that if you just get  jacked and chase money then you'll solve all your   problems you'll still be lost so [ __ ] modern  self-improvement self- authentication is the new   solution I recommend you give it a go I credit it  with taking me from being someone who didn't want   to get out of bed in the morning to someone who  leaps at the opportunity and all that material   success stuff sort of came as a byproduct not  the other way around I don't know or just turn   yourself into a unidimensional status hungry  attempt to fill the cracks in the dry wall of   insecurity up to you it [ __ ] works for me those  who can hear me I say do not despair the misery   that is now upon us is but the passing of greed  the bitterness of men who fear the way of human   progress the hate of men will pass and dictators  die and the power they took from the people will   return to the people and so long as men die  Liberty will never perish don't give yourselves   to these unnatural men machine men with machine  minds and machine Hearts you are not machines   you are not cattle you are men you the people have  the power to make this life free and beautiful to   make this life a wonderful Adventure let us use  that power this is all you and right oh my love all through this Iron Sky